He has precisely identified the viable talking points.
Posted By: Hopefully, they will show up on this board. nm on 2008-09-02
In Reply to: Great article here - sm
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- Great article here - sm
He has precisely identified the viable talking points. - Hopefully, they will show up on this board. nm
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Democratic talking points 101. nm
great talking points
1. I do believe there should be some sort of civil union, marriage, whatever you call it to allow homosexuals the same basic rights as married couples. As far as Christian marriage - it should be up to each individual denomination to decide. My own, PC USA is debating this issue every year. I am still on the fence about it.
2. As to welfare, I don't think the current program works. Some welfare-to-work, or something similar would be better. I have a friend who gets a child-care subsidy to help pay with that. If she gets a job making just 25 cents more an hour, she completly looses that, so there is no incentive to get a better job. Same with welfare, food stamps, etc. Maybe phase them out as income increases, to encourage better jobs, growth, etc.
3. As for abortion, I agree with pxmt. Don't like it, don't have one. No matter how I personally feel about it, it is not my place (or anyone elses) to tell a woman what to do with her body, or make someone carry a child to term. As far as I am concerned, it is a medical procedure and should be between the woman and her doctor.
wow.....the talking points are down cold....
what structure? The free enterprise system for one...through hard work able to move up in the world as far as your talent and ambition will take you. Obama wants to penalize those people by talking their money and redistributing it those who did not have the talent or ambition to EARN their way to the "top." Yes, socialism will destroy what makes America great...ingenuity, ambition, and working for what you want or need. And Barack Obama is more of socialist than Hillary Clinton ever thought about being. Yes, she is a socialist...Obama is to the LEFT of her on that issue.
The propaganda and war machine? Good grief!! We were ATTACKED on 9-11, which brought about this whole Iraq thing. And please, do your research...the Iraq Liberation Act was authored during the CLINTON administration, enthusiastically supported by both Clintons and the entire Democratic congress. So please...don't give me the old Bush lied chestnut. It is just not true. If he did, it was because he believed George tenet and Richard Clarke (Both of whom he kept over from the Clinton administration...his first mistake).
Decaying economy? It is not as bad as Carter's term. Our economy was MUCH worse then. Yes, gas prices are high. So for Pete's sake, can we finally drill here???
Shameful health care system? What a ridiculous statement. We have one of the best health care systems in the world. Why does everyone come HERE to be treated? Have you ever transcribed notes for the premier facilities in this country? How many patients come from other countries? How many doctors from other countries come here to train? That is PRECISELY because we don't have "universal" government run health care. If it is so great in Europe, why do those people bring their children to America to be treated for serious diseases? Can we please be serious about this? It is NOT the responsibility of government to insure us. Wait..let me rephrase that in a truthful manner. It is not the responsibility of our fellow citizens to insure us. All government-controlled universal health care will accomplish is a lower standard of care for everyone, premier teaching hospitals will cease to exist, and THEN you will have the shameful health care system you THINK you have now.
Well...while I would not use the words "My way or the highway," we have not been attacked on our oil soil against since 9-11, which is a direct result of our action in Iraq. There are those who will bury their heads in the sand and deny this, but it seems pretty obvious to me with all their actions everywhere else in the world (the terrorists).
As to Europe being our allies....I would again refer you to history. The only allies we have who are still grateful for us pulling their fat out of the fire in WWII is England. France...Italy...oh they wanted us there when we liberated them from Nazi Germany and facism...but have now conveniently forgotten it. Let them be attacked or feel threatened today and who do you think they are going to call? The EU? Yeah, right. Yo, America....helppppp.
As to a little input from them...did not work out very well last time, did it? Whose intelligence agencies agreed with the intelligence Bush was getting? Well....France...Germany...toname two. Yeah, input from Europe is JUST what we need.
As far as hatchet job we have done on ourselves...again, France and Germany have never cared a whit about the US...a lot of jealousy there in case you had not noticed. They will take, take, take...comes time to give, they run like scalded dogs. If that is what you consider an "ally," maybe so. Me, not so much. Compare what we have done in the world and what they have done...what we have contributed to poor and needy all over the world compared to what they have done...and there you will have your story. And again...first sign of trouble and you know who they will go running to? Not each other or the EU...Us. And because we are who we are...we will go and help. History has proven that time and time again. We give everything and get nothing and keep on giving. And these are the opinions you care about??
Wimpy regarding Russia? You have GOT to be kidding. You think Sarkozy of the EU was the least bit influential in getting Russia to dial it down? You SURELY are kidding. It is that hateful stupid "cowboy" Bush who got it done and don't think for a moment it isn't. If Obama was in the White House today he would be kissing the toukas of Russia and Georgia would be a smoking mess and dragged back into Russia under their rule. To quote Teddy Roosevelt you have to talk softly and carry a big stick...Russia knows as long a we have a Prez like Bush there is definitely a stick to contend with. With Obama, more like throwing a sack of daisies at them. There is no way he could ever put up a tough enough front. "Can't we all just get along?" Uh...no, we can't. Because to get along, all parties gotta want to. In what alternate universe does Russia WANT to? The only thing that keeps them from rolling over every country around them is the fear that the US would intervene. Once that is removed...Katy bar the door. And if you look at the history of how russia has behaved...and think anything else, then, I am sorry, you are naive. You have to look at countries and their histories...
Don't know about mtmt's vision of the future, but mine is with an Obama presidency we might just get what little old ugly bald-headed Kruschev told us years ago...we will be taken from inside without firing a shot. Food for thought.
talk about republican talking points
Can't you people say one thing that isnt a direct quote from fox news? Im beginning to see why people have T-shirts that say vote rpublican its easier than thinking. Yes and your right, due to the lies of this administration, we have on big mess on our hands. and you wonder why people are ticked off. But ill be sure to tell my daughter how the terrorists love her because she wanted her husband out of iraq before he was killed for a lie. Unfortunately, that did not happen. But hey Ill just tll her how he was spreading democracy, im sure tha will make her feel bettr. Its only the what..27th rationalization this administration gave for this war?
Biden did nothing but regurgitate talking points....
nothing original in what he said. Same old, same old...just like what he said: "I will not change. I have been in the senate for 30 years. I will not change." and then a breath later, said "Barack and I will bring change." Hmmm....I won't change. I have been in the senate 30 years and I won't change. BUT Barack and I will bring change. puleezzeee.
The staple far-left talking points. Do you have a
brain to think for yourself?
The talking points must have mentioned using the word *impeach* as often as possible, too. NM
Lots of confirmation of the talking points you mention.
Especially the inevitability of New Orleans. You can research the local papers and find articles that go back years. The funding to research and fix this has been the last 3 years W. has been in office. That is a fact. The Army Corps of Engineers chief quit in disgust over this issue some time ago and the former FEMA chairman was fired; the one who got things done, by the Bush administration..I don't know why. Our leadership is lacking. We need a leader. We need someone to step up to the plate and start the ball rolling; to date, doctors, nurses, entertainers, basketball players and ordinary everyday people with some necessary skills have been on the ground working in a haphazard manner because there is no leadership. Bush 41 and Clinton have started their tsunami crusade a la New Orleans and I have to tell you, the both of them sitting on my TV screen asking for money, were more believable, more compassionate than anything we have seen from the WH. A lot of defensive people up there. Why doesn't someone lead. As the mayor of New Orleans said, Washington sent one John Wayne guy down there and he is evidently kicking butt, getting things done. Where are the leaders???
Nope. I don't just post talking points. I back it up.
see above.
Note that the democratic talking points memo of the week must contain sm
stuff about utilities, cuz I sure see it on here a lot. I guess it was okay when Saddam was in power cuz people could flush their toilets and drown out the screams of those being tortured and raped.
He stated they have already identified....
numerous projects and programs that are outdated or do not work, which he will be eliminating, that will save us 2 trillion dollars........I believe he will cut our deficit. That savings right there more than pays for the current stimulus bill.
Not the poster who identified as Republican, but
since he/she has not yet been back to answer, I would like to put my 2 cents in.
Border issues: I can find nothing here to disagree with you about. 9/11 was a huge wake-up call regarding the insecurity of this country, and it is just beyond me why addressing our completely porous borders has not been placed much higher on the priority list. Actually, that's not completely true, I do understand why, and I find it very disappointing. Both parties are so busy courting the Hispanic vote that they would rather endanger this nation's security than risk the loss of those votes.
As far as the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, I'm not certain that's been demonstrated, but assuming it is true, I think we probably differ greatly in our assessments of causes for that poverty and ways to fix it. The ideal should never be to bring the rich down to the level of the poor but to elevate the poor towards the level of the rich. Typical government-run programs aimed at assisting the poor unfortunately seem to have the opposite effect. The rich are taxed (and unfortunately, many small business owners fall into that rich category), the poor are given only a portion of that money thanks to ever-increasing administration costs as bureaucracy continues to add to its own layers, and the incentive to be self-reliant is diminished among those who are capable of work (I'm not talking about your sick Grandma, here - I have no problem helping support the truly disabled of the world, though I think the federal government has proven itself inept enough with handling money prudently to disqualify itself as an arbiter of financial aid).
The net effect of all this, IMHO, is limitation on business growth, particularly among smaller businesses less able to absorb taxation costs, and loss of business overseas among large corporations capable of relocating to any area with a more hospitable business climate (another area of personal disagreement with Bush here is NAFTA/CAFTA. When Ross was talking about that giant sucking sound, he was truly prescient). What this means to us is loss of jobs, which means loss of avenues for self-reliance. It also contributes to a culture of dependence; the development of a class of people raised in homes where no one worked, raised without such basic skills as reporting to a required workplace on time from day to day, knowing how to dress for an interview or job, knowing how to speak and present one's self in a business-appropriate manner, or even fully understanding that the expectation of society is that one will work in order to obtain food and housing for one's family.
On to energy - it's well and good to be upset that the price of oil continues to skyrocket while families are having difficulty paying for heat. I live in a huge old (120+ years) barn of a house, and I am actually pretty anxious about how I'm going to heat it this winter, so this is a topic close to home. I firmly believe that we in the US are going to have very little input in controlling oil prices so long as the vast majority of our supply comes from the Middle East. That is why I personally feel that it is urgent that we explore realistic and cost-effective methods for producing our own energy domestically, including drilling at ANWR and also including the use of nuclear power. Wind, solar, and water power are well and good for those areas with year-round abundance and the ability to produce large enough quantities to be cost-effective (those areas are pretty limited, as far as I know), but the need is now, and it should be addressed now with the technology available now to get us out of the back pockets of OPEC.
Iraq - I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but we have far from destroyed their entire country. May I suggest the following site for some additional news regarding conditions in Iraq: http://goodnewsfromthefront.com/archives/iraq/index.php
Of course, I cannot personally confirm every report on that site, any more than I can confirm anything from the MSM (for whom anyone who ever looks at the Conservative Board knows I have the deepest contempt), but I hope you will review it and do some research of your own to try to determine the truth of what is happening there. I've already addressed elsewhere tonight (on the conservative board) why I don't think Iraq was a waste of money, so I hope you'll understand if I don't repeat all that here. I will just say that I firmly believe that Islamic radicals constitute at least as great and possibly far greater danger to this country and its citizens than any hurricane, no matter how strong, and I think pulling out of Iraq at this point would be the height of folly. I agree with you that America must take priority, and I believe a premature pull-out in Iraq will increase the chaos there and the danger to us as a nation.
As far as financing the war - here are some random thoughts sure to inflame any truly liberal thinker, so I apologize in advance if I increase anybody's BP here. How about reducing the scope of federal government to its constitutional duties, as mandated in the Constitution? Think of the money that would save. While I'm not sure it's possible to return to the loosely affiliated republic envisioned by our forefathers, I do believe that much of the federal government's current activities are usurpations of state and local authority. I would include welfare, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid in this category. It seems likely to me that turning over social responsibilities to local governments would increase accountability at the local level with cost savings and improved efficiency as a result. I would also consider doing away with federal subsidies to most businesses, including farms.
I've been wanting to say something for a while about a term I see bandied about here quite a lot - Neocon. I am not a neocon. A neoconservative, or new conservative, as I understand it is one who is conservative in matters of foreign affairs but tends to be socially liberal (prochoice, okay with deficit spending, not averse to increasing spending to provide for social programs). Bush is much more neoconservative than I am. As a more traditional conservative who tends to be distrustful of big government, I would like to see a 2008 Republican candidate who is a bit more traditionally right-wing (including having firm plans for decreasing the size of federal government) than GWB.
Thank you for this interesting and civil conversation. You've made some very interesting points that have forced me to do some self-examination about my opinions and why I hold them.
The more votes they get, the more viable they become. sm
I would still rather vote my principles than hold my nose and vote for a Nazi and a Communist.
Well I wish they could get enough votes to become viable but (sm)
I doubt that they will. I understand your feelings though because I share in them. I just feel like I have to at least choose one as better than the other and make my vote count, because one or the other of them is going to win, and I feel like right now every vote is needed.
We need a viable 3rd party. Until then....
It is business as usual. Neither party does what WE THE PEOPLE elected them to do, they do what THEY want to do. This is where we as fed up Americans can put entrenched politicians out of business.
Let your elected officials know that in the next election their jobs are in peril as we are SICK AND TIRED of being played for chumps. Then tell them that you will not vote for an established party, you are going to vote 3rd party.
I realize that this will take a lot of work, but if enough of us can join together, it can be done.
I will get off my soapbox now.
Hillary came up with a viable plan days ago, sm
but I've heard no mention of it on TV news, only online. It's similar to the plan used after the depression in the 30s, and really makes sense to me.
I also think the CEOs of these big finance companies who got their million dollar bonuses each year should cough up some big bucks. I'm glad they're being investigated.
They are also a viable grass roots political force
in the region, just like Hezbollah. How successful was Israel in trying to eradicate Hezbollah by bombing them off the face of the earth just 2 short years ago in Lebanon? The harder they try to suppress with violence, starvation, dehumanization, occupation and genocidal wars, the stronger those movements become. Israel is the consummate poster child for Einstein's definition of insanity.
Until the US and Israel have the guts to come to terms with the root causes of WHY these Islamic movements are gaining such traction across the board in the region, we are doomed to stay mired in the same atrocious tit-for-tat cycles of wholesale slaughter and human suffering. There seems to be an endless supply of that on both sides of the fence. The question is why and what can e do to effect a different outcome? Here's a clue for you. End the occupation.
We all want to know that, and it's precisely why
NOT next week, or the week after, or the month after.
He could be a great role model for obtaining your own dreams! This does not mean that I want him to be president, but give credit where credit is due.
Now you understand.
Perhaps you should enlighten us on precisely
My sentiments precisely! nm
You hit the nail precisely on the head.
I did not vote for Obama, but I believe as you do that he is a good man who has our country's best interests at heart.
It's the adulation of his worshippers that worries and bewilders me. It's reminiscent of Beatlemania except that his followers are for the most part adults. I'm all for happiness, joy and hope, but this is something else.
I won't reiterate what you've already pointed out, but I share your take on the situation. My thought is that life will settle back into normalcy as the giddiness subsides and expectations are tempered by reality.
HELLO? We don't do what the terrorists do. That's precisely why they're
Cold rooms? Sleep deprivation? Rock music? A caterpillar? If you imagine that these are the methods used by terrorists, you absolutely have to be the single most uninformed person anywhere in the universe, including if there are 3 million earths somewhere out there, exactly like this one.
Precisely the problem with this plan. Great incentive to NOT
good ole gov't will pick up the tab if you don't.
Now, now, GT, that is precisely the kind of post that belongs on the Liberal Board!
Do you know where we can find one? 
When McBush is talking, he isn't talking to you unless you are wealthy or CEO
who provides campaign funds. Do you know why lobbyists are making the headlines? Because they are bribing the politicians of both parties - lobbyists work for private interests (AIPAC) along with the pharmaceutical company ($280.00 for a bottle of pills? Only in America, folks), oil industry (record profits at your expense) credit card companies and unethical banking procedures (Funny isn't it how Visa wrote the reformed BK bill, making virtually everyone end up in ch 13 (garnishing income, including SS) after raising credit limits and offering transfer balances at 0 percent to everyone with a last name and a roof over their head? Along with mtgs that were bound to turn into bad loans when house prices dropped which they always do after a bubble. God, I could go on and on here but I get tired. The nation is in such trouble. Serious serious trouble. There is a huge loan to an unfriendly country (did you watch the Olympics? did you ever see Bush look more uncomfortable other than during the Stephen Colbert roast during the national press conference. lol.
Well I want you to know what fascism. And I want you to know that those treasury notes are backed up by the taxpayers (you) and real estate including roads and govt buildings and parks. Have you noticed why Save-Mart Center is owned by savemart and not a community business or the community itself? There is somethign happening slowly and surely and it is NOT going to benefit middle class america one iota. You must know that as a poor person, you have no power, no voice. Elections are rigged and the politicans cease to care whether you like them or not - oh wait, that has already happened.
THINK ABOUT THIS!!!! Your 401Ks and investments/assets are what at are stake!
Fascist governments nationalized key industries and made massive state investments. They also introduced price controls, wage controls and other types of Soviet-style economic planning measures.[12] Property rights and private initiative were contingent upon service to the state.[13].[14] Fascists promoted their ideology as a "third way" between capitalism and Marxian socialism.[15] Fascists in Germany and Italy claimed that they opposed reactionaries, and that they were actually revolutionary political movements that fused with conservative social values.
Talking to them is talking to a brick wall.
a few points
I couldn't find the Russert quote because you misquoted. I believe both Cheney and Russert changed their positions since this interview.....
As far as the "747" you mention -- I couldn't find it because it was actually a "707" and here is another opinion on its significance:
"a former C.I.A. station chief and a former military intelligence analyst said that the camp near Salman Pak had been built not for terrorism training but for counter-terrorism training. In the mid-eighties, Islamic terrorists were routinely hijacking aircraft. In 1986, an Iraqi airliner was seized by pro-Iranian extremists and crashed, after a hand grenade was triggered, killing at least sixty-five people. (At the time, Iran and Iraq were at war, and America favored Iraq.) Iraq then sought assistance from the West, and got what it wanted from Britain’s MI6. The C.I.A. offered similar training in counter-terrorism throughout the Middle East. “We were helping our allies everywhere we had a liaison,” the former station chief told me. Inspectors recalled seeing the body of an airplane—which appeared to be used for counter-terrorism training—when they visited a biological-weapons facility near Salman Pak in 1991, ten years before September 11th. It is, of course, possible for such a camp to be converted from one purpose to another. The former C.I.A. official noted, however, that terrorists would not practice on airplanes in the open. “That’s Hollywood rinky-dink stuff,” the former agent said. “They train in basements. You don’t need a real airplane to practice hijacking. The 9/11 terrorists went to gyms. But to take one back you have to practice on the real thing.”
Salman Pak was overrun by American troops on April 6th. Apparently, neither the camp nor the former biological facility has yielded evidence to substantiate the claims made before the war."
two points
Here we go with the celebrity subject again. Also I don't want the Spears family used as a standard against which to select our national leaders.
No points for you or
And you know this how? Gibson was repeating his questions because he was expecting to hear a little more than what she gave. He did not ask her about the general function of NATO. The NATO question was within the context of Georgia. As I explained in the last post, any US foreign policy toward Georgia is an extremely tricky proposition, whether it is a member of NATO (not any time soon) or not, given global relationships between the US and Russia, US and Eastern European nations and the dynamics between Europe and it's relation to former Eastern bloc countries in terms of their recognition by NATO, which historically is a precursor to inclusion within the European Union.
Georgia's entry into NATO is not a foregone conclusion, especially in view of its recent aggression in South Ossetia. This was no trick question for Palin. The South Ossetia episode is quite recent and the answer to this question should have reflected some sort of awareness of that conflict, the nature of which remains in question in terms of who started the aggression. That episode has complicated Georgia's NATO aspirations. An informed candidate would have naturally expressed that within the context of the question.
In addition, the US has pipeline stuff happening there and there is a direct conflict of interests between the US and Russia in terms of the oil reserves and who is going to exploit them. Why do you think Russia has such interest in Georgia? Another talking point is the fact that US troops are already spread so thin between Iraq and Afganistan. Can we really afford to open a third front? NOT. If Palin really knew anything about any of this, she missed a great opportunity Gibson gave her to "show her stuff." He even gave her the opportunity not once, not twice, but three times…thus the repeated questions. She did not recognize the opportunity and was unable to respond because of her fundamental lack of knowledge on the subject. No point for Palin.
Your contention about the so-called "liberal media" not interviewing Obama about foreign policy is a crock. Maybe in Fox Land. Do you not recall the little overseas trip he made earlier in the summer? There was a whole blitz of interviews, both televised and in print media, in the days leading up to that trip. Fareed Zakaria had a one-hour interview Obama on July 13 on CNN during the GPS program he hosts every Sunday. This link will take you there where you can see the photo and content of the interview.
He was interviewed on Face the Nation. Here's the link.
Here's a link to the CSPAN interview:
Here's a link to the NY Times interview:
Here's a more recent one:
O'reilly questioned him on foreign policy:
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Obama has foreign policy experience. He is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In this capacity, he has made numerous trips to many countries. Read about this here under the 109th and 110th Congress sections.
He has been asked about his experience as you can see in the transcripts from the links provided above. Furthermore, he has a number of ideas and strategies that were also discussed. These types of interviews will be the ones that the pub party will shield Palin from, but that will not save her from the foreign policy segments that lay ahead of her against Joe Biden (can't WAIT for that one!) in the VP debates. Your comment about video, as usual, is taken out of context and your contention is debunked by the content of the above links. No point for you either. Palin is a pipsqueak on foreign policy and no amount of spin from you or from her party is going to be able to save her from herself.
Your points are all well taken.......sm
I don't really know that there is a "bigger picture," however, in terms of one situation being worse than the other. If we proceed with the bailout, will that be the end of it? Who will be at Capitol Hill next holding out their hat? The construction companies? The grocery store chains? The shipping industry? The logging industry? Where is the money going to come from? China is pretty much tired of our useless dollar. Maybe Russia or North Korea will come to our aid. Or perhaps, those of us who are working will be taxed to the point of not being able to feed and provide for our families and decide "what's the point in working?" and just get in line with everyone else and then the government can bail us out, too.
My point is that, either way, this is going to hurt our economy....not hurt, probably crucify. If government would stay out of the free enterprise system, it would eventually right itself. If we bail out the big 3 this time, how long before they will crash and burn for good? And then what? Just go to the Xerox and print up some dollars, because that's about what our dollar is worth these days?
America has fallen down, and there is no one to help her get back up again.
Three Points:
First: "In other words, I didn't campaign and say, 'Please vote for me, I'll be able to handle an attack,'" he said. "In other words, I didn't anticipate war. Presidents -- one of the things about the modern presidency is that the unexpected will happen."
Bush "anticipated" this war as far back as 1999 when he said if he ever had the chance to invade Iraq, he would, so he could be seen as a war-time President and thus have a successful presidency. This was two years BEFORE 9/11 happened and one year before he was President.
So this nonsense of "not anticipating war" is just another Bush lie, and I would encourage anyone who is truly interested in the "integrity" of George W. Bush to read the link I provided below in its entirety because it is quite revealing. It not only includes this tidbit about his wanting to invade Iraq but also shows, once again, how an innocent man who was his ghost writer on a book (and also a family friend of the Bushes) had his character attacked after the Karen Hughes and others came in, realized that Bush said too much, and the author (Mr. Herskowitz) was fired, citing personal habits that interfered with his writing -- totally false and another example of how Bushies will destroy anyone -- even friends of the family. It shows just how despicable they all are.
Second: His comment regarding the economic crisis: "You know, I'm the president during this period of time, but I think when the history of this period is written, people will realize a lot of the decisions that were made on Wall Street took place over a decade or so, before I arrived in president," Bush said.
He threw his own father under the bus on this one because the administration in control "over a decade or so" before Bush's installment as President was Bush 41.
Third: Bush said that he regrets that he was unable to change the partisan tone in Washington -- one that permeated his presidency.
"I didn't go into this naively; I knew it would be tough," he said. "But I also knew that the president has the responsibility to try to elevate the tone.
And, frankly, it just didn't work, much as I'd like to have it work."
"9/11 unified the country, and that was a moment where Washington decided to work together," he said. "I think one of the big disappointments of the presidency has been the fact that the tone in Washington got worse, not better."
9/11 DID bring the people of this country together until BUSH, through his actions, brought about the divisions and the low morale that exists today and might never disappear. The tone in Washington got worse because Bush continually thumbed his nose at the Constitution and at the Congress with all his "signing statements," "executive orders," playing deadly politics with outting a CIA agent, etc., etc., etc. He laughed and joking about WMDs, pretending to look for them under his desk, and quipping, "Nope. They're not there." He showed his contempt for our brave soldiers during a ceremony where he was distributing medals to the survivors of soldiers who had been killed and told a griefstricken mother, "Now, don't go selling this on eBay." (heh heh, smirk smirk) He has used every conceivable opportunity to "raise the terror level" whenever it was politically convenient in order to keep this country in a constant state of fear and submission.
He has only ever cared about the richest top 1%-ers in this country. The current (and never-ending) "bailout" will continue to make his rich criminal cronies even richer, and that's fine because we always have enough money to do THAT. We just never have enough money to help the citizens of the USA. Indeed, to suggest that we might even need help results in accusations of us being lazy or living beyond our means, etc. There is no doubt about it. All these "bailouts" are Bush's babies (complete with same secrecy and lack of transparency which has become his trademark), and buying up banks is fascism, plain and simple. He can't blame Clinton, can't blame his father, and he can't blame Obama.
We still have way too much time (in my opinion) left with him as the Commander-in-Chief, and he can do a lot more damage (besides all the safety regulations he is in a frenzy to dismantle, each of which that will make Americans UNSAFE).
With all the things he has done and is continuing to do, the only worry on this board is whether or not the Supreme Court will overthrow the will of the people (which could be very convenient for Bush in instituting martial law and promoting himself to "Dictator-in-Chief," the prospect about which he's "joked" on three separate occasions. I wonder when the last time was that Scalia went hunting with Cheney and what their plans for this whole birth certificate non-issue are.
I suppose if the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, then everyone on this board will say the Supreme Court is hiding something and go on an anti-Supreme Court tirade for a few months.
Or they might just let it go and return to questioning the "true motive" behind Obama getting his daughters a puppy (the "timing" of which has already been questioned on this board, which is even more bizarre).
All these terrible things that Bush has done over the last eight years -- and is still doing -- including stating that the Constitution is just a (insert Rev. Wright's "God" phrase here) piece of paper. (How telling that I can't even properly quote the President of the United States because his language is too vulgar.) I'm ashamed that Bush has not only talked that Constitutional talk but has consistently walked that Constitutional walk, as well.
His "divide and conquer" technique has certainly worked, as is evidenced by a quick look at this board and the negative judgment of the President-Elect before he has even taken the oath of office.
I've stated before that I will support Obama, as I supported Bush (before Bush gave me a TON of reasons not to). However, it's clear to me that no matter how much Obama proves he loves this country, no matter how hard he works to unite us once again, no matter how devoted he is to bringing back the "American Dream," and no matter how hard he works to fix all the damage done by Bush, there are certain people on this board that will still invent reasons to condemn him, and they'll continue to jump from one non-issue to another non-issue.
I wonder where they all were during eight years of Bush's contempt for the Constitution and how loud their voices were in disapproval of his actions.
Bush can try to rewrite history all he wants, but I will remember what he did and what he's still doing.
THESE are exactly the points where
you are wrong. Obama is not kissing anyone's backside, the contrary. He tries to implementreal democracy, by actions, not only by words.
He is encouraging real democracy (see Iran) and justice (in Palestine).
He is sincere, but not all people can see this. I read yesterday on the Faith Board and there were implication by some people that OObama might be the Antichrist?
OMG, I cannot believe this! JTBB nipped this allegation right in the bud!
I agree with many of their points.
I feel that where they went astray, as often seems to happen on these political boards, was in making this a political issue. I have nothing but the greatest sympathy for these women, for all those who were affected by 9/11. I think Ann was not wise in the way she worded her statements, but there is a grain of truth, however small, in what she says. I am not a big fan of hers, but there are many many more victims out there who have chosen not to take the political path. Still, as I said, I agree with their points, especially the porous borders.
Good points.
I keep hoping that Krazy Katherine (Harris) will begin to spill her guts about it all since the Bushes have turned their backs on her, after she saw to it that he took Florida. She's probably waiting for her payback and isn't getting it from them.
I agree with you on many points.
Living a responsible life with care and reverence for life seems to have been pushed to the side in these times, though. I do believe that in many instances, not all but many, abortion is being used as a means of birth control. In fact, I am absolutely positive about that because I transcribe many reports where women have had multiple abortions on a continuing basis. And to think that anyone would vote that a teenager has a right to an abortion without parental involvement is chilling.
Imagine you were living in America in 1956 and someone would predict that, in the span of half a century, the culture in America would be so transformed that homosexuality would be an acceptable and even celebrated lifestyle choice, Christianity would be relegated to a private matter not to be considered in questions of public conduct, the culture that had dominated America and was an integral part of its success would be condemned as the cause of most evil in the world, the family would be on the verge of collapse as an institution, children would be listening to music that spewed obscenities and celebrated random sexual encounters and violence, teens would be having sex so commonly that some sexually transmitted diseases would become epidemic in that age group, and abortion would be the law of the land with a million and a half such procedures performed annually. Predictions of such a complete collapse of basic morality would have been considered so ridiculous that it would have been deemed possible only by the complete capitualtion of our nation's leadership to pure evil.
The collapse of morality in this nation was not organic nor imposed by force but orchestrated as part of many interlocking marketing campaigns that had as their goal the repackaging of evil in a seductive wrapping and selling it to the American public. In some cases, the motivation was socio-political while in other cases the motivation was purely financial. Yet in each case the underlying techniques of manipulaiting the public are essentially the same.
The only way to combat the manipulation around us to become aware of its existence. Manipulation is rarely as effective once the manipulated are cognizent of their fate.
Ther is an entire laundry list of movements in contemporary American culture. Although many conservatives are in some sense aware of the problem of manipulation of the public sentiment, it is still quite jarring to see all the dots connected.
The problem we face is not just with leftists but also with corporate executives who see nothing questionable in artificially generating a desire for products through deceit. The forces of the left merely picked up on these techniques and applied them to sell their product. That corporations manipulated the public to sell soap, automobiles, and cigarettes instead of political views, sexual practices, and anti-Christian bigotry does not make such manipulation a morally acceptable practice. A wonderful example of this is the legislation just voted on in Missouri for embryonic stem cell research. The largest contributor to this (quote) cause (unquote) was the company who stood to benefit the most from the research.
I say we need a call for our culture to return to principles rooted in the Christian faith. The problem is that much of the Church in America has already succumbed to the very illness that needs combatting. It is an easy target to aim at liberal churches who have surrendered on traditional morality. Much of the shallowness of contemporary Evangelical Christianity is a direct result of their adopting modern marketing techniques (as seen in the megachurches) as a means for advancing the Gospel. Such techniques may produce numbers but not necessarily disciples. Look at what has happened to the Episcopal church as a good example of having lost one's way. They are losing members by the thousands.
The American public has for a generation been sold evil as good and it has taken this long for a crack in the facade to appear. For anyone interested in the future of this country, I think it is time to realize that abortion is not a right. It never was and it never will be. For every woman who cries KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY BODY, there is a child, call it what you will if that will assauge your conscience, who has no voice at all. And when you are sitting with your family at Christmas or Thanksgiving and watching the children play, try and justify to yourself the ones who never had a chance to be there.
Agree with some points
I myself abused the welfare program for one year as a 19-year-old unwed mother. Well, kind of. It was not an experience I ever wanted to repeat. However, my feeling is that the difficulty lies in determining who is truly deserving and needy of welfare and who is just taking advantage of the free ride. And at what point do we also punish the children of ne'er-do-wells by denying benefits. I guess that's my concern.
OK, now I've got to get some typing done or I'll end up on welfare from losing my job!!
Good points. nm
Very good points! nm
Here here - very good points.
I didn't catch the whole interview (just a question here and there) but I did hear him ask her about the Bush doctrine. I looked at DH and asked him "what part of it is he asking about". She had the perfect right to ask him to clarify. It was definitely a set up (or tried to be a set up). Overall I think she gave a good interview given they were trying to bait and trap her. Luckily it didn't work and she came out looking better. Maybe what they should do is get some people from other countries who have no vested interest in who gets picked to interview and be the moderators during debates because it's obvious that it doesn't matter what network you work for, if you want one candidate to win over the other your going to be condescending to the other. Boy do I miss Tim Russert.
BTW - With all that has been thrown at her from the media and the liberal sacs she sure can take care of herself. Makes me realized what a strong VP she will make.
Good points! nm
Interesting points
I voted by mail for McCain/Palin. Here's why.
Obama has a new ad out talking about taking the day off of work to vote. Let's face it, everyone taking the day off will NOT help the economy.
Obama keeps pointing out he will go through the budget line by line. last I knew the President does not have the ability to line item veto.
He speaks of redistributing the wealth and that it starts from the bottom up. Who defines what bottom is? And why should someone take my money or even my father's money since he makes over 250, 000 and give it to someone else?
And let's not forget the act of treason that was swept under the rug when he spoke to the Iraqi leader basically stating the current President is not capable? I can post links if needed.
McCain has his bad points as well but honestly, I would sleep better at night knowing him and Sarah are at the helm.
Yes, I agree with you on all points...sm
I will respect the office of the president. Mr. Obama must earn my trust and respect.
My husband came into my office last night with his water glass, and said we had to give the kid a chance. We had to have a toast to Obama, and wish him well. After all, we are all Americans.
We must wish him well in the days and years that are ahead. He and America will need it.
I can only wish that he will move to more to center, to do the right thing, just as Clinton did. And I think we did retain enough seats to block passage if need be, in the Senate.
So again, I will wish him well. I can do no less as an American.
I agree, you have some points there......nm
Very good points nm
Just a response to a few of your points......... sm
unless I get really carried away! LOL
"What's next, not allow people to marry if they have purple hair or tattoos on their faces, or how about multiple nose rings or a mohawk haircut. Where's it going to stop."
As long as it is a MAN with a man with facial tattoos and a nose ring who is marrying a WOMAN with a purple mohawk, I have no problem with it. Those things, while stupid in and of themselves, are not (with the possible exception of tattoos and piercings depending on how you interpret the Bible) against God's word.
"Once again you are following a book you believe in (bible). We all do not believe in that book. To base your believes on a book written by men who put in and kept out what they wanted to to control society...well I just don't buy it."
Okay, let me understand here. You don't believe in the Bible because somebody told you that it was written by man who wanted to control society, but yet you believe those who prepetuate that lie? Ooookkkkaaaayyyyy.
"As for affecting your life. Maybe we need to start teaching children about tolerance. Explain to them about gay couples and straight couples, and teach them to love their neighbors. Teach them not to ridicule people for the way they want to live their lives. I am glad we are seeing more and more on TV. People need to start being tolerant and learning to live in this century. Teach your kids and if they decide that that is the lifestyle they want to live when they are older then love them for who they are and not who you fear. "
Thanks to the homosexual agenda that is plastered on the news and newspapers every day, I do have to teach my children about homosexuality AND THAT IT IS WRONG at a much younger age than I would have liked to. I didn't learn what a homosexual was until I was in high school and only then because there was an effeminate young man who was said to have been gay. Whether he was or was not, I don't know, but I had never heard of the words people used to describe him before then....and those words certainly wasn't "gay" or "homosexual." I do teach my boys to love all people. I also teach them that doesn't mean being involved sexually with someone of the same sex or with anyone prior to marriage. I also tell them that I love them no matter what and while I have never said "even if you are gay" I know I would still love them, even if I did not accept or approve of their lifestyle CHOICE.
"All I know is one day when I meet my maker he will say, at least you had an open mind and loved everyone for who they were, and you tried to educate people."
I know that when I meet my maker, he will say at least you tried to tell others about me and what is written in my word.
Okay....I got carried away. LOL
I go along with the well-said points of view of
Kaydie and LA difference.
You need to get out into the real world. From your post, it seems like you are living in a dream world.
When you have someone in your family assaulted and spends weeks in the hospital on the "edge", you will see why our right to own a gun is necessary. I certainly will not hesitate to shoot if I'm being threatened or to protect my family.
Only criminals use guns indiscriminantly and they don't care about life itself, or haven't you noticed? And that brings me to the point of the death penalty. Those that use a gun to commit a crime should receive the death penalty if they kill someone. I believe the death penalty is a deterent; i.e., some criminals with brains think twice before killing, but others do not.
I won't even go into your pub or Roe vs. Wade. They are so asinine, they don't deserve a reply.
Good points
From what I understand the Obamas did look at the public school system in DC. Unfortunately, it's not terrific. Don't blame the feds - blame the people who insisted on election Marion Barry ad nauseum to one position of power or another in that city.
Picture yourself as a parent of a public school child. Now picture yourself as that same parent, yet your child has to go through metal detectors and screening and more every time they want to go to class because the President's kids go to school with you. Now picture yourself as that same parent because there is a kidnapping threat or death threat to those same kids of the president.
The Obamas made the only choice that was viable for their children and for other children who will be going to school with them. Public schools are not set up for the type of security that POTUS' kids need.
And let's be realistic. This POTUS needs a helluva lot more security than others did. I love the guy and I voted for him, but I'm not blind to the security issues that are faced with him being POTUS.
Here we go with the exclamation points
Why are you equating Smilin Bob (I didn't know who he was until about 3 seconds ago) with the absence of christianity? This is so typical. It's a pretty faulty logic to say that if you have a spirituality that doesn't include Jesus, you therefore want a large -- ahem -- dock.
Once again, you (personally and/or to the extent that you represent other christians) cannot seem to tell the difference between a product and a belief system, & do you actually think Smilin Bob's ONLY patrons are non-christians? Why on earth would you draw the line there?
No one is ridiculing anything, although I'm tempted to ridicule the conclusions to which you are jumping regarding what non-christians' morality is necessarily about. You actually seem to be making a case for the idea that the only moral people are christians, which is so ludicrous & religio-centric a claim, I don't even know where to start. You are completely entitled to your beliefs, as I am to mine. As I said in another post in this thread, your right to your beliefs STOPS when they start infringing on my right to mine.
Good points
That was what I kept thinking but didn't know how to word it. Every station has the news on, and then they have shows where people give their opinions/comments, but when people on this board will call it Foux New or Fixed News (or whatever) - I think Geez, these are the same exact news stories, film clips that I'm seeing on MSNBC and CNN when they are doing their news segments. So why is it okay if it's on their stations but the same exact news story on Fox is not credible? Unfortunately though I think your last sentance said it all "you don't let them form your opinions". Unfortunately I think a lot of liberals do let Olbermann and Matthews and the likes form their opinion. I know this because I listen to my family and also because I used to be a huge Olberman and Matthews fan (until I saw the crap they were pulling during the campaign trail and how little respect they gave for the republican side ridiculing them. I would think, well that's not fair because they are not critizing Hillary or Obama. Then my friend said listen to other stations and see what they have to say then form your own opinion once you hear both sides. Otherwise your just being brainwashing.