This brings to mind...sm Matthew 10:22 - "And you will be hated by all for My name's sake..." And yet he brings in more to destroy this This man is taking this country down down down!!! He just keeps hiring and surrounding himself with more left left left left liberals until this country is destroyed!!! LET THE GOVERNMENT RUIN YOUR LIVES should be our NOW government's motto..... sorry bunch of jackarses. This woman sickens me to no end...... he hires everyone who thinks ONLY the government should make all our decisions and now he hires the witch who thinks our government should run our news media as well!!!! There's just something about when evil starts to walk around openly; , I think it's not a stretch, but rather the expected notion that they're openly attempting to influence public opinion through their propaganda arm, the mainstream media
http://www.infowars.com/obama-appointee-wants-soviet-styled-media/ AND NOW OUR GOVT THINKS THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR "LAUNCHING" A FOREIGN NEWS SITE...... think again!!! That's the private sectors' business! Propaganda administration.... http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2008-04-30-sites_N.htm Earlier administration also has to share the blame..... http://www.infowars.com/print/ps/pentagon_psyops.htm
If we are so dead and have no issues, what brings you here? sm In the same boat eh? Al Franken brings class Just what we need in there. I bet they wish for the crowds Obama brings in Now those are crowds! No to torture ! This brings only hate and more war! ..nm nm this is crazy, it brings me to another MT stars page http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7267.shtml Which brings us back to the Palin family drama Parents are not omniscient. You can tell your kids what you expect them to do. You can lead by example. But they will often insist on making their own mistakes, not trusting your having learned those particular lessons for them. How many kids say 'my parents would kill me if they knew' and really mean it? Yet they choose to test the waters anyhow. Kids are immortal, you know. Shouldn't a kid feel that, no matter what, they can go to their parents when they are in big trouble rather than try to hide the fact and make things much worse? At that point, on the first or second offense, do you go all 'old testament' on them and throw them out? Or do you try to support and guide them from there, helping them learn the lesson in their mistake and make the best of the bad situation they created? And this does not necessarily include 'making it all better' (the abortion, posting bail, blaming the school) but rather allowing them to experience the consequences of their act and letting them know that you hate the act, but still love them. Brings to mind the lie the US government told about Agent Orange not being toxic... ![]() LOL!!! Merry Christmas! ![]() Merry Christmas! sm ![]() ![]() Merry Christmas! nm ![]() Tomorrow is Christmas Eve for the democrats. Happy Christmas Eve! Try to sleep. You will receive a fantastic present when the debate begins.
So you don't think Christmas is for the Christians? Wow. I thought that was how it got its name. Good Friday/Easter aren't about Christians? Since you don't believe that these are celebration of Christian theology, please don't let your voice be one of those complaining about the secularization of Christmas, since you don't feel it's Christian anyway. Merry Christmas from the Gun Lobby http://www.usnewswire.com/attach/CCRKBA.jpg (in case paste doesn't work). And look who's in the middle of all this! True meaning of Christmas...sm I have been watching the discussion on the conservative board about Christmas, it's origin and how it is celebrated. While there are a lot of charitable things that go on during the holiday season that are commendable, like Toys for Tots and food drives, I think it is sad how materialistic this season is. If you have kids it is hard to explain to them why one of their classmates got a Playstation 3 (600 dollars), games for the PS3 (200 dollars), laptop (1300 dollars), namebrand shoes and clothes (500 dollars), jewelry (200 dollars), etc, etc, when you can not, or have better sense than to spoil your child (and finances) like this. My children know the value of a dollar. They also know that this season is about the birth of Christ, the spirit of giving, whether that be love or gifts. I said all of that to ask this question. Do you think the majority of people who celebrate Christmas know the true meaning of Christmas or are they caught up in the hype of the latest best technology, the best decorations, the most expensive tree? Merry Christmas and Blessings upon you! NM ![]() Merry Christmas, Democrat! Thank you for the greeting. Just saw it. I hope God grants you everything you need, and some of the things you want, in the coming year...as we all know, they are not always the same. God bless! Has Fox News Channel declared a War on Christmas? Let's see.....
MSNBC stopped live broadcasting early, as did CNN. (They must want the majority of their employees to celebrate CHRISTMAS at HOME with their families.) Fox News Channel, on the other hand, is broadcasting LIVE on Christmas Day and continuing to spread their Bush is wonderful and broke no laws gospel. I wonder if Gibson and O'Liely will expose Fox's blatant war on Christmas!! Merrry Christmas from Fred Thompson... Not sure if I should laugh or cry... http://e.blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F1536208%3Freferrer%3Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fnewsfornatives.com%25252Fblog%25252Fcategory%25252Ffamily%25252F%26source%3D3&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer.swf&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffredpac.blip.tv%2Frss%2Fflash&brandname=blip.tv&brandlink=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv%2F%3Futm_source%3Dbrandlink&enablejs=true
They're going to need a festivus pole for christmas...LOL nm ![]() Uhm, Christmas? Easter/Good Friday? X Whoa, that is actually like a Christmas Present from the IRS, what an unheard of concept!!!....sm True, you can do it yourself, the IRS just makes so daunting and intimidating with all those forms, and then you worry if you make another mistake, you will get another penalty.....Just those three letters together give most folk the heebie geebies. Also, taling about not needing a service, most people do not know that you DO NOT need those miriad of services who will "talk down your credit bills" and renegotiate. Especially in these times, banks are very eager to get payment and work with you, most banks have a "hardship" department where you can talk to reps who can negotiate lower settlements, eliminate fees, figure out a very good payment plan without fees, etc. You can do it yourself without paying a debt relief service. I guess it is the idea that in the spirit of Christmas the NRA is pushing their agenda...sm Is nothing sacred? And that goes beyond politics. Santa with a gun. Right over baby Jesus. Insinuating that Muslims want to blow up Christianity. All in the name of being able to bear arms. I can't name ONE act of terrorism in American history in the last 100 years that a citizen bearing arms would have saved ONE person from a terrorist. A gun wouldn't have helped anyone in the trade center, can't take them on a plane so wouldn't have saved any of the passengers, Oklahoma bombing, nope a gunn wouldn't have helped those victims. Just another scare tactic, exploiting 9/11 to push their agenda that was here before waaaayyy before the fact. Christmas was a pagan holiday before it was a Christian holiday. So where does that leave us? No message Has anyone here ever run for office? Local,state, whatever. There seems to be a lot of complaining about how terrible the politicians are, but curious to know if anyone has ever run for office or actually held an elected position. I certainly haven't. GP, I think you should run for office then when you get to Washington, you can clean up their act. ![]() TL office The office I worked in was in Houston. TL was actually started by an MT. I forget the name. lying in office It was a personal matter between he and his wife and Monica. He only lied when the govt tried to pry into his private life. It had nothing to do with national security, and since he was impeached for lying, Im just waiting for Bush to get impeached or Rove to be fired for lying about giving out the name of Valerie Plame to reporters to out her. If there is gonna be a standard about lying while in office, it should work for this administration too. One saving grace on that, the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, seems like a tough guy who does not take sides but finds out the truth. Hope this guy never wants to run for office.. you know what they do to people who return their medals...those commie pinkos !!!!
Every second he was in office he was investigated. sm I do not know how the man stood it. Arizona even introduced a bill to succeed because of constitutional complaints concerning Clinton, HRC 2034. Where is that bill now? No president has trashed the constitution like Bush. I know MTs that have become office managers x If the 'pubs end up in office again, all I can say is ![]() Maybe he should run for some other government office. They are in office for the last 8 years right? and all yall voted for Bush right? What about her office redecoration...sm with city funds???? From the Huffington Post 9/17: "Sarah Palin has been touting herself as fiscal watchdog throughout her political career. But Palin's tenure as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, was characterized by waste, cronyism and incompetence, according to government officials in the Matanuska Valley, where she began her fairy-tale political rise. "Executive abilities? She doesn't have any," said former Wasilla City Council member Nick Carney, who selected and groomed Palin for her first political race in 1992 and served with her after her election to the City Council. Four years later, the ambitious Palin won the Wasilla mayor's office -- after scorching the "tax and spend mentality" of her incumbent opponent. But Carney, Palin's estranged former mentor, and others in city hall were astounded when they found out about a lavish expenditure of Palin's own after her 1996 election. According to Carney, the newly elected mayor spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office, without the council's authorization." and from David Talbot at salon.com: http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/09/17/palin_mayor/ If McCain is in office, we most definitely WILL . Yes. He will be voted into office and be He is a fine AMERICAN citizen who has dedicated his life to public service, has run a brilliant campaign, won over a "commanding" lead in the polls and will be making history in just 48 short hours or so. 8 years in office? sm Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you, GP? My husband just came into my office...sm He was just watching Bill O'Reilly, and my husband said the most interesting things. Ann Coulter is a humorist, not a politician. She says outrageous things, and sometimes they're funny (sometimes not, I guess). It's how she sells her books. And I guess Bill and Ann don't like each other much. The things she says offends those that are center right, and she really offended Bill O'Reilly. Bill thinks she gives conservatives a bad name, and part of that seems to be true. But I have to agree with him. She can be very offensive in the way she talks and writes. Even though a lot of what she writes about may be true, she's not very nice about it. No wonder she offends people. Only 2 weeks in office and already By what criteria? What he may or may not do? The stimulus package is only in the debate stage at this point, so no one can say what it will end up looking like. Before passing judgement and handing out indictments, suppose you at least wait until the verbs move from the subjunctive into the indicative moods and while you are at it, don't forget to factor in by way of comparison 8 years of lies, corruption, enrichment of corporate America and the wealthy on the backs of the middle class, scorched earth foreign policy, circumvention of the Constitution at every turn and that teeny-tiny thing we call torture You mean the one they voted in BEFORE O took office? a couple of weeks back, the first words out of Obama's mouth when he addressed his White House Staff were announcing a salary freeze on highly paid WH aides. Remember? Wehether or not the Congress is able to vote in yet another salary increase in the future remains to be seen, doesn't it now? My question to you is why you are dodging the subject at hand? Please explain to me why the govt should not cap TARP CEO salaries? I work in an office. EVERYONE there is against this nm My doc's office must be slipping...(sm) They haven't asked me for my voter registration card yet, and I didn't see any signs when I went in denoting them as a dem or pub establishment. ![]() Consider the mentality of those who put him in office x His office *knew* (tired) ...nm so was it sexist of Hillary to run for office? that's one of the most pitiful remarks and reminds me that the Dems are SCARED! or it would have taken longer than 5 SECONDS to bash her! |
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