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I'm the opposite....Extremely doubtful....

Posted By: bad choice on 2008-08-23
In Reply to: Barack's running mate - Biden - Whew

...Obama will win with Biden. Bayh would have been a better choice. Ah well.....

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still doubtful he will win a second term.

Umm. That is pretty doubtful since it takes about
A gag order on the media? Doubtful.
And it's doubtful you will get an apology or retraction from her. Can't admit

Very doubtful...Obama has had more pre-inaugural scandals occur...sm
around him than any other incoming president. His own fault, really. Poor judgment, lack of wisdom, lack of character, and not to mention lack of experience, for which all the above are evidenced by.

It's highly doubtful he'll last longer than one term. Even the media will get over their lovefest for him, once things really get going.
extremely helpful
Extremely helpful, if you ask me.  Have to let the people know whose fault it was.
Even I will admit that KO is extremely
biased toward Obama. Have you see McCain in the Membrane? But I do enjoy his humor. I often wonder though, who has to pick up those papers off the floor after he throws them at the camera?
#1, The Nation is extremely partisan. #2.

Tillman didn't talk about why he went into the service to anyone.  We will have to assume that what his mother is saying is true.  Has the wife spoken out?  I would think if he told his deepest heart's secrets, it would be to her.  She was his high school sweetheart.  Here's a snippet from a Newsweek article. 

He joined the service just after a honeymoon to Bora Bora with his high-school sweetheart, Marie. He and a younger brother, Kevin, slipped off to enlist in Denver, where they could avoid publicity. Kevin, who gave up a budding minor-league baseball career, remains in the Army. Pat Tillman wanted no attention, no glory, for joining the rank and file. He didn't want to be singled out from his brothers and sisters in the military, says former Cardinals coach Dave McGinnis. Tillman apparently had made a pact with his family to stay silent about his service, a promise they have kept. They have gathered to grieve inside the comfortable family home in a leafy enclave of San Jose.

His was no simple case of patriotism; Tillman was never known as a flag-waver. His agent, Frank Bauer, told reporters he had suspected that Tillman might quit to teach or to practice law like his father, Patrick Sr., but not to join the military. Snyder, his college coach, said Tillman never used the word patriotism when he explained his plans to enlist. He just seemed to think something had to be done. When players asked why he enlisted, he didn't want to talk about it. McGinnis says there were reasons Pat said he had that he didn't want to divulge, and the coach respected his view and his right to make his own path. Tillman had always been different. When he joined the pros, he rode a bicycle to practice because he didn't own a car. He refused to buy a cell phone. A sports publicist at Arizona State once described him as a surfer dude.

It seems his mother decided the pact no longer had any merit.  Personally, I see another Cindy Sheehan, disobeying her son's wishes. 

Delusional and extremely dangerous.

I just hope he doesn't get us all killed in the next 3 years.

Thanks very much for posting this. 

Your last statement is extremely ignorant
There are nearly 1.5 million abortions performed in the U.S each YEAR, more than the entire death toll in Iraq thus far.
I just did a search for it. That is extremely scary. nm
I find that extremely hard to believe
Usually we get shoved out of the way when we go to eat places like buffets where there is a black crowd. Yet if we did it, it'd be a "hate crime" and we'd be arrested.

Oh wait I forgot this scenario: We went to our towns little carnival where they serve all kinds of different food and the black folk in the area (it was only on one street a block wide) started chanting "Obama" and getting all hyper and out of order and knocked over a little white boy and when the dad started yelling at them to chill out they started in on him being a racist and the cops made HIM leave. Amazing.

SO yeah, unless you were at a KKK fish fry, I find that hard to believe.
He is extremely hateful. Why would Obama go to
Melanoma, especially above the neck, is extremely worrisome..sm
for eventual metastasis to the brain. I think we have the right to see his medical records.
So right! Joy is extremely rude, but I dont "hate"
Extremely well-stated post! I agree with you 100%
Most importantly, it was YOUR decision, along with your doctor. It was NOT the decision nor the business of anyone else.

Hats off to you!
Extremely revealing article written

by a first-generation African-American woman (hard to get by with calling her a racist) in The National Thinker: 

Had Americans been able to stop obsessing over the color of Barack Obama's skin and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification with his father, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset rooted in postcolonial Africa

Well worth reading the entire thing:

We welcome extremists...as long as you're extremely moderate! : )
Oh, gosh. I cracked myself up.
And I'm just the opposite....

McCain picking Palin has just reassured me that I picked the right man. LOL! 

As for the abortion....we all have to agree to disagree because if we spent all our time discussing murder versus choice......we would get nothing else done.  LOL!

Oh, just the opposite!
I am happy she can think for herself.  That is of course except for when she is under the spell of O.
I see the opposite
When the democrats don't want to face the truth they attack the republicans. Call them nasty names, tell them their delusional. They create a "race" election when the republicans are well past that. When they try and bring up about Obama being born in Kenya they are attacked something awful. They bring up valid issues and get labeled "ugly racist" and just horrible attacks on them. If McCain wins the democrats sure are going to have a hard time handling it.
Just the opposite (nm)
Whatever he does...they want the opposite
Notice not too many Obama supporters even come here anymore? There is so much bile and sour grapes here, it is useless to try to reason with most of these people.

Most Obama supporters have left the board and now the Pubs and Obama bashers have no one left to fight with but each other.

So boring...
your post is extremely rude, hateful, harassing, insulting...
I post here once more YOUR rude reply to my post, I quote...

...'You don't listen very well, do you?
Tell you what. You liberals seem to need everything spoon-fed to you and I've come to the conclusion that all we're doing is interfering with your mental progress.
Look up the speech and see if you can maybe figure out for yourself what he said that was disgraceful - if your mind will even allow you to consider tht possibility.'

For this your comment you should be BANNED from posting. I comply with the rules of this forum and abstain from giving you some appropriate insults in return. I think them only.

You have it the opposite, Francie
Nope. Quite the opposite.

I am independent, but have seen just the opposite
Quite opposite, Palin already does that with FOX but sm
Obama has even been subjected to evil Oreilly and has been interviewed by various people but no PALIN, she ran with her tail between her legs to Hannity, Hannity and more Hannity and a little Rush Limbaugh. THAT is the truth.
LOL - if they married someone of opposite sex
They woundn't be gay then. HA HA HA
I have had one and have an opposite view
I had one when I was around 18 which now is almost 50 years ago and do not dwell on it now nor did I in the past. My body, did what I had to do because years ago you did not bring home a baby and be unwed, never. If you were pregnant, most of the time people sent to what they called unwed mother homes to have the baby and then the baby be adopted out. I had no regrets then and I don’t now.
That's odd Crabbroad because I see it as opposite ..
Opposite to what you say. I see the Obama naysayers as being very negative. This is my first time looking at the board. Was advised by one of my emps and I'm sorry everyone is not behind our new president.

Quite the opposite. I am glad
I feel sorry for our country.
I feel the opposite way
I always say looks mean nothing. There are some not so nice looking on the outside but are gems and are wonderful people on the inside. Then there are those who are amazingly beautiful on the outside but downright "dark" on the inside.

There are pictures of Michelle that show she is stunning, and then I've seen pictures that all I can say is I would not want to cross her path. But don't we all have those pictures. I sure do (that's why I cut them all up. HA HA) But I feel the opposite. I don't think Obama is so much more handsome. He's okay looking, but there are photos of him, that the look on his face just really makes the hair on my neck stand up and...well, lets just not go there.

It's like you say...how a person looks is in the eye of the beholder. It's what they do on the inside that makes them a good person or not. And we certainly will not even go down that path.
Capitalist? No way! Obama is just the opposite
Wouldn't the opposite of CONgress (sm)
be PROgress? That thing that they just can't make any of?
You're kidding! I see it just the opposite. nm
I see it the opposite. You and JTBB, MSNBC,etc
As usual, quite the opposite is true.
I thought it was, but I guess that's why we are on opposite sides of the SM
political sphere.  Like I said, different points of view. Definitely!
Feel just the opposite. O scares the crap out of me.nm
Pay attention. Said the exact opposite of what BT implies.
I am hearing the exact opposite about unemployment
I think what you have posted is absolute rubbish, scare tactics once again. I am hearing not just on the local news but national news about the work situation picking up. I think most repubs are literally cringing inside seeing just what a good job Obama is doing. I just heard from my husband yesterday his job has posting on the board his company is buying 2 additional companies which means more employees, heard about a company in the state building new plant that will hire about 600 people. Like I said, rubbish.
You have it opposite! It's HUMAN rights at stake... gosh! duh
This is unbelieveable and ridiculous - your comparing two totally opposite things
You cannot compare the two. You evidently approve of the bible studies and that is fine. There is nothing wrong with a bible study if you keep it under a certain number.

These people are assembling more than 15 people in which case they need to get a license according to the law. There are certain rules why (fire codes, etc). This is being done on a regular basis. Therefore it becomes a business.

The playground for the kids have a license and is zoned for such.

The "folks at the airport for their plane. Lawbreakers?" Are you for real? That is what the airport is for. It is zoned for that and they pay their fees to whatever state, and they abide by the laws.

It's not what they are doing in their home. It's that they are assembling a large congegration of people on a regular basis in a home that is not zoned for the business.

You cannot compare this with a playground, airport, or a tupperware party (which occurs on an infrequent basis here and there).

Having a social event like scrapbooking, tupperware party, having some friends over to watch a sports game is a whole different issue (unless they have it on a weekly basis with open bar and more than 15 people - in which case they need to get a license and follow the law). It's not that we hate what they are doing. That has nothing to do with it. The law is specific and they are breaking the law.

Here's a question for you...if I lived next door to you and I belonged to a Wiccan group would you mind me having 20 or so people over every week so that we could have our ceremonies to celebrate our wiccan holidays and rituals. Would you mind that 20 or so people were in the backyard next to yours completing our ritual of praying to the moon goddess (or whatever gods/goddesses for the ritual) at night. Sometimes we build a fire and dance in circles and chant our prayers. Would you mind that. Some groups even complete their ceremonies in the nude. Would you be fine with that?

It's very simple. The law states that if you have over a certain number of people that hold regular meetings/functions you need to have a business license and follow the law. It doesn't matter what they are doing. They need to follow the law.
to make myself extremely clear, it looked as if the baby was unconscious, was limp and looked to be
I no more understand it than I understand the extremely poor taste and blasphemous sm
post with pictures on the other board.  Are we clear now?