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I believe that the blame goes

Posted By: Chele on 2008-11-18
In Reply to: I have a friend in the same situation...sm - m

to both government and the automakers.  For them to pay skilled trades a buttload of money and allow them to sit and do nothing and then retire at age 50 and live off of GM isn't right.  That is GM's fault for allowing that happen.  As for making big trucks and SUVs....it was what the people wanted at that time.  That really wasn't a huge concern until gas prices started to skyrocket.  They were making what they thought people wanted.  They couldn't predict that gas would skyrocket like it did and the economy would collapse like it has.

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Don't blame Obama for the coins...blame the Franklin Mint!
The Franklin Mint has an entire series of presidential coins that are tacky and cheap looking just like everything else they manufacture.
Let's blame Clinton...Let's blame Obama.
The FACT is that Bush BECAME prez on 01/20/01.  He was told by Clinton to beware!!  It was Bush's duty to know, to care what was going on.... the FACT is he didn't give a rat's patooty!!!  FACT is he was on vacation most of his first 7 months in office.  The FACT is he stared into space for 7 minutes after being told America was under attack while kindergarteners were reading "MY PET GOAT."  I am so sick of the LIES you people want to ram down my throat.  And when Obama takes office, God-willing, I am positive he will be under a microscope like NO president has ever been as there is a different standard set for him and never has a president-elect undergone so much criticisizm BEFORE taking office. 
September 1, 2005
Conservatives Helped This Happen
by Dan Pashman, Senior Producer,  Morning Sedition

As terrible as it is, this attack could be miniscule if,  in fact, God
continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies  of  America  to
give us probably what we deserve. The ACLU's got to take a lot  of the
blame for this�The abortionists have got to bear some of the burden for
this because God will not be mocked�I really believe that  the pagans,
and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays  and the
lesbians�all of them who have tried to secularize America,  I point the
finger in their face and say, 'you helped this happen.'
  - Rev. Jerry Falwell, September 13, 2001

Who can forget Jerry Falwell's infamous post-9/11 indictment of
America?  'You helped this happen,' Falwell said to the majority of
Americans,  who disagree with him on a majority of issues.

Now, a conservative group called Columbia Christians for Life has
proclaimed that Hurricane Katrina was another one of God's punishments,
  citing as evidence the supposed resemblance between the hurricane's 
image on a weather map, and a fetus.

Trying to refute such claims from these zealots is truly an exercise in
futility. But searching for explanations after a disaster of Katrina's 
magnitude is not. And if you do in fact search for those explanations, 
you'll reach an unavoidable conclusion:

Hurricane Katrina may have been an act of God. But the level of death 
and destruction it caused was not. That was an act of conservatism.

It is conservative policies that made this natural disaster unnaturally
  catastrophic. I say to conservatives, you have blood on your hands 
today. I point the finger in your face and say, You helped this

Conservative policies have led to an increase in poverty across the
nation, especially in New Orleans, one of the poorest major cities  in
America. About 150,000 people in New Orleans lived below the poverty 
line before Katrina, 100,000 of them in abject poverty, making less 
than $8,000 a year. Their poverty left them with nowhere to go, and  no
means of escape, as the hurricane bore down on their homes.

Conservative policies have led to more global warming, which scientists
  agree has already begun producing more intense hurricanes and storms. 
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, a former Republican Party Chairman 
and longtime GOP operative, has seen his own state ravaged by Katrina. 
But he was vital in helping to convince the Bush administration to 
squash the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, and pushed Bush to go 
back on his campaign promise to regulate carbon dioxide. Governor
Barbour  would dare express grief over the deaths that he himself

Conservative policies have led to a war in Iraq based on lies, and tax
cuts for the rich, both of which, we know for a fact, took money
directly away from vital hurricane preparedness work in New Orleans. 
On nine occasions in 2004 and 2005, The New Orleans Times-Picayune
specifically  cited the cost of the Iraq War as a reason for the
shortfall in hurricane-  and flood-control funds. The levees that gave
way under  Katrina's pressure were supposed to be upgraded with money
that ended  up in Halliburton�s coffers.

Conservative policies have also led to the National Guard's misuse and
abuse, leaving the Gulf Coast without the personnel and equipment 
vital to a recovery effort of this magnitude. More people will die  on
the Gulf Coast as they await their would-be saviors, who are in  Iraq,
victims themselves of conservative policies.

There can be no doubt that while Hurricane Katrina was not preventable,
  much of the death and destruction left in its wake was. I say to
conservatives,  you have blood on your hands today. I point the finger
in your face  and say, You helped this happen.

Blame must go somewhere.
So you put it solely on the poor themselves? More people in this country are slipping into poverty every day - whole families of them, fathers included. That was a good thoughtful post and I thank you for writing it but hope you will take a moment to consider another side.

While throwing money at a problem is not guaranteed to fix it, one thing is for sure - throwing billions to the already obscenely rich is sure as heck not going to fix the root cause of any social disorder.

If we want to really get to the root cause of poverty in our society (which I agree is a good idea) we must not exclude the role that capitalism itself plays in not only producing a permanently disadvantaged underclass, but also in keeping it that way. A fair and impartial look at our laws and operating procedures is enough to convince anyone that things are just the way the movers and shakers want them to be. And, you are correct that only the very most motivated and exceptionally gifted will make it out of the morass. That's also the way it's supposed to be, father or no father. Social Darwinism - the cream rises.

Trouble is, we can't all be the cream. It's unreasonable to expect that of everyone. But this is the society that free market capitalism builds. It's going to get worse, too. The next step is a bonding of purpose between the corporate oligarchy and the government itself, and the next step after that is a military police state run by those who consider themselves the cream - in other words, just another banana republic, the very antithesis of what America should be.

Now I don't know about you but I don't think this is the direction America should take and I don't think for a minute it's the result of poor kids having no fathers. That may leave them more vulnerable and more easily manipulated, but it's hardly on their backs. Everyone who's not the cream is victimized in the kind of society that values money and power above everything else.

Right now there are billions upon billions of dollars being handed over not to the poor but to that handful of defense corporations powerful enough to rub elbows with Bush and his cronies. That is where America's money is going and that's where it's going to continue to go as long as we support a government that delights in making itself and its friends wealthy at the expense of everyone else in America.

You know what and who is to blame, don't you?
Deregulation schemes ala John McCain, George Bush, and the Republican Party.

Doesn't that make you and your husband the least bit interested in trying to help change this dire economic situation by changing parties?

If McCain is elected, there is no doubt in my mind that this country will see another great depression, possibly worse than the one that began in 1929.

Heaven help us all!
Yes....who's to blame....sm
The liberal democrats in congress, lining their pockets with kickbacks from all the big financial institutions, and looking the other way, forcing the banks to take the no doc loans.

Obama and Biden taking bribes, and lining their pockets, and Bill Clinton sending all his old cronies to run FM/FM, with absolutely no financial background, to run it into the ground.

Pres. Bush had actually tried to help this situation a few years back, and guess what? Harry Reid and other dems blocked his attempts.

They now completely blame George Bush. Granted, perhaps some of the blame could lay with him, because he should have been powerful enough to get something like this done.

But he made a fatal error. He tried to reach across the aisle, and put dems in charge of certain committes, and such, and all they did was stab him in the back, and make him ineffectual. So much for the dems reaching across the aisle. Their sole purpose for the past two years has been in making Bush look bad. No one can deny it.

So look to your own party. It ain't pretty.
I havent blamed Obama.  I agree the McC camp has stirred up the heat a bit with the socialism, marxists and terrorists comments.  However, I feel that Obama is responsible for his supporters to a point and being that he is very influential over his following, he should be speaking out about peace and trying to let people know that racial bad behavior of any kind is not condoned. 
There's nothing to blame him for
HE is the one that has had his life threatened.  If anything, the McCain camp should be speaking out against this.  I agree with Keith Olberman.  McCain should have come out immediately against that volunteer of his with her bogus accusations of being attacked by a big black man.  Give me a break!  He has done nothing but put these fears into people that don't know any better, and I do hold him responsible for a lot of this.  In my eyes, he is nothing but evil.
So you are going to blame....
this whole thing on a man who hasn't even been sworn in yet?  May I borrow your crystal ball?
and some of the blame goes to...
us. the American people, those who did not support industry in the US. rush out and buy those foreign cars. it may be cheaper in the short term but in the long run....no way, it will kill us all. Can't see the forest through the trees. Geez louise. Complain about losing jobs in the US and jobs from US going overseas and then buy foreign products instead of American made and what do you expect. Do you realize the far-reaching implications of the auto industry going bust???? All the suppliers affected. And all the money that would be earned by the by those millions of people who will now be earning, and thus spending, nothing. That is all money that would be supporting every other business. you can put blame anywhere you want but we all deserve some of it for destroying our own economy.
Then how can you sit and try to blame
on President Bush? You have tuned him out and ignored him since 2000, you never tried to give him a chance. Luckily, you were not in one of those towers or on one of those airplanes on 9/11. Whether you like it or not, you are still safe, so far, from those terrorists.

I will not be answering any snide, disrespectful comebacks about our president. No matter what has happened, he has earned our respect. I personally am thankful to have had a man who never had a problem over whether or not to say *so help me God.*
Can you blame her?
Who knows where those lips have been? LOL!
We cannot blame everything

on the past 8 years.  Granted, the past 8 years weren't the greatest and some major mistakes were made, but there were some things that were going on during prior presidencies that lead to this.  The problem was that no one stopped it once it got started and it just snowballed.  Now we have Obama in the office and we are still snowballing.  If you want to place blame, you need to go back further than Bush and include some others as well.  Now it is Obama's turn and we need to keep our eye on him because he continues to spend spend spend!!!!!  Yeah....that worked out so well in the past 8 years huh......

Well, of course you do, because it's something else to blame Bush for. nm

Bush really is to blame for everything

including natural disasters and including the fact that people built a city below sea level with water on all sides and was told that anything over a Cat 3 storm would wipe out the city.  The city failed in adequately planning to evacuate the people in case of such an emergency.   While I'm absolutely heartbroken to what is happening to people there, especially those who couldn't evacuate themselves the city has been told this would happen for years.  Even if Bush had not cut some funds to the area adequate plans would have still not been in place.  Everyone has said at one time or another that New Orleans was a disaster waiting for a Cat 4 or higher storm to happen.  You can pin this on Bush like you do everything else that happens in this world, but Bush is hardly to blame for the devastation.  Finger pointing does no good at this point.  We all must dig deep and do what we can do for those in New Orleans.  Arguing the political aspects of this disaster will not hydrate one dehydrated baby or feed one hungry person or build one adequate shelter.  

My advice to everyone is to step away from your computer, go buy some non-perishable items and get it to a relief point tomorrow.

dont blame me
Once again surmising about someone on a teeny weeny board.  I would never do that, LOL.  I would hope you are all good people with a different ideology, that is all, and hopefully one day we could understand each other a bit..but once again, attacking, on the liberal board no less.  Please dont attack the messenger, figure out why it all happened and make sure those responsible are held to task.  That is what Im trying to do, get the facts of it all.  If the things I am posting seem to all be attacking Bush, these are articles in the last few days papers, many papers.  They are the ones questioning what the heck is happening down on the gulf and, in turn, so am I.  You dont know anything about me and what I do to help others..Politicizing a tragedy?  No.  Looking at why it happened and what America could have done to have made it not so bad, yes.  That is something our govt has to do.  Who is at fault.  Not for the hurricane, of course, but the levees collapsing, the aid not getting to the unfortunate ones, the money that should have been given to New Orleans but went to war instead, even though Bush was still giving out tax breaks to *his class of people*, the super rich.
Blame the victims
So...lets just blame the victims, the ones who live in New Orleans..OMG..Put the blame where it belongs, on the federal govt for cutting funds to shore up the levees..and who was in control at that time.....BUSH..he needed the money for the rich peoples tax cuts and the insane war.
You should have stopped at *I blame.* sm
Figures that someone giving a pep talk would turn you off.  Might take the edge off that HATRED and RAGE.  You are beginning to look more and more like the crowds who are looting, raping and shooting, out of control, full of a sense of entitlement and more than a little full of hysterical rage. 
All you can do is the blame game. Then you better
If they don't like the message, they blame the
If you want to blame someone for your 401K,
Well of course they will......you think they gonna blame
You can blame those that tried to live beyond their
This is where I blame ACORN

I think registered voters should have to prove their knowledge on the matters at hand prior to voting.  Just a 5 or 10-question test to make sure they know their candidate's policies. 

Do we really want our "welfare" society to determine our next President?  That's what ACORN is making sure will happen.

I don't think you can blame in on either candidate (sm)
It is merely by virtue of the fact that they are different races that the the hidden racism in our country has risen up to such extremes, in both directions. It has become a battle of the races. It is almost a matter of pride at this point. And pride is the root of so many bad things.
I am no fan but I blame her handlers
for that one. Didn't anybody screen the call or verify that Sarkozy would be calling?
Why are u putting blame elsewhere.
I hate to say it, but could be because he is black or arab african.
moving this from below...some of the blame
I posted this below but will say it again.

some of the blame here has to go to the American people, those who did not support industry in the US. Rush out and buy those foreign cars. it may be cheaper in the short term but in the long run....no way, it will kill us all. Can't you all see the forest through the trees. Geez louise. Complain about losing jobs in the US, complain about American businesses failing and jobs from US going overseas and then buy foreign products instead of American made and what do you expect. Do you realize the far-reaching implications of the auto industry going bust???? All the suppliers affected. And all the money that would be earned by those millions of people who will now be earning, and thus spending, nothing. That is all money that would be supporting every other business, including ours as all of those people will also lose their health benefits and seeking less medical care thus less work and less profit for us. You can put blame anywhere you want but we all deserve some of it for destroying our own economy.
Yep, that's right. I also blame THE CURRENT
There is plenty of blame to go around...
However, Bill Clinton is not trying to rewrite history and take credit for keeping the United States safe since 9/11.
blame your state

Many people were confined against their will just because someone wanted them "out of the way." These were normal people with no mental illness - that is why it is so difficult - don't blame the liberals. Blame your state.


In the legal space between what a society should and should not do, taking action to restrict the liberty of people who are mentally ill sits in the grayest of gray areas.

Our notions about civil and constitutional rights flow from an assumption of "normalcy." Step beyond the boundaries and arrest and prison may legally follow. Short of that, government's ability to hold people against their will is severely and properly limited. Unusual behavior on the part of someone who is mentally ill is not illegal behavior. Freedom can't be snatched away on a whim, or on the thought that a person is hard to look at, hard to hear, hard to smell.

It was only a few decades ago that the promise of new medications and a change in attitude opened the doors of the mental hospitals and sent many patients into society. There, they would somehow "normalize" and join everyone else, supported by networks of out-patient facilities, job training, special living arrangements and regular, appropriate medication. But the transition has been imperfect, long and difficult.

In some parts of urban America there is little professional support for those with mental health problems. A new generation of drug and alcohol-fueled mental illness has come on the scene. People frequently end up on the street, un-medicated and exhibiting a full range of behaviors that are discomforting at the very least and threatening at their worst.

Oh sure, blame it on the justice.
to finish is sentence for the O to repeat it. Gee whiz. Blame Bush for everything and now blame other people instead of O?
We cant blame Bush?
Yes we can, yes we can. Have you not heard that one before? I see no reason to stop now.
I did not say it was right - I said you can't blame O for a tradition -
I don't believe I said that Bill was to blame
for everything.  I think many many people are partly to blame for this whole mess including Bush and now I'm watching to see what Obama does and whether or not it helps us or screws us over.  From where I'm sitting, I'm seeing more screwing over than help but I guess I just have to grin and bear it because this package will pass and there isn't a d@mn thing I can do about it.
Don't blame it on the lender....
if I know that I cannot afford it, I cannot afford it and I am nkot going to buy it.
Since when do BANKS give you money for free?


These con artists from mortgage companies were actually going into churches and "finding" people homes. They LIED to them. Got them loans they could afford and told them to refinance in 5 years before the BALLOON payments came due to keep their mortgage payments low. Then Alan Greenspan dropped the bar a little further and then dropped it a little further - these buyers did not even have to PROVE their income. YES, blame the lenders! They were making money of off recycling houses........it was wrong, wrong, wrong what they did to these people and to our economy!!!! Peoples wages were not keeping up with the rising house values, so they kept dropping the bar to get people into these homes to keep that house of cards moving..........it was a big pyramid scheme!!!!!

Oh, they blame Bush for everything. If we get
Or they could just blame Limbaugh...
that seems to be pretty popular these days, also.
In a way I actually don't blame these guys...(sm)
If Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck are representative of the average republican wife, wouldn't you want a change of pace every now and then? 
Thank you! That's BB's gig. Blame game
How can Obama have no blame?
Yes, Bush started it.  Obama is continuing it.  More bailouts, more spending, etc.  I don't believe anyone, or at least I'm not, is giving Bush a get out of jail free card here.  I wasn't too thrilled with him when he was in office either.  Now we have Obama who, even though he has been pres for a short time, has spent more than Bush did in 8 years.  We can't blame everything on Obama but we can't blame everything on Bush either.  It goes both ways.  This continued spending and taking over of banks and auto industries is just insanity.  Government is getting too big and that is something that Obama has continued regardless of whether or not Bushy started it.  Either way....I don't agree with it.  I don't care who starts it or finishes it....I don't agree with it.
I think I'm partly to blame
I can't be sure, but I wonder if the discussion on the Politics board where the word Muslim popped up about a million times triggered some web crawler that has them convinced that we are looking for our lord and master. I make my old fashioned American man crazy; I can't imagine how crazed I would make a Muslim. My housekeeping sux, I wasn't obedient even as a child, my burkhas would be made of denim and flannel, and my legs are too long to keep me walking 2 steps behind anybody!!!
Yes, let's all blame W's stimulus

blame on bush's shoulders
Not my point at all.  Bush caused thousands of deaths, not I.  I am glad the American people are finally seeing him for what he is, a truly callous, self centered, immature, lying, vulgar man..I read a study by a psychiatrist who analyzed Bushs behavior and he labels Bush a sociopath.  The behaviors that Bush shows America and the world do fit criteria for sociopath.  I am not glad of any of the deaths.  Im just glad the Americans are seeing Bush in the true light.  He is not a uniter, he is a divider.  He is not a compassionate conservative, he is a hard core rich boy who caters to his class and the ones who have him in their pockets.  Our country has not been this divided since Nixon and the Vietnam War and Watergate.  He is so disconnected from reality and what the working class, middle class, who keep this country together really wants, needs and feels.  Put the blame where it belongs, on Bush's shoulders.
The blame game president
Ain't it funny how the winger spin is one of this is SO not the time to point fingers, you liberal vultures! - Yet we're being buried 24/7 by wingers falling all over themselves to cry that the blame is on the state and local officials, and worse, on the victims themselves.

I find the current they'll find better lives elsewhere murmuring really chilling. Combined with Hastert's early assertion that NO shouldn't be rebuilt, the recent talk of mandatory evacuation at gunpoint of the survivors who don't want to go, and the repeated refusal of FEMA to allow anyone (ever ministers!)to enter even the dry areas of the city if their mission is to alleviate suffering - to me it looks like the stage is being set for one of two possiblities:
1. Big oil gets the land because it's known that the area under NO is a rich pocket of oil reserves; and
2. The casino racket gets the land because they've always wanted to make NO the Las Vegas of the south.

If either of these interests get the prize, we have to wonder...how much did the slow reaction of the federal govt. which seemed to increase casualties rather than reduce them, have to do with dollar signs in their eyes as they saw the poor population finally being displaced? Horrible thought, I know. And pure conjecture, but we will see how it turns out. If they rebuild the city and the people can come home, fine. But I don't think that is what is going to happen.

Don't think you can blame it all at the feet of conservatives....
runaway social programs are certainly not the fault of conservatives...raiding of social security was not done by conservatives...Democrats did that. You can't blame the moral relativism of today on conservatives either. Pre-emptive war was also something started by Democrats (Viet Nam). Democrats kept blacks from having the vote until the 1960's. So please...let's not try to blame EVERYTHING on conservatives...because that is a crock. No one group of people got us where we are today. It was definitely a combined effort.
No blame game here. Hello. It's the cold
Wow, that's just ranting. Who will you blame once Bush is gone?
with some facts instead of raving like a lunatic. It sounds like you've been watching too many Michael Moore mockumentaries. Katrina is a good example, people were told to evacuate and didn't, then figured out hmm, maybe we shoulda evacuated. Sorry we didn't listen, but can you help us out NOW? Yes, the buses not being mobilized were troubling, but those buses that sat unused weren't Bush's fault.

Here's the scenario time and again: People don't listen or heed warnings and when there are consequences to that, they want to blame someone else. There were rescuers that risked their lives to save people who didn't listen to evacuation orders, what about them?? Would you do that for someone who didn't listen when you told them to get out of dodge?

But that aside, let's fast forward to Gustav. People are evacuated successfully when a cat. 4 hurricane is headed their way, but when Mother Nature (not Bush, Nagin, the weathermen, or anyone else) decides it will make landfall with less strength, then people complain because they were evacuated and safe! They complain that the RNC stopped to request aid for victims, oh that's all just a show. So they're all damned if they do and damned if they don't, and even if it's the beloved and revered Barack in office, it will be exactly the same in a few years from now. It will all be his fault because he's inexperienced, no matter that the majority of the people in the USA chose to vote him into office. (Oh, but that will be because of corruption at the ballots, no doubt, because we gotta blame anything but ourselves!)

No matter who is elected, I feel sorry for them because the majority of people want their hands held and handouts, few want to be accountable for themselves and their own actions, and MANY people want to place blame on someone or something for all their problems, even the ones that they brought upon themselves. No one person or agency can be there to save every person from every disaster, every pitfall, or just from themselves, so no matter who makes POTUS, they will be blamed and called names regardless because so many people in this country have lost any semblence of respect for their fellow human beings.
And here's the don't blame anyone but Bush rebuttal
like clockwork.
I'm to the point that I wouldn't blame her...sm
if she doesn't speak to the media. It should be on her terms, especially seeing on how they have treated her, this board included.

I haven't seen such cruelty towards one person like this, in I don't know how long.

But when she does interview, She'll knock the sox off of all of them. She has nothing to hide. She doesn't give a hoot about the media.

My husband said an interesting thing the other day. Sarah Palin has that special something, that America hasn't seen since Ronald Reagan. She can take her case to the people, over the heads of the media.

Some commentator made the comment that she's making a big mistake, not talking to them, that they (the media) can make or break her.

Well, guess what? I'm seeing that she's the one coming out on top. She's got what it takes, and that's to rise above it all.