FANTASTIC!! Best news I've heard all day. (nm)
Posted By: Backwards typist on 2009-01-19
In Reply to: President Bush has pardoned the Border Patrol Agents! - thank you
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I've heard Chatty Cathy in several places on news.
No original thoughts.
I also heard that on the news, that there
are more people going there to possibly dig up more dirt on her. I think that she will drop out soon.
Thanks for that. As soon as I heard the news,
I tried to think of that saying. All I could remember was the last paragraph.
Well I've heard
that Castro wrote a column calling Obama "the most progressive presidential candidate" etc and also I've seen videos and pictures of Obama's campaign office with Che Chavez flags? I mean I know that some of it is republicans twisting words and what not, but I don't think it can ALL be refuted as that.
I've also seen some videos of other leaders endorsing Obama. I'll try to find them. Like I said I know some of them are probably fake, but I doubt all of them are. Sorry I can't name names right off the top of my head, I'll try to take some time to do some research and find exactly which ones have been talked about. I'm not a political whiz so I have to do a lot of research! :-D
What I've heard is
that McCain's first pick was Lieberman, but he was forced by the GOP into the pick of Sarah Palin. I figure right about now he's sitting back and watching them self destruct. Of course, the facts about all of this are not out yet.
Now I've heard it all!!!!! s/m
Does anyone besides me remember the 1960 elections??? Then it was anti-Catholic rhetoric and no one made any bones about it. It was said that JFK was the antichrist, the pope would take over the world, he would be the ruination of this country....come to think of it pretty much like what we have going now except that it ended after the election. I voted for Kennedy and I doubt I'm on my way to hades because of it. I also voted for Obama.
I've heard that also........... sm
I don't understand why Israel is all of a sudden Bush's fault.
The CV joints on my car need replacing. It's a Nissan, but I think I will just blame Bush for it anyway. Would make about as much sense.
Yes, I realize you heard that on your news....
There is enough blame of this country's problems to go around for all politicians sitting on their fat wallets and fat egos, with the exception of Ron Paul, who refuses to take the bait.
If you think Obama is the answer to our problem though, then you will be one running around hollering, "Whatever will we do, whatever will we do without the government!!!!!!!!
I'd rather do without government. Hasn't done a thing for me.
I agree. Heard so much from news
that most future presidents take a honeymoon period. Economy must be major chaos, like we did not know before.
I heard on the news day before
that Obama got a video from the second in command of AL Quada (I don't know how that is spelled.). He warned him about sending troops to Afganistan. Also is said to have called him the "N" word. Did anyone hear what Obama's reaction to this message was? I never did hear anything else.
I've heard other people say that...
I would only imagine that she's lapping up all the attention as well. I have no faith she can run this country and I never thought he would have picked a woman. Obama/Biden... Looking better and better.
Oh and the pic of his shoes with holes just shows he's a hard worker and does not squander money in my opinion. Also, some workers at my hubs place of employment purposefully wear holey shoes to show they need a raise. If management says something about the holes in the shoes, they answer with when they get a raise; gotta eat first! Maybe Obama really is for the working class!
Not interested, really... we've heard it all before
I've heard of that happening here too
in town. Our house was broken into a few weeks ago. Our food wasn't taken but a fairly good amount of cash which my husband had left on the dresser WAS taken.
I've heard that excuse before.
Who cares how we got here. What we need now are solutions. Iraq ring a bell? It certainly DOES matter how we got here and who was in charge when it happened.
I've never heard JM say "when" - sm
I've heard him say "if". However Obama continues to say in almost as many times as McCain says "My friends"
I'd like links from the people who say he always says "when"
They must've heard it on blogcaca
blogcaca has an amazing number of followers. See "Oh. My. GOD." below.
I've always heard people say...
..."If you don't like living in America, then leave." I guess that option would no longer be open. This all seems to be going on right in front of us. Maybe that's one of the reasons we have U.S. troops stationed in the United States now, to "control" those of us who never agreed, voted or signed on to this "deal."
There might be no escape from the one-world government, but I did come upon one very unique way to leave this earth. 
(To the MOON, Alice!)
This is the most ignorant cr@p I've ever heard
Why aren't you talking about the anchor babies born in the U.S.? How can they be natural born citizens when there parents are illegal? That is a much bigger problem to our economy than Obama's birth certificate. Use your brains...if you have one....Obama is an American citizen, his birth certificate is on the internet and when you're following these idjits that keep this stuff going, your mind isn't on the real problems of this country and that's what these radical groups who keep the ridiculous lawsuits going want you to do.
OMG, I've heard so many stories like this one
from my Canadian friends! I can't understand why anyone who knows how that system works would want to bring it to the US! If this is what we have to look forward to our country is in DEEP trouble!!!
Oh, yeah. We've heard that one
Did they reimburse the expenses for the $300 thousand "photo shoot" that scared the bejezus out of everyone in New York City?
Okay, here's a hint. The answer isn't "yes".
Heard a comedian talk about Fox News
said Everytime I watch Fox News, my house leans to the right!
Heard it on the news this morning, then googled it...
there is a lot of information on the net about it.
Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
The only time I've heard Obama
talk about religion where it concerns POLICY is with the abortion issue. In the 3rd debate he said he was pro-choice because he felt it was a moral issue, guided by religion, lack of religion, or whatever. To me this means he is (unlike McCain) inclusive of the beliefs of ALL the people, not just some or those who have the same religious beliefs.
Isn't that the most absurd thing you've ever heard?
Now there's the best reason I've heard yet to vote
Waa, I'm Muslim, nobody likes me Waa, I have terrorist associations so nobody will vote for me Waa, I wanna take everyone's money and redistribute it evenly (that's like restarting Monopoly because you're losing)
Then, when I win, we can have a big pity party!!!!
THAT is the most insane statement I've ever heard!
How the heck can a baby born in this country to ILLEGAL parents be a legal citizen. You're fine with that? Makes me wonder if you are an American citizen.
unfortunately I heard news show hosts this morning already
calling out Charlie Gibson to accuse him of asking her difficult questions. ??What country do we live in??
Watch for him to get fired now too, this woman loves to fire people who are not for her.
Heard in the news that Obama can never reason with Iran.
Maybe you all might know this, but this is news to my ears. During most of President of Iran Ahmadinejad's speeches he always states this:
0, Almighty God, all men and women are Your creatures and You have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.
Who is this human being promised to all?
Their new messiah. The way this new messiah appears is by getting rid of little Satan and big Satan. Iran muslims,(I was told there are 2 type of muslims) believe when messiah appears, there has to be a lot of blood shed.
Israel's role is first of all to protect itself, but also to alert others to the danger of militant Islam. They intend to go after Israel, but for them Israel is merely the "little Satan," one stepping stone on the march to world domination. For Ahmadinejad's Iran, Europe is a "middle-sized Satan" and the United States is the "great Satan."
So, how can you reason and do talks with president Iran when he thinks this way and muslims think this way? It is not all muslims that do, but this one particular type. How can you reason with Ahmadinejad when United States in his eyes is Satan? He wants us dead so this new messiah will come to them.
Heard in the news that Obama can never reason with Iran.
Maybe you all might know this, but this is news to my ears. During most of President of Iran Ahmadinejad's speeches he always states this:
0, Almighty God, all men and women are Your creatures and You have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.
Who is this human being promised to all?
Their new messiah. The way this new messiah appears is by getting rid of little Satan and big Satan. Iran muslims,(I was told there are 2 type of muslims) believe when messiah appears, there has to be a lot of blood shed.
Israel's role is first of all to protect itself, but also to alert others to the danger of militant Islam. They intend to go after Israel, but for them Israel is merely the "little Satan," one stepping stone on the march to world domination. For Ahmadinejad's Iran, Europe is a "middle-sized Satan" and the United States is the "great Satan."
So, how can you reason and do talks with president Iran when he thinks this way and muslims think this way? It is not all muslims that do, but this one particular type. How can you reason with Ahmadinejad when United States in his eyes is Satan? He wants us dead so this new messiah will come to them.
Didn't Bush call him a Tyrant?
Good. I hadn't heard the news yet that he's finally
going up for trial. I've listened to all the stations but haven't heard it yet. It's about time. There's plenty that crowd needs to be held responsible for. However, this post was not about Bush is was about the messiah. How convenient for you to switch the subject.
I've heard no rude or bad words from Gourdie
Only from that nawnau
The best explanation I've heard thus far for economic crisis..(sm)
The Real Deal
So who is to blame? There's plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn't fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn't do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility ... with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here's a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
- The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
- Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
- Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
- Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
- The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
- Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
- Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
- Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
- The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
- An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
- Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson
Well, I've heard and read he's a pretty rough character
much less a peace prize candidate. In all seriousness, enlighten me as to what he's done to deserve a peace prize? I can only assume it's because of his socialistic practices that seem to now be a pre-requisite for being a peace prize candidate...
I've heard that natural gas heating costs are expected to TRIPLE this winter!
I have gas heat, and so does my daughter.
Your mother is fortunate to have you and your sisters to help her. Makes me worry about all the elderly people barely scraping by on Social Security who have no family. I guess they and the other poor people are just considered to have no value and are disposable. I guess someday I'll be disposable, as well.
I totally agree with what Putin said. Of ALL the places in the world to force change upon, the Middle East is probably the worst one! Change does have to come from within. Their culture is so different from ours, and I believe we should respect all cultures that are different from ours. Sometimes I wonder who would win an election in Iraq if Saddam was suddenly back on the ballot. When Bush debated Gore in 2000, Bush claimed to be against nation building (though he said Cheney was in favor of it, which leads me to believe that Cheney really IS running the administration, as has often been alleged).
I always watch closely when Putin and Bush have press conferences. Putin should be called Pukin because he's always got this look of disgust on his face, as if he's about to run out of patience with Bush and his idiocy.
I remember when we first began to brag that the Cold War is over. I always thought that was a stupid thing to say, because it's never over till it's over. History will be the judge of that. I often wondered how a country full of people who were accustomed to having their vital needs met by their government as a RIGHT, rather than a privilege, could possibly survive in the dog-eat-dog, sometimes unscrupulous atmosphere of capitalism. As far as I know, Putin isn't all that enamored with capitalism, and I'm just waiting for Russia to once again become communistic or maybe socialistic. I guess time will tell. 
Thanks, Democrat!
It's fantastic
Who could have predicted in the gloom-and-doom and steady erosion of our national greatness that such an event could even be possible? I am amazed at our great nation and the trail-blazing paths we forge. So blessed to live in this country.
That is fantastic!
I have been canning for years, too, it is very easy to do. Just get a copy of the Ball Blue Book - it will give you step-by-step instructions (This is not intended for you, but the poster you were responding to). You can order it online. It is invaluable.
What you are doing helping your neighbors is fantastic and very selfless. I think if everyone thought like you, this world would be a better place.
I wouldn't worry too much about what posters on here say. There are some very nice, helpful people, but then there are the ones who just come here to blow off steam and cut down any and everyone. Just ignore them. Most of us know and just pay them no mind.
My husband's employer (who laid him off) called today to tell us that we will only have to pay 35% of our COBRA now due to the stimulus - THANK GOD!!! From $800 a month to $275 - YES WE CAN!!!
Fantastic article
What a fantastic article. Thank you for this! Now, I wish all this holy roller Xtian bigots would be quiet about jewish people.
She's beautiful and looks fantastic...
she has a style all her own and she looks great in sleeveless dresses. If anyone was trying to copy Jackie O - it would be Nancy Regan with her little red suits and pillbox hats......
Two Fantastic Olbermann videos.
(I hope this post doesn't get deleted. I'm copying and saving this, just in case, and then if it's deleted again, maybe I can just email the links to those who might be interested in seeing these excellent clips.)
#1: Reinventing the Geneva Conventions (with Jonathan Turley regarding Bush wanting to cover his butt for past illegal deeds):
#2: It's Unacceptable to Think (Bush's response to Colin Powell's thoughts)
A great speech indeed. Fantastic!
I loved the whole speech, but here are 2 of my favorite paragraphs from it:
“Because of you, and because of your jingoistic false ‘patriotism,’ our world is far more dangerous, our nation is far more despised, and the threat of terrorism is far greater than ever before.
It has been absolutely astounding how you have committed the most horrendous acts, causing such needless tragedy in the lives of millions of people, yet you wear your so-called religion on your sleeves, asserting your God-is-on-my-side nonsense – when what you have done flies in the face of any religious or humanitarian tradition. Your hypocrisy is mind-boggling – and disgraceful. What part of “Thou shalt not kill” do you not understand? What part of the “Golden rule” do you not understand? What part of “be honest,” “be responsible,” and “be accountable” don’t you understand? What part of “Blessed are the peacekeepers” do you not understand?"
I saw the same thing....she was absolutely
and handled herself with grace.
She is a natural born leader, and woe to the other side, who does not recognize it.
She's going all the way to the white house.
Applauding your fantastic post Teddy. (NT)
Fantastic post Piglet. From Whorn s/m
Thanks for your post piglet. It seems a number of us share concerns regarding the current system. I currently have health insurance, but due to my age of over 55 and a few minor preexisting conditions I am unable to secure health insurance for below $13.000,00 a year. I am able to deduct 100% of my premiun on my taxes. I pay no federal tax as a result, but the lessened dollar amout off of off my taxes is about $150.00 a year, and does really make a dent in my $!3,000 annual health premium.
Fantastic speech -looking forward for the debate
FOX news IS the news. The only 1 that tells BOTH
It's all over the news - and I mean ALL news stations.
not just the ones you don't like.
Can't chew gum. Would've if I could've.
Even got hypnotized. Supposedly guaranteed to quit. Lasted 5 hours. Thank heavens I never smoked anything stronger. 
Heard that before.
When was that? Oh yeah! Gee, I really miss Nan, I wish she'd come back to the board. LOL!!!
I apologize to those who don't know what I'm talking about - again, the guilty party knows full well.
Anyway how's this for a subject? - The mayor New Orleans was a Republican before he ran, and switched his party affiliation to Democrat before he was successfully elected. Landreau is a Democrat. The Louisiana governor is a Democrat. Seems we have a lot of democratic leaders in an otherwise supposedly Republican state.
Wonder what effect if any that has had on the slow and disinterested response from the federal govt. in helping the people of New Orleans?