Hallelujah! Leftists in EU elections across Europe are
Posted By: losing bigtime on 2009-06-07 In Reply to:
Don't think this will go unnoticed on this side of the pond as well. Obama's numbers shriveling, the Democratic-dominated Congress even worse numbers...and the Republican gubernatorial candidate in New Jersey, of all places, is leading the Democrat incumbent by double digits in the polls. Those who crowed prematurely about the demise of conservatism are going to find that the toe tag has been switched - and they're the ones who will end up wearing it. Why? Because they got above themselves and WENT TOO FAR. It's so true, isn't it - "pride goeth before a fall".
Conservatives Racing Ahead in EU Parliamentary Elections:
I know some good liberals and the ones who are here are not them.
If you are not a Bush hater or a Bush basher on this board then you're a troll.
God help these people if they ever do get in a real fight.
No when I see liberals, no leftists, I SEE hate
I have some liberal acquaintances, and they are not the least bit like the ravenous tar and feather stuff I SEE here. I don't think anything. I observe, and what I observe is the out and out attack on anything conservative. We don't see things the same way, that's obvious, but you all are out for blood which is supposedly to be what you all are against. The hypocrisy is staggering.
BTW, we are dicussing issues on the C-board. We don't always agree, and we don't always agree with Bush, but obviously you would rather turn a blind eye to that in order further your revenge agenda on anything conservative.
Oh please. How many dems/liberals/leftists...
I personally can't tell the difference...folks have posted here that Bush is NOT their President. Come on. Obama is NOT "my" President either, not until he earns my trust. I respect the office. I don't have to respect the man until he earns it. You need to realize that 48% of the country is not in love with Barack Obama. And the country belongs us to us just like it belongs to you. You sound more like a jack-booted communist than an American citizen talking to another american citizen..."you don't like it, get out!" Yeah, that really sounds like you want unity. Haven't you been listening to your idol? He is all about unity. At least that is what he SAYS. From this are we to derive that he really feels like YOU? Unity my a$$? LOL. Sigh.
leftists and liberals never party until people die
If death is involved then it's party time for them. How sick...
Yep. She has smart and has guts. Leftists hate her.
Dear American liberals, leftists,
social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters:
We've stuck together since the late 1950s, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know that we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly this relationship has run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and just will not ever agree on what's right. So let's just end it right now while we can do it on friendly terms. We can smile, shake hands, chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and each go our own way.
So here's a model separation agreement: Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by land mass, each taking a portion. That's going to be the difficult part, but I'm sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy. Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate taste. We don't like redistributive taxes so you can have those. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. And since you hate guns and you hate war, we'll take the firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. But you are going to be responsible for finding a biodiesel vehicle big enough to haul them around.
We'll keep the capitalism, the greedy corporations, the pharmaceutical companies; we will keep Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have the homeless, the homeboys, the hippies and illegal aliens. We will keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, the greedy CEOS and all of the rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and we'll let you have NBC and Hollywood.
You can be nice to Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer anybody that threatens us. You can have the peaceniks and the war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we will provide them with security. You won't have to worry about it. We will keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley Maclaine. You can also have the UN, but we will no longer pay the bill.
We will keep the SUVs, the pickup trucks and the oversize luxury cars. You can have the compacts, the subcompacts and every Subaru station wagon you can find.
You can give everybody healthcare, if you can find any practicing doctors. We will continue to believe that healthcare is a privilege and not a right. We will keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the national anthem, and I am sure you will be happy to substitute in their place "Imagine." I'd like to teach the world to sing "Kumbaya" or "We are the world." We will practice trickle-down economics and you can give trickle-up poverty your best shot. And since it so offends you, we will keep our history, our name and our flag.
Would you agree to this?
In the friendly spirit of parting, I'll bet you ANWAR which one of us will need whose help in about 15 years.
P.S. You can also have Barbara Streisand and Jane Fonda
They call it worst security glitch to date in state's voting machines and a 'big deal'
By Stephanie Desmon Sun reporter
May 12, 2006
Computer security experts say they have found the worst security flaw yet in the oft-criticized touch-screen machines that Maryland voters will use in this year's elections, leaving one computer scientist to warn that the state should have stacks of paper ballots on hand in case of a complete Election Day breakdown.
The machines, made by Diebold Elections Systems, are much, much easier to attack than anything we've previously said, said Avi Rubin, a Johns Hopkins University computer science professor who first cast doubt on the reliability of the technology in a 2003 report.
On a scale of one to 10, if the problems we found before were a six, this is a 10. It's a totally different ballgame, he said.
The new problem is being described as an intentional hole left in the system to allow elections workers to update voting software easily. Instead of using pass codes or other security protocols, anyone with access to a voting machine could install new software that could easily disable a precinct full of machines, Rubin said.
Diebold officials say they are aware of the situation and, although they say any problem can be avoided by keeping a close watch on voting machines, they are developing a permanent fix.
Still, said company spokesman David K. Bear, it's one more what-if scenario. ... It's becoming somewhat ridiculous.
Maryland elections officials said they have known about the latest concerns for two weeks and will have an independent security consultant look into them next week to ensure that the state's Diebold machines are safe.
We are taking steps, said state elections administrator Linda H. Lamone. She said she is confident that the problem will have little effect in Maryland because of strict rules about who is permitted to handle voting machines in the state. Everyone that has access to them has to undergo a criminal background check, she said.
Before the Diebold machines were distributed statewide about two years ago, questions arose about whether hackers might be able to get into the automated-teller-like computers and alter their software, allowing multiple votes, vote-switching and other problems.
Computer experts, including Rubin, said security measures were insufficient and poorly designed. Activists pushed to add a paper ballot component to the machines in case a recount was needed.
Still, the state moved forward and nearly every voter in Maryland used a touch-screen machine in the 2004 presidential election. There were few complaints or problems.
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. called on the state this year to abandon its touch-screen machines, saying he had no confidence in the technology, in part because lawmakers adopted other voting changes such as early voting.
He put money into his budget to pay for optical scan machines, which were used in the state for years before 2004. The General Assembly did not approve a voting machine switch during this year's session, which ended last month.
Rubin said he fears that the latest security problem could be serious enough to cause an Election Day meltdown that could put precincts of machines out of action. He recommends that counties have a pen-and-paper alternative on hand as insurance.
Joseph M. Getty, the governor's legislative and policy director, called the newly disclosed security flaw not really a new problem.
It's the same problem of vulnerability to outsiders, he said.
Getty said the latest Diebold problem bolsters the administration's case against early voting, which was approved by the legislature last year. He said any security risk can be minimized in one day of voting but is multiplied when machines are in public use for six days.
Michael Shamos, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a Pennsylvania voting machine examiner, pushed his state, which will have a primary election next week, to lay out strict new rules for installing software and sealing machines for safety.
It's a big deal. It's a very big deal, Shamos said. The good part is it's very easy to fix. You have to repair it. You can't just do nothing. ... It's not just like leaving the key to your door under the mat. It's like leaving the key dangling from a string from the door.
The temporary fix, Shamos said, involves reinstalling the proper software just before the election, preferably in a public setting, then locking the machines to keep them from being tampered with before voting begins.
In 2004, Shamos testified on behalf of the state of Maryland in a suit filed by a citizens group asking a court to compel the state to address possible security problems and give voters the option of using paper ballots instead of the new machines. The state won.
If I had known about this problem then, I wouldn't have had good things to say, he said.
The latest security hole was discovered by Finnish computer scientist Harri Hursti, who was doing work in Utah for Black Box Voting Inc., a nonprofit group that has focused on computerized voting.
Most computer scientists don't want to disclose too many details about the problem because they fear that would provide hackers with the tools needed to cause havoc during an election. They waited many weeks before making their findings public.
We were worried the threat was so serious that if the details were to get out, someone could actually do it, Rubin said.
The financial crisis is happening NOW and has to be handled NOW. Our country is collapsing. If we do not do some sort of bail out, we all will still suffer from this. The value of the dollar will go down. It will be much much harder and pretty much impossible for some to get loans from banks. This means people won't be buying anything big like vehicles, homes, etc. That will ruin sales even more than it is now. Car companies will have to cut back on production because people can't get loans to buy. The car dealers will start closing down because you can't make money if you can't sell vehicles. Think of the jobs lost right there and that is just with vehicles.
I don't feel that we should have to foot the bill. I'm totally disgusted that our government has allowed it to get this far out of wack but we have to do something to get money back into the market. If we do nothing, the consequence will be horrific. We have to do something and we have to do something fast and that is more important than a debate especially since we have until November for elections.
why, I don't know. It could be that the post office changed our street address 4 times yet lived here since ྈ. I wasn't on the list even though I've been registered since 1988 and voted every election. All of a sudden, I had to fill out a special form to vote. Last local primary, they wouldn't let me vote and I had to re-register. Stupid!
This year I called to make sure I was registered and they said yes. Got a new registration card with the old address on it, but no trouble this year. I was #235 at 7:30 a.m.
Almost whole Europe was sponsoring Barack Hussein Obama! Victory!
Europe is trying to encourage Pres Elect Obama to join with the EU to ensure economic stability for the US
And then there is Europe
We are nothing like Russia, therefore should not compare our nation to Russian.
Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. They do quite well as the European nation.
The McCain/Palin GOP is already in the process of stealing the Ohio vote, as was done in 2004. Among those at the center of the GOP strategy is Bush Family computer operative Michael Connell, who programmed the key vote counting mechanisms that were used to give George W. Bush his second term.
Those 2 elections didn't leave a
shred of honesty in our election process. As I recall in 2000 GWB declared himself to be president before he was declared the winner wrongly. And people talk about Obama's b/c and want to know the "truth" about that. I'd like to know the truth about the 2000 and 2004 elections and then I might be willing to talk about the "truth" of O's b/c.
yeah, in EUROPE
A lot of Europe, even though they hate us....
are tied our markets. I think at least one German bank has already failed...and other european banks as well. He should be calling his buddy Obama...well I bet he already has. lol.
I was BORN in Europe, So what? What does this have to do
with anything and it is none of your business.
I assume that you are jealous that I am European born, therefore you are literally 'following' me around the forum with your pathetic comments.
This is why there should be no machines involved. How about paper votes. How about a piece of paper with two name and a picture of each of them next to their name. This way if you cant read english you will recognize the person. Then you have a box next to it, put an X, a check, or even fill in the box and let people handcount the votes (no chads). I'd rather wait a day or two to find out who won and know it is a legitimate vote.
2 elections stolen? baloney. Meaningless war? Go
Has the country decided not to hold any more elections
Was 2008 the very last election? I thought every four years there is an election. I also thought, according to past elections, that people should not just assume someone will win. They assumed Gore would win and he didn't, they assumed Kerry would win and he did not. Hence I would not assume Obama will win a second term. If he turns out to be a good president and we still have elections in 4 years, and nothing happens between now and then, then and only then will he most likely be re-elected. But since the guy has not even been sworn in yet and made any major decisions I would not be so bold as to just go on like he's going to be in for eight years. There is that slight possibility that he could very well be a crappy president like Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter (especially with all the people he is picking for his cabinet). I know the country is ready for a change and GW hasn't been the best, but until a man serves in the office we don't know what kind of a president he will be.
Unless of course you have heard something that none of us have heard and there will never be any more elections in the future. I have heard and read that Obama is a socialist, and maybe we are heading toward the same thing Cuba faces. The leader just appoints himself to the office every time. So maybe that is what you are referring to.
I agree.about the memos. ...Speaking about the elections
in Iran, it is said that even the 1st election that made Ahmedinejad president, was a fraud, I quote..
'Iran does not allow international election monitors. During the 2005 election, when Ahmadinejad won the presidency, there were some allegations of vote rigging from losers, but the claims were never investigated.'
China, India, Europe.....
I was in Italy once and couldn't swim because the local shoe factory had just poured all their dye into the Med and it was red. Most of the world drive cars with leaded gasoline. We do more to preserve the environment than many countries.
personally i have used the healthcare in Europe
and in France and England (several times in France) and I have to say that national healthcare over there works wonderfully well.....costs are minimal (though taxes are high) and all rxs in England cost the same and I was treated fabulously (married French) at American Hospital in Paris and Gap Hospital in France in 1980.....I did England in 71-72 and again, got treated well and for less than $40. I believe national healthcare can work but the govt and medical professions here in the states don't want it - because they, the MDS, will make less. But know this, that I saw the life of a doctor in France and his family in Michael Moore's movie SiCKO and they are living like kings, well not kings, but living VERY VERY WELL.
So, based on my own experiences in Europe - and the experiences to date of my in-laws over in France - I have to say the healthcare over there is FAR better and FAR LESS EXPENSIVE than over here but again, their taxes are somewhat higher.
Hillary screwed it up once before, I don't want to give her a second chance regarding healthcare.
FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
Lee Green did not monitor the elections, Jimmy Carter did.
Lee Green is the director of CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy on Middle East Reporting) which is a Pro-Israeli American Media Monitor. I prefer to read a book and make up my own mind and certainly am not surprised that Zionist critics would hate Carter and the truths he exposed in his book. They can protest to their heart's content, but they can't turn lies into truth.
Even under occupation, Palestine hold democratic elections,
as do Turkey and Lebanon, and those countries do not occupy any other populations.
You sound bitter and should just stay in Europe
I'm no Bush fan (now), but let me tell you why I voted for him. I was tired of the dems taxing the you know what out of us. In my whole life I had never been taxed as much as when Clinton was in, and Gore was going to continue on with those taxes. I couldn't afford anything. DH and I had good jobs, but close to 38% of those paychecks were going for taxes and then each year in addition to that we ended up not paying enough and would have to fork over an additonal $1500 to 2000. We didn't own a house, we didn't have an expensive car, no fancy wardrobes, no vacations, nothing, zip, nada. We had to pass on going out to eat a lot with family because we didn't have it. We lived in a one bedroom apartment in the silicon valley. We had enough of the Clintons. We had enough of the high taxes, the bumbling yahoo from the south. The guy who said he was going to do this for us and that for us and once he got into the white house all that changed and he catered to his rich friends. He didn't have a clue as to what the average American citizen was going through. He just kept imposing taxes to fund his phony programs. He brought in NAFTA. Lots of people lost their jobs and then he created these "false" jobs (i.e. the ones that paid minimum wage and people still had to go on food stamps). People were losing their homes. You want to talk about a Hillbilly you need to start with Bill and Hillary Clinton (please no offense to the Hillbillies). Those two were a disgrace to the country and made us look like fools to other countries. His phony gaffaw to make it seem as though he thought something was funny (not presidential at all!). Then on their overseas trips the insulting mannerisms of Hillary who is suppose to be first lady but acting as though she was the Queen. When graciously given a gift from another country if she didn't like it she was overhead telling people what a piece of $*$@ it was and there was no way she was going to put it on (it was a piece of homemade jewelry). She disgraces the country and made me ashamed to call it my country (I served the country under Regan and was very proud and they yanked that out when they came into power). Then you have his lying to congress, lying to the American people, Bill & Hillary's fights in the white house. The mysterious deaths of people, the affairs, the scandels, them acting as though they are King and Queen of America. Calling people to be there at a certain time then waltzing down the stairs making sure everyone was their watching their "grand entrance". Then you had the disgraceful people he had on his staff. People stuffing classified documents into their pants pockets to hide stuff, Janet Reno, Waco Texas, Elian Gonzales, drug runs, missing people only to be found having taken a "dirt vacation", etc, etc. They were the two biggest disgraces to ever step foot into the white house and clearly did nothing of any benefit while in there.
Bush is not the brightest but neither was his predescessor. Sure Bush has a lot of faults, sure he should be impeached like Clinton was - remember that detail - Clinton is an impeached ex-president and in my opinion has lost the right to still be called Mr. President.
Gore as VP was one of the most worthless VPs we've had. I put him right up there with Quayle. Good for absolutely nothing. But I guess we should remember. He created the internet and he and Tipper were the role model for the movie "Love Story". Wait a second...I'm going to barf here... Sorry but I did not want Mr. Stiff as the next President. Especially when he was hiding and covering up what the President and Hillary were doing. He was a weakling and I did not want them in there. Do I believe the election was stolen? Yes I do. Am I sorry it was? No. Gore would have not done any better and nobody can tell me otherwise. He's an imbi*cile pushing this global warming thing of his, which he won't even listen to the expert scientist and weather people who know what is happening in the world. I still wonder what he's going to tell his kids when they ask him one day why he lied about global warming. I'd love to be there when that happens.
Am I going to vote for McCain? Are you out of your mind. No I don't like Bush. Yes I don't think he's running on all cylinders. As someone once said to me "He's one fry short of a happy meal". I'm not going to continue on with another term of Bush.
Who are you to "warn" other people. Who are you to "tell" other people who to vote for. You are entitled to your opinions, but it is this elitist attitude that gets very tiresome. There are plenty of very good reasons why half of the country did not vote for Gore. I actually did not vote for Bush, but voted against Gore. As my mom told me you have to pick the lesser of the two evils. Nobody, including you, knew Katrina was going to happen when Bush was running, you didn't know that 911 would happen. You didn't know any of the disasters that happened would happened unless you have a crystal ball, and now you act as though "you warned everyone this would happen". How someone reacts to crisis is a whole different story. Clintons were no better with the disasters that happened when they were in. Yes it could have all be handled better.
You mentioned stem cell research. Funny how that wasn't approved when Clinton was in there. Gay marriage...I heard nothing about Clinton approving it. Gay couples were struggling back then as they are now fighting for their rights to the equality that opposite sex marriages have. You make it sound as though Bush took all of this away - this is rubbish!
No, I am no Bush fan and am glad he's on his way out. I'm sure in his last days he too will be handing out pardons like Clinton did as if they a K-Mart blue light special.
In fact, the Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on Afghanistan on Jan. 31, 2008, and NATO was a part of the discussion. Obama attended a Democratic debate in California that day. Clinton is not on the committee.
The Clinton campaign put out a statement reiterating Clinton’s comments to reinforce the theme that Obama is more about talk than action.
“Given the opportunity to take the reins of leadership and shape two critical areas of U.S. foreign policy — Afghanistan and our alliances in Europe — Senator Obama has done next to nothing,” the statement said.
Obama’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.
So let’s look at Clinton’s statement:
“He chairs the subcommittee on Europe.” Yep.
“It has jurisdiction over NATO.” Yep.
“NATO is critical to our mission in Afghanistan. He’s held not one substantive hearing to do oversight, to figure out what we can do to actually have a stronger presence with NATO in Afghanistan.” Yep.
Some may argue that the issue of NATO’s role in Afghanistan typically and more appropriately would come before the full Foreign Relations Committee. But Clinton is right when she says Obama’s subcommittee has been largely dormant while Obama has campaigned for president. We rate her comment True.
Foreign policy advisors
Barack Obama is currently advised on foreign policy by a support group of approximately 300 people organized into 20 teams based upon subject.[89] A core group of advisors, led by Susan E. Rice and Anthony Lake, filters hundreds of papers and messages daily to provide the Senator with more concise positions on foreign policy and more specific reactions to international developments. Obama's foreign policy advisers have included Richard Danzig, Mark Lippert, Gregory Craig, Dennis McDonough, Daniel Shapiro, Scott Gration, Sarah Sewall, Ivo Daalder, Jeffrey Bader, Mark Brzezinski, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Clarke, Roger Cressey, Philip Gordon, Lawrence Korb, James Ludes, Robert Malley, Bruce Riedel, Dennis Ross, Mona Sutphen, and Samantha Power (resigned March 7, 2008).[90][91][92]
If he is such an expert why does he need 300 advisors?
Swastika vigilantes kill foreign students to keep their city 'clean'
From Jeremy Page in Moscow
THE African students did not even see the man raise the swastika-emblazoned shotgun as they emerged from the Apollo nightclub in St Petersburg.
When he opened fire from the shadows behind them, some of the group thought it was a firecracker going off.
Then they saw Samba Lampsar Sall, a 28-year-old student from Senegal, lying dead on the pavement with his throat blown apart.
Within hours, a sinister message had appeared on the website of a group called the Party of Freedom. “The clean-up of the city continues,” it said.
Mr Sall had come to study at St Petersburg’s State Communications University in 2001 in the hope of finding a better life when he went back home.
Instead, around dawn yesterday, he became the latest victim of a hate campaign by neo-Nazi extremists on the streets of Russia’s cultural capital.
“How can people be so evil?” asked Michael Tanobian, an African student who was with Mr Sall when he was killed. “We come here just to study, for nothing else. We don’t take anything here.”
Mr Sall’s brutal murder exposes one of Russia’s most disturbing problems as President Putin prepares to host the G8 summit in St Petersburg in mid-July. For all its grandeur and impressive art collections, Russia’s second city is fast becoming the racist capital of the world.
Critics say that the authorities are not doing enough to combat the extremists who routinely attack, and kill, Africans, Asians and immigrants from the Caucasus or Central Asia.
Seven people have been killed, and 79 injured, in more than 40 racist attacks this year, according to Sova, a non-governmental organisation that monitors extremism in Russia.
Last year, 28 people were killed and 366 injured in racially motivated crimes, it says.
The Interior Ministry sent a team of special investigators from Moscow to work on yesterday’s murder. The Foreign Ministry expressed “sincere condolences to the relatives and loved ones of the deceased”. The Prosecutor’s Office said that the case was being treated as a racist killing.
But dozens of similar cases have been treated as “hooliganism”, a crime that carries a far lighter sentence. One of the most shocking attacks occurred in 2004, when teenagers stabbed to death a nine-year-old Tajik girl in St Petersburg. Last month, a court convicted them of hooliganism, giving six of them 18-year jail sentences and one of them five years.
Desire Defaut, chairman of the local community group African Unity, urged Mr Putin to lead the fight against neo- Nazism. “They must make an announcement at a state level that such a problem exists and state organs must work on it,” he said. “We can’t say they are doing enough if there are two attacks within one week.”
Last week, the nine-year-old daughter of a Russian woman and her African husband was wounded in a knife attack in St Petersburg. “What more proof of extremism do they need in St Petersburg?” asked Juldas Okie Etoumbi, chairman of the Association of the African Students of Moscow. But, he added, the problem is not confined to St Petersburg. In the past week, skinheads in Moscow beat up a journalist of Caucasian origin and the culture minister from the Caucasus region of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Mr Putin has called racism “an infection” and pledged to stamp it out. But critics say that the Kremlin has tolerated, and even encouraged, ultra-nationalist groups to foster loyalty to the State and make itself look relatively liberal.