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Bush doesn't care anything

Posted By: American Woman on 2005-08-23
In Reply to: You got it wrong.... - Not lily-livered

about terrorists.  If he did, he'd START by securing our borders to help keep them out.  Instead, governors are forced to declare states of emergencies because BUSH DOESN'T CARE.

Instead, we are now dealing with terrorists who are much better at their "trade" now, gratis Bush, who has enabled them to hone their skills in Iraq.  I personally think Bin Laden should send Bush a thank you note.  Iraq was NOT a terrorist's haven before it was invaded by America.  Bush did that.

We are DEFINITELY less safe, and we're losing the respect of the entire world a little more every day, especially with the likes of Pat Robertson and those of his ilk publicly advocating the assassination of a president of another country.

I want our borders sealed so these animals can't get in here.  And when they do get in because our president couldn't care less if Americans die, I want them KILLED.  I have no sympathy for terrorists, and the fact that some people on this board think if someone is liberal and against this unethical war, they love terrorists.  That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and these people apparently believe it.  Nobody can debate or reason with skewed thinking like that.

The best we can do on this board is to continue to politely, intelligently debate with and inform each other of issues, ignore the ones who want to do nothing but start trouble, and maybe the respect and intelligence and civility will bore them to tears and they'll go back to ripping wings off of baby birds or whatever fun stuff they do to pass the time.


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Because she doesn't really care
what we think if it isn't the same thing she thinks.
Doesn't matter whether or not I care.
seems that all those calls are being ignored anyway since we are getting reports about a compromise measure on the stimulus plan that appears bound for passage. Whose got deaf ears now? Huh?
One that doesn't care if it takes voter fraud to
yeah, but could care less really doesn't make sense if you think about it -nm
too late, Bush has already taken care of that
You mean a watery grave like those that Bush took care of?

Just when I think you can't be any more stupid, you outdo yourself.

This thread is about a Republicant who posted a total LIE about Ted Kennedy and how many Katrina survivors are moving to Massachusetts.

If you don't like it here and you are so fed up, why don't you spare yourself the discomfort and go back to your stinky, stenchy Conservative board and take a swim in THAT murky water?

Who's going to explain to your son that Bush couldn't care less

what happens to him AFTER he gets home, God willing that he is fortunate enough to get home in one piece!

Full funding for veterans health care in the future – Senator Durbin supports permanent, mandatory funding for veterans health care. He believes that veterans health care is an earned benefit that shouldn’t be subject to political deal-making. To accomplish this, he has co-sponsored the Assured Funding for Veterans Health Care Act of 2005 which makes Veterans health a “must fund” item so that it not subject to the cuts and shortages of the annual discretionary budget process.

Responding to Administration Failure to Adequately Fund Veterans Health NowThe Bush Administration requested more than $80 Billion in supplemental funding for war related costs in 2005 but not one extra penny for veterans. Senator Durbin found this to be unacceptable and supported an amendment offered by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) to the 2005 Iraq supplemental spending bill to increase funding for veterans by $2 billion. The Murray amendment included a proposal by Senator Durbin to expand VA treatment capability for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder. The amendment was defeated, with Republican leaders and the Bush Administration arguing that closing the VA funding gap was not an emergency. Just weeks later, the VA admitted that it was indeed more than $1 Billion short of needed funds in the current year and would be short for the next year as well. Durbin joined Murray and others in responding with renewed legislation for added funds for the VA and this time the measure was passed.

Helping veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Senator Durbin continues to push for additional VA funding and staff to help veterans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) officials at six of the seven VA facilities visited by the GAO said they might not be able to meet the demands for PTSD treatment of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Welcome Home G.I. Bill, increased health care, education and financial support for veterans – Senator Durbin introduced the “Welcome Home GI Bill” which, like the original G.I. Bill offered at the end of World War II, will provide a package of benefits for returning veterans to ease their transition to civilian life. This bill would provide up to five years of health coverage for veterans who have no other insurance, as well as $5,000 tax-free for a home down payment. It also roughly doubles current levels of veterans’ educational benefits to $75,000 over four years.

Protecting veterans from harsh new bankruptcy rules – Senator Durbin sponsored a successful amendment to exempt from the harsh “means test” of the new federal bankruptcy law those disabled veterans whose debts are incurred primarily while they were serving on active duty. This successful addition to the new law provides protection

Concurrent Receipt of Both Retirement and Disability Payments – Senator Durbin feels strongly that military retired pay should not be reduced because a military retiree is also eligible for veterans' disability compensation awarded for a service-connected disability. Currently, a retiree can only receive both benefits in full if he or she is 50% or more disabled. To improve this situation, Senator Durbin has co-sponsored the Retired Pay Restoration Act (S. 558) which allows the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability.

Senator Durbin Works to Help the Families of
Fallen Service Members

Increased support for surviving spouses and children of fallen service members – With Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH), Senator Durbin is pushing for substantial increases in health, education and financial benefits for surviving spouses and children of service members who die serving our nation. Their bill, S. 21, calls for increasing the “death gratuity” from $12,500 to $100,000; increasing the monthly compensation for surviving spouses to $1,500 per month plus an additional $750 per month for each surviving child. It provides surviving children with no-cost health care until they are turn 21 (23 if they are in school). And it increases education benefits for children and spouses to $80,000 each. Senator Durbin has been adamant that the increased death gratuity should be paid to the families who lose loved ones due to either combat or non-combat deaths.

Military Retiree Survivor Benefit Equity Act of 2005 – Senator Durbin is a co-sponsor of this bill which allows the spouse of a retired military member who dies from a service connected disability to receive benefits from both Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) paid by the Veteran's Administration and the military in the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). Currently the law forbids surviving families from receiving both benefits in full.


If I had any I would, Bush took care of that, but I don't expect you to get the facts.
So now the health care is Bush's fault? Hummmmmm....sm
I seem to recall that someone named Clinton ran largely on a platform to redo the health care plan, but of course, no one on the left ever remembers that.   Bush is suddenly responsible for every sin including original sin. 
William Safire (a conservative) doesn't believe Bush.

This was on Meet the Press yesterday.  William Safire is a renowned conservative, who was describing his Nixon years.  Any of this sound familiar?

*I was writing a speech on welfare reform, and the president looks at it and says, OK, I'll go with it, but this is not going to get covered. Leak it as far an wide as you can beforehand. Maybe we'll get something in the paper. And so I go back to my office and I get a call from a reporter, and he wants to know about foreign affairs or something, and I said, Hey, you want a leak? I'll tell you what the president will say tomorrow about welfare reform. And he took it down and wrote a little story about it. But the FBI was illegally tapping his phone at the time, and so they hear a White House speechwriter say, Hey, you want a leak? And so they tapped my phone, and for six months, every home phone call I got was tapped. I didn't like that. And when it finally broke--it did me a lot of good at the time, frankly, because then I was on the right side--but it told me how easy it was to just take somebody who is not really suspected of anything for any good reason and listen to every conversation in his home--you know, my wife talking to her doctor, my--everything.*

George W. Bush says he is only illegally wiretapping terrorists. William Safire isn't buying it.

I guess they figure if Bush doesn't play by the rules,
they don't have to, either.  No big surprise here.  They want to take over everything, just as Bush does:  With Bush, it's the world.  With them, it's this message board.  I agree with you, though.  They should stay on their own board, as the moderator has requested.  
Miers: Margaret Carlson & James Dobson know. Why doesn't Bush?


With Miers, Bush Gets Fifth Vote Against Roe: Margaret Carlson

Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- What if former President Bill Clinton had nominated his White House counsel, Bernie Nussbaum, to the Supreme Court? I can hear Bill Frist now. What does Slick Willy think he's doing -- filling a job at FEMA?

At first glance, there seems to be no other reason for Harriet Miers's nomination to the Supreme Court other than that she is President George W. Bush's Bernie Nussbaum. The notion that a careerist corporate lawyer would have risen to the top of Bush's list if she weren't down the hall is preposterous.

Unlike famous self-selector Dick Cheney, no one suspects the modest Miers looked in the mirror and saw the best replacement for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor staring back at her. Only Bush could see the ``heart'' and ``character'' in Miers that made her the perfect selection. She's been his consigliore, fixer and confidante for more than two decades, and she thinks the way he does.

The fact that Miers is a woman helps enormously. It looks as if Bush listened to wife Laura, who publicly suggested he should replace a woman with a woman. It's far more likely that Laura publicly suggested it because he already had decided to do so. The choice prompts automatic praise from some liberals, excites Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and placates Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Bush's Wants

And notice how tongue-tied a potential critic, Senator Edward Kennedy, was two days ago trying to criticize her.

Miers satisfies a number of Bush's proclivities: his inability to distinguish an insider job from an outside one (White House counsel is the most partisan legal job in government), his desire to reward loyalty and his love of surprise.

Ambitious Republicans should be on notice that the best way to get ahead in the Bush years is to work anonymously inside. It was only because the White House floated Miers's name that she was on anyone's list.

This is not to say that Miers isn't a decent, competent (she may be a crony, but she's no Michael Brown) and respected person. She's devoted to her mother and brothers, a regular churchgoer, an early riser, an avid celebrator of birthdays.

Up the Ladder

In Dallas, she broke the glass ceiling for female lawyers (although she lived the life of a nun to get there). After meeting Bush in 1989, she represented him in matters ranging from his purchase of a fishing cottage in East Texas to questions about his National Guard service.

At the same time, she climbed a steep corporate ladder, becoming co-manager of a huge Dallas firm and chairwoman of the Texas Bar Association, specializing in commercial transactions for large corporations.

She served on the Dallas City Council and headed the Texas Lottery, where, some say, she cleaned up Powerball. She moved with the president to the White House, where the only complaint against her was that she lingered over paperwork too long.

She became counsel to the president when Alberto Gonzales was promoted to attorney general. Gonzales is another loyalist who proved himself to Governor Bush by speed-reading through death row appeals in Texas and redefining torture in the White House for purposes of allowing more of it in Iraq. With her nomination, Miers has gotten an even bigger promotion than her predecessor.

Shocked Conservatives

Some conservatives are loudly shocked that Bush ignored the long list of known quantities among conservative jurists in the mold of his favorites, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. It depressed Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. Rush Limbaugh was so agitated Cheney gave him an interview to calm his listeners.

What those conservatives are missing is what Dr. James Dobson, chairman of Focus on the Family, and Jay Sekulow, chief counsel to the American Center for Law & Justice, see in Miers: a fifth vote for overturning Roe v. Wade. Bush even got Dobson's approval beforehand.

Like Bush, Miers had a late-in-life born-again moment, joining a conservative evangelical church in Dallas where she taught Sunday School.

In an interview in yesterday's Dallas Morning News, Miers's former campaign manager, Lorlee Bartos, said Miers told her when running for city council in 1989 that she had been ``pro-choice in her youth.'' Then, according to Bartos, Miers said she underwent ``a born-again, profound experience'' that caused her to change her mind and oppose abortion.

Keeping the Promise

That conversion fits with her $150 contribution to Texans United for Life in 1989 and her successful effort to get the American Bar Association to move from support for abortion rights to neutral in 1991. After the ABA switched back to a pro- abortion-rights position, Miers in 1993 failed in a bid to have the endorsement put to a vote of the full membership.

At his press conference yesterday, Bush claimed that in all the years he's known Miers he never learned her view on abortion. Dobson and Sekulow will have their hands full reassuring the base about that comment. It's one thing for Chuck Schumer to be left in the dark, quite another for Bush to say he purposely kept himself there.

Didn't he promise the base he'd turn the light on and give them a selection sure to reverse Roe?

I think he has. This time he's tricking Harry Reid.

I used to think the younger Bush was like his dad on abortion -- pro-life for purposes of getting elected, pro-choice otherwise. But I now see him as a victim of Stockholm syndrome, adopting as his own view that of his right-wing captors. My money is on Dobson knowing what Bush claims not to. Assuming Miers is confirmed, it won't be long before we all know.


To contact the writer of this column:
Margaret Carlson at mcarlson3@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: October 5, 2005 00:16 EDT

who could possibly care? War, financial ruin, health care needs.



Ayers doesn't regret the bombings, doesn't feel like they did enough sm

In a story that appeared in the Times on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Ayers told a reporter while promoting his memoir "Fugitive Days": "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."

Mr. Ayers, now a professor of education in Chicago, was a founder of the Weather Underground, which bombed government buildings in the early 1970s. He was indicted on conspiracy charges that were thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct.

He served with Mr. Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, a charitable organization, and, along with his wife, the former Weather Underground member Bernardine Dohrn, hosted Mr. Obama at his home in 1995 when he was running for state office.

Mr. Obama has called Mr. Ayers "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old."...so because it was 40 years ago, and Ayers is still proud of what he did, how is it justifiable for a US presidential candidate to now be friends with this man?  Unless he has the same view of America.

Let me rephrase that. It doesn't *seem like* my vote doesn't count...sm
It does not count because its in the bag that our 3 electoral votes will go to the republican party.
Well, I care. I also care about the constitution.nm
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.

Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.

"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.

"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"

That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.

"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"

Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.

"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."

Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.

Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.

"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.

Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."

"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."

Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."

A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.

This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."

Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."

Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.

"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."

But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."

Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.

"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."

Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."

"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.

"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.

Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.

"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.

"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"

That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.

"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"

Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.

"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."

Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.

Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.

"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.

Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."

"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."

Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."

A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.

This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."

Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."

Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.

"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."

But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."

Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.

"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."

Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."

"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.

"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.

Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.

"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.

"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"

That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.

"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"

Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.

"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."

Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.

Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.

"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.

Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."

"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."

Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."

A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.

This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."

Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."

Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.

"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."

But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."

Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.

"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."

Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."

"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.

"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Bush aides challenge Biden's boasts of Bush slapdowns.
Aides to former President George W. Bush are challenging the veracity of Vice President Joe Biden's claim this week of having privately castigated Bush, who does not remember the incident or an earlier episode in which Biden claims to have similarly rebuked Bush.

Biden spokesman Jay Carney declined to specify the dates of his boss's purported Oval Office scoldings of Bush. Nor would he provide witnesses or notes to corroborate the episodes.

"The vice president stands by his remarks," Carney told FOX News without elaboration.
Those remarks include a shot that Biden took at Bush on Tuesday.

"I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office," Biden told CNN, "'Well, Joe,' he said, 'I'm a leader.' And I said: 'Mr. President, turn and around look behind you. No one is following.'"

That exchange never took place, according to numerous Bush aides who also dispute a similar assertion by Biden in 2004, when the former senator from Delaware told scores of Democratic colleagues that he had challenged Bush's moral certitude about the Iraq war during a private meeting in the Oval Office. Two years later, Biden repeated his story about dressing down the president.

"When I speak to the president - and I have had plenty of opportunity to be with the president, at least prior to the last election, a lot of hours alone with him. I mean, meaning me and his staff," Biden said on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in April 2006. "And the president will say things to me, and I'll literally turn to the president, say: 'Mr. President, how can you say that, knowing you don't know the facts?' And he'll look at me and he'll say - my word - he'll look at me and he'll say: 'My instincts.' He said: 'I have good instincts.' I said: 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough.'"

Bush aides now dispute the veracity of both assertions by Biden.

"I never recall Biden saying any of that," former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said after reviewing detailed notes of Bush's White House meetings with Biden, which include numerous direct quotes from Biden. "I find it odd that he said he met with him alone all the time. I don't think that's true."

Fleischer said that whenever Bush met with Sen. Biden, the meeting also included a congressional counterpart so as to not "antagonize" the House.

Karl Rove, former White House political adviser, also was skeptical of Biden's claim to have spent "a lot of hours alone" with Bush.

"I remember checking on such a Biden exaggeration while at the White House and no one witnessed the meeting and his comments in remotely the same way," Rove said.

Candida P. Wolff, Bush's White House liaison to Capitol Hill, said the only meetings she remembered between Bush and Biden also included other lawmakers. She said such meetings were held in the Cabinet Room or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, not the Oval Office, and certainly did not last for "hours."

"The president would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden," Wolff said. "I don't ever remember Biden being in the Oval. He was such a blowhard on all that stuff - there wasn't a reason to bring him in."

Andy Card, former White House chief of staff, reviewed the two Biden claims and said: "This does not ring true to me. I doubt that it happened."

A spokesman for Bush declined comment, although a person close to the former president said Bush does not remember either episode.

This is not the first time the veracity of Biden's assertions has been challenged. In 1988, he dropped out of the presidential race after being accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The Washington Post also cited "the senator's boastful exaggerations of his academic record."

Last year, liberal Slate magazine recalled that "Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect."

Also last year, Biden came under fire for telling a questionable story about being "shot at" in Iraq.

"Let's start telling the truth," Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube in July. "Number one, you take all the troops out -- you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die."

But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being "shot at" and instead allowed: "I was near where a shot landed."

Biden went on to say that some sort of projectile "landed" outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.

"No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn't that kind of thing," he told the Hill. "It's not like I had someone holding a gun to my head."

Seven weeks after claiming to have been "shot at" in Iraq, Biden again raised eyebrows with another story about his exploits in war zones -- this time on "the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where my helicopter was forced down."

"If you want to know where AL Qaeda lives, you want to know where bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden bragged to the National Guard Association. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

But it turns out that inclement weather, not terrorists, prompted the chopper to land in an open field during Biden's visit to Afghanistan in February 2008. Fighter jets kept watch overhead while a convoy of security vehicles was dispatched to retrieve Biden and fellow Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.

"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to," joked Kerry, a Democrat, to the AP. "Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Yeah right. Served under Reagan, Bush I and Bush II
Stop bringing up Bush - this post was not about Bush
I even said we have had some good presidents and some bad ones, but this post was not about Bush. It was about Obama. Yes Bush was one of the worst presidents I'm not arguing with you on that one, but everytime anyone brings up something about our current president they are shot back with Bush this or Bush that and on things that have nothing to do with what the current topic is about. Again, this was not about Bush. It was about Obama.
Oh, more "blame Bush" - except Bush didn't send these out, now did he?
Here's a news flash for you since you apparently haven't heard: BUSH IS NOT IN OFFICE and just today Gallup did a poll showing that THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS THINK OBAMA SHOULD START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS ON HIS WATCH.

G E T A C L U E.
Bush is gone, YEA!!! and yeah, it could darn well be Bush! LOL.
Chimp boy!! But, the cartoon is NOT about Bush, now is it?  Give me a break. 
George Bush HIMSELF makes it so easy to make fun of George Bush!!!! oh where would I start, so litt
I don't really care. sm
It just seems it has been carried on long enough.  I would rather just debate.  It sounds more like a grudge, but as I said, just my 2 cents. 
I don't really care!!! SM
All of you all need to stay over here and try and find some topics to discuss like is happening tonight. 
Do you think I care what you think of me? sm

Get over yourself.  Grow up.  Learn how to behave on an adult chat board.  Stop lying. You are such a liar.  I mean, lying all over the place.  It's really terrible. You need help.


How does it feel?

I don't care about that. sm
That is insignificant to what is going on in the world right now.
I don't care either
Just pointing out what a fool you are making of yourself in talking about things you have absolutely no clue about, but if it's a fool you want to be so be it. At least you're a good source of laughs for those of us living in reality.

Liberal church--that's an oxymoron isn't it?

Man, that was very Coulter of me.

And I care...not! nm
why do you even care?

Would you prefer to punish the child she is carrying by offering no prenatal care?  Would you sleep better if that woman went back to Mexico where her baby will receive no care at all?  Did you ever stop to think that someone in your family was once an immigrant?  Illegals don't pay taxes?  If they work, they have taxes taken out of of their check and that is free money to the government that they are not eligible to ever collect once they are old. 

Republicans are going to want to keep the illegals here to benefit big business (cheap labor) and democrats are going to want to help them, so either way, nothing will be done.  

Why do I care?
You know why I care? Because me along with my husband work our a**** off to make it. When I got accidentally pregnant at the age of 20 and had no ins. do you think Medicaid paid for me to have my baby? NO!! I didn't qualify because my husband made too much and believe me you don't have to make much to make TOO much. Well we worked our asses off and took on the responsibility for what had happened and paid for our baby. Nobody GAVE me nothing! And I am a citizen here. She does nothing but milks the system. And no taxes are not held out of her check where she works. I guess it is called contract labor. I don't know. She is ILLEGAL! Why hasn't she been shipped back to MEXICO? Our country is having to close hospitals because of people like HER!! That is why I care. Our country is going to h*** in a hurry. And it is people like you who say well what about prenatal care for the poor little illegal Mexican? If I hadn't had the money to pay for my prenatal care, guess what? I wouldn't have had any. It is not our country's responsibility to take care of every 3rd world person who comes over here for their handout. We have American citizens who can't even get benefits when truth be known some do need them. They can't get them but you let a d*** illegal Mexican stroll up in there and the world stops to kiss their a**. Hundreds of years ago someone in my family was an immigrant but they didn't sneak and scam to get what they had. They worked and did it the right way.
Cheap labor? What do you mean cheap labor?? These illegals come over here and they don't want our cheap jobs, they want the good ones Americans need. Makes my blood boil!

I should care what you think?
Not in the slightest. I don't care that you think I'm ignorant and I don't care if you don't like my posts.
Then why do you think any of us care what
I don't care what you think....sm
But some intelligent posters (on both sides) do care what the military on the ground, over in Iraq and Afgahanistan, how they truly think and feel.

Not just what the media feeds you.

I care what the troops on the ground, themselves, think and feel.

And let me say again...No....I don't care what you think, as obviously you don't think much at all. All you do is attack.

Kaydie was right. All that a couple of you of you dems on this do is attack, attack, attack....what children you are.

still don't care
just because she is on the committee of anything, doesn't make her opinion any better than mine.
I care very much for how this came to be. sm
To be able to fix this, we need to understand where it started, who started it, who continued it, who tried to fix it but were stopped (I think it was 12 times Bush tried to pass legislation to help, and dems shot him down each time...but no, we don't hear about that, do we), it's important which candidates now had a hand in it, which ones still do, which ones are blaming the wrong people.

It goes on and on.

Give me Republican names that contributed to this, and I will condemn them just as much. Give me Republican names of CEOs and fat cats on Wall Street who perpetuated this fraud, and I care if they did.

The truth is, there are a few Republicans that stood in the way, as well, but the dems far outweigh them, and when they had many, many changes to fix this before it occurred, they did nothing to help it.

And just today, the main players in this mess, Sen. Dodd et al., pontificate and blast everyone but themselves in a Senate haring, when they are the very ones, on the very committees and oversight, that did next to nothing, except line their own pockets.

That to me, is a disgrace, and disgusting.

Yes, I care very, very much about who did this, and how it happened. It matters.

And the only thing that will be remembered, is that it happened under Bush, and he will be blamed for all of it.

The dems will be given a free pass, yet again.

And we care what you think?
I care what everybody thinks, that's how I learn. Unfortunately, I think your thinking is wrong, nothing wrong with disagreeing. Obama needs to be honest about his past, his entire past, and everything he has had his hands in. Something is not right with him.
whatever you say. i could care less what you think.

I know what I know, and that's good enough for me.  I do get tired of the race card being dropped constantly.  I'm Italian, & my kin were treated horribly for many years.  I never heard them crying "racism." 

My closest girlfriend is a Jew, and she says Obama is anti-semetic.  I believe it, too.  But she doesn't go around crying in her milk.  It is what it is.  Check out frontpagemag.com.  David Horowitz has been treated horribly, esp. since he went from being D to R.

Get over it, already.

Sam, try as you may, they don't care.
I have posted almost ver batim what you just posted and they never have anything to say back. They just start going on about Palin this and Palin that or some ridiculous stuff they just heard on their TV.

They just don't get that Obama will run what businesses we have overseas, which is where he really wants them. That way he will have government run businesses and can take over everything for us, the poor little citizens. They don't get that the average businesses will go under, including the very ones who employ their family members because they will not be able to afford all the MANDATES and policies Obama will stuff down their throat. They will lay off people by the thousands and the unemployment rate will soar, but they just don't get it.

They hear "free money" and they actually believe all that money will come from BIG businesses, those RICH HORRIBLE BUSINESSES that employ everyone. Those businesses will go overseas to where they don't pay high taxes or the ones that do stay will just pass on their higher taxes to us, who in essence will be paying the taxes for them.

They just don't get it!
I don't really care
if he is from Mars, he is wrong for this country wherever he is from
I really don't care how many or how much -
I do not want to spend my money helping somebody else sit on their butt, while I am sitting on mine trying my darndest to make a living and barely getting by - I am tired of bailing out everybody because they did not make good decisions!

The only bad decision I made was to become a transcriptionist. While my job is going downhill, I am going to school to be able to do something else and not sitting on my butt for 2 or more years drawing a check for doing nothing - I am taking care of myself. Those auto workers can do the same darn thing!!!

I don't have enough money to keep giving to other people to get by - I need it myself!
I don't care if its before or after
Since its a little late in the game (he should have been impeached a long time ago) I don't care if he is impeached now or if he is arrested for war crimes after he leaves office. The boy needs to go to jail and pay for what he did. But you are right, there are more pressing issues on our plate.

Bill Clinton was impeached. He truly truly deserved to be impeached. He lied to the American people (forget the Lewinski issue - I could care less about her). He lied to us. Sat there in front of the camera and lied. And he lied to the congress. Lied under oath. How can you trust a leader or commander in chief who lies?

As for the dems not holding grudges. You are lumping them all into one category. Some don't hold grudges and others do. Just like conservatives. Some hold grudges and some don't. It's not right to praise one group and say they are all angels while people demonize everyone on the other side (both sides do this).

I think if in the future children are asked to write a paper listing all the reasons Bush qualified for impeachment, they better start at the beginning of the term because its going to take the whole term to finish the paper. However, hopefully their paper will be titled "Why Bush should have been impeached but jailed instead after leaving office".
I care. If he gets away with it, then let's just have
his sons then run for President of the US.  Heck, let's just have everyone run for President of the US.
I do care, BUT..
It doesn't seem logical to me that he could have come as far as he has in the political process if his origin of birth was truly in question. The abstract I saw of his BC on the Internet didn't look particularly official, but it hardly proves anything one way or the other.

I agree that SOMEONE would have brought the truth to light a long time ago if there was any question of his being legally eligible to become prez.

I think we're grasping at straws here.

I Care
I care because Bristol Palin and the baby daddy were used as props by the GOP and the McCain campaign, and that makes them fair game. They lied about their getting married, and I'm just waiting to see what else they lied about.
What you should care about,,,
Instead of crucifying a teenage girl for making a mistake thousands of other teenage girls make every year, why don't you spend a little time finding out what lies Obama spread on the campaign trail like so many truckloads of manure?

Or are you more interested in tabloid fodder than truth?

Yeah. I thought so.
He does not have to care
He was never in the military and has no experience, unlike Bush and McCain.
Do you really think they care?
It is not like losing you as an investor is going to matter one iota to anyone on Wall Street.
I don't care who you are
the brown envelope post was funny!  Lighten up!