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And you have firsthand knowledge of that...uhuh, right.

Posted By: sm on 2009-02-06
In Reply to: Tell that to the soldiers there who have heard - them brag about killing.......idiots!


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Have not experienced it firsthand.....
but I don't see why pastors should be singled out and their free speech rights and threatened with losing their tax exempt status. It is discriminatory. There are other entities that are tax exempt, but they are not precluded from giving political opinions. Reverend Wright does it, we have seen him do it on video, and I don't see the IRS breathing down HIS neck. If it is okay for him, it is okay for other pastors? And he also preaches hate from the pulpit. Hate is okay, political opinion is not? So why should a pastor not be able to give a political opinion in a church? On the face of it, it seems discriminatory to me. They are American citizens just like the rest of us.

Just on the face of it, if you can lose your tax exempt status for stating a political opinion inside a church, then you should lose your tax exempt status if you give a political opinion in whatever facility enjoys that status. If you are going to allow it one place, you should allow it in other places. Just my opinion.
My motives are nothing more than the knowledge.
And I am not quite sure what you mean by the "nail us". I am quite sure you had nothing to do with it so I am not sure why you have taken such a defensive posture.

I was just surprised by it and wanted to dig further. This is just one more nasty side to war, another reason why I'm against it. I am sorry if it offends you. I am distressed that it gets little US media coverage, just like so much of the nasty aspects of war that it seems our government dosen't elaborate on, dismiss, hide, or what have you because it makes it easier to justify their stance on war if they don't actually have to look at it.

It's not the soldiers I worry about, it's the ones giving the orders to the soldiers that I don't have much trust in doing the right thing.

I don't believe it proper for us as Americans to pass such harsh judgment of other's culture. Is it not possible that these children who are at risk are at risk because the war has left them that way?

I do not believe that "re-educating" them will have any lasting effect. This paragraph sums it up pretty good I think:

"What is wrong with this picture? First, it should be obvious that it is not the job of the U.S. government to tell people what version of Islam to embrace on pain of permanent incarceration. As long as people are not committing or fomenting acts of violence, it is not our role to pressure them into changing their faith. When did it become acceptable to set religious conversion of any kind as the price that frightened people must pay for their freedom?"

Is it not possible that when it is said and done that it won't actually have the opposite effect?

We are no better. We let thousands of our children go hungry and without health care every day. The largest growing population of homeless in America are children. What does that say about us? Would that justify foreign governments to come here and investigate us because we are allowing it to happen? Our own children turn to violence. They fall prey to gangs every day and commit horrendous crimes. So in essence, we ARE allowing our children to turn to violence and crime. What kind of morals and integrity do we have?

I don't believe we are in a position to start pointing fingers and I don't believe it is ou job to interfere.

First hand knowledge..........sm
My pastor received one of these letters just prior to the election.

Theory proven. End of research.
As for having knowledge of the constitution
this new judge BO has appointed believes that if states ban guns like D.C. has....it is constitutional.  So it seems as though BO has appointed someone who will help him get rid of our rights to have guns.
Haven't seen much bursting from your well of knowledge .....
ahem. AHEM. lol. Gargle with Listerine and you will get rid of some of that nasty phlegm. I have no trouble *dealing with it.* Keep up the drive-by one-liner sniping...so typical of liberals these days. If you don't like my posts...well *deal with it.* lol.
Biden has his own "lack of knowledge" -and did not
I remember when *intelligence* actually meant knowledge...sm
No I don't want to sit around and wait to be killed along with my loved ones or anyone else's, but when my day and time comes there's nothing anyone can say or do to stop it. What I don't agree with is the preemptive war in Iraq..period. And you are sadly mistaken, IF Saddam had ordered an attack or enabled an attack like 9-11 to be carried out in America I would be the first to stand up and say let's go get him. But, then Bush probably would go after Kim Jong-il, go figure.

Al Quaeda attacked America, yet we have spent the majority of our time and energy in Iraq fighting insurgents in that country and IMHO made more enemies for ourselves.
Knowledge is a beautiful thing...and can be eery too.sm
OMG, the coincidental things especially in the introduction were bone chilling.

And the intimidation of witnesses who didn't corraborate the the Boeing 77 in the Pentagon.

How about the rep. for the steel engineering company (the company that makes the steel for the Boeings) being fired after saying that it would take 3000 degree heat for it to poof go up in air without a trace.

Thank you, thank you for posting this. I've always felt in my gut that there was more to this story. I'm not saying that islamic terrorist weren't involved, but it wouldn't be the first time that our government has worked with them.

Those who have refused to post respecfully and with knowledge of

banned.  I can't tell you how important it is to show professionalism when posting.  As well, I have posted in the past that I will not tolerate disrespect of the President of the United States, regardless of what your political affiliation is.  Whether the President were Democrat, Republican, or polka dotted, this site expects posters to post with respect where the President is concerned or not at all. 


This shows a true and disturbing lack of knowledge regarding the Israeli
Arab conflict.  You surely realise that.  I hope this was a joke....an unfunny one at that.