I'm less worried about the blame game....(sm)
Posted By: Just the big bad on 2008-11-13
In Reply to: Hey, all you who like to blast Palin. - Read this.
and more worried about what she is saying now. Just the other day she had the audacity to say that she would glad to help and support Obama and yet in the same interview reiiterated that she is still worried about his associations with terrorists. She's not getting any smarter. In fact, the more interviews she does, the worse she looks.
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All you can do is the blame game. Then you better
Thank you! That's BB's gig. Blame game
The blame game president
Ain't it funny how the winger spin is one of this is SO not the time to point fingers, you liberal vultures! - Yet we're being buried 24/7 by wingers falling all over themselves to cry that the blame is on the state and local officials, and worse, on the victims themselves.
I find the current they'll find better lives elsewhere murmuring really chilling. Combined with Hastert's early assertion that NO shouldn't be rebuilt, the recent talk of mandatory evacuation at gunpoint of the survivors who don't want to go, and the repeated refusal of FEMA to allow anyone (ever ministers!)to enter even the dry areas of the city if their mission is to alleviate suffering - to me it looks like the stage is being set for one of two possiblities:
1. Big oil gets the land because it's known that the area under NO is a rich pocket of oil reserves; and
2. The casino racket gets the land because they've always wanted to make NO the Las Vegas of the south.
If either of these interests get the prize, we have to wonder...how much did the slow reaction of the federal govt. which seemed to increase casualties rather than reduce them, have to do with dollar signs in their eyes as they saw the poor population finally being displaced? Horrible thought, I know. And pure conjecture, but we will see how it turns out. If they rebuild the city and the people can come home, fine. But I don't think that is what is going to happen.
No blame game here. Hello. It's the cold
I'm tired of the blame game myself.
Just fix this. Come up with a plan that is good. Don't just vote for the first plan that is thrown onto the table. Take the weekend to think it through and pick the plan that will give us the best chance to recover from this mess. Don't allow CEOs to walk away unscathed with their pockets lined with money. Why reward crooks?
Sadly the blame game is what we
get to hear the most instead of actual plans and solutions to this that won't end up screwing us in the end.
I've learned more about the economy than I ever have in the past couple of days. Makes me wish I'd have listened in economics in high school. Hind sight is 20/20. LOL!
Have a great day! 
This is no partisan blame game.
long saga of voter registration/voter fraud, election and campaign finance reform. Left-wing progressives have been focusing on this issue since 2000 but so far, nobody has listened because they are so busy dismissing them for being lefties. It is that id of partisan division and bickering that at the moment has our country so frozen up with spite that we cannot even managed to put together a clean election. We have no business trying to bring democracy to any other developing or third world countries until we at least get this part of our own back yard cleaned up. In terms of THIS election, 18 days before D-Day...a litle late in the game.
Don't much care for that blame game.
throwing out a well established fact. 401Ks lost 38% of their value in the past month. I said not one single thing about who was responsible for that. It's not my place. Voters will make up their own minds about that. My comment in the previous post was directed at the slimey, rock-bottom campaign tactics that seem to have no end in sight, desipte the overwhelming evidence that it is ruining McCain's chances of winning this election. When they start invading my privacy, it's time to take a stand....against the invasion and in support of the candidate whose campaign does not feel compelled to ignite culture wars and play on fear with wildly unfounded accusations.
Blame game is for pubs, not me.
Your glass mansion is bigger than our glass hut.
Stop the blame game. How to fix it is the question. nm
Stop playing the blame game!
There are millions of people who were not "sucked" into buying more house than they could afford. Unfortunately, many people got greedy and bit off more than they could chew. It is very easy to blame someone else for your bad judgment, but the bottom line is that you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Smoke that!
I can understand fully why you don't want to play the blame game...
considering where the blame falls. If those were all Republicans in the dam*ing video, would you be on this board saying stop the blame game? I think NOT. Where is accountability? You should be fighting mad about this...and demanding accountability from your party members who brought this down on us. I do not understand that. You want to hang Bush out to dry for every little wrong, and here we face the biggest financial crisis in decades, and the evidence is irrefutable Democrats on the hill are responsible..yet you give THEM a pass. WHY is that?
Don't blame Obama for the coins...blame the Franklin Mint!
The Franklin Mint has an entire series of presidential coins that are tacky and cheap looking just like everything else they manufacture.
Let's blame Clinton...Let's blame Obama.
The FACT is that Bush BECAME prez on 01/20/01. He was told by Clinton to beware!! It was Bush's duty to know, to care what was going on.... the FACT is he didn't give a rat's patooty!!! FACT is he was on vacation most of his first 7 months in office. The FACT is he stared into space for 7 minutes after being told America was under attack while kindergarteners were reading "MY PET GOAT." I am so sick of the LIES you people want to ram down my throat. And when Obama takes office, God-willing, I am positive he will be under a microscope like NO president has ever been as there is a different standard set for him and never has a president-elect undergone so much criticisizm BEFORE taking office.
the Name Game...........sm
Probably a little before your time. LOL
I'm game.........sm
I've always said "Yank that Golden Fleece Retirement Program and see how fast they fix the mess!" I'm hacked at my Reps and Senators anyway, so I might as well give them an earful. (BTW, mine are some of the same ones as the author of this article, so they need a double earful!)
The name game is always
fun. We always particularly enjoyed the names Chuck and Ruby. LMAO!!!
You know my game? You don't even know your own words.
I responded directly to your post and quoted your own name calling words, but you don't know what I'm talking about?!
No, not a conspiracy....it is a game that...
the poster enjoys...though one of the standard lines is "I won't play your game" and then does exactly that. Frankly, I could not care less. The posts all say the same thing, in the flowery elitist condescending language...should be patently obvious to anyone who would like to go into the archives. But it does not really matter...the poster has made it personal, and the posts are in direct opposition to everything the posterior states are liberal qualities.
I came on this board a few weeks ago and just asked posters to define what they viewed as a "liberal." I got varying descriptions...and then I got a couple of posters who said there were no true liberals in the Democratic party. And based on the description of liberal ideals of other posters, and applying that to how those same posters post...I am left with the idea that that person...the one who said there were no true liberals in the Democratic party...is probably the closest to the truth. LINOs I guess. Liberals in name only.
Have a good day.
Hating the game
Maybe it is not hatred, just failure to understand the hypocrisy and warped logic of those who seem to hold her in such high esteem. As the following indicates, both she and Senator McCaine come out sorely lacking in many regards.
I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight.....
If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.' Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim. Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable. Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian. If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society. If , while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's. If you're husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now.
It's a little late in the game, isn't it?
Poll: Early in the game but.sm
Who will get the Democratic nomination, and who will that person pick for a running mate?
Who will get the Republican nomination, and who will that person pick as a running mate?
Winner gets a 22K gold-plated crystal ball, and the top position on Wall Street..!!!l
So you still think that children are fair game...
I would say that definitely has to do with bottom feeders. But if Obama's followers continue this...it will not help his case with the average American and he knows it. He is asking you not to deep six is campaign. I, however, say go for it. Smear and fear, go after Palin and her pregnant daughter. get right down there on the bottom and chomp.
Pub regime - loser game
The dems don't have a large enough majority to override a presidential veto. They don't have enough votes in the senate to override a filibuster. Therefore, the pubs can kill their legislation, STILL.
Intentional Intelligence is my game!
I am way too smart to let your feeble attempts at right-wing propaganda affect the decisions I make regarding this election. I consider the source and do not give you a second thought! I have seen you repeat your talking points over and over and over again, hoping that if you repeat them often enough people will somehow believe that they are true. Well you don't fool me! You will have to find some of your Joe six-pack buddies and try to sell your line of crap to them. I am with the elite group!
Oh pleeeze........don't play that game
You have name called left and right on this board and you know exactly what you were doing but you didn't hear anyone scream MODERATOR, even though you were definitely name calling and it was racially intended. Just because some have thicker skin and overlook your nasty comments does not mean they were not racially motivated.
Even then, rabid republicans and creepublicans is nasty....I suppose it's what you consider nasty and racist, huh?
Other interesting "Name Game"
Alice, Dallas, Tucker, Buck, Huck, Bart, Art, Mitch, Rich, Richie, and Maggie
From Alaska fish and game website....
Wolves and bears are very effective and efficient predators on caribou, moose, deer and other wildlife. In most of Alaska, humans also rely on the same species for food. In Alaska's Interior, predators kill more than 80 percent of the moose and caribou that die during an average year, while humans kill less than 10 percent. In most of the state, predation holds prey populations at levels far below what could be supported by the habitat in the area. Predation is an important part of the ecosystem, and all ADF&G wolf management programs, including control programs, are designed to sustain wolf populations in the future.
The Alaska Board of Game approves wildlife regulations through a public participation process. When the Board determines that people need more moose and/or caribou in a particular area, and restrictions on hunting aren't enough to allow prey populations to increase, predator control programs may be needed. Wolf hunting and trapping rarely reduces wolf numbers enough to increase prey numbers or harvests.
Currently, five wolf control programs are underway that comprises about 9.4% of Alaska's land area. The programs use a closely controlled permit system allowing aerial or same day airborne methods to remove wolves in designated areas. In these areas, wolf numbers will be temporarily reduced, but wolves will not be permanently eliminated from any area. Successful programs allow humans to take more moose, and healthy populations of wolves to continue to thrive in Alaska.
Click on links below to learn more about wolves and predator-prey relationships.
NO! You mean Obama is playing a shell game?
It's just too simple and too obvious. All the obots here won't be able to compute that information. It'll have to come up a bit 'em in the butt!
Obama started the race card game all by his
Actually, I will be MUCH more worried about
Is anyone else worried about
what all they put into this bailout bill? I'm half scared to know what all kind of crap they put in there to entice some of these politicians to vote for it. What was in it for them that they finally said "yea" to?
When Dodd gave a speech about the bill last night, I wanted to throw something at the TV. He was all praising the people who are to blame for this and saying that they were such great help during these proceedings. He is lucky I couldn't reach through the TV and choke him.
I'm not too worried about that. s/m
If necessary we will heat our home totally with fireplaces. Plenty of wood and a good outdoor kitchen of Dutch ovens so we can feast without a speck of energy. Might not like it too much but we could survive with kerosene lamps for light of which we have a number. No internet but oh well......
Has anyone thought that just eating may be a problem? Someone mentioned $10 loaf of bread. We are among the fortunate who live on a farm. We have farm animals and an abundance of wildlife. We know how to raise a garden and how to roam over the hills and gather wild food that is etable. If we enter the next GREAT DEPRESSION, we'll be fine....provided we can keep those who don't have a clue of how to survive from stealing from us. Might be a good time to read up on the Foxfire series of books instead of spending so much time squabbling about who will be the best (WORST) president.
I'm more worried about you being..
able to vote on Nov. 4th.
worried about what is to come
I am worried about our country. My friend is in the military and he said that people in his unit are split now over this election. Not dem versus repub but black versus white. It is bringing out the worst in people, fueling deeply hidden racism, on both sides, and bringing it to the surface. He said that it is getting so bad they are actually fighting, he said like ready to kill eachother. They are forbidden to talk about politics. Scary, this is just one unit in small part of America. What is going to happen if he doesnt win. What is going to happen if he does?
Well, I am definitely worried!
O comes across as if he is more worried about
Worried about Rove?
Am worried about Roe v Wade, but not about Rove. He is not worry-worthy - way too much effort. I AM concerned that nothing will happen to any of them that are involved in Plamegate unless it is some third-string low-on-the-totem-pole flunkie who will be completely blindsided when he gets blamed/fired/arrested. This shadow administration is far more evolved than the Nixon guys. I predict nothing will happen to them but what is worse, we have been lied to so often for the last 4+ years that most of us won't even care. They are going to do what they are going to do...the end. Here in Florida we voted last election for smaller class sizes and not to build a bullet-train between Tampa and Orlando. Jeb just changed both of those things. We are building the train set up and class sizes stay the same. I wonder why we vote on these amendments at all. What difference does it make? And so it is with D.C. It has not mattered for so long what a great number of us have felt about Iraq and all the lies surrounding it. They just do what they want. And before anyone says "we elected him" as a plausible argument, 51% is not a mandate. One half of this country is on the other side. Our country does not deserve the autocratic theocratic government that has been forced upon us. When the shoe is inevitably on the other foot I suspect you won't like it either.
Well, Obama needs to be worried.
I wonder who is transcribing the medical notes of Senators Clinton and Obama.
I'm only saying this because a few years ago, I worked for a company that (I believe) didn't offshore, and on one of my jobs, the patient had the very same name as a prominent Washington politician who was considering running for President.
I kind of giggled and thought the patient must get teased a lot for having the same name. I realized that, as lawmakers, certainly their medical information would be very secure. I stopped giggling when I got to the "Social History" where the patient's occupation was revealed, and I realized that the patient was indeed that politician.
Fortunately, that politician's note was transcribed by an American transcriptionist, but it seemed to be by the luck of the draw, rather than by rule.
After 9/11, I can't believe this country is still so careless. 
I have always been worried about Russia
There was a great quote from 40 or 20 years ago, from a Russian professor, I'll have to search for it. But, basically it said something like, "We will bring them in with good will and kindness, and then we will crush them with our iron fist!"
However, the issue with Russia doesn't raise any concerns over Obama with me. Maybe he can use a little diplomacy instead of just trying to bomb everything off the map, lol!
Yes, I am worried about Russia.
I do not mean to sound churchy, but I have been brought up that it states in the Bible that Russia (known as another name in Bible, but shows it on a map where Russia is) to be very worried. When the country Russia comes into play, need to worry about Amargeddon, The End Times. Not the countries of Iran, North Korea, etc., but Russia. Yes, I am concerned about Russia.
You should be more worried about Obama and
but she did not say she is not - I am not worried - just interested - nm
Pugmon: We were so worried about you after
you told us your story about your UTI, depicted as a really life-threatening situatuon, and we asked you to keep us updated immediately what happens to you and you just disappeared and posted only after 1 week!
Not nice!
Worried about $2,000 debit card? Oh please!
I was reading some posts on MTStars main board last night and OMG some people are wondering what will happen to the $2,000.00 debit card money the victims will get. One posted she did not want her tax money going to alcohol or drugs!! Would she be saying that if it had been a middle class white neighborhood or just because most of the victims are black, so she thinks they spend all their money on alcohol and drugs. These people had jobs, they had lives, they had homes, they had animals..they now have NOTHING, due to not fault of their own, due to our governments inaction and criminal neglect. So, until they can get their lives back on track (dont know if I ever could, sure hope they can..God help them all), our government is their employer and whatever money they get through the government, they can do with what they want. My God, they have nothing, nothing. I cannot imagine. It blows my mind and each day I get sadder and more angry over the horror. I gotta tell ya, if I went through what they did, when I got that $2,000.00, I probably would buy a bottle of wine along with finding a home to rent, clothing, food, getting my kids back in school and paying for transportation so I could find another job and then I would relax the first night in my new home with my kids and drink that darn bottle of wine..and thank the powers that be that I am still alive.. I am glad my tax dollars will help these unfortunate people.
Worried about a recession?? Here's the solution s/m
With Recession Looming, Bush Tells America To ‘Go Shopping More’
Today, President Bush held a news conference where he discussed the “way forward” for the economy in 2007. Renowned Morgan Stanley economist Steven Roach says the the “odds of the U.S. economy tipping into recession are about 40 to 45 per cent.” New York Times columnist Paul Krugman notes that “the odds are very good — maybe 2 to 1,” that the U.S. will teeter toward a recession in 2007. Bush’s solution? “Go shopping more.”
Not too worried about losing Christian Right
It ain't Russia I'm immediately worried about...
I'm more worried about Obama hob-knobbing with
Guns are not all the "pubs" are worried about....
but it is a legitimate concern. It is a guaranteed constitutional right. Why would you defend other constitutional rights and be so willing to give that one up?
Personally I think all the give me all the handouts you want to at the expense of others posts are getting pretty darned old.
Obama supporters worried, sorry