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Everyone is a believer of something

Posted By: Teddy on 2006-08-29
In Reply to: Truth. - Mary

Or by nonbeliever do you mean those who do not agree with your version of God?  If you had lived long ago you would probably believe in Zeus.  Religions and even gods change over time in the course of humanity.  If you were born today in another part of the world obviously you would not be showing hostility toward those who didn't follow Jesus, just a roll of the dice at birth that you follow Christ, really.

Do you ever wonder if maybe, after all, you're on the wrong team?  Don't many of the folks in the Middle East embrace their religion just as piously and with as much fervor as you?  How can you be so certain that your god is better than theirs?  It also strikes me that so many Christians are so full of their own rules....who goes to heaven, who goes to hell.....so silly and so un-godlike, really when you think about it.  More like an fraternity of exclusion, a divine country-club sort of thing.

I am a believer all right.....I have a belief that I don't know spiritually exactly what's out there....it's a mystery and that's okay because it's a wonderful mystery.   Let the mystery be as the song goes.  It's called being an agnostic.  I don't need to make up a myriad of silly, exclusive rules in order practice my religion and I don't need threats of hellfire to keep my moral compass pointed the right way.  It is quite beautiful, actually.

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because Obama is a believer.
Rev Wright is his child's godfather. You can't tell me Obama did not know the filth this man was preaching, having been a member of that church for 20 years. You will recall when this first hit the fan that Obama defended him. If he had not cut ties, he would have not been President. Simple as that. He really had no choice but to cut ties if he wanted to be President.
Of course he is a believer. ..... which is no surprise
when you see the agenda he is shoving down everyone's throats!!! People better wake up and take back their country before this man destroys it!
also religion so don't read if not a believer
This is not really political but it is beautiful.
