Posted By: aw on 2008-11-04
In Reply to: Obama got my vote for none of the reasons you listed. - sm
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Your post was wonderful, articulate and right on target. 
They haven't been able to bait people on their own board recently and hurl their venom, but they need their "fix," so they come here instead and try to start trouble. I agree that you shouldn't respond to them any more. Why give them what they want?
Thank you for such an eloquent post.
Have you ever noticed the disconnect between those who are in favor of Bush? The richest of the rich and those who are very highly educated and then those who aren't so rich and educated, with all the rest of us in the middle. The richest of the rich don't have to worry about Roe because if it's gone, they can afford to go to another part of the world.
And our country absolutely does not deserve the autocratic theocratic government that has been forced upon us. One of the wonderful things about America is diversity of religious beliefs. What really frightens me about all this is that the war on terror is quickly becoming a "Christian versus Muslim" war. Tom Tancredo from Colorado recently suggested boming mosques. If we choose to turn this into a religious war, we are diminishing the importance of it and diminishing our country as a whole, regardless of faith, to bond together and be united against the war on terror.
As far as the shoe being on the other foot, from what I've personally witnessed by some of these people, they feel the shoe has been on the other foot for years, that they've been ignored, and now is their turn to take control. They typically blame minorities and women for taking all the "men's jobs," blame the "liberal mainstream media" for virtually everything, and are suddenly feeling empowered after they felt beaten down over past years of tolerance and reasonableness, when they couldn't impose their prejudices and anger and religion on the rest of the country. It's as if a smoldering volcano has erupted, and they are spewing out all the negative things that have been keeping inside in all these years past when fairness prevailed in this country. They don't want to be just one of many religions in this country. They want to be the only one that counts, the one that they can write laws to revolve around.
They want to end Roe. They are against any contraception products that go against "the will of God." They want to control what happens in your home, in your family, in your bedroom. They want to control what you see on television. They want to control who you love, whether or not it's legal for you to love who you love. They want to take science backwards in the name of "God" and prevent stem cell research that might save the lives of their parents, sisters, brothers, and/or children who are already here. They holler and scream at and actually kill those who respect a woman's right to choose. They put more value on a petrie dish full of inanimate cells than they do on people who are already born, but you never hear them even whimper a word of disdain when children in our country are being molested and murdered on what seems like a weekly basis during this year alone. They want to control when you're born and when and how you die.
In short, they want to control not just the lives but the very SOULS of every single person in this country, and they detest anyone who disagrees with them.
You're right: 51% is no mandate, and after the 2000 selection, there are still some who aren't sure that Bush actually won in 2004. They don't even realize that Bush is really on the side of the rich and not on their side. They continue to defend and justify every action of Bush and those in his administration, whether it's actually something that defendable or justifiable or not –- such as entering into a bogus war based on lies and/or exposing the identity of a CIA agent working on WMD (in a time of war), both done purely for personal reasons and never really caring what's best for this country.
They sqawk about a lack of morals in this country, yet they don't think it's immoral for Bush to exploit the tragedy of 9/11 in order to scare the American public into agreeing to a war that Bush came into office with the intention of waging, long before 9/11 happened. He lied to Congress, and he lied to the American people. That's about the most immoral thing I've ever seen a president do. I never thought a President could actually make Nixon look GOOD, but Bush has done that 1,000 times over.
IMHO, we're heading down a very dangerous road in this country, and I hope America wakes up before it's too late.
One thing that wasn't mentioned was the vile increase in gas prices, which will also result in much higher heating costs this winter for many people. That's an increased cost experienced by most Americans, which also effectively cuts their net income. The rich, who keep getting richer under Bush, will easily be able to absorb that cost. As usual, it's the poor and dwindling middle class who will suffer.
I wonder how many Bushies are now living near or at the poverty level and don't even realize it, as they continue to beat the Bush drum louder and louder.
I do not mind in the least. I got a bit carried away, but if anyone can send me over the the top, it is Michael Moore. Sigh. lol.
Bravo! I second that!
well said.
Excellent post. I couldn't agree with you more.
I'm about to leave the computer but am glad I saw your post before I left.
I hope you have a wonderful day. 
Here HERE!! Bravo!
and for her fortitude in the face of screeching hysteria, every single day. Way more than I can deal with, that's for sure.
Great post!!! These are exactly the same reasons I voted for him. 
When I look back on how Obama ran his campaign versus how John "Chicken-With-Its-Head-Cut-Off" McCain ran his, there was no question in my mind that if Obama can run the country only 1/100th as well as he ran his campaign, then there is great hope for this wonderful country.
Articulate and intelligent. Something this board is sadly lacking.
Bravo! sm
You have said everything that I have been trying to say for weeks!!! There is much, MUCH more to this than meets the eye, especially the eye of those who refuse to see what is going on.
Are you SURE you wouldn't do well as a writer?
Bravo! Very well said.
I couldn't agree more, and I hope Americans can come together once again.
& therein lies the flawed logic. If they really want to say that abortion is 100% wrong 100% of the time, then they should offer examples from the entire cross-section of humanity. Wouldn't go over nearly as well, I would imagine. The fact that they are entirely selective about their choice of what to present as justification for their belief system is the best evidence for the fact that what they are advertising is in the end Just Someone's Humble Opinion. To which I say, Thanks but No Thanks.
Bravo! Bravo!!..I could not have said it better!...nm
Great post, Cyndiee! What Bush did for 8 years did not work. Giving more and more to the rich only created a greedy (now ANGRY), very small group of people who became greedier and greedier, as they stole from those with less money than they (as evidenced by 401Ks now being "201Ks").
There was no "trickle-down" with these people, just an unsatiable appetite for more, more, more.
At least Obama is TRYING to address the problem of offshoring/outsourcing work (for example), and he acknowledges the fact that the middle class have progressively become more poor under the Bush administration, as the rich progressively became richer.
I saw on the news last night that Bernie Madoff (for example) feels he should be able to keep his plush penthouse apartment (including maids' quarters) and some of his millions because he transferred ownership of those items to his wife. (Again, check your 401Ks and tell me how warm and fuzzy that makes you feel.)
This is big-time class warfare going on in this country, where the majority of us are struggling and just the top 5% are thriving. Obama sees this. He's TRYING to fix a situation that no human being has ever encountered on this earth in history. This isn't just an "American depression;" it's global, and (again, referring back to the documentary "House of Cards"), most of it was caused by the UNITED STATES and the greed of our richest citizens. It's clear that economists can't even agree on a course to fix it, but continuing to make the rich even richer didn't work for eight years under Bush, and it won't work under Obama. So Obama is trying to do something new and "spectacular," already fully taking the blame if his plan doesn't work (something Bush never did).
I believe he is deserving of the CHANCE to make it work. The people who voted for him are willing to give him that chance. The whole country was forced to give Bush a "chance," and all we got was lies, arrogance, a bogus war, debt and the decline of this country.
Time for a new attitude and a new plan.
Please just give Obama a CHANCE!!!
I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel exactly the same way.
Bravo Indeed!
I am very proud of what President Obama did.
The Obama bashers are really eating crow this morning. They HATE the fact that President Obama is doing GOOD for this country.
Very well said, bravo!....nm
They spout all kinds of nonsense, but when called on the carpet, the silence is deafening!
Bravo, Lurker.
Excellent post.
Bravo, Lurker...very well said.
*China is big* and *Russia is big* is the best our esteemed leader can come up with. Yep, it's hard work being the decider. Only demonstrates (yet again) he is a spoiled, uninformed adolescent with a simplistic view of the world. I've seen 7-year-olds with better table manners and a better grasp of geography. Ironic, also, that he and his puppetmasters show such disdain for the UN and Kofi Annan and yet Bush wants Annan to *give them a call*. God help us....but it's like we've suspected and feared all along: They seem to WANT WWIII. Yet they continue to get away with all kinds of stuff because there are people still fixated on Clinton's sex life. javascript:editor_insertHTML('text',' ');
javascript:editor_insertHTML('text',' ');
Bravo, Amanda....
Your foresight will pay big dividends down the road. Hopefully you will have time to nurture a second language in the conversational arena as well. This ability can give you much insight into the culture that lays beyond and is brought back into your business dealings. Translation is a job skill in a of itself with which you can access a wider variety of better-paying jobs. Computer translation programs can never replace the one-on-one, face-to-face exchanges that come with direct conversation.
My sister took 4 semesters of college level Spanish and ended up with a scholarship to study in Argetina in the 1970s, where she met her first husband. One good thing can often to lead to others. She divorced years later and remarried to an Iranian. Her ability to adapt through a second and third language has enabled her to thrive in a severely depressed economy. She is living in Tehran, Iran now where she and her husband run a successful flower business, an import export business and an English and Spanish tutoring and translation service. They do substitute teaching in their "spare time!".
This second marriage also blessed her with the birth of a new son at age 45. He is 12 now and is trilingual, fluent and literate in English, Farsi and Spanish. The kid is comfortable and right at home in the US and abroad.
Keep your eye on the prize. You never know what is waiting for you just around the next corner.
Bravo to you, this needed to said on here because she
is the biggest hypocrite of all.
You have echoed my thoughts, but much more eloquently!
Well said - Bravo!!!!!! (no message)
BraVO, Cyndiee
The rest of you Christians, listen up & learn something.
Bravo for her. I'd have done the same thing.
I love that, Bravo, so right on!!!.......nm
Bravo, Lurker! Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oh, Bravo for the judging and bashing
Bravo. A voice of compassion and
wisdom. Not often seen herewithin.
Bravo! Excellent post. (sm)
And 100% accurate. I was reading the same posts you were reading. Anything -- and I mean ANYTHING -- they could do to obstruct, they did, just as the Congressional Republicans are doing now.
Obama has kept his word about bipartisanship and has tried to include the Republicans -- meeting with them several times -- but it's a waste of time because they're more interested in obstructing everything Obama does instead of working together with him.
It seems as if some Republican governors are at least giving Obama a chance and trying to work together with him, or at least the Republican governors who care about the citizens they govern do. I think most people can see the pathetic tantrums thrown by Congressional Republicans for what it is.
As far as Bush, I never voted for him, but I wasn't against him, either, at first. In fact, the day he stood in that rubble at "Ground Zero" with that megaphone, I actually began to respect him.
However, that was short lived because once I realized that he was incapable of telling the truth, I lost any trust for him that I had had. It was his ACTIONS that made me feel that way, not his party affiliation.
The PALPABLE hatred for Obama is overwhelming on this board and has been since well before the election.
(Obama now has the same powers that Bush had. Perhaps THAT'S the problem!) 
Bravo Zauber..well said and directly to the point..
I will never understand how people think that opposing an erroneous(in this case fictional and delusional) government policy is unpatriotic and a detriment to our troops. I don't want to see any more die for reasons that do not nor have ever existed.
Bravo to them. Lots of cancer in my family.
Great article. Thanks for posting it! I applaud them. Obviously early detection is key, and it makes sense that many people without insurance are not getting regular screenings done.
Bravo to another person that *gets it*. Awesome post! nm