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Other related messages found in our database He probably did quit smoking. I quit 2-3 a year myself.
I think it was last August
and was called an "accord" or time table - troops to be out by 2011 with a force of 50,000 remaining longer for "training" Iraqi, etc. but the agreement was also contingent upon what the situation was on the ground, if situation erodes we stay longer.
HOT AIR - How thoroughly did Barack Obama vet Joe Biden? After months of demonizing lobbyists, Obama selected a running mate who has taken millions in contributions from those same lobbyists Obama supposedly eschewed, at least until the DNC started running out of money. In fact, Biden’s son works as a lobbyist on Capitol Hill, accruing the kind of earmarks that Obama has both decried and pursued:
Biden has accepted $5,133,072 in contributions from lawyers and lobbyists since 2003. Obama does not accept contributions from federally registered lobbyists.
And he has one other weakness that hasn’t received much attention to date. One of Biden’s sons, Hunter, is a registered Washington lobbyist in a year in which Obama has been excoriating lobbyists and the culture of corruption in Washington. The younger Biden is a name partner at the firm Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP, and seems to have specialized in lobbying for just the kind of earmark spending by Congress that Obama has vowed to slash.
Also expect to hear more about Biden’s close ties with credit card companies. His largest contributor (based on total contributions by employees) over the past five years has been MBNA, the Delaware-based bank aquired in 2005 by Bank of America than until then was the world’s largest independent credit card issuer and a major supporter of the 2005 bankruptcy bill that Biden crossed the aisle to support.
Once again, I want to point out that lobbying is a Constitutionally protected exercise. The First Amendment gives Americans the right to petition Congress, and nothing prohibits or even discourages citizens from organizing in that effort to harness the power of numbers. Run ethically, the practice of lobbying fills an important role in politics.
Of course, I’m not the one declaring lobbyists persona non grata in the Democratic Party. That was Barack Obama, who declared just two months ago that lobbyists would not fund “my party”:
The Democratic National Committee will uphold the same standard: We will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs. … They will not fund my party!
Take a look at the top five industries that donate to Biden as well:
Lawyers/law firms
Real estate
Securities & investment
Miscellaneous finance
Real estate and miscellaneous finance — wouldn’t that figure into the credit crisis and the housing market collapse?
It looks like Obama didn’t just throw Hope and Change under the bus, but himself right along with it. Whether this is hypocrisy or incompetence, it’s stunning either way.
Hopefully everybody will quit!
And they can stop building and maintaining sports arenas, etc., etc., on the backs of the smokers - sin tax anyone? You can bet your sweet patootie, there'd be rioting (in the Senate) if they tried taxing alcohol as hard as they tax tobacco.
I don't have to quit anything........
the lies, corruption, abuse of power, shredding the constitution, voiding the Geneva Convention, on and on and on - ALL unforgiveable!! If you forget the past, you are condemned to repeat it. Screw Bush - I hope he fries in he!! along with his neo-con nazi followers.
Exactly! Maybe if he'd quit doing that
we'd stop ragging on him!
I don't think most smoker's will quit just to
but I agree with you to some extent. I think most American's would be happy to have their taxes raised a little bit if it meant saving the life of even 1 child or improving the health of a chronically ill child. I certainly wouldn't mind having my taxes raised to help children AND the elderly get more affordable healthcare. On the other hand, for now the cigarette tax is a great idea, and if it does help some people quit, more power to them! I'm sure you see the same thing I do in medical reports every day though - people with COPD, asthma, lung cancer - still smoking!! If impending death isn't enough to make a lot of people quit I don't think $1 extra per pack will either.
going to get rich somehow with Obama in the White House. This stuff doesn't happen overnight.
Furthermore anyone with a 401K or stocks know that there is a downside. You don't always win... So who is looking for free money now? Oh the stock holders are?????? These are the same people that live the good life. Well too bad! You lose because you put your faith in the stock market... Oh well.. Do I feel pity? Nope. Not when there are people struggling just to make minimum wage.
I was born with no money in my hand and I'll die with no money in my hand. Makes no difference to me really.
Anyone with any sense knows "you can't take it with ya'." Savor the moment.
All of you republicans out there that think McCain is going to somehow turn this country around are in for a big shock when he gets in there. The joke is on him. He thinks this Palin person is going to get him in, and he's oh so wrong! I have to wonder if he really is demented. Really?????
me too - who else plans to quit
Why work. There are no incentives. Why should I work when my money will be taken and given to people like Peggy Joseph who stated she won't have to work to buy gas and she won't have to work to pay her mortgage.
Well, I did quit for a whole 3 weeks
one time. After that, I went downhill the next couple times I tried.Made it a whole 5 hours.
Ah, quit your whining, you're just a know-nothing
God help us, PK, this is the best response we can elicit. I can hear them already. I guess it's easier to just DENY, DENY, DENY and swiftboat than face the truth. Where,exactly, does the proverbial buck stop? javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Well then quit threatening to leave
because you just keep getting my hopes up.
Stay or leave I really don't care, because the sane people who are the MAJORITY in this country will protect us all from the likes of you...a hate filled leftist.
The Spheris CEO quit yesterday, too.
I do not hate Bush...please quit..
saying that. That remark wasn't aimed at me, but I want to respond. Just because I, for one, do not care for him as president, do not trust his decisions, and think he is a moron, does not mean I hate him. I actually feel sorry for him because I don't think he even realized what the job involved. I think he was talked into running by the Republican party. Kind of like you talk a kid into something. I think George Bush had an easy ride as far as criticism the first few years of his term. A lot of people believed he walked on water. Even though I did not vote for him and did not believe he had all the character that he was hyped up to have, I never "hated" the guy. I don't hate him now. I'm just saddened and sickened by the eight wasted years with him in office and all of the damage that the Republican and the Democrats in Congress have allowed to happen under his reign. Many say he has a good heart and that may be true, but he did not and does not have the mental ability to hold such a position in good or hard times. Sorry if this offends any Republicans or Bush supporters, but my God surely you have to agree this probably sweet husband and good father was bilked into the presidency by his cronies so they could have a wheeling-dealing good ole time...and they did...just look at us now. We are paying for it and will for a long time.
I would quit trying to talk to these lefties.
I quit because it was expensive, so it might work for some...
In Washington I was paying almost $7/pack if I bought them out in town. I really think that the tax money on cigarettes would be better spent funding Medicare for the people who have developed emphysema from smoking. It would be like your own little medical savings account, you just have no choice but to put money in it, unless you quit smoking. You really should consider quitting, though, JTBB. I feel so much better since I quit. But that is all I will say because it really is none of my business and I am sure you have heard that enough times!
And what happens when more smokers quit? Who is going to pay for the unfunded sm
mandate then? I say spread the pain around now and find a viable way of paying for the program.
I really wish you would quit this childish stuff.
At some point we do have to quit whining
and do something for ourselves. Perpetual victimhood is not healthy.
Obama quit smoking at the start of
Campaign, so worry no more. (I think Obama smoked 1/2 to 1 pack a day.)
McCain is also a former smoker - 2 packs a day. How long either of them smoked, I don't know, but they are BOTH former smokers.
As far as the "radicals and communists" comment, you don't think McCain has "associated with" plenty of questionable people in his decades in government? I do.
Kathleen Parker wants Palin to quit.
Criticism of John McCain from the right has escalated this week, from George Will to the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. But some conservatives, in the wake of the Katie Couric interview, are also having second thoughts about Sarah Palin. Popular syndicated columnist and TV pundit Kathleen Parker, for example, has seen enough.
In a surprising post at National Review's site, she calls for Palin to step aside for the good of the country (and benefit of her family), saying she is out of her depth.
Parker writes: "No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
"If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself. If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.
In his book, Audacity of Hope, Obama said, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." The saying is very true: you become the company you keep!!
What do you, Obama lovers, make of that comment by your own candidate?
Obama's relationship with Ayers is bad enough, BUT it is also his involvement with Rev. Wright, Tony Risko, Father Flagran and Khalidi (that we know of) that is of great concern; these people are radicals to the core. If elected, Obama will need to fill over 3000 positions in his administration. Who in the heck do you think will come calling for him to return the favors to these people for helping him to get to where he is?
Obama has shown great judgment in the people who surround him. He picked a great VP choice, and his wife is impeccable as a helpmate and is a fantastic role model for the American children.
I think it is a good choice. Biden's a decent guy and fills in the foreign policy gap that Obama has. I think it was a tough spot for Obama to find a VP. He picks someone like Biden who is experienced and has military/foreign policy behind him and he gets criticized for being establishment and not keeping with his "change" message. He picks an outsider change person and he gets criticized for having no experience or military/foreign policy behind him. He picks Hillary and half the Democrats love him for it and get energized, while the other half of Democrats are angry at him and let down, and ALL of the Republicans are happy and energized to support their candidate whom to this point most have had a hard time getting excited about. It will be very interesting to see if McCain picks Romney or not. I think it would help him in some ways and really hurt him in others. I'm looking forward to the VP debate - Biden against anyone! Sure to be fun.
Joe Biden
So why no conversation on Joe Biden?
You mean like when Biden said...
Obama wasn't qualified for the job and now he is? LIke that kind of talking about both sides of mouth??
More on Biden...
did Biden just really say this
"reduce not just the interest but reduce the principle." Okay, so we worked out butts off for years to keep up with our mortgage on a house we could afford and they are going to basically going to give it to the people who didn't????? Why am I not in a Million dollar home that the government is going to give me 'cuz I can't pay for it?????