An auditing board sponsored by the United Nations recommended Friday that the United States repay as much as $208 million to the Iraqi government for contracting work in 2003 and 2004 assigned to Kellogg, Brown & Root, the Halliburton Co. subsidiary. The work was paid for with Iraqi oil proceeds, but the board says it was either carried out at inflated prices or done poorly. The board did not give examples of poor work. Some of the work involved postwar fuel imports carried out by KBR that previous audits have criticized as grossly overpriced. But this is the first time that an international auditing group has suggested that the United States repay some of that money to Iraq. The U.N. group, the International Advisory and Monitoring Board of the Development Fund for Iraq, compiled reports from an array of Pentagon, U.S. government and private auditors to carry out its analysis. A spokeswoman for Halliburton, Cathy Mann, said the questions raised in the military audits, carried out in the Pentagon's Defense Contract Auditing Agency, had largely focused on issues of paperwork and documentation and alleged nothing about the quality of the work done by KBR. The monitoring board relied heavily on the Pentagon audits in drawing its conclusions. Mann said, in an e-mail response to questions, that it would be completely wrong to say or imply that any of these costs that were incurred at the client's direction for its benefit are 'overcharges.' The monitoring board, created by the United Nations specifically to oversee the Development Fund -- which includes Iraqi oil revenues and some money seized from Saddam Hussein's government -- said that because the audits were continuing, it was too early to say how much of the $208 million should ultimately be paid back. The KBR contracts that have drawn fresh scrutiny also cover services other than fuel deliveries, like building and repairing oil pipelines and installing emergency power generators in Iraq. The documents released Friday by the monitoring board do not detail problems with specific tasks in those broad categories but instead summarize a series of newly disclosed audits that call into question $208,491,382 of the company's work in Iraq. The monitoring board's authority extends only to making recommendations on any reimbursement. It would be up to the U.S. government to decide whether to make the payments, and who should make them. Vice President Dick Cheney's former role as chief executive of Halliburton has led to repeated charges, uniformly dismissed by Cheney and the company, that it received preferential treatment in receiving Iraq-related contracts. The Bush administration repeatedly gave Halliburton special treatment and allowed the company to gouge both U.S. taxpayers and the Iraqi people, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, the senior Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee, said in a statement on the new audits. In Iraq on Friday, insurgent attacks -- including one in which the attackers disguised themselves as women -- left at least 16 Iraqis dead. Al Qaeda in Iraq, the leading insurgency group, said in a statement posted on an Islamist Web site that two Moroccan Embassy employees had been condemned to death, the Associated Press reported. There was no indication Friday that they had been killed. The U.S. military said Friday that two more soldiers had died the previous day, one in a noncombat incident and one when his convoy struck an explosive. In the day's deadliest assault, insurgents dressed in women's clothing attacked a police checkpoint in Buhruz, 35 miles north of Baghdad, killing at least six Iraqi police and injuring at least 10 others, U.S. and Iraqi officials said. The gunmen were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, and pulled up in five cars, an Interior Ministry official said. The policemen managed to kill at least two of the gunmen, he added I'll give him my respect for serving but not my vote...no one owes him that. nm 4 She did loan her campaign 10 million dollars - she owes over 20 million - but... Hillary says she is not worried about paying herself off, just the other people she owes money to (but I bet she will get her money back somehow). I just read where Barack personally wrote her a check himself for $2300 (the most by law any individual can contribute to a campaign). The problem is her donors expect him to help her pay this money off if he wants them to continue to support his campaign financially, and he needs their money to finance the general election campaign. Also, they say Hillary can devote more time campaigning and helping his financial situation if she is not having to try to raise money still for her debts. So anyway, there it is in a nutshell... They don't want to run the government... You are exactly right. And that is twisted beyond belief in my opinion. That has absolutely nothing to do with protecting this country or what is best for the country as a whole. It is personal, and like you said, revenge. I wish every state in the nation would do a recall of senators and reps if they start down that road, though I doubt that would ever happen. I saw another post that likened it to fiddling while Rome is burning. They just really do not have a clue. Not a clue. You bet the government could come up... with the money to fund the rest. It's called raising taxes, the Democratic mantra. What would Jesus do? I have no doubt that Jesus would say it was the responsibility of parents to take care of their children, for one. I am sure he would also say that a country that murders millions of babies every year has bigger problems than free health care. I am thinking it would be hard to take you seriously. But that is just me. Don't get me wrong. I think the rest of us should take care of those who truly cannot take care of themselves. I just do not believe this qualifies. Instead of making the hard choices, trying to cut costs, finding better ways to make health care more affordable by tax cuts for those who pay health care premiums, etc., the Democrats want to do what they do so well...dangle something "free" in faces of people at election time. Clinton promised it, and what they came up with was socialized medicine, which went nowhere, thank God. Democrats just want to add entitlement after entitlement, tax us into oblivion and keep us tied to the government apron strings. Otherwise they would look at solutions like tax cuts for those who pay their insurance premiums. But..oh wait. You don't want that. Because you have to pay the premiums to get the tax break, and you don't want to pay the premiums. Pardon me if I don't want to fund that logic. Truly destitute people, yes, those truly in need we should do everything we can to help them and do. A family of 4 making 80K is not destitute. How about this. If you want on SCHIP, you have to sign a paper acknowledging they are going to take an additional 3% in income tax on you from now on to offset it. In return you get your "free" health care for your children. No taxes raised on anyone else, including smokers (and no I don't smoke, but I don't think it is any worse asking smokers to pay for expansion of the program if you are not willing to pay for it yourself, after all, you are going to be a user of it). That sounds like a fine idea to me. Oh, and raise income taxes on all Democrats 3%. That should cover it. Expand the program, users and Democrats pay for it. Sounds like a plan to me. Don't know what you make, but it would surely come to less than $12K a year. Run that one by your Democratic congressman. Have a good night! so let the government tell us?? Sorry, I want less government intervention, not more, in my life. How do you think the government will continue to spend when they can't collect taxes to spend because most people don't have jobs and are in need of welfare????? SOOOOO okay, let's keep fighting about party affiliation. *IF* Obama is elected I sure hope he turns out to be the modern day FDR. Government When a president decides to buy banks, they call that FASCISM. This is exactly what Bush has done. Why do you not have a problem with that? Are all of you so rich that you don't know what the middle class is going through these days? This country is in a shambles, and people are suffering through no fault of their own. It's HIGH TIME the plight of the middle class is acknowledged and some help offered. This "trickle-down" theory is NOT working, and it's time to employ the "trickle-UP" theory. You must really, really like big government...sm ...that will tax and spend us all right into the ground. I was hoping he pulls to the center, but it's looking like the O is gonna be way, way left of everybody......yeah, real wonderful feeling, that.... Here's hoping the depression doesn't last too long.... Government knows what they are doing. They are doing all they can to make THEIR life comfortable. As long as they are getting paid and their pockets are getting filled with money......that is all they care about. We can't trust our government. Look at what trusting the government has done to us so far. Our economy is in shambles and the government wants to blow over 800 billion dollars again. This isn't going to fix our economy. It is just going to raise government spending and leave an even bigger deficit than we already had for our grandchildren. This stimulus package is a joke. I am totally against it! What I want to know is why can't the government start something that would charge companies who outsource production to other countries? Let them open up a factory in another country but they have to pay a huge tax or something to do it. Make it to where it isn't a good financial decision so we can keep the jobs we have now and create more. That would help us MTs out as well. What is the point of creating jobs in our country if companies can still up and leave to go to other countries? Seriously....what is made in America? Even foreign cars like Honda who have factories here in America.....that money still doesn't go to the US. I know it employes Americans but the majority of the money there still goes out of the country. I want American made goods made by Americans. I also think people hiring illegal aliens should be penalized and fined heavily for doing so. That would stop that crap too. So you would rather government take your money, just like my money, and put it into a package where it gives money to this group and that group and this group over here and just hope that they use that money wisely and that it helps the people who need help? Like I said before....that worked out swell when we gave money to the banks. I don't want my money to go for irresponsible people either but you know what....it is and it will. You all talk about how everyone should have healthcare and how government should fund healthcare, through taxpayer money, so everyone is insured. Yet you refuse to give money so people can keep their houses? Yes, some were irresponsible and were just plain dumb in their decisions and yet some just got a raw deal during this tough time and got dragged down. You all talk about conservatives flipping sides when a handout comes along but it sounds to me like all these liberals want to help others out until it comes time to give that help. Healthcare for all paid by taxpayers. You may not have a home and your kids may not have a warm bed to sleep in....but hey....you got healthcare.....whoooopppeee! Maybe the government should legalize marijuana and then tax the he!! out of it too. They could make more money with all the pot smokers out there. Sad. The Government is going to own all of us. nm Do you get that the government is sm slowly getting more and more into the lives of the people and telling us what to do and how to live our lives? This is nothing more than a quick road to total government control of everyone. Just for arguments sake, they get the stupid "permit." That is nothing but money for the county. The county doesn't care about all these rules and neither do the neighbors. If the folks get their permit and things are the same and don't change.....same amount of people, every week, etc etc, don't you think somebody will find something else to complain about regarding this group? This is a bunch of nonsense and Christian persecution that Jesus himself said would happen in the last days. Wake up. Not exactly. The government is getting 100 cartons since 2005, not 1981. So they don't have to pretend to say anything. They've got documentation from the vendors. Okay...if our government tries to stop us surfing porn sites....that is where I draw the line. LOL!
If you think the government isn't watching you...think again. Pay too much and you could raise the alarm By BOB KERR The Providence Journal 28-FEB-06 PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Walter Soehnge is a retired Texas schoolteacher who traveled north with his wife, Deana, saw summer change to fall in Rhode Island and decided this was a place to stay for a while. So the Soehnges live in Scituate now and Walter sometimes has breakfast at the Gentleman Farmer in Scituate Village, where he has passed the test and become a regular despite an accent that is definitely not local. And it was there, at his usual table last week, that he told me that he was madder than a panther with kerosene on his tail. He says things like that. Texas does leave its mark on a man. What got him so upset might seem trivial to some people who have learned to accept small infringements on their freedom as just part of the way things are in this age of terror-fed paranoia. It's that everything changed after 9/11 thing. But not Walter. We're a product of the '60s, he said. We believe government should be way away from us in that regard. He was referring to the recent decision by him and his wife to be responsible, to do the kind of thing that just about anyone would say makes good, solid financial sense. They paid down some debt. The balance on their JCPenney Platinum MasterCard had gotten to an unhealthy level. So they sent in a large payment, a check for $6,522. And an alarm went off. A red flag went up. The Soehnges' behavior was found questionable. And all they did was pay down their debt. They didn't call a suspected terrorist on their cell phone. They didn't try to sneak a machine gun through customs. They just paid a hefty chunk of their credit card balance. And they learned how frighteningly wide the net of suspicion has been cast. After sending in the check, they checked online to see if their account had been duly credited. They learned that the check had arrived, but the amount available for credit on their account hadn't changed. So Deana Soehnge called the credit-card company. Then Walter called. When you mess with my money, I want to know why, he said. They both learned the same astounding piece of information about the little things that can set the threat sensors to beeping and blinking. They were told, as they moved up the managerial ladder at the call center, that the amount they had sent in was much larger than their normal monthly payment. And if the increase hits a certain percentage higher than that normal payment, Homeland Security has to be notified. And the money doesn't move until the threat alert is lifted. Walter called television stations, the American Civil Liberties Union and me. And he went on the Internet to see what he could learn. He learned about changes in something called the Bank Privacy Act. The more I'm on, the scarier it gets, he said. It's scary how easily someone in Homeland Security can get permission to spy. Eventually, his and his wife's money was freed up. The Soehnges were apparently found not to be promoting global terrorism under the guise of paying a credit-card bill. They never did learn how a large credit card payment can pose a security threat. But the experience has been a reminder that a small piece of privacy has been surrendered. Walter Soehnge, who says he holds solid, middle-of-the-road American beliefs, worries about rights being lost. If it can happen to me, it can happen to others, he said. (Bob Kerr is a columnist for The Providence Journal. E-mail bkerr@projo.com.) (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.) Hmm, I would say most do not trust government.sm Fear and paranoia are a given, they instill it in us 24/7. Viewership of MSM outlets is way down, so I guess Fox would be #1 with just Bush supporters. I want truth and accountability from the media and our elected officials period. I dumped the Republican party because we are not getting truth or accountability. I will vote for the first candidate that does something about it. I still don't believe government-controlled... or provided insurance is the answer. Just today read article about how a bunch of women from Canada who had problem pregnancies had to come to the US to have their babies because of the socialized medicine in Canada because...news flash...you can't put a pregnant woman on a waiting list for treatment because babies are born when babies want to be born...and that is what happens when the government administrates health care. Waiting lists...substandard care...and on and on and on. The VA is a government administered health program...go ahead and tell me THAT works. We need to come up with a better plan than socialized medicine...like prioritizing social spending. If you really want to insure all kids, then give their parents a big tax break for insuring them themselves...don't extend entitlements higher and higher up the income ladder. Sorry, but that makes no sense to me. When the troops come home and the war is over, you can talk about that money then. It is nonstarter while we still have troops in combat, no matter who sent them or why (and by the way, it was not George Bush personally, it was your duly elected Congress). We have to fund them while they are in combat. I don't think even the most liberal (no matter what the definition is) would be for withdrawing funding while we still have men and women in combat. Yes, but the government shouldn't be encouraging companies to outsource either. Our country has way messed up priorities when the only people making big bucks are entertainers and greedy CEOs. Meanwhile, we've got unemployed people and poverty. Hey, let's send our money, our technology and our private data to a country that HATES us. And put in the hands of government? No thanks. Every time government manages social programs it fails miserably. The (unregulated) free market is the best way to handle health care another other things. The problem now is government has their hands too much into the pot with regulation via the insurance companies. You think it's bad now wait until the government has sole control. Name 1 things Government does well? 1. The post office? Waited in line lately for stamps or to mail a package? 2. Waited in line to renew drivers licence lately? Compettion is what drives prices down, not mandates form the government Is that all you got? I think the fact that she can run a government.... which she has been doing, and well too...and still cook for her kids (let the chef go when she was elected), travels on her own dime (got rid of the state jet)...and still have time to see her kids' hockey games is nothing to sneeze at. She does not have to do one to the exclusion of the other. You sound jealous and snippy. Geez. government controls the VA system and I know from experience how well that works!!! NOT!! The VA physicians who dealt with my father diagnosed him with an umbilical hernia that turned out to be a huge tumor and he died two weeks later!! He waited for months and months to even get in for a consult through the VA system and that never did happen, as I took him to a local ER and that same day they diagnosed him with end stage colon cancer. He had seen several physicians within the VA system for years. With the government controlling THAT and then they want to control MY healthcare as well? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I may have to pay for my insurance but at least I get better healthcare than if the government steps in. I'm so tired of people whining about what the government owes them!! How about people doing for themselves? Everyone goes through hardship. BOOHOO!! I have myself and ya know what???? I got back on my feet by HARD WORK!!! Don't hear me all crying about what the government owes me!! People need to WAKE UP!!! We all need to take responsibility for ourselves and help who we choose when we choose, not because the government is taking money out of our pockets and telling us who we will help. VOTE FOR MCCAIN! Do you think our government should bail out FM/FM Just wondered what everyone thinks about this subject. I haven't seen it discussed yet and if it has been sorry. Do you think the government should bail out these two institutions and if so, or not so, why? I heard someone on the TV today (didn't recognize the name but he's an idependent) he asked the question, so is it going to be the people who make $30K a year the ones who pay for this or the billionaires and trillionaires? I thought that was a good point. Also I heard that one of the guys in charge (forget his name right now) made over $90 million and he isn't paying anything. I would think that if you make over $90M on this and you run it into the ground you should have to forfeit whatever you made and pay it back (but that's my own opinion).
Why states' government is just as Just to narrow their choices down to who they want instead of letting the people decide, as in a free democracy, even the states are changing their rules without the knowledge of its citizens.......... http://www.ronpaulforpresident2008.com/editorials/URGENT_Party_Switching_Deadlines.html
Maybe he should run for some other government office. He is soooooo right, the less government does, http://www.eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=3304&title=Ron_Paul_on_Fox_Business_Oct__3rd__2008__Pre_Bailout_ Government sponsored god I don't think I want to see that. Your post that Jesus loves us even if we don't love him put a song running through my head.....Alzheimer.........what's the name of it, "He loved me ere I knew him, so all my love is due him...." What's the NAME of that hymn????? Government take God....either he's in your heart $$ You seemed to be lost as to what a government You need to read your constitution. The government is not supposed to "save you" from anything. It's supposed to be in place to provide a military for our country, nothing more. You think without government interference we are somehow uncivilized? Are you kidding? Government is and will always be the most corrupt thing in this society. You want a corrupt government taking YOUR money and purportedly giving it to the "needy"? Like I trust them with one red dime of my money! I feel sorry for you that you don't know how to be civilized without government interference in your life. I hold government as a whole responsible and that includes all parties. They are all greedy liars who just want to keep their seat and will say and do anything to draw followers in to get elected. So this promise of change is not change at all. It is the same political game that has been played since the very beginning. They all suck. I say we storm Washington with our pitch forks and torches and get all new people in office. What say you? LOL! Christianity and government. The United States of America is comprised of people with many different religious beliefs. Each and every one of us is entitled to a government that is not biased towards any particular religion. We are all equal in this Country whether we are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, atheists, agnostics, Wiccans, etc. I am not a Christian and do not want Christian beliefs forced on me or any other citizen of the United States of America. That is why there are churches, and that is where it should stay. Who put faith in what government? Who put faith in what government? I for one put NO faith in Bush from day one....he was a disastrous governor in the Lone Star, and I knew by the time he got finished with America and Americans, that we would barely be able to recognize it. You are right. The shrub did inherit at least something he should have been able to work with, but evidently it was beneath his pay grade to pay attention to such things since he had wars to wage. Obama wants to restore a little balance...another thing the shrub monkeyed around with...especially his notorious distain for judicial powers and addiction to executive privilege. We need to take out that generic "government" reference and replace it with republicans failed us. The more power they get, the more they will fail us. Voters get that now. Why are you lying? Obama wants stricter gun controls. He cannot take your precious guns away from you without a constitutional amendment. Defend yourselves against what? You really are a paranoid bunch, aren't you? Uh, oh....your argument just fell apart. So I ask again, can anybody explain Reagan's rambling incoherence? GWB is the king of big government US Government has grown 27% under Bush - really O can't be much worse than that! Obviously you don't understand the government's It is not the government's job to decide abortion issues or same sex marriage issues. Do you not understand what federal government means? It is not now nor was it ever supposed to take the place of your state laws, which it has run over and slammed against the wall more than a few times. Each state, according to our constitution (which many still don't understand) is supposed to make these laws government themselves within the state. Then, if you don't like it, you can move somewhere else where those laws are more to your liking. Now, what part of that didn't you understand? Federal government? Maybe that is where you should start. Then you can move on down to your state laws, which are supposed to be separate and now interefered with by federal government. Like I said, everyone has become so complacent in believing their government will take care of them, they don't have a clue their government is interfering in every aspect of their daily lives. Want Some Government Money? Want Some Government Money? Apply Now! This morning Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson addressed a skeptical press about the latest plans for those 700 billion dollars that were appropriated for the "TARP" -- or Troubled Asset Recovery Program. Now Paulson says Treasury won't buy those "Trouble Assets" -- one of the many metamorphoses this program has had in its young life. In the meantime, care to apply for some TARP money? Turns out there's a five-page, downloadable document to fill in -- if you're interested...here's the link. And here's ABC's Dan Arnall on whether there has been, as he puts it, a "Great TARP Bait & Switch". No Troubled Asset Purchases? Then what are they doing with that $700 billion blank check? They are buying bank stock, not troubled assets. We probably shouldn't call it the TARP anymore. Instead, they are focused on a capital purchase plan (CPP) which is the widely reported $250 billion plan to use taxpayer money to purchase a stake in banks. "By October 26th we had $115 billion out the door to eight large institutions," said Paulson. "In Washington that is a land-speed record from announcing a program to getting funds out the door. We now have approved dozens of additional applications, and investments are being made in approved institutions." When we'll get a list of those dozens of additional applicants which will be getting a piece of the $125 billion in remaining taxpayer case remains to be seen. The original CPP participants were told about the program at a closed-door meeting at Treasury and no minutes have been released on what was said during the meeting. So, is this the biggest bait and switch in American history? There will certainly be critics who say that Paulson and the Bush Administration were disingenuous when they were selling Congress and the American public on the program back in September. And they’d probably be right. Paulson said today, he knew when the bill was signed the purchase of trouble assets wasn’t the right solution to the problem. But history will judge Hank & Co. on the effectiveness of their response. If the risks to the financial system remain low, the future doesn’t bring bigger bank and financial institution failures, and the recession doesn’t get too deep or last too long, then the quick pivot on this plan will probably go unnoticed. AND, this is it. The start of government Before you know it, no more talk shows, no more Christian radio stations, no more Christian music. Just government taking over EVERYTHING. Dems can say horrible things about Bush, but GOD FORBID IF ANYONE DARE SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT OBAMA. American is no more. YOU ALL WANTED CHANGE, YOU SURE AS HECK GOING TO GET YOUR CHANGE. The government has been "borrowing" money from SS for years but always forget to pay it back. That's why SS is in such bad shape. From what I know and read, SS is in a general fund, not a specific fund, so they can use that money any time they want to, but they never paid a penny of it back.
The government is not responsible....(sm) for shielding kids from everything. You're right, it is natural curiosity, but realistically you cannot control that. Kids are smarter than you give them credit for. If a young boy wants to see a naked female, then guess what? He'll figure out a way to do that with or without the internet. What did they do before the internet came along? It's a waste of time and money for the govt to try to alter the progression of nature. And yes, I believe in sex education, but think it is the parents' responsibility to do it. When a child starts asking questions, he deserves real answers. I think the question is, would you rather him learn by you teaching him about these things, grasping what he can from a glimpse at an internet page, or maybe just the girl next door? It's up to parents to provide guidelines for their children, not the govt. BTW, not everyone that looks at porn on the internet is a social deviant. Curiosty does not end at age 12. The best thing government can do is ## We need to overthrow the government.... It is their job to "run" our country to make it "livable" for its citizens. They have gotten into the habit of back scratching for so long.........that's all they do. Flush 'em all. I hold government as a whole responsible for this mess including the last administration as well as this one. I do not like what President Obama is doing. This stimulus package is a joke. It is full of earmarks and pork. I can smell the bacon being fried in D.C. all the way over here in Indiana. I want to see jobs created. I want more focus on alternative fuels. I want to tap the resources we have now and create jobs. I'm tired of giving money to banks. I'm tired of giving money to people who were irresponsible while harding working people suffer and try to stay afloat because of their bad decisions as well as the bad decisions made by crooks in government. I didn't totally agree with the bailout Bush pushed for either, but you know what....I believe Barry Obama voted yes to that. He was in the senate and therefore I hold the senate responsible for things too. Bush couldn't do everything himself and there were plenty of dems in congress during the last 4 years that could have stopped a bailout during Bush's term. I'm tired of the blaming game. There are too many people involved to try and blame everyone and it isn't fair to blame just one person since so many were involved. I'm generally a middle of the road kind of person and in saying that.....I just do not feel that this stimulus package will stimulate the economy and I don't believe it will create and sustain jobs either. I also wish our current administration would take some time and make an effort to stop all of this offshoring as there are many Americans who would benefit from this as well. Government is taking over everything and they aren't even smart enough to run the government let alone every business in the US. I just cannot believe you Obamabotics find this okay. This is total government control going on here!!!! This is scary crap! Agree! ...and WE are the government, yet we have nm The government pays for nothing.... ...we have hired them to handle certain management tasks with OUR money. We have grown too large to defend the country with just a militia. We have high-rise buildings and can no longer get by with volunteer fire departments. We need street crews because we have too much roadway, highways and freeways, and no longer can simply neaten up the road that runs past our property. We produce far too much trash to simply take it out back and burn it (if that were even still legal in some areas.) Some elements of modern life have grown just to large and complicated to handle on our own. We have a system of compulsory schooling now that is doing SUCH a great job educating our children. Kids were far more literate and better educated when the bulk of their learning occurred in the home. Read anything written by John Taylor Gatto - Weapons of Mass Instruction is his most recent book - about the origins of public education. I quote here what was in an earlier post: *If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until the government gives it to you for free.* What the government dispenses, the government rations. Do you really want a government bureaucrat in control of whether you get surgery or some diagnostic test your doctor says you need? Bad enough you have to fight about it with your insurance company now. You really want to turn this over to the government? Really? what government lacks did you just throw away millions and millions of dollars? i mean, literally? Does that money disappear that you tried to pump into the automakers? that makes me sick to my stomach ![]()
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