BTW, Popular Mechanics pretty much debunked all the myths you speak of.
Posted By: Yowsa on 2006-04-09
In Reply to: More to it than just the jet fuel. sm - GBA
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These statements pretty much speak for themselves
and don't need a whole lot of context to get the drift.
Myths and Lies
McCain created the DoNotCall list:
- Lie 8/17/08: "2003 – McCain led in creating the FTC’s ‘Do-Not-Call’ telemarketing registry"
- Truth: FTC Chairman Tim Muris announced in October 2001 that the FTC was going to create the Do Not Call list
McCain co-authored the CAN-SPAM Act:
- Lie 8/17/08: "2003 - McCain co-authored the CAN-SPAM Act to regulate the sending of unsolicited commercial e-mail (”spam”)
- Truth: According to the Library of Congress, three Republicans and four Democratic senators introduced the CAN-SPAM bill in 2003. John McCain was not one of them.
Obama would increase capital gains taxes on 100 million Americans
- Lie 4/20/08: "Senator Obama says that he doesn’t want to raise taxes on anybody over — making over $200,000 a year, yet he wants to nearly double the capital gains tax. Nearly double it, which 100 million Americans have investments in — mutual funds, 401(k)s — policemen, firemen, nurses. He wants to increase their taxes."
- Truth: "Investments contained in 401-K's (Or in the case of 'policemen, firemen' usually a 403-B), pensions, IRAs, tax deferred variable annuities, and similar retirement vehicles aren't subject to capital gains tax -- they're not taxed at all. Changing the capital gains tax rate will have zero effect on them. Withdrawals from tax deferred accounts by retirees are generally taxed at whatever the income tax rate is for that person at the time of withdrawal (Which, incidentally, is usually a heck of a lot more than the current long term capital gains tax rate, yet another way to rip off the middle class)."
Myths being touted by govt healthcare pushers
This article reiterates some points I've made here before - for instance, the nonsense about the "poor US infant mortality rate" being badly skewed by many thinkgs, including the fact that we try to save many high-risk preemies that other countries don't even attempt to save, and the fact that we count as an "infant death" not only those preemies we can't save but any that shows a sign of life, while those other countries do not include the preemies they let die or others that we count.
Well worth reading to arm yourself against the garbage being put out from the loony demon-crats and their leader, BO-zebumpkin:
Over and over, this has been debunked
Why can't we have intelligent discussion of the issues that need to be sorted out by the candidates. Where do they actually stand and yes, BACKED BY FACT. We should try. This is an important election.
who debunked it?
The fine drivebys, like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc.? A female caller on Rush Friday said it was on her credit card bill. So debunk that.
The drive-bys are SO in the tank for Obama they're literally desperate. I pity you.
You mean one who won by 6.8% in popular vote
That's pretty legitimate if you ask me.
Popular vote
You know Obama did not win by a landslide of the popular vote so don't act like the whole country wanted him as president and the ones who didn't are a small minority. All its going to take is a few more people to people to wake up and if we make it through this term intact, we won't have to worry about a second term. His approval rating dropped 5% in a week while his disapproval rating went up 7%. As the economy gets worse and worse the disapproval rating will continue to go up. The stimulus bill is bloated and oh yeah does everyone know that the "rebate" we are getting in our paychecks is not really a rebate as the tax tables have not changes so some people will actually have to pay next year when they do taxes or not get a refund, guess they forgot to mention that, the housing bill he passed will help very few people...and eventually people will find out nothing he says is the truth. I wonder will happen then.
Shame on been debunked.
IT has been debunked. The woman who...
said she was a member has recanted. She has always been registered republican. Her husband was a member several years ago.
Obama's pastor as recently as last year said "God dam* AMerica." Both Obama and his wife attended that church for 20 years.
Comparing the statements...and the person who made them...I would say there is no room to accuse Sarah Palin about her husband than to accuse Obama and his wife about their pastor/mentor/friend who married them and baptized both of their children.
Can we leave this nonissue now?
popular vote was Gore
Im trying to remember back from 2000..there was a university, I think maybe University of Chicago..which did a recount and Gore won. If all the ballots had been counted and all the registered voters who were turned away were allowed to vote, based on the party they were registered under, Gore would have won. I remember back in 2001, the outrage, so I contacted the university and was assured the public would be allowed a copy of the study on the recount. Geez..seems like centuries ago..I will check back with my political friends and find out the university..Maybe they still are offering their results on the recount.In any case, however, to be fair, when there is a election in doubt, IMHO, you go with the popular vote, which was Gore.
Y'all are just jealous he's so popular
and you all can't get a liberal talk show to take. The Air America crowd can't keep themselves from stealing from their network long enough to try to get a quality show off the ground.
If Rush is so wrong then won't you dispute what he says instead of personally attacking him?
my I ever popular
almost as much as you sam!!
When I told them to carry on, they reallllyyyyy carried
Gotta love those dems....
contrary to popular belief
Bush did not enact the Patriot Act.
Everybody KNOWS Al Gore won the popular vote
It is awfully coincidental that the state that had the problems counting their votes, which ultimately cost AL Gore the election, was what? Oh thats's right it was....FLORIDA - George Bush's brother's state. You do remember Jeb was governor of Florida during that time, don't you?
All of this has been debunked! Link inside. sm
debunked. The woman who said she was a member...
recanted. Sorry. Maybe you should have vetted your source a little better.
Debunked. Woman recanted....
There was no surplus. That was debunked years ago.
And the Democrats are largely responsible for the shape we are in. John McCain tried to pass legislation in 2005 to regulate Fannie/Freddie. However, Chris Dodd (head of banking and commerce committee, and largest recipient of Fannie/Freddie contributions) and the Democrats blocked it. Fannie/Freddie started this freefall in the economy. Obama is #2 on the contributions list. John McCain is wayyyyy on down the list. Then the democrats (the ones sitting now) pushed by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank in turn pushed fannie/freddie to give all those subprime loans to minorities and lower income folks, to people with either no credit or bad credit, knowing full well most of them didn't have a hope in heck of paying it is THOSE mortgages we are going in hock to pick up.
Franklin Raines, James Johnson, Jamie Gorelick, Timothy Howard...all Democrats, two of them Obama advisors...ALL walked away from Fannie with golden parachute of MILLIONS after cooking the books.
And WE are picking up the tab.
Debunked? see inside for link
Associated Press, 10/15/08. Click link below.
We insist bc issue has NOT been debunked because
Still waiting for the courts to decide.
Actually Bill O'Reilly debunked this.
ACORN is not taking over the census for entire states or the entire US......however, they will be conducting the census for certain areas. So they won't be in charge of the whole shebang, but they will be doing this for some areas.....which in itself is scary considering the fraud that went on during this past presidential election.
Contrary to popular belief.....the rich pay the
Contrary to popular belief, O supporters
as their divine Savior. Rather, he is just a fine American who cares deeply about his country, running for the highest office in the land. He has the strength to step up to the plate, turn a blind eye toward all that would seek to destroy him and do his best to tackle the mop-up job after one of the most devastating administrations in the history of our country. More that this, we cannot ask. He is calm, thoughtful, inspiring, steady, intuitive and gifted with an uncanny ability to inspire millions of Americans in the throes of an economic collapse to unite behind the simple notion that we can do better, that we are at the dawn of a new day and that our shared imperative is to embrace optimism and confidence in ourselves and in his leadership. In comparison to his opponent, who would use shrub style politics of fear to scare us into voting for him and thinks nothing of igniting culture wars and stoking the fires of division for political gain, there is no contest. Obama deserves the respect he has gained and without a doubt, he the best man for the job.
Do a search on this board. This is old news, debunked. nm
People keep insisting BC issue has been debunked
You really do need a reality check here. Obama "could be" the next president? The electoral college is going to confirm the WAY more than comfortable 192 electoral vote lead he holds over McCain (365 vs 173). I hate to break this to you, but the pubs' October surprise is not going to be a November surprise, December surprise, a 2009 surprise or any other kind of surprise. I have answered your BC ramblings before and will not take any more of my time to try to get this through your thick skull again. Like I said, if I were you I would not hold my breath. Everything else in your post is pure fantasy. I prefer to take my politics with some semblance of substance.
I'd be very embarrassed to admit that he was popular, if I were you...kind of reflects on right-w
I saw very little admirable, factual, interesting or thoughtful in his post. If all these people admire him, like you say, this country is in more trouble than I thought.
On terrorist ties, since topic is popular for the moment
McCain link to private group in Iran-Contra case.
Obama could win popular but still lose election - see message
It is possible. It has happened before. I think now especially in these final two days, when people are hearing Obama saying in a radio interview that he will bankrupt coal companies and skyrocket electricity bills, a lot of people are really wondering. Especially the states where coal is their major industry. They are starting to realize that a vote for the O means they'll be out of work. Along with the birth certificate issue not being resolved, and other the other numerous questions about the O people are really wondering about him.
Phoney outrage over baseless, debunked accusations
possible topics of conversation besides bashing our very popular president in the interest of preven
Well I can only speak on what I saw.
I didn't see a post about Nan being old and to die in hell, so pardon me on that.
And I didn't say that you had left before. Reread the post. I was walking about Nan having left before basically, and said she wasn't coming back.
Odd, that you should speak for gt SM
One might think she doesn't have a voice of her own. Or one might think other things.
Sure, but I can't speak for the others. nm
So now you speak for God. Wow, gt. sm
You are more of an elitist pig than I thought possible. But I mean that in a good way. Am I fried now?
So now you speak for God.
That was only one of the sites. And God forbid people are brought to Christ.
Nobody told her she doesn't have the right to speak.
That's quite a stretch even for YOU, MT. 
as we speak
POTUS is lamenting the state of government -- of course it is all the fault of Congress. He tries and tries but "they" prevent any movement. Poor chimpie.
I have a right to speak
out about the incompetency of the supposed "leader" of the free world. Each episode of ignorance, distortion of facts, and deception needs to be brought into the light and examined repeatedly. It is cumulative. I brush aside the label of "bush bashing" as another neocon attempt to frame the issue. I will continue to post as I wish and to refuse to engage in discussion with anyone whose purpose is simply to gain attention, even if negative. I do feel compassion for those so abused and ignored throughout life that they will take any acknowledgement as life-affirming, but I do not take it upon myself to feed their insatiable desire to be noticed. I am encouraged by the split in the repub party into small groups of supporters, but the dems have got this pres election in the bag anyway not only due to their fresh, positive approach but the self-destruction of the repubs by their own arrogance and corruption.
I can only speak to myself....
but I pray concerning basically every decision I make. Not because I think the decision is God's will, but that whatever His will will be done. I saw the same clip (I think) and I think that is what Palin meant, not that the pipeline itself was specifically God's will, but to pray for the success of the venture, ask that it go well, but in the end, God's will be done. God is very real to us and praying is just communicating with him. Talking to him. It is a relationship, like with a dear friend. That is the best short description I can give. This is from my experience only. Others may not have the same experience.
speak for yourself
Speak for yourself
I have briefly (mercifully) lived in an fabulous neighborhood consisting of a bunch of old guys who only cared about golf and their wives who had faces stretched back to their spine and stapled. It was really very boring. Give me the rich vibrancy of a middle-class neighborhood any day. Just my opinion!
did he ever speak out against it at all? nm
sorry to say, he is on Fox as we speak
with all their promises, which sound just great, but who is going to pay for all these great promises?
Perhaps you would like to speak
letters that are being sent to pastors of churches in our area (and maybe nationwide, I haven't researched it yet) that tells them if they mention anything political in the pulpit, then their church will lose its tax-exempt status. While I don't go for politics in the pulpit, I also don't go for the government telling pastors what they can and cannot preach about.
It would seem to me that one side is just as guilty of "crossing party lines" as the other.
Once again, you know not what you speak.....
Indonesian lawyer DOES give the parent the right to renounce the child's citizenship to another country. The U.S. does happen to recognize this with Indonesia, so it was done and the papers were there to prove it. Only when Obama turns of age could he RENOUNCE his citizenship with Indonesia, which he has not done.
The attorney I speak of is in New York and has been doing this for over 30 years. He deals with foreign adoptions every day and each country has its own red tape and laws. Indonesia is one he has spoken of many times with regards to Obama and those attorneys who have dealt one-on-one with Indonesian law know this.
You seem to belive all countries recognize the United States.....they don't. BTW, during the time Obama was in Indonesia and adopted by his stepfather, the laws were clear that no one could go to school in Indonesia unless they were an Indonesian citizen, i.e., Obama.
And, yes, it does matter what Indonesian law says because Obama is Indonesian by adoption. He has NO papers proving his U.S. citizenship in the first place but he does have papers proving INdonesian citizenship, of which he has not renounced as of today.
Matter of fact, the only papers he has proving ANY citizenship is that of Indonesia and Kenya, when his father was alive.
Sorry to disappoint ya......
Maybe you should just speak for yourself...(sm)
instead of assuming that everyone is like you.
The whole 9/11 is being rewritten even as we speak. SM
A lot of new information coming out and guess what!!!! It does not point out, as you and others have said ont his board before, that Bush had anything to do with it. I am not sure what you hissy fit throwers are gonna do about that. By the way, I think this post serves as a classic example of what is wrong with the Democratic party of today. Anti-Americanism in its pure form. Michael Moore would be so PROUD of you!
You do not speak the truth, either
The truth is different for different folks. What about all the service men and women who 100 percent support the anti-war protests? Do they DARE to speak?
You may not realize it but there are MANY ex-military and current military who DO NOT SUPPORT THIS WAR!!! You need to look beyond what you only want to see.
And if being anti-American means to oppose what is morally wrong, well....I will say no more.
Please do not claim that you support our troops. That is not the truth either. You support the current administration's war/invasion plan, but not the troops.
You speak to an Army mom this way. Says a lot about you. nm
Don't tell her she doesn't have a right to speak
If Cindy Sheehan had the right to spew her feelings Army Mom has that right too. Works both ways as bad as you HATE it...
They told her she did not have a right to speak and a lot of other
pretty awful things as well, Democrat. I am sorry you are so blinded by the hatred that was shown to this poster. Besides, she never said she spoke for everyone.