Head up. This just in. Sally is not the only
Posted By: O supporter here. sm on 2008-09-07
In Reply to: Simple ? What does it say about a man's character when he - No whining, need answers. sm
I posted this piece and I ain't Sal.
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Here, here, satellite sally. We have not
had a tax cut but a tax increase in the last 8 years. Wonder how many people know that they did not get a tax cut, but an increase? The taxcuts that JM is talking about are for the rich, not middle class. JM lies about Obama going to tax the middle class. The lying liars and the lies they tell. Amazing people don't or won't see through it all. Seems all the pub followers know is what they hear, instead of finding out for themselves where the country is headed, straight into another depression and may be a great depression as in the 1920s. Not to increase taxes on the rich? How are JM and pubs going to pay for their wars? On the backs of middle class? I think not as there will be no middle class to exploit.
Sally, you really are a mean person.
Just look at what Sally posts and says
Sally, they can dish it out but can't take it!
sally bring your
post regarding Mccain's lack of support for troops up the top. It is highly relevant and I think it is buried in the muck and name-calling below.
sally, not to be a pain in the
tuckus, but can you bring up the post regarding mcCain's votes regarding vet's issues? I tried to find it - really - but I can't.
and the answer is....sally....you have nothing better to
do today, right?
geez sally, is it also your god given right...sm
to be banned from posting on this web site? Because your heading that way. We'd be better off without you, but to be fair, why don't you just clean up your act?
There is a rule against profanity. You might want to look into that one, posted by the Moderators.
Beware of Flaming!! Moderation is Kept Minimum on this board. Posted By: Administration On: 2008-08-27
Reply by Email!
Before you start reading/making posts on politics board:
- Beware of Flamed messages & Flamers here.
- Politics board is moderated on a less-stringent level to allow freedom to express opinions related to issues discussed.
As long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree and we shouldn't wear our feelings on our sleeves, a little more oversight on here would be good. What we do not want to see is overzealous moderators that ban every thread that may be controversial on politics board.
If it's lewd, pornographic, slanderous, blatantly mean spirited, then that's one thing. Otherwise, let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don't like someone, just ignore that person. It's not rocket science, you know?
Use the Golden Rule if all fails. Trolls are going to come over here from other sites/forums to irritate us. Once they see that no one replies to their senseless posts, they'll stop. Again, ignore them. It's easy!
Please don't see this sticky message as a license to flame, but as a license to open discussion.
Sally, that was the best description of her
'SLUG' - harhar --- LOVE it.
Thank you, Superficial Sally!
So you diagnosed McCain with congestive heart failure.
Funny. I was thinking Obama looked like he had manorexia. Or AIDS.
Just ignore mustang sally....sm
..there is nothing of substance or value in his/her/its posts, except trying to upset republicans. Just ignore it.
Speaking of substance, Sally, that is what your
Give it up sally, they are just baiting you...sm
It is really a shame that you cannot have an intelligent discussion or exchange of information, not rumor or innuendo, on this board, or any other in my experience. As an MT you would not put something in a report that you could not verify, yet over here it is very common. The guy who says he is a college grad is probably 16 years old. They are just getting their jollies stirring the pot.
I'm not ignoring Sally. She can hold her own,
meticlously discredit endless barrages of pub bash, misconceptions, misprentations and misinformation. I for one am preparing to bury the garbage under piles and piles of irrefutable fact by ensuring the focus stays on issues rather than personalities and that pub/NeoCon values are contrasted with O Vision in terms that will expose them for exactly what the pretend they are not...4 more years of same old poop without a change in sight. I suspect other O supporters know exactly what they are up against and what then need to be doing about it...and are doing it as we speak. For me, the quality of my life in the next 4 years depends ensuring Pub defeat in November and I am confident that other dems are similarly motived to do the same.
Now maybe you see what we've had to endure at Sally's
and the left hands in recent days.
The mirror in your hand, with the reflection peering out, is not so pretty, is it?
That's the double standard here.
My post just happened to rile you up, the way yours have tried to rile us all day.
What a waste of time and energy, on both sides, when there are so many other important things to discuss.
Sally, you actually make me laugh, thanks.
Sally sells seashells by the seashore
Officially welcoming sally onboard.
I figured out Silly Sally! See inside!
Sally is just Sam's left-sided alter ego.
What you are feeling is what Sam puts us through the 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. You guys already unanimously supported her recently and the O team will do the same for Sally. In case you haven't noticed, the dems are pretty energized now that the convention is over. Gloves are off and we'll be taking it to the mat until the final election returns are in. You have a choice. Give respect and get it back or sling your mountains of mud and wait for the avalanche. Dems were way outnumbered last earlier in the summer but the playing field is level now. This is the democratic process you claim to so staunchly defend, so quitcha btchin' and go blow your nose. It's gonna be a long haul until Nov 4.
oops typo, *Not Without My Daughter* (Sally Field).....
No, shallow Sally. Repubs are smart, but lefties
People are ignoring Sally, and for good reason.
That issue defines liberals these days, sally...
I do not define them, they define themselves. My mind is much more open than yours. lol.
geez, sally, wash your fingers out with soap.....sm
you swear and name call more than a drunken sailor on shore leave.
Head. nm
You are in way over your head.
extremely complex. It changes voice and tense constantly, even in the middle of a single passage. It is also replete with metaphor. You, my dear, would not know a metaphor if it walked up with a sign across its chest and kicked you in the face.
If you go looking for hate, you will find it. But it is a sad commentary on this election and on your flavor of Christianity when you try to turn a Holy Book into a hate machine for political gain.
I have spent decades in the midst of Moslems and their culture. I can say categorically, you are full of all sorts of baloney and do not know what you are talking about. You are a pitiable anachronistic narrow-minded bigot. By the way, the last time I checked, Christians are way not above killing the infidel (and I am NOT speaking metaphorically here). Can you say Crusades? Get off your high horse and get with the program. Your hate speech will doom you candidate to defeat.
Right on, you hit that one on the head!!
She is such a media "prostitute". Why no one can see through her transparent self-promotion antics is beyond me, but if the pubs are looking to her for leadership, boy are they in major trouble!

Ah, come on Mrs. M..........use your head
use it as a noun.........you know, as in the unteachable ignorant.
Very little is over my head.
What's your point?
Does this all come out of your head or are you
just copying and pasting?
Wow - right over your head.
Some people will believe anything. That's my point.
It was a direct result of your remark, "...it is provocative and thought provoking and very interesting in all the "coincidences" that seem to be wrapped around these events and bears more than just a glancing interest by anyone who is concerned about the state of our country today."
What a dupe. (Is that word in your dictionary?) Do you believe in Bigfoot, and UFOs, and BlackOps Helicopters, and people stealing kidneys in the middle of the night too? 'Cause, all those rubes use the phrase "the truth is out there" too. Gee, ya think that's why The X-Files used that as its cathphrase?
And, nice try to psychoanalyze me but I'm afraid your 'nanny-nanny-boo-boo' comments make you look like a total tard.
Let me guess - you were the fat, ugly girl who sat alone in the sandbox at recess. Maybe that's why you're so stuck on the bully/bullied thing. Oh, wait, I think I know. You were neither a bully NOR bullied. You were just ignored. And now you have emotional scars.
Awe - almost makes me feel sorry for you.
You said it...Shaking my head...nm
Not over the top & hit the nail on the head sm
with this paragraph.
Miss Coulter doesn't criticize Mrs. Beamer, of course, because Miss Coulter doesn't genuinely object to 9/11 widows being messengers; she selectively objects to their messages. If the women in New Jersey she so charmingly calls witches had expressed political opinions in lock-step conformance to the television-friendly slogans of Sean Hannity, Miss Coulter would have been applauding them. Instead, Miss Coulter is trying to silence them. Why? Because extreme right wing politics has always been about silencing inconvenient dissent. I'm a godly Republican -- trust me on this.
You hit the nail on the head!
I think some (definitely not all or a majority) of Americans just don't want to face the fact that the enemy we face is not from within. Again, I'm not saying our government is perfect or without elements of corruption, but what I am saying is that we are comfortable in our *Lexus boxes* and mocha latte lifestyles. Many people, especially the generation now in their early to mid twenties, have absolutely no idea about the extreme sacrifice of our ancestors made to make this country what it is. I believe our country is at a tipping point. I think people prefer oblivion and denial and just hoping that we can all just get along. We really delude ourselves about all the violence and crime going on in our cities as being from people who are victims of this and that. They think more understanding will rehabilitate people who yes, may have a had a hard life, but that should not excuse them of criminal behavior.
People just don't want to believe evil is a real thing. It's not just the result of misunderstanding or a challenging childhood it's an actual force in the universe. I'm trying not to get religious here, but if you don't have a good grasp on the actual existence of good and evil and the origin of them there's no way you're going to ever believe that what is happening in the world is bigger than all of us.
But your head is in the sand. SM
I don't equate the Crusades with bashing Catholics. What an idea! Wow...news to me. So all those threats you mention, how many of them flew planes into our buildings and abducted and beheaded our people? Really, your blase attitude is frightening. I just don't get it.
Head in sand-sm
9/11 and Iraq - not related. And that comes from our own government's report.
Head in sand? Your belief appears to be that by invading one country in an entire region of Islamic culture that we can make the bad guys go away. This isn't the American West in the 1860s. We can't wipe out all the Injuns and take over their land. The Middle Eastern culture does not like the U.S. politics, does not like our culture and generally doesn't want to embrace our form of government or religion so this experiment in killing all the bad guys in Iraq to secure the rest of the world from the terrorists was ridiculous from the start.
Then...if you keep your head in the sand long enough you can keep repeating over and over that the war is well-conceived and well-carried out and is going well...er, at least will start going well ANY MINUTE.
Maybe love won't cure terrorism against the U.S. but killing our soldiers in Iraq as well as a million Iraqi civilians isn't going to either.
Head in sand
I just don't understand why some Americans refuse to understand that Tex Bush is the most incompetant president in our history! Yet, some continue to try to talk themselves into believing he is doing whats best for America. You can say it as many ways as you choose, but, the fact is, the Iraq war was not necessary and has turned into one of our greatest collosal failures. It's simply too hard for some Americans to accept that over 3000 American soldiers have been killed for absolutely no reason. What about the many thousand innocent Iraqi men, women, and children who have died at the hands of Bush's war? Are they any less innocent than the victims of 9-11? Who are the terrorist in their eyes? Bush did not invade Iraq to fight terrorism and to bring the 9-11 culprits to trial. Had he done that, instead of engaging in this miserable war, his place in history might have been a little brighter. Instead, he is, and will, be considered one of the worst presidents in our history. For some Bush supporters, its simply too difficult to see or understand why.
You hit the nail on the head...YES!
Your last sentence...sums up the liberal socialist agenda! "Give all your money to us and we will take care of you (to keep you enslaved to us of course) because we know you cannot take care of yourselves and we can do it SO much better."
I do not mind helping out those who truly cannot help themselves. But a family of 4 (2 adults 2 kids) can afford to insure their children. They DO NOT need a program to help them do that....IMHO.
who do the voices in your head tell you I am?
Why does it make you feel better to keep telling yourself everyone on this board is pretty much all the same person? Email me as well as the other folks on the board who you also think are me. The truth will emerge if you care to discover it.
Yep...think ya hit the nail on the head....
he let them take over his convention and remain the big dogs, so they would not deep six his presidential run, and don't think for a minute they couldn't have.
Still, if I were Obama, I would seriously watch my back. He** hath no fury like a woman scorned. Especially that woman. She and Bill both ascribe to the don't get mad get even club. This has been SUCH an interesting week.
You hit the nail on the head. (nm)
IGNORANT? I think this is over your head
Christianity is ONE faith. In the world, of course, there are many others besides Christians that believe in God. Are you following me?
Christians are not the center of the world, if that is what you are implying...
BUT, the founding fathers were Christian. That is all I am saying.
How's that for a kick in the head?
Clinton left office with a 1/2 billion surplus....Reps come in and squander it, plus rape America's wealth.... What a bunch of thieves! Now, the American people can pay for their thievery. Forget about those hopes and dreams, people...they are GONE!!!
No sam, I'm not calling for anyone's head
this. Why are you making it so dem/pub?
And the first one to head home should be
You hit the nail on the head!
boy, did you hit the nail on the head s/m
They just refuse to admit it.
Do you even bother to get your head out of your
You hit the nail on the head.....sm
A while back, our Bible study class did a study on Revelation. I find several things in Chapter 13 that could very easily describe Obama as the Antichrist. If he is elected, it could signal the impending Tribulation. Those who are left behind will be in for some very hard and scary times.
Of course, if it is true that Obama IS the Antichrist, nothing we can do will alter what must be.