Here are the videos
Okay, on my previous post of *videos, please*, there is a link, click on it..The videos to check out are there..Hope they move you..they sure have blown my mind. Peace to you all. GingerT
Wow....have seen abortion videos before but....
whew. The responsibility of knowledge. People should realize the ramifications of "choice." They should know what they are choosing and supporting. Absolutely horrific. Can't hardly type this for the tears.
Interestng videos...
Crap. The more I am looking into videos
This video is bothering me. Obama makes a statement and he then makes it out to be that it got twisted and everyone laughs and jokes about it, but then he says while everyone is laughing, "BUT IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO." Do people not see who he really is and how he acts?
Check out these first two videos. sm
The first one is Sarah Palin and the second is that pig-in-a-blanket Lamebaugh. You would think that these mentally deficient people would have figured out by now that their fearmongering just isn't working (except for the dems - LOL). Thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people in this country have brains in their heads.
Go ahead and flame -- we know how much some of you hate MSNBC. These are clips from "The Ed Show" on his feature "Psycho Talk". Go ahead, give them a listen, and feel very proud of what the conservatives have to offer in the way of representation.
Check out these first two videos. sm
The first one is Sarah Palin and the second is that pig-in-a-blanket Lamebaugh. You would think that these mentally deficient people would have figured out by now that their fearmongering just isn't working (except for the dems - LOL). Thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people in this country have brains in their heads.
Go ahead and flame -- we know how much some of you hate MSNBC. These are clips from "The Ed Show" on his feature "Psycho Talk". Go ahead, give them a listen, and feel very proud of what the conservatives have to offer in the way of representation.
You really don't want to start the war of the videos, do you?
Two Fantastic Olbermann videos.
(I hope this post doesn't get deleted. I'm copying and saving this, just in case, and then if it's deleted again, maybe I can just email the links to those who might be interested in seeing these excellent clips.)
#1: Reinventing the Geneva Conventions (with Jonathan Turley regarding Bush wanting to cover his butt for past illegal deeds):
#2: It's Unacceptable to Think (Bush's response to Colin Powell's thoughts)
The posts on the conservative board were supported by videos. sm
These videos all showed US Soldiers discussing their views on the war. Much different than something you read in print. I would also like to say that the Military Times is NOT an armed forces newspaper. It is privately owned and does not in any way speak for the military. The generals are saying they will resign if we go into Iran.
Geesh, did you even watch the videos, what fabulous tax break, for who??
Obama once again lied - see message
Henry Kissinger was just interviewed. He said he never said to sit down with "no preconditions". Once again another reason I don't trust Obama.
Well we all know you love your lord Obama, - see message
So you wouldn't see this with an open mind. Luckily enough people are seeing this as being too cultish. Compare it with North Korean videos of the kids singing to their dictator, same with Saddam Hussein's regime and the Hitler Youth Groups. As for the Lyrics "we're going to change the world". That is not the job of the "President of the United States". That means ONLY the united states. Not the whole blasted world. How would you feel if Akmindinajab (sp?) was saying he was going to change the world (of course to the way he thinks). Would you be okay with that?
I did not think Obama was for universal health coverage... see message
I thought he was just for a coverage to be available to all people - but not mandatory to take it. Am I wrong?
Obama is a natural-born American...see message
Now you can sleep well. I'm not voting for Obama, but I can't stand it when people stir crap up that isn't true.
Obama could win popular but still lose election - see message
It is possible. It has happened before. I think now especially in these final two days, when people are hearing Obama saying in a radio interview that he will bankrupt coal companies and skyrocket electricity bills, a lot of people are really wondering. Especially the states where coal is their major industry. They are starting to realize that a vote for the O means they'll be out of work. Along with the birth certificate issue not being resolved, and other the other numerous questions about the O people are really wondering about him.
I think Jesse Jackson's probem is that Obama is not trying to hide the problems - see message
He is not trying to hide the problems in the black community - like his speech about father's needing to stand up and become involved in their children's lives - not just "bear the fruit" and leave it to rot... Most black people want their problems kept quiet and they will take care of it themselves. Also if there is a problem in the black community, they want to take care of it themselves and not broadcast it for the world to become aware (like they do not already know). As long as there is not a prominent black figure calling attention to their problems, they don't have to recognize them.
It is the same with Bill Cosby. The black community does not like it that he calls attention through the media to the problems. If he were just working behind the scenes quietly, it would be okay.
Understand, I am not prejudiced against black people - very involved with black people and therefore know some of how they think - agree with some of it and disagree with some of it.
You noticed that, too, huh? NM
I noticed
I know..guess we are winning.....YIPPEE!!
Have you noticed?
that people on the conservative board are accusing liberals of thinking their (sic) winning because there are more posts on their board than there is on ours? It's like saying I have more friends then you do...nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
I agree it's stupid.... just as stupid as it was when the very same poster did it several months ago. 

Yeah, because they've all left and come here
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Posted By: American Girl on 2005-07-12,
In Reply to: Why don't y'all go back to the angry liberal planet? sm - MT
the L-board has been stuck on 406 posts since late afternoon...
Yeah, look at the number of posts
[Post a Reply] [View Follow Ups] [Politics] --> [Conservatives]
Posted By: American Girl on 2005-07-12,
In Reply to: Hey their board is boring!!! sm - MT
on our board compared to there's. They aren't happy unless they are reprimanding us or calling us stupid, misinformed, hicks....and the list could go on and on. The numbers speak for themselves.
Have you ever noticed
Just wondering - have you ever noticed that whenever anything is being said that is not favorable and makes Obama look bad it always "taken out of context". Then you've got McCain singing "bom#, bom#, bom# Iran" or other really weird stuff and that's okay. I think the whole country is going "whacky".
You must not have noticed...
...Gov Palin doesn't use a teleprompter. She also thinks well on her feet, and is an outstanding speaker, without all the "Ums" "ers" "you knows" etc....
I say she'll trounce him.
I have definitely noticed how
both presidential candidates are not the greatest speakers. With Obama's uhs and McCain's creepy pained looking smiles. LOL! Neither one of them really do much for me in the way of speaking ability. That is one thing I have to give Bill Clinton credit for......he could deliver a speech really well.
Yes, I noticed this...
you are really fast, a devil typist, and 99% accuracy, amazing! Good for you.
Go, Obama.
gas is all i have noticed nm
Yes, I noticed that about you.
Your posts from even as recently as a week or 2 ago. That's why I wanted to respond to you.
Is your concern mostly for your personal situation or for the country as a whole? I think it is helpful to remember to include the media among the "not one person alive" with experience gang. They contribute a great deal to the fear factor and the more you immerse yourself in that dialog, the worse you will feel.
A few points to ponder. We are about to emerge from 8 years of W and are still standing. This in and of itself is a source of comfort for me, knowing that we have had the strength to endure that assault on our way of life (in my opinion). All the gloom and doom you are feeling is a direct byproduct of that era.
I also am encouraged that we have elected a leader who had the wisdom and judgment to manage to succeed in becoming the first black POTUS by ae 47. He correctly assessed the country as "being ready" for this giant step forward, set and stayed a course under the stormiest conditions and came out on top of it all. What he did was HUGE and I believe we have the very best person we could have at the helm. I do not believe he has come as far as he has only to become "more of the same."
If anyone is able to create opportunity out of adversity, embrace innovation, identify common cause, mobilize broadly diverse populations, promote progress, advance goals and get the job done, it would be him. Should we all fall on hard times, you must take care of yourself first, then in turn help others in need and summon up as much courage, hope and faith as you are able to find within yourself. We are all much stronger than we know and perhaps this is our time to test ourselves and rise to the challenge.
I noticed that too. nm
Have you not noticed what's not being said?
It has gotten eerily quiet among the O lovers about those wonderful tax cuts they were promised. Obama signed 5 executive orders in 3 days and NOT ONE about tax cuts for them! Amazing! Instead, he has INCREASED their taxes now to the tune of who knows how much.......... notice how all those who really believed they would get a tax cut have not spoke about it at all. They will never admit they are sitting quietly and wondering where that promise went.
All the phone calles to the white house are saying "TAX CUT" not tax increase. WOW.....not at all what Obama is reporting on his democrat-only little meetings before the cameras where he keeps assuring them the American people WANT the stimulus package.... why isn't he reporting the truth, which is we are being bombarded with phone calls which say we don't want my stimulus package.
Have you noticed
Have you noticed that Hillary looks like she's having a blast in her job. She may not be respected by the other countries, but she just smiles through it. I'll bet with all that Obama is going through I'll bet she's saying...phew! glad I didn't get into (inherit) that mess. :-) Poor Obama, I feel so bad the stress must be so bad as he's already turning gray/white. Usually that takes a couple years. Poor guy.
GT I've noticed something
the more you get your hackles up your limited vocabulary becomes that much more limited.
I have noticed this trend..
starting about Katrina time. A lot happened at the same time, Katrina, over 2000 dead, CIA leak, erroneous intelligence, gas prices, etc. etc. I have felt that even on my side of the street that there just is not much to say...it's all being exposed...for myself it is a confirmation that what I have believed all along seems to be true and for conservatives, I would guess they are staying on other boards, those that are extremely partisan in nature simply because it would be very difficult to defend much of what has taken place recently and from the get go. In 2004 I was very frightened that this country could not take 4 more years of George W. Bush but I had NO IDEA the enormity that prediction would take on. The whole thing is extremely mind-boggling and frightening.
Never noticed that before. Not that it means anything of course.....
but it IS freaky. lol.
I noticed the same thing, sam.
This smacks of hypocrisy to me and shows none of them care for us, they only care for the party they belong to. I am getting more and more bummed out with the majority of these people, and not impressed at all with the mainstream media who act like they are in a feeding frenzy, nor the people attending who seem to be exhibiting signs and symptoms of mass hysteria. I know they heard the same things I have heard as you already have posted. Wow. When Pelosi stated she would straighten this out (obama or hillary), I figured they could just skip the entire expense of this convention and have everybody text message instead. This is getting more and more to have an American Idol flavor to it! I can hardly wait for next week. Pass the popcorn and crackerjack. I already know this year I will probably vote a straight ticket which I have never done. This is primarily a dem county and if I don't have a problem with the local positions, I vote for them, but I don't want the entire senate, house and Pres to have total dem rule. Come to think of it, that goes for the republicans, too. There was a reason this was set up this way.
So you noticed that too. Sam somtimes
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Yes, I also noticed this too today. Not sure if I saw this before or not.
Could be a sign of a stroke or somethin if it was not there before. Would have to look at previous pics of him from a few days ago or so to see if it was there. Hope not. Do not wish that on anyone.
A little twitching too I noticed. nm
Haven't you noticed?
The posts about your so-called disaster sat up there all day yesterday and elicited next to nothing in the way of response. Noise on Focks and related subjects, like alien spaceships, come from the parallel universe and hardly qualify as real news. The only interest you will see there will be coming from the zombies marking lock-step behind the propaganda machine.
Haven't you noticed?
The posts about your so-called disaster sat up there all day yesterday and elicited next to nothing in the way of reponsees. Noise out of Focks and related subjects, like alien spaceships, comes from the parallel universe and hardly qualifies as real news. The only interest it will generate will be from the zombies marching lock-step behind the propaganda machine.
I noticed that myself. Yet during the campaign,
did he bring up his father at all? I don't remember him doing that. Now that he is the prez, he brings up a father he only met once or twice?
But face it, it was a half decent speech. If half the people that were there listen and learn, it would be worth it.
I never noticed that before.....can't remember a Mr.
a Mr Clinton, Mr. Carter, Mr. Ford, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Regan, Mr Nixon Mr. Kennedy. I do remember from time to time a Mr. Bush towards the end of his term, which surprised me... Maybe it's because I didn't pay as much attention to the news in those days. Oh well, learn something every day.
I've noticed that too!
Other than the occasional pathetic attempt to poke fun at Palin or to bash Bush, the O supporters have been strangely silent. I guess there's not much to say when you're in the path of that approaching train wreck.
That's the one word I noticed. Look into my eyes...
Follow me and you will be granted three wishes...but not before I publish my next book, sit down with terrorists and chat, be romanced by the mainstream media (oops I hope I don't get punished with a baby), and mark myself as present in the Oval office all while I am working on padding my pockets on some dirty Rezko deal. I could go on, but, well, you know, I am so modest.
I do not believe anyone is trying to start a rumor. Just something we noticed.
and hopefully it is nothing serious. but it was noticeable.
I have noticed that the closer we get to Tuesday -
The closer we get to the actual election day, the less the republicans are talking about their plan and how it would be better and shifted their focus entirely to talking about how bad Obama is and how horrible his plan would be.
I also seemed to notice that a few weeks ago when McCain left Obama out of it for a couple of days and focused on the real issues that he started gaining in the polls. It seems to me if the campain cannot even understand that the issues are what people want to hear about and run a campaign based on the issues, then how can you expect them to be able to run the United States of America the way it needs to be run?
Have you noticed how the stock market goes up
or how the media has been fueling that engine by pushing and pushing and obsessing over the cabinet appointments in search of dirt to dig up on them?
Obama has been trying to give voters a little reassurance, but I supposed lots of folks will find something wrong with that too.
Noticed Fox covering mostly, others ignoring
for the most part. From what I noticed on Fox the crowd seems to be extremely small. Some talk on Huffingtonpost about tea bags not being able to be dumped where they wanted them to go and now truck driving around with all those bags. I think this was mostly a big to do about nothing really.
Yeah, I've noticed that. (sm)
Didn't make me laugh, though. Sometime the truth isn't all that funny.
I guess you haven't noticed...(sm)
that our national guard has been deployed in record numbers to the middle east. So, if our regular military is over there and our national guard is over there, who do you think is providing security here? If by chance we were actually targeted and invaded right now, exactly who would be fighting them off? You need to get over the fearmongering and look at the numbers.
Couple of things I have noticed:
It seems the wording is always the same in O's responses. Every project or agenda on his mind always is at a critical point and must be dealt with now, but the situtation in Iran - wait and see? Everyone seemed to want to know what O was going to say and my first thought was: Where is the UN?
I noticed that Druge and AOL had wayyy different numbers
so there