It is not possible for other countries to differentiate between the people of Iran and the government leaders. They deal with the leaders.
You know, we were fed a line in this country as far as back the first George Bush administration back in 1988-1992 that the people of Iraq did not support Hussein and that he would be overthrown by internal forces. That did not happen. We went in there 3 years ago to free the Iraqi people and it is now a huge mess that has cost thousands of lives, mostly Iraqi, and cost an unbelievable amount of money. Now Iran is making more noise. They hated the Shah because of his close ties to the West, so they put in a lunatic Islamic cleric and turned the country into a religious state. Islam teaches brotherhood and tolerance, so why are the leaders of this religious state so full of hate and spite?
Frankly, I think we should completely withdraw from the Middle East, including Israel. We should deport all Middle Easterners from this this country and from our American territories. We should quit buying your oil and anything else you produce. Leave us alone and we'll return the favor.
I think it is apparent that democracy is not possible in Arab Islamic countries. It works in other Muslim countries, like Turkey and some other places, but obviously the Middle East is not evolved enough to be able to tolerate other people's viewpoints and value systems. Until that happens, there can be no democracy.
" Rafsanjani, one of the most influential politicians in Iran, supports opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who says that June 12 elections were rigged in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That puts him in conflict with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has approved of the electoral win. "
" In Washington, President Barack Obama urged an end to the crackdown. “We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people,” he said in an e-mailed statement. "
Till now the verbal support of Obama suffice to give the protesters enough moral support to continue with their just protests. Khatami is detaining his own people and their relatives!
I was listening to a variety of news shows and visiting a number of news sites this morning for my "daily dose" when it struck me that the coverage about Iran is already diminishing - even on sites like Fox News.
Sometimes I think that we Americans have the attention span of a fruit fly...and I also think that people like the Ayatollah rely on the fact that after a brief period of outrage, Americans will forget that there may be thousands of Iranians either in hospitals or sitting in cells waiting to hear exactly how they will be executed.
Iran's increasingly isolated opposition leader effectively ended his role in street protests, saying he'll seek permits for future rallies. A leading cleric demanded in a nationally broadcast sermon Friday that leaders of the unrest be punished harshly and that some are "worthy of execution."
There is none so blind as he who will not see.
You know, not everyone was born in Boston...
and not everyone expresses himself/herself in the way you wish they would. That does NOT diminish their abilities. You still come off as sounding very condescending. I don't live in Boston and I don't have a master's degree, and I know a lot of "Joe six-packs." Who, incidentally, are very fine and not uneducated people. She does have a degree in journalism. She is not uneducated. Obama does not have a depth and breadth of experience, no more than she does. She has executive experience, he doesn't. He doesn't have foreign policy experience; that is why he has Joe Biden and 300 foreign policy advisors. She has balanced the state budget and has had surpluses which she returned to her constituents. She is very honest and open...much more so than Obama OR Biden.
Funny you should mention God...have you looked into black liberation theology?
Born-again believers
can't vote for Obama but they can vote for McCain, an admitted adulterer, proven liar, a man of proven poor judgment (Keeting-5 not to mention Gov Airhead)? They'll vote for McCain because he "says" he is against abortion? We know this how? I for one do not believe in abortion...for myself. I further believe that is an issue not for the government but between a woman, her doctor and her God. If she has no God, of course, she is not bound by His laws.
Yes, he war born in Hawaii which in in the US. nm
He was born too early ...
If you read through the articles, you'll see that he was actually born before the law went into effect stating that people born in the Panama Canal zone were natural born citizens. Thus, he is not.
I'm sure the RNC felt that it was just a technicality that would never be called out.
Well, here it is, folks. The beginning of the end of humanity, as Congress sits paralyzed and watches it happen (unless they finally grow a backbone and say *ENOUGH* to Bush).
The administration of President George W. Bush is planning a massive bombing campaign against Iran, including use of bunker-buster nuclear bombs to destroy a key Iranian suspected nuclear weapons facility, The New Yorker magazine has reported in its April 17 issue.
The article by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said that Bush and others in the White House have come to view Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a potential Adolf Hitler.
That's the name they're using, the report quoted a former senior intelligence official as saying.
A senior unnamed Pentagon adviser is quoted in the article as saying that this White House believes that the only way to solve the problem is to change the power structure in Iran, and that means war.
The former intelligence officials depicts planning as enormous, hectic and operational, Hersh writes.
One former defense official said the military planning was premised on a belief that a sustained bombing campaign in Iran will humiliate the religious leadership and lead the public to rise up and overthrow the government, The New Yorker pointed out.
In recent weeks, the president has quietly initiated a series of talks on plans for Iran with a few key senators and members of the House of Representatives, including at least one Democrat, the report said.
One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh writes.
But the former senior intelligence official said the attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the military, and some officers have talked about resigning after an attempt to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans in Iran failed, according to the report.
There are very strong sentiments within the military against brandishing nuclear weapons against other countries, the magazine quotes the Pentagon adviser as saying.
The adviser warned that bombing Iran could provoke a chain reaction of attacks on American facilities and citizens throughout the world and might also reignite Hezbollah.
If we go, the southern half of Iraq will light up like a candle, the adviser is quoted as telling The New Yorker.
Yes, and regarding that final paragraph re: Iran
Seymour Hersh has yet to get it wrong, no matter how much the King George and his men attack.
I believe he made the statement concerning Iran...
because Ahmadinejad has said publically that Israel should be wiped off the map and he had a vision of the world without the United States. Don't recall North Korea saying anything remotely like that. The big difference in Kim Jong IL and Ahmadinejad is that Ahmadinejad does not care what happen if he nuked Israel or the US...because to him, being martyred is the most wonderful thing that can happen to anyone. And if his attack ushered in the coming of the 12th Imam, mores the better. If you will look at his statements, especially the one about the 12th Imam...that will tell you why he could very well be the one to start a world war III if he had nukes. I believe that is what was meant.
And one could surmise he used that word to shock some out of their complacency.
These remarks from Iran and Russia may not
RE: Response to Obama's election by Iran: What I see here is an opening for dialog in the recognition that there is a capacity for improvement of ties, not exactly the "Death to America" sentiments expressed in the past, this despite Obama's statement directed at those who would tear the world down (we will defeat you). I also see several implied preconditions. After all, preconditions are a two-way street:
1. I would be curious to have Aghamohammadi expand on what he means by Bush style "confrontation" in other countries. He is the spokesperson for the National Security Council in Iran, has been involved with the EU, Britian, France and Germany as a nuclear arms negotiator and would be directly involved in any dialog with the US on the subject of nuclear arms nonproliferation. We hardly have a leg to stand in this arena with our current "do as I say, not as I do and never mind the nuclear stockpiles in Israel we financed" approach. My guess would be he is condemning military invasion and occupation, hardly a radical position for any sovereign nation to take. In his own capacity, he should understand the US has unfinished business in Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan, so it is impossible to know in the absence of dialog what alternatives to military invasion may be possible. It might be worth a look-see.
2. His implied request for the US to "concentrate on state matters" might be seen by some as a little progress, especially since, at the moment, we do not even have an embassy in Iran. This also implies a possible opening to US business interests there (which were abundant under the Shah), a staging ground for diplomacy and establishing an avenue for articulating US foreign policy within their borders.
3. Concentrating on removing the American people's concerns would imply a desire on his part to repair and improve Iran's image abroad.
A well thought out response to these implied preconditions would be a logical place for Obama to start when speculating on his own preconditions.
RE: Russia's recent behavior and rhetoric is worrisome on many levels to more than a few countries in the region. Cold war with Russia is in NOBODY'S interest, including Russia's I fail to see how turning our backs, isolating ourselves or ratcheting up bellicose rhetoric toward them would do anything except give them a green light to proceed. It's an ugly world out there and Obama will inevitably be taking either a direct or an indirect diplomatic role in addressing this issue. Russia has expressed that same expectation.
I agree with you and find humor in the remarks from Sudan. Anyway, wait and watch is all we can do at this point. It certainly beats the heck out of prognostications of failure or defeat. setting the stage for a war with iran
Maybe this will come to nothing, but the NYT reports today ( that ''the amount of uranium that Tehran had now amassed — more than a ton — was sufficient, with added purification, to make an atom bomb.''
So here we go again, people nudging us towards war, with the complicity of the Times. We'll pretend that a nuclear weapon is something you can cook up in your kitchen, once you have the requisite number of atoms. We'll pretend that this is The Greatest Threat We Have Ever Known. Even bigger than Saddam, who ended up not having all the WMD the NYT said he did. We've already begun playing around with 2007's National Intelligence Estimate (see LA Times,0,3478184.story) to make Iran seem more dangerous.
We really just can't leave *anyone* alone, can we?
I think if Israel slings anything at Iran....
it would not just be rockets, and if someone had said I had no right to exist, I might consider slinging some rockets at them myself. I'm just sayin.
And as to Obama being able to hold them back...if he can't be bothered to shake his finger at Iran for crushing protests on worldwide TV, what on earth would make you think he could or would if he could hold Israel back? I have seen nothing to indicate that Barack Obama cares a hoot in heck what happens to Israel. If you look at his connections and who he has loaded his administration with...their agenda is certainly not pro Israel and to be frank I believe they consider Israel expendable, and if the palestinians get taken out as collateral should watch that posted video, and then you should look at a list of the Bilderberg group. Funny how the left always wanted to talk about it because there were many of right in the group...well, there are certainly a lot more of the left in it, and a ton of those are in the present administration. But now that they are in power, amazing how the Bilderberg group is no longer the big bad...sorry for borrowing your moniker there. lol.
Iran's meddling
I disagree TOTALLY with your suggestion how O should have reacted to the ongoing protests, I quote from your psot:
'Yes, it would have been better if he had just said ANYthing just a wee bit strong...hey Mahmoud...couldn't you just stop beating the crap out of protestors in front of the TV cameras? Bad form old boy. Makes you look bad.'
Bad tactic and bad advice.
Sounds like 'cowboy-jargon' to me.
BTW, read the accusations of the Iranian government, although Obama stayed passive and restraint:
'The Iranian government has directly accused the United States of meddling in the deepening crisis. A statement by state-run Press TV blamed Washington for "intolerable" interference.
The report, on Press TV, cited no evidence.'
So what? All legal votes, we are not Iran....nm
unborn versus born
I do not think they would choose their life over a child that was already born, but I do think many would choose (and do choose) their own life over an unborn child's life. And by life I don't necessarily mean a medical condition. If my daughter were a teenager (she is not quite there yet) and she was pregnant, and she chose abortion, her father and I would certainly support that choice versus her giving up a promising future to raise an unwanted child, especially at such a young age.
I know others would not choose that, but many do everyday. Certainly, I think men and women should choose birth control, abstinence, etc., but birth control fails, mistakes happen, rape happens, incest happens, and I don't feel anyone should have to give birth if they don't want to or aren't prepared for the responsibility of parenting.
Many women chose to give their babies up for adoption, and that is a wonderful choice for them. However, not the best choice for everyone. I want everyone to be able to have that choice.
It does not matter how racism is born...
racism is racism. All whites did not enter into the slavery trade nor discrimination nor condone it, and if it had not been for some fed-up white Republicans like Abe Lincoln slavery would not have been abolished as quickly as it was. And if it had not been for some fed-up white Republicans shoving through the Right to Vote act in the 60's, oppression would certainly be worse still today. So I would be very careful about saying all whites oppressed anyone. And that is what racism is...condemning an entire "race" for perceived injustices or perceived inferiority. To the Nation of Islam, apparently to Obama's church, to Black panthers...there is no good white person. Exactly the way the old south was in reverse. Defend it if you is still virulent racism and should not be condoned for ANY reason.
So, my friend, when you talk about quotas in jobs, quotas in scholarships, being put ahead not because of hard work or actually qualifying for something like a job or a scholarship, please don't whine about how blacks or minorities are oppressed. In today's culture it should strictly be on merit, not on the color of your skin, be that white, black, yellow, red or chartreuse.
If you listened to Michael Savage's interview, he actually had the newspaper with the announcement. It does not state the location of the birth. It just made an announcement.
Our local newspaper always has announcements for births and many of those births are from other states, etc. It is just an announcement to let the community know that one of their members had a child, grandchild, etc.
Yes, and he was born in "coal country" and also said
"No coal plants in this country." Now, that's really being behind your beginnings.
He was never a US born American citizen
Let me repeat - Never was an American citizen, never was, never happened, nothing to denounce. He was born a Kenyan, moved to Indonesia and became an Indonesian citzen. What part of that are you not understading. If you were never an American citizen to begin with there is nothing they can take away. CRIPES ALMIGHTY! How many more times do people have to post that. There are NO documents to ever prove he was. You just don't listen.
If they were born on a military base, they
are considered U.S. citizens. Military bases anywhere in the world are considered U.S. soil.
Yeah. They have to be born citizen, not
a naturalized citizen. Which is why "the Governor" will never be the Prez.
You can be born on the moon and as long as
have one parent who is an American citizen, you are a natural-born American citizen, PERIOD!
they were not born on a military base either
they have dual citizenship.
1963...LOL..that's the year I was born. (sm) Checking scalp for 666.
If Obama wasn't born in the US
then he shouldn't be president. Why? Because if we open that precedent, than anyone from any nation can run for president, and seeing as how many people will vote based on what they hear (or think they hear), all it would take would be a charismatic, young, exciting, progressive, man or woman from another country to come in with a hidden agenda and run for president and get voted in and then show us what he or she really had in mind for our country.
As for people who voted without any idea....
On the second one not one person could really name any specifics, just regurgitated whatever they heard on the t.v., internet, speeches, etc. I especially love the one that said "he's beautiful!" I didn't realize that was a point for voting...
You can also listen to the Howard Stern interviews where they listed Mccain's platforms as Obama's and asked people if that is why they were voting for Obama and they all said "yeah! definitely!" I didn't want to paste those because of the language though.
I'm not saying all of his supporters were dimwits, but a lot of them just voted for him because he was new, young, "hip", black, and a smooth talker. Believe me, being a 22-year-old college student, he appealed to me at first too, until I found out the things he stood for.
Yeah but at least he was born in America
Born and raised in Chatta
Left there years ago but still visit some, went to high school there, Red Bank. I still get the News Free Press on line to make sure everything on the up and up there.
Just to clarify - this is for infants who were actually born .
As a Born Again, Bible believing sm
Christian, I can see how you would get this opinion of Christians. Some Christians don't present themselves as they should and go to crazy and illegal methods. Let me say that a true Christian who loves Jesus Christ would NOT murder an abortion doctor. No one has that right. The abortion doctor will have to answer for what he has done as will the "so-called" Christian who murdered him. The person who murdered this doctor and those like him are not representative of what a true Christian is and should be.
When I hear stories like this it makes me sad that it has brought such shame upon the name of Christ my Lord. Please do not put us all in the same classification. Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian IS a Christian.
I am a Christian and I love Christ my Lord, but never would anything like this ever enter my mind.