And no matter how many there are Obama will keep his law firms busy blocking them...
Posted By: sm on 2008-12-15
In Reply to: However many there are - ........
and spending, spending, spending.
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Agree! Obama is too busy screwing us to worry bout
Pubs blocking help for big 3?
Okay, its obvious that we are going down financially, but why would republicans want to make it worse? The auto industry is going down, and pubs don't want to help because it's "their problem" and not ours? Granted, a bailout may not work, but doing nothing will definitely not work. Are they really working for the country or taking a gamble and just looking at the next election? Meanwhile, we have yet another day of people losing jobs. Is it Jan 20 yet?
Check this out:
LOL! It appears that you have something in your *right* eye blocking your vision.
You crash this board and admonish my behavior, yet you can't see the same behavior on the other board. You're over there kissing up to them.
Yeah. You call them as you see them.
With your right eye closed.
You're just another lying phony crashing this board. 
The Democrats have been blocking reform of...
Fannie and freddie since 2006. Both McCain and the Bush administration have tried. How did they do that? Killing bills in the Democratically controlled banking and finance committee. It started LONG before the last 2 years.
Just stop the conspiracy by showing your BC, why hire three law firms...HMMM

I support the plan to LOAN the money to the mortage firms in crisis.
At 2% interest.
Why should they be GIVEN a huge wad of cash to bail them out. If you or I were in desperate straits, our only option would be a loan, not a gimmee. Either way, Congress is going to have to give them the money. But I think we should expect a pay-back plan to be set forth BEFORE they get the dough, and not just give them a blank check for 700 billion.
Would not vote for Obama, no matter what he
Just stop the conspiracy by showing your long form BC, why hire three law firms...HMMM

As a matter of fact, I do know what Mrs. Obama meant...
all you have to do is do a little research. Read the papers she has written. She was dead serious in what she said and she meant it..and the only reason she is proud of America now is her husband is running for President. People need to try to see through the spin. She has had the same feelings for years, they run deep, in she AND her husband. That is why they stayed in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, unless you buy the ridiculous story that they went there for 20 years and never heard a "sermon like that." Anybody who really believes that...I have 10 acres of prime real estate (in a Louisianna swamp) I would like to talk to them about.
Laura Bush is just a nice person and would not say anything negative about anyone if her life depended on it. She never said a bad thing about the people who have said very mean, hateful, personal things about her family. I would not expect her to say anything else.
Good grief...John Edwards. Now there is someone to make a quote about two Americas. Any idea what size house he lives in? Gets $300 haircuts? Made millions suing people and channeling dead kids to do it? He is as bad as the people he points fingers at. And he came from poor folks. He should KNOW better. I don't see him living in a smaller house, driving a smaller car, rebuilding New Orleans or anything else with his millions. Yet has the gall to point fingers at corporate America and people BUY that false sincerity. Sheesh!!
Yes, there are bigots. There are black bigots, white bigots, red and yellow bigots. Bigots come from all races. Racists come from all races.
I am not ashamed, nor have I ever been ashamed, to be an American. It is not the country's fault some goofballs live in it. Just like it is not the black race's fault that some of theirs are bigots and racists. Just like it is not every Caucasian's fault that slaves were held 200 years ago, especially Caucasians living now. That needs to be put to rest and the chip needs to come off the shoulders. It would serve us all well to remember that while some Caucasians did enslave people, other Caucasians stepped up and went to war, fought and died in partial reason to abolish said slavery. And if those said Caucasians had not stepped up, it would not have happened. And lest we forget one little tidbit of information...slavery was in existence long before America was. And who did the Dutch traders buy said slaves from? Other blacks who enslaved their own people. All that being said, slavery IS wrong, and thousands of Caucasians fought died to abolish it. So can we please move on?
As to religion...again, good grief! This country was founded by people seeking religious freedom. This is the most "religiously free" country on the face of the earth. The only religion discriminated against in this country is Christianity. Muslims can do whatever they want, wear whatever they want, practice openly, even in school. Christians can't. Buddhists can...Christians can't. And "pure hatred" for anyone who is not in their club...there are offshoots of ANY religion who are kooks. And there are many fewer hate mongers that call themselves "Christian" and give us all a bad name...than there are in other religions. Islam sees no way but their way. They may say otherwise, but their Koran tells a different story. When was the last time Christians went to war for religion? As far as I know, THIS country has NEVER gone to war over religion. And as to the Crusades, yes, that was done in the name of religion. But what people also conveniently forget why...because Muslims were running across Europe killing everyone in their path who did not convert, and aimed to set up shop in Jerusalem, and slaughter as many Christians as they could on the way. Back in the day Christians did not feel like they could let that happen. I sympathize.
All that being said...Obama's problem is not that he is black, although if he is not elected that is what the racists will say. Just like Hillary's people are saying she did not get the nomination because she is a woman. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I would have the same problem with Obama if he were red, yellow, or green for that matter. I don't believe him, I don't trust him. I don't think he has enough experience and the people advising him do not make me feel any better about it. If you look at his voting record, he is one of the most liberal senators, if not THE most liberal. Now he is trying to move to the middle because he wants to be elected. You do not change your whole life-long way of thinking overnight.
Friend, as long as there are human beings there are going to be bigots. There are going to be racists. You will not change that. These are the people who don't have the ambition or drive to work to get ahead and want to blame someone else for their lot in life...whether it is pity me because I am black, pity me because I am poor and white, pity me because the rich people have all that money and I have nothing, and on and on an on and on. You either rise above it or you wallow in it. Nowadays minorities do have it over Caucasians, so the chip really should come off. So we have affirmative action for poor white kids? Do we have special college programs for poor white kids?
When was the last time you had a person of color thank you for your great grandfather dying at Gettysburg? When have you EVER heard that? When have you ever heard one of the black politicians of today say ANYthing about whites during the civil war being willing to split their country and die on the battlefield in part to emancipate slaves and abolish slavery? I personally have yet to hear it. They want to talk about the whites who enslaved them, but they sure don't want to talk about the whites who died to set them free. Now you tell that or is that not racist?
That being said...I think a person should help their fellow man and everyone should have an equal shot, no matter WHAT their color is. And that includes...gasp...caucasians.
Another thing you might do...check your history. The Democratic Party, during the civil war, right after it, up until 1964 tried its dead level best to keep black people from being able to vote. Not until the voting rights act of 1964 were all restrictions lifted. Lyndon Baines Johnson said, as he signed it into law: "We (Democrats) may have lost the south forever (meaning the votes of southern white there is/was a racist group). But, the Democrats had to think fast about how to rebuild the base...and how do they do that? Well, enter Lyndon Baines Johnson and the War on Poverty....and entitlement programs out the kazoo. And there was born the new Democratic base to take over for the old one...and the fact that the Democratic party had been the ones with the foot on the neck of black people for 100 years was forgotten.
How many black people today do you think even KNOW that? I would venture not many, as it is no longer taught in school and revisionist history has taken over.
All that being said...I think it is time to put that away and not continue to hold it over the head of every American, especially since the wrong was righted by Caucasian folks on civil war battlefields and the Republicans (Abe Lincoln was one) then and right up until the voting rights act of 1964 hammered at the Democrats until they gave in. But you don't hear much about that anymore do you? No,not a peep. All you hear about is racist America, and most folks think Republicans were responsible all along, which is a bold-faced lie. History does not lie. Check it out.
That is why I LOVE this country and her people, black and white, yellow and red. Because for all the griping, all the poor pitiful me's, all the excuses, there are those who are still willing to put their lives on the line for this country and her people. God bless them, I say. They are the fabric which holds us together. God forbid that at least some of us will always remember that and be grateful.
Yes, I love my country. I am proud of her history, her start, and my heritage. My country has never disappointed me, though some of my fellow citizens certainly have and continue to.
When it became me, me, me, instead of we, we, we....sigh.
Well, you said you had a busy day
not had time to turn on the TV yet. This is all over the networks.
Well, it's just another one of our busy
conversations! She seriously needs to find something to do with her life besides run down good people. She is hilarious!
Sam too busy hanging out at tit-for-tat
She's too busy rolling them!
Seriously though, I think it all depends on your views (no pun intended) who you like or don't like on that show or elsewhere for that matter. I happen to like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, democrats hate them.
I was too busy griping
the auto really should be more patient, you know.
Perhaps you should take a bit of time out of your oh so busy...
day and read up on Charles Krauthammer. He is well-respected in Washington and has served in a couple of administrations. Expand your mind darling...
Perhaps you should take a bit of time out of your oh so busy...
day and read up on Charles Krauthammer. He is well-respected in Washington and has served in a couple of administrations. Expand your mind darling past the left-wing web sites.
No were probably too busy
watching Pelosi jumping up and down like an idjit who escaped from the looney bin....
Even Biden and the others looked like they were sick and tired of that charade.
No were probably too busy
watching Pelosi jumping up and down like an idjit who escaped from the looney bin....
Even Biden and the others looked like they were sick and tired of that charade.
yer too busy puking to debate.
Did it every occur to you that we are busy doing instead of talking?
While I am sure that it has never occurred to you, you are the person who some time back said that you never make generalizations. That, obviously, was not true.
Too busy for blather and babble...
Which places me at distinct disadvantage when it comes to being on a level playing field. Rather than give you the satisfaction of taking that ball and running with it, being that rt-wingers love to have that last, best word and, when all else fails, to deploy their kick-em’when their down weaponry (one of their more notorious modus operandi), I have come to a decision.
GT/GW/BK is going to grant your wish and trot on off into the sunset where the first order of business will be to wash off all the mud and slime of slur and slander. My absence will remove your forum for all these trite tantrums and tirades. Besides, I have more that adequately illustrated the points I was trying to make. Your ignorant bigotry exposed itself, so I didn’t have to bother much with that. But as long as you insist on preaching sermons that polarize us from one another and couch them in contexts every bit as distasteful and hateful as you find Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s creed, there will always be enough “vitriol” coming from all sides, if that is the way you prefer to play your cards and tone you chose to set in your posts. Your bully tactics will never succeed in scaring off those who are willing to step forward to advocate for minority interests, human rights and diginity, inclusion and equality. Pull as many punches and take as many jabs as you like. There are plenty where those come from on both sides of an argument.
So from behind the cloak of chat room pen name anonymity, GT/GW/BW will be settling into retirement, composing brand new posts and looking for worthy opposition and viable solutions, not fringe fanatics and bar room brawls.
PS: FPJ, one in the same. The plagiary ball is back in your court, where it belongs. Interesting, though, just in case FPJ was an entirely different indivudual, you were already spinning "channeling" theories which you then tried to use to insult a hologram, discounting any possibility that FJP could conceivably be speaking on her own behalf. Ciao for now. It's been fun.
Replying to all your posts...keeps me busy....
and you all accuse me of keeping the thread alive. Hellloooo. 95% of my posts are in response to your attacks. Stop attacking, I stop replying. see how simple that is???
Sam busy w/damage control this a,m.
Yes, i have plenty to keep me busy. Your attitude
just makes you seem somewhat sexist and I really was just curious? 
While you're busy running around...
...monitoring and reading everyone's minds, it appears you've lost your own in the process.
It doesn't matter what a poster writes. If you perceive anyone even trying to support the President of the United States, you automatically go into full combat alert and slam that person, regardless. This is why intelligent, productive discussions can't be held on this board: too much bitterness, hatred and playground bully behavior.
Obama won. Your guy lost. How about showing some dignity and grace (if you're capable).
While you're busy running around...
...monitoring and reading everyone's minds, it appears you've lost your own in the process.
It doesn't matter what a poster writes. If you perceive anyone even trying to support the President of the United States, you automatically go into full combat alert and slam that person, regardless. This is why intelligent, productive discussions can't be held on this board: too much bitterness, hatred and playground bully behavior.
Obama won. Your guy lost. How about showing some dignity and grace (if you're capable).
No..,.actually he is very busy RUNNING our country
He is the president of ALL the people and the MAJORITY of ALL people approve and support him. AND, much to your dismay I am quite sure, he is doing a GREAT job of it!
JBB won't read anything.....too busy pushing
No, you're too busy defending an incompetent
'Well, 'scuse me, GP. I was pretty busy
working today and didn't have much time to do anything else. I spotted that post and just wanted to see where it came from. FYI, I usually I DO my own research.
You're too busy trying to insult the posters
that I even copy your own words and you argue against that. One poster said he has never run for President or Vice President and you replied to that post and said "Yes he has". Brother I keep saying its like talking to a brick wall.
Busy working. Didn't pay attention
when that was going on. It was only after I started reading the posts on this board that I really started to nose around. If I would have known, I would've been protesting loudly. So, it's my fault in that respect.
I still don't have a lot of time to spend on this board, but someday I will. Some days I can't get on here at all. Other days, only 1/2 hour.
Bush is busy writing his legacy.
Everybody else is too busy getting ready for the coronation of the Obamanation!
Been trying to call the white house....busy ALL DAY!!
My goodness. O witch hunt sure is keeping you busy.
It is in its 3rd day. No comments on the discussions regarding party revamp? How about today's agenda? Keep your eye on Jindel. He did a great job in Louisiana with disaster mgmt...and GOP will be neding plenty of that in the 2008 election aftermath. Seriously, as a left-wing commie Marxist terrorist unAmerican anti-patriot, he has GOP leadership written all over him. Mayb you should take a hate break and take a look at him.
They're busy trying to fix the mess the House Of Greed
JTBB doesn't have time for such things...too busy
Asked for proof, suddenly she's too busy. LOL. Figures. nm
President Bush is kinda busy right now, you know, a little thing called a hurricaine. sm
Cities ruined, people dead and missing, flooding, looting, stuff like that. Give it a rest.
I've had a busy week...put in 40 hours, voted my candidate into office,
I've earned a little free time. JT Plumber is a great poster boy for the GOP...especially the pervasive hypocrisy of it all.
Spurious clap trap without a shred of truth. Nattering nabobs busy again.
What's the matter?
Hit a nerve? Did I offend? Good.
What's the matter? No one is
week.....Camelot is coming apart! Actually, glad to see the pubs are big enough not to be saying *told you so.* Does all the questions about past associations make more sense now? It just keeps getting deeper and deeper and dirtier and dirtier. But, of course, if you have drank enough of the Obama kool-aid all of this too shall be whisked away. I know, I know, let's just give him time. He's going to make things better, yes he can!
What's the matter?
It won't matter which one. sm
Both are beholden to special interests and the ruling class. A lot of people are oblivious to it, but there is a ruling class. The candidate I supported did confirm this, and so do a few of the candidates running on the third party tickets. Ever wonder why things never change and get worse, this is why.
There is a diary by a blogger on Daily Kos that explains it very well. It is very informative and worth the read.
what does that matter?
My nieces and nephews are raised by their white mothers... my grandson is being raised by a white mother and a white grandmother and a white great-grandmother, my stepchildren are being raised by their white mothers - that does not change the situation of how the world views these kids... and it does not change how they view themselves. Every one of the mixed kids in my family has a different answer for whether they are white, black, or biracial, and their answer does not necessarily go along with the color of their own skin.
I also think that being raised by a "white" grandmother was part of Obama's problem. She was an older generation, still scared of black people, and she was teaching Obama to be "white" and when he got older he realized that he was not "white". Because he looks like a black man, he obviously feels what a black man feels because he is treated in the world as a black man.
Yes, mixed children are beautiful - but they are "different" than us in that they are neither white or black and they are treated differently for that reason. I hope that changes before my grandchildren get older, but so far, they are still expected to conform to being white or being black...
If a mixed child acts white, he is accepted by the white kids and taunted by the black kids, if he acts black, he is taunted by the white kids and accepted by the black kids. The mixed children have to be taught from birth that they are a mixture of 2 heritages and to embrace both of them; but at this point, they still choose one or the other.
you can think all you just won't matter with him
It does not matter! It is just that a man has sex with
a woman and a woman has sex with a man.
This is it! And this is right and normal !
Anything else isn't.
How can the government legalize it when it is morally wrong.
Again: I wished Miss California had won.
Would it matter?
Would it really change your mind? Or would you dismiss it away?
Have you ever read the Bible from start to finish with an open mind? Or even just the book of John if you don't want to devote that much time to it.
If you really want proof, try that. Seriously.
No matter how you try to say it, it's still
Since you're so concerned about teaching children right from wrong, it would be perfectly acceptable and should always be taught to children to never EVER call names, make fun of, or bully anyone! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to even bring up the word 'homosexual' now is there?
If you teach a child not to bully or pick at anyone then you are teaching tolerance aren't you..... without even bringing up the word.
How hard is that to understand!?