I don't like him; I'm Baptist and will vote Republican nm
Posted By: cesspoolmagic0_0 on 2008-09-30
In Reply to: Huckeberry - MissThang
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- Huckeberry - MissThang
I don't like him; I'm Baptist and will vote Republican nm - cesspoolmagic0_0
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I think sadly you are right, I always thought that if I would vote Republican, it would be for McCai
and believe he really wants to do good for this country; my own thought was that he was advised, after seeing all the disillusioned Hillary supporters who were not completely sold on Barack yet, that he should pick a female running mate, scoop up all the disappointed Hillary supporters who would want a female in the White House, and it all blew up, Ms. Palin was just not an intelligent choice as running mate, she brought him down, and I think it all snowballed so quickly that all Mr. McCain could do was watch as the snowball hit bottom and disintegrated. But I believe he is a very good Senator.
Not a Baptist, so can't comment with any....
authority....other than I do know several folks who are Baptists and they drink beer. What I do know is there are several different types of Baptists...which type do you think won't like that description?
I went to a very moderate Baptist church as a ....sm
child and teenager, and no drinking alcohol or dancing was allowed whatsoever.
Victory In Jesus!! another sou. Baptist
So you support Westboro Baptist and
I grew up Baptist, and we thoroughly studied both books
And, as always, we picked and chose that which we would apply to our lives, and how we would interpret what it said.
You know the only things I took away from my childhood religion?
"Love your sisters and brothers."
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
"Do unto others as you would have done to you."
And having studied the Nag Hammadi library, which gave much, much more insight into what Jesus recommended, it seems as if that - believe it or not - is exactly what he meant.
So when you say someone is "wrong," you are judging them. When you are asking someone to change their lives to accommodate your beliefs, you are doing unto them something you're asking not be done to you. And I believe we can agree that love is unconditional (something I believe 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 alluded to), regardless of what other's choices are - even if you disagree with them.
The Anti-Republican Republican Who is Really a Republican
The whole anti-Republican Republican ruse might have succeeded, were it not for the fact that McCain's rhetoric was at odds not merely with his own voting record - 90 percent with Bush - and his own Bush-on-steroids agenda.
Even as he was pledging to "change the way government does almost everything," the senator from Arizona announced his commitment to much, much more of the same.
He pledged to maintain endless occupations of distant lands that empty the U.S. Treasury of precious resources that might pay for infrastructue renewal, housing and job creations initiatives for hurting Americans.
He outlined trade and tax policies that would extend, rather than alter a failed economic status quo.
He reintroduced flawed proposals for health care, education and entitlement reforms that Americans have wisely rejected.
And he threatened to achieve "energy independence" by declaring:
"We will drill..."
"We'll drill..."
"More drilling..."
McCain's rhetoric was that of a liberated man declaring his independence from his party's failed president and corrupt Congresses.
But his platform was that of Republican candidate who, for all of his talk of reform, offers the crudest continuity to a country that is crying out for change.
I agree neither choice is great, but will vote McCain just as a vote against Obama. nm
A vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote. No chance on Earth he can win. sm
Votes for him only take away from the real candidates.
Good point. I don't vote party, I vote for the
person. Every Democrat is not bad and every Republican good or vice versa.
Then you need to vote for Obama. A vote for McCain will...sm
not help you. Obama wants to give tax relief to 90% of Americans who earn 1% of the gross earnings in this country. The top 1% of earners bring in 90% of earnings. Any one person who earns $250,000 or less will benefit from Obama's tax plan.
they didn't vote - they registered to vote -
that is a big difference. The votes were not counted, they were stopped by the means in which they were supposed to be stopped - ID verification, address verification, etc. The cards were filled out by the ACORN workers and then given to the proper authorities to sort through.
The phony registrations were pulled out by the actual authorities. ACORN is just a middle man.
We get what we vote for. If we vote "party", we get extremes.
If we make it a point to try to identify candidates who hold moderate views and vote for them, rather than voting a "party ticket", we'll have a better chance of getting away from these extremes, whether right or left.
One of the problems, though, is that candidates often play games with their real positions. During the primaries, they talk the "party" line and then they move to the center for the general election. Both sides do this, unfortunately.
The only hope is to look at their past records - and take them seriously. History is prologue to the future. When a man has done certain things in his adult life, it tells us more about him than anything he says. If Obama hasn't taught us this fundamental truth, we'll never learn it. The evidence about him goes all the way back to his days in law school, and it was available for anyone to see. Some didn't bother to look. Others looked and didn't take it seriously. Either way, we weren't paying attention or he'd have probably never made it through the primaries.
No one can pull the wool over your eyes unless you let them, and the way they do it is by making smooth speeches filled with unlikely promises (and even glaring contradictions as they appeal to groups with opposite interests). They believe we won't notice the lies, exaggerations and mischaracterizations of their opponent's positions, etc. Unfortunately, they are often right.
Let's start taking the candidates' prior records and their life histories as the best evidence of who they really are - not their speeches. If we do this, we'll make better choices.
Are't you the one posting Democrat? Get over it. After all, thank God John Kerry's not in office, we'd all be dead.
Military Wife.
Just an fyi...I am not a Republican. (nm)
Unfortunately, I'm not the other Me, by the way. I'm the republican me.
He was the only Republican of the 5....
and he and John Glenn were cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The five senators, Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), and Donald W. Riegle (D-MI), were accused of improperly aiding Charles H. Keating, Jr., chairman of the failed Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which was the target of an investigation by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB).
After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings. Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".
All five of the senators involved served out their terms. Only Glenn and McCain ran for re-election, and they were both re-elected.
ANd by the way....I think Obama has the market cornered on bad judgment. lol.
So is all the one-way republican B.S.
Republican too
I am a Republican too, just don't get on politics board very often. I am praying McCain/Palin win for the sake of our country.
Since when has a Republican? (Unless you
I'm not republican....I'm just looking out for my
Unfortunately, I've come to realize the real reason for putting Obama in office has nothing to do with their pocketbook, which is all I heard for weeks, but it has to do only with the color of his skin. I've realized there are so many racists such as yourself on this board that care absolutely nothing about their country...only the color of this man's skin.
How sad for you
What does Republican have to do with it?
I'm not republican but......
the only ones being had by Obama are the ones who voted for him........
that would be you, right? So you mean he played his own democratic party into believing he actually cared about the people of this country, isn't that what you meant? Republicans and independents knew he was lying all along. Too bad you didn't!
So tell me what does a republican look like
I'd like to know how you were able to tell the republicans from the democrats and independents. All three parties were at the rallies, and to me they all look like human beings to me. I couldn't tell one from the other. They all had 2 ears, a head, a body, and most of them had arms and legs (except for a few I would imagine). All I know is there were democrats, republicans, and independents there and they were all patriots. It was a day where parties were put aside and people talked about facts, not parties. Everyone who participated did not say it was one side or the others fault. They said it was both sides fault. This was not an anti-Obama rally, it was an anti-government rally. Didn't you read the signs? I guess not.
You think there are no black republicans. Guess you don't follow politics very closely. As for old and white. First, that is a racist comment. Second if you want to see old and white look at your lord's administration. Every time he has a photo op he is surrounded by old white man. No blacks, no hispanics, no nothing except for old white men. Boy, talk about racism.
As for you not seeing any black faces. Yeah, sure you didn't. Why don't you say something that sounds halfway like a truth.
This is complete and utter bu!!sh!t about it being an anti-Obama rally. This pity party poor us your all picking on us routine is so old.
There is no danger to your lord. The danger is the fear and paranoia being spewed by the left. The left wing media is like a person who yells fire in a theater when there is none and then whines when people call him on it.
Yes I have heard there are concentration camps here, but how true it is I don't know. I'd have to do more research on it.
But for Pete's sake, turn off Keith Oberfool, CNN (Communist News Network) and the other spew on BSNBC and watch some real news. There are many many channels to choose from. Listen to both sides. Not just spew from the hate filled and spiteful left.
And this "I saw no black faces in the crowds". Sorry, I don't buy it. By reading your post I'll bet you were not even watching any of it.
I think I said right off what a republican
convention looks like, old and white. So you have bought into the concentration camps here in America also, how sad. What is wrong with everyone? Oh, I saw some of the pictures from the teabaggers outing, not on any of the channels you name but on the internet and they are so just horrific. I saw no diversity in the pictures (by the way, Fox was the only channel that was playing any of the outing that day so that is where I watched about 5 minutes or so). In all my 60+ years and remembering as far back as Eisenhower, the country has never to me seemed so rabid, pure unadulturated hysteria. Just insane. People have the what if syndrome. Someone posted about what are you going to do in 2011. News flash- you might be dead. I know there are some black repubs but only a token few. Just does not fit into the picture of the good ole boys.
AND he's a Republican
Republican chant says it all!
Mercenary pro-war trolls chanting to Cindy Sheehan, shouting "We don't care! We don't care!" Well we knew that all along:)
republican baloney
Whew..have heard the right wing frightening baloney for years and years and dont want to hear it any more..cant wait till next year when the people vote their displeasure of the republicans..Gonna be party time..
A Day in the Life of a Republican
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF JOE REPUBLICAN Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their safety and that they work as advertised.
All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because *some liberal* union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance - now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packingindustry.
In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained.
Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home or go hungry because of his temporary misfortune.
It's noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and hisbelow-market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.
Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal stuckhis nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.
He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that the beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day.
Joe agrees: We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have.
More Republican lies...
but this one is actually funny!
I am a Republican and I don't believe I minimized anything.
That is what I heard. Do you mean Republican? sm
Most of the conservatives I know are Libertarian.
Are you sure you're not a Republican?
Yes, but you did say to me and another person(s) that we were not telling the truth and that is to be taken that you thought we were lying = liar.
Your reasoning appears impaired, your ability to recall what you said and when appears impaired and your ability to define and decipher what is truth and what are lies appears highly suspect. I think you most definitely are a Republican!!!! (with nixon and clinton thrown in just for a laugh).....
End of story.
Outsourcing is NOT just Republican...
I'd advise you to check out the outsourcing that happened during the "glory" years of Bill Clinton. As to Democrats beating ol' McCain's posterior...don't count your chickens.
I am not a Republican....but two years is...
plenty of time for the Democrat majority to have done SOMETHING...and they have done nothing...including taking their vacation instead of voting on an energy bill and they claim to care about gas prices. Pardon me if I doubt their sincerity.
I am not a Democrat either. But I know Barack Obama is as much or more invested in Europe as he is in the US, and that does not give me a warm and fuzzy. His Chicago connections, his voting record, his writings, his wife's writings, his pastor, his friends...all of those things send up huge red flags to me. What he is saying now is not anything like what his history and life have been to this point. So I don't trust him. He is way left of Clinton...most liberal voting record in the senate.
McCain has butted heads with Bush several times over the years...he is not a repeat of Bush. All one has to do is look at his record, if one is so inclined. He is not my favorite either; I have some issues with him as well. However, I know he would protect this country and I am not so sure Obama would.
The best thing I can say about George W. Bush is thank God he was President when we were attacked on 9-11, and not Kerry!
Never heard of her either. Not a Republican but would not
change parties just because there is a woman there now. Is that what McCain thinks will happen. Sad if he does.
Hey. I am not a Republican. I could not care less about...
party conventions and all the hooplah associated with it. I care about the candidates and what they are going to do for (or to) this country. So go ahead and sit back and watch the show. geez. lol.
you have no idea what a Republican is.
Republican rebuttal
You live in the same country as I do? Or maybe you live in a different "world". Perhaps it is the fantasy world of Emperor Dubbya and his oil company minions.
'Like a Republican'? Now THAT's
Republican trustworthiness
See snarky post above.
This is sam's post from this morning when ANON requested we all take the day off from nastiness on the board in honor of 9/11.
lets try to find the place where we were all Americans and party lines disappeared. If we could get that back without a major disaster to provoke it...therein lies the real hope and change for this country.
Obviously has the same integrity as JMc.
Sam's a republican through-&-through. Wouldn't be
All that trumpting of his own virtue & intelligence and all. He doesn't seem to get it that NOBODY reading this forum, no matter what candidate they believe in, is going to change their point of view based on what they read here. And most CERTAINLY not because of anything the oh-so-self-important, omnipotent (or maybe IMpotent?) Sam has written here.
If you believe McCain isn't more of the republican
to take everyone's mind off that fact, then I have some oceanfront property in Fallon, Nevada that you just might be interested in.
Republican control
Excuse me but aren't the House and the Senate Democrat controlled since 2006? They haven't helped this country one bit since they took control, in fact it has gotten worse. By your own reasoning you are wrong about why this country is in such bad shape, it's not the Republicans alone. And the Democrafts do not concern themselves at all about the middle class, just the people who have no pride and can't get off their asses and work, only lip service in election years. Heaven forbid the lazy class take on a part time job when things get rough. I'm sick of carrying the lazy class on my back...
I saw one Republican say it was not helpful...
all the rest say that it was. You are correct, it was not going to pass as is, McCain knew it, he said so, and that is why he went. He got ALL the parties together in the meeting he asked the President to call, including Obama. What did that do? Focus everyone in Washington ON the issue, and focus America ON the issue. Yesterday only senators were talking. Today, there are four people in a room, a Dem rep from house and senate and a Repub rep from House and senate. EVERYONE is involved, and only 4 people hammering out the details. Since EVERYONE is represented, a bill that comes out will have bipartisan support and will pass. That was NOT going to happen unless McCain did what he did. It is a GOOD thing he did it, and it is a GOOD thing he asked the President to get Obama up there to be part of it. THAT is TRUE bipartisanship and that is what McCain is about. He put his bid for the Presidency on the line to do what is best for this country. It only reinforced for me why I am voting for him.
And absolutely no Republican has
a thing to do with this, at all? No Republican benefited from any of it? No Republican has any lobbyist for these corporations in their pocket or on their payroll? John McCain called for regulation prior to 2 years ago? I am not discounting the Democrats at all.
I would put Obama in the White House for the simple fact that he said No to the war which has cost how many billions of dollars, not to mention how many lives. I do not overlook the fact that he pocketed a great deal of money, but I cannot overlook all of the other reasons I would vote for him and would not vote for McCain.
Oh please. That's a Republican dance!
We're gonna kick their sorry a$$es out of office in Nov.
Wow - maybe now you know what it feels like to be a Republican
And have to fend of attacks.
How'd you like it?
Not republican rule
It hasn't been republican rule for 8 years even though we do have a republican president. The Congress and Senate are democratic and they do not allow President Bush to do what he wants much of the time.
THis is not about the Republican party....
it is about socialism. I am a registered Independent, not a Republican. I just don't want a socialist America. What part of that do you not understand?
There is nothing positive about socialism that I can see.
Fear mongering...good grief. I am not fearful, I am angry. That man wants to highjack my country and a good many of my countrymen/women seem all to eager to help him do so. That doesn't make me afraid...it makes me angry.
However, there is nothing I can do about that, except vote for what I want, just like you are apparently going to.
If you get your way, and by the end of his term we are up to our eyeballs in socialism....one thing you can be sure of...I had nothing to do with it.