DO we want to examine Joe Biden's...
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-03
In Reply to: Was referring to words out of her own mouth - Conflicting with other words out of her own mouth.
"the presidency does not lend itself to on-the-job training" to "Barack Obama is ready for the job." ? ALL politicians are going to have those "words out of their own mouths" contradicting "words out of their own mouths." It is the nature of the beast.
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Okay...let's examine this...
You said: Very few liberals "tolerate" the war in Iraq. Most of us probably find it "intolerable."
I say: Okay. Then why did the liberals in Congress vote to go into Iraq? Because they did. I guess they are not part of the "most?"
You said: Just as many of us become nauseated by the right-winger(s) posting on this board under the pretense of "I just want to understand your position better" when the actual intent is to mock and belittle.
I say: Did you read the posts? All the momcking and belitting has been done by the liberals...Bush has a low IQ (a lie), Bush is a dumba$$...come onnnn. That is mocking and belitting. What I said about Clinton is the TRUTH. He is a liar and perjured himself, therefore is a perjurer. That is objective truth.
If you will go back and look at posts you accuse me of belitting, it was in response to being attacked or using a poster's word on back at them...what, a liberal can post "guffaw guffaw" and that is fine, but I answer one of their posts with "guffaw guffaw" and I am belitting? Double standard, does that ring a bell?
You said: "Liberal" also does not denote naive fool and you are fooling no one with your disingenous posts, hence the nausea you produce.
I say: Please explain what you mean? You don't know me. I made an honest effort to ask what a liberal was because I did want to understand it..and the variety of answers I got was really interesting. There are a few on this board who actually BELIEVE in live and let live, do not mind a debate, and like me, want to learn what regular people are thinking. But from your perspective, I am not a regular person...I am something to be reviled, ridiculed, and run back to "my own board." You know, that is reminiscent of the old Democratic party who preached segregation...yep, look it up, it was the Democratic party who voted against desegregation over and over again. And now you want to practice it again..only now you want to segregate conservatives. Wow. How INtolerant of you.
You say: I believe part of the quality of liberalism is to be accepting of others' lifestyles, belief systems,
I say: yeah, unless it is a conservative belieft system....
You say: race, color, creed, etc. but it is not to accept or tolerate cruelty, bigotry,
hatred, violence, etc.
This is such a basic concept I can't believe I'm explaining it!!
I say: Yeah it is a basic concept. Yeah you are explaining it. Trouble is, you explain it, but it does not translate into action. Your post to me is in opposition to most of what you said here. Apparently this wonderful concept extends only to other sure doesn't extend to conservatives!
Let's examine this...
YOU SAID: We might as well be from two different planets. And, no we do not agree to disagree. Who are you to tell me? You started it by posting blather and you are grasping at straws. I never said he lied.
RESPONSE: Who am I to tell you what? What did I start? What does this rant mean? What straws am I grasping at? I posted that the man said "The surge is working." The man DID say that. What is wrong with posting the truth? Sheesh.
Does the thought never enter your mind that you might be wrong about something? Well of course not...what on earth am I thinking??
YOU SAID: Here's a thought, stop reading propaganda.
RESPONSE: Welllll in looking at your list of sites you invite me to try, you are in no position to tell ME to stop reading propaganda. And believe it or not, I have perused Iraq Daily, and Al-Jazeera. And saw exactly what I expected to see. Just as you do.
YOU SAID: Yes, I do NOT watch Fox News. It is the single most unreliable and biased news source in the world today.
RESPONSE: I can certainly see why you don't like Fox. Wayyy too upbeat and optimistic for you. Bet you don't like perky Katie Couric either, do you? lol.
YOU SAID: It is for those of low intelligence and malleable people who can't think for themselves.
RESPONSE: Does not deserve one. Just illustrates one of the more unattractive qualities of your brand of liberalism.
YOU SAID: I also watch very little CNN.
RESPONSE: Not liberal enough for you? One does occasionally see something positive on CNN. Can't have that, can we???
YOU SAID: When I watch American news it is MSNBC.
RESPONSE: Yeah, Chris Matthews should be right up your alley. You post a lot like he talks. I have tried to watch him a few times, but there is not enough room in the studio for his ego and anyone else's. Much like you and Taiga/Teddy on this board. But you think for yourselves, right? ;-)
YOU SAID: I travel the globe for information, because when you get more than one side of story, you can assimilate information and come to your own conclusion without having to rely on someone else to tell you.
RESPONSE: Well, it would help to have an open mind as you travel the globe....and you are "assimilating" the information and not relying on them to tell you, but you are relying on the information they give you in this assimililation...? And while you are intelligent enough to do so, I am not, right? And you have the nerve to call ME arrogant? lol.
You should try some of these on for size: World, Middle East Times, Iraqi News, Iraq Daily, The Independent,, WND Information Clearing House, and if you can possibly stand it,, and I could go on and on and on and on and on.
RESPONSE: I love your judgments as to what I read and do not read. Very arrogant of you to assume I only watch Fox. Part of the reason I do watch Fox along with other things is so that I don't descend into the sea of pessimism where it appears you abide. Thanks, but no thanks. I am a glass half full kind of person, clearly you are not.
Common there is an unbiased site. LOL. Just check out the list of contributors. You don't get much further to the left. You do exactly what you accuse me go only where your ideas are substantiated and ridicule any site that does not. Very "democratic" and totally one-sided of you.
Al-Jazeera...yep, there is another totally unbiased news outlet. You are definitely a card carrying member of the hate America first club who would like to turn us into Europe Jr. you invite me to jump over the fence to the other board...why don't you just jump the fence to Europe and become a citizen of the world like you want to be? Europe is already Europe. Don't have to change anything. Now before you get all hot and bothered and start screaming I am telling you to leave the country...I was simply asking a question. It would make sense that you would seek what you keep saying you want, that's all. Maybe you would not be so pessimistic living in the UK or France? Or Syria? Iran, maybe? No, that would not work, you would not keep your head long enough in a Muslim country. Not a woman with your attitude. And speaking of...if Hillary is elected that alone will do more to anger Muslims against us than any other single event. A WOMAN leading the country? Ahem. Can't wait for that foreign policy nightmare.
One would think that if you despise America (or half of Americans) so much, and love Europe and want to be a citizen of the not understanding why you don't just do it.
YOU SAID: You want to be optimistic because you couldn't possibly face the fact that the whole thing is just WRONG. We shouldn't be there. You are looking to win something that isn't ours to claim.
RESPONSE: First of all, you again put wrods in my mouth. I do think things were done wrong with Iraq. But you cannot unscramble eggs. I do not want to win, piglet, I would like for the Iraqi people to win.
No, piglet, I am by nature an optimistic person. I have never been a doom and gloom kind of person. You have credited me with a lot of things I am keep saying I am a Bush fan. I am not 100% a Bush fan. Have said numerous times I disagree with many things he has done. You say I want to win something.
As I said, I would like for the Iraqi people to win. Because you can't unscramble eggs, piglet. We are there. No matter how we got there, we are there. No matter why it was done, it is done. No matter how their country got in the shape its in, that is the shape its in. Even at all the sites you listed, they all have to start with basically the surge is working before the disclaimers start. "yeah, its working, violence is down, Iraqis have some semblance of a normal life again" and then start the disclaimers..."but can it be sustained" yada yada. All I am saying is that let's see if it can. Let's try to be positive about it instead of being constant naysayers. It has been getting steadily better since the surge. Why not see if continues? Why not hang in a bit and see if they are able to reconcile. The US did after our own civil war. It can be done. I guess I am optimistic enough to want to give it a chance rather than pull out and have another post Viet Nam debacle. Because that is who I am. There is always hope...well, at least for me there is. I am not sure you even know what hope is. We just have very different hearts.
However, I do not palpably dislike you. I believe in your right to expression as much as I believe in mine and would defend that and have. Sadly, that is where we part company. You post as if the very existence of people like me irks you. That is a much more divisive attitude than I have, piglet. You seem very angry, sound very frustrated, and it comes out in the posts. Yep, we are very different people. I do not find ridicule amusing. I am optimistic. And it does not make me angry because people do not agree with me. Would be kind of boring if everybody agreed on everything wouldn't it? Stepford-like.
It appears that you take comfort in feeling superior (that you are so much more intelligent and enlightened), and if that is the case, so be it.
For those who have a pessimistic view of life, when Iraq is finally resolved, something will take its place to draw your pessimism. For someone who purports to believe in the basic goodness of is curiously absent from your posts. Or was that another definition of liberal from someone else?
You need to examine your behavior.
From the Conservative board.
The toxicity has become so potent that some of the cooler heads on the Left are starting to notice. Richard Cohen, writing in his Washington Post column today, describes his email, traffic after a mildly critical reference to Stephen Colbert’s unfunny performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner:
It seemed that most of my correspondents had been egged on to write me by various blogs. In response, they smartly assembled into a digital lynch mob and went roaring after me. If I did not like Colbert, I must like Bush. If I write for The Post, I must be a mainstream media warmonger. If I was over a certain age—which I am—I am simply out of it, wherever “it” may be. All in all, I was—I am, and I guess I remain—the worthy object of ignorant, false and downright idiotic vituperation. [….]
But the message in this case truly is the medium. The e-mails pulse in my queue, emanating raw hatred. This spells trouble—not for Bush or, in 2008, the next GOP presidential candidate, but for Democrats. The anger festering on the Democratic left will be taken out on the Democratic middle. (Watch out, Hillary!) I have seen this anger before—back in the Vietnam War era. That’s when the antiwar wing of the Democratic Party helped elect Richard Nixon. In this way, they managed to prolong the very war they so hated.
The hatred is back. I know it’s only words now appearing on my computer screen, but the words are so angry, so roiled with rage, that they are the functional equivalent of rocks once so furiously hurled during antiwar demonstrations.
Did you examine the evidence, or is article enough? nm
I meant why is everyone fighting (not defending) to let an independent party examine it.
Joe Biden-Hunter much for change
Go Obama/Biden! I don't like it and will VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN!
Obama has shown great judgment in the people who surround him. He picked a great VP choice, and his wife is impeccable as a helpmate and is a fantastic role model for the American children.
I think it is a good choice. Biden's a decent guy and fills in the foreign policy gap that Obama has. I think it was a tough spot for Obama to find a VP. He picks someone like Biden who is experienced and has military/foreign policy behind him and he gets criticized for being establishment and not keeping with his "change" message. He picks an outsider change person and he gets criticized for having no experience or military/foreign policy behind him. He picks Hillary and half the Democrats love him for it and get energized, while the other half of Democrats are angry at him and let down, and ALL of the Republicans are happy and energized to support their candidate whom to this point most have had a hard time getting excited about. It will be very interesting to see if McCain picks Romney or not. I think it would help him in some ways and really hurt him in others. I'm looking forward to the VP debate - Biden against anyone! Sure to be fun.
Joe Biden
So why no conversation on Joe Biden?
You mean like when Biden said...
Obama wasn't qualified for the job and now he is? LIke that kind of talking about both sides of mouth??
More on Biden...
did Biden just really say this
"reduce not just the interest but reduce the principle." Okay, so we worked out butts off for years to keep up with our mortgage on a house we could afford and they are going to basically going to give it to the people who didn't????? Why am I not in a Million dollar home that the government is going to give me 'cuz I can't pay for it?????
Thank you, Biden still out did her, tho...
and you would think with 36 yrs experience as a Senator he would know better, especially about the responsibilities of the VP.
I hope that anyone who hasn't seen this interview will click on the link and view it. Biden answered each of her questions fully and completely.
I personally believe that Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert will have a field day with this one! The questions reminded me of one of Colbert's "Better Know a District" segments. 
He was in Evansville, Indiana at 8:30 this morning.
Biden has a lot of experience, especially in foreign policy, but as a speaker he is too impulsive and he seems to have a temper, sometimes.
But still a great choice as running mate for Obama.
Biden was right about this...
...VP Biden told CNN that former VP D*ck Cheney is "dead wrong" in denouncing the White House's national security policies.
"The last administration left us in a weaker posture than we've been any time since World War II: less regarded in the world, stretched more thinly than we ever have been in the past, two wars under way, virtually no respect in entire parts of the world."
Joe Biden knows what he is doing?
HA! That is a laugh!
That's Obama bin Biden
what? said about biden by a white.
where do you get racism out of that?
My problem with Biden was
something I heard a few days ago about his being one of the first to tighten up on bankruptcy laws which might be fine except for the fact one son just out of law school just happened to be working for a credit card conglomerate.
Obama/Biden looking better and better.
I guess we're all human, but still....
if obama/biden
were for preemptive war, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, and no oversight of corporations resulting in Halliburton, Enron, and banking industry scandals, I would not consider voting for them, no matter how compelling their personal stories or charming they may be. That is why I vote democrat.
Biden prefaces his
remarks with his fondness for JMC as a person and honors his service. He does NOT think his policies are right for the country. Big difference.
I don't know, I heard Obama denounce bringing the kids into the politics and he seemed pretty forceful and pretty snarly himself. My opinion is the kids ought to be off limits but when the candidates (both of them) trot them out, that takes the "hands off" out of play for me. They can't have it both ways. If they really care about the kids, leave them out of the spotlight TOTALLY. Although I admit the little girl licking her hand and smoothing the baby's hair was pretty endearing..............BUT fairplay, don't show that and then say that it isn't fair to talk about the unwed daughter's leave her off the camera, don't trot in the boyfriend to participate too. Ridiculous!
Biden was right, but, of course, now he suddenly
Biden Caught In A Lie
Posted on September 4, 2008 by nuke
This really couldn’t have come at a worse time for Joe Biden. Speaking on Fox and Friends, Sen. Biden, the Democrat VP nominee denied reports from ABC news that if elected, he planned on pursuing criminal charges against the Bush Administration.
“That’s not true. I don’t know where that report’s coming from,” Biden told Fox & Friends.
Here you go Joe. See if this jogs your memory just a bit.
Poor old Joe. I expect the “Dump Biden” movement to pick up steam in the next few days.
h/t FreeRepublic
Biden and Clinton
Anyone else read the article where Biden says Hilary Clinton might have been a better choice as a VP than him? How true. Hilary doesn't scare me nearly as much as Obama does!
Joe Biden? LOL -the scariest of them all.
Joe Biden and MBNA...
Biden is good at saying what he
really means at times and then having to backtrack. Just like what he said about Obama's experience until he was picked #2 and now Obama is experienced. LOL. Or how about when Biden criticized an ad the Obama campaign released stating,"I thought that was terrible by the way" and "if I'd have had anything to do with it, we never would have done it." Now he is saying it is okay because McCain's campaign ads are just as bad and therefore McCain has no reason to complain about Obama's ads. LOL!
I seriously wonder what Obama was thinking when he picked Biden. I bet they cringe every time he is interviewed.
Biden is much worse. I think the guy has
Obama +
oreos with no milk....
less than nothing there
Who said I was for Biden -- I just don't happen to
trying to start an argument on this board. I don't like the woman. Do I have to like her to vote for McCain? Some would say yes, since if elected she will probably be Pres in a year or 2 when McCain kills over. She's probably the biggest turnoff to me in McCain's whole campaign. Why couldn't he have picked someone else -- like Hillary?
Biden 's quote
Or, to quote JOE BIDEN:
"I think he CAN be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."
I do not agree with Biden's statement. It is not clear to me what motivated Biden to say this after Obama chose him as running mate.
And Biden said this some time ago.
but whoa, what about Biden
guaranteeing that we would have a "crisis" in the first 6 months of an Obama presidency -- as the enemy would definitely test him -- and as frosting on the cake, biden then saying, "it may not look like we will be handling it right", but "we will!" Good grief. If you care about the safety of Americans, you better vote McCain/Palin.
Just a guess, but I think that Biden because of
his position in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee may have already known about the news that came out today about AQ when he gave his opinion on this subject.
Biden will when he makes his run for
Again, Biden handled EVERY
question asked of him.
Tell me WHICH question he didn't answer.
Oh, that's right.
You can't. 
Well, Biden is against abortion.
I think a woman should have a right to choose no matter what the circumstance. And all of you saying you want to pay more taxes for these children born out of wedlock like Palin's daughter, then you're being hypocritical. You either want to pay more for these programs or you don't.
Just because someone wants to adopt a child doesn't mean they are good parents.
FYI to poster in this thread; STDs do take lives. AIDS kills. If the doctor doesn't treat the patient and educate them on safety especially homosexuals, an STD will take a life.
Where in the world is Biden?
All three are out campaining - Obama, McCain & Palin. And they are campaining hard. All 3 of them. So where in the world is Biden and why is he not out campaigning? The last I saw they had him stuck in a plane by himself somewhere probably on his way back to his mansion to keep his mouth shut. Another person who is not out anymore is Richardson. Haven't seen him since he slipped and let it known that Obama keeps lowering his idea of rich.
So c'mon, where are they hiden Biden?
Biden is even less
the only thing he can say without screwing it up is "HI! I'm Joe Biden!!!"
You like Biden then? Gee! He constantly
How do you know that is what Biden was talking about?
Even Obama didn't say that was what he was talking about.
Then again, how man of us really listen to Joe Biden???
He may have great foreign policy experience and lots of years in the Senate, but this man, nice as he might be, has hoof and mouth disease. I hold my breath every time he opens his mouth, he spouts off all the time without thinking...dangerous!
I can just see Biden's answer...
"Hmm, let's give half the money to Delaware and the other half to Chicago! Wow, that was easy!"
Joe Biden is a moron.
It still amazes me how people attacked Sarah Palin like they did and Joe Biden is a complete moron. Talk about Joe getting a free pass while people literally tried to destroy Palin, her family, etc. I'm surprised Obama is letting Joe talk to anyone really.
Update for you regarding
U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, Jr.
United States Senate:
Six-term Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr. of Delaware was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 when 29 years old, the youngest U.S. senator in modern history.
In January 2007, Biden declared his candidacy for the presidency, but dropped out of the race on January 3, 2008. On August 23, 2008, Barack
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Joe Biden
United States Senate:
Six-term Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr. of Delaware was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 when 29 years old, the youngest U.S. senator in modern history.
In January 2007, Biden declared his candidacy for the presidency, but dropped out of the race on January 3, 2008. On August 23, 2008, Barack Obama named Biden to be his vice presidential running mate.
Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the 110th Congress (2007-08), is a gifted negotiator who has helped shape U.S. security and foreign relations policies for decades. He's a moderate Democrat who often bridges the bipartisan gap.
I would hardly call this 'kissing butt' qualities.
Only if you want to say Obama Biden Laden
Which I don't know where the Laden comes in. I don't see the similarity unless you want to see it. You need to get Osama Bin Laden out of your minds and grasp reality. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are two great men in politics. Osama? He's been out of my mind ever since Benazir Bhutto said she knew who had killed Bin Laden (then she was assissinated).
Around here we call him Osama bin Biden
this is in regards to Obama choosing biden for VP
it's not original but it is fitting.
this is in regards to Obama choosing biden for VP, Huckabee said
"it's like going to Baskin Robbins and picking vanilla" LOL
I love it. The man who supposedly is about change, doesn't select a VP that's anything different than any of the other demos out there.