The democrats are into strobe lights and smoke machines and can conduct their convention any way they choose. Nobody asked for your approval. Go serve tea and crumpets next week in the Twin Cities but better remember a couple of air raid alarms to wake up the crowd when they start dozing through their lack of enthusiasm for the best they could do.
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Other related messages found in our database Well...the flight suit might disspell some of the rock star image...
I think Invesco field and the whole rock star set is going to do nothing to help him trying to portray himself as a serious politician ready to lead this country. But...I will wait until I actually see it...have only seen pictures so far. But if it is anything like it looks, it will be more like a hollywood musical than a political event. Maybe it IS all about the celebrity. Kinda looks like it might be.
911 widow charges Bush in RICO
911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To The POTUS
Thursday, 27 November 2003
Press Release: Ellen Mariani Lawsuit
Open Letter To The President Of The United States
Mr. Bush,
This ''open letter'' is coming from my heart. I want you to know that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat and that this is not an attempt to ''bash the Government''.
You Mr. Bush should be held responsible and liable for any and all acts that were committed to aid in any cover up of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. As President you have a duty to protect the American people. On September 11th you did not instruct your staff to issue a nationwide emergency warning/alert to advise us of the attack on America. We had to receive the news of the attacks via the news networks.
In the months leading up to the attacks you were repeatedly advised of a possible attack on American soil. During your daily intelligence briefings you were given information that had been uncovered that the very real possibility existed that certain undesirable elements would use commercial aircraft to destroy certain target buildings. You never warned the American people of this possible threat. Who were you protecting?
When you took no responsibility towards protecting the general public from the possibility of attack, you were certainly not upholding the oath you spoke when you took office. In that oath you pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
On the morning of the attack, you and members of your staff were fully aware of the unfolding events yet you chose to continue on to the Emma E. Booker Elementary School to proceed with a scheduled event and photo op. While our nation was under attack you did not appear to blink an eye or shed a tear. You continued on as if everything was business as usual.
In the days following the attacks all air traffic was grounded and Americans, including myself, were stranded wherever they had been when the flight ban was imposed. I was stranded at Midway Airport in Chicago, unable to continue on to California for my daughter's wedding. Imagine my surprise when I later found out that during this no fly period a number of people were flown out of the country on a 747 with Arabic lettering on the fuselage. None of these people were interviewed or questioned by any local, State or Federal agencies. Why were they allowed to leave and who exactly was on that flight. We know for a fact that some of the people on the flight were members of (or related to) the royal family of Saudi Arabia and members of the Bin Laden family. Were these people allowed to leave because of the long-standing relationships that your family has with both families?
It is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9/11 to happen to gather public support for a war on terrorism. These wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, have not accomplished what you stated were your goals. Why have you not captured Osama Bin Laden? Where are Saddam's weapons of mass destruction? All that has happened is a bill that is passed before Congress for 87 billion dollars to rebuild what you ordered blown to bits. As an American who lost a loved one in the war on terror I do pray and support our troops who were sent to Afghanistan and Iraq by you. These troops have and will continue to die for your lies. As an American I can make this statement as it appears that associates of your family may stand to prosper from the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Mr. Bush the time has come for you to stop your control over us. Stop blocking the release of certain evidence and documents that were discovered by the 9/11 Investigation Commission if you have nothing to hide proving you did not fail to act and prevent the attacks of 9/11. Your reason for not releasing this material is that it is a matter of national security. When in fact I believe that it is your personal credibility/security that you are concerned with. You do not want the public to know the full extent of your responsibility and involvement.
After 9/11 the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act were passed. Both of these allow the government to tap your telephone, search your home, and seize whatever they feel they need to do on a whim. They can do this without a judge's review or a warrant. I feel that this is in direct conflict with our rights as stated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We the families of 9/11 victims need to have answers to the following questions:
1. Why were 29 pages of the 9/11committee report personally censored at your request?
2. Where are the black boxes from Flight 11 and Flight 175?
3. Where are the voice recorders from Flight 11 and Flight 175?
4. Why can't we gain access to the complete air traffic control records for Flight 11 and Flight 175?
5. Where are the airport surveillance tapes that show the passengers boarding the doomed flights?
6. When will complete passenger lists for all of the flights be released?
7. Why did your brother Jeb (the Governor of Florida) go to the offices of the Hoffman Aviation School and order that flight records and files be removed? These files were then put on a C130 government cargo plane and flown out of the country. Where were they taken and who ordered it done?
It has been over two years since hundreds of our lost loved ones remains have still yet to be identified and their remains placed in a landfill at Fresh Kill. We want our heroes brought back and given a public and proud resting place where we all can pay our respects and honor them. These innocent people never had a chance as they were taken from us on that sad September Day.
In the court of public opinion Mr. Bush, your lies are being uncovered each day. My husband, all of the other victims and their families and our nation as a whole, has been victimized by your failed leadership prior to and after 9/11!
and a couple of engines go out. Our pilot says we may experience 'a little turbulance' ahead but not to worry, he's in control, knows what he's doing, and everything will be just fine.
The flight attendants: ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC are all yucking it up, serving meals and drinks. Meanwhile, one lone flight attendant, Fox, tells us the engines our out and advises that we remain calm, not have any more alcohol, fasten our seatbelts, keep our seats upright and our heads down. Those of us seated in that one flight attendant's section might stand a better chance of surviving - or not - but at least we'll be aware of what's coming.
Just days after the 9/11 attacks, Vice President Cheney, on “Meet The Press,” said the response should be aimed at Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror organization not Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
When asked if any evidence connected the Iraqis to the operation, Cheney said, no.
But during that same time period, according to Bob Woodward's book, Bush At War, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was pushing for military strikes on Iraq and during cabinet meetings Cheney, expressed deep concern about Saddam and wouldn't rule out going after Iraq at some point.
That point started to come 11 months later, just before the first anniversary of 9/11.
The president and vice president had decided to redirect their war on terror to Baghdad. So, with the help of the newly-formed White House Iraq group, which consisted of top officials and strategists, the selling of a war on Iraq began and the administration's rhetoric about Saddam changed.
On September 8, 2002, not only did White House hawks tell The New York Times for a front page exclusive that Saddam was building a nuclear weapon, five administration officials also went on the Sunday television shows that day to repeat the charge.
He is, in fact actively and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, Cheney told Tim Russert on “Meet The Press.
But the White House started claiming that Iraq and the group responsible for 9/11 were one in the same.
The war on terror, you can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror, said Bush on September 25, 2002.
We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases, said Bush a few days later on October 7. He's a threat because he is dealing with Al-Qaeda.
In pushing the Saddam-Iraq-9/11 connection, both the president and the vice president made two crucial claims. First, they alleged there had been a 1994 meeting in the Sudan between Osama bin Laden and an Iraqi intelligence official.
After the Iraq war began, however, the 9/11 Commission was formed and reported that while Osama bin Laden may have requested Iraqi help, Iraq apparently never responded.
The other crucial pre-war White House claim was that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in the Czech republic in April 2001.
Cheney stated, It's been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a Senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service.
Confirmed or unconfirmed by Vice President Cheney the 9/11 Commission said, We do not believe such a meeting occurred. Why? Because cell phone records from the time show Atta in the United States.
None the less, the White House strategy worked. In March of 2003, one poll found 45 percent of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11.
On the eve of the Iraq war, the White House sent a letter to Congress telling lawmakers that force was authorized against those who, aided the 9/11 attacks.
Yet the Bush administration continues to say it never claimed Iraq was linked to 9/11.
I think I made it very clear that we have never made that claim, White House Press Secretary McClellan repeated on Sept. 17, 2003.
The brutal irony is that while implications, innuendo, or false claims if you will about a 9/11 connection helped take us into Iraq. The Iraqi war itself has created a real al-Qaeda/Iraq link that may keep us from getting out.
You're a liar. GT didn't curse. You're a filthy liar, but you are a gift from God.
God sent you here to as a constant reminder of the kind of person I DON'T want to be and if I ever have a bad day when I feel temporarily stupid, all I have to do is read your posts, and I realize there are those out there who are much worse off than I am and for them it's not temporary.
Yes, liar. You post 20 to my 1. Liar. nm Yes, there is a suit in progress now.....
Plaintiff, Philip J. Berg, Esquire [hereinafter “Plaintiff”] files the within Response in Opposition to Defendants, Barack H. Obama [hereinafter “Obama”] and the Democratic National Committee [hereinafter “DNC’] Motion for Protective Order Staying Discovery Pending Decision on Defendants Dispositive Motion
Democratic Attorney General nominee David Van Os joined with the NAACP, two Travis County voters, and the Texas Civil Rights Project today in filing a lawsuit in state district court seeking to block the use of electronic voting machines that do not produce paper receipts. Attorney Jim Harrington, Director of the Texas Civil Rights Project, represents Van Os and the other plaintiffs.
Democracy belongs to all the voters. When every voter cannot be sure that a machine recorded his or her vote the way he or she intended, democracy is not fulfilled. These paperless machines are a direct threat to Constitutional democracy. We must have paper ballots.
The lawsuit claims that the paperless machines violate the public's right to a secure election and the purity of the ballot box under the Texas Constitution.
More than half the states have enacted legislation that requires voting machines to print a paper ballot when the voter casts his or her vote. The voter reads his or her ballot to make sure it recorded the vote he or she intended and then casts both the electronic and paper ballots.
The paper ballot can be counted in the all too often case when electronic ballots vanish into thin air or when there is a discrepancy between the number of people who voted and the number of votes recorded. Having a paper trail also makes fraud less likely.
For further information contact David Van Os at (210) 332-7070.
Another RICO suit from 911 hero/
William Rodriguez was the last known person out of the North Tower alive, and helped rescue people out of the tower.
Here is his story:
when Obama said that we aren't a Christian nation. I don't really agree with that given the number of Christians in this country and the fact that all of our money has In God We Trust on it....but whatever. I understood that he didn't want to tick off the secular part of our country because, as we know by the hate stated on this board, many non-believes truly hate believers.
However, when he said that we are a Muslim country.....I was like.....excuse me? We aren't a Christian nation but we are a Muslim country? Why couldn't he have just said that we are a country with many different religions and we have the freedom to practice whatever it is we choose or don't choose. I would have respected that a lot more than....we are not a Christian nation......we are a Muslim country.
I understand trying to make ties with Muslims who aren't extremists and want us dead, but to say something like BS. I just don't know what games our President is playing. You would even think that some of the atheists on this board who hate Christians would have a problem with Obama calling us a Muslim country too....but since Obama said it and some of them love Obama.....I'm sure they will, once again, give the big O a free pass as always.
he looked awful
He looked like something was wrong in the news video I saw..I did not state it was alcohol. I stated you never know cause something looked wrong..his face was hanging, his eyes were puffy, he was inattentive..definitely something was not right..Believe me, I do not wish this disease on anyone..I have seen what it can do..
Oh, you looked in the mirror, then? Oh, don't stop now! Keep talking, keep the accusations rolling! Keep proving my point.I have looked at "my" guy
and I've looked at McCain. I wouldn't vote for McCain if you paid me. Did you not HEAR him say he's the biggest free trader ever?
<groan" only 1 more day.
YOU have not looked at the facts.
I looked at the article but I would like you to know
more abortions go on under a republican leadership than democratic. You probably will think this is not true, but just do the googling for yourself. Regardless of what is signed, regardless, women have for years and will continue to have abortions, whether he is president or someone else. There does not have to be any law at all for women to have these. I know because I was born back in the 40s and abortions illegal when I was a young teen but girls/women still had them. This is a radical based article you are looking at. I would take this article with a grain of salt.
I think those things will be looked at...
but the impetuous is on stimulating the economy RIGHT NOW. And, with the stimulus package as it will not work. Tax cuts do not work. It's been proven over and over again.
If you looked really close to
Nancy Pelosi you would have seen the large brown on her nose. That is what that was all about. Look at me.....I'm Obama's right hand woman and I'm going to applaud and give a standing O for every little thing he says whether it is stupid or not. Woo hoo! Personally, I'm surprised the dems didn't do the wave or something. I wonder what kind of kool-aid they served last night. Hmm.
ROFL! I never looked at it from that...
point of view! You are a liar. SM
I'm glad to say it and it is true. As far as Iraq, of course, you twisted that all out of context. Lurker asked if I would go to Iraq to help rebuild and I said yes, if I could I would, but please don't tell the truth and continue to twist because you are twisted. Now, that felt good to FINALLY call you a liar. You have used that word with every conservative poster and we are all pretty darn sick of it. Liar. Liar?
A conservative calling someone a liar? Pot-kettle-black
Once a liar, always a liar!!!!
Liar, liar
Politicians lie. Is everyone just figuring that out? Why get into an argument over who's lying. Just tell me what you're going to do for me, how I'm supposed to pay my mortgage when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to send my kids to college when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to pay these ridiculous prices for gas when you keep sending my job overseas.
The first guy that can do that without mincing words and blaming everything on the other gets my vote. I don't care what color you are, whether you screwed around on your wife, who you have in your back pocket, whether your running mate is an old fart or a woman.
GW is a liar.........
So I guess that makes him a fake, too. WMDs, he really gave a rat's about Katrina, billions of dollars just "vanished." Harriet Myers for supreme court??? LOLOLOLOLOL - at least Obama isn't a freaking moron!
What a liar!
President Obama gave a speech in Illinois saying that if we pass this stimulus bill that the CEO of Caterpillar promised to hire back employees. After Obama's speech, the CEO of Caterpillar got up and said that he just wanted to clarify that whether or not the stimulus package passes, they will continue to lay off people for some time and this hire back will be further in the future and I'm sure that means if this package actually works.....which it won't.
I'm sorry people but this stimulus will not work. Obama promised to look out for the middle class and the low class. So far, he is doing nothing but helping the low class and he is going to crush us middle class folk. The rich will survive but it will be the middle class that suffers.....once again.
They looked more like devil worshipers to me.
I looked at it....and I understand the feelings...
however, you know where I stand. I stand on the sides of the soldiers who said *yes, it is our right to do that, that does not mean we have to exercise it* and *I myself would not have done that.* I do not blame any of those soldiers for appearing, other than I believe, whether intentions are good or not, that they worsened their situation by emboldening the enemy. I see that that was not a question that was asked. If those soldiers had to answer that question truthfully, a whole different debate might be out there.
Again, I support their right to do whatever they think is best; I do not support their timing. The problem is that others also have to live with the consequences of their actions. We all have a lot of rights to do a lot of things...we simply choose where and when to exercise those rights...using discretion...and considering how our actions will affect others. I had a right to carry a sign in the park across from the White House while Clinton was in office saying the President of the US is an admitted albeit unindicted felon, but I did not exercise that right. That is basically what I am talking about. It is how you choose to exercise the right...not that you HAVE the right. And I don't think hiding behind *I have the right* always excuses the fallout from the exercising. But you knew we would not agree on this.
I also have a problem with a statement like *the majority of the country is against the war in Iraq,* and *the majority of the military is against the war in Iraq.*
When you look at the percentages on the polls they are very close. Without giving the actual percentages, it gives the impression of a much larger gap. And they quoted the Military Times poll for the other statement. The Military Times does not now nor has it ever represented the majority of the American Military, and there is a definite bias there. But I will stop on that subject now.
As to biased on the part of CBS...I believe CBS probably actively hunted for this story, and I expect those gentlemen were paid well for their appearances, though we will never know that, and it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things.
He said that is why he did not go last time...exactly what you just said. And now he goes, ...and you criticize him.
Serious question...why is that? Don't want to fight, just want to know.
I never said as an independent I looked objectively....
at both sides. I am an "independent" meaning independent of the major parties. You have to register as something to vote in this country and I chose Independent. As far as objective...none of us are objective. All of us have taken a stand on one side or the other. What I do is present the other side of things posted here on the Dem side. Instead of refuting the posts, generally I just get attacked. That is generally what happens when a point can't be refuted, so all that is left is to attack. It works itself out here nearly every day.
As to the "you can't have it both ways," that was originated by a Dem poster. I just turned it back to them and I will turn it back to can't have it both ways.
Obama did well. He actually looked at McCain.
McCain wouild not look at Obama at all. He just looked at the camera and the commentator with his fake smile.
Anyone actually looked at the money Obama wants