McCain campaign’s last minute distortion of Obama’s coal record an act of desperation
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:
“Sen. John McCain and his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, have once again demonstrated that they are willing to say anything and do anything to win this election. Their latest twisting of the truth is about coal and some comments Sen. Obama made last January about the future use of coal in America.
“Here is what the McCain campaign left out of Sen. Obama’s actual words: ‘But this notion of no coal, I think, is an illusion. Because the fact of the matter is, is that right now we are getting a lot of our energy from coal. And China is building a coal-powered plant once a week. So what we have to do then is figure out how can we use coal without emitting greenhouse gases and carbon. And how can we sequester that carbon and capture it.’
“Sen. Obama has been consistent with that message not just in the coalfields, but everywhere else he goes as well. Despite what the McCain campaign and some far right-wing blogs would have Americans believe, Sen. Obama has been and remains a tremendous supporter of coal and the future of coal.
“I noted that Sen. McCain even went so far yesterday as to say he has always been a supporter of coal. I wonder, then, how he can justify his statement at a Senate hearing in 2000 that, ‘In a perfect world we would like to transition away from coal entirely,’ and his leading role in sponsoring legislation in 2003 that would have wiped out 78 percent of all coal production in America?
“Fortunately, UMWA members, their families and their friends and neighbors in the coalfields know all too well what is going on here. They’re not going to fall for it, and we urge others throughout America who care about coal to review what the candidates’ records on coal actually are. We are confident that once they do, and once they see the many other benefits to working families of voting for Sen. Obama, they will make the right choice for themselves and their families
Did you bother to read the part that said....
The Bush Administration admits there could be no oil production in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge until 2018 and production would not peak until 2027. [U.S. Department of Energy]
Excuse me. Did you bother to read the articles and
In every single reference I provided for you, the phrase "OFFICE of the President Elect" 1969, 1989, 2000 as well as in the language of the Act. Don't care what your fringe sites say....especially Malkin. Wouldn't be the first time they invented phoney outrage over fairy tales they spin, and it won't be the last. Read the language of the ACT that created the OFFICE of the President Elect, then the articles I provided, and you might see what I mean....or NOT. You seem to have an affinity for make-believe.
BTW, I know my history, but I believe you were trying to ask me specifically about civics. The electoral college makes the election official. However, it has always been customary to refer to the successful candidate on the Nov 4 election as the President Elect. The media is not the driving force behind this...tradition is.
I didn't bother to read your post....
I couldn't get past your heading "staying on the subject" .... the only "subject" is you..... Obama's "subject". You probably don't get that either! LOL
don;t bother to read -standard Faux creed
thats an endorsement
It is that deeply corrupt and the only thing they can come up on Obama is a dinner party at Ayers house as proof of wrong-doing? Good point. Has Ayres menaced, threatened or injured your sister in anyway?
This endorsement happened this morning....
She formally announced she is supporting McCain and will campaign for him.
thank you for the ringing endorsement for freedom of speech....
yet another reason why I would never vote for a Democrat.
It appears that Roberts involvement in the case was not an endorsement per se. SM Return to regular view
Roberts Helped Group on Gay Rights
- By JON SARCHE, Associated Press Writer
Friday, August 5, 2005
(08-05) 19:27 PDT DENVER (AP) --
A decade ago, John Roberts played a valuable role helping attorneys overturn a Colorado referendum that would have allowed discrimination against gays — free assistance the Supreme Court nominee didn't mention in a questionnaire he filled out for the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The revelation didn't appear to dent his popularity among conservative groups nor quell some of the opposition of liberal groups fearful he could help overturn landmark decisions such as Roe v. Wade, which guarantees a right to an abortion.
An attorney who worked with Roberts cautioned against making guesses about his personal views based on his involvement in the Colorado case, which gay rights advocates consider one of their most important legal victories.
"It may be that John and others didn't see this case as a gay-rights case," said Walter Smith, who was in charge of pro bono work at Roberts' former Washington law firm, Hogan & Hartson.
Smith said Roberts may instead have viewed the case as a broader question of whether the constitutional guarantee of equal protection prohibited singling out a particular group of people that wouldn't be protected by an anti-discrimination law.
"I don't think this gives you any clear answers, but I think it's a factor people can and should look at to figure out what this guy is made of and what kind of Supreme Court justice he would make," Smith said.
On Friday, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released two memos by Roberts when he was as an assistant counsel in the Reagan White House. In one, Roberts argued that President Reagan should not interfere in a Kentucky case involving the display of tributes to God in schools.
In the other, Roberts writes that Reagan shouldn't grant presidential pardons to bombers of abortion clinics. "The president unequivocally condemns such acts of violence," he wrote in a draft reply to a lawmaker seeking Reagan's position. "No matter how lofty or sincerely held the goal, those who resort to violence to achieve it are criminals."
Meanwhile, the Justice Department denied a request by Judiciary Committee Democrats for Roberts' writings on 16 cases he handled when he was principal deputy solicitor general during President George H.W. Bush's administration. The department also declined to provide the materials, other than those already publicly available, to The Associated Press and other organizations that sought them under the Freedom of Information Act.
"We cannot provide to the committee documents disclosing the confidential legal advice and internal deliberations of the attorneys advising the solicitor general," assistant Attorney General William E. Moschella wrote Friday to the eight committee Democrats.
Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the panel's senior Democrat, said Roberts made decisions whether to pursue legal appeals in more than 700 cases. "The decision to keep these documents under cover is disappointing," Leahy said.
The gay rights case involved Amendment 2, a constitutional amendment approved by Colorado voters in 1992 that would have barred laws, ordinances or regulations protecting gays from discrimination by landlords, employers or public agencies such as school districts.
Gay rights groups sued, and the measure was declared unconstitutional in a 6-3 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1996.
Roberts' role in the case, disclosed this week by the Los Angeles Times, included helping develop a strategy and firing tough questions during a mock court session at Jean Dubofsky, a former Colorado Supreme Court justice who argued the case on behalf of the gay rights plaintiffs.
Dubofsky, who did not return calls Friday, said Roberts helped develop the strategy that the law violated the equal protection clause in the Constitution — and prepared her for tough questions from conservative members of the court. She recalled how Justice Antonin Scalia asked for specific legal citations.
"I had it right there at my fingertips," she told the Times. "Roberts was just terrifically helpful in meeting with me and spending some time on the issue. He seemed to be very fair-minded and very astute."
Dubofsky had never argued before the Supreme Court. Smith said she called his firm and asked specifically for help from Roberts, who argued 39 cases before the court before he was confirmed as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., in 2003.
Smith said any lawyer at Hogan & Hartson would have had the right to decline to work on any case for moral, religious or other reasons.
"If John had felt that way about this case, given that he is a brilliant lawyer, he would have just said, `This isn't my cup of tea' and I would have said, `Fine, we'll look for something else that would suit you,'" Smith said.
The Lambda Legal Defense Fund, which helped move the case through the state and federal courts, said Roberts' involvement raised more questions about him than it answered because of his "much more extensive advocacy of positions that we oppose," executive director Kevin Cathcart said.
"This is one more piece that will be added to the puzzle in the vetting of John Roberts' nomination," Cathcart said.
The Rev. Lou Sheldon, founder of the Traditional Values Coalition, said his support for Roberts' nomination has not diminished. "He wasn't the lead lawyer. They only asked him to play a part where he would be Scalia in a mock trial," Sheldon said.
Focus on the Family Action, the political arm of the Colorado Springs-based conservative Christian ministry Focus on the Family, said Roberts' involvement was "certainly not welcome news to those of us who advocate for traditional values," but did not prompt new concerns about his nomination, which the group supports.
"That's what lawyers do — represent their firm's clients, whether they agree with what those clients stand for or not," the group said in a statement.
I agree, but - he got an endorsement from an evangelist but he didn't attend the church for 20 ye
McCain did get an endorsement from a radical evangelist, but I don't think it involved racism or hate, he is just sort of "out there." However, McCain did not attend his church(was it Hagee, not sure), just got an endorsement from him. That is a huge difference from attending the church for 20 years under him.
Simply put... sm
The 1st amendment protects the speech you don't want to hear, not just the speech you want to hear.
You don't want to hear my dissenting opinion, but thank you, U.S. forefathers and subsequent soldiers, for protecting my right to say it to you.
I don't want to hear YOUR holier-than-thou bible thumping rants, but you have every right to say it to me, and I'm not going to tell you that you can't.
Who says I don't care... I am simply saying
that the rich are not evil, which you seem to paint them as. In fact, a lot of philanthropy comes from the rich. College scholarships, donations, etc. We are not all the same and we cannot all be the same and we never will be the same. How about instead of pity for those less fortunate, let's encourage them to be self-sufficient? This is the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY and there will always be a segment of society who will not pull themselves up in spite of all the opportunities available. I can't spend a lot of time worrying about that because it futile.
Well perhaps we are simply misunderstood
like this:
We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job. That's what I'm telling you. —George W. Bush, Gulfport, Miss., Sept. 20, 2005
Wow! Brazil is big. —George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil,
If it were to rain a lot, there is concern from the Army Corps of Engineers that the levees might break. And so, therefore, we're cautious about encouraging people to return at this moment of history. —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2005
The relations with, uhh — Europe are important relations, and they've, uhh — because, we do share values. And, they're universal values, they're not American values or, you know — European values, they're universal values. And those values — uhh — being universal, ought to be applied everywhere. —George W. Bush, at a press conference with European Union dignitaries, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005
I can only speak to myself. —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005
It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way. —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005
After all, Europe is America's closest ally. —George W. Bush, Mainz, Germany, Feb. 23, 2005
I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God. —George W. Bush, ABC's 20/20, Washington D.C., Jan. 14, 2005
I want to appreciate those of you who wear our nation's uniform for your sacrifice. —George W. Bush, Jacksonville, Fla.
See, that's the simply cannot allow
That's one of many things that make this kind of stupidity forum domination. Grownups back off and let their children throw tantrums sometimes. Go ahead. Let her rip. I'm outta here for now, but not for long.
I am simply saying that I think it is funny
that they listed that as a point for her foreign experience. Yes, I saw the first one and it should be listed. I just don't have a clue why they would list that as a point for it. Though, it is clearly a Republican or anti-Obama site so it would, just as the Democrat, anti-Republican sites would do something equally as ridiculous.
I also try to not bash either side, unless I am provoked
. I do think you can oppose one side and keep it level-headed. When people start completely bashing and name-calling, etc., it kind of throws all credibility out the window for me.
Like I said, pubs simply do not
Why would you post this, other than to simply
you are simply wrong.
Posting over and over and over does not make something true. Case in point - Iran was involved in the 911 attack. It has been 7 years, and SP is still saying that lie.
We don't HATE, like the right does. We simply
And he could easily do that simply by....(sm)
upholding G. W. Bush's patriot act. Go figure.
Don't bother
I won't be back to read it.
I hope you will see what is truly going on in your viewing this morning. I hope you will also see all the good Americans who are walking around the astrodome giving out water and supplies. I hope you see that the Southern Baptists and Samaritan's Purse and other groups are setting up kitchens, mobile showers, and counseling stations. I hope that you see how the gangs, rapists and murders are making this difficult on everyone. I hope you can get your index finger out of the pointing position and roll up your sleeves with the rest of good Americans are doing and do what you can do. There will be time to dissect this all later as far as whole failed who etc., but that is after all these people are taking care of. I agree that government has been slow in acting for reasons I'm yet to understand, but I also know that we don't need the government to take care of these people. If we all pitch in and sacrifice these people will get the leg up they need to start putting their lives together.
Why bother?
I used to enjoy these boards and the differing viewpoints, but I think people are starting to show their true colors. Enjoy yourselves. However, I hope those that read here do their own research using unbiased sources and make up their own minds and don't just take anything here as fact without doing so.
oh don't bother....
...I'll just answer my own question. It's because you're one of the dems on this board....*sigh*
Let me also just save you the trouble and call myself a couple dozen names in the process.
There. Now you feel better, don't you?
why bother?
Sam, surely you know that these libs have nothing but empty emotion in their replies. They're mad that Hillary wasn't chosen (but so are we!), mad this, mad that, just bitter people who do exactly as the drive-bys do.
They won't debate you openly and fairly because they can't. If they bring forth something worth discussing I'll reply. These people aren't acting like adults.
While I applaud your initial efforts, I have to wonder why you continue the abuse. They don't absorb what you say. All they do is just hurl something back at you. And why? Because Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder.
Why stoop to that level?
Does this not bother anyone?
I mean if this wasn't talking about a presidential candidate, would this bother you who support Obama? I want an honest answer, not "oh this is just a scare tactic" "they are mingling his words" tell me the truth - do you feel that what they were doing in Illinois was okay? And do you think Obama was right in what he said?
This isn't a presidential issue, this is a humanity issue. If anyone besides Obama said that, what would you think of them?
You know what Sam? Don't bother
They are so blinded by the light that shines from Obama that they are willing to follow anything he says. There's no reasoning. Next he'll be saying "lets kill any of the disfigured or mentally disabled people in this nation so we don't have to care for them" and they'll all say "WE UNDERSTAND!"
Understanding the killing of infants, my God what has this nation become?
You seem to know everything, why should I bother...
you really don't care what I think anyway.
I won't even bother to ask why you see those to
I'm not going to bother
doing the research but didn't Barrack Obama and John McCain actually work together on some bill or other?
Wow, it really DOES bother you!
Please don't bother....
I simply prefer not to post here. SM
I have a hectic and stressful enough life as it is, as many MTs do. I don't know anything about the other issue. I use to go to MTDaily and there was always trouble there with the ISP thing and their own prejudice. So I don't go there anymore. I suggest that might be an option for you if you feel the way you do.
Murtha simply wants it investigated, one way or the
Although I doubt the soldiers have corrupt intent *if* there is any merit in the claims.
I was simply imitating your posts...
I guess you don't like to be on the receiving end.
I'm not assuming you are white. I simply
meant put yourself in the role that she was in, a minority in college. You are right though, I assumed that you weren't a minority for that scenario and I apologize. And, I didn't mention anywhere in my post about Wright, I was simply referring to her as a college student and the fact that I did not think her thesis was racist.
I dont see it that way at all. Obama simply cant be
This is simply a matter of color.
This man has gotten off the hook answering the tough questions because everyone is trying to be so PC; we don't want to upset the black man or the black community. WHo cares? He's running for President. If being black keeps him from answering the hard questions, why the heck do I want him running my country.
Racism is alive and well in this country.
Simply curious about the motive.
I WANT to respect Obama, but I cant simply
I accused nobody of anything. I simply stated that
a triple digit IQ, i.e., intelligence quotient, as in intelligent leadership, would be good for the country for a change, the implication being we have not had that until now. If it speaks stupid, thinks stupid, looks stupid and acts stupid, chances are it is, well, stupid.
I do not spend any time on sites that speculate about widely varying IQ scores for either party's candidates, since that type of data can only produce subjective conclusions. I also do not pursue illogical arguments that in one breath give Obama's SAT/LSAT scores and in the next, accuse him of hiding that information. For me, SAT scores and IQ are 2 mutually exclusive concepts unless and until someone can produce a resource that can convince me otherwise.
I made a simple statement in response to Bushisms which any self-respecting American would find embarrassing and not worthy of the highest office in the land. That statement was construed as some sort of accusation in a reply from somebody who felt the need to defend Bush. I answered that by further discussion of Bush's stupidity, not his IQ. I was not focused on the number, rather the lack of intelligence.
Therefore, I feel no need to defend my position nor excuse myself for not conducting exhaustive research in defense of somebody else's ideas and number hang-ups.
I want smart leadership. Sue me.
Simply not true... FOXISM nm
Where did I state that? I simply stated
You've really got a bee in your bonnet today, don't you?
It's simply that I take nothing from this source at face value.
I know some of the other side of issues that MM has addressed, I know what he does to produce some of the "effects" he creates, and I refuse to be sucked in by anything he does, most of which is deceitful.
Get a room? Something on my nose? Simply
because I was polite to someone, chose to give one of the "nice" ones the benefit of the doubt while finding posts like yours uninformative, childish and a pure waste of keystrokes?
I agree, given the never-ending bitterness and hatefulness you have, it will all come back to bite you in the butt some day. One usually gets back what they give.
Again, this just really doesn't bother me.
Having lived all over the world, I consider myself lucky to be here. I don't see this as a big deal. But then, that's me.
I agree. I try not to let it bother me,
I live in a town with a military base, and sending my friends and neighbors to Iraq unequipped and unprepared is THAT BAD. He has blood on his hands, and Hilary voted for the war too, so no, I am NOT voting for her either. Blood for oil is un-Christian, un-American, and unacceptable!!!
Does this bother you about Palin?
The first time she applied for a passport was in 2007.
yeah, don't bother
Anyone who doesn't agree with your beliefs is blinded, cult-like, blah, blah, blah.
Do you even bother to get your head out of your
Shoo fly, don't bother me!! Why would
If you aren't going to bother
to look for the information to back that up then why bother bringing it up?