Good for you - The post you replied to was revolting
Posted By: Your words are better than I would have used on 2009-01-18
In Reply to: Shame On You!!!!!!! - GetReal4Once
I couldn't even reply to it because it was so revolting and disgusting. It left that bile taste in my throat.
For someone to call someone who is not worshipping the ground Obama walks on an anti-American? Yet here is a man who is going to change the Constitution to fit his needs and wants. What do you call that? Anyone who agrees with that is most certainly anti-American and un-patriotic. I am so sick of the Obama worshippers coming on here attacking those who don't agree with them and then turning around as though its everyone else's fault and the "poor me" routine.
You were right on with your assessment of them "fantasizing a secret plot to overthrow their beloved one". I couldn't have said that any better. Then to go and blame something that has not happened on Bush? This is getting totally out of hand. I'd just say if anything does happen they need to look no further than the lady (HC herself) who sat and told the world why she was staying in the race. "Remember JFK?" I think those were her words, but I think she even elaborated on when the tragedy would happen.
But I'll tell you one thing, I'm glad I didn't read the above post before I ate breakfast or else it would have come up.
It also looks like she pulled a Michelle Obama. "I was the proudest American I've ever been in my life". Not much of a life I would say. There have been many many many times in my life I've been proud too numerous to mention.
So I will just say without repeating what you just wrote that I agree with you 100%.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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read the post, "is revolting"
that's what she wrote
Well that was stupid, I just replied to my own post.
When I wanted to reply to the one below. Maybe it is time for a break tonight.
Sorry, replied to the wrong post.
I meant to reply to the conservative way post.
It was this 'person' who replied to my post with
Oh, I get it alright and it's becoming more clear by - the minute............... NM
This 'person' has no idea that it is
Did you get it, finally?
I am born in Europe!
Good post....truth doesn't always sound good
Good post - good research (sm)
History does repeat itself at times. I had forgotten about the 50s and Russia.
Very scary times we live in and so many new enemies. This is definitely not a scare tactic but a very clear warning. You can't ignore facts, they are there.
Good point, good post. Thanks.
Thanks. I got it and replied.
Great to see you again! 
Thank you - just replied.
I am the one who replied to you earlier.
God forbid I step away from my computer to take my son swimming and didn't answer your post before I did so.
I am not a republican. I used to be until the past administration and now I've pretty much said to heck with both parties. If you wish to talk to terrorists and if that is what Obama wants to do....more power to you. I will say a little prayer that your head stays attacked to your body when you go to talk to the very people who HATE us. This isn't fearmongering....that is fact...plain and simple and YOU are so busy spewing democratic ideology that I'm about to vomit over here.
And for the last friggin time.....TERRORISTS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE GENEVA CONVENTION!!!!! Regardless of whether we captured them and held them forever, whether we tortured them, or whether we just said to he!! with it and shot them dead......they would still hate us. Us being all sweet and nice is making them think nothing more than we are a bunch of friggin pu$$ies and why should they worry about being captured because their pal Obama will take care of them. Give me a break. The next time you jump down someone's throat and give them he!! because you think they are spewing republican values.......why don't you look in a mirror and see that all you do is regurgitate the BS that MSNBC and mainstream media dish out. Oh....but don't watch Fox even though the ratings are way better than anything you watch because they obviously don't know what they are talking about even though more people seem to be relating themselves to that network than any other.
So go on with your democratic rhetoric about how Bush is to blame and Obama will not only save our country but the world and we will all be peaceful and harmonious with one another and skip around and giggling....oh happy day....yippee.......(PUKE)
Oops -replied to my own message LOL
This was suppose to be a reply to Does your mother know you are on the computer again.
oops I replied in the wrong place
I was actually replying to the post that said So Einstein's sentiments mean we're all morons. Sorry....guess I'm the moron here. HA HA
Ooops - my big mistake, sorry sam I replied in the wrong area
I meant to reply to the one right below this posted by holycrap.
Sorry for the mixup, after it was posted and I saw where I said to myself - Holycrap, I posted in the wrong area. HA HA HA. Sorry. That's what I get for trying to function on 4 hours of sleep last night and not enough coffee today.
Good post gt!
Amazing how the difference just slides off some people's backs. They label those who want to save lives as killers and think themselves saviors because they want killing to go on indefinitely.
A person has to be screwy in the head to think in such twisted terms!
good post
Thank you for your cogent comment. I agree with all you stated. I don't think we should allow the loud hysterical right wing to dominate the discussion. When I hear an emotional comment like ashamed, outraged, unpatriotic I see right through it as an attempt to silence people speaking and impose the attacker's inauthenic values upon all. Freedom of speech to me means we have to tolerate everybody saying what they think even if we don't agree. It does not mean that we are obligated to respond to an attacker. Thank you for your post.
Good post (sm)
Like you, I do not support either candidate. I think you have made some valid points in your post. Oh, how I wish people would have voted for Ron Paul.
Good post
Looks like their church did many good things for people. Not all "hate" that others who don't want Obama elected would portray the church as. This is what I like....a well researched post and not rumors, lies and misinformation. Thank you.
Your post was also very good. I
agree with most of what you say, especially about schools. In my county, our scores are horrendous, yet our taxes are sky high. The district I live in appeals tax assessments if a house is sold for more than what it was assessed for and, guess what. They are winning most of the appeals. So if a house is sold for $180,000 and assessed at $100,000, the school district gets the newer assessment. This, I believe is the correct way BUT what does the school do with it????? Right now, they want to build a new field house for the sports field complete with a tower (for what good purpose?)
Another school district is building a $30,000,000 school because their enrollment went up by 500 students. Why not just add on to the one they have? There is plenty of room.
Teachers are striking in another county. Why? They don't want to pay $150 a month for health insurance. Get real, people. Don't they realize what everyday people pay for health insurance? Yet, most of the teachers don't teach anymore. They're in it for the money. Teachers in my district make $50K and up a year. The administration makes over $100K. For what?
I have no idea whom I'm voting for because of the promises. Barack makes some good promises, everything this country wants to hear, but Congress and the Senate controls what laws pass, not the President.
As for McCain, I don't care for him but I think he picked a good running mate, although I would much rather if Mitt Romney was chosen. I like SP's view, but again, how much does a VP get done. I don't think Tom Ridge really wanted to be VP, although he was good when he was Governor of PA. He did a lot for the people of the state.
The major problem with this country in the past 20 years has been a "gimme" attitude. Everyone wants everything given to them but don't want to pay for it, yet don't realize that they DO pay in the long run by higher taxes or less services.
I wish people would vote by brains and not by heart. Research, research, research, then chose the best candidate. JMHO
good post! nm
This is a good post
I read someone's post that Joe the Plumber was a "plant". At first I thought that is not fair to Obama's campaign, but then I remembered that Obama's camp plants people to set up McCain, just like Hillary's people set up Obama, etc, etc. Seems to be the norm nowadays.
But one thing I realized was that it doesn't really matter whether he was planted or not. It didn't change the answer Obama gave (redistribution of wealth). I think a lot were upset that more people started finally hearing about the socialist plan to take your money you worked for and give to those who don't work, and I think that's what a lot were upset about (us finding out the truth).
I do believe his comments are starting to wake up a lot of voters as to what's going to happen to their hard-earned money, and do believe this is probably just the beginning of his downslide. Obama and McCains poll numbers are starting to catch up with each other and I have heard political experts on both sides say if Obama was so much better than McCain and a clear winner he would be ahead 20 or 30 points, but he is only ahead by 4 to 6 points (which is down from 11 points last week).
I'm also glad that McCain has picked Sarah Palin because she is just telling it like it is and that is what the Americans want. Not someone who is going to sugar coat things.
I do agree that Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber have saved McCain. Looking forward to the next 3 weeks.
PS - Loved Obama's speech he gave at the fundraiser where he said Joe Biden wants to be known as Joe the politician. That was absolutely hysterical. I think they've all got a great sense of humor.
Good post, very well said.
They ALL waste thier campaign money - they think it's thier God-given right. When they go out of state, do you think they stay at at a Motel 6? Do you think they have dinner at McDonald's? Do you think they go down to Hertz and rent some little two-door to get around town?
The people that sent them all that money knew that it was for campaign expenses - whatever they may be. I am personally more upset at the money they waste with the worthless commercials that really tell us nothing about either candidate. Can we just get over this and move on - please? It's just such a nonissue! There's a post a little further down about whether we're headed for another Great Depression and all people can talk about are Palin's clothes - get a grip on reality!!!
good post
he does flip-flop on so many issues....
he seems to not be able to make a decision and stand by it... take a look at his voting record. "tell them what they wanna hear" is all i see and people are eating it up, truth or not.
it is very scary.
Good post - sm
While GP is not as bad as the others I do tend to find myself reading the subject line if she posts something because she has said some valid things that I agree with at times. Not all of it but some of it. But when I've seen too many attacks by the others without any reason I find its so calming to just skip over it without looking. Almost the same satisfaction I get on hanging up on sometime while they are spewing absolute garbage and hate towards others.
very good post.
i am especially with you on the prayer and fasting. i also agree with everything else you said and pray as things get tough, we all pull together and find our common ground, and common purpose.
Very good post. s/m
I do believe that one of Obama's major objectives is to wipe out those party lines that have so divided everyone. He has stated so many, many times, has promised to unite the parties into a single productive unit that will together make the decisions that are the best for all. I think he deserves the chance to make that happen. We will all be waiting with great expectation to see the changes he will attempt to make. The whole politics of Washington is in dire need of a new direction, and I firmly believe he is the one to do it. I know I am going to get attacked for these statements, but if I have one wish it is for each of us to keep an open mind and try to see things from a different perspective, and in order to facilitate a positive change, we must adopt a positive outlook.
This is a very good post, but
I do have fear. I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night. Obama picked Emanuel, one of the most left wing liberal and will not have respect for bipartisanship. This guy is not to be trusted and even Clinton stated this to Richard Morris who has it in his book. Also on O'Reilly Factor last night, some feel Obama will be nothing more than a puppet by the Democrates. Lastly, the old folks that were brought up and raised by their certain morals, values, and beliefs for this country are now gone. Poof. Disappeared. This country will never be the same. Now will be liberal. I am sorry, but it is hard for me to accept this right now and it is hard for me to just change my morals and values just like that in one day. I am worried about our country.
Kramer was also on the show and stated he liked McCain's drill now. He said he hopes Obama will start this economy growing like how McCain wanted by starting new jobs for drilling and natural resources. Can you imagine? We start new companies for drilling oil, wind, coal, etc., and they will make money. We can hire plenty of people for those new jobs that will make money. Computer companies, furniture companies, paper products, telephone companies, and so on would make money because they are furnishing the new companies. Delis and fastfood services would open up new stores to feed people during lunch. Major domino effect and a good one. Hopefully Obama will see that, but right now he just wants to tax us so we all will be paying taxes each year and no jobs being created, but more unemployment.
Your post is good. I was a democrate and changed to republican. I hope you are right about Obama and I hope O'Reilly Factor, Kramer, Dick Morris, and all the others that were on last night are wrong about Obama.
Good post
Says what we feel. I believe we all hope for the best. We all wish him very well.
You can't say if he's going to be a good president or bad president because he has not even taken oath yet. Give the guy a chance. Keep a watchful eye out on him, watch who he picks to be in his cabinet (they are the ones making the decisions and guiding him). Just because I didn't vote for the guy doesn't mean I don't like him. If he does good his trust will have been earned. Until then I am worried, nervous and scared - Human.
Good post - sm
Unfortunately O has not provided any answers - just like all the other issues. No answers just fluff talk.
Goes to show you he cares little about the people whose lives depend on coal industry. But then again, aren't those the same people who cling to their guns and religion.
good post!
I agree 100%. I mean really, if we keep backing down and trying to accommodate everybody, I think we will eventually lose ourselves and what is right and wrong, what this country's founding fathers stood for.
PS I don't hate u either, just consider it wrong. I woudl not be one to physically or verbrally attack you.
Good post
Another fine example of corporate america distracting attention from their mind-blowing "salaries and benefits" -- put the blame on the worker. That crap is being sold constantly by the right and eaten right up by the "folks" too lazy to question or research and need to have someone to blame and look down upon.
Karl Rove type thinking.
Good post - thanks
Yeah, I think if JC was to come back he would just say there is something terribly wrong with what's going on.
On top of that I read that the winning lotto numbners the day after he won was 6-6-6. Hmmmm does make you wonder what is really going on.
good post
I totally agree.
Very good post...nm
Could not have put that better myself - very good post! (nm)
Good post!
I had forgotten how many people supported the war before they didn't support the war =)
Good post
JTBB just now got into politics apparently, so she probably doesn't know any of this.
Good post!
I'm with ya on this one!!
Good post, Democrat.
I, too, hope the Iraqi Constitution passes. Like you said, the sooner it does, the sooner our soldiers can return home to their families.
Good post, Democrat.
Couldn't agree more.
Wow, good post but will take two readings
You have got some great points.
Good post, Independent! nm
Good lord. What a post. lol. nm
well, at least the ones who post here are good examples...
This is a very good post. You should submit it to
After working hard all of my life, starting at the young age of 10 - The Grit, weekly magazine :), I just dread facing difficult times.
Some say we expect too much from the govt, but then those are the ones who think everyone should be exactly like them, or that not every society has a welfare class.
Let them loose in the streets to fend for themselves and they'd turn to crime, end up in prison and we'd foot the bill there.
Thank you for your reply - good post
It's been awhile since I've been able to get back and read the response. I feel the same exact way. A woman's health issues to include pregnancy and everything else about her health should not be an issue in politics. Makes me wonder, what other part of our personal health are they going to make into political issues.
Good response on the job question too. I think I worded my original question wrong but this answered it. Thanks
Thanks, kaydie. Good post. nm
Very good post, there,
...exactly how the I feel about the democrat party. Describes them to a tee.
Good post. Chele.....
Actually, McCain has tried twice in the past to get the government to do something about Fannie/Freddie and they didn't listen.
Obama does plan to cut taxes for what he calls 95% of the people in the country...roughly 40% of whom don't pay any taxes at all. Why on earth would you tax the businesses that provide 85% of the jobs in this country, resulting in more loss of jobs and adding to that 40%, to give a freebie to people already NOT paying taxes? There is only ONE reason for keep them beholden to the government and voting for your party. Party first. If they really cared about that 40%, they would be trying to get them OUT of that 40%, not keep them there.
And bottom line...quality of health care will tank if the government controls it. I am hard pressed to think of any government program that actually works...and taking on national health care...people should check out the European economies where socialism is prevalent. Makes ours look GOOD.
Good post - see message
This was a great post. It is disturbing to me that a lot of democrats (not all, but all the ones I know including my mother) would rather have our country taken over by radicals, would rather in a socialist country, have government tell them what to do and what they can't do and when they can do it. They don't mind paying higher taxes rather than to have a republican in. I just don't understand it. My mother infuriates me to no end. She calls and tries to get me involved in an argument. When I point out facts to her she says she has to run off (she suddenly has to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, or something is burning on the stove or someone is at the door). She throws at me the same exact talking points I hear on MSNBC and CNN "word for word". I told her mom, vote for someone you believe in. If you believe Obama is going to be the best man then vote for him, but don't vote for him because the media is telling you to vote for him. She also will attack Palin, but she has no knowledge of what she has done. Again she just repeats what the media says. When I ask her about this policy or that policy she can't answer me because she doesn't know. I told her that she can look up these people on her own but to at least please look at sites that are both pro & con for all 4 people.
Putting aside any feelings you have towards McCain, Palin & even Biden take a look at Obama. Forget what he looks like or how he dresses. Look at him as a person. Look at the people he surrounds himself with (Ayers, Farrakan, Wright, and others). Look at the people who are his advisers. Look at his connections to the middle east friends he has in known terrorist countries. Look at his connection to Acorn (ask yourself this - if Republicans were cheating and creating voter fraud, getting their pets names registered, dead relatives, etc, and even in some cases there are more people registered than actually live in a town. What would you be doing. You'd be on this board, you'd be writing your congressman/woman, you be screaming bloody murder calling the republicans every name in the book. So why do you feel its okay if its being done by the democrats. Don't people realize that there is a reason as to why you register to vote and then at a later date vote (not at the same exact time). These people then can go to the next county, register and vote there too, and so on and so forth. A lot of democrats will scream that the cheaters are ONLY the republicans. Voter fraud infuriates me no matter which side it happens on.
So aside from his radical viewpoints look at his voting record. Everything he has voted for has not been good for middle income people, including the votes to raise taxes on middle income families, but now because he is running for President he said the middle income will not be taxed. Sound a little too familiar to the "Read my lips" states made years earlier.
Then on top of that what I think is even the most dangerous aspect is having an all democrat congress/president.
Good post! I agree with you both!!!!!!
Very good post, nicely said.
I have also heard that Palin has taken a beating because she "acts like a woman," such as winking, smiling and licking her lips. I'm sure, though, that these were the same women who were outraged that the media would make such a big deal about Hillary showing a little clevage a couple of years back (which, BTW, I agree - this was a nonstory, just like Palin and her clothes.)