Gallup Poll shows a 62-67% approval rating.......nm
Posted By: Mrs. Bridger on 2009-03-13
In Reply to: Lack of faith in Obama as leader of this country is - a huge problem! nm
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Gallup Poll
Approval of Congress Hits 4-year High, Fueled by Dems
by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' job approval rating of Congress is up an additional 8 points this month, after a 12-point increase last month, and now stands at 39% -- the most positive assessment of Congress since February 2005.

Americans who identify themselves as Democrats are mostly responsible for the improved ratings of Congress measured in the March 5-8 Gallup Poll. After showing a 25-point increase in their approval of Congress from January to February and a further 14-point increase in March, a majority of Democrats (57%) now approve of the job the Democratically-controlled Congress is doing. Independents also show improved ratings of Congress, but not nearly to the extent that Democrats do. Republicans' evaluations of Congress have changed very little this year.

Quick Turnaround
Even though Congress' job approval rating is still low on an absolute basis, the recent ratings represent a quick turnaround from the historically low ratings of 2008. Last year, on average, only 19% of Americans approved of the job Congress was doing -- one of the three lowest yearly congressional approval averages in Gallup records dating back to 1974, along with 1979 (19%) and 1992 (18%).
In January of this year, Congress' job approval rating among remained low at 19%, before jumping to 31% in February after the change in presidential administrations from Republican George W. Bush to Democrat Barack Obama. But this month brings an even more positive evaluation of Congress, with 39% of Americans now approving.
The latest increase suggests the reason for the improved ratings of Congress in 2009 may go beyond simply the change from split control to one-party control of the federal government, to include an assessment of the work Congress has been doing with the new president on the economy and other issues.
Such an explanation seems plausible given that a majority of Democrats now approve of the job Congress is doing, and that the gap between Democratic and Republican approval of Congress is growing, as Congress passes and President Obama signs laws to deal with the economy and other issues that largely follow a Democratic philosophy of governing.
Even though the Democratic Party had majority control of both houses of Congress in 2007-2008, it was able to achieve little of its legislative agenda while Republican Bush remained in the White House. This lack of results may have soured Democrats' opinions of Congress. During this time, rank-and-file Democrats' approval ratings of Congress sank to as low as 11% in July 2008, after starting out near 40% shortly after the party took control of Congress in early 2007.

Now that the strengthened Democratic-controlled Congress is able to pass most of what it wants with little or no help from Republicans, and can count on the president to sign it into law, rank-and-file Democrats hold Congress in much greater esteem. The 57% approval rating for Congress among Democrats is the best the party has given the institution since March 2002, when Congress' job approval scores were at historical highs in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Survey Methods
Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,012 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted March 5-8, 2009. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
Interviews are conducted with respondents on land-line telephones (for respondents with a land-line telephone) and cellular phones (for respondents who are cell-phone only).
In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
USA Today/Gallup poll on Sarah Palin
Here is the link for the full results:
Essentially she has given McCain a bit of a boost, but no more boost than Biden gave Obama. I found the polling of Democrat women/HRC supporters to be amusing, considering what I think the McCain was hoping to accomplish:
Among Democratic women — including those who may be disappointed that New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination — 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.
YEP, that is why their approval rating is ....
GASSSSPPPPPP lower than...omg no say it ain't so......BUSH'S. ROFL.
80% approval rating
Because Alaska is full of A-holes, like 50% of this country.
Yep, his approval rating is low.
But the democratic Congress is lower after just 2 years.
They only have a 9% approval rating...way to go! nm
The 80% approval rating was for....(sm)
how he was handling the transition.
His approval rating is 63%
Obviously everybody else in the country likes him and thinks he is doing a good job.
The one on this board only come here to gripe, because obviously the other 27% (hmmm....could they be the ones who approved of Bush - wasn't that HIS approval rating at the end??) are MTs and come to this board.
By reading this nonsense, you would think the rest of the country sided with them. Glad to know it's not true!
She has an 80% approval rating in Alaska...
to me that indicates that the voters who put her there are very happy they put her there. THat includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
The man was corrupt. She got rid of corruption. Most Presidents when they go into the job, as well as most governors, "clean house" when they go into office, whether they are corrupt or not. You act like that is something that is "not done." Good grief.
My bias is showing? Now THAT is rich. LOL.
Okay...first, what an elitist comment. A tiny Alaska community? Those people don't count? Well you certainly relegated them to the back back back burner didn't you? Tell me again how important the "little" people are! She has 12 months of actual executive experience. Obama has none. She is going to be second chair, not first. She has an 80% approval rating...Obama never HAS had that, except from NARAL, who gave him 100%. I would say that her constituents are happier with her than Obama's were with him.
I think she is ready for the "big boys." Let's see how she does in the debates with Biden.
Why is it that Democrats laud democratic whistleblowers and diss Republican ones??
Unless McCain dies or incapacitated, she won't be getting that 3:00 call. But since you brought it up...this little person has a question about that 3:00 call. Is Obama going to call Joe Biden on the other line???
Why did Palin have any over 80% approval rating?
Well that most recent 67% approval rating
How credible do you think you are by passing judgment on Obama administration 6 weeks before he is even sworn into office?
Yep, they actually have a lower approval rating than
She has an 80% approval rating in Alaska...
so obviously "most" of the people in Alaska do not agree.
I have seen her very low and still slipping approval rating, YES nm
With a 37% approval rating, I daresay
these are *embittered partisan protests.* So, maybe you aren't proud, but I still do not feel my *indignation* is misplaced. You are the one thinking partisan.
Obama's approval rating............ sm
According to the RPC, Obama's overall approval rating has slipped to just slightly over 60% and Congress' approval rating is at a whopping 33.3% and 61.2% of those polled feel that this country is on the wrong track.
Just thought I'd share that bit of dismal news.
That wasn't an approval rating, it was desperation
When an economic recession is looming, people become scared and will do just about anything hoping things will turn around...... that is the only reason Obama got the vote, that and a few states that haven't a clue about what it's like paying for lazy baby makers and their daddies all day long....
Flame all you want!!!!
Yeah, poor Sarah and her 80% approval rating.
McCain ahead according to Gallup...
Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45% September 7, 2008
I suppose they had Gallup opinion polls in the 1770s? nm
What does an 80% rating really mean? sm
In response to threads from below:
OK. If you choose to use an 80% stamp of approval from a state whose population is slightly under that of Austin, Texas as some kind of leverage to argue in favor of what's-her-name, go for it. It means about as much to me as Obama's 80% approval rating in Europe means to you. All you are doing is preaching to the choir.
Obama followers will continue to illustrate the zillions of ways this woman is not our idea of leadership. It will have very little to do with who does or does not approve of her. It has to do with the difference in the issues that are the underpinnings of NeoCon versus democratic values. McCain did my party a big favor when he decided to put a token woman in that spot after meeting with her once or twice and deciding she is a younger version of himself...someone who he thinks can bring Hillary supporters into the fold while at the same time energizing his conservative base. It's like my man said...John McCain just does not get it...and neither do you.
She is Pro-life, promotes creationism over evolution, thinks global warming is not a man-made problem, anti-gun control, is on record against fair pay for women, thinks Hillary is a whiner like McCain thinks American economic refugees are whiners, has accepted the nomination as a token female pawn in McCain's political games while thinking she will be advancing her own anemic political career, is under a state ethics committee investigation while portraying herself as the ethics clean-up maiden, supported the bridge to nowhere before it became more political capitol for her to oppose it, etc....and this is what we are hearing after only 24 hours.
That is why Obama supporters will energize themselves the way you see them doing here and oppose this ticket on any and all levels of opportunities as they present themselves. An 80% approval rating against all this is a really weak, limp, lame claim to fame. Got it?
He got an 80% approval because he is the
If we had such a low job performance rating...
we'd be in the umemployment line.
How can you have a high rating without doing anything yet?
Oh, I forgot. Dems + hook + line + sinker = Fauxbama for Prez.
Change, change, change.
Hope, hope, hope.
Bull, bull, bull.
Well, since his DISAPPROVAL rating has gone from 12 to 31...
Looks like actually they're a rapidly GROWING breed, wouldn't ya say?
obama rating
Most of you seem to feel that in the next election Obama will have a hard time being re-elected. I just don't agree with that thinking. For one thing, if Acorn is going to be in charge of census taking, he will be a shoe-in. As well, Obama will be awarded the African-American vote as he was in 2008.
Hte to break this to you, but the rating numbers
say NOTHING about where millions and millions and millions of Americans really go for their news. The internet has given us access to global media. MSNBC is still mainstream and, as a leftie, I can tell you that I find their coverage almost as frustrating as CNN and Fixed News. I need the much broader perspective found on local, national and international English-speaking radio talk shows and news accounts from outside the homeland borders found on the net.
I suspect I'm not the only one, considering the numbers reflected in these ratings are so puny when compared to the actual number of adult US citizens who have soundly rejected US monovision mainstream media outlets all together. Then there is the other side of the coin, those Americans who do not listen to the news at all because mainstream is SUCH a turn-off.
Well, giving Obama an 80% approval before
His approval ratings are dropping.
These are the lowest of all time and they keep dropping. Rasmussen shows 43%-56% approval. He's lost all Republican support, a good part of Independent support, and some democratic support, and the trend is most negative.
Gallup evaluated all presidents going back to Richard Nixon. His 63% level with them is about the same as the average of every president going back to 1968 during their first months in office.
Obama's approval rating went up 1 to 4 points with self-identified democrats but dropped 14% with conservatives
His approval rating is also below where George W. Bush's was in 2001 and is lower than Jimmy Carter's 71% rating
Polling shows there is great economic concerns. 83% are worried what the O has done will not fix the economy and that it will only get worse (go figure), 82% say they are worried about all the money being added to the deficit and inflation, and 69% are worried about the size of government increasing. Additionally, support for the stimulus package has dropped.
Rasmussen also shows that people are opposing Obamas budget 46% to 41%. This is not good news at all.
It also states that voters blame Republicans for the lack of bipartisanship in WA, they also say that the O has not made any progress in improving cooperation between the two parties (another broken campaign promise).
Here is an interesting "blog" of what some people wrote. Most interesting is Post #s 3, 4, and 5.
Sorry - the Approval Index is by Rasmussen
+30 the day after his inauguration...down...down...down...a few blips up...but mostly DOWN. Not hard to see why, of course - it's called buyer's remorse. Unfortunately, there's no Lemon Law when it comes to kissing a political toad and learning to our sorrow that it really is just a toad - and was never anything else. In 2012, we'll try a different toad.
Bush Approval Continues to Fall
Could the rest of America be getting a clue?
August 17, 2005
President Bush’s job approval has dropped to 41% nationwide, according to the results of 50 separate but concurrent, statewide public opinion polls conducted by SurveyUSA. Bush’s aproval rating ranges from a high of 59% in Idaho to a low of 29% in Rhode Island.
- Bush is above 50% in 7 states.
- Bush is at 50% in 2 states.
- Bush is below 50% in 41 states.
Compared to last month's poll, Bush's approval numbers dropped 5 or more points in 10 states. The single largest drop was in Minnesota, where it fell 10 points. Bush also fell 9 points in New Mexico.
Bush Approval Ratings Have not
Obama, Democrat Approval Slipping
Obama's approval index (number who strongly approve minus number who strongly disapprove) has slipped to +4 from +30 on taking office. 35% strongly approve, 31% strongly disapprove.
Rasmussen polling also shows that more voters would choose a "generic" Republican over a "generic" Democrat in the next election by a 2-point margin. Similar polling in recent weeks had previously shown the Democrats to an edge of up to 6 pointts. This has evaporated.
I predict that the slippage will continue as Democrats overplay their hand in Congress, and as the bill for their drunken spending spree and the unthinkable mountain of debt they're accumulating begins to land on the average citizen, as it ALWAYS does, one way or another (higher local/state/sales taxes, higher license fees, higher prices, wage stagnation, etc.).
The reason this always happens is because that's the way economics happens to work and neither Obama, Pelosi nor any of their arrogant commie pals can change the rules of economics - even if they do push us into socialism. (Some of our younger members should study up on the inequality of income that has resulted under ALL of the socialist, "nanny-state" and/or communist systems. It will disillusion you about all such schemes forever.)
Obama Approval Index sinks from +30 to +2
I won't be surprised to see him in negative territory tomorrow once the American people find out what he actually said today in Cairo. DISGRACEFUL SPEECH!
That's why Fox news rating are skyrocketing with MSNBC and CNN are going down fast
Fox News - 1,217,000
CNN - 633,000
MSNBC - 482,000
I was surprised to see that CNN has more viewers than MSNBC. Fox news gives you the news and tells you everything - both sides. The other two don't. They just feed you garbage all day.
Obama's Approval Index hits negative territory
The approval index is computed by subtracting the percentage of voters who strongly disapprove of Obama's job performance from those who strongly approve of it.
Once sporting an index in the +30 range, the Big BO (you may interpret "BO" however you wish) has in a matter of a mere handful of months fallen like Lucifer from Heaven. May his end be similarly appropriate, politically speaking. Let's make this goofy clown a one-term bozo.
No it shows that I know something
you haven't bothered to check out for yourself.
France was right about IRAQ.
And WE IGNORED HITLER's atrocities until OUR economics were at stake, THEN we did the right thing, but NOT BEFORE.
Maybe it shows
how "frugal" the McCain/Palin ticket would be in the White House, you reckon??? So Mrs. O's dress looked like it came from a yard sale? So what? She is clean and she is neat, that's all I require. Why should candidates have to "look like they came from Saks Fifth Avenue to impress people?" I used to like to go in Saks in Houston when I lived there just to see how the upper crust lived. I did actually make purchases...............they had the most fabulus truffles you ever sank your teeth weakness. t I would indulge even though they cost $6 EACH and that was back in the 80s. Lord knows what they cost now.
It just shows the
true character of our president-elect. He is stepping up to the rudderless ship regardless of the consequences. His presidency is not a desire for power, a desire to upstage daddy, or a way to ensure future big bucks giving speeches or sitting on a board of a corporation. He is doing it simply for the love of his country. Bless him.
Where would we end up if everyone of us shows off
what looks good on us???????
I think this shows...
how ignorant so many in this country are to our own history. I guess that's why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
I took the
Sounds like Lewis needs to stay in the house unless the owner is with him. That should solve the problem.
It is
50 for Obama
43 for McCain
how about the AP poll...
Which shows the two candidates dead even? and if the polls are accurate, how come every one of them has different numbers? And furthermore, they only show the people who responded; I know I got several calls and I don't tell any stranger on the phone who I am voting for. This is my business and only mine. so don't be naive enough to think the polls are the be-all and end-all. look at how many times the polls have shown one candidate as a clear frontrunner who then went on to lose the election.
there was a poll on here
not too long ago and if I remember correctly, at least at the time I saw it, the majority on here seemed to be with McCain; of course I don't take polls too seriously either. TATA... Enjoy your week!!! :)
How about a poll?
Some of us who choose Obama have posted our reasons for doing so. How about you pubs posting your REAL reasons for voting for McCain. What do you think (or hope) McCain will do for you and all of us?
You asked for whom we were voting for. I didn't realize my choice wasn't sincere since I didn't give an explanation in the post. I've stated my reasons enough on this board. Also, I'm not Republican, rather Independent.
I'm not being snippy in this post. I just wanted to state why I didn't post my reason under my vote. :)
I'm voting for McCain, but I think Obama is going to win in all honestly.
The man at the poll said
I just wore jeans, orange top with lighter orange sweater. The guy helping at the poll had to pull the top part of my ballot off before I stuck it in the machine. He said: "Now I've just got to rip your top off ... I mean the top of your ballot." :)
Gorgeous here today!! Low 70s, I think. (Michigan)
Sorry - that was not my poll -
I did not post a poll before that I remember. And in case you have not been reading my posts for the last months, I voted for Obama the first day my county would allow me to vote...
Particularly a CNN poll.
This shows you exactly how much you know about the terrorists. sm
And THAT has been the worst part about all this. Bush hatred has not only fried you to crispy critters, it has made you dangerously ignorant.