Washington -- House Republicans, after weeks of negotiations, narrowly passed a budget bill early Friday to cut $50 billion from Medicaid, food stamps, student loans and other programs over the complaints of Democrats that Congress is squeezing students, the elderly and the poor to pay for tax cuts for the rich. The House approved the bill 217-215, after GOP leaders agreed to demands from moderate Republicans to jettison a measure to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and to slightly reduce proposed cuts to food stamps. Still, the vote was so politically sensitive that House leaders didn't begin debate until 10 p.m. Thursday and didn't pass the measure until nearly 2 a.m. -- when most news reporters gone and only a few C-SPAN junkies could witness the fiery floor action. No Democrats voted for the bill, and 14 Republicans opposed it. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said in a floor speech that cutting money for Medicaid, child support enforcement and foster care as the House prepares to vote on $70 billion in tax cuts was a sin. Republicans are launching an attack on America's children, on America's families, Pelosi said. They are also launching an attack on America's middle class, all of this to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. But House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., responded that the proposed cuts were needed to rein in the growth of federal spending on health care and other programs. Medicaid is growing at a 7.3 percent growth rate per year, Hastert said. It has been growing for years. Is there a better way to do it? Is there a more efficient way to do it? Should we find some reforms to make it better? Yes, we should. The House bill also would split the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, a goal of conservatives who have long complained the court is too liberal. But the breakup of the appellate court, which covers the country's Western region including federal cases that arise in California, is not part of the Senate budget bill. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking to strip it from the final package. The battle over the budget reconciliation bill now moves to a joint House-Senate conference committee, where lawmakers will have to make several critical decisions, including: -- Will the final budget bill allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? The Senate version would allow drilling, but a group of House Republican moderates has pledged to oppose any final bill that would open the Alaskan wildlife refuge for development. -- How deeply will lawmakers cut student loans? The House bill would cut student loan programs by $14.3 billion, while the Senate version cuts them by $8.8 billion. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the House bill would cause a typical college student with the average of $17,000 in student loans to pay an additional $5,800 in interest and fees over the length of the loans. -- Will some legal immigrants lose their food stamps? The House bill would cut off 220,000 people from food stamps by allowing legal immigrants to qualify for the food aid after seven years, instead of the current five years. The Senate bill does not cut food stamps, and moderate lawmakers are urging that it be dropped from the final budget package. -- How will the cuts affect Medicaid recipients? The House bill calls for $11.4 billion in cuts to Medicaid, while the Senate bill trims spending by only $4.3 billion. The House bill also would allow co-payments to rise over time with inflation and would deny Medicaid nursing home benefits to people with $750,000 in home equity. -- Will child support enforcement be cut? The House bill would slash funding for child support enforcement by $4.9 billion. The Senate did not include any cuts to child support enforcement. -- Will Medicare be cut? The Senate voted to eliminate $5.4 billion in subsidies for some regional insurance companies that agreed to participate in President Bush's Medicare prescription drug program. The House bill does not cut the subsidies. Congress watchers expect that lawmakers are likely to split the difference between the House's $50 billion in cuts over five years and the Senate's $35 billion in trims. But the negotiations will be difficult for GOP leaders. Conservatives, especially in the House, have been pushing for deeper cuts. Republican moderates plan to lobby to restore funding for some programs. House Republicans argue the heated rhetoric over the budget bill's effects is overblown because many cuts are simply limiting the growth rate of certain federal programs. For example, the proposed cuts to Medicaid would lower the annual growth rate in spending on the program from 7.3 percent to 7 percent. But Democrats complained the cuts hit the wrong targets, including students struggling to pay for college. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill would increase costs to students and families by $8 billion, including nearly $5.5 billion in costs when students consolidate loans. You're hurting the students of this nation, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, told Republicans in an angry floor speech. You're putting their families in debt. You're piling on the interest rates. You ought to be ashamed of it. E-mail Zachary Coile at zcoile@sfchronicle.com. She said ACORN bullied banks into giving the loans.... she just said Obama was associated with them. ACORN did bully banks, and Obama WAS associated with them, through Project Vote. He trained the ACORN folks how to get out and get people registered, hired them to work on his senate campaign, and ACORN endorsed him. And they are under investigation for voter fraud in ALL the swing states. Admitted in Ohio today: yes, there will be fraud, its not our fault, we can't check every registration. Sounds like "He was just a guy in the neighborhood" excuse. Looks like he taught them well. This guy is so dirty. No. Remembering the debt we owe all of those Camera angles, selective footage, media spin do not paint a true full picture. When the emphasis is put on the guys you describe and the rest of the event is never broadcast, it is not be accident. They strive to create the images and impressions which you now express. What is more pertinent here is the anger you see there, in these posts, between the parties and all over our country after 8 years under the regime. This is not blame. It is statement of fact. It's not pretty, granted. But to really undestand what you are looking at takes a little more than a sound byte or a drive-by post. Considering our national debt is now......... sm sitting at, what, $3 trillion dollars, I doubt government oversight would be of much benefit to the auto industry. In fact, I kind of feel like the government really has the audacity to ask a private industry to prove a solvent plan when the government can't even balance their own books. Either way, the auto industry is going under. It's just a matter of whether it is now or 6 months from now. True. We are in debt already. Let's just and now our country will go bankrupt. Depression, here we come. True. We are in debt already. Let's just and then our country will go bankrupt. Depression, here we come. Although some cities are already feeling depression. Cannot wait for our treasury guy who does not know how to do TurboTax is going to say how much more debt (money) we will need coming this week. I betcha the stocks will fall between 300-400. Wow. New jobs coming. Cannot wait. Maybe a 5',2" and 110 pound woman can apply working on building bridges, paving roads, building a train track from CA to NV. Then the jobs will be finished for me and then what? She ran our state into debt. SHE is an extremist. If you are talking about the war debt, your congress did... when they voted to go to Iraq. Would not have passed without Dems' support as well. Our country was not in debt with Clinton but it was sm when bill got in office and saw the mess bush senior made, it had to be dealt with.... just as this mess GW made will take years to clean up.... but Clinton did get us in the black. Barack is going to use that same tax formula and that is why he said you will pay no more than what you paid in taxes under Clinton. That goes for the rich too. HC's campaign debt would suggest that dontchathink? This plan is not going to affect this debt growth rate at all, it will continue to grow on a daily basis. This stimulus package will just be added to the total debt. And, actually we do NOT KNOW THAT THIS MONEY WILL BENEFIT people. At this point, we can only pray that it will, we have no other choice. Time will tell. Will never last. Obama is putting us in debt we may nm So, you don't care if we are in debt to the tune of $9T over the next 10 years????? You really want your children, grandchildren and probably your great-grandchildren to pay for mistakes that did not have to take place in the first place? You're not wasting tea, you're wasting the little tag on the tea bag. How hard is it to let the government know you are furious with their antics? I just don't agree it's a waste of time. Some of us (not me yet) are in the less fortunate boat and not getting any help at all while those in power pocket our money. It's time to stop the nonsense and hold those accountable for their actions. It's time to let the government know we don't want to be told how to live anymore. Freedom is not free anymore. It costs a lot of money and our freedoms are slowly being whittled away one by one. I want to see my grandchildren enough those freedoms, not wind up being told how to live, what to eat, where and when to work, etc. Whew! Sorry. Am venting. I'll get off my soapbox now. GMAC Resumes Sub-Prime Loans In Order To Sell Cars So, let's see. I know that I have been known to lapse into a coma from time to time, but haven't we been here before - making subprime loans in order to stimulate sales and to hell with what happens next? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I'm having such a strange sense of deja vu here. Bush sunk himself and our country......DEBT v Democratic = surplus - Republican = debt Based on Congressional accounting rules, at the end of his presidency Clinton reported a surplus of $559 billion. After 8 years of Bush...As of September 2008, the total U.S. federal debt was approximately $9.7 trillion. Has anyone watched "Money as Debt" video? It's a 47 minute animated video you can find on line (I believe it's on You Tube as well as other places.) I watched most of it once and it's just unbelievable what the banks have been doing for YEARS and it explains a lot of why (at least around where I live) there are new banks with names I've never heard of popping up on every corner and in every new strip mall. It also goes a long way in explaining how these banks are in such trouble and how they're pulling everyone down with them. Obama will make sure our children pay for this debt nm I dont WANT war. Dont judge me! nm Any ideas on how paying down too much debt could be a terrorist threat?nm And what about the debt he inheriteed from George W. Bush, take off the blinders......sm and they say WE have been drinking Kool-Aid? WE had a president who could hardly color inside the lines, was an inarticulate moron, catered to special interests, led us into an unjustfied war with Iraq (HELLO, IT WAS THE TALIBAN/OSAMA IN AFGHANISTAN ON 9/11), we lost all respect around the globe, and he took a balanced budget from President Clinton and got us into trillions of dollars worth of debt, all the while allowing all bhe banking deregulation, feeding the GREED machine in this country. The past administration was a TRAGEDY perpetrated on the American people, so you folks can keep drinking your Republican Red Kool-Aid, keep prematurely judging this president as you lick your lips praying for his failure, which by the way means RUIN for you, me, and the rest of the nation. The man is willing to TRY, to compromise, and he has only been in office barely three weeks. All the harshness against Obama is misdirected anger and pique that the Republicans were ousted. IMHO. Saying stuff over and over DOES NOT MAKE IT SO!!! Yeah, lets spend billions, go into more debt while nm What a snooty post, no,we have PAID OFF all debt, own our home,,,,sm outright, thank you, own both our cars, but when you are caring for three kids, taking care of their needs, paying about $300.00 a week on food, I have several serious illnesses with lots of meds, we have high costs here in the North East, AND we are putting money into 401K and retirement, sometimes we DO have to wait a day or two to buy something, it is called A BUDGET, it is called self-restraint in spending, and you, my friend, need some serious counseling in compassion, communication, ....do you even have friends with that kind of attitude??? what is your problem exactly? I never said I wanted the government to take care of everything and everybody. I want the government to be responsible to its citizens. They work for us. Expecting elderly retirees to get a job or go to college is ridiculous. These people deserve better. I am not complaining about my life. I am reiterating to you what I see here in the Sunshine State. It is all about money all the time. Many people I know will be able to regroup and hold their lives together but I don't understand why the collapse of the middle class is just all right with you. That is my point. No need to go into the pull yourself up by your bootstraps argument. We will never see eye to eye on that. This is about our country being in debt out the wazoo, borrowing money from China to fight a war no one wants in Iraq and middle class people being downsized into poverty. It is not about being lazy or having choices. It is about the sad sorry state of our union. Yep, just like the DNC wanted you to... to move the cLintons on their way out. The DNC did not want Hillary from the get-go, and the media helped them accomplish it. And here you are rewarding them by electing the perps. LOL. sigh. Poor Hillary...pilloried by her own. Thank you - that was all I wanted to know (sm) sad how many people don't know the answer and just want to dismiss it without even knowing though. Just wanted to add I in no way mean to indicate that everyone receiving any type of public aid spends the whole day watching soaps and eating bon bons. Just that a large portion of them (at least in my area) do just that and have lived off it for years as opposed to using it as a temporary crutch while they try to get back on their feet. Yep, I know....just wanted to be sure all... of the information was out there and that what Bush did is vastly different than what Obama is proposing. And apparently it is working because they are lining up for the ice cream and defending him right down the line...lol. Just wanted to say.................. sm Merry Christmas! That's not what I wanted to see. DH has been talking about moving there for a couple years. He loves Canada. I hate the cold. Think I'm going to show this to him? Nah. I just wanted to say thanks. This is the first time that a discussion on same sex marriage has been a good discussion without personal attacks, etc. Thanks for sharing your point of view with me. I wanted to, but DH said no. We have 50 tomato plants in containers, 25 pepper plants (green, hot, hotter, and hotter then he!!), 10 potato plant containers (x6 cuttings in each), and 10 containers of cukes. The only thing we planted in the ground was beans, onions, and radishes. All doing fantastic. Already have a hot pepper and some tomatoes and this weather sucks this year, only 60 damp, dreary, rainy all week...again. Surprised the plants are doing so well. We also have about 5 tomato plants coming up in the ground from last year. I was wondering how your garden was doing. Thanks for letting me know. Well, call me what you want, but I wanted to know. I say use God's name when you're speaking the truth. If it's truth point it out to me. ![]()
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