Have NEVER heard Obama speak to this
Posted By: Muslims despise gays you know? on 2008-10-16
In Reply to: What is your point? Are you suggesting...sm - confused
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Have you heard Caroline speak? OMG!
Obama should never speak without a script.Anyone
and Obama DOESN'T mis-speak?-dont go there
Don't go there unless you are ready to hear it back. Obama thinks there are at least "57" states and talks of when the "bomb was dropped on Pearl Harbor". He is also the king of "uhhh" and "ummmm". He reads a teleprompter well. Otherwise, he makes many mistakes when speaking.
Actually, Obama is NOT "very eloquent" when he tries to speak
Lots of people have noticed this and commented on it. He becomes quite ordinary, hesitant, and as some have said, "professorial".
I'm sure you must have too...or you're simply too bedazzled by pixie dust to notice that Obama is really quite ordinary.
what I heard Obama say -
I heard Obama say that if you were making OVER 250,000 you would get higher taxes, if you were making between 200,000 and 250,000 then your taxes would not change, and if you were making under 200,000 then you would be seeing tax cuts, with the highest being for the middle class (which would be where the 100,000 comes in).
Obama (1st chair) first said he heard ...
Wright say things that were controversial in the church. Then he denied it. Then he said he did, then he said he didn't.
Joe Biden's son is a professional lobbyist. He has gotten huge earmarks for his father's constituents. Do we really want to go there?
I heard Obama talking
about that bill. I cannot remember what he said was on it that he did not like, but I remember he said that those babies are protected without it. That it is already a law that they have to get medical attention if they survived the abortion.
He knew that was the case when he voted, so that was not the issue, and it would not subject them to being left to die.
I heard tonight that Obama
was planning on asking Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State. Remembering back to the primary days, I'm not sure I think this is a good idea. For that matter, I'm not even sure it's true; just something I heard, nothing official.
I'm having a rough night and feel there's another hospitalization for me looming in my very near future, so I might not be able to post on here for a while for feedback from you on this. (To some on this board, go ahead and flame away.) Good thing they have TV sets in the hospital, though, so I can at least keep up with the news. LOL.
Anyway, take care. 
Anyone heard about Obama's bill...
for children 18-24 to do mandatory military time. I heard this, but don't know if it is true or not...
I heard that the gutless wonderment of what is Obama...sm
had the kids video up on his website....and then took it down.....
wonder why.....
The only time I've heard Obama
talk about religion where it concerns POLICY is with the abortion issue. In the 3rd debate he said he was pro-choice because he felt it was a moral issue, guided by religion, lack of religion, or whatever. To me this means he is (unlike McCain) inclusive of the beliefs of ALL the people, not just some or those who have the same religious beliefs.
Funny, haven't heard of any crowds of 100,000+ like Obama.
I have heard Obama say that every American will have health insurance
and while that is a lovely thought, it is not a realistic one. Look what happened with children in Hawaii. People began dropping their own private insurance in favor of the public insurance and caused the system to fail. Unfortunately, health care is expensive and cannot be guaranteed by the government without a price. I think that it is a nice plan, but will ultimately fail because we have a lot of lazy people who think that Obama is going to be their goose that laid the golden eggs. It's as if some people here (and it is the deep south) believe that if they vote for Obama, he is going to ensure that everyone drives a Cadillac and eats lobster. It is silly and unfortunate. These people are still living in FEMA trailers. Did you know some people actually steal them? Now--don't get me wrong, I am sure that there are some hard luck stories of people with health problems and such that cannot get out of their FEMA trailers, but the vast majority of them are just lazy. It has been three years.. but I digress. I think that radical government change happens very slowly and Obama is ushering it in. My opinion. Feel free to disagree, but I feel that these programs are stepping stones. Oh--and TriCare is the military plan.
Heard in the news that Obama can never reason with Iran.
Maybe you all might know this, but this is news to my ears. During most of President of Iran Ahmadinejad's speeches he always states this:
0, Almighty God, all men and women are Your creatures and You have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.
Who is this human being promised to all?
Their new messiah. The way this new messiah appears is by getting rid of little Satan and big Satan. Iran muslims,(I was told there are 2 type of muslims) believe when messiah appears, there has to be a lot of blood shed.
Israel's role is first of all to protect itself, but also to alert others to the danger of militant Islam. They intend to go after Israel, but for them Israel is merely the "little Satan," one stepping stone on the march to world domination. For Ahmadinejad's Iran, Europe is a "middle-sized Satan" and the United States is the "great Satan."
So, how can you reason and do talks with president Iran when he thinks this way and muslims think this way? It is not all muslims that do, but this one particular type. How can you reason with Ahmadinejad when United States in his eyes is Satan? He wants us dead so this new messiah will come to them.
Heard in the news that Obama can never reason with Iran.
Maybe you all might know this, but this is news to my ears. During most of President of Iran Ahmadinejad's speeches he always states this:
0, Almighty God, all men and women are Your creatures and You have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.
Who is this human being promised to all?
Their new messiah. The way this new messiah appears is by getting rid of little Satan and big Satan. Iran muslims,(I was told there are 2 type of muslims) believe when messiah appears, there has to be a lot of blood shed.
Israel's role is first of all to protect itself, but also to alert others to the danger of militant Islam. They intend to go after Israel, but for them Israel is merely the "little Satan," one stepping stone on the march to world domination. For Ahmadinejad's Iran, Europe is a "middle-sized Satan" and the United States is the "great Satan."
So, how can you reason and do talks with president Iran when he thinks this way and muslims think this way? It is not all muslims that do, but this one particular type. How can you reason with Ahmadinejad when United States in his eyes is Satan? He wants us dead so this new messiah will come to them.
Didn't Bush call him a Tyrant?
Ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama before he started running?
that argument doesn't play out either! and she's the VP not the president!
I'm a woman, and supported Hillary 'til I heard Obama
I don't pick a candidate by their gender, their color, their name, their religion, or anything else. I pick a candidate by their intelligence, ability to lead, and one whom the rest of the world will be more likely to listen & relate to. After the last 4 years, I've watched big companies get TAX BREAKS and INCENTIVES for shipping our work overseas. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and I'm close to needing section-8 housing and food stamps because my pay won't get me much in this country, anymore. Ever notice that just about EVERYTHING you buy these days is made in China? Yet try and find those same products made in the USA. Impossible. So no, I want a candidate that I can look up to and be proud of, not one like Dubya, who's made me embarrased to be an American for the past 8 years.
Funny i heard the exact same line from the Obama campaign spokespeople...
this morning. Almost word for word. I would think being endorsed by an outfit under investigation for voter fraud in 10-12 and more states every day would not be a good thing...but that's just me.
Well as far as voter fraud my friend...so far it is all ACORN all the time, and ACORN is not registering Republicans. For a supposedly "neutral" voter organization....kinda tells the tale, don't you think?
I heard 1 time during this entire cycle about possible Republican voter fraud and that was on the part of 1 man. This is a coordinated, organized effort to steal an election.
Excuse me...in Ohio they registered and voted in a single day so there HAVE been votes cast. And when law enforcement investigates or indicts on voter fraud...they are pretty sure fraud occurred. ACORN has even owned up to the fact that yes, there will be fraud, but they can't monitor the people they hired (felons on work release in one state) and can't check every registration.
Obama DOES have a relationship with them. He spoke at their convention last year. He worked with them on Project Vote and helped train the folks going out to register.
Give him a pass, I don't care. Just don't call people cowardly or hate filled because they aren't on the Obama train. That makes you look hate-filled and cowardly...same thing you accuse others of.
Well I can only speak on what I saw.
I didn't see a post about Nan being old and to die in hell, so pardon me on that.
And I didn't say that you had left before. Reread the post. I was walking about Nan having left before basically, and said she wasn't coming back.
Odd, that you should speak for gt SM
One might think she doesn't have a voice of her own. Or one might think other things.
Sure, but I can't speak for the others. nm
So now you speak for God. Wow, gt. sm
You are more of an elitist pig than I thought possible. But I mean that in a good way. Am I fried now?
So now you speak for God.
That was only one of the sites. And God forbid people are brought to Christ.
Nobody told her she doesn't have the right to speak.
That's quite a stretch even for YOU, MT. 
as we speak
POTUS is lamenting the state of government -- of course it is all the fault of Congress. He tries and tries but "they" prevent any movement. Poor chimpie.
I have a right to speak
out about the incompetency of the supposed "leader" of the free world. Each episode of ignorance, distortion of facts, and deception needs to be brought into the light and examined repeatedly. It is cumulative. I brush aside the label of "bush bashing" as another neocon attempt to frame the issue. I will continue to post as I wish and to refuse to engage in discussion with anyone whose purpose is simply to gain attention, even if negative. I do feel compassion for those so abused and ignored throughout life that they will take any acknowledgement as life-affirming, but I do not take it upon myself to feed their insatiable desire to be noticed. I am encouraged by the split in the repub party into small groups of supporters, but the dems have got this pres election in the bag anyway not only due to their fresh, positive approach but the self-destruction of the repubs by their own arrogance and corruption.
I can only speak to myself....
but I pray concerning basically every decision I make. Not because I think the decision is God's will, but that whatever His will will be done. I saw the same clip (I think) and I think that is what Palin meant, not that the pipeline itself was specifically God's will, but to pray for the success of the venture, ask that it go well, but in the end, God's will be done. God is very real to us and praying is just communicating with him. Talking to him. It is a relationship, like with a dear friend. That is the best short description I can give. This is from my experience only. Others may not have the same experience.
speak for yourself
Speak for yourself
I have briefly (mercifully) lived in an fabulous neighborhood consisting of a bunch of old guys who only cared about golf and their wives who had faces stretched back to their spine and stapled. It was really very boring. Give me the rich vibrancy of a middle-class neighborhood any day. Just my opinion!
did he ever speak out against it at all? nm
sorry to say, he is on Fox as we speak
with all their promises, which sound just great, but who is going to pay for all these great promises?
Perhaps you would like to speak to.....sm
letters that are being sent to pastors of churches in our area (and maybe nationwide, I haven't researched it yet) that tells them if they mention anything political in the pulpit, then their church will lose its tax-exempt status. While I don't go for politics in the pulpit, I also don't go for the government telling pastors what they can and cannot preach about.
It would seem to me that one side is just as guilty of "crossing party lines" as the other.
Once again, you know not what you speak.....
Indonesian lawyer DOES give the parent the right to renounce the child's citizenship to another country. The U.S. does happen to recognize this with Indonesia, so it was done and the papers were there to prove it. Only when Obama turns of age could he RENOUNCE his citizenship with Indonesia, which he has not done.
The attorney I speak of is in New York and has been doing this for over 30 years. He deals with foreign adoptions every day and each country has its own red tape and laws. Indonesia is one he has spoken of many times with regards to Obama and those attorneys who have dealt one-on-one with Indonesian law know this.
You seem to belive all countries recognize the United States.....they don't. BTW, during the time Obama was in Indonesia and adopted by his stepfather, the laws were clear that no one could go to school in Indonesia unless they were an Indonesian citizen, i.e., Obama.
And, yes, it does matter what Indonesian law says because Obama is Indonesian by adoption. He has NO papers proving his U.S. citizenship in the first place but he does have papers proving INdonesian citizenship, of which he has not renounced as of today.
Matter of fact, the only papers he has proving ANY citizenship is that of Indonesia and Kenya, when his father was alive.
Sorry to disappoint ya......
Maybe you should just speak for yourself...(sm)
instead of assuming that everyone is like you.
The whole 9/11 is being rewritten even as we speak. SM
A lot of new information coming out and guess what!!!! It does not point out, as you and others have said ont his board before, that Bush had anything to do with it. I am not sure what you hissy fit throwers are gonna do about that. By the way, I think this post serves as a classic example of what is wrong with the Democratic party of today. Anti-Americanism in its pure form. Michael Moore would be so PROUD of you!
You do not speak the truth, either
The truth is different for different folks. What about all the service men and women who 100 percent support the anti-war protests? Do they DARE to speak?
You may not realize it but there are MANY ex-military and current military who DO NOT SUPPORT THIS WAR!!! You need to look beyond what you only want to see.
And if being anti-American means to oppose what is morally wrong, well....I will say no more.
Please do not claim that you support our troops. That is not the truth either. You support the current administration's war/invasion plan, but not the troops.
You speak to an Army mom this way. Says a lot about you. nm
Don't tell her she doesn't have a right to speak
If Cindy Sheehan had the right to spew her feelings Army Mom has that right too. Works both ways as bad as you HATE it...
They told her she did not have a right to speak and a lot of other
pretty awful things as well, Democrat. I am sorry you are so blinded by the hatred that was shown to this poster. Besides, she never said she spoke for everyone.
Army mom, you don't speak for all.
You have a right to voice your opinion and support whom you will. You do not have any more right than the next person to speak for all the troops. At the very moment you having your how DARE you moment, you yourself are attempting to speak for all of them. I know for a fact you are wrong in doing this because I read military message boards frequently and there is no one view represented on them. In fact the majority at this time are anti-Bush and anti-Iraq war. If you don't believe me go and read them yourself.
Isn't it time you stopped lecturing others for wanting to bring the military home from a mission they can't possibly win by any measure of the word and put your outrage to work where it will actually save lives? They can't win. I'm sorry. They could fight until 2020 and all they will do is die. They are not accomplishing anything. It is not their fault! It was the mission itself that was a losing proposition from the start and for that they can't be blamed, they are just doing their jobs as they were trained to do and for that we admire them. But they can't win. There is nothing TO win. There isn't any shame in that. We have bad leaders who did no planning, a bunch of war-avoiding chickenhawks. They are the ones you should be outraged against.
And don't hiss at me - I'm a veteran myself and I know a military snow-job when I see one. As our military deaths double, so does Halliburton stock. Our leaders and their rich friends have no reason to stop the killing and they have every reason to continue it. Our sons and daughters are the pawns in their money-making schemes and don't you think they know it? Most of them do. That doesn't stop them from performing their missions and it doesn't make them cowards simply because they see the game plan for what it is. They CAN'T protest the war. They are not in a position to do so. They rely on us to do it for them. Only we can bring them out of the hell hole. Our leaders are not going to do it unless we demand they do it in a unified voice they can't ignore. Demanding that the troops stay IN Iraq for an undefined mission without end in a war against a vague principle while war profiteers grow rich on their blood doesn't make any sense. THAT is what Cindy Sheehan is saying- not that America isn't worth fighting for like Sean Hannity loves to vomit every other sentence to the gullible and Viet Nam-shellshocked.
THE MISSION IS UNWINNABLE. It's the mission that is not worthwhile, not the troops themselves. Why waste more lives for no purpose? Sunnis want to kill Shiites and you care - why? They have been at it for 700 years or so. We won't change that whether we leave today or five years from now. Wake up. Look at it realistically. Every day we remain Cheney's friends get richer and more mothers lose their loved ones. Come on. Why do you support that? Why would you support the agenda of chickenhawk cowards with all its stinking profiteering undertones more than you support your family member's chance to live life? And why are you angry at those who want to save your son or daughter's life, at those who feel his chance at life is far more important than any contractor's bottom line or egotistical leader's plan to strut on a stage of war glory? Because that really makes no sense. I'm a mother too. I know you want your soldier home safe in one piece regardless of his political views. So why do you fight so hard against those who want exactly the same thing?
Do you always speak of yourself in the third person? sm
I see no difference in your writing style. Same old stuff.
I was presuming to speak for those ...
Only I know who was included in we and the we I refer to are well aware of who they are are are fine with being included in we. And, sigh...it really does not matter to me if my post does not make sense to you, or if in reading the explanation to you it remains obtuse. Sighhhhhhh.
I can't speak for Lydia. sm
but I don't think it bothers us as much as it disturbs us. I don't know how old you were during Vietnam. I was in college when my husband went to war. My father had just come home. I had rebeled in my late teenage years and decided I most decidedly was not a Republican. I don't know why, just a transition I suppose. Anyway, I saw first hand the entire face of America change in Vietnam. I was confronted with the war protesters and the slogans and the chants and the posters daily. I grew to dislike it. I saw what it was doing and I moved away from it. At some point, I realized, it was time to grow up and construct a profit-and-loss statement of my commitments and their consequences. Some very high profile names had their awakening and taking stock moment at that time and they moved away from the left, as well. I was never a leftist. I do believe I was a true Democrat though, at least for a time. The leftists drove me out. They have taken over the Democratic party and transformed it into something men like Zell Miller no longer recognize. It's too bad. There was a time it was a party to be proud of.
Speak for you own baby...
You can't speak for all of us. As a woman,
I can't speak for "pubs" ....I'm not one....
and I do have a sense of humor. But attacking someone personally and making them the butt of pretty tasteless jokes is not funny to me. Not funny about Obama, not funny about Biden, not funny about Michelle Obama, not funny about Cindy McCain...not funny about Sarah Palin. You guys go ballistic if someone says ANYthing about Obama. And just yuck it up tearing Sarah Palin to pieces. That goes way past "a sense of humor."
Maybe you'd better speak slower
It's okay for you to talk down to me and insult my intelligence, but it bothers you if I come back with a similar response. I didn't take kindly to your smart-aleck reply. If you want to disagree fine, but don't insult someone else and not expect the same treatment back in return.
Speak of Sam, what happened to her? nm
I can't speak for Chele
but I am not against the poor. I am against keeping me down until the poor catch up. I would probably be considered low income as my husband and I brought in $24,000 last year between the both of us. But you know what? I have taken a second job this year, and he finished his degree and graduated. We are WORKING towards bettering ourselves. Not waiting on someone to come by and say "hey, here's a check for being poor."
Most people that are poor are so because of what they have or haven't done. Yes, there are some people who legitimately have bad luck and can't ever get out of the hole. But more often than not, it's the bad choices they made, the drugs they did, the school they dropped out of, etc. Most "poor people" are able-bodied individuals who could go get a job and start to work their way up out of the hole. But they give up, pop out ten babies, and let the government take care of them. I mean it's a sweet deal isn't it?
What makes me sick is driving by the project 8 low income housing in my area and seeing these folks who only pay $60 a month in rent yet they have BMWs and Yukons and all these nice brand new vehicles parked out front.
But, by all means, please lets continue to "take care" of them.
Yes, those people who are rich by illegal means should be taken down. But those who have worked their butts off to get to the top are not evil. They shouldn't be punished for achieving what you couldn't. More than likely you could if you wanted to.
Yes, I am an MT. I enjoy this job, but I want to do something more with my life. Therefore I will work two jobs and take classes online until I can get my degree. Is it going to suck for awhile? Oh yeah. But you know what? In the end, when I have that degree, and I'm one of those comfortable "rich" people you hate so much, I'll be able to look back and know that I got there on my own. I didn't climb up anyone's back or grab onto their coattails to get there.
No one is against the poor. Those who are legitimately in the dumps and need a hand should get it. But only to get on their feet. Then they need to get out and work just like the rest of us!
I assume you speak for yourself
I care about it. Speak for yourself, not others
But I guess you think that's how this country should run.