we already have schools and programs to feed our hungry
Truly, I wouldn't bother.......you can spoon feed them
The trolls appear to be gone anyway. Why leave now?
ta dum
The trolls are out to tonight..the trolls are out tonight
When they smell blood in the water they come swimming.
One with fewer trolls than here, to be sure.
Did you count the unnamed trolls?
Since you're into counting....that makes up the majority of the trolling that goes on on the conservative board.
There are more trolls over here lately, and driveby posters...sm
And some of them even post how amused they are to come over here and dump on us. I guess this is their only source of amusement in a day is starting a fight on the liberal board. Whatever floats their boats?!?!?!
I doubt it; trolls like you are always around no matter
many times you are told not to come here by the Moderator. Geez, get a life.
Trolls we may be, but the toilet part
Maybe instead of the White House a better name would be the Outhouse. HA HA HA
I think this board has the market cornered on trolls. NM
Bye, Administrator. You have refused to control them, and your trolls have won.
You've been unable or unwilling to control these pests. They refuse to stay on their own Conservative board because they're not happy unless they are personally attacking posters.
I can't begin to speculate how many other people you've lost because of this hateful group, but you've lost me.
To any thinking, intelligent people out there who woul like to visit a GOOD site where abusive trolls can be IGNORED, please visit Bill Maher's site. The topics and information are limitless, freedom of speech is guaranteed for ALL, and although there are a few hateful people there, it's nothing compared to the hate and anger and rage that is found on this board. You don't have to be subjected to personal attacks in a street gang mentality that happens here because you can simply click the ignore button. All in all, I believe a truer, better representation of what America really is can be found there.
Bye, all. 
Democrat, you don't really expect fair from these trolls, do you?
They can't even stay off the liberal board let alone not attack. It's all the same old stuff...whining about *the left this and the left that* blah blah blah...I appreciate your optimism, but at this point it's probably waaaaaaaaay too much to hope for.
Toilet talking trolls unite!
Trolls like YOU (and the lack of an ignore button) are the reasons
I can't stand it here any more. You do nothing but troll this board, stalk and attack posters. You add nothing of an intelligent or substantive nature to anything you post. Coming to this board used to be nice, but now it's like standing in a field as flies leave a nearby manure pile and suddenly hover around me and my friends, and I wind up spending too much time swatting them away. You simply can't be nice and civil to people. Nobody wants to subject themselves to that all the time. You've been relentless in your attacks against gt, and all it does is make you look like a horrible person, whether you realize it or not.
As far as debate, I'd love to debate issues, but personal attacks based on one's views is NOT debate, and that's all you do.
Here's an example of a post on Maher's board by an intelligent conservative who I believe I could learn a lot from. Note the EXTREME difference in this person's communication skills, compared to yours and those of your ilk on this board.
This poster generates interest and respect. Your posts generate disgust.
The Republicans Here Are Fake
I just came to this board today. I watched Real Time with Bill Maher for the first time last night and really enjoy it. While I do not agree with him on his views, I enjoy listening to politcal arguments and he does make strong cases.
I have been a life long Republican and served on numerous state campaigns as both a volunteer and paid worker. I know the value of a true debate and what it yields.
I searched for Bill Maher this morning and immediatley found this board. I have spent the last couple hours reading through countless posts and views of people from both sides of the political aisle. It is truly a shocking and numbing experience.
I see that most from the left provide a rational view and expressed opinions, but then I see the right has no true representation here. I have come across a few posters that say they are Republicans, but as a Republican I can assure you they do not stand for our parties beliefs.
A couple of the names I have seen include; helloinfidels, ketchupholic, mudwhistle, and theraceman.
While I am only passing by, I wanted to share with you my views on these individuals, as a person with a strong politcal background. I have a few explanations into the actions of these individuals and would like to post them for you.
-These people only argue because they purely like to argue with no goal in mind except to upset other.
-These individuals are truly Democrats, posing as Republicans in an attempt to smear the Republican party
- These people truly do not know what the Republican party stands for
In any of the above cases, we would rather they not try to represent our party, as they are actually mis-representing it.
I have been a member of numerous political forums, and I assure you that we would not allow any of these people to exist on our boards. They give no basis of fact with their arguments and only make them to hear themselves self promote a disturbing agenda.
I hope the majority of the people on here do not lend credit to their foolish assertions and realize they represent no party in this country.
Thank you for hearing from me and I look forward to some civil political debate on here without the rhetoric those few seem to rely upon.
Starcat, there have been nameless trolls on these boards for years. sm
Democrat knows it, too. Or she has a very short memory. I am just setting the record straight here, because I am really tired of all this innocent why is everyone picking on us posting here.
I agree. Trolls dont even deserve a response.
Oops, meant to post this under the loose trolls post...
I'm going to keep ignoring these troll posts. It's kind of fun, actually, just pretend you don't see them.