Been happening for years
Posted By: Just me on 2008-10-21
In Reply to: Regarding these "bottom of the barrel" people... - Sassi
Ever heard of public aid or food stamps? From what I have gathered, the difference is that Obama's plan will help people who are working and being paid crappy wages as opposed to the ones who sit on their butts watching soaps all day. As for your situation with your employees, try firing them when they don't show up and don't be so lenient. I would bet it would only taking getting rid of a few to set an example for the others as to what is acceptable and what isn't.
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Yep, that's happening to me
I'm stalking no one....I'm not being nasty just blatantly honest like you all requested me to be.
what is happening here?
I was never a fan of Rush.....until lately. I agree with much of what he says. Even we don't or the government doesn't, what the heck gives them the right to petition anything? Why cant Rush say what he wants? Isn't that one of our BASIC freedoms? I cannot believe that supporters of O are not MAD about this. Let Bush (who I am NOT a fan of) or his administration or congress or dems or repubs or anyone working in the government at the time that he was in office, let them try to do something like this and there would be a huge deal over it with the people. This is just the beginning of the takeover for us. Flame if you will but you guys made a huge mistake!
It's already happening in my city
People are getting fed up here with the lack of law enforcement and judicial enforcement that they are taking the law into their own hands. On average of three times a month owners are shooting intruders and attackers in their own home or own their property because they know that law enforcement will either #1 show up way to late to stop the crime or #2 not show up at all! Even if the subject is apprehended the likelihood that they'll only get a slap on the wrist (if even that) by the judicial system is very high.
People are plain fed up where I live---especially with crimes against children and families.
No chance of that happening...but
The last time we had a democrat president most of my family, freinds, and freinds family WERE homeless. Lost their jobs, lost their homes, lived in their cars, went to the soup kitchens once a day for a meal. The last democrat president implemented NAFTA (not sure implemented is the right word - but was responsible for the start of our jobs going overseas). Continued the deficit (not a surplus like he conned everyone he did). So luckily Bush is not running again so no chance of us being homeless. McCain and Palin gives us experience, loyalty, and a fresh face and ideas for the country. Obama and Biden gives us inexperience, lies, and false hopes. I don't want to end up homeless and broke so therefore I will NOT be voting for Obama. Obama is more of the same except with different packaging.
He reminds me of that commercial by Microsoft for the Mohave experiment. Its the same ol crappy Vista system only being hidden under the disguise called the Mohave experiment. And nobody knows its Vista until they are told.
I just can't imagine that happening.
I mean....wouldn't that look bad for the Dems for the VP to just say....I don't want to do this....I've changed my mind and then this close to the election start with a new running mate? Besides....Hill doesn't want to play second fiddle to Barry. Personally, I don't think true Hill supporters will like her lpaying second fiddle to Barry either. I will be truly surprised if this happens. I guess I will believe it if I see it but not until then.
I read it's already happening.
Democrats cheating again - but why does that surprise me.
I think this is happening all over the country
independents are moving over the the Obama side because of the prevalent nastiness in this campaign by the republicans. That is why Obama is gradually creeping up in the polls.
I don't always agree with you but do appreciate your honesty and civility and willingness to look at things objectively.
my point was it is already happening -
You may not realize it, but already a girl does not have to notify her parents about her reproductive choices. It is not just going to happen later when Obama is elected.
Are you so blind as to what's happening in
this country that you truly still think McCain should've won? Do you not see what republicans do to our economy EVERY TIME? Are you enjoying this Bush Depression which is only just beginning? Our only hope is that Obama can at least slow it down, but Bush has already done the damage. Unemployment rates are soaring, homelessness is soaring, jobs are flying overseas with the blessing of republican corporate tax cuts and loopholes, the deficit is astronomical now, etc. etc. etc. The rich are getting richer & the middle class is getting poorer. It's a deja vu of the Reagan/Bush years. Get your head out of the sand & pay attention to what's happening economically to this country. I don't give a flying flip about this idiotic birth certificate argument or any of the other thousand fake issues Fox has invented to get it's viewers fired up. What I DO care about is the economy & Americans losing their jobs and homes because of republicanomics.
It would appear that the likelihood of that
in this twisted charade of an election would be less than slim to none.
What is happening now is a runoff of
the Bush economy.....two wars, tax cuts, deregulation of banks/financial institutions, and greed has bled this nation to where we find ourselves now. This will NOT be healed overnight, in a year, maybe two years. Where was all the vitriole with Bush and his cronies as they demolished the economy and the constitution? Separating Bush policies from the mess now is pure fantasy.
There's nothing good happening yet.
It's still all an experiment.
Our town just lost another 2 businesses and we only had 4 to begin with. So.....tell me everything is hunky-dory.
What is happening in my state.
In just the past six weeks, a phenomenon has occurred across America. By now you have heard of the Boston Tea Party style of tax protest called Taxed Enough Already (TEA). It is truly a decentralized grassroots movement that has been joined by a wide spectrum of fiscal and social conservative organizations. Such varied groups as American Family Association, FreedomWorks, Resistnet, Americans for Prosperity, the Republican Party and other conservative parties, as well as Concerned Oregonians, have joined with the "engaged and enraged" across America. As you read this newsletter, please identify a party near you where you can join in to make your voice heard!
To add to the occasion, I have written and recorded a humorous tax protest song called "Taxed Enough Already", which you can listen to and read on the website. The lyrics are also included below.
Craig Myers of Concerned Oregonians, will be speaking at the following two events. In Salem, he will be joining a group of speakers including House Minority Leader Bruce Hannah, Senate Minority Leader Ted Ferrioli, Oregon FreedomWorks Chair Russ Walker, Americans for Prosperity Oregon President Jeff Kropf, Marion County Republican Party Chair Pat Hazell, and others.
State Capital Steps
April 15th
11:00 to 2:00 pm
Portland's Main Pioneer Courthouse Square
April 15th
6:00 to 7:30 pm
See below for complete list of Tax Day Tea Party locations throughout Oregon.
People in cities and towns across the country are joining together to protest the obscene bailouts, wasteful spending, earmarks, and "porky little projects" that our government is passing through with little deliberation and no accountability, and promising more to come. This spending is putting our nation into staggering debt and creating a crippling bill that our children and grandchildren will be forced to pay.
It's time for all who care about the direction of our country to stand up for the future of America and let our voices be clearly heard - Silent Majority No More!
Consider it a civic duty, just as voting, to become personally involved to preserve America, Our Freedom, Our Liberty. JOIN US
Should we bring signs?
Yes, please. Here are some resources to use in construction:
Suggested slogans are available here:
A video on how to make a wind-proof protest sign taught by those with the most experience -- union members is available here:
I want to execute a Tax Day Tea Party in my city, what do I need to do?
To help you plan and execute the Tax Day Tea Party event in your area, here are the official resources you can consult:
Guide to starting new tea parties:
Tea Party Team Planning wiki (you'll have to request access):
What's a wiki?
Has a page just for Oregon where you can access and post Oregon specific information.
Also has resources such as press release templates, graphics, photos ...
Fresh Tea Blog:
How to get off-line organizations involved in your events:
Additionally, your event will benefit by creating a facebook event page and, promoting your event via the friend networks that facebook automates. is a free-access social networking website. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Here is a link to a page that explains how to create a facebook event:
To get your event listed on and, please submit the following to Geoff Ludt at ASAP:
City: %%City%%
Date: April 15th, %%time%%
Location: %%Street%%
Organizer: %%Organizer%%
Contact: %%Email%%
P. %%Phone%%
Other info: %%facebook event URL, web page URL, instructions, etc.%%
"Taxed Enough Already"
Sung to the tune "Oh, Susanna"
Lyrics by; Craig Myers 3-21-09 Copyright 2009 Craig Myers
Recorded and printable versions available at:
We are from through-out A-mer-ica, the land of lib-er-ty
With a her-i-tage of Min-ute-men, home of the brave and free.
We're a na-tion born in free-dom, a - light for all to see
Now the so-cial-ists and thought po-lice, are(en)-slav-ing you and me.
"We the Peo-ple", are(the) ru-lers of this land
And we're Taxed E-nough Al-rea-dy, so were mak-ing this our stand.
The peo-ple rule this coun-try - , it's(the) found-ing fa-thers' plan
Ov-er time a troop of ren-e-gades, have kid-napped Un-cle Sam.
Now were vic-tims of ex-tor-tion, and we miss what we now lack
So if it's all - the same to you, we'll take our coun-try back!
"Give me free-dom", or lay me in my grave
For I'm Taxed E-nough Al-rea-dy, and(my) na-tion I must save.
We are men like Boone and Croc-kett and, we stand for what is right
We op-pose nine thou-sand tons of pork, sold in the dead of night.
Ba-il-outs and bo-nu-ses re-ward, the most in-com-pe-tent
And pro-tect the gree-dy from their sin, rather than make them re-pent.
Stop law-mak-ers, who steal from those who work
Re-dis-trib-u-ting our na-tion's wealth, with wel-fare plans and pork.
They pro-mised lots of good-ies - , to those who'd vote them in
Then taxed and robbed the rest of us, to fi-nance their aw-ful sin.
It is time to rise, Ye Pa-tri-ots, we'll be crushed if we don't try
Let's in-sist on ho-nest can-di-dates, that money can-not buy.
Stand for virtue, it's(the) on-ly thing that lasts
Sell-ing out to spe-cial in-terests, ne-ver blessed us in the past.
We have toiled and sweat, and risked and died for our pos-ter-it-y
Now op-pres-sive reg-u-la-tions work, to end pros-per-it-y.
We have sub-si-dized new ener-gy, and im-port in-stead of pump;
And we're hos-ta-ges of cli-mate freaks, who'd make our land a dump.
"Give me free-dom", or lay me in my grave
For I have a god-ly her-i-tage, and(a) na-tion I must save.
We're a-bout to pay a car-bon tax, to tran-sfer lots more cash
As our dreams of pri-vate en-ter-prise, are head-ed for the trash.
They think they run the plan-et - , and all the CO2 -
And plan to tax the very breath - , exhaled by me and you.
Stop global-goverment, for we want our sovereign-ty
It is glob-al dom-in-ation and, it leads to ty-ran-ny.
Joe Bid-en said - , "just wait and see, this job will make you slip - "
But halo-wear-ing rock stars - , ne-ver fail be-cause their hip.
They said they'd found our sav-ior - , down at M-S-N-B-C
The Of-fice of the Pres-E-lect, was su-pris-ing news to me.
Lib-ral med-ia, your(re) port-ing is-n't fair
The same soap op-era e-very night - , "A Slob-bring Love A-ffair."
Eve-ry-thing's im-proved e-no-rmous-ly, since just three months ago
Now-we've crowned our mon-arch King Hu-ssein, and(a) spend-ing he will go!
We-don't-know what land he comes from, a cer-ti-ficate he does lack
But per-haps in just a short time they'll, a-gree to take him back.
Flush this stimu-lus, a-long with all this tea
For it is A-bama-nation and, its out-right ty-ran-ny
They say Chi-ca-go pol-i-tics, is-a mod-el for our land
It'-ll bring us so-cial justice of, the na-tion-shred-ding brand.
Now the hon-or-able Har-ry Reid, with(the) Sen-ate he is sweet
I wish he'd run - for pres-i-dent, so I could buy his seat.
"We the Peo-ple", must take this mess in hand
We are fed up with cor-rup-tion so, were ma-king this our stand.
They say an A-CORN ne-ver falls - , far from the par-ent tree
And ima-gin-ary votes count in, e-lections that are free.
So let's sub-si-dize the en-e-mies, of all that we hold dear
And pa-tro-nize Big Bro-ther whose - , in-tol-er-ance we fear.
Stop this mad-ness, its got-ten out of hand
It is time for mass re-tire-ment of, Pe-losi and her band.
I en-vy all those fine Can-uks - , with health care that is free
They may have to wait for seve-ral years, but(it's) bet-ter than a fee.
When health-care czars and bureau-crats, are de-ciding on our fate
They'll add the costs sub-tract our age, and de-cide that we must wait.
Health-care re-search, it's ne-ver worth the bread
With un-funded man-dates grow-ing, you are less ex-pen-sive dead.
I am sure we would - all glad-ly trade, for what our vete-rans share
At Wal-ter Reed - its par-a-dise, like stand-ard Com-mie care.
In Eur-ope where it's so-cial-ized - , the pop-u-la-tions shrink
Sur-vi-val of the fit-test - , must be what those peo-ple think.
Univer-sal health care, will prob-ly fin-ish me
Thro-ugh fund-ing euth-an-asia - , that is com-pul-sor-y.
They pol-lute the minds of our own kids, all(but) Dar-win they de-spise
It's a mod-el ed-u-ca-tion, guar-an-tee-ing they're not wise!
Voo-doo-sci-ence is our pas-sion, no in-tell-i-gence al-lowed
We a-rose from ooze by ac-ci-dent, and of(that) were ver-y proud.
I've no mas-ter, there's no God ov-er me
I'm an ar-ro-gant di-saster, a threat to so-ci-ety.
We know there's no cre-a-tor - , who we'll an-swer to some-day
So we have no need of mor-als, nor the right to stand and pray.
Let's pro-tect our youth from all i-deas, of God in whom we trust
And hide the fact there's some-thing more, when their bod-ies turn to dust.
Public ed-u-cation, not what it used to be
It's be-come in-doc-trin-a-tion, and re-writes our his-tor-y.
We are from through-out A-mer-i-ca, our home-land for to save
Let's all stand firm, for what is right, not be-come its grove-ling slave.
We've been send-ing folks to Wash-ing-ton, to rep-re-sent all us
But they shred the Bill of Rights so much, it makes us want to cuss.
If they arrest me, for sing-ing out this song
You can be darn sure they'll come for you, and(it) won't be very long.
Our land was born in right-eous-ness, and de-clared its li-ber-ty
For the Lord af-firms our con-science, and His Truth will set us free.
We're com-pelled to pay our taxes, to sup-port what is not right
So please join us in this tax re-volt, caus' were ready for a fight!
Don't lose heart friend, you're(a) true A-me-ri-can
We'll re-place un-fit in-cum-bents, in the year two-thou-sand-ten!
Concerned Oregonian Suzanne Galligher shared the following:
It takes a student to tell us what is happening to our COUNTRY. Somehow, this needs to get to the Halls of Congress and the Supreme Court to read. Thanks,
WRITTEN BY A 15 yr.. Old SCHOOL KID IN Arizona :
New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME) !
Since the Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
Are not allowed in most
Public schools anymore
Because the word 'God' is mentioned. ..
A kid in Arizona wrote the attached
NEW School prayer :
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice..
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks..
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess..
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
If you aren't ashamed to do this,
Please pass this on.
Jesus said,
'If you are ashamed of me,
I will be ashamed of you before my Father..'
Dear friends,
Please share this newsletter with your friends and urge them to sieze this historic moment to
reclaim their heritage as citizens of America. This is a republic, "...of the people, by the people, and for the people...", which will not perish!
Craig Myers
Execultive Director, Concerned Oregonians
For this you have to wait at least 3 years and 8 months , maybe 7 years and 8 mohths...nm
Hard to defend something that isn't happening.
No problem getting ammo here in the great NW.
In little baby steps it is happening. sm
I call myself a Republican in recovery. Sooner or later, I hope the sheep stop sleeping or God bless them or us all. Remember Always stand on principle, even if you stand alone. John Quincy Adams
What is happening now is affected by what happened then...
and the fact remains that the Democratic party did, as a whole, seek to keep African Americans enslaved and after the Republicans, led by Abe Lincoln, abolished slavery, the Democrats (and yes, a minority of southern Republicans), did effectively deny African Americans the right to vote for another 90 years. The 60's are also part of history...and it was then and only then that African Americans got the clear right to vote. I think that is a bit more than a "bad decision." And yes it has changed, albeit after the fight (the civil war) and after numerous attempts by Republican congresses to try to override it...finally enough Northern Democrats did cross over and the right to vote was given. Certainly things have changed. It is just incorrect to state that the Democratic party has always been of a "liberal" view. They have not. That does not mean that Democrats of today follow that same mantra (some do, but they are leftovers of the past). DW, it should be hurtful to know that this occurred. Revisionist history has caused the majority of African Americans in this country, in fact most young people of this country, not to know what happened in those days. I am sure if you polled African Americans on the street they would have no idea that the Democratic party and a minority of the Republican party as well sought to keep them oppressed for 90 years AFTER the Civil War. Most of them probably think the Republican party was responsible for the whole thing. And before the attacks start...I do not consider myself Republican. I have tendencies that go both ways, and I don't think there is a name for that...other than Independent.
Yes, Bush bashing is hurtful in my mind not because I am a big Bush fan, but I do not understand why some people get such joy in making fun of someone. It reminds me of kids in a schoolyard. I don't see why people can't discuss his policies they object to and that sort of thing, but the incessant ya-ya'ing about his intelligence, he's an embarrassment...yada yada. Yes, that is hurtful on a purely human level.
The past was brought up in response to someone talking about how conservatives were probably "afraid" of the Salt Lake City major because he was liberal and worked for civil rights, yada yada. While working for civil rights may be a liberal trait, as recently as the 60's it was not. I have been called down many a time for things that happened in the "past." We really cannot shove the past under the rug. It is part of who, and what, we are.
And I think we can all agree that thank God, we all learned from it.
If it's 'not meant to be', when why is it happening,
There are actually natural, biologically sound reasons for homosexuality that can be found in all species. Get yourself a library card, and read up on it.
Do you know what's happening on the Pakistani border?
Wake up. Even Squawkbox Obama admits we need MORE military, not less.
Of course, he's also announced he already plans to bomb Pakistan, which was really retarded and only served to heighten the urgency of the Muslim extremist freaks who are organizing their next attack on the U.S. Way to go, doofus.
I've heard of that happening here too
in town. Our house was broken into a few weeks ago. Our food wasn't taken but a fairly good amount of cash which my husband had left on the dresser WAS taken.
It is happening now on a small scale....
we have one refundable tax credit now that I know of...the earned income tax credit. What Obama wants to do is expand that dramatically, and that is most definitely new. That credit does not stretch to that entire 30-40% of people who don't pay federal income taxes. Obama's plan WILL. Because those people comprise part of that 30-40%. How can he give a tax CUT to 95% of Americans otherwise? THAT is my point. Why on earth tax small businesses and yes, even large corporations MORE, so you can give people on welfare a refundable tax credit check?? In my opinion, extending refundable tax credits to people already on the government t*t is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Yes, we have a refundable tax credit now that benefits some persons. What Obama proposes is taking that from where the earned income tax credit is all the way to the bottom. That is his starting from the bottom theory. How many times have we heard that?
Apparently that is happening in a lot of
I posted below about a change in polling places in a city here in Texas.
There was a person at the polls today that was not on the list as a registered voter. I happened to overhear part of the conversation from where I stood but did not hear the solution to the voter's problem.
Not unless I am making over 250K and that's not happening. nm
So what! - How about keeping your mind on what is happening now
And if you want to start prosecuting Clinton better be right at the top.
That time has passed. Obama better not decide that there is a right time to prosecute anyone. If so Clinton and himself should go down the tubes along with the rest of them.
This is now old news. Lets stick to the problems we are facing currently. There is enough to keep our minds busy for the duration of the term (4 years - well actually 3 and 1/2 now).
We don't need this type of distraction. That is where there is American Idol an Survivor - keeps poeple dumbed down.
Interesting thing happening in the
All the big stocks are up, you know, all those pesky businesses that Obama wants to put out of business? Oil, coal, energy....
My husband says that means the market is betting/predicting a McCain win.
Just food for thought....
Trouble brewing baby...happening already...
Quote is true with what is happening in America today
I am putting the quote in perspective for what is happening today in America.
Yeah, it's the reverse racism thing. Happening in
They know what is coming but they failed to stop this from happening in the first place?
They didn't have to stand and who really cares? They let us go down the toilet in the first place and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The doom and gloom you speak about will be your existence because that is all you can see.
Not quite- 2 years Catholic, 2 years Muslim. NM
In 100 years, no one will that's for sure. NM
Could be, he's never come on TV? Years ago maybe?
oh, okay, but he followed him for 20 years!
Which was 4 years ago....
You were 16 years old once...
what if it was said about you, about your daughter if you had one....or about your mother when you were 16?.....come ON now. YOu know how vulnerable girls are at that age. That was a really really really LOW below the belt hit. Mean and nasty.
Except for the first 6 years.
In other words, 75% of the time. Even when they did, they didn't. It's kinda hard to advance a meaningful agenda when being subjected to the acid ink in the runaway veto pen.
I think it's because he's up in years
I also get the same impression, but to be realistic one must consider that she may become President if something were to happen to him.
what, are you now 2 years old?
i just have to roll my eyes sometimes.
Well, a few years ago when we had that...
stocket market tank (all though it did not last all that long) was enough for me...took my 401K money (not a huge amount, but I need it to be there) and put it in traditional IRA's that in federally insured bank. I am not young enough to let it build back up with stock market ups and downs. Younger folks a lot more years in the work force can wait for it to build back up (and it always has), but I can't take the risk.
I don't think small private banks are at risk.
It was much worse than this when Carter was in the White House and we managed to get through that...this too shall pass. A little saying I once heard seems to sum it up...."When one door closes, another opens, but it is he11 in the hallway for awhile." :)
The only way we'd get another 8 years is
if the dems are still in control against a pub president.
I heard the above comment in either an ad or in the debate itself and I almost flipped. You don't hear much about it yet, but it will come out sooner or later (and hopefully sooner).
Yes in in the last two years
the econmy took a dive. Gas prices rose and made the price of everything soar. That is what you get under democratic leadership.
I did years ago n/m
That's over three years just now
For 2 years out of 8
I'm sure you will be for the next 4 years
all the way to the bank with other people's hard earned money...
maybe in 100 years
Our kids will tell stories about us working six days a week, all hours of the day and night to stay at home with them. About how we had no health insurance, but somehow we managed to pay those hospital bills. How the mortgage broker tried to get us to refinance one more time, but we saw through the scam. How did we ever make a car payment for 5 years without going crazy? How we competed with workers in a virtual world and still managed to out produce them. Maybe they will think that we were pretty tough too. I think we are!
Just the first of many to come in the next 4 years....
sorry, I have to raise taxes; sorry, I have to continue the war in Iraq; sorry, I can't provide healthcare for everyone; sorry, I have to change the constitution; sorry, I can't keep any of the promises I made while campaigning; sorry, I have no experience dealing with terrorists, sorry, I fooled you into voting for me.
GP, my DH and I have been saying this for years. sm
We have long been advocates of sending the illegals back, closing our borders, cut the pork, etc. I am so glad there are others out there. This is going to my sens and reps. Especially as DH gave them all an earful yesterday. We need everybody out there to send this along.
I don't have 10-20 years. I have 4
unless I want to work until I'm 70 or 80. What kind of mind will i have then? Will I be able to figure out what a doc is saying?
I'll probably be one of those homeless people in another 10 years unless they straighten out all the problems. I certainly will not be able afford the taxes we pay on our property, even though it's free and clear of a mortgage. At tha rate they expect taxes to rise, I'll be out on the streets.
The O will not be able to stop it. There's too many factors changing the economy. I'm just hoping things wil l straighten out, but I no longer have any faith in our government, no matter who runs the country. The so-called respresentaves are only out for themselves in the past few years and it doesn't matter who's in charge.
Write your congressmen or senators and what do you get? A "canned" letter that they will take your suggestions "under consideration" and "are doing whatever they can to fix the situation". I'm tired of it. It's the same old, same old.
O has reneged on some of his promises already. He spoke in all those other countries when he was running for prez (and isn't there a law against going to a foreign country to make promises(?) if he becomes president? He smoothed over so many countires that they thought they were finally going to get a prez that would straighten out the U.S. and all of a sudden, he is for Israel and against the Muslin terrorists communities. "Scuse me, butl lying to other ountries doesm't cut it.
I can only hope that O will keep some of his other promises bvut I don't see how he can with the economy the way it is at this pointl So all those people who voted for O with the hope of change (remember those who stated they would not have to worry about their mortgage, etc.), it ain't gonna happen.
O is a smooth talker and I almost fell for his ideas, but when I started to really think about it, there's no way he can accomplish all he plans to do, even in 8 yeras.
Well, I'll get off my soap box now. These opinions are mine and mine alone. You may not agree with my thoughts, but there's no reason to bash me for my honest opinion. 
Yes, I am better off than I was 8 years ago...(sm)
However, since two years ago and the advent of the democratic congress, I am a tad worse....
but still better than the Clinton years.
Bracing for getting even worse under the O.
It's a fact that the economy always downturns under a democratic congress....double whammy with a democrat in the white house, too.....oh joy, what a ride we're all in for.
Yes, I am better off than I was 8 years ago...(sm)
However, since two years ago and the democratic majority in congress, I am a bit worse, down 20% in earnings.
But still much, much better than the Clinton years.
Bracing for getting even worse under Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Franks, and that whole lot.
It's a fact of economics, that there is always a downturn under a democratic congress....double whammy with a democrat in the white house, too.....oh joy, what a ride we're all in for.