I've heard that natural gas heating costs are expected to TRIPLE this winter!
Posted By: Libby on 2005-09-26
In Reply to: heating costs - gt
I have gas heat, and so does my daughter.
Your mother is fortunate to have you and your sisters to help her. Makes me worry about all the elderly people barely scraping by on Social Security who have no family. I guess they and the other poor people are just considered to have no value and are disposable. I guess someday I'll be disposable, as well.
I totally agree with what Putin said. Of ALL the places in the world to force change upon, the Middle East is probably the worst one! Change does have to come from within. Their culture is so different from ours, and I believe we should respect all cultures that are different from ours. Sometimes I wonder who would win an election in Iraq if Saddam was suddenly back on the ballot. When Bush debated Gore in 2000, Bush claimed to be against nation building (though he said Cheney was in favor of it, which leads me to believe that Cheney really IS running the administration, as has often been alleged).
I always watch closely when Putin and Bush have press conferences. Putin should be called Pukin because he's always got this look of disgust on his face, as if he's about to run out of patience with Bush and his idiocy.
I remember when we first began to brag that the Cold War is over. I always thought that was a stupid thing to say, because it's never over till it's over. History will be the judge of that. I often wondered how a country full of people who were accustomed to having their vital needs met by their government as a RIGHT, rather than a privilege, could possibly survive in the dog-eat-dog, sometimes unscrupulous atmosphere of capitalism. As far as I know, Putin isn't all that enamored with capitalism, and I'm just waiting for Russia to once again become communistic or maybe socialistic. I guess time will tell. 
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heating costs
I worry about heating costs for the winter, too. My mother lives by herself on Long Island. In the past my mother has told me her heating bill is over $150.00/month. This year I know its gonna be way higher. My sisters and I will help for sure. Out here in CA, we use natural gas. It isnt as expensive as oil but Im sure it will be higher. I thought the same thing..maybe the hurricanes are God telling us, get your priorities straight America. I was watching an interview the other day with Russian leader, Putin. When asked about the invasion of Iraq, he said you cannot invade a country and force democracy upon it. Change has to come from within the country by the people. I thought, gee, what a smart man (smile), not like the low IQ fool in the White House.
Well I've heard
that Castro wrote a column calling Obama "the most progressive presidential candidate" etc and also I've seen videos and pictures of Obama's campaign office with Che Chavez flags? I mean I know that some of it is republicans twisting words and what not, but I don't think it can ALL be refuted as that.
I've also seen some videos of other leaders endorsing Obama. I'll try to find them. Like I said I know some of them are probably fake, but I doubt all of them are. Sorry I can't name names right off the top of my head, I'll try to take some time to do some research and find exactly which ones have been talked about. I'm not a political whiz so I have to do a lot of research! :-D
What I've heard is
that McCain's first pick was Lieberman, but he was forced by the GOP into the pick of Sarah Palin. I figure right about now he's sitting back and watching them self destruct. Of course, the facts about all of this are not out yet.
Now I've heard it all!!!!! s/m
Does anyone besides me remember the 1960 elections??? Then it was anti-Catholic rhetoric and no one made any bones about it. It was said that JFK was the antichrist, the pope would take over the world, he would be the ruination of this country....come to think of it pretty much like what we have going now except that it ended after the election. I voted for Kennedy and I doubt I'm on my way to hades because of it. I also voted for Obama.
I've heard that also........... sm
I don't understand why Israel is all of a sudden Bush's fault.
The CV joints on my car need replacing. It's a Nissan, but I think I will just blame Bush for it anyway. Would make about as much sense.
I've heard other people say that...
I would only imagine that she's lapping up all the attention as well. I have no faith she can run this country and I never thought he would have picked a woman. Obama/Biden... Looking better and better.
Oh and the pic of his shoes with holes just shows he's a hard worker and does not squander money in my opinion. Also, some workers at my hubs place of employment purposefully wear holey shoes to show they need a raise. If management says something about the holes in the shoes, they answer with when they get a raise; gotta eat first! Maybe Obama really is for the working class!
Not interested, really... we've heard it all before
I've heard of that happening here too
in town. Our house was broken into a few weeks ago. Our food wasn't taken but a fairly good amount of cash which my husband had left on the dresser WAS taken.
I've heard that excuse before.
Who cares how we got here. What we need now are solutions. Iraq ring a bell? It certainly DOES matter how we got here and who was in charge when it happened.
I've never heard JM say "when" - sm
I've heard him say "if". However Obama continues to say in almost as many times as McCain says "My friends"
I'd like links from the people who say he always says "when"
They must've heard it on blogcaca
blogcaca has an amazing number of followers. See "Oh. My. GOD." below.
I've always heard people say...
..."If you don't like living in America, then leave." I guess that option would no longer be open. This all seems to be going on right in front of us. Maybe that's one of the reasons we have U.S. troops stationed in the United States now, to "control" those of us who never agreed, voted or signed on to this "deal."
There might be no escape from the one-world government, but I did come upon one very unique way to leave this earth. 
(To the MOON, Alice!)
This is the most ignorant cr@p I've ever heard
Why aren't you talking about the anchor babies born in the U.S.? How can they be natural born citizens when there parents are illegal? That is a much bigger problem to our economy than Obama's birth certificate. Use your brains...if you have one....Obama is an American citizen, his birth certificate is on the internet and when you're following these idjits that keep this stuff going, your mind isn't on the real problems of this country and that's what these radical groups who keep the ridiculous lawsuits going want you to do.
OMG, I've heard so many stories like this one
from my Canadian friends! I can't understand why anyone who knows how that system works would want to bring it to the US! If this is what we have to look forward to our country is in DEEP trouble!!!
Oh, yeah. We've heard that one
Did they reimburse the expenses for the $300 thousand "photo shoot" that scared the bejezus out of everyone in New York City?
Okay, here's a hint. The answer isn't "yes".
Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
The only time I've heard Obama
talk about religion where it concerns POLICY is with the abortion issue. In the 3rd debate he said he was pro-choice because he felt it was a moral issue, guided by religion, lack of religion, or whatever. To me this means he is (unlike McCain) inclusive of the beliefs of ALL the people, not just some or those who have the same religious beliefs.
Isn't that the most absurd thing you've ever heard?
Now there's the best reason I've heard yet to vote
Waa, I'm Muslim, nobody likes me Waa, I have terrorist associations so nobody will vote for me Waa, I wanna take everyone's money and redistribute it evenly (that's like restarting Monopoly because you're losing)
Then, when I win, we can have a big pity party!!!!
THAT is the most insane statement I've ever heard!
How the heck can a baby born in this country to ILLEGAL parents be a legal citizen. You're fine with that? Makes me wonder if you are an American citizen.
FANTASTIC!! Best news I've heard all day. (nm)
I've heard no rude or bad words from Gourdie
Only from that nawnau
The best explanation I've heard thus far for economic crisis..(sm)
The Real Deal
So who is to blame? There's plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn't fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn't do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility ... with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here's a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
- The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
- Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
- Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
- Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
- The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
- Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
- Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
- Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
- The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
- An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
- Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson
Well, I've heard and read he's a pretty rough character
much less a peace prize candidate. In all seriousness, enlighten me as to what he's done to deserve a peace prize? I can only assume it's because of his socialistic practices that seem to now be a pre-requisite for being a peace prize candidate...
I've heard Chatty Cathy in several places on news.
No original thoughts.
What I said is that a triple IQ would be a welcome change
That is a positive statement that supports the notion of an IQ, i.e., intelligence quotient, as in some intelligent leadership. There is nothing there about high or low. I just want leadership that demonstrates some semblance of intelligence.
It does not matter if W's IQ is 1000. If it speaks stupid, thinks stupid, looks stupid and acts stupid, the chances are, it's, well, stupid.
I don't spend any time on the sites that speculate about IQ or report widely varying ranges of the IQs of candidates or EITHER party, since those claims can produce nothing more than a subjective conclusion. I also do not pursue illogical arguments which state Obama's SAT/LSAT scores in one breath and in next, accuse him of not releasing that information. For me, SAT scores and IQs scores are 2 mutually exclusive concepts unless and until someone produces a resource that can argue otherwise.
Here's the fact. I accused no one of anything. I made a simple statement that a triple-digit IQ would be good for the country, implying someone who can walk the walk and talk the talk. Since my reply was within the context of Bushisms, which any self-respecting American can agree are embarrassing and not worthy of the highest office in the land, I did not feel the need to conduct exhaustive research in support of somebody else's statements.
I want smart leadership. So sue me.
Triple Amen for me too - see message
This idea that is trying to be spewed that the whole world supports Obama, the whole world is behind him, every person around the whole world now loves America because the O is it. Sure maybe there are a few zombies walking around chanting O-b-a-m-a, but this article is one of hundreds that see what has happened. They say it like it is....we're just screwed.
Winter Soldiers
Short script on article of our war on terror - a sad commentary on what is really going on and how our soldiers are responding to it.......
Winter Soldiers Speak Out in Europe
Tuesday 17 March 2009
by: Maya Schenwar, t r u t h o u t | Report
Pennsylvania before the Winter Solider hearings last March." src=http://www.truthout.org/files/images/A1_031709A.jpg>US veterans march from Philadelphia to Valley Forge before the Winter Solider hearings last March. (Photo: Susie Husted)
Last March, a group of soldiers and veterans gathered in Washington, DC, to recount their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. They spent three days testifying, confessing and mourning. They revealed atrocities never before spoken of - the brutal murders of civilians, the destruction of homes and villages, the rape and sexual assault of both civilians and US military women - and displayed photos and video footage to back up their claims. The event was titled "Winter Soldier," harkening back to the 1971 Winter Soldier Investigation, in which veterans gathered in Detroit to give testimony about war crimes they had committed or witnessed in Vietnam. Both Winter Soldiers zeroed in on the US military policy's devastating effects, straight from the mouths of those charged with carrying out that policy.
Full article excerpt can be found at: http://www.truthout.org/031709A
Triple-digit IQ will be a welcome change for the country.
These would be downright hysterical if they weren't so horribly embarrassing.
Bush's IQ is between 125 to 129 - that sounds like triple digits to me
Or have you bought into the lie that it's below 100. Based on his SAT scores his IQ is rated at 125. Based on Obama's SAT/LSAT scores his IQ ranges between 115-120.
Like the poster said below, a high IQ does not equate to wisdom.
Too danged cold in DC in the winter.
Try Googling Winter Soldier.
There's a whole other world just waiting for you to discover it that lays just beyond the horizon of the US mainstream media.
I would be somwhat ok in summer, but in WINTER?
Nazi Germany was created during a long cold winter
when unemployment was high. People was literally starving and freezing. Leadership had failed to keep the citizens fed and sheltered. Rogue leadership, Hitler, arrives announcing he will bring an end to the suffering. War employs. When there are no jobs, war is the alternative for a country. And pillaging, which is what basically happened, and the attempt at extinctousing an undesirable (to Hitler) nationality. Desperation in a country is a ticket to the empowerment of leadership which could potentially change the course of history. Or maybe we know that as it has just happened to us.
I still say that the costs for
health care will go up and that the only way to pay for it is to tax the he!! out of us or to tell us we can't have surgeries, etc. If you think insurance companies are stingy in what they will pay for....you ain't seen nothing yet.
As for Fox, they are a conservative network but at least they report more fairly then MSNBC does. MSNBC does nothing but cut down conservatives and only report what they deem makes Obama look wonderful. You are the one who needs to get a clue. Every time I turn on my TV there is a thing I can select that shows me the top 5 channels being watched and would you believe that none of your channels are on that top 5 and Fox is almost always within the top 5 throughout the day. So spare me.
I see more news covering both conversative and liberal sides on Fox than I've ever seen from CNN or MSNBC. There is a difference between leaning one way and being so biased that you don't report the whole story. Fox may lean conservative but at least they report fairly on things and that is a lot more than I can say for MSNBC. They are a joke when it comes to reporting and journalism. The only time MSNBC reports on conservatives is when they do nothing but make fun. That isn't reporting the opposing side. That is shoving your media bias into people's faces and it is pathetic and people now it....that is why Fox has higher ratings.
A baby costs.....
It was $6,000 in 2002.
$2,500 if you paid cash in advance.
I understand the need to cut costs....
so why not do that first. Cut costs. Cut some OTHER programs to pay for this one. Why just throw another trillion at something that is already broken? Explain that one to me. And even his trillion plan, all the experts on both sides say...will not insure ALL those who are uninsured..not even HALF. So is it worth it? I don't think so. They need to find a way to make insurance companies compete for the business. Competition always brings prices down. Tell me when it doesn't. Tell Aetna if they offer a cheap policy in the northeast they have to offer it to every other state in the union. Stop all the little monopolies. Tighten up the government programs we ALREADY have where we KNOW there is waste. For once, can't we please do the cost CUTTING before we do more SPENDING? What would be wrong with that?
Now that's natural beauty....(NM)
This is a natural consequence
of electing a 'rock star' president. I would not be surprised if tabloids begin referring to him as 'Barry' they way they do Brad, Jen, Angie and the rest.
Barry rising from the waves......As guys over 40 go, he's okay, but could use some definition in the pecs and seems just a bit slack at the waist. Not really a show-quality bod, even if he is America's fittest president. Better not quit his day job.
Bush Inauguration Costs
During the January 18 edition of MSNBC Live, host Tamron Hall stated that "the inauguration festivities" for President-elect Barack Obama are "estimated to reach as high as $150 million," adding that "[i]n 2004, to note, the inauguration of George W. Bush cost roughly $40 million." However, the $40 million figure that Hall cited for Bush's second inauguration reportedly does not include certain costs incurred by the federal government and the District of Columbia such as security and transportation costs; these costs are included in the $150 million estimate that the media are reporting for the Obama inauguration. When the costs incurred by the federal government and the District of Columbia are factored in, the total cost of Bush's 2005 inauguration was reportedly around $157 million, as Media Matters for America senior fellow Eric Boehlert noted.
The Washington Post reported in January 2005 that the $40 million cost of Bush's inaugural celebration, raised from private donations "does not include the cost of a web of security, including everything from 7,000 troops to volunteer police officers from far away, to some of the most sophisticated detection and protection equipment." Further, The New York Times reported on January 5 that in 2005, "the federal government and the District of Columbia spent a combined $115.5 million, most of it for security, the swearing-in ceremony, cleanup and for a holiday for federal workers."
This year, the Presidential Inaugural Committee reportedly plans to spend around $45 million on the celebrations "surrounding the actual ceremony," all of which "comes completely from private donations, not the government." In addition, public funds will cover security, transportation, staffing, construction, and the actual swearing-in ceremony. According to CNNMoney.com:
The total cost of the inauguration to the federal government is $49 million, according to Abigail Tanner, spokeswoman for the Office of Management and Budget.
That $49 million includes a $15 million appropriation which has already been appropriated to the District of Columbia to help pay for the inauguration expenses. It also includes money to pay for the Secret Service during the inauguration and the military personnel during the parade following the swearing-in ceremony.
Meanwhile, the governors of Virginia and Maryland, and the mayor of Washington sent a letter to the federal government estimating that the inauguration was going to cost them a combined $75 million -- $47 million for the District alone -- for transportation and law enforcement.
The District may be eligible for more federal money beyond the $15 million appropriated. President Bush announced Tuesday that the District was in a state of emergency, making more funding available for "emergency protective measures that are undertaken to save lives and protect public health and safety."
Costs of alcoholism are enormous...so we should add another?
This is from Harvard - hardly a bastion of conservatism:
the natural history of the trout
''Trout pout'' is a term to describe the weird fat lips of people who've had collagen injections. The lips get all poochy like fish lips.
As for the ''racism,'' just a little joke--I was getting tired of all the monkey business in those other threads, so moved on to other animals!
You are right, and I am hoping this may be the natural evolution......sm
of politics in this country. Back in Colonial America, there were the Federalists versus the Rebublican-Democrats, which turned into the "party" system we now have (love your comment about "party!"), big business and big money will always be in bed with the politicians, and that will keep propagating and feeding this political mess, but I have to think if the Libertarian or Independent parties were to have a strong enough candidate with a really well-crafted, timely, imperative platform, we could all vote with our pockets, one voter at at time, to strengthen a three or four-party system over time? Am I just wishing and praying, because I am seeing way too much back-scratching payola going on on BOTH SIDES of the aisles in Congress!
The health care costs are the factor that
takes UAW hourly wages from $28 to $73, along with their other benefits, pension, matching funds and the like. The national insurance coverage was what I was referring when talking how the new administration may or may not impact this situation. The nonunion figures I gave are for the US Toyota workers. I don't think they can take advantage of the national insurance coverage the global Toyota workers have, but I could be mistaken. The more we talk about this, the more interesting it becomes. I wish I knew where to go to get reliable information on this.
last time I checked this country costs
Calculate your family's costs for the bailouts. sm
Bailout Calculator
If Obama is a natural born citizen,
then why doesn't he provide it to the court, along with his medical and educational background? I don't think a scan of a birth certificate does it. Give the evidence to the court. Factcheck.org has the Annenburg connection, so it is not an objective source.
Does that not bother you that he will not do the right thing? If he has nothing to hide, why is this buried in the legal system? Get it over with and provide it to the court.
His mother was a natural-born US citizen...sm
and lived in the US all her life before she gave birth at 18. Your statement only applied. to children born to naturalized citizens who are living outside the US, the purpose being someone who comes to this country and becomes naturalized, then after a few years moves to another country, cannot expect their children that are born in that other country be considered natural-born citizens with the right to run for president. I will double check with my brother tonight, but I am pretty sure that is how he explained it.
Anchor babies are natural citizens... sm
by virtue of being born on American soil, just as the babies of Chinese immigrants or German immigrants or any other nationality are citizens of this country if they are born on US soil. Granted, the influx of illegal aliens from Mexico has created a problem in that it has burdened the welfare system in this country, but that is not the issue here.
The issue is that Obama cannot produce proof that he is a natural born American citizen. The birth certificate floating around the internet purported to be real is a fake. You can find anything on the internet these days, true or not. Just the fact that liberals shoot down every article posted in support of a conservative's point of view as being "not a credible source" is proof of that.
Mr. Obama is well aware of the questions being raised concerning his birth certificate. If he had a REAL birth certificate, why would he just not produce it and put an end to all the speculation? Because he can't, plain and simple. He flew to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother and "coincidentally" his "birth records" were sealed at the same time. Isn't that interesting?
Mr. Obama lived for 5 years in Indonesia, a country that does not recognize dual citizenship, therefore nullifying his American citizenship IF it ever existed in the first place. There are no records on file where he ever applied for citizenship after returning to the US.
We have to produce birth certificates for our children to attend school today. Why shouldn't the man who would be POTUS have to show his?
Barack Obama is not even legally a black American. He only has one black great-great-grandmother on his father's side while the other 7 were Arab.
That makes him 50% white, 43.75% Arab, and 6.25% black. 12.5% is the minimum required to legally claim any racial status in America.
Obama would qualify as the first Arab-American president, NOT the first black president. That is why they keep saying "African-American" and NOT black because they know he is African Arab and not African black.
Why would you want anyone who has any kind of questionable background leading our country? Would you allow persons of questionable background to teach your children in school? What if that person was suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with a child but it could not be proven? Would you want to run that risk?
I agree that America has more pressing problems that whether the man about to take the helm is a natural born citizen, but do you want someone who is not even an American leading us through these problems?
No. Latest news is that costs for France rising too
Correct, Arnold is not a natural-born citizen. sm
Neither of his parents were American citizens when he was born. He is a naturalized American citizen and cannot run for president unless there is an amendment to the US Constitution.