Geeeezzzzzzz. And I thought they had already found the bottom of the barrel...
Posted By: sam on 2008-08-31
In Reply to: Did Palin's daughter actually give birth to the child? - Devil's Advocate
I don't believe that, but if she did, what the heck difference would it make???
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Geez. Well, just proved that the bottom of the barrel...
had not been reached until just now. What a nasty, sick comment.
maybe if you would have paid better, you wouldn't have had to scrape the bottom of the barrel -nm
and jobs that pay min. wage often have to scrape the bottom of the barrel - nm
Regarding these "bottom of the barrel" people...
Actually, I paid them VERY well, and these so-called "bottom of the barrel" people you speak of are the very same people Obama wants to give our hard-earned money to. THAT is my point! These lazy people are the ones who will be dogging work, because they know a check will be arriving in their mailbox. Why in the world should you and I give them money to sit on their butts and watch soaps all day (with the TV you and I paid for!) Please, PLEASE explain to me why this is okay with you!! Where is the common sense nowadays???
There are bottom feeders of all...
stripes, tis true, but we are talking about Coulter here. She also is an embarassment along the lines of Rush and O'Reilly. There are many conservative personalities who do not engage in outright cruelty directed towards specific individuals or groups.
Rush's new bottom.
I do not listen to Rush but I saw this on television and read it in the paper. Michael J. Fox has done a commercial for the democrat running in Missouri who is pro stem cell research. He is obviously having a really bad day or his Parkinson's has progressed since I last saw him. Anyway, Rush said that Fox was **acting,** flailing all over the place, that he knew Fox had Parkinson's but that he has never seen any symptoms of it before this political ad. He said Fox might have stopped taking his medication so that he would flail around more, but if not, then he was acting. Unfrigging believable. I have seen Fox unable to sit still or stop moving many many times even while taking medication over the years. I think he was diagnosed in 1994 so 12 years later he has probably deteriorated quite a bit. This just struck me as so mean-spirited. Knocking the homeless, the mentally ill, etc. is one thing, disgusting in my opinion, but to accuse a sick man of faking it is snake belly low. People in glass pill bottles should not throw stones.
The bottom line is....
from 1870 to the 1960's the majority of elected Democrats in Congress, with the help of a small minority of southern Republicans, effectively denied African Americans the right to vote for 90 years FOLLOWING the civil war. If you are saying that seeking their freedom and giving them the right to vote is a "liberal" movement, then it was the Republicans in majority, not the Democrats in majority, who were the "liberals" of that time.
In my mind, we are all tied up in semantics. The passion and commitment to something that to each of us is morally right is not liberal nor conservative. It is a human characteristic. None of us, I suppose, are truly liberal or truly conservative. It is a mixture. Some "liberals" agree with me that abortion is morally wrong and are against it for that reason, yet still consider themselves liberals. Some "conservatives" (such as Guiliani) do not agree on abortion and are pro choice, yet still call themselves conservative. I made a comment on the conservative board regarding the fires in California and was accused of sounding like a "bleeding heart liberal." So, in essence, over time people have identified certain characteristics and tried to put them in a liberal or a conservative box. And because we are human, and because we are different and have different ideas, we do not fit into boxes and ideas cross over. Hence, no true liberals or true conservatives....and that fact does not bother me at all, though it does bother some.
It is just that some of us love the labels more than others, I guess; the labels make them feel good, like they are affiliated with something noble...and what the labels mean to us individually, and some get very angry if someone questions the label.
I guess my prefrence is not to be labeled.
And that is what it is...a label, in the grand scheme of things. Because no one can really agree on what it means. Everyone puts their own personal spin on it. That is the nature of the human condition.
Bottom line
Obama is going to win, that's what counts.
He must do something right, if the majority wants Barrack Obama.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
for posting this, though I feel that it falls on deaf ears. Sadly the bigots and racists are still in denial. I am old and white and it is hard to pull the wool over my eyes too. I voted today for Obama/Biden. The going will be rough for whoever wins, but I have hope with Obama and I have not had this much hope in a long time.
try this one. Look at the table at the bottom
bottom line...
After the attack of 9/11 something HAD TO BE DONE.
What other options were there?
Doing nothing was sure not an option.
That IS the bottom line...
That's the only reason it is being offshored. It has nothing to do with "free trade" and everything to do with corporate greed.
The bottom line is....(sm)
Torture does not provide reliable confessions.
Torture has not and will not "save American lives." If it has done anything, it has put more lives at risk.
Waterboarding was used in WWII against US personell by the Japanese. We prosecuted those who used torture and executed them. Why? Because it was against the law. And what did the Japanese get for their efforts with torturing? False information and a bad reputation. What makes you think we'll get anything different from that?
The only thing torture is good for is revenge. That's not what this country is about, and its not what I'm about.
Then on your list of bottom feeders
Don't forget Al Franken and Michael Moore just to name a few examples. Oh, and don't forget liberal internet columnist Deborah Frisch who told a conservative foe:
*if someone shot you and your 'tyke' it wouldn't slow me down one iota.' She also wrote that she hopes 'no one Jon-Benets' the child* -- a reference to the brutal murder of a young Colorado girl ten years ago -- and made disturbing sexual remarks about the boy. *I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to…Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn't give a damn.*
That is bottom feeding in all its glory. Ann may have a big mouth, but I don't think she's ever threatened to kill someone's kid and/or sexually abuse them.
Bottom line, Taiga....
did Murtha or did Murtha not say "The surge is working?" Yes, he did. Why did CBS choose not to print all the disclaimers? You got me, I don't know. As to Murtha adding the disclaimers, he probably suddenly remembered he is going to have to talk to Pelosi come Monday. I don't blame him, I would be backpedaling too. lol.
Okay. This is exhausting. Bottom line...
I did not say Teddy you are a liar. Nor will I. Only you know for sure if you are lying. And you have said ad nauseam you don't care what I think or say, so why do keep protesting so much? Sigh.
What I believe or do not believe does not matter at this point to anyone but me. I vote we stop whipping this dead horse.
i like the idea of starting at the bottom
giving the common people a break rather than sticking us from behind. I don't know what the monetary amount should be per mortgage. I heard Whoopi this morning throwing out the idea of 25% to the people who have taken out mortgages since 2003. One of the gals on the view also talked about these people who were given these loans that were very low interest at the beginning and then after a few years had the interest raised. Why can't the mortgage companies offer them a lower interest rate again? At least they would be getting something!! They are all greedy. I think the idea of bailing the mortgage companies out is disgusting. I realize people should never get in over their heads to begin with but these mortgage companies and any government official who had a hand in it were out for themselves, thinking in the end they were going to win..... no loss to them.... well guess what? they got a little too greedy and I think rather than slapping their little hands, THEY should be the ones to pay the price. I don't care if it's Rush's idea, Whoopi's, etc... How about for once our government listens to the PEOPLE of this country rather than looking out for their own butts.
tax cuts?? just look at the table at the bottom
Well said. That is the bottom line. I have already
for Obama/Biden and am proud of my choice. No one should ever legislate what a women can do with her own body, or a man's for that matter, but abortion is the subject here. As is with everything in life, I believe we will all have to answer for all our choices throughout our lives. That is between you and your God. Abortion could definitely be dramatically reduced if there weren't so many barriers to education and birth control and less talk about the "welfare mother" when women do choose not to have an abortion. I think that the main problem is that people are very judgemental. I am old, and, overy the years, I have learned that the old saying "walk a mile in my shoes" before your judge me probably should be either one of the Constitutional Amendments or one of the Ten Commandments.
I think that when judgement day comes, God is going to ask me, what did you do for your fellow human beings out of the goodness of your heart that did not benefit you directly in any way. Did you love your neighbor (even your enemies) as yourself? Did you bear false witness against your neighbor and spread rumors, get down and dirty because of differences of opinion in an election or in your daily life? That is what I imagine God is going to ask me in a few years and I am thinking about how I am going to answer.
The bottom line is that he's not lying about it. It's just
where do you people come from? the bottom of the gene pool?
in anyway!!!
Bottom line: Either way, WE lose. At least, if the bill
doesn't pass until it strips the wall street & banking criminals of their ill-gotten gains, then EVERYONE will have to pay. But as the bill is currently written, WE have to pay. We're screwed, either say. Once this dies down a bit, I'm pulling every cent out of the stock market forever. I don't want my hard-earned savings, what little there is, going to making shysters rich.
Bottom line...are you in favor of infanticide? nm
Bottom line....O will raise DH and my taxes, sorry, it's not for
those who are lazy. Try working hard for a change and not expecting the gov't to give you a handout for once. WAAAH, please pay for my healthcare, pay for my kid's college, help me out because I don't want to take responibility for myself, I would rather let the gov't do it all and then when it doesn;t work out, I can blame them too. When O wins I can't wait to see this board in a year with all the people complaining about the broken promises, higher taxes, etc. It will be worth the wait.
Bottom line, no one can renounce the
of an American citizen, period, whether they are adopted by a noncitizen or not. Obama had the right to claim Nigerian citizenship at age 21 but did not.
Bottom line here. O does not claim to be messiah
Anybody who subscribes to such nonsense on any level whatsoever is the one who is confused.....VERY confused.
Aren't we NOWat the bottom? How much lower can it get?
Therefore we need CHANGE.
'You don't seem to understand.' Favorite sentence of McCain addressing Obama.
But, it did not happen with Clinton and that is the bottom line
Why, oh why do the people continue to uphold a president who has wound up at the bottom of the barrel as far as what kind of presidency he had. Very good riddance. Yes, we can.
So,. bottom line, I am European born
and I have proven that my grammar and spelling is better than yours.
Sometimes I make some typos, but last not least this is a froum and on this forum there is no 'typo police' applied, not even 'grammar and spelling police.'
Go and take your meds, I bet you swallow tens of those every day and night, and pray!
I saw that clip earlier today and it is exactly right. And you can bet your bottom dollar on this...
Alarmist video? Who knows. Scare tactics? Who knows, but one thing I believe is there will be class war fare, food riots, and when Obama has taken all our guns away, then what???
It has happened in the UK with Sharia Law, in Australia they confiscated all guns, France with their huge Muslim population, and it sure as H.E. double-hockey sticks can happen here. And if Obama gets elected, you can take that to the bank. He will strip mine our country to its bones.
My DH has a saying..the tree of freedom has to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots. Or words to that effect.
Perez Hilton is a troll and bottom feeder.....
He serves no useful purpose in this life or any life. I agree with Miss California though. Marriage SHOULD be between a man and a woman. Sorry Perez, but I guess I would lose the pagent too.
I just thought it might be nice to hear an original thought. sm
I guess I was reaching.
Bottom line...they made a 68 million dollar PROFIT.
PROFIT is AFTER expenses. So I am thinking they are doing pretty darn well, don't you? They are not in it for the goodness of their hearts.
And it says plainly on the website they will take checks for anything but abortions. So that says to me cash or credit card. IF there is another explanation for that, please share.
It has been awhile since there was a bombing or a shooting, and I don't condone either. Killing abortionists or bombing clinics is not the answer. Changing minds and providing alternatives is the answer. But going with the flow and remaining quiet while mass murder of the unborn goes on is something I cannot do, and sorry if I find it horrifying that PLanned Parenthood makes such a KILLING for killing. THere is THAT.
The mainstream media hogs you speak of are actually those bottom dwellers at MSNBC and
broadcast news, NOT Hannity or any of those to whom you refer.
Thought this was good so I thought I'd share
Down the drain? Beware of Obama's plan to 'spread the wealth around'
By Betsy Newmark High School History and Government Teacher/Blogger
If the McCain campaign can’t use this Obama quote to raise doubts about his attitude towards wealth and success, then they deserve the shellacking they seem headed for.
“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”
“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
Plumbers of the country, unite! Forget about the work and effort you put into building up a business or the scummy work that you do that many of us don’t know or don’t want to do. If you have succeeded, you should be willing to give up more of what you earn to help those who haven’t had the great good luck that you have had to be a successful plumber. Remember how Obama is going to give 95% of all of us a tax cut even though over 30% of the population doesn’t pay taxes?
He might call it a tax credit, but what he’s really doing is his vision of “spreading the wealth around.” It sounds a lot like Huey Long’s 1935 plan to “Share the Wealth.” And when he finds that he can’t tax the top 5% of the population to gain enough wealth to spread to the 95% of the rest of us, do you really think that he’ll stop with that 5%?
Remember…This is the guy who said in the ABC debate during the primary season that his approach to raising tax on capital gains is not based on whether it would provide more revenue but on his idea of what is fair:
GIBSON: All right. You have, however, said you would favor an increase in the capital gains tax. As a matter of fact, you said on CNBC, and I quote, “I certainly would not go above what existed under Bill Clinton,” which was 28 percent. It’s now 15 percent. That’s almost a doubling, if you went to 28 percent.
But actually, Bill Clinton, in 1997, signed legislation that dropped the capital gains tax to 20 percent.
OBAMA: Right.
GIBSON: And George Bush has taken it down to 15 percent.
OBAMA: Right.
GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down.
So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?
OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.
Just what we need in these fragile economic times — a guy who wants to raise taxes because he thinks it’s a matter of “fairness” and time to “spread the wealth around.”
That will be some incentive for other plumbers who want to work hard and build up a successful business.
But don’t worry - according to Joe Biden, it’s the patriotic thing to do.
Haha! I thought I was the only one who thought he looked
What I found so far
I see where Perle and Rice take exception to some of his statements, but that's all I could find. And I guess that would expected as they do have to protect themselves. Also, it's very hard to find opinions that do not have a noticeable right or left slant. If anyone out there has suggestions on middle-of-the-road, non-politically-sided information sites please let me know.
My point was how many people have to step forward and report that the White House manipulated the truth before it gets addressed? How many can you dismiss as saying they had a book to sell, or they were protecting their careers, etc.? At what point does some of what they are saying (Clark, Tenet, Powell to name a few) become believable?
I found it for myself sm
An eagle-eyed reporter for the ABC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, noticed something missing from Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama's, D-Ill., lapels.
"You don't have the American flag pin on. Is that a fashion statement?" the reporter asked, at the end of a brief interview with Obama on Wednesday. "Those have been on politicians since Sept. 12, 2001."
Catch David Wright's report tonight on "World News with Charles Gibson."
The standard political reply to that question might well have been, "My patriotism speaks for itself."
But Obama didn't say that.
Instead the Illinois senator answered the question at length, explaining that he no longer wears such a pin, at least in part, because of the Iraq War.
"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin," Obama said. "Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest.
"Instead," he said, "I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism."
In Iowa, some Obama supporters applauded the candidate's fashion statement. Said Carrie Haurum of Waterloo: "He doesn't need to wear that flag on his lapel. He wears it in his heart."
But talk radio and cable news quickly pounced on the issue.
"It just shows you he's not ready for the big time," conservative Laura Ingrams opined on Fox News.
Said Sean Hannity: "Why do we wear pins? Because our country is under attack!"
The Obama campaign declined to expand on the senator's statement. Spokesman Bill Burton said, "His comments speak for themselves."
But, Obama responded to the mini controversy.
"I'm less concerned with what you're wearing on your lapel than what's in your heart," Obama said Thursday while campaigning in Independence, Iowa.
"You show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans, especially those who serve. And you show your patriotism by being true to your values and ideals. And that's what we have to lead with, our values and ideals," Obama said.
Of course, if he had said that in the first place, he might have avoided any controversy.
I found this almost sad...
found what I found..
This was actually on the wall street journal on line this morning. It was edited in. Here is what I found: Unfortunately, I can't provide the link; sorry. This is a quote from it, though.
"Take a closer look. It's a jpg screenshot of a webpage, easily edited. Seeing as they're running pidgin instant messenger in the background, I'd guess that the GIMP is probably the likely photo editing software of choice."
Bth of which can be found there.
I found
I could only find these two. The first video won't play, and had this line on it. And when I put the whole line in google, I got the aol video.
"Senator Obama proposes a tax credit in the form of a check in the mail for mortgage interests, college tuition savings, childcare, clean cars, earned income tax credit to be expanded, a make-work-pay credit. All of these credits will be refundable to those people who don't pay taxes anyway in the form of a check in the mail. 63 million Americans would pay no federal income tax whatsoever, and most of them would get a check in the mail every January." took some looking but I found it....
o A $1,000 “Making Work Pay” Tax Credit. For 95 percent of workers and their families—150 million
workers overall—the “Making Work Pay” credit will provide a refundable tax cut of $500 for workers or
$1,000 for working couples. This credit will benefit over 15 million self employed workers and for 10
million low-income Americans, will completely eliminate their federal income taxes.
o A Refundable $4,000 American Opportunity Tax Credit. Barack Obama will provide a $4,000 fully refundable
tax credit to ensure that college is affordable for all American families. This credit will cover
100% of the first $4,000 of qualified tuition expenses, making community college essentially free and
covering about 2/3 of the cost of public 4-year college.iv
o A Universal 10% Mortgage Interest Tax Credit. Barack Obama will provide a 10% refundable credit to
offset mortgage interest payments and make homeownership more affordable for lower- and middle-income
families. This universal credit will provide an average tax cut of $500 to 10 million homeowners who do not itemize.
I see refundable in there a few times. And there you have the low income folks who will, with the help of this "credit," ELIMINATE their federal taxes. Who is going to take up that slack?
THERE is the bottom we were hunting.
Happy now?
Here's what I found
1. The 57 states. I think that was an honest mistake. I had not actually heard him say that, but that is not one of the main issues we were talking about. Him saying 57 states was not talked about very much and not one of the main concerns we had. Anyway...I think O just made an honest mistake, but here is the video clip.
2. His muslim quote. The way you phrase it by wanting to see at least one minute prior and after the quote I already know you're going to come back and say that is going to be a slip of the tongue. I'll grant you that - it could have been, and then again it could have not been. If Stephanopolis had not said anything it would have been let go. Again, it could have been a slip of the tongue and people will believe one way or the other. The only people who know if he is really a muslim or christian is him and his family. But then again how many muslims sit and say "my christian faith" by accident. Do you think in Iran or Libya or any of the middle eastern countries they would ever say "my christian faith" by accident. I don't think so, just like you don't hear christians accidently slip and say my muslim faith or my jewish faith. Particularly I don't care if he's christian, muslim, jewish, hindu or athiest. When people talk about their faith, they usually say what their true faith is. Also you will see in this video that Stephanopolis was defending McCain and said that McCain was not going after Obama because of his faith. He kept repeating it over and over that McCain is not going after him because of his faith, but Obama kept ignoring and making it to look like the "poor me they're going after me", and like your original post said if its not true you can't make it up. But then again that would not have given him much sympathy from voters by admitting McCain left the religion out of the campaign.
Anyway...because you wanted to videotape here is it.
Just let me know what other lies you imply we were saying so I can provide credible sources for you.
I usually like him, but found this very
I told you what I thought he thought....
and thank you so much for reducing it to "a piece."
That being said, here is link to article from Wall Street Journal about both candidates and outsourcing...Obama is not going to stop it either. He has said on the stump the answer is more highly educated American workers to compete.
It seems to me, and although you may think this is also a "piece," that if you put our corporate tax rates lower, if that corporation is inclined to hire Americans and not outsource then they will do so.
You honestly think the majority of corporations just WANT to outsource and taxes don't matter?
Found it. See inside.
I'm forwarding this to Alan Combs, Greta Van Sustern (sp) and Bill O'Rielly. Thanks.
AIKEN -- The 6-year-old Aiken girl who'd been dead for up to 14 hours before being taken to a hospital was beaten to death, authorities said Thursday.
And the woman who called Chaquise Gregory her life and her baby is being charged with homicide in the child's death.
1 / 2
Aiken County Department of Public Safety officers lead a handcuffed Kathy Salley away from her residence in the 500 block of Abbeville Avenue. She is charged with homicide by child abuse.
Aiken police arrested Kathy Salley, 26, at her Aiken home Thursday evening and booked her into the Aiken County Deten¤tion Center.
She'll be charged with homicide by child abuse this morning, Aiken Public Safety Sgt. David Turno said.
Police arrested Ms. Salley on an outstanding warrant for fraudulent checks to get her in jail, he said.
An autopsy found that Chaquise, who'd moved to a home in the 500 block of Abbeville Avenue in Aiken with Ms. Salley in May or early June, died from a severe beating, he said.
Authorities had already revealed that Chaquise had been dead between 10 and 14 hours when Ms. Salley took her to an Aiken hospital June 23.
"That's all we can tell you," Sgt. Turno said. "I do not believe they're going to go into the full evidence of the case, but we do know it was from a severe beating."
Aiken County Coroner Tim Carlton said he couldn't release many details about what killed Chaquise, except that the beating "caused some internal-type malfunction in the body that caused her death."
Mr. Carlton said there were no drugs found in the child's system, but "there were some older injuries that we're looking into that may or may not have been related to previous abuse."
The autopsy found no broken bones, but there was evidence of past breaks.
Mr. Carlton said the initial results indicate that the child was not sexually abused, but he would not rule it out completely.
She was not molested "that I'm aware of at this point," he said.
Capt. Maryann Burgess, who has been the investigator in the case, said she can't say how many others may have been involved in Chaquise's death or what charges they face.
"We know where they are," she said.
She said investigators also have not been able to verify that Ms. Salley had legal custody of Chaquise, which she claimed.
If convicted of homicide by child abuse, Ms. Salley faces between 20 years in prison and a life sentence.
In an interview with The Augus¤ta Chronicle on June 27 - five days after Chaquise was pronounced dead - Ms. Salley denied any wrongdoing in her death. Ms. Salley said she'd raised Chaquise since she was 3 years old.
"She was the only child I could ever have," she said, and questioned how the girl's biological family could think she was responsible.
Ms. Salley hinted that another person living with her and Chaquise - and who m she said she'd left the child with the night before - may have had something to do with the little girl's death.
"I can't point fingers when I don't know what went on in this house while I was gone," she'd said.
According to preliminary autopsy results that were released soon after her death, Chaquise had been dead between 10 and 14 hours before Ms. Salley took her to Aiken Regional Medical Centers.
Capt. Burgess said the additional autopsy results she received Wednesday led to Ms. Salley's arrest.
Ms. Salley told The Chronicle that authorities found bruises on Chaquise's arm and bottom, and cigarette burns on her shoulder and back.
Mr. Carlton said investigators are still trying to determine whether those marks were cigarette burns.
"It's just a tragic incident that was visited on a defenseless child," Mr. Carlton said. "And if the allegations are all true, then we certainly hope that the law and criminal justice system will be the defender of this child's rights."
I did some research on this and what I found is that he DID NOT
get paid for this case, it was pro bono.
"Roberts' work on the case was one of several he helped handle as part of his pro bono work at Hogan & Hartson, a prominent Washington law firm that expected its partners to volunteer their time to assist in community service.
Source - LA Times
In his answers to the Senate questionnaire, Roberts talked more generally about his volunteer work.
"My pro bono legal activities were not restricted to providing services for the disadvantaged," he wrote, explaining that he often donated his time and expertise on projects by working behind the scenes."
I found the answer.
It supposedly was a mistake, and it's been changed. Unfortunately, the groups involved in complaining about this are much less than credible, and it's impossible for me to just take what they say at face value. I don't believe they're above just inventing propaganda just so they can blame it all on the immoral liberals.
If it truly was a mistake, it was a stupid mistake, and I'm glad they fixed it. It's too bad that I just don't know who I can believe and who I can trust any more. 
Barbie Accused of Being Part of the Transgender Movement
WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 3, 2006 — - The Concerned Women for America were ... well, concerned. Outraged, even. Was Barbie becoming part of the transgender movement?
On Dec. 30, CWA, a leading Christian conservative group, noted on its Web site that on the Barbie Web site,, there is a poll that asks children their age and sex.
You can see a screen grab of the poll here.
The age choices were 4 to 8 but children are given three options for their choice of gender: I am a Boy, I am a Girl and I Don't Know.
Bob Knight, director of CWA's Culture and Family Institute, said Barbie manufacturer Mattel was being influenced by the transgender movement.
To pose this transgender question at little girls, they've really crossed the line, Knight said, who added that bisexuality gender confusion is the Web site's agenda, which is very dangerous.
The concern comes after a conservative boycott of Mattel's American Girls dolls. The American Family Association and the Pro-Life Action League protested that some American Girls dolls were wearing I Can wristbands, which support Girls Inc. Girls Inc. is a national, nonprofit organization that promotes education and self-esteem programs, as well as sex education, and supports abortion rights and the acceptance of gays and lesbians. The Mattel-Girls Inc. partnership ended on Dec. 26.
But Mattel, which also manufactures Barbie, said the Barbie incident is much ado about nothing.
This was just an innocent oversight, says Lauren Bruksch, a spokeswoman for Mattel. As a rule of thumb, Bruksch said, the questionnaires at always try to have a neutral answer or nonresponse option. For gender, this third option should have been I don't want to say, rather than I don't know. The Web site has since been fixed.
Knight had said CWA would contact Mattel to investigate the matter, but Bruksch said Mattel first heard of the complaint when ABC News called for comment.
I only found one story on this. sm
From an obscure site called Rogers Cadenhead. The remainder of the stories, from the LA Times, etc., did not include anything about U.S. Troops protecting the Hezbollah sympathizers.
Found it. Cute!
My 5-year-old just happened to walk into the room when I clicked on it, and of course he liked it too! Thanks. That's actually based on a true story right? I had forgotten about that story until watching that. Makes my heart ache. Thanks for posting.