Flying around? What planet are you from?
Posted By: get real on 2009-01-19
In Reply to: And you don’t remember on 9/11 about Bush? - Shortmemory
He got on Airforce One following the protocol for protecting the POTUS. You know, Air Force One, the flying command center of the United States? The VP has a separate protocol and was taken to a separate location. Geeze, maybe you should avail yourself of some information before you post from now on.
He wasn't 'flying around.' Sorry to pop your conspiracy theory bubble, darling, but get your head on straight. And maybe you should educate yourself about the Katrina situation before you open your gob and vomit out the same tired 'bush caused katrina' drivel.
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World War I flying
Good evening everyone.
I would suggest ya'll take time and volunteer at any VA hospital....It'll give you a different perspective to hear what all generations of veterans are thinking about many issues you're debating....Considering we listen for a living you can glean quite a bit of information.... Cat
I am seeing double standards flying
all over the place. yes, it bothers me, including on this board. A lot of this stuff is said so viciously it is amazing. I don't think either candidate has a leg to stand on talking about anybody's housing arrangements. Let's face it, none of them know what kind of lives we are living out here. They all sound like they come from everyday people and can identify with us poor slobs. Nobody anymore is going to set down their axe and get on a wagon to washington. Those days are long gone. Drug crimes are ruining this country, we have so lost any attempt at a grip on this, it is unreal; I know - let's go rip somebody for smoking. They probably aren't armed like a 14 year old might be. I wish both sides would tell the whole truth and not just whatever one liners they choose to take out on exhibit. And I think some of the comments safely said incognito are quite brave in their anonymous attacks, right down to picking on someone's clothing or hair. This is totally unnecessary and really juvenile, like a bunch of high school girls beating up on some poor slob nobody likes. No wonder our kids are doing this, they are learning it from their parents. I guess I am just too old now for all this stuff, all I can think is my daddy would have killed me for picking on someone. Too dog pack for me. I can sense you don't like McCain, well I like him better than Obama because I have yet to hear something more substantial than wanting change. Hitler and Castro said exactly the same thing and the people went for it and got what they wanted. And yes, you think it can't possibly happen again, but it can and does. All of American still harping about slavery, but we don't do anything about the slavery still alive and well in Africa and other places, including USA brought over here by other countries who buy kids to do their housework. Obama says charity begins at home, but not apparently for his half-brother who lives in Nairobi on $12 a year. There seem to be new standards in this country and I just can't agree with all of them. He is a perfect candidate for poster child for pro-life. His mother easily could have aborted him and that child would never have grown up to run for President. I used to think I was pro-choice, but after raising children and now enjoying my grandchildren and looking at the partial abortion diagrams, I have had to rethink this. I know some argue life does not begin until later, but every 6th grader is taught life begins with a cells, whether in a plant or animal or human. If a stranger ran up to a pregnant woman and managed to stab her baby in the back of the head with a pair of scissors, he would be arrested, tried and convicted. It is no wonder so many of our youngsters are confused. We are leaving them a huge mess, and I am not happy with anybody running in this election. I may just vote for Paris Hilton, at least she does not pretend to be anything but what she is.
What about flying planes into buildings...a lot of...
collateral damage there, too.
What about the Nazi death camps?
Sometimes war is necessary, as distasteful as it is. There has been collateral damage in Afghanistan too, but both Obama and McCain say we should be there and Obama said last week we should send more troops there.
Collateral damage occurs in wars. And a lot of the collateral damage in Iraq was caused deliberately by AL Qaeda in Iraq against fellow Muslims. Is that more acceptable than accidental collateral damage by our troops?
Flying in high
I realize he already owned the jet, but REALLY!!!!!,2933,454844,00.html
Check your own timeline. He was not flying over New Orleans...
when the levee breached. He was on the ground in Arizona. The corps of engineers had been telling New Orleans and the state of LA that the levees would not hold in a bad storm, but they chose to spend the money elsewhere.
Let's be real here. The whole city is below sea level. As engineers have said even since Katrina, in a huge storm like Katrina and gustav, they might not hold. Nothing Bush can do about that.
That is a ridiculous, mean statement. I repeat...if Obama had been present, he would have been going about his usual day as President also, expecting people to do their jobs. And if he suggests otherwise, I would be the first to call him a liar.
The hurricane is what killed people. George Bush did not kill people.
If he had been a Democratic president, would you be saying this? Of course you wouldn't, you would be defending him right down the line.
That is the difference between you a hard line party follower, and me, an independent not beholden to ANY party. I would be defending that President no matter WHAT party he was in. THe people he trusted to do the job failed him. The state and local authorities failed their constituents.
And bottom was the hurricane that killed people and destroyed property. Not George Bush. Just like it will be the hurricane this time, but EVERYONE learned from the last one, including state and local authorities, and the Republican governor of Louisianna has done an outstanding job in moving that along. Former Dem Governor Blanco is no longer in politics. Wonder why that is.
That being was no one person's fault. All can share some of the blame.
But don't see you attacking anyone but George Bush.
Wonder why THAT is?
Why assume that flag-flying was this individual's
There's nothing in the story to support your assumption that flying the flag represents this individual's complete understanding of the notion of patriotism.
On the other hand, flying the flag IS certainly ONE expression of patriotism - a form of protected speech, in fact - and the ONLY question here is not whether this individual has a simplistic view of patriotism, but whether displaying the flag should have been prohibited.
We'll just call this your quota of "straw man" logical fallacies for the week, shall we? You may not post another one until next week.
What planet do you guys come from?
You actually think people by this stuff as genuine. Again, do you actually think through what you state, or do you state it for the shock effect. I assume it's the latter.
We can and do affect this planet.
While I agree that we can't exactly know how much we have to do with changing cycles on the planet, there is simply NO doubt that we have had a profound impact upon it. Even when I was a kid there were springs we could drink from and rivers we could swim in without fear of chemical burns. The fields were loaded with turtles and other creatures, every pond and creek was alive wtih frogs and tadpoles and fish. Ask your grandparents what they remember the countryside being like before the supreme arrogance of corporate policy poisoned every water source we have. There was a time that tuna fish didn't have mercury in it. On and on. Don't dismiss the concern many have over the impact we DO have on our planet as arrogance - we are certainly having a BAD BAD impact globally.
And true, not just us. However, America along with other industrialized nations and bankers is certainly complicit in the globalization movement (i.e., move into other lands, usurp the resouces from the native people, give them toxic sludge for their crops as a sort of side joke, suck out all their groundwater, make the corporations richer). We certainly don't stand against it politically or financially.
While the planet may survive the sweeping changes its most prolific environment-altering parasites inflict upon it, we probably will not. Just look at Mars if you don't think a planet can die. Regardless of why, it's certainly dead enough. So are we going to wait to be shaken off like pesky fleas - or are we going to make some effort to SUSTAIN our world and keep it in balance rather than continuously insulting it to the point where we DESERVE to be exterminated? Some of us don't have a deep-seated death wish. Some of us don't think money is more important than good living. Some of us are actually fond of this planet. Excuse US for thinking of it that way.
What planet do you live on?
"When it comes to disease, we have a choice." Just taking the moist obvious, those babies born with fatal anomalies made bad choices? The stillborn infants made bad choices? You must have had a much busier uterus than I did.
Be glad you're not Catholic. Based on your acknowledgement that being judgmental is a sin, you'd be spending a lot of time on your knees in that confessional.
While the "poo" is flying, let's note I did not make my post about
I agreed with the stimulus package, because if you read further back on this board, I have been stating my opposition clearly for weeks, and just what I have problems with! This post was about a thinly-veiled, very inflammatory, crude, demeaning, hurtful "comic," and not just for the President, many African-Americans were hurt by this, and wrong is wrong, I am keeping my post specifically to this one point, I am sick of "pubs" or anyone else clouding issues by dragging other irrelevant issues in. The Post really demeaned themselves by publishing this, and they know it!!
Flag-flying IN AND OF ITSELF is not "patriotism"
PATRIOTISM is standing up for one's COUNTRY against all - including the government.
You can show your patriotism in MANY MANY ways other than flying a flag - one of the most important ways is to EDUCATE yourself about how the government LIES good men and women into fake wars to LINE THE POCKETS OF THE ALREADY RICH.
We have not been "fighting for our freedom" since 1776!!
WANT TO SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM? Get the facts about what your government is REALLY using your tax dollars for and HOW they are really using your sons and daughters...
socialism for a shrinking planet
Im not beating around the bush. Im amazed there is a leader who is that compassionate to care for all of his people. I cant remember a time when America had a leader like that. Closest I can think of is when Social Security was created. Socialism is a fair ideology for all the people of a country. Capitalism certainly isnt, that is unless all a person cares about is making as much money as they can and then locking themselves away in a gated community, driving on the outskirts of the ghetto areas of downtown so they dont have to see how the unfortunate ones live. I, on the other hand, care about people. I put caring before money. All Americans should have a well paying job, a chance to go to college, even if you cant afford it, a roof over your head, a full belly at night, medical care. One major thing that eats away at me is knowing some people do not go through life happy because their whole life is a neverending struggle, mostly due to no fault of their own. I see the writing on the wall, too bad the fat cat capitalists who are so greedy and hording that money away dont. As the population grows in the world, supplies and resources will dwindle. Government programs will have to be created to take care of the people whose only fault is they werent born with a silver spoon in their mouth and not born when houses were inexpensive, college was easy to get into and inexpensive, jobs were plentiful and not outsourced, etc. The masses will out-mass the greedy capitalists and then we will see something like what is happening in Venezuela now..Equality for ALL Americans in the basic needs of life and dignity. Sure there are some fat cat capitalists who are truly good people and are helping the unfortunate and I applaud them but from what I have seen, the majority of the super rich, dont give a darn about the working class or working poor or poor. No person should die on the street for lack of housing or only have a minimum wage job so they cant afford to rent or buy. No person should go to bed at night hungry even though they have worked one or two jobs but had to choose between the rent, gas or food. I see where Capitalism can go hand and hand with Socialism and that is what truly is going to happen. America, the richest country on earth, yet we dont have medical care for our citizens, we have homeless in the streets, maternity leave is not paid for, we take the less amount of vacation days than any other industrialized country. When Kruschev visited America for the first time, he asked why did America have homeless. He stated that The Soviet Socialists Republic did not have homeless, they might have a few families living in the same apartment but they werent homeless. How shameful for America. America might have been great a few decades ago but it is leaving much to want for now and it will only get worse with the division of the classes..poor, working poor, middle class, rich and super rich, which is happening now, and the dwindling resources and opportunities. Now, go ahead, call me a raging lunatic. You have your right to your opinion, however, this is my take on today's America and it makes my heart heavy.
what planet did you drop in, all welfare
Bush wants to nuke the planet first, ask questions later.
I hope the Congress isn't stupid enough to go along with this idiotic plan and once again trust Bush's lying claims about who has WMD and who doesn't. Bush isn't going to be happy until he blows up the entire planet. It's becoming clearer every day that he meant what he said when asked about his legacy, he responded with, Who cares? We'll all be dead. 
Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan Strategy Includes Preemptive Use Against Banned Weapons
By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, September 11, 2005; A01
The Pentagon has drafted a revised doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons that envisions commanders requesting presidential approval to use them to preempt an attack by a nation or a terrorist group using weapons of mass destruction. The draft also includes the option of using nuclear arms to destroy known enemy stockpiles of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
The document, written by the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs staff but not yet finally approved by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, would update rules and procedures governing use of nuclear weapons to reflect a preemption strategy first announced by the Bush White House in December 2002. The strategy was outlined in more detail at the time in classified national security directives.
At a White House briefing that year, a spokesman said the United States would respond with overwhelming force to the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, its forces or allies, and said all options would be available to the president.
The draft, dated March 15, would provide authoritative guidance for commanders to request presidential approval for using nuclear weapons, and represents the Pentagon's first attempt to revise procedures to reflect the Bush preemption doctrine. A previous version, completed in 1995 during the Clinton administration, contains no mention of using nuclear weapons preemptively or specifically against threats from weapons of mass destruction.
Titled Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations and written under the direction of Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the draft document is unclassified and available on a Pentagon Web site. It is expected to be signed within a few weeks by Air Force Lt. Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, director of the Joint Staff, according to Navy Cmdr. Dawn Cutler, a public affairs officer in Myers's office. Meanwhile, the draft is going through final coordination with the military services, the combatant commanders, Pentagon legal authorities and Rumsfeld's office, Cutler said in a written statement.
A summary of changes included in the draft identifies differences from the 1995 doctrine, and says the new document revises the discussion of nuclear weapons use across the range of military operations.
The first example for potential nuclear weapon use listed in the draft is against an enemy that is using or intending to use WMD against U.S. or allied, multinational military forces or civilian populations.
Another scenario for a possible nuclear preemptive strike is in case of an imminent attack from adversary biological weapons that only effects from nuclear weapons can safely destroy.
That and other provisions in the document appear to refer to nuclear initiatives proposed by the administration that Congress has thus far declined to fully support.
Last year, for example, Congress refused to fund research toward development of nuclear weapons that could destroy biological or chemical weapons materials without dispersing them into the atmosphere.
The draft document also envisions the use of atomic weapons for attacks on adversary installations including WMD, deep, hardened bunkers containing chemical or biological weapons.
But Congress last year halted funding of a study to determine the viability of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator warhead (RNEP) -- commonly called the bunker buster -- that the Pentagon has said is needed to attack hardened, deeply buried weapons sites.
The Joint Staff draft doctrine explains that despite the end of the Cold War, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction raises the danger of nuclear weapons use. It says that there are about thirty nations with WMD programs along with nonstate actors [terrorists] either independently or as sponsored by an adversarial state.
To meet that situation, the document says that responsible security planning requires preparation for threats that are possible, though perhaps unlikely today.
To deter the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, the Pentagon paper says preparations must be made to use nuclear weapons and show determination to use them if necessary to prevent or retaliate against WMD use.
The draft says that to deter a potential adversary from using such weapons, that adversary's leadership must believe the United States has both the ability and will to pre-empt or retaliate promptly with responses that are credible and effective. The draft also notes that U.S. policy in the past has repeatedly rejected calls for adoption of 'no first use' policy of nuclear weapons since this policy could undermine deterrence.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee who has been a leading opponent of the bunker-buster program, said yesterday the draft was apparently a follow-through on their nuclear posture review and they seem to bypass the idea that Congress had doubts about the program. She added that members certainly don't want the administration to move forward with a [nuclear] preemption policy without hearings, closed door if necessary.
A spokesman for Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said yesterday the panel has not yet received a copy of the draft.
Hans M. Kristensen, a consultant to the Natural Resources Defense Council, who discovered the document on the Pentagon Web site, said yesterday that it emphasizes the need for a robust nuclear arsenal ready to strike on short notice including new missions.
Kristensen, who has specialized for more than a decade in nuclear weapons research, said a final version of the doctrine was due in August but has not yet appeared.
This doctrine does not deliver on the Bush administration pledge of a reduced role for nuclear weapons, Kristensen said. It provides justification for contentious concepts not proven and implies the need for RNEP.
One reason for the delay may be concern about raising publicly the possibility of preemptive use of nuclear weapons, or concern that it might interfere with attempts to persuade Congress to finance the bunker buster and other specialized nuclear weapons.
In April, Rumsfeld appeared before the Senate Armed Services panel and asked for the bunker buster study to be funded. He said the money was for research and not to begin production on any particular warhead. The only thing we have is very large, very dirty, big nuclear weapons, Rumsfeld said. It seems to me studying it [the RNEP] makes all the sense in the world.
Barney Frank.....what planet did he fall off
Barney Frank wants less govt and state rights when it comes to drugs.... but he wants "regulation" and "more enforcement" when it comes to everything else that takes away MY rights...... what a joke!
At least I will be on the other side of the planet from you when your vale of tears start.
Really? Pubs in charge of the purse strings? What planet wonder we're in this mess, and it will only get worse.
What planet R U from that you think Welfare and WIC can even come close truly supporting adequately.
A mother (job training, if you want her to pay taxes back into society, day care, so she can work with a safe place for her chld), a SAFE neighborhood to bring up the child, emotional support, do you even know what clothing and shoes cost, formula, diapers, and if we just keep handing out WElfare, how do we break that "chain" when the child grows and the cycle repeats, the President realizes it takes much, much more than a cheap handout, it takes work programs, work training programs, availabiity of safe, good child care, medical care, nutritional care, educational opportunities.....that was a cold statement without forethought to what it is really like, I have three chldren, my husband and I both work very hard, overtime and all, and it is still unbelievably hard and close!