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I am sure that ACORN was

Posted By: Trigger Happy on 2009-05-29
In Reply to: I heard that a couple weeks ago, but don't know where and - Backwards typist

probably started with the best of intentions, but there are just too many issues that have come up with them that makes me think they are a corrupt organization. 

I guess they said that ACORN as well as other organizations like the NAACP were to get 1.4 million volunteers for the 2010 census.  I need to do some more research on this to see actually how much they will be involved in the actual census.  There involvement in any of it....I personally feel is wrong but I guess we will just have to wait and see how this plays out.

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I heard on the news that ACORN also received some money in the bailout package, put in by democrats!! Guess who was involved with ACORN...
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now....... the nation's largest community organization of low and moderate income families working ...

Don't be fooled by the last part about working. While they have done some good for some people, they are mostly about getting votes. They have had many of their people indicted for voter fraud. THey are up again for investigation for this very same thing. Obama has thrown over $800,000 to them to help hire more people to get on the streets and coerce folks into registering to vote, even if they are already registered.

They have been found to fradulently doctor papers to appear as a registered voter, including deceased, homeless, even nonexistent names and addresses.

HA, the truth comes out!  Sen Obama's very small relationship to Acorn was in 1982 when he was involved with a group called project vote.  Acorn was also loosely involved in that.  However, Sen John McCain was involved with them, Acorn, just two years ago and had much praise for the group.  And interestingly enough, the ONLY people that are trying to tie Obama to the group is the McCain campaign.  Kind of funny how McCain works.  Palin and McCain's wife complain that Obama voted not to fund the troops and yet McCain, two months after Obama turned it down (and ONLY because there was no time table written in) McCain also turns it down, because they wrote in a time table.  How does his wife feel about that?  They both voted NO on the same issue.  McCain is sickening. 
ACORN is very serious
I'm in Ohio and we're smack dab in the middle of it. I don't care who's involved with it, someone needs to do something and all Jennifer Brunner is doing is tying up the courts with her stupid appeals. Something needs to be done because if not, whoever wins the election, the other side will be able to challenge because of all the fraudulent votes cast - then we'll go through the 2000 election 100x worse!
oh-h acorn

various community organizations who hired people to sign up new voters.  How s-c-a-r-y is that???


oh yea, acorn
have you seen their building. It's some funeral home or something in Louisiana that's supposed to house over 250 businesses....shaaaaa! Glen Beck's been covering it.
Regarding ACORN...
I heard this morning that ACORN may be supplying empolyees to the Census Department to conduct the census next year - anyone else hear this? Just curious because I'm just not sure how they would get away with that, seeing as though they are under investigation in nine states.
With the help of ACORN he got 59% -

Any ideas of why ACORN changed their name to Community Organizers International?
Obama and ACORN...
That would have been 30 billion to ACORN of the...sm
return on the investments. That and other returns going to special interests.

Think about it. This is an investment. NOT a bailout. They need to get rid of that word.

If the dems wanted to write in 30 billion dollars to the ACORN from future profits....and others....they know this is an investment.

They need to tell the public this.

These profits need to be returned to the taxpayer, and to Social Security and pay down the national debt.

Not more special interests.

That's a big holdup of all the add ons that the dems put on, that need to be changed for the good of the people.

They need to get back closer to three pages....instead of 103 pages of earmarks for special interests.

More on the Acorn mess....
Yes, and how about the bailout, ACORN, and
Ask ACORN. They are the ones who submitted...
a voter registration in that name.
Another ACORN raid...


Where the Democrats in congress wanted a percentage of the bailout payback to go. 

About time they stop letting ACORN register voters...ya think??

This is ACORN in a nutshell.....

This is a group that wants more and more people to be dependent on them.  The more you depend on them, the less you do for yourself, the more dependent you become on the government.....it's like a snowball effect, and they know exactly what they are doing.  LET US THINK FOR YOU should be their motto!!!


They are investigating ACORN.
except in the right-wing fringer's manifesto. People who chant this mantra cannot be taken seriously. Goudpainter is one of the few honest and sensible posters on this board. In the United States of America, we are allowed to have doubts and change our minds. She has not come out in support of Obama and is having an issue with her write-in that may or may not resolve itself in the next 19 days. The lying hypocrite slur is unfounded, uncalled for and just goes to show us all how losing an election is making some people "lose it."
This is where I blame ACORN

I think registered voters should have to prove their knowledge on the matters at hand prior to voting.  Just a 5 or 10-question test to make sure they know their candidate's policies. 

Do we really want our "welfare" society to determine our next President?  That's what ACORN is making sure will happen.

acorn - bertha

Saw on TV last night an ACORN ad with "Bertha" and she sure didn't sound bipartisan to me.  hmmmmm..


The money would only go to ACORN
on the Community Block Grants for revitalization of low-income neighborhoods and Community Service Grants to provide social services to the residents. There are other organizations that also provide these services who would be involved in the bidding. It is part of the nonprofit stimulus fund of the package. Non-profit organizations that provide social support and services are seeing increasing demands for assistance in the current economic crisis.

Can you say ACORN? talk about
How about te big thank-you chunk for ACORN?
That been taken out too?
What?! We should be protesting ACORN
Acorn is over in Iran too?


Then ACORN should start by getting rid of
That may be included as well...but the ACORN thing...
is something that Dodd wanted attached which has nothing to do with the average Joe...and as I said, ACORN is being sued in multiple states and is under investigation in detroit right now for voter fraud. NONE of ANY federal funds should be going to that group. Period. In my opinion. And CERTAINLY not part of a financial bailout.
ACORN is definitely an economic issue.....
When thousands of fraudulent voters are going to the polls being counted as a vote, even though they do not truly exist in the first place, and Obama gets elected due to voter fraud, which he himself has paid to help enforce, how do you not see that as affecting our economy?

The majority of those dumb enough to help with the fraud are sadly enough easily led individuals who can't think for themselves and just do what they are told. They help to put a man in office who is going to tax them even more and they don't have the sense to know it! You don't think that affects your economy?

By the way, I am Independent.. McCain does't rock my boat either but Obama makes me want to puke!
Just saw a lady on tv admitting to be with ACORN
I know my ignorance is showing, but what is ACORN? nm
ACORN is a community organization
since its inception. It is the latest weapon the pubs have in their arsenal of smear tactics. They are using this yet to be concluded investigation as a way to imply that Obama is actively trying to throw the election. Voter fraud is something the pubs know a thing or two about. They wrote the book, so at least this most recent tactic is coming from a place of intimate familiarity for them. What is puzzling is just how they can make voter fraud charges stick BEFORE the ballots are cast. By the way, there is a whole lot more to the subject of voter fraud than the ACORN saga. it has to do with te long-needed overhaul of election protocl that pubs have historically bristled at every time it surfaces in political rhetoric, but they do not hesitate to try to use it to try to resurrect an anemic campaign strategy. They are desperately trying to place AL their eggs in this basket to try to overturn O's momentum in the polls and on the electoral map, but time is running out and so far, those Hail Mary's haven't been scoring too many points for the Straight Talk Express.
ACORN has already admitted to fraud.
LOL. I am in Ohio. ACORN is blatantly asking
Haven't posted anything on ACORN until
Did ya'll hear that ACORN
registered Mickey Mouse?  The registration was thrown out obviously but they actually turned it in. I saw it on TV this morning.  If this wasn't so serious, I might have actually chuckled at this but this is horrible.  I hope they hold some of these quacks accountable. 
Well, for ACORN it is about race....the more blacks
The blacks that have been truthful have spoken out and said that the corrupt group ACORN has PUSHED them to vote for Obama, telling them how much better their lives would be, etc., etc., and they will get a big 'ole check every month, courtesy of the hard working folks. And all they gotta do is sign on the dotted line. These are black people speaking out because they know something is very wrong with this picture.

Too bad the O lovers don't see anything wrong with this picture.
Obama says he was ONLY an attorney for ACORN
He conveniently forgot to state the fact that he gave ACORN 800,000 dollars to ACORN.  
Like Ayers and Wright and ACORN?
FBI is investigating Bama's ACORN
Of course you don't take the serious issues seriously.

The only thing you take seriously is propaganda from Obama, 'cause it's easier to let someone else do the thinking for you.

You've proven yourself to be a lying hypocrite. (I'm independent. I'm voting for Lou dobbs. I'm not for Obama.)

ACORN gets bashed because they are a FRAUD!
Yes, O and his friends ACORN are a fraud, but at
I don't called being shipped by ACORN to
vote and told who to vote for (Obama) exactly intelligent...do you? Just the opposite..no intelligence, which is why Obama's going after all he can get from that crowd. Easily led and he knows it.
ACORN Protests around the country

They're telling people whose homes are up for foreclosure to stay in their homes even if they are taken off to jail.

A spokesperson for the group believes that everyone should get new mortgages, even those that are in homes that they can't afford. (I've been trying to find that article.)




Yeah, and no ACORN buses either/nm
No thanks - don't want Acorn bused-in crowds
My city in Florida had an estimated 5000 people show up - at 11:30 on a work day.  Is that a small number to you?  These people took time off from work for something that is important to them.  They weren't bused in like all those Acorn-filled rallies during the campaign. 
ACORN is not a community organizer.... we know
WHAT? You didn't get an ACORN bribe?
My dear, you simply AREN'T with it. If you'll write to George Soros and promise to be an arrogant progressive humanistic communist, to work to undermine and destroy the outdated quaint ideas upon which America was founded, to scoff at working fools who pay their bills, and to help George make another $2.9 billion off of the current economic crisis, I'm sure he'll send you the money to go to DC. Not on July 4th, of course, because that date means nothing to him, but on Halloween, to join his coven.
Community organizer = ACORN (nm)
Acorn voter fraud in Detroit...
ACORN is the "Association of Community Organizations for ...
Reform Now." In 2006 several members were indicted for voter fraud in Missouri. A little explanation: they are used during elections to "get out the vote," in other words, to get people registered to vote. ACORN folks were indicted for turning in false registration applications that people could later use to vote illegally. They registered dead people, people who had moved, people who didn't exist.

This is what is happening this year so far:

More ACORN Vote Fraud Attempts
Posted on September 15, 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

The union supporting, Democratic Party pushing, extreme leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been caught trying to jerry-rig voter applications in Michigan. It is looking like fraud on a massive scale in Detroit as ACORN tries to fill the Democrat voter rolls with fake Democrat voters.

ACORN is being investigated after several Municipal Clerks discovered fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications.

The majority of the fraudulent and duplicate applications are coming from the liberal ACORN group based in Detroit, Michigan, which now has ACORN investigating the problem once again as well as the Secretary of State’s Office turning over some of those applications to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
And it isn’t just Detroit that has found fraud being perpetrated by ACORN.

In recent years, ACORN’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Missouri and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is also reporting that the Obama campaign has been forced to amend a report to reflect over $800,000 of previously unreported ACORN donations to his campaign.

ACORN is at the heart of one of the most massive voter fraud campaigns in American history.

This is a link that shows a connection between Obama and ACORN:


I invite you not to take the article at face value, but independently confirm using the net that the statements made in it are true.

I hope all this helps.
I don't understand the connection between ACORN voter ..sm
registration and affordable housing.
Google ACORN and voter fraud....
they have a political arm who Democrats use to register new Democratic voters. Problem is, they use illegal tactics to do so. Four under indictment in Missouri from 2006; right now Detroit is investigating voter fraud because of fraudulent registrations, all submitted by ACORN.

Obama used to be their lawyer back in Chicago. He trained their operatives during annual conventions. That is a matter of record. He failed to publish $800,000 in donations from them, recently corrected by his campaign.