Bush parting gifts....(sm)
Posted By: Just the big bad on 2009-01-03
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List of pardons and commutations thus far. How many drug dealers has he now put back on the streets? My personal favorites are the ones abusing food stamps. I would say that's a big turnaround for a pub. And before you guys start throwing a fit, yes Clinton pardoned some nice ones too. I'm just keeping up with what's going on.
- James Leon Adams (1965 selling firearms to out of state residents and falsifying firearms records)[6]
- Kristan Diane Bullock Akins (1990 Embezzlement by a bank employee)[7]
- Charles James Allen (1979 conspiracy to defraud the United States. A former federal employee, Allen was convicted for approving payments to James Hilles Associates Inc., a Virginia firm, for office supplies that were never delivered. In return, Allen received car parts, a radio, a freezer and other gifts from the firm. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- William Thomas Alvis III (Possession of an unregistered firearm, distribution of cocaine)[8]
- John Allen Aregood a/k/a Johnny (Sonny) Aregood (Conspiracy to harbor and transport illegal aliens)[8]
- Tony Dale Ashworth (1989 unlawful transfer of a firearm)[6]
- Alan Dale Austin (1987 misapplication of mortgage funds)[9]
- William L. Baker (1980 falsifying records)[10]
- William Sidney Baldwin Sr. (1981 conspiracy to possess marijuana. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Timothy Evans Barfield (1989 aiding and abetting false statements on a Small Business Administration loan application. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Bruce Louis Bartos (1987 transportation of a machine gun in foreign commerce)[11]
- George Francis Bauckham (1958 unlawful detention or delay of the mail by a postal employee)[10]
- David Thomas Billmyer (1978 military conviction for making a false claim)[12]
- Eric Charles Blanke (Making impressions of obligations of the United States)[8]
- James Allen (Albert) Bodendieck, Sr. (1959 interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle)[13][14]
- Clyde Philip Boudreaux (1975 military conviction for borrowing money from enlisted men, accepting a noninterest-bearing loan from a government contractor and signing and swearing to a false affidavit. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Gene Armand Bridger (1963 Conspiracy to commit mail fraud, and mail fraud)[15]
- Marie Georgette Ginette Briere (1982 possession of cocaine with intent to distribute)
- Kenneth Charles Britt (1998 conspiracy to violate fish and wildlife laws)[10]
- Jeffrey James Bruce (1994 possession of stolen mail)[13]
- Charles Wayne Bryant (1962 theft of U.S. mail matter by employee)[13]
- William Bruce Butt (1990 bank embezzlement)[10]
- Mariano Garza Caballero (1984 dealing in firearms without a license)[10]
- Carl E. Cantrell (1967 moonshining)[16]
- Charles Winston Carter (1964 conspiracy to steal government property)[16]
- Meredith Elizabeth Casares (1989 embezzlement of US Postal Service funds)[17]
- Ronald William Cauley (1980 Misapplication of bank funds by an employee)[7]
- Steve Doyle Cavender (Conspiring to import, possess, distribute and dispense marijuana; importing and causing to be imported marijuana; possessing marijuana with intent to distribute)[8]
- Cathryn Iline Clasen-Gage (1992 Misprision of a felony)[15]
- Leslie Owen Collier (unauthorized use of a pesticide and violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act)[2]
- Thomas Kimble Collinsworth (1989 Receipt of a stolen motor vehicle that had been transported in interstate commerce)[15]
- Charles Russell Cooper (1959 bootlegging) [9]
- Milton Kirk Cordes (conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act, prohibiting importation into the country of wildlife taken in violation of conservation laws)[2]
- Anthony John Curreri (1976 Mail fraud) [18]
- Morris F. Cranmer, Jr. (1988 Making materially false statements to a federally-insured institution)[15]
- Dale C. Critz, Jr. (1989 making a false statement)
- Richard Micheal Culpepper (making false statements to the federal government)[2]
- William Charles Davis (1983 income tax evasion)[12]
- Randall Leece Deal (1960 and 1964 liquor laws)[6]
- Brenda Jean Dolenz-Helmer (reporting or helping cover up a crime)[2]
- Paul Jude Donnici (September 23, 1993) Use of a telephone in the transmission of wagering information [19]
- William Henry Eagle (1972 moonshining)[6]
- Mark Alan Eberwine (1985 conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding, impairing, and obstructing the assessment of taxes by the Internal Revenue Service and making false declarations to the grand jury. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Rusty Lawrence Elliott (1991 Making counterfeit Federal Reserve notes)[15]
- Marie Elena Eppens of Lynden, Wash. (conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute marijuana)[8]
- Robert Carter Eversole (1984 theft)[6]
- Lydia Lee Ferguson of Sun City, Ariz. (conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute marijuana)[8]
- Gerald Douglas Ficke (1992 money laundering)[17]
- Harper James Finucan (1980 marijuana possession with intent to distribute)[16]
- Kenneth Clifford Foner (1991 bank fraud)[6]
- Anthony Americo Franchi (1983 tax evasion)
- Colin Earl Francis (1993 accepting a kickback of about $9,000 for helping a vendor for United Technologies Corp.'s Sikorsky Aircraft division, where Francis worked at the time, land a contract. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Victoria Diane Frost (1994 conspiracy to possess)[6]
- William Grover Frye (1968 AWOL and 1973 sale of stolen car)[6]
- Joseph Daniel Gavin (1979 military insubordination, drunkenness, threats, and other offenses) [9]
- George Glenn (1956 accepting $50 bribe while in military)
- Eduviges Duvi Gonzalez-Matsumura of Clovis, Calif. (aiding and abetting embezzlement of bank funds)[8]
- George Clarence Greene Jr. (Mail fraud)[8]
- Samuel Wattie Guerry (1984 food stamp fraud)[19]
- Adam Wade Graham (1992 Conspiracy to deliver 10 or more grams of LSD)[15]
- Charles E. Hamilton (1989 mail fraud)[19]
- Stanley Bernard Hamilton 1990 (money order fraud)[6]
- Brianna Lea Haney (1991 failure to report monetary instruments)[11]
- Andrew Foster Harley (wrongful use and distribution of marijuana and cocaine)[2]
- George Thomas Harley (1984 aiding and abetting the distribution of cocaine. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Rufus Edward Harris (1963 Possession and selling tax-unpaid whiskey)[15]
- Jesse Ray Harvey (1990 Property damage by use of explosives and destruction of an energy facility)[15]
- David Custer Heaston (1988 false statement)[11]
- Melodie Jean Hebert (1984 defrauding U.S. with false claims)[6]
- Obie Gene Helton (unauthorized acquisition of food stamps)[2]
- Carey C. Hice Sr. (income tax evasion)[2]
- Geneva Yvonne Hogg (bank embezzlement)[2]
- Patricia Ann Hultman (1985 conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute cocaine and other controlled substances. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- James Won Hee Kang a/k/a Won Hee Kang (Trafficking in counterfeit goods)[8]
- Bobby Frank Kay Sr. (1959 operation of an illegal distillery)[16]
- James Ernest Kinard, Jr. (1984 fraudulent firearms dealer records)[6]
- Richard Ardell Krueger (1979 mail fraud and 1980 and false statement on a loan application)[12]
- Devin Timothy Kruse (1979 AWOL from Coast Guard)[6]
- Margaret Ann Leggett (1981 false claims)
- Raul Marin (1982 failure to appear in court) [9]
- Larry Paul Lenius (1989 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine)[15]
- Larry Lee Lopez (1985 Conspiracy to import marijuana)[15]
- Alan Stephen Maiss (Misprision of a felony)[8]
- Bobbie Archie Maxwell (1962 Mailing a threatening letter)[15]
- David B. McCall, Jr. (1997 False entry in bank books and aiding and abetting)[20]
- William Hoyle McCright Jr. (making false entries, books, reports or statements to a bank)[2]
- Paul Julian McCurdy (misapplication of bank funds)[2]
- Melvin L. McKee (1982 conspiracy to make false statements on a loan application)[16]
- Charles McKinley, (1950 moonshining)[16]
- Michael Mark McLaughlin (1983 mail fraud and conspiracy)[12]
- Craven Wilford McLemore (1983 Conspiracy to defraud the United States and Caddo County) [18]
- Denise Bitters Mendelkow (1981 Embezzlement by a bank employee)[15]
- Richard Harold Miller (Conspiracy to defraud the United States)[8]
- Michael Robert Moelter (1988 illegal gambling business)[11]
- Robert Earl Mohon Jr. (conspiracy to distribute marijuana)[2]
- Billie Curtis Moore (1977 income tax evasion)[12]
- Ronald Alan Mohrhoff (unlawful use of a telephone in a narcotics felony)[2]
- Richard Arthur Morse (1963 transportation of a stolen vehicle)[17]
- Gerard Murphy (1972 car theft)[6]
- Kenneth Lynn Norris (1993 unlawful disposal of hazardous waste)[19]
- Delano Abraham Nixon (Forging the endorsement on a U.S. Treasury check)[8]
- Joseph Mathew Novak (1994 possession and transfer of an illegal weapon)[6]
- Eric William Olson (1984 military conviction for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, possession with intent to distribute, possession, and use of hashish. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Glanus Terrell Osborne (1990 possessing a stolen motor vehicle)[14]
- John H. Overholt (Concealment of information affecting Social Security benefits)[8]
- Morris Keith Parker (Misprision of a felony)[8]
- Donald Lee Pendergrass (1964 armed bank robbery)[16]
- Fred Dale Pitzer (1976 transportation of falsely made securities)[17]
- Charles Blurford Power (1948 transportation of a stolen vehicle)[16]
- Michael John Pozorski (1988 Unlawful possession of an unregistered firearm)[15]
- Daniel Figh Pue III (illegal treatment, storage and disposal of a hazardous waste without a permit)[2]
- Robert Truman Reece (Unauthorized absence,missing ship's movement)[8]
- Thomas R. Reece (1969 violating the Internal Revenue Code pertaining to alcohol. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- James Edward Reed (1975 marijuana possession with intent to distribute)[12]
- Cecil John Rhodes (1981 false statement on a loan application)[17]
- John Louis Ribando (1976 and 1978 marijuana dealing)[6]
- Donald Edward Roessler (Embezzlement of mail matter)[8]
- Larry Gene Ross (1989 making false statements in a bank loan application. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Ernest Rudnet (1992 conspiracy to file false tax returns) [9]
- Gary L. Saltzburg (1995 theft of government property) [9]
- John Gregory Schillace (1988 conspiracy to possess cocaine for distribution)[16]
- Russell Don Sell (1995 aiding and abetting a false statement on a loan application)[17]
- Scott LaVerne Sparks (1989 theft of government property)[12]
- Wendy St. Charles (1984 conspiracy to trade narcotics and cocaine distribution)[16]
- David Lloyd St. Croix (1989 disposal of stolen explosives)[9]
- Jearld David Swanner (1991 making false statements in a bank loan application. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- James Walter Taylor (1991 bank fraud. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Johnson Heyward Tisdale (1994 food stamp fraud)[19]
- Issac Robert Toussie (False statements to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, mail fraud)(Revoked a day later)[8]
- Edward Rodriguez Trevino, Jr. (1997 theft, convicted in military court)[6]
- Janet Theone Upton (1975 mail fraud. pardoned December 21, 2006)
- Orion Lynn Vick (aiding and abetting the theft of government property)[2]
- Jerry Dean Walker (1989 cocaine distribution)[6]
- Joseph William Warner (1995 arson on an Indian reservation)[9]
- Mark Lewis Weber (1981 Selling Quaalude tablets, selling, using, and possessing marijuana )[15]
- Roger Charles Weber (1969 Theft from an interstate shipment)[7]
- David Lane Woolsey (Aiding and abetting violation of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act)[8]
Issac Robert Toussie (False statements to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, mail fraud) George W. Bush has revoked his pardon after discovering Issac Robert Toussie's father donated USD $28,500 to the Republican Party in April.[21]
[edit] Commutations
- Anthony C. Foglio aka Tony Foley (1996 distributing marijuana)[10]
- Marvin Robert Foster (1968 making a false statement in connection with a Federal Housing Administration loan)[10]
- Carl Harry Hachmeister (1985 conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud)[10]
- William Marcus McDonald (1984 Air Force court-martial for cocaine and marijuana charges)[10]
- Robert Michael Milroy (1975 heroin importation)[10]
- Jerry Lynn Moldenhauer (1994 selling migratory bird parts in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act)[10]
- Thomas Donald Moldenhauer (1994 selling migratory bird parts in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act)[10]
- Richard James Putney (1996 aiding and abetting the escape of a prisoner)[10]
- Timothy Alfred Thone (1987 making a false statement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to obtain a mortgage)[10]
- Lonnie Edward Two Eagle Sr. (1976 misdemeanor simple assault on an Indian reservation)[10]
- Jimmy Lee Williams (1995 false statements on a loan application)[16]
- William Charles Jordan Jr. (1997 conspiracy to gamble regarding football)[14]
- Jeffrey James Bruce (1994 possessing stolen mail)[14]
- Jackie Ray Clayborn (1993 marijuana charges)[14]
- John Fornaby (1991 conspiring to distribute cocaine)[14]
- Melton Harrell (1976 stealing government property)[14]
- Saul Kaplan (1992 violating the Federal Election Campaign Act)[14]
- John F. McDermott (1995 receiving kickbacks in defense procurement contracts)[14]
- William James Norman (1970 moonshining)[14]
- Gordon Allen Brown (1979 stealing government property) [14]
- John Forté (possession with intent to distribute cocaine and conspiracy to distribute)[22]
- Leslie Owen Collier of Charleston, Mo. He was convicted for unauthorized use of a pesticide and violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
- Milton Kirk Cordes of Rapid City, S.D. Cordes was convicted of conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act, which prohibits importation into the country of wildlife taken in violation of conservation laws.
- Richard Micheal Culpepper of Mahomet, Ill., who was convicted of making false statements to the federal government.
- Brenda Jean Dolenz-Helmer of Fort Worth, Texas, for reporting or helping cover up a crime.
- Andrew Foster Harley of Falls Church, Va. Harley was convicted of wrongful use and distribution of marijuana and cocaine.
- Obie Gene Helton of Rossville, Ga., whose offense was unauthorized acquisition of food stamps.
- Carey C. Hice Sr. of Travelers Rest, S.C., who was convicted of income tax evasion.
- Geneva Yvonne Hogg of Jacksonville, Fla., convicted of bank embezzlement.
- William Hoyle McCright Jr. of Midland, Texas, who was sentenced for making false entries, books, reports or statements to a bank.
- Paul Julian McCurdy of Sulphur, Okla., who was sentenced for misapplication of bank funds.
- Robert Earl Mohon Jr. of Grant, Ala., who was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
- Ronald Alan Mohrhoff of Los Angeles, who was convicted for unlawful use of a telephone in a narcotics felony.
- Reed Raymond Prior of Des Moines, Iowa who was sentenced for possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute.[8]
- Daniel Figh Pue III of Conroe, Texas, convicted of illegal treatment, storage and disposal of a hazardous waste without a permit.
- Orion Lynn Vick of White Hall, Ark., who was convicted of aiding and abetting the theft of government property
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In other words, you can't. Thanks for trying. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
May I say, in parting, that you are an idiot. sm
You, gt, and Observor are the three stooges. You are so full of hatred that it controls everything you think and say. If you are countered or called to task for incorrect statements, you simply change the subject. You lack of knowledge as well as your extremeism, most especially in having no boundaries to how low you will go to make a point, make you not worth debating. Several of us have tried. You should be left to your own devices.
Michelle spoke at a women's group meeting of some sort way before the election and said that they prefer to spend money on experiences for the girls, like camps, sleepovers, stuff like that. If you Google Michelle's speeches you may find it.
Don't have to be Muslim to not give gifts -
My boss is a practicing Christian in a Southern Baptist church and she does not give Christmas presents. She does celebrate Christmas, but she says it is about love and family and celebrating Christ - and on top of that (in her words), it is Jesus's birthday and he is the only one that deserves presents on his birthday...
But why is scrutinizing how he gifts his wife and chldren, with his own money, anyone's business.
I can see scrutinizing his speeches, his proposals, his statements, his appointments. foreign and domestic policies, etc., but even a President deserves a personal life with his family.
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.
Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.
"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.
"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"
That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.
"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"
Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.
"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."
Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.
Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.
"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.
Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."
"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."
Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."
A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.
This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."
Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."
Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.
"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."
But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."
Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.
"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."
Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."
"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."
But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.
"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.
Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.
"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.
"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"
That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.
"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"
Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.
"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."
Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.
Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.
"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.
Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."
"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."
Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."
A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.
This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."
Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."
Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.
"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."
But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."
Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.
"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."
Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."
"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."
But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.
"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.
Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.
"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.
"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"
That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.
"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"
Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.
"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."
Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.
Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.
"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.
Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."
"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."
Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."
A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.
This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."
Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."
Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.
"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."
But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."
Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.
"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."
Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."
"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."
But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.
"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.
Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.
"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.
"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"
That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.
"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"
Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.
"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."
Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.
Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.
"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.
Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."
"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."
Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."
A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.
This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."
Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."
Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.
"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."
But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."
Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.
"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."
Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."
"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."
But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.
"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Yeah right. Served under Reagan, Bush I and Bush II
Stop bringing up Bush - this post was not about Bush
I even said we have had some good presidents and some bad ones, but this post was not about Bush. It was about Obama. Yes Bush was one of the worst presidents I'm not arguing with you on that one, but everytime anyone brings up something about our current president they are shot back with Bush this or Bush that and on things that have nothing to do with what the current topic is about. Again, this was not about Bush. It was about Obama.
Oh, more "blame Bush" - except Bush didn't send these out, now did he?
Here's a news flash for you since you apparently haven't heard: BUSH IS NOT IN OFFICE and just today Gallup did a poll showing that THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS THINK OBAMA SHOULD START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS ON HIS WATCH.
G E T A C L U E.
Bush is gone, YEA!!! and yeah, it could darn well be Bush! LOL.
Chimp boy!! But, the cartoon is NOT about Bush, now is it? Give me a break.
George Bush HIMSELF makes it so easy to make fun of George Bush!!!! oh where would I start, so litt
Yes, Bush and Bush alone did this whole mess all my himself
Your speaking as though nobody else had a hand in this, just Bush nobody else. Last I knew we had a democratic congress and they are the ones who got us into this mess. Time to put fault where it belongs - congress. Bush is only a talking head.
Bush....they will still blame Bush.
Corporation owned media does not bash Bush, they bash those that bash Bush.sm
Google Bush and vote fraud and there is tons of information about how many Americans 'voted' for Bush. Poor us and poor troops.
bush says....
bush says we are safer cause of our Iraq war..No way..we have created a culture of American haters.a culture of terrorists against America due to this so wrong war..hopefully the Downing Street Memo and the people now realizing we have sacrified too much will be the downfall for the warmonger in the White House..
He is shrub, chimp boy and many other names I cant post here but which I call him at home and among friends..oh yeah, dufus, jerk, imbecile...
As soon as Bush went from
"Anyone in my office involved with a leak will be fired" to "Anyone who is found guilty of leaking," I figured he had a handle on what the decision is going to be by the special prosecutor, who, incidentally, was appointed by BUSH.
I guess time will tell if justice truly does prevail.
Bush makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
Bush's oil? sm
Well, you all have blamed Bush for everything except original sin. I guess that is next. Thank the environmentalists partly for the mess we are in with oil. And stop deifying Chavez. He is not a good person.
No, Bush, you certainly are no FDR!
No One Can Say They Didn't See It Coming By Sidney Blumenthal Salon.com
Wednesday 31 August 2005
In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.
A New Orleans resident waded through floodwaters coated with a fine layer of oil in the flooded downtown area on Tuesday, August 30, 2005. |
| Biblical in its uncontrolled rage and scope, Hurricane Katrina has left millions of Americans to scavenge for food and shelter and hundreds to thousands reportedly dead. With its main levee broken, the evacuated city of New Orleans has become part of the Gulf of Mexico. But the damage wrought by the hurricane may not entirely be the result of an act of nature.
A year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken. After a flood killed six people in 1995, Congress created the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, in which the Corps of Engineers strengthened and renovated levees and pumping stations. In early 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a report stating that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S., including a terrorist attack on New York City. But by 2003 the federal funding for the flood control project essentially dried up as it was drained into the Iraq war. In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for holding back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain by more than 80 percent. Additional cuts at the beginning of this year (for a total reduction in funding of 44.2 percent since 2001) forced the New Orleans district of the Corps to impose a hiring freeze. The Senate had debated adding funds for fixing New Orleans' levees, but it was too late.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune, which before the hurricane published a series on the federal funding problem, and whose presses are now underwater, reported online: No one can say they didn't see it coming ... Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious questions are being asked about the lack of preparation.
The Bush administration's policy of turning over wetlands to developers almost certainly also contributed to the heightened level of the storm surge. In 1990, a federal task force began restoring lost wetlands surrounding New Orleans. Every two miles of wetland between the Crescent City and the Gulf reduces a surge by half a foot. Bush had promised no net loss of wetlands, a policy launched by his father's administration and bolstered by President Clinton. But he reversed his approach in 2003, unleashing the developers. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency then announced they could no longer protect wetlands unless they were somehow related to interstate commerce.
In response to this potential crisis, four leading environmental groups conducted a joint expert study, concluding in 2004 that without wetlands protection New Orleans could be devastated by an ordinary, much less a Category 4 or 5, hurricane. There's no way to describe how mindless a policy that is when it comes to wetlands protection, said one of the report's authors. The chairman of the White House's Council on Environmental Quality dismissed the study as highly questionable, and boasted, Everybody loves what we're doing.
My administration's climate change policy will be science based, President Bush declared in June 2001. But in 2002, when the Environmental Protection Agency submitted a study on global warming to the United Nations reflecting its expert research, Bush derided it as a report put out by a bureaucracy, and excised the climate change assessment from the agency's annual report. The next year, when the EPA issued its first comprehensive Report on the Environment, stating, Climate change has global consequences for human health and the environment, the White House simply demanded removal of the line and all similar conclusions. At the G-8 meeting in Scotland this year, Bush successfully stymied any common action on global warming. Scientists, meanwhile, have continued to accumulate impressive data on the rising temperature of the oceans, which has produced more severe hurricanes.
In February 2004, 60 of the nation's leading scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, warned in a statement, Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: Successful application of science has played a large part in the policies that have made the United States of America the world's most powerful nation and its citizens increasingly prosperous and healthy ... Indeed, this principle has long been adhered to by presidents and administrations of both parties in forming and implementing policies. The administration of George W. Bush has, however, disregarded this principle ... The distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political ends must cease. Bush completely ignored this statement.
In the two weeks preceding the storm in the Gulf, the trumping of science by ideology and expertise by special interests accelerated. The Federal Drug Administration announced that it was postponing sale of the morning-after contraceptive pill, despite overwhelming scientific evidence of its safety and its approval by the FDA's scientific advisory board. The United Nations special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa accused the Bush administration of responsibility for a condom shortage in Uganda -- the result of the administration's evangelical Christian agenda of abstinence. When the chief of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the Justice Department was ordered by the White House to delete its study that African-Americans and other minorities are subject to racial profiling in police traffic stops and he refused to buckle under, he was forced out of his job. When the Army Corps of Engineers' chief contracting oversight analyst objected to a $7 billion no-bid contract awarded for work in Iraq to Halliburton (the firm at which Vice President Cheney was formerly CEO), she was demoted despite her superior professional ratings. At the National Park Service, a former Cheney aide, a political appointee lacking professional background, drew up a plan to overturn past environmental practices and prohibit any mention of evolution while allowing sale of religious materials through the Park Service.
On the day the levees burst in New Orleans, Bush delivered a speech in Colorado comparing the Iraq war to World War II and himself to Franklin D. Roosevelt: And he knew that the best way to bring peace and stability to the region was by bringing freedom to Japan. Bush had boarded his very own Streetcar Named Desire.
Sidney Blumenthal, a former assistant and senior advisor to President Clinton and the author of The Clinton Wars, is writing a column for Salon and the Guardian of London.
Bush's war
We are going to deal with the homecoming veterans of Iraq, their mental and physical troubles, for decades to come. I remember when I was a teenager, there was a man who lived down the street from my best friend where we all hung out..He would sit on his stoop. We would go up to the fence and ask him questions..He was spaced out, shaking, stared into space..We, as punky kids, thought it was funny..Later I found out, he was suffering from *shell shock*, post traumatic stress disorder..FROM WWII..He had never recovered..This was in the 1960's and he still was suffering..OMG..I also have a friend who was in Vietnam and he has never been the same after he came home in 1969..These returning vets are gonna experience hell on earth and we along with them..This war did not have to happen..this was an unnecessary war..a war of convenience, of profit and we will pay the price..Not Bush or his cronies, they will be insulated, locked away in their gated communities counting their money..We the working and caring American people, both democrat and republican, will pay the price..The only difference is democrats will admit it, republicans will still try to make excuses for Bushs war.
What? Not Bush?
Nobel Peace Prize 2005: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez makes the final list
VHeadline commentarist Carlos Herrera writes: The Nobel Commission for the Peace Prize has received 199 nominations including Colin Powell, the U2 singer Bono and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
It's Bush's
I wonder how much Bush (i.e. you and
me as TAXPAYERS) pays Faux News for its' *fair and balanced* reporting.
Ya gotta laugh at the morons who actually BELIEVE this nitwit, though!
Is he president Bush or dictator Bush? How can he expect to form a democracy in Iraq when at the very same time tear ours apart? What message is his administration trying to send to the terrorist now? We must make sure this does not slide by and be forgiven, not this time, Mr. Bush has gotten away with so many lies and then said I made a mistake. He is like the boy who cried wolf. When we let him get away with this illegal spying, and not even in the least way seeking a legal solution for doing it over 4 years! This is not acceptable, this is the highest disgrace of all of his disgraces done to our country. This is one nation under God, not George Bush. My new name for him is King George because his mindset is that of a dictator not a president. We need to clean up our own democracy before go around setting examples for other countries to do the same.
We should all be thankful that Bush was re-elected, I cannot imagine Kerry as President of the U. S. and now it looks like Hillary Clinton is going to run for President. If anyone votes for her they would have to be nuts. Cannot imagine getting Billy living back in the White House. If Hillary cannot control her own husband, how is she going to run the U.S.???????
Bush is doing no different
He's not targeting people paying off J.C. Penny Bills, Sears Cards etc. That's just ridiculous. Your argument about Bin Laden would work if he was the only terrorist in the world. You can't Monday morning quarterback in the War on Terror. Bush is not the first person to do this, and he won't be the last. This whole issue is just bizarre, and people who seem to be pro-terrorist are more bizarre.
Bush is not above the law...sm
Glad to see some of his fellow republicans are bringing this to the light for him.
Bush would never be a
Democrat. There is no money in it and he couldn't fake the compassion required.
But...I think that the Bush Adm.
is not the only president adm. this happens or will happen under.
The other ones will not bring back the American worker when China will make something for 10-cents and we make it for 10-dollars. All this outsourcing is here to stay. Sad to say.
if only Bush had
succeeded in passing his privitization of Social Security. Then we would be seeing all you gung-ho True Believer Repubs freaking out at the devastation of your retirement money. You would have to walk the walk instead of pontificating endlessly on your favorite subjects - scarey terrorists, Ayers, socialism, Salinsky, yak, yak, yak. It would serve ya all right.
Just saw this on TV and it's thanks to Bush sm
4 million more people this year from last year are on food stamps... twice as many people as 2005 are on food stamps.... say what you want but this is UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF G W BUSH and McCain voted with him 90 percent of the time. Not only that but McCain admitted during the run for candidacy that he knows nothing about the economy. I saw and heard it with my own senses. He said he doesn't know much about the economy.
People get $101 a month in food stamps and that only covers food, no toothpaste or toilet paper. You repubs act like it's moochers but these are newly impoverished people who had jobs last year and the year before. Wake up is all I can say.
Stop hating and pay attention.
oh get over bush would ya?
is out the door. as much as i dislike bush, he did not create all of this mess and i would rather have another 8 years of him in office and would feel way safer at night than i would with obama. you all can go on and on about how mccain s like bush, blah blah blah.... i disagree. i didn't vote for bush but i would vote for him over obama that is how strongly i feel that obama is so full of hot air. i just cannot believe how many people have their blinders on.
Never said I liked Bush but as other
posters have said, "He is our president and we should respect him" (in response to posts about O.
I disagreed with a lot of Bush's policies, but at least he stood up for the country for 911 (and let's not get into an argument over that). It's all been hashed over and over and over.
There's no winning any argument, just opinions on this board and that's mine.
One More WSJ about Bush
Maybe this will open some eyes, but I doubt it.
Sorry, but Bush kept us from
Not many other presidents went through as much as Bush did in office. The 9/11, Katrina, Rita. Stopping a war on our own land, etc. I can't imagine what Kerry would have done after 9/11.
Way to go Bush! (sm)
You can now add another 9500 people (from DHL) to your list of unemployed citizens. You just keep sitting up there doing nothing while the country crashes around you. Awesome!
Go Bush!
Don't let those old ugly homeless people get in the way of your master plan. You sit there and stand firm for what you believe in--help thyself. And if those pesky reporters aren't on the straight talk express with ya, well you can just send them to Gitmo.
you mean...Go away, Bush.....nm
That's Bush for ya!
Remember, OBAMA IS NOT PRESIDENT YET. You can't begin to blame anything on him until AFTER he takes the oath of office.
Everything that has happened in the last eight years happened and is continuing to happen under the BUSH ADMINISTRATION and a REPUBLICAN SENATE that still holds fillibuster control, and a lot of things Bush "signs into law" are later secretly amended to include "signing statements" that really mean "only if I decide I want to." Hopefully, Obama will be able to find all of Bush's abuses and undo the damage, but it would probably take eight years of just doing THAT to find them all.
The "myth" of the Democrats being totally in charge hopefully is slowly moving more toward a reality, but it isn't there yet.
By the way, as an example of how gracious and kind Obama is, after all the terrible things Lieberman said about him, he still wants to include him in the Democratic Party. Obama and his beautiful family are definitely a class act!
This is because Bush & Co.
ONLY care about the richest of the rich and have always only cared about them. They simply don't care about the average American and have practically eliminated the middle class over the last eight years.
Obama knows this and wants to help the middle class survive.
Bush believes in that old "trickle down" theory. That obviously hasn't worked because of all the greed at the top.
Obama believes in the "bottom up" theory, which, to me makes perfect sense. Create the market by the consumers, and then, in good old capitalism style, the market will bear what the consumers can afford.
Bush has been the socialist (actually, more in line with fascism after buying banks and all the corporate welfare), so if we're going to continue to have "socialism" that instead helps the average American who is working two or three jobs to survive, am I in favor of that? You betcha! 
Hopefully Bush will be next....(sm)
A friend of mine said some time ago during the election: *Bush and Cheney are looking for another 4 years in office, but if we're lucky they'll get 10 to 20.*
All Bush needs....(sm)
is for congress to declare war.
Lately, it seems that we back whatever government is in agreement (profitable would probably be a better word) with us, bomb the ones who don't agree with us if they are small enough, and for the ones we don't agree with who are too big to tackle (North Korea for example)---we'll just complain about those. I don't think it has anything to do with the regular people who live there at all (Afghanistan for example). However, when it comes to Israel, we always hear a different tune.
I don't think that Bush would
bother with a little formality like declaring WAR, especially if his ultimate aim is martial law, plus he never cared much for the "rules" of the US as it regards the Constitution, etc.
I agree with your points about Israel. I think we need to be objective.
I'm no Bush fan for sure
These past six years have been the worst since Clinton was in office. The first two years of Bush wasn't too bad. They were'nt the greatest (and I'm not saying they were), but for some reason the past six years have been really bad. I don't blame it on Clinton. Bush really made of muck of things since he's been in. But that's not saying that the Clinton years were a barrell full of monkey's. I think both Presidents have disgraced themselves and the office they sat in, but I don't link the two together. They were both at fault for a lot of things they did completely on their own. It seems like both republicans and democrats seem to make a mess of the whole thing, so why can't we give an independent a chance at the office or even someone from the Constitution party. Why has American come down to only a democrat or republican will ever be the president. Neither party seems to be doing a good job at it. I say it's time to clean house - fire everyone (and I mean EVERYONE), and start the slate clean. Do away with the two parties because all they seem to be good for is dividing people. Each side always blames the other side and I am truly sick of it all. There are many indenpendents and free thinkers quite capable of doing the job properly. It is so hard to have any kind of trust in anyone in the government anymore.
Bush Sr. Bush Jr and now Jeb.
No American dynasties? Yeah, right.
So what was Bush doing 09/10, or
any of the days and months BEFORE 9/11? MIA me thinks. He had been briefed in these matters of terrorists wanting to do America harm, and he did nothing, very sadly, for the US. He just ran rickshaw over the Constitution with anti-American policies which ruined our national moral credibility and doubled our national debt. America would have been better off without a president these last 8 years, sadly. A thousand times NO THANKS, MR. BUSH.
Bush was
sitting in a Florida classroom when informed of the attacks