Frankly gt you are pretty disturbing all by your lonesome. I'd like to think
Posted By: TM on 2005-09-29
In Reply to: OMG, LOL - gt
there's only one of you.
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Do YOU have a lonesome, MT? Or is TM one of the newer, dyslexic voices in your head?

Quite frankly.......
I'd have to say it will benefit the dems. Let's give the pubs 4 more years - that's 12 years in the white house and then, let's see the outcome. Let them clean up the mess they created.
It just may well be that God wants Obama in the white house for the next four years.
The only way to rise out of the ashes, is to really fall low, and quite frankly, we will all see change such as we've never witnessed in our lifetimes, should Obama and the superliberal house and senate come to pass.
You all should be scared to death, and yet you are not.
You want change.
But you won't like the change you are about to see.
So be it.
If God wants Obama in the white house, let it be.
Then a real republican can rise from the ashes and help save our sorry butts the way Reagan did three decades ago.
Sarah Palin is too conservative for the Republican party as it stands now. Plain and simple. The Republican party needs to turn back to the right, if it wants to survive, not go to the middle, like George Bush tried to do, and John McCain. If you travel in the middle of the road, you're gonna get run over.
If she is to be a serious contender in 2012 and beyond, she does need to gain more experience in the national arena, much the way BWT says below.
She has the right stuff, she just needs to expand upon. She is one smart and classy lady, and if she wants to, she very well may be what the Republican party needs, to get back to its roots.
I'm looking at Bobby Jindal, and also my favorite, Mitt Romney, to be leaders also, and bring us to the forefront once again.
And I'm not a Republican. I'm an independent....I'm just too conservative for the Republican party as it is now....
This is just 1 paragraph taken from a much longer article but it is something I did not know. This does not bode well for anyone. This is worse than Chalabi as informant and/or US hand-picked Iraqi statesman of some sort or the other.
Interestingly, some of the earliest suicide bombings commonly attributed to Hezbollah, such as the 1983 attacks on the US embassy and marine barracks in Beirut, were believed by American intelligence sources at the time to have been orchestrated by the Iraqi Dawa party. Hezbollah barely existed in 1983 and Dawa cadres are said to have been instrumental in setting it up at Tehran's behest. Dawa's current leadership includes none other than the new Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, feted last week in London and Washington as the great hope for the future of the Middle East. As the old saying goes, today's terrorist is tomorrow's statesman - at least when it suits us.
Hardly an American-like comment.
I find it "interesting" that Obama won't meet McCain for a town hall setting at any military bases. Anyone who is a POW for 5 years is more than a patriot.
This "meeting place" has become so "out there" I may as well be on the moReon, Huffpost, or Daily Kook sites!
This is clearly embarrassing.
I frankly don't see what your problem with this is....
the people of the state of Colorado are already paying to keep those inmates with food, a roof, medical care, etc., etc. Why shouldn't those inmates give back? I don't think they should even get 60 cents an hour. They would be working to help pay for their own upkeep. Slaves?? Come ON!!!! And working right along with them should be welfare recipients who are physically able to work. They need to earn that money that is being given to them, in some form or fashion. As to farms being corporations...the vast majority of farmers in Colorado and in every other state are not corporations, but many times second, third, fourth, and on generation farmers who have to bear the brunt of production (equipment, seed, etc.) on their own dime. They need every break we can give them, and I don't see ANY reason why inmates and welfare recipients who are able-bodied cannot do that; and I don't see why anyone should have a problem with it. Why DO you have a problem with it?
Frankly...I don't care what you believe.
I will sleep soundly tonight listening to the waves crash against the shore whether you believe me or not. I am going to walk down to the pier now and ride the Ferris wheel and enjoy the marine layer before the Santa Ana winds pick up again. End of discussion.
And what is my party and who is my guy? Frankly,
I think Alan Keyes or Chuck Baldwin would be the far greater choices of president than any of the 2 that have been purposely foisted upon us, but in the end, I will vote for what is best for my country, a concept you obviously do not share.
Come back 6 months from now, commie, and tell me how you are faring.
Frankly, I would be more comfortable with YOU...
talking to them than Obama. :-)
Your responses are disturbing.
I don't believe I have ever seen a more angry and irrational person.
If true this truly is disturbing
I watched this and sat in tears. If this is true its absolutely horrible. This is basically murder and everyone who doesn't help these babies live has played a part in their murder. How can this lady say she witnessed it and held the babies until they died with no emotion in her face or even a quiver in her voice. I'm not for Barack. There are a lot of disturbing things about him that have made me decide not to vote for him, but this I just cannot believe. It almost sounds like some skit someone wrote for this lady to recite. I know lots of nurses and have worked at lots of hospitals in different states and this is just something that is unheard of. I will still not be voting for Barack, but not because of this. It sounds like, and I believe, this is probably put out by the republicans and I just don't believe it. Nobody brings a baby somewhere and leaves them on a table in some room with a toilet in it for the baby to die when the baby is alive and just walk away. That is not hospital policy at any hospital I know of, and if I met this lady in person I would tell her she has no business being a nurse.
On the other hand I will also not be voting for McCain. If I hear him say in his condescending tone once more "my friends" I think I will put my boot through the TV. He also is not someone I trust.
Man do politics really suck!
What I find disturbing about this is
I believe the GOP is in shock, fractured, incapable of accepting defeat and pretty clueless about how to pick themselves up and put themselves back together. As a consequence and coupled with their gut-level adversion to Obama, I think we will be seeing a whole lot more of these desperate, destructive tactics for quite some time to come. It's sad, because if there were ever a time in recent history we need to be pulling together, that would be now.
Very disturbing concept.
I don't believe it will pass the constitutional smell test, but you're right to be concerned about the potential for abuse - i.e., being used against citizens in the name of "national security". This very possibility is the reason the military services are strictly prohibited from conducting anything but humanitarian operations within the contintental US. It is also one of the reasons we have never had a federal police agency (as opposed to federal investigative and special enforcement agencies).
The record of such paramilitary organizations in other countries is rife with examples of abuse and we should absolutely march in the streets if necessary to prevent such an organization from ever being formed in this country.
I have not posted here for awhile because, frankly,..
I was at a loss for words. If I were one of those televangelist types I would say God did sent this hurricane/flood to expose this administration and many I-got-mine, who-gives-a-hoot-about-you Americans to the rest of the world for what our country has become...a place where racism, poverty, greed and environmental desecration have been allowed to thrive unhindered. There is money and manpower for the things this administration really believes in; power, personal accumulation of money, war and environmental apathy but none for its poorest, oldest, youngest and sickest...finally, finally, having been exposed naked to the world, perhaps we will wake up as a nation and clean house from the top on down. With God's help, and a little selflessness from everyone (not just the same people over and over and over) I believe we can overcome this tragedy and go on to be better for it; we are always better when we do the right thing. If our administration can't or won't do it, perhaps we can shame them in the eyes of the world by doing it ourselves. I am rambling here...I am just so completely stunned by the last week's events. I will stop here. Mitakuye Oyasin. Aho.
I've been working all day - and frankly...
I have had my head and mind in the computer all day working so have not heard what was said.
I did hear the biggest gaffe in a long time directly by the O. He said "our dollar is strong". What???? Has he been drinking his own kool-aid. DH just had come out for lunch and he was telling me the dollar was dropping quite rapidly. So made lunch, we sat down and on the news heard the enlightened one claim the dollar is strong today. Eegads!!!
So out of touch, but know he won't be missing another party at the wh tonight.
Frankly - I am sick, sick, sick of it all. Sick of hearing our politicians get up and bold face lie right to the camera. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. I'm sick of them working for themselves, and not doing anything to show they have an interest in getting our economy back on track or that they even care about the people anymore. I'm tired of hearing politicians have got all this money "scrolled away" at various banks throughout the world (and we're are not talking about a modest amount). I'm tired of hearing money is missing from here or there and they just decide they refuse to disclose where the money went. I'm tired of hearing them falsly pretend they are disgusted with the AIG and other bail outs then we find out their wives or other relatives work for the same companies and they are doing under-the-table deals while they have their castles on the shores of Ireland and other countries. I'm sick of hearing that they live in million dollar mansions that they are not paying anything to live and (free). I'm sick of hearing about the crooks we have in Washington and tired of hearing all these TV/Radio shows talk and complain about it but do nothing about it. I'm tired of having to pay so much in taxes that I can hardly live anymore yet if you are in politics/WA you don't have to pay taxes. And I'm tired of hearing people excuse them and say that's okay, just as long as one party or the other is not in office. In which case they don't care.
By all means, I'm not directing this at any one person in specific so please nobody take any offense. I'm just so sick of everything going on in the news and what is happening with the country I'm just blowing off steam here. By now I thought I would have some at least some job growth. Even if it was just one company in all of America that is hiring. Is that too much to ask. Just one company in all of America to show some growth, and maybe then it would spur on others.
I'm just sick of it all and thinking of taking a seriously long break from listening to the news anymore. If I'm not watching the country go down the tubes on the TV, then I listen to Hannity whine about it but offer no solutions, and at the same time I turn to Olberman and the MSNBC crowd and they praise what is going on. So rather than "blow a gasket" (in my head) I think I will tune out all news and come here and see who said what and then go check it out. Otherwise, I feel like one of the characters in Orwell's 1984 movie.
One thing I find VERY disturbing
is that there have been several posts on these boards in the past regarding the rampant child sexual abuse that happens in this country, and I've always been amazed how those on the right didn't post anything objecting to this. I would think members of the party that claims to have all the *family values* in this country would be outraged at the sexual abuse of children, yet not a whimper of disgust from them.
Equally alarming is the fact that the leader of the Oregon Christian Coalition resigned recently because of charges that he sexually abused female family members, which, last time I checked, this was called INCEST. I posted the the article concerning this, and again, you could hear the proverbial pin drop -- not one word of outrage. Only one post from them, *winking* as they said *We should lock up all the evil perverted conservatives.*
Is there something wrong with ME because I believe we SHOULD lock up all the *evil, perverted* people, whether they're conservatives or not?
Or is there something else more sinister going on within the Christian Coalition, where incest isn't really a big deal? Given the consistent lack of outrage over this issue from conservatives, it makes me wonder. Makes me wonder what Harriet Miers' views are on this issue.
America, what is happening to you???!! 
Your anti-Americanism is disturbing. sm
*Sorry arses* You compare the Revolutionary War to World War II. You call names and label. You are violently nearly out of control with your anger and your very wording borders on horrendously out of control. Do people really take you seriously in discussion. If so, why?
I find it rather disturbing that Obama
is wanting to control executive pay. Why does our government have a right to tell people what they can make? Besides, aren't these the same loser who get a raise every year no matter what. How about we cap what these losers can make and get rid of their benefits and maybe they will actually start working for the American people and not their own person gain. I'm so sick of our government. Nothing but crooks!!!!
Nice deflection to Palin....I am just frankly...
amazed that you think a debate is more important than the crisis we are in, and still fully support and back a man whose answer to it is "they will call me if they need me." If this is how he is going to govern, no thanks. He is, after all, a sitting senator who WE are paying, and this crisis should be his FIRST priority as an elected senator, let alone as a person running for the Presidency. Frankly, I don't care a DARN what he is going to SAY in a debate. I would like, for once, to see him actually DO something. DO something!!!!!
Frankly, don't we all cringe when the other party speaks?
But that's because we anticipate the content is not going to be what we want to hear.
Bush's speeches made me cringe for other reasons - like I was embarrassed we had such an obvious moron as a leader, and the rest of the world could appreciate our sterling judgement. We might as well posted a billboard that says - we elected the stupidest guy we could get so the powers behind the throne will have an easy time of it. Nothing fake about HIM - he was sincerely, honestly stupid, and proud of it.
Disturbing info about concentration camps in U.S.
Now, I know what you might be thinking - U.S. concentration camps?? Really the stuff of tin-foil hatters on the Internet fringe! I've been hearing about them for years but sort of wrote it all off as the wackiest of the wackiness out there - after all where are they? Who has seen them? Couldn't happen here.
So, I'm really not sure what to make of this - it's the third or fourth report I've heard recently and getting harder to ignore. Article:
Early Warning! Is Bush Preparing to Wage War on Americans?
He has asserted his power to do so amid reports that there are some 800 detention camps throughout the US, staffed, as yet empty but ready for operation. Armed guards are reported to be in place. [ See: INN World Report (Free Speech TV), February 7 broadcast]
The official cover story is that FEMA maintains these facilities in the event of a mass influx of illegal immigrants or in case of national emergency. It is more likely, that the detention camps are created to house political subversives.
(1) The President is now claiming, and is aggressively exercising, the right to use any and all war powers against American citizens even within the United States, and he insists that neither Congress nor the courts can do anything to stop him or even restrict him.
—Glenn Greenwald: The NSA Fight Begins - Strategies for Moving Forward, The Huffington Post
The Pacific News Service meanwhile reports that Homeland Security had awarded a $385 million dollar contract to Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.
That's only part of the article but gives the gist of the story with several more references for the subject. I find it very chilling. Not surprising particularly, but still very chilling. Six years ago I didn't believe it at all. Now? I might!
oops got cut off...Her preaching/her words that are DISTURBING...SM
to say the least!!!!
I don't agree with every single thing my pastor says.
No "witchhunt", just truth. Disturbing, isnt it?
W's clueless response is equally as disturbing.
"So what if the guy threw his shoe at me?" Bush told a reporter in response to a question about the incident.
"Let me talk about the guy throwing his shoe. It's one way to gain attention. It's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you. It's like driving down the street and having people not gesturing with all five fingers. ...These journalists here were very apologetic. They ... said this doesn't represent the Iraqi people, but that's what happens in free societies where people try to draw attention to themselves."
So what? How many agree that this guy was seeking attention? Only on the W planet would the alleged leader of the free world be so unconscious and so casual about this deepest of insults. Who cares? Not W, evidently.
No thanks. Frankly, the thought of you touching me gives me the heebie jeebies. nm
This shows a true and disturbing lack of knowledge regarding the Israeli
Arab conflict. You surely realise that. I hope this was a unfunny one at that.
Frankly, I thought it was an insult to the Monkey, and Curious George, also, he was intelligent!...n
Isn't she pretty?
She looks like a normal person too, not a clueless politican who has never paid a bill.
McCain and his wife scare me but I am so excited about her!
I'm pretty sure
that this post didn't have anything to do with Obama. The topic is McCain/Contra in this post. I can't stand either of them, but thanks for the advice.
pretty much
it is unlikely that we are ever going to agree, and honestly, I just come here to interact with adults. I just moved here, my husband is deployed and I don't know anyone, so it is nice to "talk" to adults. It is all good natured (on my part anyway) and I really just like to argue
I think you pretty much did that all by yourself. nm
So you just pretty much sent me to ...
the bad place with fire and stuff because of a joke that had absolutely nothing to do with religion based simply on the fact that I am an A... (the one whose name shall not be mentioned).
Pretty sure
Pretty certain that you are going to be standing before God too, right? Or are u exempt? Anyway, I bet he doesnt like foul-mouthed witch hunters one bit! I also bet he doesnt like it when his children start fights and are accusatory to innocent people. You have a high horse, what is it's name?
Pretty sad but just think
how many ignorant people will come back with.....but he is cutting the budget. LOL. All his sheeple will hear is budget cut and they are on board with him as per usual. If Obama promised to stop farting in an effort to lessen pollution.....his adoring fans would praise him from the highest mountain for all to hear.
Pretty sure that ()
who used to sign herself .- (dot/dash). Someone mentioned this a week or so ago and I have to agree. Same style, similar typos, same strange sentence structure and confrontational attitude. Anybody else noticing this?
It must pretty convenient
to cut and paste and post the same 1st-grade name calling, hate-filled rant everyday. It cuts out time spent in the creativity process...
Seems pretty important to me
Well, if his trustee is saying Frist was updated regularly on his blind trust, I kind of think that is something. It is a formal investigatinn by the SEC. I kind of think that is something.
Seems pretty on target to me :o)
Tongue in cheek..but I gotta tell ya, some of this is true, from my experience living in NY, CA and VA.
Subject: Dear Friends, (Retirees and Those Planning to Retire. Here are some very helpful tips that are just too true to ignore:
As we all know, when we hit retirement age we come face to face with the fact that it may be time to relocate. The big question is: where to? Here are some tips.
You can live in Phoenix, Arizona where.....You are willing to park 3 blocks away because you found shade. :-)You can open and drive your car without touching the car door or the steering wheel. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl. You would give anything to be able to splash cold water on your face. You can attend any function wearing shorts and a tank top. Dress Code is meaningless at high schools and universities. Picture lingerie ads. You can drive for 4 hours in one direction and never leave town. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food. The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! You know that dry heat is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door.
You can Live in California where...You make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house. The high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway. You know how to eat an artichoke. You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party. Then someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
You can Live in New York City where..You say the city and expect everyone to know you mean Manhattan. You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park, but can't find Wisconsin on a map. You think Central Park is nature, You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual. You've worn out a car horn. You think eye contact is an act of aggression.
You can Live in Maine where... You only have four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco. Halloween costumes fit over parkas. You have more than one recipe for moose. Sexy lingerie is anything flannel with less than eight buttons. The four seasons are: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction.
You can Live in the Deep South where...You can rent a movie and buy bait in the same store. Y'all is singular and all y'all is plural. After five years you still hear, You ain't from ' round here, are Ya? He needed killin' is a valid defense. Everyone has 2 first names: Billy Bob, Jimmy Bob, Mary Sue, Betty Jean, MARY BETH, etc.
You can live in Colorado where...You carry your $3,000 mountain bike atop your $500 car. You tell your husband to pick up Granola on his way home and he stops at the day care center. A pass does not involve a football or dating. The top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail.
You can live in the Midwest where...You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor knows your name. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor. You have had to switch from heat to A/C on the same day. You end sentences with a preposition: Where's my coat at? When asked how your trip was to any exotic place, you say, It was different!
AND You can live in Florida where...You eat dinner at 3:15 in the afternoon. All purchases include a coupon of some kind -- even houses and cars. Everyone can recommend an excellent dermatologist. Road construction never ends anywhere in the state. Cars in front of you are often driven by headless people.
Wow! Looks pretty good.
I love the sentence, *Are you tired of boards that claim to stand for Free Speech but delete your posts or ban you outright for speaking your mind?*
Thanks, gt! 
That's pretty much the point isn't it? SM
Why call someone a racist for not being fond of the French?
This was pretty good.
I agree about the dress, though. It looks like the same one she wore on the Tonight Show. Must be her *Today/Tonight* dress. With her *best-selling* (paltry) 48,000 in book sales, you'd think she could afford to buy another dress.
pretty funny huh?
She's telling other people to pay attention to posts when she can't do it herself. 
Yeah pretty much.
It would be a lot funnier if it wasn't so true. :-(
I wonder why Bush refuses to go after Bin Laden now, after all that **wanted, dead or alive** rhetoric he spouted. I seriously wonder if Bin Laden is on Bush's payroll.
Pretty much practice
But I have to admit, even with all that practice I'll never be a master like you are. I'll always be just an amateur compared to you.
This is pretty interesting.
What stands out to me the most I think is that those polled still feel that the republicans are better at handling the terrorist problem than the democrats. How is that at all possible? Especially in light of the plethora of information about how poorly it has been handled from the get go? It shows just how deeply inset certain belief systems are regardless of whether or not they are true or based on fact.
Example of that is Huckabee. How naive can people be? This guy is running on his religion and people are swallowing it, especially the so-called values voters, when in actuality he is probably the most untrustworthy and least capable.
Go figure.
Yes, it is pretty childish....
if you don't like the way I play, get out of my sandbox. Very Democratic and liberal of you, piglet.
Not much of social value from conservatives? Emancipation proclamation? Voting for women and African Americans? Nah, from YOUR point of view, I guess that is not much. I believe they have all been sustainable. But if course, doing one of those things involved fighting a war to bring it about. And we all know liberals (well except John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson...uh...) RUN from wars, right??
Not willing to compromise one iota, and doing the piglet post of disdain for anyone who dares disagree with you.
Grab your hoe and torch and head for the castle. That is about the extent of your idea of a "social movement." And have the nerve to say you have the welfare of the common man in your heart. Pull the other leg, piglet.
So pretty much Jesus would be like,
that's hilarious. Of course I can't say what He would do or say and neither can you, but didn't He teach to take care of those that can't take care of themselves? It is very hypocritical of you to talk about a country that murders millions of babies being morally wrong and in the same breath say it's okay let children die or suffer because their parents could not afford (or chose not to purchase) good healthcare. It's not the kids' fault if they got irresponsible parents or parents that were not in the upper-middle class. Should they suffer for their parents' sins/shortcomings?
Now this is pretty funny!
Got to love those tough questions!
The only possible way is pretty far-fetched...
but if his goal was to remain as President, he would not have to start a war. Could declare a national state of emergency. The President (any President) can declare a national state of emergency and at that point they can do just about whatever they want, including conceivably cancel a national election. There is provision for that in law. However...I can't see Congress allowing that. If he did that, he would be impeached fortwith (and so he should be if he tried something like that, if ANY President tried it). And absent a bonafide national emergency, I sure can't see him going down that road. That much of a cowboy he ain't.
that's pretty funny, especially like the hug