I have no doubt at all that Republicans would have defended the sitting President. You are way out of touch with the Democrats, but I guess that's because you are a leftist. That does not surprise me. Hey, that's the American dream - I'm all for sitting on my butt and making $$$ Hurrah!! sam's probably laughing at us.... Nice to know you think I'm sam, though, because she's a whole lot smarter than I am on issues, and knocks your socks off when it's really her. More clever than I could ever be, too, or you. Whatever, think what you will. I've had enough fun, for now, time to go. I'll leave you a big box of kleenex so you can rid yourself of your phlegm. Oh wait, I'm leaving, you won't need it....lol.... So predictable. What were you laughing about? The fact that your party sold us down the river with a war based on lies, treason, warm crimes and economic irresponsibility that has created this current catastrophe? Sorry, sista....but the Kool-Aid term was resurrected when the righteous reich-wing swallowed the whole "kill for Jesus" mantra and how W was going to further the religious agenda (Ha! Did he lie about that or what?). Creationism versus evolution? What a crock! Eight freaking long years of drinking poisoned Kool-Aid - and boy did we reap what we sowed! May the misery of the future strengthen your faith in the party you so fanatically defend! The bottom hasn't completely fallen out yet....Thank you dubya, thank you Dikk. Once again.....someone laughing at Fox when Fox has higher ratings than any left-wing networks combined. So the laugh is on you. Spare me with your Fox bashing. I'm just laughing my butt off at my sister, who was so enthralled with Obama. She believed every golden word the man said and really thought free stuff was going to rain down upon her. Well, it's raining, but what's landing on all of us is not very pleasant. You are way funny! Still laughing! ![]() Laughing so hard I go... into silent laughing, mode, thinking I will fall off my chair but I don't. That's how much I am laughing at this. He did make an appearance and say something, however lukewarm it was, I will say that for him, more than others do when they actually do kill/lie/out people. Chavez, on the other hand, is giving oil away, giving billions to help Cuba and The Dominican Republic with oil prices which have soared to $4 a gallon in the islands. It is part of what he calls Petrocaribe. He is helping to rebuild decrepit refineries in the islands as well. Same goes for his own country where you can fill your tank for about $2. Whatever his politics are; he is sharing the wealth of his country with, omg!!! real everyday people and poor everyday people. What an evil dangerous man. I think we should kill him. Want to really annoy a Republican...share whether or not the person/country with whom you are sharing meets your own moral criteria for giving, you know, the worthy poor versus the unworthy poor. And before anyone starts in with Chavez beomg a communist, socialist, a danger to the United States tripe, I have one word...China. Dear Laughing A**. SM I mean a collective you, as in the same mindset, much as you are. I'm here laughing at your kind. HaHaHa. That's what I'll be saying to you on Nov. 4th. Mark my word. It's just so funny, it hurts. You keep posting, and we keep laughing! Your time would be much better spent furthering your education. http://www.onelook.com/ DH and I almost wet ourselves laughing. Good one. nm nm No, she had 3 posters above laughing her off as if she didn't know what she was talking about, claiming they had never heard of such a thing. One even claimed to have over 1900 channels and had never heard this. That alone should be proof that the majority of the news channels do not present but one side. You see why Fox News is the most watched news channel there is? Good reason! Oh, and BTW, I just saw on Fox News the NAACP wants the young cartoonist AND his Editor fired, so I am sure their days with the Post are numbered! Everyone is laughing at us, yet Obama is nm OMG - now I'm laughing so hard i cant even type! LOL If you had a grain of brain you would not be laughing..s/m The comparison with a poodle is actually an insult. But you do not get it, do you? Remember, when Blair was called 'the poodle of Bush'? Or did you never hear about this? It's politics. LMAO !! But you better stop laughing. Not laughing. Bush has more character than nm Right,, laughing.. making fun of people. nm You know something? I'll bet even al-Qaeda is laughing that Let's think here for a minute. Do you think that terrorists are MORE frightened of the notion of "American torture" now, or LESS frightened? Do you think it is MORE difficult for them to recruit now, or LESS difficult? There's this little 3-pound thing that most people carry around in their cranial compartments called a brain. If you manage to locate yours, try USING IT for a change. Torture indeed! You got that right! Laughing, making fun, ridiculing. nm Not laughing. I found NOTHING funny in what nm Russia's laughing at us, too. Thanks, Obama! So much for those hopes of Obama 'repairing our image' in the world. China's laughing at us. France and England are scolding us. And Russia's already written our obituary. "It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people." "The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe." Here's a link to the article in Pravda: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-0/ and N. Korea is laughing at the useless UN nm Not laughing. I like Michelle Malkin. nm Whoopie... LOL. Lets keep laughing it up while nm Anger? No. I can't stop laughing at your posts. Thanks for the laughs. I really needed them today. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. :-) Oh Lord I may be laughing too hard to type. North, get a grip woman! Are you and A. Nonymous some kind of comedy team? You’re feeding the straight lines to AN and she (he?) is getting the laughs? Wow are your buttons easy to push. I sure hope AN (the drunken cheap scotch/irish nazi) does not stop posting, because this is just too much fun to watch. Yeah we get it. You’re black, educated and you speak English well. You write well so you probably speak OK too. But you just don’t read so great. Where in any of these posts did AN say you personally were uneducated or did not have a work ethic? Where is the part about you not speaking English? Did you see the word ebonics and just stop reading? If you care so much about all people why are you not standing up for the other two groups mentioned - do you have something against hispanics and hillbillies? You have to be very worn out from carrying around that big chip on your shoulder. Why don’t you put it down and stop taking offense at remarks that were obviously not aimed your way? The topic was career mooches and freeloaders. You seem to be an MT and have a job or be on the site looking for one. Nobody called you anything - why so defensive? Sorry, can't stop laughing over 'Pew Research Center" conducting a study on church goers. They're the laughing stock of the journalistic community. LOL nm We're just trying to catch our breath after laughing over some of the blind right posts (and W. i nm If customary deference to a sitting president by president elect for the rest of us who understand such concepts as respect and traditional protocol, it would qualify as a darned good reason. We'll see who'll be laughing tomorrow. Bet it's me! see message I think the behavior you describe is pretty common for ignorant folks. Just because they voted for him, they feel they have to uphold every stupid decision he makes. Thank you - please see message I'm glad you felt comfortable responding to my post. I didn't realize how heated things had gotten but could tell from what remains on the conservative board that it had gotten pretty ugly, and I thought the tax issue was a fairly safe issue to broach to provide a cooling period while discussing an issue that pretty much everyone agrees on - a need for tax reform. Note, though, that it was one post on one topic and the first I have submitted in some time. Most of the threads on the board begin with an issue/article posted by Nan or AG. However, regardless of who contributes most to the conservative forum, I must agree with Brunson and thank him/her for recognizing that the conservative forum is the conservative forum. I realize that tempers have flared there and things got out of hand, but the conservative posters have given no worse than they received. It seems to me that, at any time, liberal posters tired of dealing with Nan and AG (and MT, as well) on the conservative board could have done as Nan and AG did - remained on the forum dedicated to their point of view. Thank you for your welcome to this forum - you have been very congenial, and I have enjoyed the discussion today. Frankly, I cannot see myself fitting into this liberal forum - as I said, my views on most issues tend to be pretty conservative. I don't see much point in hanging around the conservative forum if there isn't anybody there, so it looks like I'll probably just be peeking in now and again to see if/when discussion resumes. If I reply again on this forum, I will certainly try to do so with as much respect and kindness as you have shown me today, even though my opinions will probably differ. Hey.....see my message! I live in a rural area, have three dogs and do weight training also!!! Actually it is said by the experts that if you are inexperienced with a gun you're better off not having one. It's kind of complex, but check out the info if you're interested. I used to have military mace (actually from when I lived in a big city) - not sure if it's available to the public - probably easier to use than a gun and just as effective. Otherwise, not sure who we're supposed to be afraid of here.....I generally am not afraid of intruders and I don't have any weapons in my house other than my dogs and my mouth!!! See Message. Maybe if you were more tolerant and didn't pose such a rude message, someone would be interested in debating with you. I think it's just human nature to not want to associate with people who approach others in such a nasty confrontational way. If you were nicer to others, others would be nicer to you. See message. I can't wait to see what Fitzgerald's investigation unfolds. Libby and Rove both were sources for the leak of Plame's occupation. This was after Joe Wilson made public that Bush's claim that Saddam Hussein was purchasing uranium to make nukes was FALSE. The administration KNEW it was false, yet Bush used this fake threat of nukes in his State of the Union address to scare the heebie-jeebies out of the American public so they would support this bogus war. That's how Bushies handle people who cross them. Don't DARE tell the truth or expose the administration for what it truly is. If you do, they'll not only put the life of a CIA agent in danger, but every single person she worked with around the globe pertaining to WMD. Why isn't this treason? It's the Bush way of doing things, and Karl Rove is an expert and accomplished thug. I hope this goes beyond Rove and Libby and goes straight to Bush and Cheney. This is definitely an illegal war, brought on totally false premises, and Bush and Cheney should be personally held accountable for all the deaths (American and Iraqi) that have resulted from their lies. It's truly sad when the only man on earth who can make Saddam look not so bad is GEORGE W. BUSH. I'm very ashamed of my government. See message. I'm writing to my Congressman and Senator and see if this is true, express my objection and see if they can BOUNCE the *blank check* they gave him regarding Iraq and require Congressional approval for air strikes. The article you posted included the following: After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the former official said, he was told that Bush felt that “God put me here” to deal with the war on terror. The President’s belief was fortified by the Republican sweep in the 2002 congressional elections; Bush saw the victory as a purposeful message from God that “he’s the man,” the former official said. Publicly, Bush depicted his reëlection as a referendum on the war; privately, he spoke of it as another manifestation of divine purpose. Someone needs to tell Bush that God thinks Bush is too engulfed in his own ego to fully understand God's REAL message to him, and that's why God gave us POLLS. |
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