Did you post this on Gab board: I think I'm going crazy - need some insight (long) - anon..nm
Posted By: .- on 2009-05-27
In Reply to: IS they? n/m - Not Quite
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Part of the original post by Anon.
If memory serves, the poster did advocate looting and was encouraging it.
This is the same poster who goes on Gab board and says crazy things then says it was all 100% lies (
You shouldn't even humor her by answering her. If you look on Gab board you will see what I mean, she is crazy and a troll.
Ya gotta understand the rules. We have to post on this board only. They can post on any board they
I have been on the board a long time. SM
I saw someone on the conservative board being wished to die and burn in hell once. And there were a lot of other really bad things. Just because it isn't on the first page, doesn't mean it is there. The suggestion has been made time and time again, not to go to the board if you can't handle it, and you just keep doing it and then whine about it. What's up with that. I know I am going to get creamed when I come here. Have you ever ONCE heard me whine about it? I don't THINK so. There's the difference. The right is up to here with the left putting the military at risk with their appeasement behavior and we are not feeling like being nice about it. If you can't take it, stay away. It really is as simple as that.
Wow, that was long. I'm not reading it. You don't own the board. sm
You stepped into a conversation with another liberal and myself, where we were logically discussing calling a truce, with your hate-filled screed and oneupsmanship and brought this all on yourself and you just won't admit it. Have a nice day.
We have been saying this on the C board a long time. Agree. NM
Great post, great insight, great analysis, thanks!..nm
I just need to say this...(long post)
Hi Everyone
First let me say I am not trying to start a war here. I just feel the need to say this. I have been following along on this board for awhile, trying to get a sense of politics. I never used to follow them, I always figured the ones with all the money would be the ones who made the decisions, but then I decided if I didn't learn and vote, I had no right to be upset when things didn't go my way.
I guess I would call myself an independent, as I can't align myself 100% with either side.
On the democrats side, I like the idea of change, but I feel that sometimes to much change can also be a bad thing. One extreme to the other I guess. Plus, I have some moral issues there, things I believe in that democrats don't I guess.
On the republicans side, I feel that things may not change enough. But they tend to align with my ideas of morals and what not, so I guess I'm leaning that way.
Really for me I feel like I'm picking the lesser of two evils this election. I don't think Obama and Mccain could be anymore opposite from each other.
Anyways so that's my political views. The second thing I want to talk about is about the constant hate I see towards Christianity. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all psychoreligious here, just want to state my view for what it's worth.
I recently became a Christian about a year ago. I toyed with it on and off during my teenage years, and then decided I didn't need it. I think it was more because I wanted to be "free" and do what I wanted to without obligation, and I knew that I couldn't do that and claim to be a Christian (unfortunately, many Christians do). Another reason was because I observed the hypocrisy of the church and its members. How could these people claim to be followers of Christ while they talked behind each others back, stole, cheated, lied, etc? I couldn't believe it.
Lucky for me I ended up marrying the preacher's son (haha) and yes, they are as bad as they say. He proposed to me in a bar. Every girls dream, right? Anyways, the honeymoon ended pretty quickly and I figured we were headed for a quick divorce. At the time we had been "playing church" to appease his father, but never really cared or paid attention. One night I just lost it and I finally said "Ok God, you've got my attention, what?" Slowly he started to show me things that I needed to work on. and slowly our marriage improved. Today, we work with a youth group at our little church and I love those kids (which is crazy for me, because I really never liked being around kids or small children, they always annoyed me). I'm even thinking I may want one of my own some day! (eek!)
Anyways that's my testimony. I wrote that to say this:
I understand why a lot of people hate us (Christians). The majority of our group can be hypocritical. A lot of us lack the tact that it takes to talk with someone about our faith. A lot of us just want to point fingers and say "you sinner! repent!" and never take the time to get to know the person at all. It seems that a lot of us are just trying to "win souls" and not befriend people. A lot of us think that because we sit on a pew and give money we are doing our job. Others want to get out and tell people about Jesus, but they don't want to do the dirty work it takes to SHOW who Jesus is through their work. It irritates me as much as it irritates you. And I promise there are other Christians who feel the same way. I also promise that there are Christians out there who are sincerely just trying to do the Lord's work, and want to help and be there for you regardless if you come to Christ or not. Do we wish everyone would? Of course. Should we despise or dislike those who don't? No.
I guess what I really want to say in all this is please don't let religion stand in the way of a personal relationship with Jesus. If you feel like there is a hole in your life, maybe He is what you need to fill it. I really believe that everyone feels a bit of emptiness when they don't know Him. I know that's hard to understand if you don't believe in God or Jesus at all. No one can force you to. Some people are going to read this and roll there eyes and call me crazy, and that's fine. But if your someone like me who was sitting on the fence, who felt an empty spot, then why not give Him a chance? I don't think you'll regret it.
I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone, that isn't my purpose here. I just felt like it was something that needed to be said. There has been a lot of back and forth on this board and things get so trivial sometimes.
I wish the best for everyone! I pray that everyone will soon be out of the crunch that most of us seem to be in and things get better for all of us!
Let me try this from a different perspective (long post!)
First off, thank you for your post. Thanks for not bashing.
Second, I HATE IT when you've typed a huge long thing and it gets erased! !!!!
Anyways, I want to come at this from a different angle. From one of very few conservative college students left.
As the campaign and election unfolded, the things I witnessed in this college town and across the nation did not remind me of the last presidential elections.
I watched as signs and Facebook statuses said "Barack the vote!" or "The White House is going to be painted BLACK B*T*HS!" or "My president is BLACK!!"
Very mature.
I watched as shirts were being sold that had a giant "O" on them resembling the "S" for Superman.
I watched as bars promoted "FREE SHOTS FOR EVERY STATE THAT GOES BLUE!" like they do for everytime UGA scores a touchdown.
I watched people who in 40 or 50 years have never once voted, but now go and register to vote for O. And I am not denying the historical significance of him running or being elected. But the simple fact is that there were quite a few black people who went out and registered to vote for him, not caring about what he stood for. There were also white people who went out and registered to vote so they could vote against him, but I do not believe the numbers were equal.
I decided to pull a Howard Stern yesterday in talking to one of my friends. I said "I'm so glad Obama is a Pro-lifer!" Her answer? "I know, isn't he great?!" ......?!?!?
This is my problem. Obama has been presented as a ROCK STAR, not a presidential candidate. Girls are swooning over his good looks. He threw a 2 million (probably more than that by now) Obamapalooza Tuesday night. The reaction to him is like one you might see if a college found out Green Day or 50 cent was going to come perform for them.
Everyone is so excited that the 18-24 year olds are finally getting out and voting and that we had record turnouts. Nevermind they don't have a clue what for. Nevermind that they probably voted Obama and then just randomly picked all the other names on the ballot. Nevermind that they didn't research the issues, or think past their four years in college.
If someone voted for Obama with understanding of what he was for and what his plans were, that is fine. I have no beef with that. That is what makes our nation so great. My problem is that the majority of NEW voters don't seem to have a clue. I watch on Facebook as classmates plaster pictures of Obama looking hot on the cover of Ebony. Or write I heart Obama! All over their cars.
This election just did not seem dignified to me. I really don't care that Mccain lost. He wasn't my No. 1 choice. What I do care about is that the majority of people voted on a Rock Star, not a President.
I know that we can't have quizzes or what not before voting because it would be similar to the Jim Crow laws, but their needs to be something. People shouldn't just be allowed to blindly vote for the highest office in our country.
Again, I'm not saying that everyone did. If you knew what Obama/Biden stood for when you cast your vote for him, that's fine, unless you just say "he stands for change!".
Look, I hope I have to eat crow for the next four years. I hope he turns out to be the greatest bipartisan president I have ever seen and he just makes this country into an amazing place. But it's going to take an act of God for that to happen I believe. There will be a great uniting of liberals and left leaners, I am sure. But I feel like us conservatives who hold to tradition and God are going to become few and far between. There is already a shortage of true Christians in this nation. THAT'S what I fear. I fear the fact that talking against a group or religion is a hate crime, unless it's against Christianity. I fear the fact that I'm going to try to be forced to accept what is against my beliefs. I fear that in an effort to "unite" this country, we are going to be expected to compromise on our beliefs.
Like I said, I hope I am wrong. I hope that Obama turns out to be an amazing guy and puts this country on the right track. But there is a reason for a left and a right. We who lean right shouldn't be expected to go left, and vice versa. But as the president, he is representing ALL PEOPLE, and therefore needs to stay right in the middle.
I would like to see him elect some strong conservatives to his cabinet to balance out some of the strong liberals. I would like to see him elect supreme court justices that balance each other. These actions would cause me to give him some trust.
I will say this. This young conservative will be keeping a watch. And she will be writing him and anyone else she needs to when she feels that things are going to far to one side. Right or left.
From this point forward starts a blank page. Like I said before, He has a 0 with me right now. With the pick of Emanuel, he's leaning to the negative, but if he balances it out with a conservative pick, we'll be good.
As long as the posting is not personal, they are allowed to post here. sm
If you have a problem with that, that is your problem. I have been watching these boards closely. I have seen some posts come pretty close to personal insults, but as long as they don't, and the Administrator's rules, which were posted earlier, are not broken, cross-posting is allowed.
Excellent post - best I've seen in a long time
Thanks for posting. I really wish more people would think like this. I just want someone qualified who will do what is best for the people of the country. It's just not happening and hasn't been for some time. Forget the name calling and who started it. All I know is it's broken and needs to be fixed and this is an excellent way to fix it.
Zero insight. Zero. nm
You have absolutely NO insight at all. nm
Now there's a truckload of insight.
Hey Anon!
LOL. I was greeted by helloinfidels, with the following, most of which I can copy and paste below! Cracked me up because I have no clue how this person pegged me as a conservitive. (For a brief second, I thought I was back here!) I like Maher's site much better than here. There's more to read, and some of the conservatives are nicer in their approach, they don't stalk and attack, and I find I can learn a lot from people who present ideas in an intelligent way. What's your handle there, and where do you hang out the most? I'll be looking for you. 
Welcome fellow conservitive. Let me just fill you in on a couple of rules to follow on this message board. Make sure you support the president and speak kindly about america. We on this message board do not accept any negative liberal talk! I know i can speak for all people on this message board when i say that all liberals can go and f*** themselves!
Another GREAT thing they have there that they SHOULD have here: An IGNORE button!!!!
Sorry, anon....
I used the first person, and I should not have. Old habits die hard. I did not mean to personalize the comments directly at you. Wrong, wrong...sorry. :(
A little insight on Pres. Bush
I work in a very high profile media department, and part of my job is transcription of raw interviews. I have transcribed several transcripts of raw interview footage with Pres. Bush, and he is the most respectful, gracious, down-to-earth person behind the scenes you can imagine. It's not that fakey type of schmooze either. You can tell he's genuine. When there is a break in the interview process he's asking the crew about their families etc. He has a very kind heart.
Now, with that said I don't agree one hundred percent with all his policies. Some of the the things he has been for I have been totally against...amnesty for illegals is one of them.
I do not have one problem with people disagreeing with his policies but to personally say he's a bad person, compare him with Hitler and other evil people is not only beyond the pale it's just plain not true. I have also transcribed interviews of several members of the Bush family, and they are all warm loving people.
I could mention some people who are not gracious, but I'm not here to smear anyone's character on the basis of my professional knowledge, but I do feel I need to defend a person who is so unjustly character assassinated on a daily basis.
President Bush has very unfairly been painted to be evil by the media and the extreme left in this country. Again, nobody is forced to like him, but to say he's a bad evil person is just not right or factual, and I, for one will defend him on his character.
Dear Anon. SM
This site is no more being hijacked than the conservative board was some time back. Most of us have stayed on one board or the other. sm has offered to stay on the conservative board from now on, but was told she need not. Which is it, pray tell? As for me, I post here rarely and usually in respons to something quite specific. After this post, I will not venture here again. I do indeed hope this makes you all happy.
Anon's version is better.
Interesting Insight into Talk Radio
I confess I am fascinated by the inner workings of the things that influence public opinion, be it media, politics, or religion. I found this article fascinating.
Hi anon....just a couple of thoughts....
right or wrong, there are more people in this country who do not consider themselves "citizens of the world," having never been outside our borders and have no desire to do so. That does not make them bad or wrong. And they have a mistrust of someone who says he is a citizen of the world who is married to a woman who was never proud of the US in her adult life until her husband ran for President. That does not make them bad people either. That is just the way they feel. I am one of those people. I have never traveled outside the US and have no desire to. I do not call myself a citizen of the world. If you want to, if anyone wants to, that is fine by me. However, if someone is running for President of the United States, to lead our country, I personally...and again, a personal feeling of my own, feel that he should be here in this country, talking to Americans about what he wants to do for this country, here. There is plenty of time, if and when he gets the job, to go abroad and talk to the other leaders, as Presidents have done before him. I think it smacks of a little arrogance that he chose to do this, but again...that is MY perception. And the fact that one of his senior advisors said to the press corp on the plane on this trip in a briefing"When the President of the United States goes..." and had to be reminded that Obama did not have the job yet...well, kinda sealed it for me. I just don't trust the man. I don't think he has this country's best interests at heart...because he and I disagree about what that is.
I whole-heartedly agree about the campaign managers. Y'know, anon, I just wish we could have a debate where we inject both of them with truth serum before they start, and gag all their advisors until all questions had been answered, and let regular folks like us ask the questions. Only THEN will we know the truth. LOL. Have a great day!
Anon, you are SO totally wrong in what you said.
There is a simple answer to that, anon....
again, when you think something has been distorted or made up, say so. I for one, when I am proven wrong on something I have posted as fact and not opinion, I have apologized and owned up to it. I am assuming I am one of the ones you are talking about, so please...if I post something as fact (not opinion) and you prove to me it is distroted or made up, I will certainly own up to it. Thanks.
Why do you post on the C board?
dont post on your board
I do not post on the conservative board..Never have, never will. I truly think separate boards is a good idea. Didnt at first but seeing how no logical debating goes on, just relentless attacks, what is the use. I just wish the conservatives would stay on their board or at least try to be reasonable when visiting another political board.
The post belongs on this board because...
Many Republicans on this board, including one in particular who shall remain nameless, continually accuse Barack Obama and the democrats of being socialist and possibly communist for supporting social programs to help our fellow Americans in need. Oldtimer is responding to those ridiculous accusations by posing the question about Jesus and socialism.
This is by far the dumbest post on this board.
Why don't you just post on the Comedy Board?...nm
You have about as much insight into the conservative party as you have into your severe anger issues
and not a clue how to do anything about either one. Sad.
Last post to you. You can't even stop trolling on your own board. SM
F-O-L-L-O-W T-H-E T-H-R-E-A-D. I know it is really hard, that concept, but just try. Come on. You can do it. I know you can.
I feel the need to answer on this board regarding this post. SM
You could not possibly have done an in depth research of the Protest Warriors. They are no more pro war than God is. They do believe in the right to bear arms, part of our Constitution, by the way. I know how deeply offended you must be by seeing pictures of those who own guns defying your agenda to take them away from them, despite what the Constitution says. They are pro-Israel and believe, as I do, in the Israeli state. They are Jewish. I am not. While doing your selective in-depth review of their web site, did you happen to view any of the videos. Two? Even one? I am thinking you probably didn't. Protest Warriors expose the left for what they have become. Shrill, violent apologists for terrorists. Anti-American shills for the very people who want us dead. If you viewed the videos, you would know that. But you don't want to know that I am sure. Please stop speaking about something you obviously know nothing about. I am the member you spoke about. I don't know anyone else who posts on the boards who has admitted to being a member.
post your view on the conservative board
I think your views should also be posted on the conservative board. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander..Lets call an all out truce between the conservative posters and liberal posters, then I will agree..however, anyone reading these posts will realize the conservatives time and time again have been the attack dog and the liberals have tried to defend their own.
If you are a conservative, go to that board and post. Do not stir the pot here.
The same is true of liberals. Don't stir up the pot over on the conservatives board it causes entirely too much ugliness and hate. If you don't like it, I would suggest you find a politics forum that is a free for all mudslinging, unmoderated venue..
Conservatives, please post on conservative board. Thank you. nm
Conservatives, please post on the Conservative board. Thank you. nm
Post it on the con board. I'll read it. nm
Conservatives, please post on conservative board. nm
Conservatives, please post on the conservative board. nm
Loved your post farther down on the board...
....the post about religions, etc. It's what I'd been thinking but much more eloquent and better researched.
You make that judgment from one post on a board....
are we then to assume, because of Bill Clinton's antics, that all democrats are morally bankrupt?
Interesting post regarding US Citizenship on another board...
Not true at all, even if your parent is a us citizen, if you are born in another country, you are a us citizen, but you are forever disqualified from running for president. This does not apply to military bases and diplomats. That is the law. My boss happens to have been born in canada to us citizens working there at the time. Took him 3 years to be able to get a passport to leave the us on vacation and yes they notified him he could never run for president. That is the difference between being a us citizen and a naturalized us citizen.
I believe it is also the same for anyone whom has ever claimed citizenship outside of the us, once you claim citizenship anywhere else, you are disqualified from running for president.
I see that no liberal on this board was outraged by your post...sm
Did you also see in the news about the walls outside of congressional offices, new furniture being thrown out, as well as files and files of personal info?
Where is the outrage about this? I could only find it on Fox, so obviously the liberal media could care less.
I guess this has been going on for some time, but still....it really makes me mad....
....just like the fact that they voted themselves raises and are hoping no one would notice........
what's with the "Editscript Proofer Job" post on the job board?
This is obviously a foreign MT looking for a job? Anybody else notice it yet?
Great post. The posts on this board indeed COULD
lack of tolerance.
Please point out one post on this board where a poster agreed with
as you claim, "examining the adoption records of Roberts, casting aspersions that his 4-year-old son is gay, that HE is gay (Roberts) because he didn't marry until he was 40."
Please. Just one poster who said on this board that they agree with that.
You've proven that you're not here to debate. You're here to keep the fighting going. You were asked by Democrat to introduce a topic to debate. But you're too obsessed on trashing liberal posters. That's the only topic you've ever mentioned on this board 100 PERCENT OF THE TIME. Look at your posts. They're still here. That's the total extent of them, whining and complaining about the posts of liberals. There isn't ONE post on this board from you regarding an ISSUE.
There is a post on the conservative board. I would be happy to find more if you like. NM
Oh, and it's cool, the Bush is Jesus post on the C board. SM
Yeah, typical libs.
And since you post regularly on the Conservative board, you are not a pro-choicer. nm
Post a link for verification please. Against board rule to
Post a link for verification please. Against board rule to
Intolerance goes both ways, and your post should be directed to all on this board....sm
not just the conservatives.
In fact, you yourself, have posted to the extreme pro-Obama, if I'm not mistaken. (unless I'm thinking of someone with a similar name, if so, a thousand pardons).
Depending on which day you come, either side of the political agenda has their say and sway, way to the extreme.
Some of us tend to be in the middle, sometimes more to the right, sometimes more to the left.
Myself, these days, I'm sick and tired of McCain, and still can't stand Obama.
But you and anybody else are free to have your say.
Just don't attempt to say it's all one-sided, because it's not. And if you were fair, it's usually one-sided in favor of Obama, not McCain.
I, personally, am sick of politics in general, all ways around, with no good candidate, really, on either side of the spectrum.