Posted By: change on 2008-11-03
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Obama, if elected the next President of the US, will change how other peoples look at the Americans: He will restore respect and admiration for the American people that was lost during these last 8 years. And the world will see that the American people do not discriminate (at least not the Democrats).
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go democrats..go
Are they? Where I live I go house to house to get people to sign up as democrats and frankly many are signing on as democrats and I hear anger and distrust and concern about Bush and his policies..So, dont know where you are from but I see the actual opposite..I also see many minorities, Blacks and Latinos signing on to the democratic party. From your posts, IMHO you are a republican plant and so your posts mean nothing to me. You are either a couch political potato who never goes out there and works the grass roots or you are a republican trying to put seeds of discontent in the democratic party. Gotta tell ya, the democratic party is doing just fine and each time bush screws up, which has been many over the past five years, the democrats do even better..Yeehaww!!
...and I sure DO NOT appreciate union busters. This country has gone beyond "dog eat dog." Bush wanted to spend $$$$ for research on Mars?! I'm all for new discoveries and learning new things, but come on...let's do ALL that we can for the problems here on earth and her inhabitants first.
The democrats did not cause
this mess. And it was not caused by the people who were extended credit. Here is part of what caused it:
Banks issued subprime mortgages to people at a rate they could initially afford but which would increase to an inflated rate after a period of time. Those banks then immediately sold those mortgages at the inflated rates to other banks. These adjustable rate loans were misrepresented to a lot of homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers. A lot of them didn�t realize, for example, they could not refinance for a period of time without huge penalties. Then the market started to decline and many of those homeowners found themselves upside down on their loans and could not refinance. Their interest rates had ballooned to rates they could no longer afford. The banks who were sold the loans at inflated prices could not afford to lower the rates for the homebuyers because they had bought the loans based on the inflated interest rates and would lose money if they did. People lost their homes and the banks lost the amount of the loans they had bought. But the banks (and the CEOs) that initiated those loans walked away with a great deal of money.
It was because of greed. And the deregulation that the republicans have passed over the years allowed it to happen.
Here are some other facts:
Since 1960 the nation's deficit has risen during every republican administration and dropped during every democratic administration.
The standard of living and income has improved for everyone in the country during every democratic administration since 1960, EVEN for the top 1% of the country. It has gotten worse for everyone in the country during every republican administration EXCEPT the top 1%.
Please tell me how you think the
contributed to the economy diving in the last 2 years. Specifics please. The economy takes way longer than that to do anything. No economic bills have been passed. The last 8 years of the Bush presidency has put us into the tank. Stop parroting the party line. Lets be honest here. John McCain offers nothing better.
Yes, well, those would be democrats as well
Can't think of anything that would help democrats more
Skip the landslide. It would be an avalanche.
Obviously so do Democrats. nm
Like the democrats
don't do the same thing. When are people going to realize that both parties are just as crooked as the other here? When the dems had control of congress during Bush's presidency, did the dems do anything positive for our economy then. Of course they didn't.....why.....because they would hate to do something good during Bush's presidency because he might get credit for it. This goes both ways and your post is very one sided. We all need to wake up and realize that the only people we can trust is ourselves and stop putting so much faith in either party. Government as a whole has screwed us over and I am sick and tired of putting all the blame on one party. They all had their greedy little hands in the cookie jar and that is the reason we are in the mess we are in.
democrats and
Pace your rage. It has only been 100 days.
LOL, who lies, not democrats
That is what dems say? LOL. I ask you to check out one of the top posts, i.e., Rush and Olbermann..Reality check starts attacking the poster, Olbermann, MSNBC, saying they lie, even though the transcript is on the web, also printed in his article, and on video..yet they are lying right?? and its the dems that always scream that people are lying, right? I thought up a new name for neocons after reading about that Xtian..NOT..Robertson stating Chavez should be eliminated. Neocons are the American Taliban. You are just as bad. If everyone does not think, act, believe, live like you, then they are wrong and lying..You guys are ridiculous..
Amen,sm! I noticed that you used one word in one of your responses that is the tell-tale sign distingishing conservatives from liberals, that word being logic. Liberals have no logic and cannot reason, else why would they support Bill Clinton going to war in Bosnia/Yugoslavia when no attack at all had been made on our country and deploy our troops all over the world for no good reason, then pounce on President Bush who is only engaging us in this war on terror to protect all of us here at home, as well as those of our loved ones who have to travel the world over for companies they work for or those who serve our government in various capacities all over the world? Prior to 911, we had been attacked 19 times by terrorists over a period of 20 years or so and not one single president but Ronald Reagan and finally George W. Bush had the gumption to be a real leader and respond, with very noticeable results I might add. Does anyone remember Moamar Kadafi and how his terrorism stopped after President Reagan took care of him?? Bin Ladin and his terrorist organization had attacked us so many times without any response that he called the United States a paper tiger, believing his dreams of total destruction of our country were an inevitable event. I suppose the liberals prefer having our schools, supermarkets, shopping malls, sports arenas, etc., etc., be the targets for terrorists rather than following the advice of every top military general I can think of (save Wesley Clark who obviously has political ambitions)and fight the terrorists where they are amassed rather than fighting them here. To say that Saddam Hussein had no connection to terrorist organizations is nonsense. He hated us with the same vitreolic hatred Bin Ladin had for us and would have loved nothing better than to see us go down. In addition, he was paying a $25,000 reward for each Israeli killed in a terrorist attack. He was a WMD himself, just as Adolph Hitler was. You don't have to possess WMDs to be a WMD; the result is the same. Immediately after the 9-11 attack, 27 Al Qaeda terrorists were rounded up in the very small community in which I live (makes one wonder how many were in the larger cities and communities), and believe me, I feel a lot better knowing that they, along with their terrorist network, have been put out of commission under President Bush's leadership. As of today, our military has brilliantly performed the task of reducing the entire terorrist organization to about 17,000 in number. Quite a feat!! God bless them all!! I recently heard that a letter from a top terrorist leader was intercepted and stated, We are losing the war. I have much more I could say, but I'll save it for another time as it is getting late.
Psychotic democrats.
Well I guess that is better then a psychotic democrat.
I believe the Democrats will take the House
and pick up seats in the Senate enough to make it very even. When Lieberman is elected as an Independent, I predict he will change his party to Democrat when he gets into the Senate, a direct slam at the Democrats who failed to support him. Lieberman, the only Democrat with a spine, will be the big winner. I am not gnashing my teeth about any of this. Democrats are the one who do the teeth gnashing. They have been gnashing since Bush won the first election and their bitterness and sore loser attitudes have eaten away like a cancer all these years. Democrats have no plan for keeping America safe, or winning the war against the fanatics. They have opposed most of the Bush administration�s domestic surveillance methods. They have opposed aggressive interrogation tactics designed to get information to protect us, including opposition to the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where detainees are treated better than they could expect if they were detained in their homelands... The terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere don�t speak of timetables for withdrawal or bringing their fighters home. They�re in it for the long haul. They believe we are not. A victory by Democrats will validate their view and encourage them to fight harder. Republicans have been far from perfect in this war. They have barely approached mediocrity in their handling of domestic issues. But to change horses and leaders mid-war is a prescription for a longer engagement, because this is a confrontation that will end only in victory or defeat for one side or the other. That�s why the Republicans need to keep their majority and conservatives need to keep the pressure on them to get back to the original GOP principles that brought them that majority. That�s a better strategy than Republicans acting like Democrat-lite. Unfortunately, I think it is too late this time around. But there is always next time. God Bless our troops.
Democrats vs Republicans...
I agree that problems occur on both sides of the aisle...obviously. What I find troubling, and I am being serious here, is that Democrats seem much less likely to own up to it when they do something wrong, even when caught, and the entire party seems to rally around them and somehow want to twist the wrong into a right or rationalize the wrong (he only lied about sex for example. He committed felony perjury, doesn't matter what the lie was about. If it was no big deal, why didn't he just tell the truth? I guess that depends on what the meaning of truth is?). Republicans generally fall on the sword when caught. There just seems to be something skewed about the Democratic party as a whole and their vision of what is wrong or right and it seems to be directly correlated to whether one of their party is guilty or the other party is guilty. This is just an observation. I am not a registered Republican nor Democrat. I am conservative, I am registered Independent but vote for whoever most closely follows my belief system, though they as a rule don't do as they say...and I mean ALL politicians. I just keep hoping for an honest one. Bush did what he said he would do for a long time, but I see him waffling now, and I am not sure that is a good thing. As I look at the two major parties in this country, it just seems to me that on the Democratic side they are more likely to support each other and try to spin wrongdoing even when caught at it, rarely if ever admitting to wrongdoing. I do not see that so much on the Republican side. I suppose now I should go back to the conservative side and let the process continue. I thought the boards were about opinion and discussion and debate. How can you expect to change any minds if you only talk to the like-minded? Thanks for your time, Lurker. I do enjoy talking to you.
This is old news...and yet the Democrats in...
congress voted to give the President the use of force in Iraq. They knew all this then. But they voted to use force. So I do not understand why it is being brought up again now like it was some big secret. Yes, 20 years ago the US did try to deal with Saddam. And you saw what his word was worth. Zip, nada, nothing. Much like the word of the Democratic Congress that sold South Viet Nam down the river to the North...broke the promises that were made to end the war. If you want to point fingers at something dispicable that should be HIGH on your list.
I see it with Democrats and Republicans. sm
Where are all the progressives and antiwar people?
WELL there are certainly NO liberal Democrats
running for president...
Sick of it too, but the Democrats are no different. sm
Of the main candidates, our choices are a socialist, a Marxist, and a fascist. Which one do you think is not going to tax our eyeballs out, or force us further and further into a control grid? Obama sounds like the least harmful, but the only thing he is going to change is his mind. My vote goes to NOTA (none of the above).
Democrats vs Republicans
1. My research on the black liberation movement of which Obama's church is a part tells me all I need to know about whether or not I want to see him in office.
2. If McCain is elected I believe we will face a great depression which will make the depression of the 30s look like a Sunday School picnic. People already losing homes, jobs, exploding deficit (and the piper will be paid sooner or later), cost-of-living getting so people can hardly afford to live. McCain's judgement is questionable in his choice of a running mate. Totally reckless to name someone he has only met once but then there's oil in Alaska.
I will not support or vote for either of them as were doomed either way.
The rich ARE the democrats
Look back over time. Who benefitted from tax breaks Clintons 2% of the richest people. Everyone makes it sound as though only republicans are rich. The democrat party has some of the richest people and they aren't paying their fair share. With the Democrats I've always had to pay more taxes. With the republicans I received refunds every year.
One wishes the Democrats who are...
Christians and live in rural areas would abandon the party that has created the kind of mentality that posts like this, so as not to be identified with such condescencion and intolerance. The Democratic party as it once existed is dead, and this is what rose from the ashes. Certainly something to be proud of...not so much.
Me too! My parents both Democrats....
the Zell Miller kind. THAT Democratic party is no more.
Because they are Democrats....and toeing....
the party line (congressmen) or Republicans who hate McCain. Not a one among them, I would be willing to bet, if you hooked them to a lie detector, would not get past the do you really think he would be a good Don't really think congressmen are the best judges...their approval rating is lower than Bush's. NO offense...just sayin.
Democrats are not responsible
for the mess we are in. It's the republicans and all their deregulation, for one thing. How about the war in Iraq and the huge deficit we now have? And then there are the corporate tax breaks. All of those things have contributed to the mess we are in. The money didn't trickle down, did it? It only made the top 1% of the people in this country better off. Those aren't things the democrats have done.
The republicans made this mess and then they have the gall to turn around and blame the democrats. Do you know why? Because there are those out there who don't know better and will believe them. That's what they are relying on. The republicans got into office with lies and misleading the public and they are still trying the same tactics. Hopefully enough people will not buy into it this time.
Democrats vs Republicans
Just dropped in to see if either the Dems or Pubs on this board have given an inch. They haven't. Boring and useless. I'm betting McCain will win so we'll never know about big, bad Obama for sure. I'll drop back in after a few years of McCain to see how well y'all like him then. Like about now I'm really wondering if John Kerry wouldn't have been an improvement over George Bush. I understand ole Georgie has an all time low approval rating. Must be a bunch of Republicans who aren't as pleased with him as they thought they would be.
I think that the democrats need to go
and let the republicans sort it out with their president. Hurt feelings are not a reason to vote for or against something that is good for the country because you are trying to make a point. What a bunch of middle-aged/elderly/men crybabies. I hope that the president lays it on the line to those that voted against his plan.
So would those 94 democrats who voted no.nm
Yes, and 94 Democrats voted no. So why not...
11 more democrats voting yes instead of 11 more Republicans?
Oh yeah...right. Those same democrats who...
got us into this financial mess. Let's reward them. NOT. For the first time in my life I am voting a straight Republican ticket.
Democrats are not socialists and do not need
credibility by defending themselves against this McCain campaign desperation. We can all see by now how well the current disparities in wealth distribution in our country are serving our overall interests. Our economy is in a meltdown. It's time for a different approach. Get with the program.
Kendra, please do not think that because we
do not agree with the war that we in any way do not honor our troops that are serving in the mid east. One has NOTHING to do with the other. Our soldiers are doing their duty for our country. I just do not believe that going to war was in anyones best interest. I also believe that injured and mentally scarred soldiers coming home should be given the best of care and their family's given every support by our government. Sadly, this is not the case most of the time. I hope you have a good support system and will pray for your husband to come home safely to you and his new baby son/daughter. God bless!
I would feel better if democrats
(This is not to you specially, just in general.)
Would have more tolerance of others with very serious concerns about our future. Your statement holds true, but on the other side. I too tolerate everyone's opinion, but as a conservative I feel the democrats have bought into a "pile of manure" that the democrats are dishing out and I feel a lot don't care. Being in the party is more important than the issues we face. I'm not a conservative because of family values. Everyone has family values in whatever party they belong to. I don't hear a lot of "family values" being thrown at us from republicans. Second, contrary to the believe not all republicans are wealthy. However, we've lived through both republican and democrat presidents and under republican is when we've always had tax breaks (that is me, my friends, and my family that make anywhere between $25 to 75K). Every year that we've had a democrat president in not only do I pay 43% out of my paycheck every tax period but I also have to pay an extra $1500 and more at the end of the year because I didn't pay enough (p.s., I don't have a savings, I don't own a house, and I don't have a fancy vehicle, tons of jewels or anything - I live paycheck to paycheck). But not only for the tax reason I do not want a democrat president in there. I don't want a democrat president in because then all 3 branches of the government will be democrat. That spells danger to me in a very frightening way. The same exact frightening way it would be if all branches were to be republican. We as conservatives have the same concerns as liberals do, but what I see is the difference is that conservatives are looking at things in a broader sense. We are waying and viewing the plans of the candidates, the voting records, what they have done in their lives, who their affiliations are and if we think they are trustworthy. The liberals I am seeing are basing their decisions on looks and "star power". They are buying into the garbage that Obama is saying. I voted for Obama in the primaries, but after I did we NOW learn about what his real past is We now find out that he actually DID steal the votes from Hillary. It's just not sitting right with us about Obama. While most conservative will admit, no we don't care for McCain, there were so many others we wished was in there, however, he is definitely more qualified and able and trusthworthy than Obama is. As for the people supporting Obama. Most don't even know why. They have been brainwashed into believing he is the messiah. He has put the audiences into a transe and they buy his lies. I don't get it. I respect people's opinions but when you ask people why they are voting for Obama they say "his issues", then you ask then if they'd be upset if Obama wins to have Palin as VP and they say no, she'd be a great VP???? I'm like O-M-G. Obama's plans are way way wrong. I don't mind a democrat, but I don't want a socialist. First they try and con everyone into thinking it's your "patriotic duty" to pay more taxes and when that doesn't work he's now going around saying if you don't want to may more taxes you are "selfish". Oh yeah, that's real great. Sort of reminds me of the interview with Martha Stewart and she said people need to "suck it up" (funny coming from a billionaire). Someone said that was Marth's "Marie Antoinette moment". And that's how I feel with Obama. So as for losing money? If I have to pay more taxes (i.e. lose more money from my paycheck), which bill do you suggest we not pay - lights? internet?.
People need to wake up from the transe they are under. Think for yourselves and not be told what you should do while candy-coating a very bad plan.
Did someone forget to tell the rabid republicans that Obama won? Did someone forget to tell them how Palin made a fool out of McCain? This is too hysterical for words. I have to admit, I am really gloating here. Watching all those formerly red states turn blue.... that was amazing. Also, even if they are rabid creepublicans, they will still benefit from the changes Obama will make. Send me a private email if you wish to gloat along with me. These ladies are not very flexible, patriotic or bright. I truly think it is time for everyone to back our new president and stop spreading the hate.
Oh, I see. It's all the Democrats fault.
Yep. Democrats are evil.
So It's the Democrats' Fault?
Being on welfare has nothing to do with the party system in this country.
This is not a problem that was created by any one party, nor can it be solved by any one party.
Until the Republicans quit trying to see everyting as Us versus Them, nothing is ever going to be accomplished in this country. I'm getting tired of the Republicans in this country being so divisive.
How about using that energy for the GOOD of EVERYONE. Stop seeing things through party-line glasses.
foolish?? Maybe republicans, not democrats
Duh? Foolish? Told by a political friend he came upon failure=bush, check it out? Foolish? Well, heck, I would rather be **foolish** than murderous, lying, not trustworthy. Enough of politically correct. Do the republicans practice that? No. They are right now issuing talking points against Joe Wilson and thankfully the investigation is going on with a republican prosecutor who can see the forest for the trees. The republicans since Clinton was elected back in the 1990s have done nothing but attack any ideology but theirs. The democrats, on the other hand, have sat quietly by or, with Kerrys campaign, tried to take the high road until bushs election machine started attacking his patriotism and service to the country in Vietnam. Please, Im so sick to death of being told we should not attack..We are only defending ourselves, we are attacking **Back** at the republicans.
Believe it or not, a lot of us old Democrats didn't care for him either. ..
Democrats give handouts. sm
Republicans give hand-ups. The Democrats have kept the black community in servitude long enough. Besides, they canceled the cards.
The Democrats did not write this book.
A man who calls himself a **Christian conservative** did. He was I believe the #2 man on the **faith-based initiative program.** His name is David Kuo. He is a Republican. I think he will be on 60 minutes tonight. I have seen a couple of recognizable names from the Christian right denounce the white house after hearing some of the things Kuo writes. I am anxious to hear what Kuo himself says.
I am a Christian and I do not feel stiffled at all about voting.
Republicans and Democrats worked together on
So why do you keep trying to demonize the Democrats. Both parties made compromises - I believe the Democrats initially wanted about $20 billion more for the program, but they negotiated with the Republicans to secure their votes.
You seem so worried about the cigarette tax not covering the program, and yet what we spend in Iraq in a day would cover the S-CHIP program for a year. The money is there, but people don't want to make it a priority.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that Democrats that voted yes on the bill (and don't forgot some Republicans did too) actually CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN? Is it so hard to believe that they actually want to do something to help kids? I'm glad they are getting headlines, not because they are against Bush, because really - could public opinion get any worse for him? I am glad because this is an issue that needs TONS of attention drawn to it. I don't really care if more people dislike Bush over this issue. People who like him will continue to and people who don't will continue not to like him. I see bad headlines about him every week, but that is not my concern. My concern is affordable healthcare for all children, no matter how high or low their parents' income level is.
Both of my parents were registered Democrats....
I grew up in a Democrat household. That being parents would not recognize the Democratic party as it is today. And they could not be classified as liberals, based on what I hear and see from those who call themselves liberals. I should be more specific I suppose...when I say "liberals" I am referring to those who post here who have identified themselves as liberals, and those I have seen in print and in the media who identify themselves as liberals. That is my basis. Really has nothing to do with registered Democrats...I have no way of knowing if the liberals who post here and identify themselves as such are registered Democrats. Color me confused because I was lamblasted by some who identified themselves as liberals, proceeded to tell me there were no true liberals in the Democratic party (well, that is news to them then, because many of them call themselves liberals). That is when I made the comment that it was hardly to understand what a liberal really was when there are those who define themselves as liberals who are also Democrats and those who define themselves as liberals and say there are no liberals in the democratic party. Yeah...that is a little confusing. However...that being said...when you see me post something about "liberals" I am talking about those I have come into contact with...either in my personal life, on this board, or in print or media...all who have defined themselves as "liberals." Certainly not everyone in the country...have not met them and have no idea what THEIR interpretation of liberal is. I just have to go with what I have experience with. That being my personal life are two stepdaughters who define themselves as liberals, and we have lively debates, believe me. However, I see the same tendencies in them that I see in some here who define themselves as liberal. Doesn't mean we do not care about each other, because we do. We love each other through it. But those who do not have a personal relationship with someone with opposing view...seem to want to demonize the other side. We are all Americans...and we should be able to love each other through it. And as a country we are not doing that...we are doing the opposite, and letting people like Ann Coulter and AL Franken divide us even further...when we should be condemning both. That is all I am saying... :-)
You're right, all democrats are not socialists
Obama has advocated just this over and over and over again. Take from the so-called rich and give to the poor, that way we can keep them poor and the government can be their knight in shining armour, because as you know, socialists believe they are above all others anyway, and that the average Joe is so stupid they can't think for themselves and would be nowhere without our corrupt government....
No, hard line Democrats probably won't...
but a lot of those mad Hillary voters probably will. A lot of Republican and conservative women who were on the fence will now fall to the repub side. at least that is my take on it.
It is a good day for America, the republicans, and women. A very good day!
and Democrats are independent thinkers?
pull the other leg. lol.
Any Democrats think this is a good plan?
Just curious to know if any Democrats support this tax plan of Obama's?
Democrats are afraid of Palin
Democrats are so afraid of S. Pain that they sent 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers to Alaska to dig into her record and background. What they can't find they will be making up.
Here are some facts:
- Palin did not cut funding for special needs education.
- She did not demand books be banned from the library. That librarian also continued in her job through Palin's first term.
- She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party.
- She has not pushed for teaching creationlism in school.
Here's the link to the full article. You just can't make up things that are not true (however the dems are doing just that and it's really going to come back at them).
Sorry, gourdpainter....the Democrats are primarily....
responsible for the present situation. It is all there in black and white. Republicans do share some of the blame for not supporting McCain when he told them what was going to happen...I will give you that. But the CEOs, the ones who robbed Fannie blind...Democrats. Shielded by Democrats in Congress. Now I don't say they knew this was going to happen...but I believe they knew it could...and enriched themselves anyway. I do realize that if they had been Republicans they probably would have done the same thing...but the fact is, they weren't.
And I am not a member of either of the parties. I believe they have both strayed way away from the originals. And John McCain is the only one talking about cleaning up that mess in Washington. And I believe he WILL try. We gotta start somewhere.
If Democrats startled more easily ...
we might not be in the financial situation we find ourselves in today. Just sayin.
Question for Democrats...will you explain to me why (sm)
a man who wants to be president of the United States will not acknowledge the United States flag? Shouldn't that send up a RED FLAG for us? I have looked on snopes and factcheck and I still don't see a good explanation of why he will not wear the flag lapel pin and why he seems opposed to saying the pledge? Of ALL PEOPLE shouldn't the President of the United States respect the flag? Do you really think if you were running for that office you would "forget" to cover your heart during the pledge? Do you not think he is doing that on national TV to show those he is loyal to that he is NOT loyal the American Flag and what it stands for? If you have a good explanation, PLEASE share. I would love to be shown that he is actually respectful of our country and flag. I would love to see that his followers have been wise enough to find out that he truly does honor the American Flag and that he truly does love America and not "God d*mn America" as his Reverend repeatedly yelled out at his sermon. Please prove to me that he does love our country and that he does respect our flag - if nothing else, a president should at least respect and honor the country he would like to lead!
Do you agree that Democrats had a chance...
to head this off in 2006 at John McCain's urging? That the situation we find ourselves in now was avoidable?