I have no doubt at all that Republicans would have defended the sitting President. You are way out of touch with the Democrats, but I guess that's because you are a leftist. That does not surprise me. Hey, that's the American dream - I'm all for sitting on my butt and making $$$ Hurrah!! If customary deference to a sitting president by president elect for the rest of us who understand such concepts as respect and traditional protocol, it would qualify as a darned good reason. Has anyone here ever run for office? Local,state, whatever. There seems to be a lot of complaining about how terrible the politicians are, but curious to know if anyone has ever run for office or actually held an elected position. I certainly haven't. GP, I think you should run for office then when you get to Washington, you can clean up their act. ![]() TL office The office I worked in was in Houston. TL was actually started by an MT. I forget the name. lying in office It was a personal matter between he and his wife and Monica. He only lied when the govt tried to pry into his private life. It had nothing to do with national security, and since he was impeached for lying, Im just waiting for Bush to get impeached or Rove to be fired for lying about giving out the name of Valerie Plame to reporters to out her. If there is gonna be a standard about lying while in office, it should work for this administration too. One saving grace on that, the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, seems like a tough guy who does not take sides but finds out the truth. Hope this guy never wants to run for office.. you know what they do to people who return their medals...those commie pinkos !!!!
Every second he was in office he was investigated. sm I do not know how the man stood it. Arizona even introduced a bill to succeed because of constitutional complaints concerning Clinton, HRC 2034. Where is that bill now? No president has trashed the constitution like Bush. I know MTs that have become office managers x If the 'pubs end up in office again, all I can say is ![]() Maybe he should run for some other government office. They are in office for the last 8 years right? and all yall voted for Bush right? What about her office redecoration...sm with city funds???? From the Huffington Post 9/17: "Sarah Palin has been touting herself as fiscal watchdog throughout her political career. But Palin's tenure as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, was characterized by waste, cronyism and incompetence, according to government officials in the Matanuska Valley, where she began her fairy-tale political rise. "Executive abilities? She doesn't have any," said former Wasilla City Council member Nick Carney, who selected and groomed Palin for her first political race in 1992 and served with her after her election to the City Council. Four years later, the ambitious Palin won the Wasilla mayor's office -- after scorching the "tax and spend mentality" of her incumbent opponent. But Carney, Palin's estranged former mentor, and others in city hall were astounded when they found out about a lavish expenditure of Palin's own after her 1996 election. According to Carney, the newly elected mayor spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office, without the council's authorization." and from David Talbot at salon.com: http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/09/17/palin_mayor/ If McCain is in office, we most definitely WILL . Yes. He will be voted into office and be He is a fine AMERICAN citizen who has dedicated his life to public service, has run a brilliant campaign, won over a "commanding" lead in the polls and will be making history in just 48 short hours or so. 8 years in office? sm Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you, GP? My husband just came into my office...sm He was just watching Bill O'Reilly, and my husband said the most interesting things. Ann Coulter is a humorist, not a politician. She says outrageous things, and sometimes they're funny (sometimes not, I guess). It's how she sells her books. And I guess Bill and Ann don't like each other much. The things she says offends those that are center right, and she really offended Bill O'Reilly. Bill thinks she gives conservatives a bad name, and part of that seems to be true. But I have to agree with him. She can be very offensive in the way she talks and writes. Even though a lot of what she writes about may be true, she's not very nice about it. No wonder she offends people. Only 2 weeks in office and already By what criteria? What he may or may not do? The stimulus package is only in the debate stage at this point, so no one can say what it will end up looking like. Before passing judgement and handing out indictments, suppose you at least wait until the verbs move from the subjunctive into the indicative moods and while you are at it, don't forget to factor in by way of comparison 8 years of lies, corruption, enrichment of corporate America and the wealthy on the backs of the middle class, scorched earth foreign policy, circumvention of the Constitution at every turn and that teeny-tiny thing we call torture You mean the one they voted in BEFORE O took office? a couple of weeks back, the first words out of Obama's mouth when he addressed his White House Staff were announcing a salary freeze on highly paid WH aides. Remember? Wehether or not the Congress is able to vote in yet another salary increase in the future remains to be seen, doesn't it now? My question to you is why you are dodging the subject at hand? Please explain to me why the govt should not cap TARP CEO salaries? I work in an office. EVERYONE there is against this nm My doc's office must be slipping...(sm) They haven't asked me for my voter registration card yet, and I didn't see any signs when I went in denoting them as a dem or pub establishment. ![]() Consider the mentality of those who put him in office x His office *knew* (tired) ...nm so was it sexist of Hillary to run for office? that's one of the most pitiful remarks and reminds me that the Dems are SCARED! or it would have taken longer than 5 SECONDS to bash her! Right! With Obama in office, where will the incentive nm but when his card gets to the polling office... it will be knocked out and not counted. ACORN has to turn it in, it's up to the registrars in each town to verify it and count it. Just wait and watch...Should the O get into office...sm I would be willing to bet that taxes rise for everyone on everything, eventually. Goods, services, everything. I'm willing to bet people will lose jobs, because businesses will either scale down, or go elsewhere, or completely go out of business, because they can't or won't afford those taxes increases on businesses over 250,000. Whatever....we will soon find out, won't we? Gosh darn it, I sure don't want to pay 10 bucks for a loaf of bread, or 20 bucks for a gallon of milk!!!! Big whoop.....like no political office ever does this !! Office of the President Elect... http://www.newsmax.com/headlines/obama_president_elect_/2008/11/10/149643.html
Chris isn't running for office...LOL x He wasn't voted out of office He was in an appointed position that ended when Taft's administration ended. He didn't win the election because he had been a member of Taft's administration, even though he had been a voice against it (much like McCain). And as far as him trying to make certain registrations invalid, there was a LOT of voter fraud going on in Ohio, just like in this past election, that he was trying to do something about, unlike the dem that's currently in that position. Dems are in control, that's true - as far as how much they will defend my right to my own opinion is yet to be seen - Fairness Doctrine on it's way to becoming law again? We'll just see. Yes, he has...been very disrespectful to the office of the current on a daily basis. In his first day in office, President Obama -- hit the ground running. Just got done watching TV to see what his first day was like. Just for fun, I looked up Bush's first day in 2001. Here's what I found: "On his first day in office, Bush moved to block federal aid to foreign groups that offered counseling or any other assistance to women in obtaining abortions. Days later, he announced his commitment to channeling more federal aid to faith-based service organizations. At the time, critics feared this would dissolve the traditional separation of church and state. Bush created the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to assist faith-based service organizations. In a televised address on Aug. 9, 2001, Bush would announce a national policy on stem cell research that authorized funding and research work, with federal restrictions over the use of human embryos." Yeah, that whack-job started whacking way at women's control over their own bodies, tried to integrate government and the church (HUGE mistake!), and to outlaw one of the most promising medical breakthroughs. I'm surprised witch-trials and book-burning didn't come back into fashion again under his "leadership". I think where he belongs is in some isolated, authoritarian religious cult out in the middle of nowhere. You guyz say that every time a dem is in office. -sm when a repub gets in and screws up (ie, the last 8, for example), then you blame it on the dems that came before them. As I recall, we were told in no uncertain terms that things would get a lot worse before they started to get better. They have, and they'll probably continue to do so, just as they would've if mcain were prez. I know taxes are part of life, that's how things get done. Roads, schools, bridges, etc. What most middle-class Americans are sick of goes deeper than paying taxes, it's seeing the money go to bail out the rich, the crooks, and big business that has become so profit-driven that any sense of fairness or morality went out the window decades ago. Regardless of what the banks, or the stock market, or the real estate market do, things wont get any better for us - the regular run-of-the-mill workers - until the huge loopholes the rich, and the companies who stomp on the American worker by offshoring their jobs, are jumping through in order to avoid paying their fair share. That's a sore spot in america that's grown to a huge bleeding ulcer. If it isn't treated soon, I think there will be problems in the US that will make higher taxes or corporate woes seem like less than nothing, and the 'little people' who are tired of being stepped on by corporate america will be the ones that start shutting down American big business (auto, wall street, banks, etc.) by no longer patronizing them. Not only won't we be able to afford to, but we won't want to, either. Gee, and we thought with Bush out of office . . . there would be no material for late-night comedians!! LOL Seriously, there is something so surreal about this man -- it's like watching a character is a spoof film! I was hoping to get the shrub out of office...nm x |
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