As a matter of fact my youngest son was
Posted By: oldtimer on 2008-12-05
In Reply to: Oh my! I remember him well. I remember we used to call - oldtimer
on the day Nixon announced her would resign. I still have the headlines from that day.
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It doesn't matter WHERE he was born. He was born to an American citizen so he is sm
a native American.
It does not matter how racism is born...
racism is racism. All whites did not enter into the slavery trade nor discrimination nor condone it, and if it had not been for some fed-up white Republicans like Abe Lincoln slavery would not have been abolished as quickly as it was. And if it had not been for some fed-up white Republicans shoving through the Right to Vote act in the 60's, oppression would certainly be worse still today. So I would be very careful about saying all whites oppressed anyone. And that is what racism is...condemning an entire "race" for perceived injustices or perceived inferiority. To the Nation of Islam, apparently to Obama's church, to Black panthers...there is no good white person. Exactly the way the old south was in reverse. Defend it if you is still virulent racism and should not be condoned for ANY reason.
So, my friend, when you talk about quotas in jobs, quotas in scholarships, being put ahead not because of hard work or actually qualifying for something like a job or a scholarship, please don't whine about how blacks or minorities are oppressed. In today's culture it should strictly be on merit, not on the color of your skin, be that white, black, yellow, red or chartreuse.
And, frankly, your last sentence sounds pretty racist itself.
It does not matter if he has quadruple citizenship was born on Pluto,
any other fool notion you can come up with. Obama is a citizen of the United States and no number of lawsuits, appeals, attorneys or McC camp supporters is going to change that. These ridiculous distractions have rendered the rest of this campaign down to the level of a technical moot point. When you are in a hole (as the wise SP has pointed out), the first thing you do is to stop digging. However, you guys have managed to run the clock so far down, that there is really no way out by this time. Congratulations on your failed campaign. Cut your losses, go back to the drawing board, decide what you need to be doing for your fractured party and try to figure out what you will be doing in 2012 about your leadership vacuum. The citizenship issue is a dead end. Believe it or not. Nobody cares because it poses no threat whatsoever to Obama if you continue to rale about this until h@ll freezes over.
As a matter of fact, I do ...
... and as a (rational) independent, I find it really important to know all sides of all stories.
And, until this alleged tape of Michelle Obama is released and proven to absolutely be her, you are basing all of this on really sketchy accusations made by a relatively unprofessional news outlet.
Wasn't enough learned yesterday, upon people ranting and raving about this Ashley Todd atrocity, that accusations should not be put forth as absolute truth until all facts are in?
As a matter of fact, I have been
working at a convenience store during my college years. That is precisely WHY I want stricter handgun control and regulations that would seek to keep illegal handguns off the street and out of the hands of criminals. Obama simply believes that states out to have the authority to regulate and that the fed govt should not impede initiatives that address gun-free zones. For God's sake, if we can ban cigarettes from the workplace, public buildings and restaurants (which smoker's didn't like a bit) surely gun-free zones aimed at public safety (particularly when it comes to protecting children) should not be out of the question.
As a matter of fact, yes it is (sm)
Actually the BBC is known for publishing both sides. So, in this case you wouldn't necessarily go to who published it as much as who actually wrote it. And the winner is.....
Peter Wehner Former deputy assistant to President Bush
Yes, as a matter of fact I did....
feel that way on 11/3/08. I also felt that way in 2000 when many dems (including myself) thought that Bush stole the election. I was furious, but what was I going to do? Leave the country? Start a civil war? No, I obviously, like the rest of the dems, had to just deal with the consequences, which we are seeing now. This is not trying to slam Bush. This is simply to show that there are huge differences in the parties that have, can and will be overcome.
As-a-matter-of-fact I do need it spelled out
Show me one piece of CREDIBLE evidence that Ayers is in any way associated with Obama's campaign or will be associated with his administration if he has one. And please don't try to feed me stuff like he had a fund raiser for him. Who was involved in McCain's fund raisers? Think they were all lilly white? What about Bush and Cheney's deals? Know much about Halliburton?
I doubt some of you would recognize a terrorist if they jumped up and bit you on the butt.
As a matter of fact, yes I do watch him and you are a liar. sm
He has been heavily down on Bush on many issues, including immigration, his choice for justices, spending to name just THREE. Do you think you can just say these things and get away with it? You do, don't you. Well, the true delusion and paranoia and LIES of the left revealed. SAD, SAD, SAD.
As a matter of fact, I do know what Mrs. Obama meant...
all you have to do is do a little research. Read the papers she has written. She was dead serious in what she said and she meant it..and the only reason she is proud of America now is her husband is running for President. People need to try to see through the spin. She has had the same feelings for years, they run deep, in she AND her husband. That is why they stayed in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, unless you buy the ridiculous story that they went there for 20 years and never heard a "sermon like that." Anybody who really believes that...I have 10 acres of prime real estate (in a Louisianna swamp) I would like to talk to them about.
Laura Bush is just a nice person and would not say anything negative about anyone if her life depended on it. She never said a bad thing about the people who have said very mean, hateful, personal things about her family. I would not expect her to say anything else.
Good grief...John Edwards. Now there is someone to make a quote about two Americas. Any idea what size house he lives in? Gets $300 haircuts? Made millions suing people and channeling dead kids to do it? He is as bad as the people he points fingers at. And he came from poor folks. He should KNOW better. I don't see him living in a smaller house, driving a smaller car, rebuilding New Orleans or anything else with his millions. Yet has the gall to point fingers at corporate America and people BUY that false sincerity. Sheesh!!
Yes, there are bigots. There are black bigots, white bigots, red and yellow bigots. Bigots come from all races. Racists come from all races.
I am not ashamed, nor have I ever been ashamed, to be an American. It is not the country's fault some goofballs live in it. Just like it is not the black race's fault that some of theirs are bigots and racists. Just like it is not every Caucasian's fault that slaves were held 200 years ago, especially Caucasians living now. That needs to be put to rest and the chip needs to come off the shoulders. It would serve us all well to remember that while some Caucasians did enslave people, other Caucasians stepped up and went to war, fought and died in partial reason to abolish said slavery. And if those said Caucasians had not stepped up, it would not have happened. And lest we forget one little tidbit of information...slavery was in existence long before America was. And who did the Dutch traders buy said slaves from? Other blacks who enslaved their own people. All that being said, slavery IS wrong, and thousands of Caucasians fought died to abolish it. So can we please move on?
As to religion...again, good grief! This country was founded by people seeking religious freedom. This is the most "religiously free" country on the face of the earth. The only religion discriminated against in this country is Christianity. Muslims can do whatever they want, wear whatever they want, practice openly, even in school. Christians can't. Buddhists can...Christians can't. And "pure hatred" for anyone who is not in their club...there are offshoots of ANY religion who are kooks. And there are many fewer hate mongers that call themselves "Christian" and give us all a bad name...than there are in other religions. Islam sees no way but their way. They may say otherwise, but their Koran tells a different story. When was the last time Christians went to war for religion? As far as I know, THIS country has NEVER gone to war over religion. And as to the Crusades, yes, that was done in the name of religion. But what people also conveniently forget why...because Muslims were running across Europe killing everyone in their path who did not convert, and aimed to set up shop in Jerusalem, and slaughter as many Christians as they could on the way. Back in the day Christians did not feel like they could let that happen. I sympathize.
All that being said...Obama's problem is not that he is black, although if he is not elected that is what the racists will say. Just like Hillary's people are saying she did not get the nomination because she is a woman. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I would have the same problem with Obama if he were red, yellow, or green for that matter. I don't believe him, I don't trust him. I don't think he has enough experience and the people advising him do not make me feel any better about it. If you look at his voting record, he is one of the most liberal senators, if not THE most liberal. Now he is trying to move to the middle because he wants to be elected. You do not change your whole life-long way of thinking overnight.
Friend, as long as there are human beings there are going to be bigots. There are going to be racists. You will not change that. These are the people who don't have the ambition or drive to work to get ahead and want to blame someone else for their lot in life...whether it is pity me because I am black, pity me because I am poor and white, pity me because the rich people have all that money and I have nothing, and on and on an on and on. You either rise above it or you wallow in it. Nowadays minorities do have it over Caucasians, so the chip really should come off. So we have affirmative action for poor white kids? Do we have special college programs for poor white kids?
When was the last time you had a person of color thank you for your great grandfather dying at Gettysburg? When have you EVER heard that? When have you ever heard one of the black politicians of today say ANYthing about whites during the civil war being willing to split their country and die on the battlefield in part to emancipate slaves and abolish slavery? I personally have yet to hear it. They want to talk about the whites who enslaved them, but they sure don't want to talk about the whites who died to set them free. Now you tell that or is that not racist?
That being said...I think a person should help their fellow man and everyone should have an equal shot, no matter WHAT their color is. And that includes...gasp...caucasians.
Another thing you might do...check your history. The Democratic Party, during the civil war, right after it, up until 1964 tried its dead level best to keep black people from being able to vote. Not until the voting rights act of 1964 were all restrictions lifted. Lyndon Baines Johnson said, as he signed it into law: "We (Democrats) may have lost the south forever (meaning the votes of southern white there is/was a racist group). But, the Democrats had to think fast about how to rebuild the base...and how do they do that? Well, enter Lyndon Baines Johnson and the War on Poverty....and entitlement programs out the kazoo. And there was born the new Democratic base to take over for the old one...and the fact that the Democratic party had been the ones with the foot on the neck of black people for 100 years was forgotten.
How many black people today do you think even KNOW that? I would venture not many, as it is no longer taught in school and revisionist history has taken over.
All that being said...I think it is time to put that away and not continue to hold it over the head of every American, especially since the wrong was righted by Caucasian folks on civil war battlefields and the Republicans (Abe Lincoln was one) then and right up until the voting rights act of 1964 hammered at the Democrats until they gave in. But you don't hear much about that anymore do you? No,not a peep. All you hear about is racist America, and most folks think Republicans were responsible all along, which is a bold-faced lie. History does not lie. Check it out.
That is why I LOVE this country and her people, black and white, yellow and red. Because for all the griping, all the poor pitiful me's, all the excuses, there are those who are still willing to put their lives on the line for this country and her people. God bless them, I say. They are the fabric which holds us together. God forbid that at least some of us will always remember that and be grateful.
Yes, I love my country. I am proud of her history, her start, and my heritage. My country has never disappointed me, though some of my fellow citizens certainly have and continue to.
When it became me, me, me, instead of we, we, we....sigh.
As a matter of fact, it did. And I don't live in India.
Job security....yes. I am working for the same company I was then. Standard of living? Has maintained throughout. Savings? I have always put a certain amount of paycheck into savings. That has not changed. I am sure there are many whose experience is not mine; I suspect there are many whose does. That could be said about any 4- or 8-year period...
As a matter of fact, I work with a group...
who provide help and counseling to women/girls who find themselves in this position. We have referrals for adoption if that is the choice the person makes. If the person elects to keep the child (and I am pleased to say very many have), we have several agencies which help with that. We have businesses who will provide jobs. We have housing referrals. And we do not stop supporting once the baby is born. We have a network of volunteers who will help with babysitting while the mother works until she can afford daycare. And most of the girls who make the decision to have and keep their child are very motivated to provide for that child. If it takes a week, a month, or a year, we help with that. We have had girls come in after an abortion wanting to talk to someone and we try to help those girls cope. The abortion providers are nowhere to be found when the regret sets in. And often times, it does set in. I am also glad to say that some of those girls have joined us as volunteers. So I do put my money where my mouth is. It is a very small fish in a very large barrel...but if one baby is not aborted, I consider it a victory.
As a matter of fact, I read it against last night.
I believe the youngest was named after her favorite band...Van Halen....nm
Obama was born in US, his FATHER was born in Kenya, check it out and sm
Do you really think the campaign would have gotten this far if he was born in Kenya? Did Hannity tell you that? LOL!!!!
natural born does not mean you have to be born physically in the US -
My daughter was born in Germany, but because I am an American she is an American. She has no problems and is considered natural born - that just means you did not have to go through the hoops to become an American citizen.
The fact that an article was written does not make it fact. I hope you know that. nm
There's one born every minute.
You seem to have bought the Dem's propaganda hook, line and sinker. What a sucker.
There is none so blind as he who will not see.
You know, not everyone was born in Boston...
and not everyone expresses himself/herself in the way you wish they would. That does NOT diminish their abilities. You still come off as sounding very condescending. I don't live in Boston and I don't have a master's degree, and I know a lot of "Joe six-packs." Who, incidentally, are very fine and not uneducated people. She does have a degree in journalism. She is not uneducated. Obama does not have a depth and breadth of experience, no more than she does. She has executive experience, he doesn't. He doesn't have foreign policy experience; that is why he has Joe Biden and 300 foreign policy advisors. She has balanced the state budget and has had surpluses which she returned to her constituents. She is very honest and open...much more so than Obama OR Biden.
Funny you should mention God...have you looked into black liberation theology?
Born-again believers
can't vote for Obama but they can vote for McCain, an admitted adulterer, proven liar, a man of proven poor judgment (Keeting-5 not to mention Gov Airhead)? They'll vote for McCain because he "says" he is against abortion? We know this how? I for one do not believe in abortion...for myself. I further believe that is an issue not for the government but between a woman, her doctor and her God. If she has no God, of course, she is not bound by His laws.
Yes, he war born in Hawaii which in in the US. nm
He was born too early ...
If you read through the articles, you'll see that he was actually born before the law went into effect stating that people born in the Panama Canal zone were natural born citizens. Thus, he is not.
I'm sure the RNC felt that it was just a technicality that would never be called out.
I fear if this Obama stuff continues, it will be. And we'll be left with no candidates to vote for.
FYI, even though born in Iran, she
a natural-born American citizen.
As a born and bred
Chicago baby, I can say you are 100% right!
I was BORN in Europe, So what? What does this have to do
with anything and it is none of your business.
I assume that you are jealous that I am European born, therefore you are literally 'following' me around the forum with your pathetic comments.
Nothing better to do?
Look for another past-time.
I am a born again Christian and believe sm
homosexuality is wrong but THAT IS the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life!
unborn versus born
I do not think they would choose their life over a child that was already born, but I do think many would choose (and do choose) their own life over an unborn child's life. And by life I don't necessarily mean a medical condition. If my daughter were a teenager (she is not quite there yet) and she was pregnant, and she chose abortion, her father and I would certainly support that choice versus her giving up a promising future to raise an unwanted child, especially at such a young age.
I know others would not choose that, but many do everyday. Certainly, I think men and women should choose birth control, abstinence, etc., but birth control fails, mistakes happen, rape happens, incest happens, and I don't feel anyone should have to give birth if they don't want to or aren't prepared for the responsibility of parenting.
Many women chose to give their babies up for adoption, and that is a wonderful choice for them. However, not the best choice for everyone. I want everyone to be able to have that choice.
Where in the announcement does it say he was born in Hawaii...
If you listened to Michael Savage's interview, he actually had the newspaper with the announcement. It does not state the location of the birth. It just made an announcement.
Our local newspaper always has announcements for births and many of those births are from other states, etc. It is just an announcement to let the community know that one of their members had a child, grandchild, etc.
Yes, and he was born in "coal country" and also said
"No coal plants in this country." Now, that's really being behind your beginnings.
He was never a US born American citizen
Let me repeat - Never was an American citizen, never was, never happened, nothing to denounce. He was born a Kenyan, moved to Indonesia and became an Indonesian citzen. What part of that are you not understading. If you were never an American citizen to begin with there is nothing they can take away. CRIPES ALMIGHTY! How many more times do people have to post that. There are NO documents to ever prove he was. You just don't listen.
If they were born on a military base, they
are considered U.S. citizens. Military bases anywhere in the world are considered U.S. soil.
Yeah. They have to be born citizen, not
a naturalized citizen. Which is why "the Governor" will never be the Prez.
You can be born on the moon and as long as
have one parent who is an American citizen, you are a natural-born American citizen, PERIOD!
they were not born on a military base either
they have dual citizenship.
1963...LOL..that's the year I was born. (sm)
 Checking scalp for 666.
If Obama wasn't born in the US
then he shouldn't be president. Why? Because if we open that precedent, than anyone from any nation can run for president, and seeing as how many people will vote based on what they hear (or think they hear), all it would take would be a charismatic, young, exciting, progressive, man or woman from another country to come in with a hidden agenda and run for president and get voted in and then show us what he or she really had in mind for our country.
As for people who voted without any idea....
On the second one not one person could really name any specifics, just regurgitated whatever they heard on the t.v., internet, speeches, etc. I especially love the one that said "he's beautiful!" I didn't realize that was a point for voting...
You can also listen to the Howard Stern interviews where they listed Mccain's platforms as Obama's and asked people if that is why they were voting for Obama and they all said "yeah! definitely!" I didn't want to paste those because of the language though.
I'm not saying all of his supporters were dimwits, but a lot of them just voted for him because he was new, young, "hip", black, and a smooth talker. Believe me, being a 22-year-old college student, he appealed to me at first too, until I found out the things he stood for.
Yeah but at least he was born in America
Born and raised in Chatta
Left there years ago but still visit some, went to high school there, Red Bank. I still get the News Free Press on line to make sure everything on the up and up there.
Just to clarify - this is for infants who were actually born .
As a Born Again, Bible believing sm
Christian, I can see how you would get this opinion of Christians. Some Christians don't present themselves as they should and go to crazy and illegal methods. Let me say that a true Christian who loves Jesus Christ would NOT murder an abortion doctor. No one has that right. The abortion doctor will have to answer for what he has done as will the "so-called" Christian who murdered him. The person who murdered this doctor and those like him are not representative of what a true Christian is and should be.
When I hear stories like this it makes me sad that it has brought such shame upon the name of Christ my Lord. Please do not put us all in the same classification. Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian IS a Christian.
I am a Christian and I love Christ my Lord, but never would anything like this ever enter my mind.
God bless you.
No one is born homosexual or heterosexual
Those are meaningless terms. You're either born male or female. You decide what sex acts you wish to engage in. Some are normal. Some are abnormal. Some are immoral.
People are born gay or straight
I would love to know why straight people spew hatred at being gay. I know why, you believe we are perverts yet you do not consider that our lives parallel with yours. I NEVER think what you do in your bedroom so why should it bother you to the point that you hate gays because of what they do in their bedroom? Perhaps if you stop worrying about the sex life of a gay person, you might see that they are just like you in every way.
She was born in Idaho, but her family moved....
to Alaska when she was an infant. She was raised in Alaska.
I was thinking of naming my first-born "Sally".
If Obama is a natural born citizen,
then why doesn't he provide it to the court, along with his medical and educational background? I don't think a scan of a birth certificate does it. Give the evidence to the court. has the Annenburg connection, so it is not an objective source.
Does that not bother you that he will not do the right thing? If he has nothing to hide, why is this buried in the legal system? Get it over with and provide it to the court.
His mother was a natural-born US
and lived in the US all her life before she gave birth at 18. Your statement only applied. to children born to naturalized citizens who are living outside the US, the purpose being someone who comes to this country and becomes naturalized, then after a few years moves to another country, cannot expect their children that are born in that other country be considered natural-born citizens with the right to run for president. I will double check with my brother tonight, but I am pretty sure that is how he explained it.
If you were born in 1960, wouldn't that make
you 48? I just don't want you to think you are older than you are.
I was BORN in Europe, So what? What does thishave todo
with anything and it is none of your business.
I assume that you are jealous that I am European born, therefore you are literally 'following' me around the forum with your pathetic comments.
Nothing better to do?
Look for another past-time.
So,. bottom line, I am European born
and I have proven that my grammar and spelling is better than yours.
Sometimes I make some typos, but last not least this is a froum and on this forum there is no 'typo police' applied, not even 'grammar and spelling police.'
Go and take your meds, I bet you swallow tens of those every day and night, and pray!
People don't "turn gay". They're born that way.
the children born here are automatically citizens -
At one point in time, if a mother and father were here illegally and a child was born, the father would be deported, but the mother could stay until the child was 18. I don't know if that has changed or not.