I can say from personal experience that you are 100% wrong. nm
Posted By: same old lies on 2008-09-17
In Reply to: I do not think that his - Chele
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I have personal experience with intimidation...
from union organizers. Not physical bullying, but intimidation nonetheless. Needless to say, it was those tactics that caused their bid to unionize the hospital to fail. I am not condemning all unions...but that branch of the UFCW certainly practiced intimidation to get votes at that hospital.
I'm guessing they speak from personal experience.
I would think a terrorist would have to be a very angry, hateful, soulless person. The only difference I can see between the terrorists and some CON posters is that the terrorists, unfortunately, also exhibit some intelligence when planning their attacks.
I agree that I don't have the kind of mind that understands a terrorist. It's tragic that the poster does. 
Is that coming from personal experience? Perhaps you should actually LISTEN to the lady.....
Don't personally know JTBB, but after reading her posts and references fully the past couple of months, she has much balanced wisdom and irony, along with that intelligence. Personal digs are okay for the Pubs?
wrong, full of wrong statements, see my upper post...nm
Experience. (nm)
I'm not sure how someone with no experience can
You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
'From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World .... 143 days.
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is an okay start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Please forward this before it's too late!
In my experience
I am ashamed to say I have a relative living off welfare. He and his wife use their 4 kids and one grandson to support themselves. They are part of the 40% who don't pay taxes at all. This past year they got around $2,000 in tax refunds. They bought a swimming pool and a trampoline. The rest was a down payment on their 3rd car. Every vehical is newer than what I drive. I have no problem with tax cuts for people who NEED them. Instead of giving people like this free money why not use it in a more deserving area. Maybe some of those truly needing welfare could use it for job training. Or put it towards the elderly who have worked there whole lives.
My experience...
First day, early voting. Walk into Baum Center, NC, to vote. Two feet from door, two chairs with end table between. What's on end table? Time magazine with SP on the cover. After standing in line and being made aware of this, I went over and promptly turned magazine over. Didn't want to make a scene. Called local board of elections, state board of elections, and local democratic party headquarters. Apparently, my first call did the trick. Within half an hour, I received a call from democratic party hearquarters that the magazine was no longer there for everyone to see as soon as they walked in to vote. Yeah for me! I did my job today. Let's all be observant. It may not seem blatant, but it really is.
Don't take it so personal...sm
This is a debate. We will not always agree. It is perfectly normal for you to agree on one thing and be opposed on something else, especially talking with people on the opposite of your political spectrum.
Ward Churchill - see below
Would I care of someone judged me for posting an F-word, no because I apologized and it truly was a mistake, believe it or not. I'm sure no such apology will come from Ann to these widows.
What question is it that I didn't answer?
You are right, it is personal. sm
And it has consequences and I am not talking about physical ones.
cant we do without the personal
attacks? Hippocrite. (A hippo crossed with a hypocrite).
my view on experience is...
I don't think experience is that big of an issue - nobody has "experience" at being the President of the United States until they get elected - and I don't think that the experience that Hillary claims is any real experience anyway.
I am excited at the prospect of having somebody in office who has no "experience" - maybe they will really want to "change" the way the "experienced" people have been doing things!
She's the only one of the four with executive experience
Obama has little experience even as a legislator, but you believe this smart woman with executive leadership experience is less qualified to be president should it come to that? No, I don't think so.
She has as much experience as Obama....
and she is second chair, not first chair. We get Obama's experience level in first chair. This argument really doesn't hold water. No wanting to start a fight...but she actually has experience running a state. He doesn't. So actually...she has more experience than he does. Don't really think, and I mean no disrespect...the no experience thing holds water.
She has more experience than your #1 chair...
has no reverend wright, has no William Ayers, is exactly the change Washington needs. I believe when comparisons start to be made, if change is indeed what you want...she is definitely NOT a washington insider and has a reputation for being a reformer. I thought your candidate wanted change from Washington politics. Has that changed? Oh...it is good when he says it, but here is someone who is exactly what he said Washington needs...oohhhhh but she is not a Democrat. Got it.
Experience issue will not go away soon.
Whether or not a candidate is "ready" to lead is the voter's prerogative to investigate...or not. I hate nasty politics too and often will turn a blind eye to it. On the other hand, checking into it from time to time does give one a better perspective on just how divided our country has become and what issues flames the fires of discontent the most. Voters also decide whether malcontents should be left to stew in their own juices or if they are addressing legitimate, common concerns in an inappropriate manner that require attention from our highest leadership.
Beyond that, judgments must be made as to which candidate, party, issues, policies, etc. best represent not only the individual's best interests and their vision of what America is or is not, but also the best interest of the nation as a whole...another purely subjective and biased concept, depending on who you talk to. It's the nature of the beast.
What I believe about research is that it is much more valuable as a process, rather than a final destination. If one is able to come out of their comfort zone and expose themselves to many sides of the same issue, it is their own reactions and gut instincts that will help them better identify, define, prioritize, express and embody their own personal political beliefs. If the objective of research is a drive-by pot shot, the insight gained will be as fleeting and as memorable as chat room archives.
Hey - just asking, Speaking from experience.
That's why I work at home.
She already has more executive experience than your guy...
and he is 1st chair. All those negatives you posted are positives for a lot of people. THe state ethics committee investigation is not over yet, and frankly, a state trooper who tasers an 11-year-old (oh he asked me to) SHOULD be fired in my humble opinion. And a state trooper who threatens the life of his estranged wife and her parents should not be wearing the uniform of a state trooper. But that is just me, I guess.
I am sure the people of Alaska are thrilled to hear that the Democrat supporters of Obama are marginalizing them into nothing because they have smaller population than Austin, Texas.
All this kind of post does is show how petty, vindictive and mean people can get when their backs are up against the wall and they think they might lose.
The DNC should have thought about all this before they took on the Clintons. Howard Dean messed up big time.
Executive experience is a big zero
You showed up late today so rather than repeating everything that has already been said on this imponent executive experience media mantra thing, please catch up on your reading. Also, the issue of her not running has been exercised in light of the very real possibility that she would be positioned to take over sooner rather than later. Besides, the Bimbos Unite! cult sure seems to think she is running for president. You will notice just how absent McCain has been from the spotlight since yesterday morning. The notion that our party is somehow fractured or not strongly unified is more of your delusional thinking. McCain took care of that when he decided to insult most of thinking women in this country by selecting a token female he met once to save his sinking ship. Strategy is lame, transparent and has actually created an angry backlash from Hillary supporters and women in general that will make Hurricane Gustav look like a a flushing toilet. You got no idea what you are talking about when you try to analyze the democratic party but please do us all a favor and continue to feed your delusions. theonly thing that's going to come back and bite bigtime is what's-her-name calling Hillary a whiner and McCain calling US economic refugees whiners. We do agree on one thing here. Sweeeeet!
How can we make a man with less experience than the #2...
on McCain's ticket...? In the world the way it is today? I see far less danger on the other side...just my opinion.
you know in my experience in the MT field I have
than those that have 15+ years of experience in the MT field. It depends on the person and how they handle the knowledge they have...
Experience....but have no doubt...
McCain/Palin will bring change with their experience. Just not the kind of social marxist change the dems want to enforce.
I have no faith in any kind of so-called change from any current member of the Democratic party.
This is the experience currently being discussed.
Before answering the question, please read the following. This is posted in response to pub spin that would assert SP is better qualified to lead the country because of O's lack of experience. Of special note are the numerous foreign relations committee diplomatic initiatives listed below. Of course, I would be interested in any comparabl experience SP may have that the pubs can produce. I have saved this post and will be using it in reply to any similar assertions made by pubs in the future whenever I encounter them. Hope format is not too seedy.
In Illinois senate O Worked to get BIPARTISAN support on legislation on:
1. Ethics reform.
2. Health care reform.
3. Sponsored bills for earned income tax credits for low-income workers.
4. Provisions for $100 million in tax cuts to families.
5. Provisions for early childhood education.
6. Welfare reform.
7. Childcare subsidies.
8. Funding for churches and community groups.
9. Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.
10. Instituted requirement for transparent videotaped police interrogations of suspects in capitol cases after a number of death row inmates were found innocent.
11. Measures against racial profiling.
12. Campaign finance reform.
13. Restrictions on lobbyists activities.
In US Senate:
1. Senate Committee (SC) on Foreign Relations.
2. SC on Health.
3. SC on Health.
4. SC on Labor and Pensions.
5. SC on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
6. SC on Veterans' Affairs.
7. Member of Congressional Black Caucus.
8. Chairman of the Subcommitte on European Affairs.
9. Border security and Immigration reform. Cosponsor "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act introduced by JM.
10. Added 3 amendments to the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act.
11. Supported Secure Fence Act for security improvements along US-Mexico border.
12. Cosponsored Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006.
13. Introduced expansions to Cooperative Threat Reduction Program to secure and dismantle weapons of mass destruction and their associated infrastructure in former Soviet Union states.
14. Sponsor of Democratic Republic of Congo Relief, Security and Democracy Promotion Act, signed by Bush, to restore basic services like clinics and schools, train a professional, integrated and accountable police force and military, and otherwise support the Congolese in protecting their human rights and rebuilding their nation.
15. As member of Foreign Relations Committee, he made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. His 2005 trip to Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan focus on strategy planning for the control of world's supply of conventional weapons, biological weapons and WMDs and defense against potential terrorist attacks.
16. January 2006, met with US military in Kuwait and Iraq. Visited Jordan, Israel and Palestinian territories. Asserted preconditions that US will never recognize legitimacy of Hamas leadership until they renounce elimination of Israel.
17. August 2006, official trip to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad where he made televised appearance addressing ethnic rivalries and corruption in Kenya.
18. Worked on Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, signed into law, to eliminate gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and require disclosure of bundled campaign contributions.
19. Cosponsored bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections to include fraudulent flyers and automated phone calls.
20. Cosponsored climate change bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds by 2050.
21. Promoted liquefied coal production of gas and diesel.
22. Introduced Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 to cap troop levels as prelude to phased troop withdrawal and removal of all combat brigades.
23. Cosponsored amendment to Defense Authorization Act safeguarding personality disorder military discharges.
24. Sponsored Iran Sanctions Enabling Act in support of divestment of state pensions funds from Iran's oil and gas industry.
25. Introduced legislation to reduce risks of nuclear terrorism., provisions of which were added as amendments to the State-Foreign Operations appropriations bill.
26. Sponsored a Senate amendment to the State Children's Health Insurance program providing one-year job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries, which passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan support but was ultimately vetoed by fearless George.
You must have EXECUTIVE experience
Speaking from experience?
Aaaah, experience, huh?
And I say again....look at all the experience on the hill now....
and where did it get us? In the worst financial crisis since the depression. Frankly, at this point, "experience" means ZIP to me. I am ready for some good old common sense. I don't care if they talk "purty," I want some good DECISIONS. She is looking the best to me in that area!
I don't care about experience
I care about COMMON SENSE!!!
Im just tellin it from my experience
Any child born to american parents on american soil is a US citizen. I don't know about Japan but all the babies born in German hospitals even if their parents were americans were german until they registered them to US citizenship. With Obama his mother was US citizen but could not meet the 10 year residence requirement to apply for citizenship.
Nervous now? Needs more experience.
if another attack hits our country? What, he will be too nervous? Cannot imagine how he would respond.
who has experience being the President? nm
Is this your experience as a gum flapper?
Lacking experience?
That is really rich coming from an Obama supporter considering the little experience he had.....which I do believe his own VP commented on. Hmmm!
SOY was the one who made it personal anyway.
**This fits many on THIS board...To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.**
Maybe you missed that because you've stereotyped, judged and sentenced the liberals already.
I believe you are mistaken. It is almost impossible to carry on a political discussion without getting personal. Political alignments are based on personal beliefs. And as for you trials and tribulations, she said nothing about what you've gone through in your life with the exception of, you know nothing of persecution.
stooping to personal
insults, are we now? Did you read Wally Lamb's book "She's Come Unhinged?"" A good read.
Right back at you...without the personal hit of course..
it is obvious whose value system is skewed. You resort to name calling and personal attacks...judging one's mental health...and sorry, when you let Clinton slide on perjury you lose all credibility of if Clinton had done this you would be disgusted...while that might be personally true, you would not be on this board crucifying him. And please, don't even try to say you would not.
I have never said anything personal about Obama.
I have nothing against him. He has a beautiful family. I am sure he is sincere...the point is, I don't agree with him. I think he is the wrong man for the job. I feel strongly about that. That is why I reply.
I have never attacked him personally, made jokes nasty jokes about him, and certainly not his family. Yet i see that constantly from the other side. The extent of the hatred and nastiness on this site might not bother anyone else...but as an Independent, it puts me off the Dem party...big time, and any positives are pretty much buried in tons of mud. That seems to be the way they do politics...see it in the mainstream media, on the dailykos (referred to one poster as a place where liberals go to post opinion...have you ever read anything there??)...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
If there are any positives, please point them out to me. I would like to see them.
I suspect what the answer would be if they answered honestly. Of course they would support him. Because he is Obama. Because he is a Democrat. The rules are different for him.
There are indeed two Americas, and that is the way they want it. THeir way or the highway. Choice for them but not for anyone else. Freedom of religion as long as you never mention it. Does that sound like America to you?
we don;t need personal attacks.
No need for personal potshots....
that actually reflect worse on you than the people you ridicule.
you have a personal vendetta against her and...
You continue to post time and time again saying sam this or sam that. We all enjoy hearing sams opinions and viewpoints. She is not the bully on this site (it seems you are). She has done nothing wrong to deserve being kicked off. Maybe the moderator ought to kick you off. How would you like it.
Moderate please do NOT kick sam off this board because others don't like what she has to say. I've never found her to be insulting towards others and from my understanding this is a board where we can all share things we have heard and our opinions. We all (well most of us) love sam and the due diligence she uses to research articles and she has never been rude to others and has done nothing to deserve being denied access. I have learned a lot from her posts.
Thank you moderator if you are reading this.
personal attacks are
not allowed on this board. Stop immediately.
personal attacks are
not allowed on this board. Stop attacking me personally with your imagining what I have or don't have in my work area. Stick to the issues.
Why the personal attacks?
This has nothing to do with this conversation. What this person makes and why they make that is none of our business. The point was that she didn't live beyond her means and doesn't want a handout and that right there makes her a heck of a lot better than a lot of people.
it is a personal choice
If you make it a religious choice, it is a toss up. Most Jews believe life begins at first breath, just like when God breathed into Adam's nostril. Protestants are divided on the issue. Many mainline/reform churches take the choice stance, including PC-USA and others.
I believe it is a tough decision, but I sure as heck don't see it as murder. Since you do, you probably should not have an abortion. Since my DH had a vasectomy, I probably won't need one. But if am raped, or the vas were to fail, you can be darn sure I want to be able to make that choice.
nothing personal - it's just politics!!! nm
Does personal responsibility mean
get off your lazy a$$, find a job, don't expect a handout, free healthcare, free college, maybe work for a living instead of expecting those of us who have been responsible to foot your bill??
What I have is personal bitterness...(sm)
for an organization operating under the pretense of religion molesting children. Not only did they do it, they obviously condoned it by hiding the fact. I must be nice to be a religious -- it's such a blinding experience. You don't have to see the world as it really is. You can just make assumptions based on your religion.
I actually commend you on adopting children. I do, however, wish more people would adopt children in this country. I think it's a little bit of a double standard when one would go overseas to find a child to suit their desires and at the same time condemn this country over social issues.
And since you're waiting.....
When you go to this page, don't change the criteria under *child profile* to look for the perfect child, just go to the bottom of the page and hit *search.* I came up with 3466 children waiting for a home -- and that's just out of one agency.
how was that a personal attack?
telling you you aren't better than everyone? At least I'm not callng people mentally challenged. yes i know that wasn't you, you are the friend that just laughs along with the bully...
and if you wanna point fingers about me not responding the way you think I should have, i dont see you responding to the person giving their opinion on what trickle up means...
give it a rest it's freaking Christmas time
you obviously HAVE to have the last word so i'll let you have it. pretty pathetic that you spend your time trying to cut other people down... is that also a personal attack?
Right on! Why take personal responsibility for