Do you want him to lie or make up some scenario that is not true?
Posted By: Amanda on 2009-03-09
In Reply to: O is doing very well with the doom and gloom speeches - Backwards typist
If he were to get up there and say we are okay, things are wonderful, tomorrow when you wake up the world as you knew it is going to be back to normal?
I don't know what ya'll want from him. You got one set of people saying he ain't doing enough, one set saying he is doing too much, one set saying he is all doom/gloom, another set condemning him because he says we can change the way things are -
My goodness, what can he do right?
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The picture that you make up whatever scenario you want?
And try to pass it off as truth.
Seems to me that you and most of the Republicans on here are the whiners. Get over it. We have another 7-1/2 years with this president. There are a HUGE MAJORITY of us who LIKE him. So sorry your party is in tatters and doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hades of ever getting elected in my lifetime.
Just because you make a statement does not make it true...
LOL. Does not make it not true....
if you were interested in the truth you could do your own research and find it is very much true. But of course, you would have to be interested in the truth. You sure won't find it reported on the Dailykos. LOL.
Doesn't make it true.
For everyone of these, I can produce two in opposition.
It appears now that the surge is working, eight months afterward; however, because conditions are slowing getting better in Iraq is not because of the surge. It is a combination of things, the first and foremost that the United States is finally coming to the realization that the only way to get the country of Iraq back on its feet is to ALLOW the Iraqi's to take control in their OWN way and not under the strict edicts of the United States. Now that we are loosening the noose, things are coming together.
To solidify my point:
"All of Petraeus’ work on the subject of counterinsurgency, however, along with the things he himself was saying somewhat subtly, all pointed toward the conclusion that peace in Iraq required not a “surge” but political reconciliation between a sufficiently large set of Iraqi factions as to represent the overwhelming majority of Iraqis. The “surge” was, in some vague way, supposed to facilitate that, which it hasn’t, it was never a realistic method of securing the country on its own, which is why it hasn’t worked.
The “surge” was always part of the puzzle; it wasn’t supposed to solve everything by itself. War remains, as it has always been, a means of forcing people to make political concessions that they would not otherwise make voluntarily. Classic counterinsurgency doctrine requires securing large population centers, killing insurgents, and applying political pressure. All those things, and more, are happening."
and furthermore:
"Despite recent trends, 2007 is the deadliest year for U.S. forces since the war began in March 2003. Even on a day like Monday, considered a relatively quiet one with no reported coalition casualties, at least 33 Iraqis were killed and an equal number wounded in violence around the country.
While declining, the fighting in Iraq has just returned to levels seen before the February 2006 bombing of the Shi’ite shrine in Samarra by extremists — an attack that sent violence between Sunnis and Shi’ites soaring. And ordinary Iraqis say the streets are full of danger, even with the improvement in security." This little tidbit was just written 2 weeks ago by OTB.
This supposed truth is only the truth as HE sees it. Not necessary the TRUTH at all, and considering that he probably was only allowed to visit certain sections of Baghdad doesn't lend much validity to his statement.
Another possible scenario
Hi Lurker,
Heard an interesting alternate theory today on Air America - had to do with Judith Miller being angry at Joe Wilson for printing his What I Didn't Find in Africa article in the NYT that seemed to make a fool out of her and what she was claiming all along. So she calls up her contacts at the CIA and demands to know, who is this fool? She finds out who it is,digs and learns who his wife is, and SHE tells Scooter Libby and everyone else including Rove in hopes of getting them to cover her butt by publicly denouncing Wilson and outing his wife, thereby exacting her revenge as well as giving the WH the spin it needed to discredit Wilson's (absolutely accurate) testimony.
Seeing as Scooter Libby gave JM permission months ago to testify, it makes sense that JM may have been the one who actively pursued the Plame outing, which just happened to synchronize perfectly with the BushCo's need to squash Wilson's findings. Libby doesn't have anything to fear in this case since JM would have been the one to tell HIM about Plame's status, not the other way around.
It was an interesting way of looking at it that I hadn't thought about before - what do you think?
I was using the scenario as an example of sm
'facts', not as it related to your post. Since we invaded Iraq, we have not had a terror attack on the United States. Do you see a correlation there or is this just a coincidence. Also, knowing the history of Islam, do you really think the fires needed stoking in that regard to hate us more? Exactly what led up to the escalating terror attacks against the United States? What was the final goal and would it have ended with 9/11. I think not. Those fires don't need stoking. They have been burning since 500 years after the birth of Christ. I don't for a moment believe that the invasion of Iraq all of a sudden made them hate us. Gaddafi said, during Reagan's presidency, that he would not rest until every American was dead in his bed. Haven't heard a peep out of him since Reagan bombed him.
As many of us have. So the scenario described in the OP
to you if it were Palin or McCain? Can you at least acknowledge the possibility that there may have been other considerations beyond the campaign, as suggested?
Here's the scenario in my city
I've been keeping up with what happens to people who actually shoot people in their house or on their property in my area. The majority of the shooters have been store clerks who are tired of being victims. However, there have been several home invasions in the last year where the owner has shot the intruder. Just a few weeks ago a man saw another man breaking into his backyard storage building, and he shot the guy from his house. The subject fled and then wrecked his car about a mile from the break in. When all was said and done the owner was not charged eventhough he shot the man eventhough the man never entered his living space.
As far as I know none of the store clerks or home owners have been charged in the last year (at least that is what the media reports).
Eventhough I believe in gun ownership and defending your property and home I think the recent law passed in Florida where you can shoot anyone who is threatening you (anywhere) is a little broad and I think will be used to get criminals off, because all they have to say is I felt threatened so I shot the dude. I think though when somebody comes on your property then you should be able to take any action to defend yourself within reason. Now, this shouldn't be an excuse for shooting your neighbor because they are piling leaves on your property etc. Common sense should rule, and every case should be judged individually on the circumstances surrounding the incident.
I agree with you completely about the child criminal sentencing aspects. Personally, I don't think these monsters should live but at the very least they should be castrated....seems harsh but its the only way to *neuter* the animal that lives inside these monsters.
Visualize this scenario.
Can You Imagine George Bush by Another Name? |
by Beth Quinn |
There is a courtroom scene in the movie A Time to Kill that comes to mind when I hear Bush fans blindly defend their president.
The movie is about the black father of a little girl who is raped, beaten and thrown off a bridge by two white men in Mississippi. Knowing that justice won't be served for a black child, her father kills her attackers and goes on trial for murder.
The scene that comes to mind these crazy days is this:
The defense attorney knows this heartbroken father is facing an all-white jury. And this jury will be incapable of putting themselves in the shoes of a black man.
So the lawyer asks them to close their eyes as he describes in excruciating detail the attack the little girl endured. Can you see it? he asks. Can you see her being tortured? And then he tells them: Now imagine she was white.
It is a similar use of imagination that I would ask the blind faithful in Bush's camp to try.
Please, just close your eyes for a moment as I catalog the abuses George Bush has committed against our country. And then imagine he is Bill Clinton, a man you're predisposed to hate - and tell me you would still defend those actions.
When you consider that George Bush declared war in Iraq based on a lie, close your eyes and imagine it was Bill Clinton who had told that lie. Keep your eyes closed and picture it. In fairness and honesty, would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush has been secretly and illegally spying on Americans, close your eyes and concentrate. Picture how you would react if it were Clinton wiretapping our phones. Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush partied for days at his Texas ranch while New Orleans was dying, close your eyes and picture Clinton partying on Martha's Vineyard. Can you see it? Can you imagine Clinton ignoring the plight of thousands of homeless and dying? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush continues to promote the lie that we do not torture even as he declares the right to violate McCain's amendment barring torture, squeeze your eyes tight and picture it. Can you see Clinton defying the Geneva Convention and Congress? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush has paid journalists to promote his propaganda, close your eyes and imagine Clinton buying off the Fourth Estate. Would you like that? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush continues to send our young men and women into danger in Iraq without protective armor, then hides their coffins from the cameras when they are sent home dead, close your eyes and imagine Clinton doing such a thing. Is this a good thing? Would you defend him?
In the movie, the jurors' collective eyes pop open when the defense lawyer asks them to imagine the little victim was white. It's clear they have seen the light and justice will be done.
In real life, blind allegiance is no better than blind hatred. Both spring from fear and ignorance. It would be gratifying if the Bush defenders were to open their own eyes to see this president for what he really is.
George Bush, by any name, is nothing more than a power-mad liar.
There are 1,091 days 'til Inauguration 2009.
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Once case scenario that happens sm
One case scenario that happens regarding employed people getting health insurance through their employers is this. Unfortunately recessions happen. A covered person is laid off. Yes, they can continue coverage through COBRA. Some recessions are long lasting, the laid off person cannot find employment for months or longer. The bills meanwhile are racking up, if there are any savings it not so slowly gets eaten up, and the COBRA coverage is not cheap, to the tune of $600.00 a month or more. That person may very well want to hold onto their coverage but simply cannot. They have to drop the coverage. Hopefully this person eventually is able to get another job that also has health insurance benefits. They then have to go through another pre-existing condition waiting period as they had to drop their insurance and therefore lost their continuous coverage provision. Maybe that person falls seriously ill during that period with some pre-existing condition, and ...financially ruined for the rest of their life as a result..through no fault of their own.
Yes, there are people who are able to afford health insurance but have a devil may care attitude...until they become ill, but there are many other scenarios that are occurring as well, and occurring more frequently.
Another problem is due to the high cost of health insurance fewer and fewer employers are even offering benefits, which leaves working people to attempt to secure individual policies, and in that market anyone can be denied coverage. It does not even have to be a "major" health condition. Heath insurance companies can, and do, deny people coverage due to "run of the mill" problems such as a little hypothyroidism, or that they broke a few bones as a kid while growing up.
I certainly don't have the answers, but tis rather a mess.
In the scenario that you mention
using Hitler....Hitler was the terrorist. The Nazis were the terrorists. They were exterminating the Jews because of race. They had no other reason other than they didn't like them.
You cannot compare what we are doing to what Hitler did. The rendition and the assassination of key terrorist members saves innocent lives where Hitler did nothing but destroy innocent lives.
I do not see us lining up all Muslims and exterminating them, sending them to concentration camps, etc. We are going after extremists who would love nothing more than to exterminate us.
I highly doubt that if we were taken over by terrorists or you were in a building that they were planning on bombing....the fact that you disagree with our treatment towards terrorist prisoners will mean absolutely nothing to them. They will still blow you up or cut your head off. These are not people that you can talk to civilly or change their mind. They are on a mission to exterminate infidels....that includes you and me and our family and friends. So seriously....think about that the next time you want to set them free or be nice to them.
I agree with the scenario you speak of.
but there is also talk of growing fetuses for harvesting. I do not agree with that.
So, in a best case scenario for the republicans
One would have to wonder how likely it is that these frivolous lawsuits can succeed in challenging the DNC, the Secretary of State and the voters' popular mandate in the aftermath of an election, ESPECIALLY in view of the dire circumstances requiring immediate attention with regard to the economy. If the republicans cannot successfully manipulate voter turn-out through their concerted efforts to suppress democratic votes, cry foul, challenge the election, throw it into months of uncertainty and THEN, on top of it all, push for impeachment proceedings...what will they accomplish? Joe Biden will be president? Supermajority will remain seated? Really. Where do they think they are going with all this? Do they think that after opposing popular mandate, they can call for new elections that will succeed in another republican revolution? Absurd.
Best case scenario, 1 million evacuees.
110 residents from Greater Houston DIED ON THE ROAD during evacuation for Hurricane Rita from Houston 3 years ago.
NOBODY can make Saddam look good. But Bush seems to be the ONLY one who can make him look less
If you can't make abortion illegal, just make it impossible (sm)
That's right, Bush is still alive and well. Check this out.
Yeah, I know it's MSNBC, but how many other people are doing a lame duck watch?
That's true - and Barack Obama is a true Patriot too.
Again we can agree to disagree. How John McCain has voted goes against everything I want as a President, but there are an equal number of people to me who feel opposite. That's the way it goes.
Your last comment brought to mind how true that is. Being a true patriot is not harmful in a candidate. John McCain is a patriot. So is Barack Obama.
Those who make you believe absurdities can make
Perhaps we can make a
between lying because he was a husband caught with a bimbo and lying to even the score with Wilson who knew of the intelligence manipulation for going to war and jeopardizing national security issues. You really don't see the difference here? If Hillary can stand her husband for being a cad, that's hers and Bill's business, not mine. Whereas this administration has lied about Iraq. Clinton lied--nobody died. Bush lied--2000+ died, not to mention the *collateral damage* of innocent Iraqis as pointed out by Democrat above. And you don't see the difference?!
This is what I make of
Supposedly if the insurgents lay down their arms and come over to the good side they will be allowed amnesty. Info leaked from Iraqi prime minister, al-Maliki, office that he was considering giving amnesty to insurgents and terrorist who have not killed Iraqi citizens. His office later added US soldiers into the equation.
Supporters of said amnesty believe it will lead to further isolating the *bad* terrorist and be inclusive of the *good* terrorist, allowing them become a functioning part of the new Iraq. Bring them over to the good side so to speak.
We can't make it here.
don't mean to make any
one more nervous, but visualize this scenario, McCain falls down and breaks a hip. The vice president who has stated "I have not thought much about foreign policy" (despite having HER OWN SON going to Iraq soon) has to make a crucial decision that does not involve a rogue moose, her brother-in-law's behavior, or what to wear at a beauty pageant. Scary. Since she has not thought much about foreign policy, what group of Washington people are going to be instructing her on foreign policy soon? The Karl Rove group who is advising them on all issues. If you have enjoyed the last 8 years, you're gonna l-o-v-e the next 4 if McCain wins.
Exactly. And the DNC will make him pay for it, too.
You have to make up your own
mind. If you are curous as to what he studied, you can look that up. Why ask some stranger to get that info for you? He was a constitutional law professor, but as for specific classes, I don't know. I like him for his ideas, his honesty, his humor, his obvious love for his family, his unique time spent in both the black and white communities. His past has been thoroughly reviewed and shows only integrity. The fact that he is attacked only for people he has known actually shows me that he has an immaculate record. I don't know many who could stand up to that kind of scrutiny. I think he is a once-in-a-lifetime leader - he has the ability to inspire and the humbleness to listen to different views about issues along with a brillant intellect. His life shows his principals and I can find not one false note. That is my opinion of him. I am sure to be attacked over silly stuff for this post, but I can give it right back, so that's okay.
Make that 15
15. GLOBAL WARMING: Biden said that he knows what is causing global warming when in fact, even the best scientists in the country can't agree on what is causing global warming.
Does that make 2 now?
Now, whatever would make YOU
I want him to make sure that the
US is the leader in development of alternative energy sources. This would solve so many problems in one fell swoop: Creating new industries thereby creating thousands of new jobs, address the global warming issue, helping us move away from our addiction to fossil fuels and foreign oil. If the US would come out as a leader in this, then many other nations would follow. He also stated that our infrastructure was in sore need of updating, that our power grid in this country is one of our major weaknesses making us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. I have never heard anyone else address this issue. Makes so much sense!
Huh. That does make me wonder.
I know that if I was making it big my parents wouldn't be living in a double wide and my dad's house would have the improvements that it needs. I mean I wouldn't pay there way for everything but I'd make sure they had a decent place to live and weren't struggling. That's just what families do.
And what does that make you?
Rah, Rah, Rah, Yes we can, Change, Change, Change, Blah, Blah, Blah
Then that would make
half American. And disqualified from serving for POTUS!
What is ridiculous is that you (collectively speaking to all libs) cannot understand that he is a FRAUD! He does not meet the qualifications, plain and simple. It would be the same thing if he were 38 years old....he would be disqualified on age.
I will say this, and you can call me a tin-hatter if you want, but IF the SC upholds the lower courts' decisions and allows Obama be POTUS, then we might as well chunk the whole Constitution out the window because the rest of it will be meaningless. If those judges let this go through, it will only further demonstrate how this election was orchestrated from the beginning....or even before the beginning.
Make that 6.8%.
It does make you wonder whose
butt the big liberal news is trying to kiss today. Those numbers are continually tossed around and no one bothers to check the facts. A neighbor who worked for GM for 40 years does get pension and healthcare benefits, etc., but the average worker now is making roughly $40/hour, which would include their benefits package as well. Of course, that is still great pay and is what many do not realize is actually what keeps the middle class in this country going.
I too was surprised they are going on and on about what the 3 big auto execs are using for transportation to get to the hearings considering you didn't hear a bunch of hooplah about what the AIG execs were skirting around the countryside in. Strange no liberal media went on and on and on about what they drove, what style they traveled in, etc., so it becomes very clear to me who the brown nosers are.
Really make you wonder
I haven't read the article but will. My take on the global warming conspiracy....someone sure is profiting from it. I won't say his name but his initials begin with AG (if you couldn't guess already).
All I know is I'm not about to have some energy hog riding around in a motorcade of SUV's (with one whole SUV just for his luggage), using however much energy, fuel, etc he wants and polluting the planet big time to tell me how I need to live.
There is a natural warming of the planet. It's happening with other planets too. Don't tell me people actually believe it's the earthlings fault for the warming of other planets too.
Lots of money to be had in this subject, but nothing has been proven yet. Especially since we all know the charts that AG uses to try to prove a point are not correct. Sorry but I'll listen to the scientists with years of knowledge and studying on the subject, not someone who is blowing off hot steam to get rich off of this scheme of his.
Oh yes! Make sure your have on your top hot, too!
;-) LOL!!
make too much?? I'm an MT!
Not likely I make too much as I am an MT!! Don't know any MTs in the $250K bracket, do you? If you do, I want to work where they do!!
So that would make
baby killers extremists. Glad you cleared that up. ;-)
This make me so angry!
As Karl Rove himself said, Wilson's wife was "fair game."
I've said before that it's not only Valerie Plame who he endangered, but everyone who has worked with her during her work with WMDs. We're in the middle of a WAR, but this "good ol' boy" administration doesn't care what they do or don't do in that respect. They don't care whose lives they endanger. They don't THANK these people for their service and for putting their lives in danger to try to make this country a better place. No, instead they see a man who has dared to disagree with King George, and they target his wife for potential danger, to get even with her husband for disagreeing with Almighty George Dumbya Bush. They act like a redneck version of the Mafia. The CIA deserve more respect than this administration gives it, but this administration doesn't think much of respect. Bush blatantly doesn't care who in the world respects us, and he offers no respect to anyone else in this world. He is perfect, and he makes no mistakes, and if you don't believe me, just ask him or one of his aids or one of his flunkies on this board. They'll all tell you how perfect he is.
I've seen Larry Johnson on different programs, and the views he expressed in this letter absolutely reflect what he said on TV. How in the world could any CIA source trust the CIA to protect his or her identity when the president of this country makes it clear that everything is "fair" in this good ol' boy Mafia-type game played in Washington.
Rove definitely should have his security clearance yanked. He clearly doesn't deserve it. Neither does Bush.
They don't make threats. SM
What's wrong with having guns? They aren't wave them around. They are proudly displaying them. I guess it's more of a man thing. We have lots of guns but I am not really into them. I don't care if someone else is though. And that has nothing to do with war. This is a typical liberal response to someone upholding their rights under the Constitution. Silence the dissenters, take away the guns, remove all Christian religion from sight. It's pretty obvious by your post that is what is going on with you. It's called ignorance.
Yes, anything to make an
No pun intended to reality check, but yes anything can turn into an argument. Yep.
There is NO CONTEXT that can make it better.
You all keep saying taken out of context but you don't offer one iota of evidence to show this makes a bit a difference, or say why. Anytime someone is quoted the words are taken out of context.
Why don't you put your point on the line and explain why it makes a difference in this case?
Make that "staged"..nm
I don't care either way. Don't try and make this something it isn't. nm
I didn't make fun of anyone.
This issue is not funny. It could be deadly for us all. There are certain Christians who will defend Israel no matter what Israel does. I think a legitimate question is why. Jewish people obviously do not accept Jesus Christ as their savior. So why do some Christians have such undying loyalty to these people? Is it because they truly put them on a pedestal (again, if so, why?), or is it because of the real estate inhabited by Israel, which just happens to contain the holiest of cities? Or is it because the Bible says they must not turn their back on Israel or they won't get into heaven? Some of them are very excited about the prospect of the Rapture. Coincidentally, these people also represent Bush's base. Do they believe the Jews are worthy of heaven only if they convert to a certain form of Christianity? And what happened to Pat Robertson's theme park plans in Israel, and why did it happen? How does Jerry Fallwell feel about Jews' entrance into heaven? And can't anyone else see how this could be interpreted as the Jewish religion being inferior to the views of certain Christians?
I personally feel the Jews are entitled to gain entrance to heaven as much as anyone else of any other religion is. Why don't you?
These people don't represent all Christians, as Starcat pointed out in this thread. I can't help but find it fascinating that when either Israel or the concept of loyalty to Israel is brought up, a nerve is struck, and attacks against posters asking the questions ensue, without any answers ever being provided to the questions that were asked.
This is not a religious forum, and religious comments really shouldn't be posted here. Unfortunately, we have a President who has mixed religion and politics so intrinsically during his administration that they can't be separated now.
I have full respect for anyone's religious beliefs, and what they believe is none of my business, but if the entire world is about to end because its end was assisted by those of a certain religion to self-fulfill a prophecy they and the American President believe, then it becomes my business, as well as the business of every person in the world who may be harmed as a result of the religious beliefs of some - not all or even the majority in the world.
I apologize if you feel I made fun of anyone's religion. That was not my goal. I admit that sometimes my words don't come out right and what are questions may seem like confrontations. I apologize for that.
doesn't make me look bad
Just had one comment to make...
I agree that we should have stuck with Bin Laden until we caught him, but here is the thing. Bin Laden isn't doing the fighting. He is sending his people to do all the ugly work while he hides and is well protected. The only way for us to win the war on terrorism is if the people in these countries fight themselves against the terrorists. If they stand up and say....I've had will be a lot harder for the terrorists to do what they are doing. JMO though. We can't make them stand up to them though and I can't really blame them because I'd be terrified if I were them too, but that is the only way it will stop.
Let me make something clear.
I am African American. I have never seen Africa. The human race originated on the continent of Africa. Now, what do you consider yourself? You can call yourself whatever you want. We want to be known as African American.
Some of us have to make a living.
Got kids. Need to cook and clean and transcribe, balance the checkbook, pay bills, clip coupons and grocery shop, feed the kitties, watch news and fact check to stay informed. Chat room cat fights are low priority for me, especially with posters like yourself and sam, unlike those who stay ready to pounch 24/7.
Can we make her president?!!!
Does ot make him any less hateful.
Still trying to make this about beauty