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Don't lecture me on praying and you need

Posted By: Kaydie on 2008-11-06
In Reply to: God's Will has been done. - MT

to take this topic to the Faith board. How dare you question whether I pray or not. You insult those by saying that because you prayed this is who God chose to be in the white house. That is a total insult to the people who prayed otherwise. This is the same attitute that I get from my aunt - well you must be praying wrong because my prayers were answered and yours were not. Tell that the the priests, bishops, reverands and all the other spiritual leaders.

Take your religious overtones to the Faith board that is what that board is there for. Tell all of them on the Faith board that God chose Obama because you prayed and that is who was chosen. I think you'll hear otherwise (but that's probably why you posted here instead of there).

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Thank you so much for the lecture....
however, those who favor socialism have a different view of those who don't. So, take your own advice, and get over YOURSELF.

"Joe the unlicensed." Do you hear yourself? THe man asked a valid question of the wise and wonderful, great and powerful "o" and he became public enemy #1. Does that not concern you at all? When did this become a free country with free speech ONLY if you do not challenge the wise and powerful "0"?

LOL. Your bias is showwwinnnggggg.
How ironic that you lecture about
when the administration you support apparently has never heard of it.
You love to lecture, it is obvious...
but you need, again, to heed your own advice...and educate yourself. You have blinders on. It is people like you socialists love...you will follow them right down the path to destruction and once there, can't imagine how you got there.

When you talk about the government providing education, health care...where do you think that money comes from? The government has no money of its own. You are talking about we, the taxpayers. You hawked Canada's health care below...many Canadian citizens pay 50% of their salary in taxes to pay for the health care system. Does that sound free to you? And the waiting for care boggles the mind. That is why they come HERE when they need emergent care. And you hawked France...read UP on ALL of that, not just the rosy picture. Look at the deficit they are running. Now they are talking about raising taxes or cutting benefits. Really study the Canadian program...they have already started cutting.

Why on earth do you think that a physician should not want to make a PROFIT? They should work for nothing? Are you willing to work for NOTHING? Well, that was silly. If you are a true socialist, of course you do. You work, give everything to the government, and let them redistribute it. NO THANKS.
Listening to an Obama lecture...
...er...speech is a form of torture to many of us. 
Before you lecture others on an open mind...
you should look inward at your own. "Conservatives rarely have an open mind" indicates yours is closed like a steel trap. An open mind also sees faults where they exist, and according to you, Obama has none, even when he apes faults of the previous administration and has already gone back on so many campaign promises in only 5 months I lost count. Oh but...you have an open mind. Umm hmmm.
For those who have not heard Bennish's controversial lecture.

I just listened to the entire thing tonight and let me tell you.  I think this man may have missed his calling.  I'd vote for him tomorrow.  Very intelligent teacher.  I'm glad he was not fired, but yet repremanded to be more neutral in his position. 

Link attached.

Yes, praying to keep... sm
WITCHES away and help her with her political career.

I guess it's not a big deal if you think witches are a big cause of all your problems (as her pastor does...) He's gone on witch hunts in Africa, *literally* calling some poor innocent women witches and driving them out of their villages. It's madness.
wonder WHO you are praying to?
A god who supports abortion, and even letting a child born alive die for lack of medical care? The Almighty God does not support same.
Appreciate that. I'm praying for our leadership
praying for our leaders
we are admonished to pray for our leaders ...sort of a political love your enemies :-) please do not forget to pray for and support our third party candidates as well - brave men and women have not shed blood for this country so that it can be "ruled" by one party masquerading as two. we are in a homeland security crisis - our own Wall Street is committing domestic financial terrorism, exactly what we were warned that foreign terrorists would do. why are we being protected from our "enemies, both foreign and domestic"?? the corruption of our financial stability is treasonous, and the names of the traitors are known.
What's so scary about it? The man was just praying
for her. 
Well, I had an uncle that was quite colorful to say the least but he truly believed God had the last word in everything. When he heard someone say they "wished", he would tell them to wish in one hand and pee in the other and see which one fills up quicker, basically saying wishing has nothing to do with believing. Believing is having faith, faith in things you cannot see.
they are frightening but I just keep praying
and praying we can get this over with soon so people can reuinte and calm down. Too many people are way over-anxious to heed these calls of hatred, violence, war mongering. This hate has to stop before the end of the world is literally forced on us.
Then why are you PRAYING for Obama, with no
They say it takes one to know one. I think we'd all better do a little praying. n/m
yes, thank you, everyone is praying for me and it is really helping....nm
And those of different faith are probably praying

Everyone, regardless of their personal religious beliefs, is worshipping the "true" God, the one that is "true and living" to them.

No religion is better or "truer" and more "living" than another. 

Your creator is "true and living" to you.  Someone else's creator might be just as "true and living" to them.

Thank you so much for your care! And I will be praying for you....sm
I know well from my hospital work what CF is like....you are RIGHT to go on SSDI, if you do not deserve it, especialy with all of your work history, NO ONE does. And I have a friend with cancer who filed for SSDI; her lawyers told her that they always turn you down the first time, but the second time, if you have the medical records, you get through, and she did, she also could not type and had low energy, she will be on varying forms of chemo for much of the future. People who do not have a serious, chronic, ongoing, life-altering illness (which by the way, both our illnesses can be fatal, and I well remember the pancreatitis pain, I would rather have 10 more kids natural!), they can't get it....you are so sweet for your concern, write me anytime if you want a "sister" to talk with, and I honestly will be praying for your health AND your finances. God Bless!!!!!!!!
I have been praying about this all week-
end. I knew we were not going to let them take that good Captain ashore! I was horrified earlier today when I heard that it was the WH holding up a decision to do anything (should have known Obama thought he could *talk* to those pirates! or whatever his inexperience was costing us again).

I really don't care about the court of world opinion, and I am sure you are right. I am just thankful that the Captain was strong enough and brave enough to escape again and our Navy Seals and other military were able to rescue him without injury. I just hate that it took as long as it did to get him back safe.

And, yes, I am very curious to see how Obama and his elite followers are going to take credit for this one. Especially after apologizing for our arrogance all last week.
I'm praying for you and your dark soul.

Praying for his safe return....nm

Praying, trusting and respecting leaders?
I'm curious as to why one would consider this a viable option for change. Maybe I'm taking the remark out of context? No one just "deserves" respect. You earn that. It is not an entitlement. Neither is trust. Nothing is really, except for basic human decency. An example would be our soldiers. They earn their respect....most of them anyway. Our leaders are another story entirely.

Kicking and screaming and ranting is part of dissent, not only a right, but a responsibility. Folks need to have a look at our Declaration of Independence. Seriously.
I am praying that Obama wins this election
I do NOT want a president/VP that condones racism, hate filled rhetoric, anti-american views.  Palin supports the Alaska Independence Group and they are anti-government and want a separate america and now Palin and McCain are basically encouraging the same thing.  Obama brings unity and diversity and I am glad that he is running.  What a breath of fresh air.  I dont care about what anyone here has to say about the rumors of this and that concerning Obama.  They have all been started and expounded upon by McCain/Palin campaign and they are lies.  And WHY is it okay to give the wealthy the breaks in this world and that is an acceptable republican concept but as soon as someone says they are going to look out for the little guy and SPREAD THE WEALTH of the ecomony evenly, they are suddenly a socialist?   Did McCain NOT approve the bailout plan that is buying STOCK into our banking system?  Did McCain NOT approve the plan for the goverment to own half of America's mortgages?  Dont talk to me about socialism McCain until you look at yourself.  And by the way, people try to associate Acorn with Obama and voter registration fraud.  What about the GOP intimidating people to change their party and telling them they HAVE to change their party in order to vote for a sexual predator law?????  That is voter fraud and McCain is the GOP. 
I am praying for Obama too. I join you in prayer. nm
We are all praying for Obama and He/She will answer our prayers
That's awful! Praying all those held will be released safely...
they are saying a woman and child have been released, and that is a good thing...praying this will end with no innocent folks being hurt.