many points to counter, so little time...
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-04
In Reply to: scary days - satellitesally
You can't legislate morality. Uhh...yes you can. We have laws against murder, against stealing...legislating morality. Laws against rape and pedophilia...legislating morality. Laws against sex with minors...legislating morality. You HAVE to legislate morality or you have chaos. Good grief.
No, with sex reduced to "expression," encouraged in teens, multiple partners are fine, you don't even have to like the other bet abstinence did not work. And believe me, it was not the bible-thumpin right you complain about that got us in this look in the mirror and point the finger. But now that we are here...just because something is not working now doesn't mean you can't present it. Not as the only option, but an option. For someone who hawks choice you really don't want to allow anyone else THEIR choice, do you?? So much for democracy. You need to change your party name.
Look how divisive Republicans are? Just because we don't want to lay down and let you shove "progressive ideas" down our throats? Well, if you look at morality today, you have not done such a great job with "choice" have you? except murder 1.2 million babies a year. yeah, you should all be high-fiving each other with a death toll greater than ALL the wars this country ha ever engaged in. High fives all around.
Palin does not want to take away birth control. She just CHOSE not to use it herself. Taking a pot shot at her daughter is just low. But what else would I expect?
Voting Republican IS in my best interests. Someone posted from the tax policy institute, an unbiased source, posted by a democrat, who looked at both candidate's tax policies.
Obama - will raise the middle income by 5% by 2012. Wants $60 billion to give tax cuts to the lowest income class...who ALREADY pay little or no taxes. And how does he want to pay for it? Tax the "rich"...and businesses making $250,000 will be hit by that. Those are NOT large corporations. THose are family businesses, small businesses, who employ thousands of we regular people. How does THAT make ANY kind of sense? That will only result in loss of jobs and more people in that lower bracket!! Which is EXACTLY what the DNC wants. More people on the welfare rolls...more people to control using class warfare. Right in your face and you can't see it.
MCCAIN: Proposes tax cuts for ALL classes and raising the take home pay for middle class by 3%.
Hmm...lemme see? 5% for middle class, more tax cuts for the ones who pay the least already, and tax the small family businesses in this country to pick up the tab...5% for middle class..further take the economy cuts for EVERYONE and 3% boost in take home for middle class, protect the jobs that small businesses provide and keep those companies alive and on shore.
That is a no-brainer. McCain's plan is better for the country and for an
economy that needs a boost.
Bill Maher is an elitist and has no CLUE what my life is like. As to stupid...he also needs to look in the mirror and point the finger.
"Corporate America treats its employees like slaves. There is no compassion, just greed." Marxist theory, 101. Rampant socialism. And NOT at all true.
Sarah Palin was not born with a spoon in her mouth. She also worked to get where she is. The difference in her is she did not leave it behind her. She talks the talk AND walks the walk. She definitely knows what it is like to be on the ugly end of the stick...and is STILL close to that.
Obama, sending his kids to $10,000 not.
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- scary days - satellitesally
- many points to counter, so little time... - sam
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geez. Look at your own time line...
Nagin asked that Bush declare an emergency. Bush declared an emergency. That's all Nagin asked for.
Bush tried to get Blanco to abrigate authority to the feds so they could do what they needed to do. Did you not listen to any of her press conferences where she said she was not going to do that? She was a Democrat, it was a Republican administration,. You do the math. You should at least be fair enough to distribute blame to ALL.
Geez, that is the first time I'm been labeled a psychopath
Just because I reported something truthful? Ya better watch the news. I've been called a red neck, bible totin' gunslinger or whatever I was called during the election phase, but never a psychopath. I guess I'll have to add psychopath to my resume.
All I'm doing is asking a simple questionable reason for this to be happening. Don't need you're sarcasm.
How come any time someone points out the TRUTH...
O'lovers call it an 'attack?'
They cry racist every time somebody points out
It's from the Rev. Wright playbook.
try Preparation H over the counter
might help.
To counter the DNC assertion that only McCain plays fast and loose with the truth...
apparently he is not alone.
HMMM...check THIS out...
Yes - a bean-counter will decide that the cost-benefit ratio over the expected remaining life span..
...isn't worth it, and you'll be denied that hip replacement or whatever. So much less expensive to prop you up in a wheelchair and shove you in a corner. They'll poke you tomorrow morning to see if you're dead yet.
And, folks, I'm not kidding.
right back at you, in spades.
Again, you never answered my question about is war ever justified? For any reason?
Children all over the world have no voice or very little voice. Fine. Should we just sit back and allow that to continue? I don't think so.
I never said a woman who had an abortion has no morals. I said myself...I...believe abortion is morally wrong. If I...myself...made the choice to have an abortion that would be a morally wrong choice. Just like if I shot my neighbor. Morally wrong choice. If you shot your neighbor...morally wrong choice. When you lie...which we have all done...morally wrong choice. Does that mean we have no Means we made a morally wrong choice. You are a very black and white person for a liberal. Generally liberals live in a world of gray.
It is no more a one-issue race for me than it is for you. YOU are one of the people you talk about. YOU would NEVER vote for a pro-life candidate. You need to take a long look in the mirror piglet.
I still wonder why you are so violently opposed to someone speaking for the child. Why on EARTH do you have such an issue with that?
Maybe it is NOT my business whether a woman has an abortion or not. What I think IS my business is that a child is killed in the process. And I feel that should be SOMEBODY's business. So sorry if that aggravates you. But will not stop me.
And how, in the name of all that is holy or NOT holy, can you say that abortion in any way, shape or form equals HUMANITY?
Oh geez....
conspiracy theories 101. Are you talking the Charlie Sheen version of "the truth?" sigh.
Geez. lol. nm
Oh geez
Now that's gonna be the excuse huh? The machines flipped votes from O to McCain??? Get a grip people...I guess O will try absolutely anything to "win"..I envision another "Bush/Gore" episode after this election. I'am sure O will not lose with dignity...
geez, really
you know that was exactly what i was thinking! as soon as i saw my mistake i thought oh no, that lady is gonna crawl out from under her rock with her red pen!
Geez, ought to tell my son that.
Maybe DH can use that tactic. Nah. He's a pussycat most of the time. I guess I could aggravate him on a day of an interview about politics, but then his BP would go off the scale.
Oh, geez.... you've gone and told somebody what to do. You know how people feel about that on this board! Don't yell. Don't tell me what to do. Don't expect me to think.
Ah, geez...
I got in so much trouble for posting the E word!
Geez, what grossed me
was the thing with the little girl and the deer. What dark, lurid corners of his brain did this stuff come from? Yuck! And these people wag their fingers in our faces about morality? They need to look in the mirror.
Oh geez. The least you could do is get a new line...
you asked me that same question under a different moniker not long ago. At least get some new material. Geez! And as far as emailing you...not in this lifetime. I did that once...once burned, many time shy. You guys can get pretty hateful on this board, but a sailor could take lessons from you when you are uncensored...LOL Had enough of potty-mail all-tolerant liberals to last me a lifetime. And anybody knows you can have more than one email going to the same place. Geez. Get a new schtick. This one is oldddd.
Geez. No one is bashing you....
You post under both monikers and denied it for a long time, then finally admitted it. Not bashing, just the truth. And when I started posting as observer on the conservative board and liberal board when both existed, no one else was using that moniker and did not, and I did not know you had used it (yet ANOTHER one) before I started using it. No one said anything to me when I started using it, including YOU, until the issue was raised about Teddy/Taiga. So, you are the architect of fiction, not me. And as to portraying the truth...I suppose one must be able to recognize it. No synopsis to it, Teddy/Taiga. The truth, and no need to check the archives. You know and I know the truth, and anyone who has been posting and following this knows the truth too. What I don't understand is why you are making such a big deal about it. You posted using two monikers, denied you were doing so when confronted, and finally copped to it. It was not a big deal then and is not a big deal now.
Geez. You kill me....
however, I do like the moniker "spiteful little vixen." I may get stationery printed.
Good are the one exhibiting intolerance and hatred...yikes, someone must have spit in your post toasties this morning!!
You have slipped off the deep end, my friend. I don't know what cliches you mean, but if you are talking about the prayer at the top that was sincere...try to get hold of this, although your monster ego may not allow you to...there are OTHER posters here who live in South Texas or have family there, perhaps some I don't even know about, that was posted out of genuine concern and although I think you are several bricks shy of a load, I don't want to see you blown off the face of the earth, and whether you can get off your high horse down here to where there is enough air for your brain to work properly, I don't want illegals blown off the face of the earth either. I just want them to obey the law, come here legally, pay taxes like the rest of us and live happily ever after. And for that you want me tarred and feathered. Go figure.
And now that I have ascended to your level of sniping (thank you, I am learning much from you about verbal abuse), here's hoping I never do have that area well covered.
What happened to that sabbatical? Gotta have the last word...sister, you got it. LOL. Signed, the spiteful little vixen....LOL
Geez. Of course I would be defending her....
her wealth has NOTHING to do with it. She is a first-time offender. You hate her because she is rich, that's obvious. I don't care how much money she has or does not have. She is a first offender. She should be treated like any other first offender. Barack Obama AND John McCain are for rehab, not incarceration, for first-time offenders. Neither of them tie it to wealth. Barack Obama is a millionaire. What if we were talking about Michelle Obama instead of Cindy McCain? You would be screaming at the top of your lungs to defend Michelle Obama and guess what...SO WOULD I. Even though I don't want her husband to be President and even though they are RICH. Your bias is showing.
Geez. Now you are using the hurricane...
the evening shift has arrived. Good evening! did you even look at the video of your dem buddy yucking it up? You don't have any moral high ground here.
Yeah...I be bad. Geez. lol. (nm)
DOn't have to prove it....HE SAID IT. Geez...
did you read his letter? And I have been doing more should too. This is not the end of the Saul Alinsky connection.
geez sally, is it also your god given
to be banned from posting on this web site? Because your heading that way. We'd be better off without you, but to be fair, why don't you just clean up your act?
There is a rule against profanity. You might want to look into that one, posted by the Moderators.
Beware of Flaming!! Moderation is Kept Minimum on this board. Posted By: Administration On: 2008-08-27
Reply by Email!
Before you start reading/making posts on politics board:
- Beware of Flamed messages & Flamers here.
- Politics board is moderated on a less-stringent level to allow freedom to express opinions related to issues discussed.
As long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree and we shouldn't wear our feelings on our sleeves, a little more oversight on here would be good. What we do not want to see is overzealous moderators that ban every thread that may be controversial on politics board.
If it's lewd, pornographic, slanderous, blatantly mean spirited, then that's one thing. Otherwise, let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don't like someone, just ignore that person. It's not rocket science, you know?
Use the Golden Rule if all fails. Trolls are going to come over here from other sites/forums to irritate us. Once they see that no one replies to their senseless posts, they'll stop. Again, ignore them. It's easy!
Please don't see this sticky message as a license to flame, but as a license to open discussion.
Geez.... RANT ON!
Geez....bigoted much????
Geez, I had forgotten about that.....
sigh. Yet another reason Palin is better suited.
Geez. Well this speaks for itself. nm
Geez, are you 5 years old?
Geez. I have seen several on this board say....
not all Muslims were terrorists. Would have been a straightforward post had you not taken the lefty low road with the rest of the sheep will follow comment. And if you had been on the board for any length of time you would have seen many posts of mine where I have said not all Muslims are terrorists. However, with the exception of a couple of homegrown terrorists, ALL the terrorists who have attacked this country and attacked our interests and citizens abroad ARE I can understand a degree of paranoia with some. Don't agree with it, but can understand it.
Geez. His name and his color mean nothing to me....
his politics and policies do.
geez louise..
That was a very classy thing to do say, huh? Nice to know my fellow MTs are such kind and humane individuals.
Geez.....Obama has a CAMPAIGN ad....
about issuing a windfall profits tax on oil companies (private profits, earned) and redistributing that to people as a freebie who did nothing to earn it. I didn't make that up. His campaign ad says it very clearly, in his own voice, and then it says "I am Barack Obama and I approved this message." An yes, they run the ad on Fox too, as well as most of the networks.
I have read his tax plan. What I didn't read is how he intends to pay for it. I would be asking the same questions if Hillary was running and saying the same things. But she isn't. He is.
Oh geez -- my 401K is now LESS than half of
And the feds are now going to buy STOCK in failing companies with the bailout money. Real intelligent. Where's MY 'bailout' ?
geez. I am NOT trying to start trouble...
I am seriously, honestly asking what this means. I didnt hear any audio and I dont live in Harlem and I am just curious what this means, if I am to take this how I THINK it sounds. I do realize that I could be taking it wrong and so I am trying to reserve judgment until I know what it means. guys are still ranting about the b/c?
The man ran for president. He has more enemies than you can imagine. If there was anything to this b/c thing, it would have already been run through the mill. They can come up with the mess about his aunt who he barely knows, but they can't come up with some real dirt about the b/c? Please get real. You are grasping at straws.
Geez...where do you guys get this stuff?...(sm)
The middle east is simply hoping for a break from the Bush policies, as well as policies previous to Bush if the truth be known. For example, the majority over there would like to see us quit pampering Israel (and rightly so, I might add). They would like to see the US treating them like people instead of just putting in dictators that we like.
Obama hasn't won these people over yet. They are simply waiting to see what he does. They understand the concept of actions speak louder than words. So actually, they are just giving him a chance to show what he will do -- unlike pubs here in the states, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he has won them over. He has a long way to go to get there.
Oh geez - are you still here? Yeah, same-sex marriage
this act was most likely done by a heterosexual male. And you know what? Sometimes the most heinous acts are committed by ultra-religious people. So your standard of 'morals' doesn't apply here. Get on the internet someday and look up how many sex offenders live in YOUR neighborhood, maybe even right next-door or across the street. Their offenses have nothing to do with what you think is the 'loose morals' of the country, it has to do with the mental illness of the perpetrator.
BTW - how old are you, anyway? 85? 95? 105? It seems like, in your mind anyway, you're living in a time that was more than a century ago.
Hey Geez Louise - why didn't you say this
when it was started up above. The Palin bashing is getting old....very very old. Last I knew Palin is not the president, she and McCain lost the election, and she is not the president, and as much as the democrats want this to happen so they can destroy her personal life more, she is not going to be running for president or VP in the next election. She'll be actively involved in politics, which she should be. She is a successful governor whether the democrats want to believe it or not, but why didn't you say "Enough with the garbage" when the OP was making an attempt to belittle her.
The statement that Palin is called the leader of the GOP party is about as priceless as saying Rush is the leader of the GOP party. Two of the most hated people on the democratic side. But it doesn't make it true.
However, unlike the OP statement which is not true, this statement about appointing people who don't pay their taxes it true.
Let's try to be a little fair here.
Geez, what garbage you spew, sm
Sorry for being so blunt, but what has he done to make you think he is the anti Christ? Today he stood up and said to the Muslim countries that their wives and daughters had just as much to contribute as their sons. He is not pandering to the Muslim countries. He is standing firm for equality. Do you have a problem with this? I am a Christian and I think that if the question were asked "what would Jesus say?", he would say "Job well done my son".
a few points
I couldn't find the Russert quote because you misquoted. I believe both Cheney and Russert changed their positions since this interview.....
As far as the "747" you mention -- I couldn't find it because it was actually a "707" and here is another opinion on its significance:
"a former C.I.A. station chief and a former military intelligence analyst said that the camp near Salman Pak had been built not for terrorism training but for counter-terrorism training. In the mid-eighties, Islamic terrorists were routinely hijacking aircraft. In 1986, an Iraqi airliner was seized by pro-Iranian extremists and crashed, after a hand grenade was triggered, killing at least sixty-five people. (At the time, Iran and Iraq were at war, and America favored Iraq.) Iraq then sought assistance from the West, and got what it wanted from Britain’s MI6. The C.I.A. offered similar training in counter-terrorism throughout the Middle East. “We were helping our allies everywhere we had a liaison,” the former station chief told me. Inspectors recalled seeing the body of an airplane—which appeared to be used for counter-terrorism training—when they visited a biological-weapons facility near Salman Pak in 1991, ten years before September 11th. It is, of course, possible for such a camp to be converted from one purpose to another. The former C.I.A. official noted, however, that terrorists would not practice on airplanes in the open. “That’s Hollywood rinky-dink stuff,” the former agent said. “They train in basements. You don’t need a real airplane to practice hijacking. The 9/11 terrorists went to gyms. But to take one back you have to practice on the real thing.”
Salman Pak was overrun by American troops on April 6th. Apparently, neither the camp nor the former biological facility has yielded evidence to substantiate the claims made before the war."
two points
Here we go with the celebrity subject again. Also I don't want the Spears family used as a standard against which to select our national leaders.
No points for you or
And you know this how? Gibson was repeating his questions because he was expecting to hear a little more than what she gave. He did not ask her about the general function of NATO. The NATO question was within the context of Georgia. As I explained in the last post, any US foreign policy toward Georgia is an extremely tricky proposition, whether it is a member of NATO (not any time soon) or not, given global relationships between the US and Russia, US and Eastern European nations and the dynamics between Europe and it's relation to former Eastern bloc countries in terms of their recognition by NATO, which historically is a precursor to inclusion within the European Union.
Georgia's entry into NATO is not a foregone conclusion, especially in view of its recent aggression in South Ossetia. This was no trick question for Palin. The South Ossetia episode is quite recent and the answer to this question should have reflected some sort of awareness of that conflict, the nature of which remains in question in terms of who started the aggression. That episode has complicated Georgia's NATO aspirations. An informed candidate would have naturally expressed that within the context of the question.
In addition, the US has pipeline stuff happening there and there is a direct conflict of interests between the US and Russia in terms of the oil reserves and who is going to exploit them. Why do you think Russia has such interest in Georgia? Another talking point is the fact that US troops are already spread so thin between Iraq and Afganistan. Can we really afford to open a third front? NOT. If Palin really knew anything about any of this, she missed a great opportunity Gibson gave her to "show her stuff." He even gave her the opportunity not once, not twice, but three times…thus the repeated questions. She did not recognize the opportunity and was unable to respond because of her fundamental lack of knowledge on the subject. No point for Palin.
Your contention about the so-called "liberal media" not interviewing Obama about foreign policy is a crock. Maybe in Fox Land. Do you not recall the little overseas trip he made earlier in the summer? There was a whole blitz of interviews, both televised and in print media, in the days leading up to that trip. Fareed Zakaria had a one-hour interview Obama on July 13 on CNN during the GPS program he hosts every Sunday. This link will take you there where you can see the photo and content of the interview.
He was interviewed on Face the Nation. Here's the link.
Here's a link to the CSPAN interview:
Here's a link to the NY Times interview:
Here's a more recent one:
O'reilly questioned him on foreign policy:
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Obama has foreign policy experience. He is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In this capacity, he has made numerous trips to many countries. Read about this here under the 109th and 110th Congress sections.
He has been asked about his experience as you can see in the transcripts from the links provided above. Furthermore, he has a number of ideas and strategies that were also discussed. These types of interviews will be the ones that the pub party will shield Palin from, but that will not save her from the foreign policy segments that lay ahead of her against Joe Biden (can't WAIT for that one!) in the VP debates. Your comment about video, as usual, is taken out of context and your contention is debunked by the content of the above links. No point for you either. Palin is a pipsqueak on foreign policy and no amount of spin from you or from her party is going to be able to save her from herself.
Your points are all well
I don't really know that there is a "bigger picture," however, in terms of one situation being worse than the other. If we proceed with the bailout, will that be the end of it? Who will be at Capitol Hill next holding out their hat? The construction companies? The grocery store chains? The shipping industry? The logging industry? Where is the money going to come from? China is pretty much tired of our useless dollar. Maybe Russia or North Korea will come to our aid. Or perhaps, those of us who are working will be taxed to the point of not being able to feed and provide for our families and decide "what's the point in working?" and just get in line with everyone else and then the government can bail us out, too.
My point is that, either way, this is going to hurt our economy....not hurt, probably crucify. If government would stay out of the free enterprise system, it would eventually right itself. If we bail out the big 3 this time, how long before they will crash and burn for good? And then what? Just go to the Xerox and print up some dollars, because that's about what our dollar is worth these days?
America has fallen down, and there is no one to help her get back up again.
Three Points:
First: "In other words, I didn't campaign and say, 'Please vote for me, I'll be able to handle an attack,'" he said. "In other words, I didn't anticipate war. Presidents -- one of the things about the modern presidency is that the unexpected will happen."
Bush "anticipated" this war as far back as 1999 when he said if he ever had the chance to invade Iraq, he would, so he could be seen as a war-time President and thus have a successful presidency. This was two years BEFORE 9/11 happened and one year before he was President.
So this nonsense of "not anticipating war" is just another Bush lie, and I would encourage anyone who is truly interested in the "integrity" of George W. Bush to read the link I provided below in its entirety because it is quite revealing. It not only includes this tidbit about his wanting to invade Iraq but also shows, once again, how an innocent man who was his ghost writer on a book (and also a family friend of the Bushes) had his character attacked after the Karen Hughes and others came in, realized that Bush said too much, and the author (Mr. Herskowitz) was fired, citing personal habits that interfered with his writing -- totally false and another example of how Bushies will destroy anyone -- even friends of the family. It shows just how despicable they all are.
Second: His comment regarding the economic crisis: "You know, I'm the president during this period of time, but I think when the history of this period is written, people will realize a lot of the decisions that were made on Wall Street took place over a decade or so, before I arrived in president," Bush said.
He threw his own father under the bus on this one because the administration in control "over a decade or so" before Bush's installment as President was Bush 41.
Third: Bush said that he regrets that he was unable to change the partisan tone in Washington -- one that permeated his presidency.
"I didn't go into this naively; I knew it would be tough," he said. "But I also knew that the president has the responsibility to try to elevate the tone.
And, frankly, it just didn't work, much as I'd like to have it work."
"9/11 unified the country, and that was a moment where Washington decided to work together," he said. "I think one of the big disappointments of the presidency has been the fact that the tone in Washington got worse, not better."
9/11 DID bring the people of this country together until BUSH, through his actions, brought about the divisions and the low morale that exists today and might never disappear. The tone in Washington got worse because Bush continually thumbed his nose at the Constitution and at the Congress with all his "signing statements," "executive orders," playing deadly politics with outting a CIA agent, etc., etc., etc. He laughed and joking about WMDs, pretending to look for them under his desk, and quipping, "Nope. They're not there." He showed his contempt for our brave soldiers during a ceremony where he was distributing medals to the survivors of soldiers who had been killed and told a griefstricken mother, "Now, don't go selling this on eBay." (heh heh, smirk smirk) He has used every conceivable opportunity to "raise the terror level" whenever it was politically convenient in order to keep this country in a constant state of fear and submission.
He has only ever cared about the richest top 1%-ers in this country. The current (and never-ending) "bailout" will continue to make his rich criminal cronies even richer, and that's fine because we always have enough money to do THAT. We just never have enough money to help the citizens of the USA. Indeed, to suggest that we might even need help results in accusations of us being lazy or living beyond our means, etc. There is no doubt about it. All these "bailouts" are Bush's babies (complete with same secrecy and lack of transparency which has become his trademark), and buying up banks is fascism, plain and simple. He can't blame Clinton, can't blame his father, and he can't blame Obama.
We still have way too much time (in my opinion) left with him as the Commander-in-Chief, and he can do a lot more damage (besides all the safety regulations he is in a frenzy to dismantle, each of which that will make Americans UNSAFE).
With all the things he has done and is continuing to do, the only worry on this board is whether or not the Supreme Court will overthrow the will of the people (which could be very convenient for Bush in instituting martial law and promoting himself to "Dictator-in-Chief," the prospect about which he's "joked" on three separate occasions. I wonder when the last time was that Scalia went hunting with Cheney and what their plans for this whole birth certificate non-issue are.
I suppose if the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, then everyone on this board will say the Supreme Court is hiding something and go on an anti-Supreme Court tirade for a few months.
Or they might just let it go and return to questioning the "true motive" behind Obama getting his daughters a puppy (the "timing" of which has already been questioned on this board, which is even more bizarre).
All these terrible things that Bush has done over the last eight years -- and is still doing -- including stating that the Constitution is just a (insert Rev. Wright's "God" phrase here) piece of paper. (How telling that I can't even properly quote the President of the United States because his language is too vulgar.) I'm ashamed that Bush has not only talked that Constitutional talk but has consistently walked that Constitutional walk, as well.
His "divide and conquer" technique has certainly worked, as is evidenced by a quick look at this board and the negative judgment of the President-Elect before he has even taken the oath of office.
I've stated before that I will support Obama, as I supported Bush (before Bush gave me a TON of reasons not to). However, it's clear to me that no matter how much Obama proves he loves this country, no matter how hard he works to unite us once again, no matter how devoted he is to bringing back the "American Dream," and no matter how hard he works to fix all the damage done by Bush, there are certain people on this board that will still invent reasons to condemn him, and they'll continue to jump from one non-issue to another non-issue.
I wonder where they all were during eight years of Bush's contempt for the Constitution and how loud their voices were in disapproval of his actions.
Bush can try to rewrite history all he wants, but I will remember what he did and what he's still doing.
THESE are exactly the points where
you are wrong. Obama is not kissing anyone's backside, the contrary. He tries to implementreal democracy, by actions, not only by words.
He is encouraging real democracy (see Iran) and justice (in Palestine).
He is sincere, but not all people can see this. I read yesterday on the Faith Board and there were implication by some people that OObama might be the Antichrist?
OMG, I cannot believe this! JTBB nipped this allegation right in the bud!
Oh geez..isnt that called *Heaven* ?
Oh geez, me neither, Libby, me neither..but probably not in my life time.
LOL - geez, we're getting desperate, aren't we?
Geez....I repeat....Clinton had the exact same...
intelligence that Bush had...Bush inherited most of it from the CLinton administration along with Richard Clarke and George Tenet...and all the democrats were on board for it then, believed it then, LONG before Bush took office. That is fact. So if Bush lied, it is because Clinton lied first and Bush believed him. And one air force colonel is not going to change my mind on this. Do you have any sources but this colonel's book?
It is not weapons grade uranium, correct...yet. But it certainly could be enriched. Don't tell me Saddam kept 500 metric tons for peaceful purposes?
As far as the niger/yellowcake thing...Plame and her husband were right in the middle of that, and she claimed and it is documented that there was no evidence of yellowcake in Iraq at that time. Which we know is a lie, because they just exported 500 metric tons of it last week. So please...I don't buy what the Colonel is selling. You can if you like.
I do not dispute that abortion is legal in this country. I do dispute that the Supreme Court has the write to strike down a perfectly good state law and replace it with an "opinion." If you will check the constitution, it says only the congress can enact law. Not the Supreme court. Issue an opinion, yes. Strike down a law and replace it with the opinion of activist It is unconstitutional and should be struck down. But then it would have to go to Congress to be voted into law, and so far congress has not been willing to legislate abortion. So activist judges did. They imposed their will on all of us. That is unconstitutional no matter how you look at it. Suppose conservative judges overturned Rowe vs. Wade, the same as liberal activist judges overturned the state law prohibiting abortion? Would you be as strongly behind that decision or would you be screaming you can't legislate from the bench like I am? LOL.
What is fact that in poll after poll after poll, over 50% of this country are against abortion. Those activist judges took the will of the people and said, basically, up yours, and forced their opinion on all of us. Unconstitutional, unfair, and so much for the majority will of the people.
You are right, it is not my choice. You speak for the right of the mother to choose, I speak for the right of the child to live...and I feel has as much right to life as any human being. Period. And I will fight for it, through legal channels, and hope that some day we may have a conservative majority to overturn Roe Vs. Wade and then put the question on state ballots where it belongs. Let the people decide, because Congress will not touch it with a 10-foot pole.
Geez, listen to ya. Morality is already legislated. We have laws against murder. We have laws against theft. We have laws against pornography. We have laws against child molestation. We have laws against rape. Hellooo....legislating morality. And you better be glad we DO legislate morality. What a statement...we can legislate morality when the American theocracy is established. Good grief!!! If it is all about choice, then why can't we choose to just take whatever we want, no matter who owns it. Why can't we just shoot people who annoy us or get in our way or hurt us. Why can't NAMBLA just grab up all the little boys they want? Because we legislate morality...that's why.
Good grief, we have laws against cruelty to animals, but it is okay to murder millions of babies in the name of "choice." Perhaps that all works in your mind...does not in mine.
As to Bush's contempt
Geez.....all that because I would like to stop the slaughter of the unborn....
and there is not a bit of that in you pile-on, ranting, screaming, judgmental zealots with poisonous, nauseating, self-important dreck for beliefs (mostly your words, I substituted one). Yep, persecution complex seems to have attacked you all en masse. Only it is not the world, it is one little poster named sam who you think is against YOU. Not you, come out of persecution palace. It is the act of abortion I am against. Way to personalize there in persecution palace. This more describes you, the pile on and try to silence the pro-lifer group. Which is exactly what makes people reject YOUR beliefs and ideology.
Geez...I am not a Repub...and I watch Fox so I can get both sides...
I am not going to get that from MSNBC, I am not going to get that from CNN, and I am certainly not going to get it from ABC, CBS, and NBC. You might want to back off the name calling a little bit...I could say the very same thing about MSNBC, CNN, BBC, and the other 3. You go there because they say what YOU want to hear and regularly bash conservatives. So admit long as the bashing is of people you disagree with and you don't have to listen to any view but your own you are a happy camper. Just accept that you are the kettle and stop calling the pot black. :)