But he just signed a bill filled with earmarks???
Posted By: Amanda on 2008-10-10
In Reply to: What exactly do you want to hear..... - sm
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VIRGINIA TECH. That's why this bill was signed.
If you remember, most of the mass shootings, etc. are done by people who are not quite "there" mentally. Virginia Tech is a good example. That boy was mentally ill and was not allowed to own a firearm, yet he did buy one because the database did not include his name. It could have been avoided had all the state databases been tied to the NCIS.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure if Bill Clinton signed this into law, but it surely came to be
under his watch.
Unlike the "Bush supporters" of this day and time, I can and will admit when a president I admired (Bill Clinton) has done something I disagree with.

completely filled
The main board used to be completely filled with them...and I mean completely. You apparently missed all that. Not sure if there are still there or not.
I filled in the blanks s/m
with Republican rather than profanity. Of course I'm almost to the point where I say Republican=profanity judging from the excuses made for Saint McCain. LOL
That's because our government is filled with more and
well actually 15 of the hate filled showed up from the sm
church from Kansas carrying signs reading, "God hates America," "Thank God for dead soldiers." It was ridiculous. The police had blocked them off a section and in front of them were a group holding the US flag so as to block them out of site from the family and friends.
Your *information* was filled with insults...sm
Sorry I don't meet your level of debate.
What a hate filled post.
What a hate filled post.
To the pubs: Your fantasy-filled hatefest
Americans are tired of fear; they're voting for HOPE.
Americans are tired of lies; they're voting for TRUTH. (Truth is not found on the tabloid pages, nor on internet "dot-com" pages claiming to be the gospel).
Americans are tired of a dwindling and endangered middle class; they're voting for its SURVIVAL.
Americans are tired of being screwed by big business; they're voting to screw it right back.
Americans are voting for a leader who remembers they exist and will work FOR them, not AGAINST them, as the past 8 years have gone.
Americans are voting for NEW IDEAS to solve our problems; not the same old bull-caca that's been kicked back and forth through the halls of the White House in recent years.
As an MT, I'm voting with the hope of maybe, just MAYBE, saving my future employment; and NOT giving someone free rein to send the next wave of jobs to Mexico or Bolivia.
After tonight, I remain more optimistic than ever that a NEW DAY is coming to America, and that certain washed-up politicians will finally be put out to pasture.

Wow,you're so filled with self-loathing and bitterness s/m
you're incapable of accepting that there are people out there that are not. To be called a suck-up for being nice and telling someone I appreciate them for being so? Are you kidding? You have proven my point to Marmann exactly. What a shame to go through life so miserable that the only way you can feel good about yourself is to tear down someone else -- but for being nice? There is plenty of nastiness on this board as it is, so really, you should be ashamed for contributing to the toxicity. I bet you pull the wings off of butterflies, too, don't you?
Yes and 60% of the earmarks
were from the dems. Both sides suck as far as I am concerned! If you are going to comment and bash the pubs for their 40%....at least be thorough and report the dems and their 60%. Now we have President Obama who said that he would not sign anything with earmarks in it and that he would read every line, etc........now that he is pres.....he seems to be whistling a different tune.
There are 8,500 earmarks in that bill costing us around 810 billion dollars. As far as I am concerned.....both dems and pubs know where they can go because I tired of this crap! They are all crooks. They are all out for their own special interests. They are hurting us more than helping us.
So it is 100% earmarks? NM
When Bill Clinton was in office, OHHH you better believe Bill and Carter have had..sm
their day of mudslinging matches, at the pleasure of a many conservatives. So, no there's not a double standard here.
You know your candidate....look up his earmarks...
A million to the hospital his wife works for after they nearly doubled her salary. Yep, he is against those pesky earmarks. The bridge to nowhere was a huge one. He is Washington politics as usual. There is no change there.
Yes, he is careful with his votes. Voted against the Infants Born Alive act twice. Managed, with the 130 presents, to show up for what was important to him..denying medical care for an infant who managed to survive an abortion. yeah, there's something to be real proud of.
Look into Obama's earmarks...
particularly the one for Michelle's employer after they doubled her salary. No one in Illinois benefitted from that one other than the Obama family and her employer.
Earmarks explained. sm
The ones who vote for the spending bills are the bad guys. Ron Paul votes against all huge spending bills. The bill passes anyway and since it passes, he makes sure all his constituents requests are in there and by earmarking he is tagging the money and keeping track of where it goes. If it is not earmarked, it goes back to the executive like a blank check. By earmarking, he is maintaining a certain degree of transparency and accountability plus giving money the government looted from his constituents back to them.
Just like O saying "no earmarks," right? nm
Your first sentence really shows was a mean hate filled shallow person you are.

Thanks so much for proving my point about the angry, hate-filled left. sm
You did a perfect job of it. You are incapable of thought other than that driven by hate. Your debates are screeds and your voice is strident and laced with the same adjectives...the word liar comes to mind. Which, of course, you are.
Bill Maher Takes On Bill O'Reilly
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, political humorist Bill Maher (search), he has a new book out called "New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer." Of course, Mr. Maher is about as polite as I am and as timid as Dracula. He joins us now from Los Angeles.
You know, you've had some celebrities on your HBO show, "Real Time," which begins again on Friday, talking about policy and war on terror and stuff like that. I get the feeling they don't know very much, but you do. So I'd like to make Bill Maher, right now, the terror czar. Bill Maher, the terror czar. Could be a series.
How would you fight this War on Terror? How would you fight it?
BILL MAHER, HOST, HBO'S "REAL TIME": I think the first and most important thing is to get the politics out of the War on Terror. You know, maybe I'm a cockeyed optimist, Bill, maybe I'm naive, but I thought that 9/11 was such a jarring event that nobody would dare return to business as usual on that one subject after that.
But of course, we found out that nothing could be further from the truth. And your president, my president too, but the one you voted for...
O'REILLY: You don't know that. Were you looking over my shoulder there? I could have voted for Nader. I could have voted for Kerry, but Kerry wouldn't come on the program, so I wouldn't vote. But I could have gone for Ralph. Ralph's a friend of mine.
MAHER: Yes. Anyway, I said the guy you voted for, President Bush, you know, how come this guy, who was supposed to be such a kick-and-take- names kind of guy, how come he has not been able to get the politics out of this?
You know, as a guy who's been accused of treason, I'll tell you what real treason is: Treason is when legislators vote against homeland security measures because it goes against the wishes of their political or financial backers. Treason is the fact that, as a terrorist, you could still buy a gun in this country because the NRA (search) lobby is so strong.
O'REILLY: OK. But you're getting into the political, and I agree with you. I think that the country should be united in trying to seek out and kill terrorists, who would kill us.
But I'd like to have some concrete things that you, Bill Maher, the terror czar — and take this seriously, this could be a series — what would you do?
All right, so you've got bin Laden. You've got Al Qaeda (search). You've got a bunch of other lower-level terrorist groups. What do you do to neutralize them?
MAHER: OK. Well, first of all, you discounted my answer, which is get the politics out, but OK.
O'REILLY: Well, assume you can do that. They're gone.
MAHER: We'll let that go. Keep going. I wouldn't worry that much about bin Laden. I mean, capturing bin Laden at this point, it doesn't really matter whether he's dead or alive. He's already Tupac to the people who care about him and work for him. Capturing bin Laden, killing him would be like when Ray Kroc died, how much that affected McDonald's.
O'REILLY: It would be a morale booster. But I understand. You're not going to send...
MAHER: A morale booster, right. Well, we've had plenty of morale boosting. We've had plenty of window dressing. What we need is concrete action.
In the book I wrote before this one about terrorism, I suggested that we have a Secret Service for the people. I said whenever the president goes anywhere, he has very high-level, intelligent detectives who look around at a crowd. They know what they're looking for. They're highly paid. They're highly trained.
We don't have that in this country. We should have that. We should have a cadre of 10,000 highly trained people who would guard all public events, bus stations, train stations, airports — and stop with this nonsense that this robotic sort of window dressing...
O'REILLY: OK, so you would create a homeland security office that was basically a security firm for major targets and things like that. It's not a bad idea. Costs a lot of money. Costs a lot of money. It's not a bad idea.
MAHER: Costs a lot of money compared to what? If you paid 10,000 people a salary of $100,000 a year, that would, I think, cost $10 billion or something. That's nothing. There's that much pork in the transportation bill before you get...
O'REILLY: Yes, 10,000 wouldn't do it, but I get your drift.
MAHER: Whatever it costs.
O’REILLY: You would create a super-security apparatus. OK, that's not bad. That's not bad. How about overseas now?
MAHER: What we need to do is what I call get Israeli about this. Because the Israelis are not afraid of profiling. The Israelis are not afraid to bury politics in the greater cause of protecting their nation. We don't act that way. You know, I'm afraid 9/11 really changed nothing.
O'REILLY: Boy, your ACLU (search) pals aren't going to like that. You're going to lose your membership card there.
MAHER: I'm not a member of the ACLU.
O'REILLY: Oh, sure you are, just like I voted for Bush. You're a member of the ACLU. I can see the card right in your pocket there.
MAHER: Bill, I'm not a joiner. I'm not a joiner. I don't like organizations.
O'REILLY: They won't have you, Maher, let's be honest about that. All right, now, in your book, which is very amusing, by the way — if you want a few laughs buy Maher's book.
MAHER: Thank you.
O'REILLY: You take some shots at FOX News, which is your wont, and I just want to know why you think we're so fabulously successful here.
MAHER: Well, I think that question has been answered many times. It's because the conservative viewer in this country, or on radio the conservative listener, is very predictable. They like to hear what they like to hear. They like to hear it over and over again.
O'REILLY: All the surveys show that the viewers are all over the map. They're not conservative in a big bloc. Some of them are moderate. Some of them are Democrats. Some of them are Moroccans. I mean, they're everywhere. That's your analysis? That just the conservatives watch us?
MAHER: Well, I think mostly the conservatives do watch you. That's not to take anything away from what you guys have achieved over there. It's a very well-produced broadcast, and they have excellent personalities like yourself, Bill. Who could resist watching you when you get home from work at night?
O'REILLY: Whoopi Goldberg, maybe? I don't know.
O'REILLY: Anyone who doesn't watch here is misguided. We identify them as such.
But look, I think there's more to it than — you're in TV. You know the ratings game. I mean, if you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike.
There's a guy over at MSNBC. He's a very conservative guy. He was hired and nobody's watching him. They hire liberals. Nobody watches them. Air America (search). Nobody's listening to it.
I mean, there's got to be a reason why we're No. 1, a punch line for you, and No. 2, you know, becoming the most powerful news network in the world.
MAHER: Well, I think, as I say, it's a well-produced product. You know, your program moves along, always at a clip that never seems to bore. You know, you move along to the next topic, the next guest. It never sort of drags. I don't think a lot of people know how to produce that stuff that way.
O'REILLY: All right. It's bells and whistles and my charming personality. That's what I thought it was.
Last thing: You know, one thing I like about Maher is he's not a hypocrite. He drives a little hybrid vehicle. Right? You putter around there. Does it have training wheels? What's it like?
MAHER: Actually, I had the Prius hybrid for three years. I was one of the first ones to get it right after 9/11. And I traded it in a few months ago for the Lexus hybrid.
O'REILLY: I think we should all cut back on our energy consumption, and I think we should all get these hybrids as fast as we can.
Hey, Bill, always nice to see you. Thanks very much. Good luck with the season on the TV show.
MAHER: Continued success there, Mr. No. 1.
O'REILLY: All right. Thank you.
Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET and listen to the "Radio Factor!"
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Bill Clinton and his ties to India (yes, Bill),...
and China (yes, Bill) sent a lot of our jobs their way. Google it some time. Even I was amazed.
Look, it is simple economics. The big bad corporations everyone hates...first of all, it is not 5 or 6 rich guys and that's it. They employee thousands of people just like us...and when the government puts those huge taxes on them, if they want to stay in business, they are forced to move offshore. Higher taxes are responsible for more jobs going overseas than "greed." The DNC has told its members for years that "corporations" and "the rich" are the cause of all their problems and they have bought that Marxist rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. Corporations are not the cause of ill in this country. They are the backbone of the economy in this country. That is simple economics 101. And I am certainly not rich...and I certainly am not on the upper echelon of a corporation, but I do understand reality and I understand how the economy works. Yes, there is wrongdoing by some upper level folks in corporations. There is wrongdoing in the government. Where there is power, there will be wrongdoing. But for every Enron there are thousands of other good, solid companies that employ thousands of Americans, but the DNC does not share the success stories, because it does not promote their agenda. In order to control people they want them beholden to government and hating free enterprise. They want big government, total power, and control. And following Alinksy's program...you have to instill class warfare. You have to make corporations the enemy. You have to make classes envy the next rung up. Classic Marxist socialism. It is being played out in this country every day.
It is just that some of us have not bought the myth and jumped on the socialism train.
Did you read the bill? It was a regulatory reform bill...
asking them to regulate, not de-regulate. But Democrats blocked it...no wonder. Fannie was greasing a lot of Democratic palms...and Frederick Raines, the Dem CEO at the time...was in the Clinton administration. They were taking care of their own...and we are paying for it.
Interesting comment on earmarks...
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wanna talk about earmarks?
Sarah Palin just this year sent 31 earmarks totaling $197 million (more per person than any other state submitted)... she requested even more than that in 2007. And she is one that is running on a ticket talking about NO PORK BARREL!
You need to understand the difference in earmarks and...
pork barrel, first. Every state asks for earmarks. Pork barrel are earmarks that don't come through the normal channels...that congresspeople try to slap in the middle of a bill that will pass in order to get their "pork" through. Congress are the ones who do pork earmarks, and last time I looked, Sarah Palin has never been in Congress. Obama has, and Joe Biden has, and boy howdy...let's talk about earmarks. By the way, John McCain has asked for zip, zilch, nada.
Obama asked for a big one and his wife's employer and her salary got doubled. Coincidence? LOL. I think not.
Definition of Pork aka Earmarks
Just so we all know what pork (aka "earmarks") actually is:
From the Office of Management and Budget:
OMB defines earmarks as funds provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents Executive Branch merit-based or competitive allocation processes, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to manage critical aspects of the funds allocation process.
In other words, provisions added to a bill after the president has ratified the bill that direct funds to certain districts in exchange for promises made beforehand by the representatives from those districts to vote yes on said bill. These are the earmarks (or "pork") that McCain and Obama both campaigned against. This bill contains no pork (yet) because they just passed it.
The GOP's definition of earmarks aka "pork": "Stuff we don't like."
Technically, the provisions in the bill that the GOP and others are calling pork (or earmarks) are not pork.
8600 earmarks = 6 BILLION DOLLARS!
to that line by line lie Obama told when he wanted to be elected? He hasn't looked at one page, let one line by line...... thanks to all who put such a thug and liar in office!
Ron Paul on EARMARKS.....please don't miss his point
No, the issue of transparency with earmarks did not escape me
but his reasoning was, at times, questionable. It appears as though he is going to take the money and run unlike some of his compatriots who are "attempting" to refuse stimulus money.
Earmarks Include:
- Add-ons. If the Administration asks for $100 million for formula grants, for example, and Congress provides $110 million and places restrictions (such as site-specific locations) on the additional $10 million, the additional $10 million is counted as an earmark.
- Carve-outs. If the Administration asks for $100 million and Congress provides $100 million but places restrictions on some portion of the funding, the restricted portion is counted as an earmark.
- Funding provisions that do not name a recipient, but are so specific that only one recipient can qualify for funding.
Stop the spending on stupid earmarks,
give the middle class some real tax cuts, and have some patience. Things aren't going to change overnight and they're not going to change by continuing to throw money at it every day.
Don't think so. There is a signed
agreement until 2011. The O can't pull out the troops as fast as he wants and, anyway, he wants to put them in Afghanistan, so how will thant end the war? It won't, not until the terrorists are taken out.
This comes from someone who signed off on a....sm
stimulus bill that was so full of pork which, BTW, he still says was not - yeah, right. I feel so much better now.
Obama has no room to talk about earmarks....and neither he nor Biden...
have much room to talk about flip flopping. Ahem.
Obama lied to the country. "No earmarks"
he signed NAFTA, and now
my job's gone over there, over there, and it won't be back, naw, it ain't ever coming back, and the buck won't stop until it's gone over there.
ditto all you said.
OBAMA signed it too...
Me too! He's just signed on for the toughest
He's inherited a huge pile of problems in this country, and around the world that the US is involved in, and considering the mess he's up against, we can't expect everything to be coming up roses soon, and in some cases ever. But I truly believe he's sincere about at least TRYING to do something about putting this country and its people right again. I also believe things are probably going to get worse, possibly a LOT worse, before they can start to get better. But at least now I feel we have some hope.
I wish nothing but the best to President-Elect Obama and his family!
It's done. He just signed the package.
Got a kick out the guy who owns a small business out there. So young and employs 55 people in 3 years. He mispronounced Biden's name and everybody laughed. I don't think he realized what he did. He was nervous.
True, he signed it, but...
I think the cartoon was rather referring to the monkeys we have in Congress - they were the ones that actually wrote the bill. I don't know - maybe I'm just looking at it differently.
Sorry, I should have signed this not "sm" but
if abe is on the $5 bill & george is on the $1 bill, what is Obama on?
His own mother signed him up as Muslim
This was at a public school in Indonesia, where other faiths are taught as well. The records are there in his mother's handwriting. She signed him up not to have Christian lessions but Islamic.
That's what the cartoon says, but Obama signed it..nm
It's on youtube and in the documents signed
They "double speak" in the documents. Things like - "It is totally voluntary, everyone ages 18-25 WILL serve. This is something they are required to do as a citizen, total voluntary, and will make them better citizens". I may be off by one or two words but if you pull up youtube and type in Rahm Emanuel mandatory service there are a few different videos you can watch. It's also in the bills they passed. They are just calling it something different than the military because it's easier to hide it that way. Which by the way, once your child signs the papers and has had their basic training there is nothing that will stop them from being called to go fight in a war - after all "its their patriotic duty", oh and they shouldn't ever complain about it either.
I'll tell you, it's turning into a very scary country and I'm wondering if anyone in WA has a backbone anymore.
HMMMM...over 16,000 signed petition
Well, you just signed your death warrant on this board
because you just listed many things the liberals here hold as Gospel.
It would not matter. If I had posted that question and signed it...
obama supporter they would have known it was me, or would have assumed it was a Republican...which are equally bad in their eyes...because they know one democrat would never ask another democrat that question. They can't answer it. If they said yes, well you know what that suggests. They couldn't say no either, because they think whatever Obama does is right.
That is the difference in us. If OBama was the President, and he made as good a case as was made for going into Iraq (back when everybody including the Democrats believed there was wMD, were for it before they were against it), I would support him, because it would be in the best interest of the country. That is putting country first.
I might be sick about everything else he plans to do as President, but if he used military force to keep Iran from getting a nuke, yes, I would support Barack Obama. You heard it here first.
On the other hand, if he didn't and the inevitable resulted...I would take him to task. That also is putting country first...before party, before politics.
But that is just me.
Young black man said he signed up 73 times
I signed and already heard back from my Congressman
of course, it was a generic letter that the matter is being looked into, etc., but at least I know they got it. I hope we can all bombard their offices with e-mails. We have to have our voices heard.
Please everyone, no matter what your political inclinations, this is for the good of the MT industry - our very jobs. Make your voice heard!
He was signed up for Islamic teachings 4 hours