Posted By: ABOUT ANYTHING? on 2005-12-20
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Bush’s Snoopgate The president was so desperate to kill The New York Times’ eavesdropping story, he summoned the paper’s editor and publisher to the Oval Office. But it wasn’t just out of concern about national security.
Updated: 6:17 p.m. ET Dec. 19, 2005
Dec. 19, 2005 - Finally we have a Washington scandal that goes beyond sex, corruption and political intrigue to big issues like security versus liberty and the reasonable bounds of presidential power. President Bush came out swinging on Snoopgate—he made it seem as if those who didn’t agree with him wanted to leave us vulnerable to Al Qaeda—but it will not work. We’re seeing clearly now that Bush thought 9/11 gave him license to act like a dictator, or in his own mind, no doubt, like Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
No wonder Bush was so desperate that The New York Times not publish its story on the National Security Agency eavesdropping on American citizens without a warrant, in what lawyers outside the administration say is a clear violation of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. I learned this week that on December 6, Bush summoned Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger and executive editor Bill Keller to the Oval Office in a futile attempt to talk them out of running the story. The Times will not comment on the meeting, but one can only imagine the president’s desperation.
The problem was not that the disclosures would compromise national security, as Bush claimed at his press conference. His comparison to the damaging pre-9/11 revelation of Osama bin Laden’s use of a satellite phone, which caused bin Laden to change tactics, is fallacious; any Americans with ties to Muslim extremists—in fact, all American Muslims, period—have long since suspected that the U.S. government might be listening in to their conversations. Bush claimed that “the fact that we are discussing this program is helping the enemy.” But there is simply no evidence, or even reasonable presumption, that this is so. And rather than the leaking being a “shameful act,” it was the work of a patriot inside the government who was trying to stop a presidential power grab.
No, Bush was desperate to keep the Times from running this important story—which the paper had already inexplicably held for a year—because he knew that it would reveal him as a law-breaker. He insists he had “legal authority derived from the Constitution and congressional resolution authorizing force.” But the Constitution explicitly requires the president to obey the law. And the post 9/11 congressional resolution authorizing “all necessary force” in fighting terrorism was made in clear reference to military intervention. It did not scrap the Constitution and allow the president to do whatever he pleased in any area in the name of fighting terrorism.
What is especially perplexing about this story is that the 1978 law set up a special court to approve eavesdropping in hours, even minutes, if necessary. In fact, the law allows the government to eavesdrop on its own, then retroactively justify it to the court, essentially obtaining a warrant after the fact. Since 1979, the FISA court has approved tens of thousands of eavesdropping requests and rejected only four. There was no indication the existing system was slow—as the president seemed to claim in his press conference—or in any way required extra-constitutional action.
This will all play out eventually in congressional committees and in the United States Supreme Court. If the Democrats regain control of Congress, there may even be articles of impeachment introduced. Similar abuse of power was part of the impeachment charge brought against Richard Nixon in 1974.
In the meantime, it is unlikely that Bush will echo President Kennedy in 1961. After JFK managed to tone down a New York Times story by Tad Szulc on the Bay of Pigs invasion, he confided to Times editor Turner Catledge that he wished the paper had printed the whole story because it might have spared him such a stunning defeat in Cuba.
This time, the president knew publication would cause him great embarrassment and trouble for the rest of his presidency. It was for that reason—and less out of genuine concern about national security—that George W. Bush tried so hard to kill the New York Times story.
© 2005 Newsweek, Inc.
© 2005 MSNBC.com
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10536559/site/newsweek/
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Truth be told
All stories, magazine articles, speeches are edited to reflect a point of view. That's the whole point (like inhaling). To condemn 60 Minutes which has been on for how many years and known as a vanguard of hard-hitting journalism as biased is facile.
the truth is not told
Just evasive answers
Moore has always told the truth.
That's why the Wrong Right hates him to viciously. Really all you have to do is look at who they smear the most vehemently and you will find some of the bravest, most honest, humanitarian and patriotic people in the nation.
You just know poster actually told the truth
Jesus told us to speak the truth in LOVE
and to be slow to anger...I think you need to check your tongue.
When has jumping on someone and threatening h-ell ever gotten anyone to believe what you believe? Yes I believe h-ell is very real also and I know people who don't believe in Jesus are going there, but using scare tactics and threats are not going to change anyone's mind!
Ephesians 4:15 "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
Please, stop attacking those with different beliefs than us! Instead sit down and learn why they don't believe and maybe, just maybe they may become to believe what we do. Besides, God is the winner of souls, not you. We are just the mouthpiece.
Yes, we have to long sat idly by and not said anything, but when we do say something, we need to say it in a way Jesus would, not in a way our emotions cause us to! Speak from your mind, not your heart, because Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?"
Last but not least:
Proverbs 14:29 "He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly."
Did you believe everything Bush told you? n/m
Bush told us to go to Disneyland
after 9/11 and go shopping. It may not be logical, but it is a popular economic policy.
Bush was told by congress about mass destruction.
Bush just did not do this all alone, he had had help from congress and senate. I blame them, just like the mess congress and treasury department and mortgage companies for our economy. It is not just Bush' fault. Remember, Bush saved us from having war on our own soil.
Bush told reporter Jews as "all going to hell."
Book: Bush told reporter Jews are 'all going to hell'
09/02/2006 @ 7:53 pmFiled by Larisa Alexandrovna
An upcoming book about presidential advisor Karl Rove reports allegations of anti-semitism by President George W. Bush, RAW STORY has learned.
In The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power, Austin-based journalist James Moore and Wayne Slater, senior political reporter for the Dallas Morning News, will allege that Bush once made anti-semitic comments to a reporter.
You know what I'm gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don't you Herman? a then Governor George W. Bush allegedly asked a reporter for the Austin American-Statesman.
When the journalist, Ken Herman, replied that he did not know, Bush reportedly delivered the punch line: I'm telling 'em they're all going to hell.
This quip never received wider media attention. RAW STORY obtained a copy of The Architect late this week.
Bush's thoughts on the fate of non-Christian souls became a minor source of controversy after he told the Houston Post in 1993 that only those who accept Jesus Christ go to Heaven. However, the future president was also earlier briefly engaged to a half-Jewish woman.
The authors of The Architect assert that religion and ethnicity have been manipulated by Bush and Rove to divide and conquer the nation.
More information about the book, to be released Tuesday, can be found here.
Conservatives believe Bush didn’t act in time because God told him to get rid of poor black people
on welfare and old people on Social Security because they cost taxpayers too much money.
A radio talk show host just said that…and I agree. They can’t admit that Bush has shown us all how he will refuse to protect Americans in a national emergency, even though he used that as a campaign promise, and that Bush doesn’t even have to care any more since he can’t be President again. I hope they can live with their collective conscience. That is if they have one. I’m starting to believe they don’t.
Once again using your Bush hatred to negate the truth. sm
Aid is getting to New Orleans. It only happened a few days ago, just how fast can aid be summoned? If I remember correctly, on 9/11, much of the aid summoned never even reached the people until years later IF AT ALL (Red Cross). There are 28,000 guardsmen either there or on their way there.
Yes, God forbid we expose people to the TRUTH about Bush.
Bush worshippers don't want to hear the truth repeated
They just want us to forget what a mockery and mess that buffoon made of our country.
Oh, but watch out for Obama - that Democrat might just FIX everything and then the Pubs will have no one to point fingers at.
What a joke that anyone thinks they can defend that jerk!
Truth is, Bush's Texas tort reform is hurting everyone.
Except, of course, his rich friends. That's so much better, isn't it, than laws which address the issues directly and favor the greatest number of citizens?
Texan tort reform that was W's payback to the wealthy who put him in office in Texas has been a disastrous model, giving doctors less incentive than ever to perform skillfully and leaving thousands of people with no recourse when they are medically victimized because they can't afford any longer to bring a justified lawsuit or can't prove the doctor intended to cause harm (a ridiculous qualifier). Insurance rates have gone UP instead of down for everyone despite the fact that tort reform was sold on the platform of cutting rates due to fewer insurance payouts. And, those who can manage to get a case into court no longer have the right to have a jury hear their case. Activist pro-Republican pro-big-business judges are all they've got in some cases, which means they haven't a fair chance at a favorable outcome.
That's life in crony capital USA!
But oooh, let's pretend it really *is* medical lawsuits that are the villains, and let's boo and hiss at the lawyers who make sloppy doctors and sellers of defective merchandise fear being held accountable for their actions. Isn't that what life in Bushworld is all about? - relieving the very best among us from any civic and legal responsibility for the destruction and death they cause? Let's all cheer for that! Go on sm, cheer some more for losing your right to sue a drunk doctor who kills your child! Cheer for your higher insurance rates! Cheer for your free market enterprise unfettered with quality laws, because you know they're going to be more concerned about the safety of those products they sell you than they are about making more money! Heck yeah, why shouldn't we all love that? We're all morons, we love it when they stick it to us! We can't get enough of that, nosiree!
The truth sounds rude when put bluntly but still is the truth. nm
!!!! hahaha
Liberal truth vs. Conservative truth.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but...It's probably the biggest...sm
reason why I am voting democrat...they seem more honest than the the republicans and it looks like people are starting to get smart and *bailin' Palin*... We don't need to keep hearing her *greatest hits" version of her acceptance speech over and over and McSame's POW story...that was then, this is now...we need REAL change and we need it NOW. I don't need someone to push the red button, I need someone to fix the economy!
Truth? The truth is she is nuts!
Do you believe everything you are told?
If so, that explains a lot.
he was told to by
his Rove advisors - they are desperate.
Who told him? You?
Like others have told me..........sm
do your own research.
No from what I was told
they look at a map of your address when you register (this was my first time registering and my husband had to reregister in this county) and if they are careless about it they will sometimes send you to the wrong polling place.
Still makes me wonder!
My husband joked they were probably giving us the run around because we are Mccain supporters in an area of heavy Obama supporters LOL
YES WE CAN, yes we DID, told ya so, HE WON
he won he won he won
Don't like being told what to do, either.
What he SHOULD have told them
He should have told them where to stick their poisonous foodstuffs and lead-painted toys. I have no idea why we're buying their crap.
Do you really think that we are told what is REALLY
going on in Gitmo?
You must really be naive to believe that what the media tells us is the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth!
I bet it is 100 times worse than we are told.
They told her she did not have a right to speak and a lot of other
pretty awful things as well, Democrat. I am sorry you are so blinded by the hatred that was shown to this poster. Besides, she never said she spoke for everyone.
Well I guess you told me...
I was politely asking that you call us crooks and criminals on your board, where it will be better received and I was nice about it too.
As far as Foley goes, you will excuse me if I don't think running off to a secret rehab when you have been busted is an honorable thing to do. He got caught and he ran. Simple as that. Then blamed alchohol and a priest for his behavior. That doesn't fly with me. And he has not been convicted of anything, so I guess that makes it okay....neither have OJ or Robert Blake. They, let's see, how should I say it, got away with murder. And, last but not least, are you not the one who posted awhile back quite a sermon on passing judgement. I seem to remember Bible quotes and all sorts of Christian-esque cliches about judgement being God's to pass. Then, I hear McKinney is a joke, Jefferson is a bigger joke and Kennedy is the biggest joke of all. Yet they still get elected (by Democrats) which makes us all guilty of what...depraved indifference??? Judge not lest ye be judged. I believe you quoted that but here you are, on the liberal board, belittling Democrats, stating you don't care how we think or feel and that our Democratic senators are jokes. Not to mention how ridiculous it is to try to pin wrongdoing on one party, everyone included, you do it here on this board. All I asked was that you cease and desist with the mud. I do care what people think and feel and have tried to write respectfully keeping that in mind. It is not a bad practice and it is a practice, takes a looooong time to think before speaking or to filter through your heart first what comes out your mouth (or keyboard).
That's fine if you want to be told
you aren't worthy of an MRI, right? Because it's too expensive?
I told someone to shut up
because for some people....they just cannot seem to post anything worthwhile. All they do is repeat the same stuff and call people names. If you have nothing of value to bring to the table....please feel free to shut your trap as well. I know what our country is facing and I stand by my decision of picking John McCain. I believe him, what he stands for, and what he says. I do not believe Obama. If you differ in that opinion....that is your God given right. But bring something to the table other than insults.
He has told it like it is for many many years....
You know, they should have told us this two weeks ago....sm
but I suppose it took that long for it to make sense to Bush (yes, and I did vote for him, bash away).
But someone, anyone....should have explained this before.
And I agree. They need to give us the entire details once they know them, so we know what's really going on, not just innuendo and fear tactics....from both sides, really.
They are going to need to explain more about the return on investment part of it in another article I read here the other day. If they play it right, there should be no raised taxes, and this will help the economy tremendously.
NO! that's what you're TOLD. s/m
Watch Lou Dobbs and tell me he's biased. Give 'em all hell, Lou!. If anything I think they're biased toward McCain, so there.
how would you know what i've been TOLD?
Hmmmmm...who was it told us to go
Wow. Guess nobody told them that
I told you it was a hoax!
The story made no sense from the very beginning. What is really amusing to me is how quickly the rabid right-wing posters jumped all over this story. Makes me wonder about their judgment and their ability to make an intelligent decision about voting.
Well, they were told this would happen
There were MANY trying to yell this from the tops of their voices before Obama was elected. They did say he was adamant to get rid of "free speech"; after all, he certainly DOES NOT believe in our constitution, so why should that be a stretch.
He is already trying to pass a federal law prohibiting anyone from being able to have their own thoughts....
For instance, if a pastor refuses to marry a gay couple, his church will be targeted.
Already a photographer in Arizona refused to photograph a gay couple's wedding, stating he did not believe in those unions, and they took him to court. He has a PRIVATE business. He has every right to refuse. But no, the gays had to go and file papers against him. Just shows you what they are really all about. Nothing but hate!
The talk was already out there about Obama wanting to do away with conservative radio or TV, or for that matter, any religion that doesn't think his way... but no, so many fell for his crap hook, line, and sinker.
The inability to have free speech will only slap those in the face that love him when they can no longer disagree with ANYTHING their government does, which is our constitutional right.
You're right....they're going to get change like they've never seen before and most are so unintelligent or just so enamored with him, they don't even see it coming. Of course, most of them didn't pay any attention to who he really was before they voted for him either.
A doc told me that nicotine is more..
addicting than heroin. At this point, I can see why heroin addicts can't just "quit." I stopped trying to quit - just the thought gave me the jitters.
and at the same time, I am told...
that I should support whatever ridiculous thing Obama says or does. It is interesting, isn't it? I sure hope that it never comes down to the bunch of cowards living in this country to protect themselves, and, no, I am not talking of you personally. I have no idea whether or not you fall into that category.
I Told You It Was Coming
Well, i suppose you told me...
consider me properly chastised.
My mother always told me
Ignore them and they'll go away.
Our physicians are already being told --sm
what they can and cannot do for patient care, by the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies! They deny claims left and right to people younger than this on a daily basis. It's not just the gov't that patients have to worry about! We already pay month after month to big insurance companies (who need bail out money yet on top of it), and they tell US what we can and cannot have as far as medical care! I see no difference than gov't telling us what we can and can't have.
This is what my sister told me
We grew up Methodist (12 years of church/sunday school in a Methodist parish). A few years back she became mormon and she was into baptizing every single person in our family (and her friends) who had died. This is what she told me. - By baptizing them they now can enter into ? (wherever the mormons go) because they weren't aware of the religion when they were alive, and now they are safe. We argued and argued about it. She even had the nerve to tell me after my mom died that my mom had expressed wishes to become involved in the mormon religion, but didn't get to before she died. So now she is okay now that she has been baptized. I told her that's funny because I was just visiting mom (who lives on the other side of the states) the week before she died and I had rosary beads that were blessed by a priest (although I'm not catholic - got them from a priest on the plane), and my mom was holding them and wanted to say that prayer of Mary - forge the name - Hail Mary full of grace, etc, etc., and she also asked for a Priest to say the last rites prayer when she was in the hospital. Sis was not real happy that I called for a Priest for my mom.
Anyway...I don't want to make this a religious discussion cos that's for a different board, but just telling you how my sister explained it.
I too still don't get it. I think it's more of a "feel good" thing for them. The person is long since gone and gone on to whatever realm they go to after they leave and I don't think there are different religions where they go - which btw she has already told me once I pass that because I'm not a mormon I will be on the same level with Charles Manson, Jefrey Dahmer, etc. But if I become mormon I will be elevated up to the next level. No offense to anyone on this board (I actually attended mormon services for a year when I was in the service), but it's just too "out there" for me and goes against everything I believe in, but so do all of the religions.
I respect what you just told me. .....sm
It is true. GP, and I noticed also JTBB, seldom react to unfair, ridiculing and ignorant personal attacks. They just let it slide by and stick to the issue. That's also what the moderators always tell us, but sometimes I just cannot let it slide, when some comments reek of stupidity and most of all injustice and low-life.
I am not so experienced yet when it comes to the right behavior on forums. Maybe I am too impulsive, but I keep trying.
Again, also here you are right. GP has sort of good-natured humor, mine is more sarcastic, but to the point, but it is more insulting, inticing and therefore alienates me from the disagreeing posters.
I honestly respect and appreciate your reply and I will try to follow your advice.
I am a political independent (more to the democratic side) and a religious liberal (not extreme liberal, I heed some restrictions, e.g. same-gender marriages, but pro-same-gender unions, they have the right to be happy. If that's the way that makes them happy, nobody can withhold it from them.
I am sure GP will be back, if she doesn't post for a while that does not mean that she is banned, she might be busy otherwise.
Again, thanks,
"WE" were never told about anything.....
That's the problem. We, the citizens of this country, the ones who the govt is supposed to work FOR, put this into law without even Congress being consulted....without congressional consent...PERIOD!
The only "objectives" are being pushed through quietly by Obama and unless people wake up and start protesting loudly and clearly, and taking back this country, we are going to be another russia.... for those that don't believe that, then ask yourself why Russian politicans AND European politicians are telling Obama he needs to stop what he is doing, that he is heading down the wrong path; the very one THEY have already been down! How telling is that?!
In one paragraph you have not only told me more than I ever wanted to know.
You have outlined and described in perfect detail the problem with why your arguments can never be recognized as anything but dividing. Gt, believe me, this is not all about you, which it always seems to end up being about in your posts. The fact that you refuse, not fail, but refuse to accept anything, any explanation, any single example of the image you project as well as your close-minedness, is illustrated in every post that you make.
But then again, Bill Maher probably would have told him where he could...sm
go stick the Freakonomics book, and that would be the end of Bill on Fox. LOL.
People are not believing this because their told
their believing this because they are experiencing it. You all honestly think everyone is stupid. All you have to do is step into a Wal-Mart, a Target, or have your kid come home and tell you that if you wish people Merry Christmas or bring any Christian symbols to school they will be sent home and/or punished.
I don't have a problem with the other holidays, but it is discrimination when you can post the other holiday symbols in the public, square, businesses, or schools but you cannot post anything about Christmas or the reason for Christmas which is Christ.