I have a good friend who is black and he has not worked in 3 years due to an injury on the job. He is getting by on $173 a week from Workman's Compensation. He cannot get food stamps.
I have another friend who is repeatedly passed over for promotions for white folks to get the jobs even though he has been on the job now for over 8 years and then has to help train the new-hire white boys to take the job he was passed over for.
I am white and I got a scholarship to college just fine when I decided I wanted to return to school this year.
In case you are the same *Teddy* who posted on the Conservative Board in the last week or two, you should know that the same *friendly* group of people you encountered there the other day also accused you of being me.
At any rate, welcome to the Liberal Board.
With a little luck, maybe her plane will
and will CRASH, instead. That way the election could focus on the issues once again.
as I said, good luck with that...SP is same old...
this is the same old culture war, and the republicans have played women like we are stupid. as far as approval rating, people are afraid to go against Sara in Alaska because they have seen her wrath. she gets people fired etc etc.
like I said, SP is same old. I have seen too many women like her and all they do is control and manipulate to their own needs and desires.
Christians are supposed to be meek, not calling for war already. I especially find distasteful people who use their religions to gain power.
...oh and it is okay to call Obama right out a wolf in sheep's clothing, but not say anything negative about she who would hide behind being a woman -
who wrote this post, a man? when did women get so aggressive and want to be men so much, anyway.
you think you are 'doing it all' - yeah, all and half the quality.
you praise this woman because she can give birth? How does she manage her family, lets her daughter get pregnant, and perhaps worse?
yeah, you do it all all-right, and everything is half-#@!?. What a role model! Let go back to work 3 days after having a baby, let our daughters be sexually abused by men while we run around pretending we are so important...
good luck
with my conversion. Not a lot of Jews converting today, especially to evangelical beliefs. But you keep trying, lol.
Good luck with that, then, if you truly believe him....sm
I never said I agreed with what's been happening on the wall street agenda, however, as usual, the democrats are rewriting the bill they signed, and it now looks nothing like it did when it passed, even though that was the wrong thing to do.
Now, we have to give a helping hand to everyone under the sun.
If that's not socialism, and marxism is right behind, especially when he shuts the media up for asking questions, look out.
You're getting more than they're telling you about, and I guarantee you, you will not be all warm and cuddly, when all that comes down to pass.
But again, believe as you want to believe. Perhaps you are voting your emotions, along with the masses, after all.
Good luck with all that hate. sm
And that is what it is just pure hatred. No Democrat I know would go near where you are. That isn't fighting. It's not even smearing. It's no class gutterball and it has no benefit whatsoever to anyone.
Good luck, LVMT
All jobs take a while to get used to. I'm sure you'll do very well in a very short time. Hope you come back soon.
Good luck with your daughter! sm
I have kids are older than yours and while there has not been a pregnancy, there have been other issues we have worked through that floored me and shocked me, but we got through them.
I have several friends whom are excellent parents, involved, church going, teach values ...could not ask for more.
guess what???
Their kids drink, try drugs, have sex and yes, indeed, some have gotten pregnant. I am not saying ALL teenagers do, because that is not true, BUT many, many do.
IMHO, embracing it and loving your child when something like this happens is called unconditional love. It does NOT mean that you condone it or approve. But what is done, is done.
I want to take the high road, and give him the chance he deserves, without all the pettiness and prejudice I see displayed against our current, outgoing president.
I wish the best to you all on this board, as well, both left and right, and all in between.
I wish the best for our country, and that includes President Obama.
I wish him well, and hope he is guided well on his path and his choices for our country.
Twice as old, nope, just good luck
Gosh, you sure are touchy when it cones to the fact you apparently have made some poor judgements and now stuck with a home you cannot sell. My homes come from money I have received from family, stocks, investments- I have been blessed because I do not make bad investments like others. With your last statement I can just imagine your sticking out your tongue, like a child does and saying nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
Heartening story. Good luck to you. But
the problem is with the system. There are abusers and it is mismanaged. Not everyone is an abuser, obviously, but being from a small town I can't tell you how many people I know that accept welfare and then to see what they spend it on is ridiculous. There has got to be some accountablilty there and make sure those that truly need the program get it and those that have the ability to, to get off their behinds and get a job or training to get a job.
Yeah, and rub your luck rabbit foot...sm
While you're at it! It'll do JUST much good. Silly people. Let go of your ancient superstitions and move into reality with the rest of us.
Good luck trying to convince O lovers they;re
Au contraire. I've had really good luck
most recent example would be my 18-year marriage to a rough, tough tom cat 14 years my junior.
No such luck, GP. All that fake congrats this morning
was just a bunch of hooey to lull us into a belief that they actually meant it. If fact, it has really escalated through the day. I'm thinking maybe they all just need to get ****!! Careful. (SM)
Wishing Happy Thanksgiving isn't causing trouble. It isn't bringing political views into question.
Be careful
Please be careful about generalizing people into categories. I am a Republican and I agree that gay marriage should not be a political issue, as well as many others that seem to be these days. I'm not offended by your remark, just wish more people would get the facts straight before making a comment like that - maybe then the two parties could actually work together to get this country straightened out.
Careful GP
Eloquent speeches...
But, I'll bite my tongue. I'm waiting to see him walk the talk.
BTW...if I'm right...I'm allergic to shellfish, so how about a big juicy steak? :)
Careful what you wish for. We may not have any
better be careful
they will call you a liar because they dont agree with you. If it goes against what they think, they will not CONSIDER it or PONDER that it COULD be true, it is just a lie. You cant speak badly about Os ideas because they will have a tantrum and stop talking to you after they first tell you you arent allowed to have an opinion.
Be careful.
I tried that tack earlier and got bashed in return. Apparently some people just don't want to try to get along.
Wow..... Be careful.......... sm
lest that ivory tower that you are perched upon tumbles. I don't think I have ever read anything so condescending in my entire life.
Be careful, you are getting too close to
proving your point. Some folks on here don't want to see you do that! Not if it disagrees with their infatuations, even when they know deep inside it is the truth. This dude wrote this junk before the election and Obama loved it! Enough so that he had the man's wife, Beyonce (sp), peform at the inauguration! and Jay-Z was in the guest of honors spectators seats. Racism? Heck NO!
Be careful where you go with that logic
Does that mean that we can safely assume that anyone who believed in Swaggart, Baker, Haggart, or any one of the legion of other evangelical ministers are guilty of not having a true Christian belief or guilty of the same 'crimes' that their ministry leaders were? Guilt by association, while easy, doesn't seem like a very Christian assumption.
Be very careful what you say, Patty. As
the mother of 3 young men, the oldest now 41, who were raised in church being taught the Bible is God's inspired Holy Word. Being their mom, I consider them "good boys." Let me tell you, over 41 years, I have had a pretty healthy diet of words. Unless you have walked in someone else's shoes you have no right to tell that person what you would or would not do because you have no idea what you would do. I'm sure MTTL has shed many tears and prayed many prayers over this. She is no more responsible for her son's sins as an adult as I am for my sons' sins as adults. This does not mean we stop loving them, that would be unnatural love. Please rethink your post.
thanks again Babe! Good luck voting for McSame/Falin...SM
Careful what you say, God's children might be listening!
The religious right's version of freedom of speech. Scary, huh?
LAWRENCE, Kansas, Dec. 6, 2005 (AP) A Kansas professor whose planned course on creationism and intelligent design was canceled after he sent e-mails deriding Christian conservatives was taken to the hospital Monday following what he said was a beating.
University of Kansas religious studies professor Paul Mirecki told the Lawrence Journal-World that two men who beat him were making references to the class that was to be offered for the first time this coming spring. Originally called Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies, the course was canceled last week at Mirecki's request.
The class was added after the Kansas Board of Education decided to include more criticism of evolution in science standards for elementary and secondary students.
I didn't know them, Mirecki said of his alleged assailants, but I'm sure they knew me.
One recent e-mail from Mirecki to members of a student organization referred to religious conservatives as fundies, and said a course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a nice slap in their big fat face. Mirecki has apologized for those comments.
Lt. Kari Wempe, a spokeswoman for the Douglas County Sheriff's Department, said a deputy was dispatched to Lawrence Memorial Hospital after receiving a call around 7 a.m. regarding a battery.
She said Mirecki reported he was attacked around 6:40 a.m. in rural Douglas County south of Lawrence. Mirecki told the Journal-World he was driving to breakfast when he noticed the men tailgating him in a pickup truck.
I just pulled over hoping they would pass, and then they pulled up real close behind, he said. They got out, and I made the mistake of getting out.
He said the men beat him on the head, shoulders and back with their fists, and possibly a metal object.
Wempe said Mirecki drove himself to the hospital.
Mirecki told the student newspaper, The University Daily Kansan, that he spent between three and four hours at the hospital. He said his injuries included a broken tooth.
I'm mostly shaken up, and I got some bruises and sore spots, he told the Journal-World.
Wempe said Mirecki described the suspects as two white men between 30 and 40 years of age. One of the men was described as wearing a red visor-like ball cap and wool gloves. Mirecki said the men left in a large pickup truck.
Wempe said the department will investigate every aspect, but couldn't discuss specifics.
Andrew Stangl, president of the Society for Open Minded Atheists and Agnostics at the university, described the attack as bizarre and terrifying. He said Mirecki, who is the group's faculty adviser, is adamant that the alleged beating is related to the recently canceled course.
That absolutely shocked me, he said, because people don't do that in a civilized society.
Sen. Kay O'Connor, a Mirecki critic, said there is no excuse for someone physically assaulting the professor - regardless of their politics.
I have zero tolerance for thugs, she said. There is never an excuse to behave in such a manner. This was just thugs. They used a flimsy excuse, if they had one, to behave as thugs. They can talk about the ID (intelligent design) course if they want to, but that's not an excuse.
And stop being so all-fired snobby about service industry workers. We NEED people doing those jobs. You talk like they're on welfare when clearly they are NOT - not that they don't NEED to be. Sure they can get more education or find different jobs if they want to - Duh! We all can. What are you so high-falutin' about - you're a transcriptionist?? For your information the rich in the industry consider you an overpaid secretary and are working as hard as they can to scrub you off the board with the help of a president who feels there's just too darned much writin' goin'on in the medical industry and if we could just get rid of all that paperwork it would be great!
And for your additional enlightenment, you ought to be aware that the biggest, baddest welfare bloodsuckers in this nation ARE the huge corporations who receive billions of our tax money each year in the form of incentives, government bonuses, relocation grants, production quotas, bankruptcy bailouts etc - all things that none of us taxpayers would ever qualify for. AND, 60% of major US corporations pay as much tax as your BK employee - absolutely *ZERO*. Now you could argue that the govt. handouts to corps. are necessary to stimulate the economy (even though you'd be wrong considering the amount of flimflammery that goes on at the corporate pig trough)but I would say right back at ya that earned income credit is absolutely VITAL to the welfare of American children. I can't think of any tax break that is more important than one that helps parents raise their kids in better conditions.
Careful Barack? you're kidding.
He wasn't too careful with his asssociations was he? He may APPEAR thoughtful and careful, but it is a facade. He doesn't have near as much on the ball as McCain/Palin and definitely not the judgment i want in a leader.
Better be careful or they'll call you racist
Careful. Your extremism and religious hatred
Careful, now. Your ignorance and flaming bigotry is showing.
Does this mean that only Zionists are allowed to identify with tragedy? In all the years I have associated with Moslems (both Shia and Sunni), Arabs and Iranians, I have never once encountered any Taliban. The only Nazis/facists I have ever encountered were on this forum (yourself included, though you do not seem to understand the meaning of the term). I confess, I have known a few Sudanese in my time. I encountered Sudanese women during the course of my volunteer work with refugee outreach who were seeking asylum in flight from female circumcision/mutilation. They did not really qualify for your "guerilla" sterotype. Seems to me that Zionists know a thing or 2 about serial killing. Child molesters? No logical context there. You are ranting again. Suicide bombers versus Assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, pistols,
Semi-automatics, breach grenades, SWAT rifles, Isherman, Sho't, Magach, Sabra and Merkava tanks, Davidka, Makmat and Soltam M-66 mortars, Soltam, Rascal, Sholef and IDF howitzers, cargo, sea scan, fighter and trainer aircraft, Shaldaq, Dvora and Super Dvora patrol boats, Sa'ar 3, 4 and 5-class missle boats, Sa'ar 5-class corvettes, Gal class and Dolphin submarines, Trophy and Iron Fist protection systems, Flight Guard airborne countermeasures systems, Machbet anti-aircraft weapons, Barak surface-to-air missiles, SPYDER air-defense system, Arrow anti-ballistic missiles, Tactical High Energy Laser, Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system, David's Sling medium-range rocket defense system, B-300 and Shipon shoulder-launched missiles, shoulder-lanched multipurpose assault weapons, FGM-172 SRAWs, MAPATS, Spike, Nimrod and LAHAT ATGMs, Shafrir, Derby and Python air-to-air missiles, Gabriel naval anti-ship missiles, Popeye air-to-surface missiles, LORA theater and Jericho ballistic missiles, Nimda, Trail Blazers, IDF Nagmachon, IDF Nakpadon, IDF Puma, IDF Achzarit, Namer IFV, Nemmera ARV, AIL Storm, Plasan Sand Cat, Wolf Armoured and Golan Armored fighting vehicles, IMI Mastiff, Casper 250, IAI Searcher, IAI Hary, IAI I-View, IAI Ranger, IAI Heron, IAI RQ-2 Hunter, Elbit Skylark, Elbit Hermes and Aeronautics Defense Dominator unmanned fighter vehicles, Typhoon close-in weapon system, Kilshon anti-radiation missile launchers, Caterpillar D7/D9 armored bulldozers, Enhanced Tactical Computers, LITENING targeting pods, Spice EO-GPS PGM guidance kits, Shavit spaceflight launch vehicle, EROS earth observation satellite and Ofeg reconnaissance satellites. Oops, I almost fogot the WMDs, including chemical, biologic and, of course, the nukes.
People wait to speak with staff about unemployment benefits.
In record numbers, employers move to block unemployment payouts.
It's hard enough to lose a job. But for a growing proportion of U.S. workers, the troubles really set in when they apply for unemployment benefits.
More than a quarter of people applying for such claims have their rights to the benefit challenged as employers increasingly act to block payouts to former workers.
The proportion of claims disputed by former employers and state agencies has reached record levels in recent years, according to the Labor Department numbers tallied by the Urban Institute.
Under state and federal laws, employees who are fired for misbehavior or quit voluntarily are ineligible for unemployment compensation. When jobless claims are blocked, employers save money because their unemployment insurance rates are based on the amount of the benefits their workers collect.
As unemployment rolls swell in the recession, many workers seem surprised to find their benefits challenged, their former bosses providing testimony against them. On one recent morning in what amounts to one of Maryland's unemployment courts, employees and employers squared off at conference tables to rehash reports of bad customer service, anger management and absenteeism.
"I couldn't believe it," said Kenneth M. Brown, who lost his job as a hotel electrician in October.
He began collecting benefits of $380 a week but then discovered that his former employer, the owners of the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, were appealing to block his unemployment benefits. The hotel alleged that he had been fired for being deceptive with a supervisor.
"A big corporation like that.... It was hard enough to be terminated," he said. "But for them to try to take away the unemployment benefits - I just thought that was heartless."
After a Post reporter turned up at the hearing, the hotel's representative withdrew the appeal and declined to comment. A hotel spokesperson later said the company does not comment on legal matters. Brown will continue to collect benefits, which he, his wife and three young children rely on to make monthly mortgage payments on their Upper Marlboro home.
Unemployment compensation programs are administered by the states and funded by payroll taxes that employers pay. In 2007, employers put up about $31.5 billion in such taxes, and those taxes typically rise during and after recessions, as states seek to replenish the funds.
With each successful claim raising a company's costs, many firms resist letting employees collect the benefit if they consider it undeserved.
"In some of these cases, employers feel like there's some matter of principle involved," said Coleman Walsh, chief administrative law judge in Virginia, who has handled many such disputes. But, he said, "nowadays it appears their motivation has more to do with the impact on their unemployment insurance tax rate. Employers by and large are more aware of unemployment as a cost of business."
The cost of unemployment insurance has created an industry of "third-party agents" - companies that specialize in helping employers deal with the unemployment insurance administration. These firms represent employers in disputes with former employees over jobless benefits.
One of the largest is TALX, a St. Louis company active in the Washington area, which claims more than 8,000 clients.
The company's Web site says that it removes "over $6 billion in unemployment claims liability annually."
Joyce Dear, chief operations officer for tax management services at TALX, said firms such as hers help bring to light the issues surrounding an employee's departure.
"You are limited to what is permissible," she said. "What an employer can do is provide the facts around a separation. The awarding of the benefits is in the hands of the state."
Wayne Vroman, a researcher at the Urban Institute, has documented the rise of challenges to unemployment claims using the Labor Department data. He found that the proportion of claims challenged on the basis of misconduct has more than doubled, to 16 percent, since the late 1980s. Claims disputed on the grounds that the worker simply quit represent about 10 percent of the otherwise eligible applications.
Even as more employers have alleged employee misconduct, their success rate has stayed relatively stable - they lose on such issues about two-thirds of the time.
"What is clear is that employers have become more willing to contest claims from claimants," Vroman said of the data.
Hearing officers and others in the industry said it isn't clear why the number of challenges to unemployment claims has grown. The labor force has changed over the years, with less of it devoted to manufacturing and more of it from the service sector.
Some suggested the rise in disputed benefits stems from the fact that it is easier today for employers to track claims and try to block those they consider unwarranted.
"Automation has contributed to the ease with which protests from the employer can be filed," said Doug Holmes, president of UWC Strategy, a group that claims large and small employers among its members and represents their interests in unemployment matters.
Others speculated that changes in the law have made it easier for employers to block unemployment claims.
Rick McHugh, a staff attorney for the National Employment Law Project who began handling such cases in the 1970s, said court rulings have slowly enlarged the definition of employee misconduct, making it easier for employers to say they rightfully fired a worker.
"The courts are just not showing as much sympathy for employees who get fired," he said. "There's a higher standard of behavior that is expected of employees."
For example, back in 1941, the Wisconsin Supreme Court considered the case of a cab driver who'd had three accidents in two weeks and also shorted the company on a 40 cent fare, turning in only 25 cents.
The court ruled that the driver was entitled to unemployment benefits because unintentionally careless or shoddy work did not constitute misconduct. It's unlikely, McHugh said, that the case would be determined the same way today.
In many states, hearings are held daily on unemployment claims. The outcome most often turns on whether the former employee was guilty of misconduct.
With employees and employers as adversaries, it's often difficult to determine the facts of a case, and just as difficult at times to separate misconduct from incompetence, which is not a reason to withhold the benefits.
During a day of hearings this week in Wheaton, human resources personnel sat across tables from former employees, and the discussion often turned to written warnings, company handbooks and who-told-what-to-whom.
A former assistant manager at RI Ra, an Irish Bar in Bethesda, fended off complaints that, among other things, he'd failed to greet guests at the door and one time poured a beer for himself after hours.
A Verizon technician was charged with, in company terms, "detour and frolic."
And a former salesman at Ethan Allen complained that there was no way he could have made his $35,000 sales quota - and that's why he quit.
"It's almost like a daily soap opera - but it's real life," veteran hearing examiner Scott Karp said. "In this economic climate, the threshold for what employers consider minimum acceptable behavior has changed. They decide they're not going to put up with it anymore, so they start documenting the employee's behavior and often enough, the issue winds up here."