and I hope everyone reads it! This sites a great example of healthcare reform, and I hope that it negates some of the negative connotations associated with healthcare reform. I might also add as well that the countries who have single-pay and social pay healthcare, preventive medicine and alternative medicine are much more prevalent than here in the States.
There are the nay-sayers who are citing examples of our own social care being substandard, and this could not be further from the truth. There is great medicine happening everyday in VA centers across the country, and great doctors who work for them. Coming from academic medicine, I know that most of the doctors will embrace healthcare reform. The insurance companies are in their pockets more than they are ours. Physicians are some of the biggest supporters of healthcare reform.
I fear that the tax credit on premiums is just another status quo and doesn't address the fact that our healthcare is being driven by insurance companies. In fact, it virtually guarantees more money in their pockets, and I for one have a very big problem with that.
Interesting site, created by true nonhating war despising Christians. Now, Im not saying I agree totally with the videos on this site but it sure stirs up feelings and thoughts, at least from me and all my friends that have viewed these videos. Check out the 2000 election rigging (we knew that already, though, didnt we), the prophecy video and the heartless video. There are others, too, but I find the above mentioned ones the most soul wrenching.
videos, please!
Okay, seems to you have to click R mouse when you are on the video you want to watch, then click open and it will then work (hopefully). GT
Here are the videos
Okay, on my previous post of *videos, please*, there is a link, click on it..The videos to check out are there..Hope they move you..they sure have blown my mind. Peace to you all. GingerT
This video is bothering me. Obama makes a statement and he then makes it out to be that it got twisted and everyone laughs and jokes about it, but then he says while everyone is laughing, "BUT IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO." Do people not see who he really is and how he acts?
Geesh what is your deal?
I am laughing at this! Out of all the nasty, mean, down right horrible posts on this board, you pick this one to get your panties in a wad about? I dont get it? Abc posted that she could kill her baby in her tummy which is here opinion but what about that? why not be upset over that? is that cuz you agree with abortion and that is okay? you're like on a witch hunt or something.
Geesh, been trying to find that out all day.
New Democrat Caucus Against Big Government
Allen Boyd (FL)
Bobby Bright (AL)
Jim Cooper (TN)
Brad Ellsworth (IN)
Parker Griffith (AL)
Paul Kanjorski (PA)
Frank Kratovil (MD)
Walt Minnick (ID)
Collin Peterson (MN)
Heath Shuler (NC)
Gene Taylor (MS)
Note - Some of these names come as no surprise; Taylor, Boyd and Cooper, all three of whom are basically "Republicans" with a Democrat label. But Kanjorski of Pennsylvania, normally regarded as a standard Liberal, is a bit of a surprise.
GEESH, What is next? Michelle
Already has to show off her arms.
Check out these first two videos. sm
The first one is Sarah Palin and the second is that pig-in-a-blanket Lamebaugh. You would think that these mentally deficient people would have figured out by now that their fearmongering just isn't working (except for the dems - LOL). Thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people in this country have brains in their heads.
Go ahead and flame -- we know how much some of you hate MSNBC. These are clips from "The Ed Show" on his feature "Psycho Talk". Go ahead, give them a listen, and feel very proud of what the conservatives have to offer in the way of representation.
The first one is Sarah Palin and the second is that pig-in-a-blanket Lamebaugh. You would think that these mentally deficient people would have figured out by now that their fearmongering just isn't working (except for the dems - LOL). Thank goodness the MAJORITY of the people in this country have brains in their heads.
Go ahead and flame -- we know how much some of you hate MSNBC. These are clips from "The Ed Show" on his feature "Psycho Talk". Go ahead, give them a listen, and feel very proud of what the conservatives have to offer in the way of representation.
(I hope this post doesn't get deleted. I'm copying and saving this, just in case, and then if it's deleted again, maybe I can just email the links to those who might be interested in seeing these excellent clips.)
#1: Reinventing the Geneva Conventions (with Jonathan Turley regarding Bush wanting to cover his butt for past illegal deeds):
saying for years and years to BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS and that is all she does. She says it keeps the jobs here in the US. Whatever she buys, she has to look to see where it was made from. I know some cars have foreign parts, but she then sees how much percentage of the product is American Made. Shoot, they even drive around their American made cars with bumper stickers that say BUY AMERICAN PRODUCTS. They always felt that other countries would destroy us, kind of like a cold war for us buying foreign made. I think we did it to ourselves.
oops - I meant KGB......geesh, slaps self!!! LOL
sorry, I meant to type KGB....
Have you noticed that you get that message with almost all the Obama videos??? nm
Who cares? Got bigger fish to fry.... geesh!!
Most significantly out of control post of the day award goes to gt. Geesh! nm The posts on the conservative board were supported by videos. sm
These videos all showed US Soldiers discussing their views on the war. Much different than something you read in print. I would also like to say that the Military Times is NOT an armed forces newspaper. It is privately owned and does not in any way speak for the military. The generals are saying they will resign if we go into Iran.
And yes, Lynn is my name, not a handle; geesh I guess another conspiracy in the making. nm
I don't watch Fox, I watch CNN and feel the
exact same was .... just sayin
I don't watch Fox, I watch CNN and feel the
exact same way .... just sayin
let's break this up...
I would not hang out with hitler just because I so young at that time. Like is to like and water seeks its own level, etc. you are known by the company you keep.
I would like to point out there are people out there who would rip the hide off Thomas Jefferson for what many thought he did with a slave although since proven he did not and that was a lot longer ago.
I was doing pretty good until this year, but NAFTA was started by clinton, not bush. The war seems to be was started by all of us or at least the people we voted for, because saddam himself started the rumors he had weapons of mass destruction, apparently to keep iran out of his hair. This was actually reported on 60 minutes, not known for conservatist reporting. We were told this would be a long haul before it even was started. Honestly, I don't know anymore, and neither do most of us.
I am no longer pro choice. I find pregnancy almost totally inexcusable except for obvious cases of rape and incest, and a few other criteria. The practice seems barbaric to me and the PETA people would all over us if we did the same to animals.
SS: Some people were already pulling out of SS into other plans back in the 80's and as I remember, some of them failed and the money disappeared leaving them with not enough SS points to quality. Scary. There was nothing wrong with SS until Washington got greedy and stole from it to bail out Medicare or Medicaid.
Don't get the last one about decades-old news, celebrity. I don't pay attention to celebrities and old news should be looked at as history, hopefully so we don't repeat past errors.
No, we are not basically okay, but a lot of this on personal levels we have done to ourselves. We are now in the habit of pointing blame at anybody else rather than own up to what we do.
Don't know how to break this to you, but
I read the letter in its entirety. I read it for a second time because I was so stunned that anybody anywhere was trying to make political hay out of a communist analyzing the DNC, comparing its presentation to his father's "methods," remembering his father fondly (most human beings do this once their parents have passed) praising the DNC success and THEN making the leap from this to Obama is a communist and is into mind control. I posted and went about my business. All day long, I kept thinking about the absurdity of the original contention and continued to chuckle each time. I came back this afternoon and lo and behold, someone is still trying to make something of this. I am still LMAO. It is on the pathetic side that the promoters of this conspiracy theory cannot see the folly in this most preposterous notion.
Don't know how to break this to you, but
Fairly tame in comparison to the real liberal press, none of which is broadcast on cable or networks. MSNBC is simply a democratic viewpoint, not liberal enough for the libs. If you think these sources do not represent democrats, why not ask them, instead of assuming that you know something about something that you know nothing about. But hey, you already have no credibilty outside the choir.
Let me break this down for you.
Obama and McCain are the candidates. The economy is in meltdown mode:
1. People are losing their jobs. In Georgia, for example, their unempolyments claims jumped a whopping 76% last month. Nationally, initial unemployment claims jumped to 498,000, the highest they have been since October 2001. Over the last year, the number of unemployed has risen from 2.2 million to 9.5 million.
2. Jobs are being lost in record numbers. 760,000 jobs have been lost this past year....the highest rise since October 2003....and the 9th consecutive month for job loss.
3. They are losing their homes. The foreclosure rate rose 12% last month, 27% from one year ago nationwide. However, Nevada,for example, has seen an 89% jump from last year, California 75%, just to give you the idea.
4. They are losing their life savings. Stock market crash shows net loss of 38% this past year. That means that a $100,000 investment a year ago is now worth $62,000. 401K statements are due out momentarily. If you think right-wingers are angry about the "socialist takeover,", just wait for that news to hit home. You haven't seen angry just yet.
Candidates are expected to have positions and plans on such issues as the economy. Recent polls indicate that Obama holds a double-digit lead in voter confidence when it comes to handling the economic crisis. Obama talks openly about his economic plan. McCain runs and hides from the issue. That is why we are all waiting for HIS supporters and for HIM to step up to the plate and enlighten us as to how his economic policies would be different from W's and what his plans are for fixing the problems. The answer does not include any mention of his opponent's name. It requires a direct, open, thorough, honest response. Can you handle that?
OK. Let me break this down for you.
catch my drift. Here's a clue. It's a word that would be barred from the forum. Nevertheless, for me it is an appropriate moniker. My news sources are hardly confined to TV broadcasts. I read newspapers, news magazines and listen to radio broadcasts, but am not keen on radio talk shows. Heavy on information, void of editorial and lending easily to my own interpretation....that's how I like my news. Focks does not rise to that standard.
Your being a Focks promoter, explains the narrow scope of your posts. There is nothing fair and balanced about them and there is a reason that CNN and MSNBC do not broadcast most of the garbage Focks tries to pass off as legitimate reporting. Sean Hannity is a major player in the fomenting hatred that grips the pub party and will eventually tank McCain's campaign. CNN and MNBC are only marginally better. I am more drawn to information that is a bit more academic and certainly more intelligent.
I am not susceptible to spells or propagnda. I am 60 years old, have been a political junkie since age 14, have been issues active, yet not particularly party active, since the early 1960s. I am no follower, but am well acquainted with myself and my core beliefs. My life experiences, economic class, gender and race have all been contributing factors in my passions for civil/human rights and socioeconomic issues, minority rights in particular.
I fear ignorance, not truth and there is nothing you, Focks or right-wingers can say to make me drink the Kook-Aid you are selling. I know raw ignorance when I see it and that is precisely what people of intelligence see when they witness the target audience at the McCain/Palin rallies. They are losing the election and cannot come up with a coherent campaign strategy that engages anyone outside their fringe elements.
I will pray for you, too, because you are in for a rude shock in T-minus-24. I look forward to a Bushless world, a step into the future and a closed chapter on the politics of fear. Bye-Bye.
Come on, cut her a break
They did outlaw the action figure. Give her some credit!
Let's break this down for you, MT.
The idea is to debunk the ignorance behind the stereotype that all Moslems, moderates included, are assumption you have clearly made. This can be done by not referring to them as terrorists or implying that the US is "at war" with Islam. In other words, Islam/Moslems and terrorists are not synonymous.
Winning over moderates starts with mitigating anti-American sentiment that has been flamed over the past 7 years under the shrub among moderate Moslems. The weaker that sentiment becomes, the less attraction and "draw" the extremist groups will have. The Moslems will end up marginalizing their OWN extremists and become part of the war on terror, not just idle bystanders.
Don't even try to imply that this is not possible. I have had Moslem friends for over 40 years now and not once have I even encountered a terrorist among them. On the contrary. They are quite open to the West and pretty much DETEST the rise of the Islamic political parties in their region.
if this was a true account of this interview I don't know what this reporter expected....did she expect that he would let an Irish anti-war reporter rip him to shreds? Considering all the hatred he's been subjected to I would say he held his peace quite well.
You follow follow a protocol with any dignitary or leader you'd meet anywhere in the world. Wonder if this chick has ever met the queen? Now, there's some strict protocol for you.
Give me a break.
The CON board has been demoralized by nonstop drive-by vitriol for months. Forgive me if I'm neither surprised nor particularly perturbed to see that the worm has turned here. My congratulations, though, extend to all those who post with the very obvious intent of ridiculing and harassing those with opposing views to the point of eliminating rational discussion on these boards. If their purpose is to eliminate rational discussion of important political issues, they seem to be succeeding.
He's trying to break a record you know.
Cutting his vacation short due to the Katrina disaster could have affected his record! Must be nice to have over a year of vacation time in only 7 years, and a war-time president at that. I'm not surprised though. I almost don't want to talk smack about him anymore because it is just too easy. It helps to vent though, I suppose.
oh give me a break!
as the person said above, ive never used his whole name, and i said it for impact, not because i care about him. Honestly, I don't know McCain's Middle name! or Joe Biden's or Sara Palin's. pathetic that you talk about me in third person. ask like the person above. again you know nothing about me, i have pics all up on my myspace of me shaking Obama's hand and me at his speech... you know the old saying if you assume you make an a$$ out of you and me!
Hate to break this to you, but it's a
Hate to break it to you....
...Obama's been bouncing all over the place with in unreliable polls, too, for months....why is it that his rise in the pools was all "reliable" or does "unreliable" only count when the Republicans bounce ahead.
I like that lipstick platform line, too......not too derogatory, just a touch of for me.....
Well, hate to break it to you....
but not everyone who disagrees with a Democrat is a Republican. I am a conservative. The Republican party left me, I didn't leave it. So now I am an Independent. Quack back at ya!
Hate to break it to you this way, but -
gay men can produce sperm, too. It doesn't just come from hetero males.
Is that what they were teaching in your school system - 'fuzzy biology'?
Oh, give me a break!!!!!!!
Nancy Pelosi wants to take on some of her "garbage" to the deal. There should be NOTHING added, nadda, let alone her screwed up way of thinking mess. There will be so much added garbage by the thieves on capital hill WE are paying for, the debt itself will never see the money.
Likely to die? Give me a break.
Are you suggesting he's NOT being diligent about his health? Do you think he hasn't had an MRI just because he didn't fax it to your house? Vote for whoever you want, but siding with that numbskull Obama because you have a preminition of death re. his opponent is laughable.
Story about to break....
whistle blower from Project Vote/Acorn...testifying in PA yesterday...supposedly has documents proving direct link between Obama campaign and Acorn/Project Vote...who this person says are virtually the same....saying Obama campaign gave the maxed-out donor list to Acorn/Project Vote so they could get donations from them for their voter registration program. So much for "I have no connection to Acorn or their voter registration programs." If I was that woman I would hire bodyguards.