All you do is speak of ignorance, BigBad
Posted By: FeFiFo on 2009-01-01
In Reply to: Speaking of ignorance....(sm) - Just the big bad
From your past posts, I know better than to give a rip about anything you have to say.
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Wouldn't say ignorance is bliss. Ignorance
is the reason why we had Bush for 8 years, and ignorance is why people will vote PalinMc.
Disagree. Ignorance is ignorance. n/m
Well, you certainly should not feel ignorant. The entire problem is lack of knowledge about what has really caused this. We do want to blame the corrupt business practices, but we should at least understand where it all comes from.....
I have posted a complete explanation of the Federal Reserve below and I hope you take the time to watch it. It is 42 minutes long but this is why so many feel they don't understand the problem. This is in a nutshell the root of the problem and why we need to get away from paper money.
I'll post the video site again. This should be taught in all classrooms in high school and again in college and they all should be made watch this to better understand.... taking the time to watch means better understanding and should mean outrage that we have gotten to this point and allowed our government to screw us over.......for decades and decades
Look what has happened to this country in the last 8 years. If any of you can say honestly that you are better off, let's hear it. Otherwise, pin or no pin, hand across heart or not, we need a change. Not saying that either party would work miracles for this country is in shambles and it will take decades to have it back as it was before the W and his rich friends took everything away.
your ignorance is showing...
Your ignorance is showing...
My disdain for you and your ignorance
How DO you live with yourself?
Ignorance is bliss.... the saying goes, however, in the Obama posting above it's more like ignorance equals hatred and intolerance. I personally think this country really really needs someone like Obama desperately. We are, after all, a melting pot of races, cultures and religions, not a country run solely by rich white men with laws created to help the rich white men get even richer.
It's ignorance like that -----that can really screw up
I don't care if there what or who was in there as long as they are qualified, and qualified she is NOT
Like I said.......... DESPERATION and ignorance
Ignorance on a rampage.
shove this where the sun don't shine
There's only so much ignorance that a body can take
Really? Well, your ignorance of thinking O has any
my ignorance is showing!
Can you tell me what is ACORN? And what are the voter fraud issues with it? Sorry, but I just don't know this stuff and trying to get informed. I found some conflicting info while trying to do some research and alot of stuff I didn't understand so can someone break it down to simple terms for me? Thanks.
WOW - I guess ignorance IS
not only bliss, but
and incredibly DUMB.
'Senator Obama was very cordial' while McCain had an 'evil grin.' Geeze, lady, maybe open BOTH eyes next time.
Your idea that Obama is for the middle class because he's promising his BS ྛ% of Americans will get a tax break' is a delusion built on a lie.
Why don't you take a minute to look it up? Or are you too busy polishing your Obama presidential seal commemorative plates?
Under Obama's plan, about 43% of American taxpayers would get a ONE-TIME-ONLY tax REBATE of $500. (Less than the $900 Bush sent out this year.) And, get this, for the 42% of Americans who pay NO TAX AT ALL, Obama's going to give them a $500 check just for the heck of it. So you, sweetie, typing away at your desk, will be forking over part of your income tax to give a little gift to peolpe who sit on the fannies watching baby daddy dramas on the Maurie show and rolling their doobies on Welfare.
I'd much rather have McCain's $5000 credit for buying my own health insurance, plus his higher child tax credit.
It's a lie every time he calls this REBATE check a tax decrease. It's a lie counting the 42% of Americans who don't pay tax ANYWAY into the percentage of people who will pay less tax. You don't have to be a rocket scienctist to know that you can't pay less tax than ZERO.
Maybe you want to fall for it. But don't pretend that you don't know your candidate is full of hot air.
Ignorance is voting for someone you think? will help
Are you kidding? Another example of ignorance. nm
Ignorance and bigotry are something to be
Is ignorance your only area
You are so wrong ...another example of ignorance
First of all, not one of Obama supporters has threatened to riot for not voting for him. Secondly, Democrats have way too much class to act like mindless, bloodthirsty fools -- I believe you missed all the incidences of McCain supporters being worked up into the hate-mongering mobs that became so common at their rallies. I personally have been saying for weeks that I was afraid of the backlash from the crazy fanatics blindly following McCain, and that I fully expected there to be some riots on that side of the fence. Lastly, I do not personally know one Democrat (and I know a lot) who have defected to the other side, whereas, there have been many, many longtime, famous, staunch pubs who want to distance themselves from the cartoon characters that McCain and Palin have become. I mean, you guys are the ones that just love, love, love your guns!! You guys want to talk about ACORN, so stupid. Have you not heard about McCain's bullies at the voting centers trying to intimidate people into not voting for Obama? And let's not forget those Robo calls. If it weren't so despicable, I could almost feel sorry for him . . . NOT!!
Sometimes I'm appalled at the ignorance and
Sure seems to be a lot of ignorance around here today.
Speaking of ignorance....(sm)
I just love it when people try to wallow around in righteous, indignant self pity. If you're so concerned about the plight of the Jewish people, why don't you go and help out your grandmother?
Ask yourself this question. Since Great Britian and the UN thought so highly of Jews as to actually declare them a separate nation, why didn't they create that nation in Europe? My guess is that there were 2 reasons. Number one would have to be the *not in my backyard phenomenon.* The other was simply as a controlling interest in the region. The reality is that Britian didn't give a rat's butt about the Jews. They just picked the most susceptible minds (at the time) to carry out their plans. They sold the idea of backing Isreal through religion and still do, just like the US does. One big clue to this is exactly how much we actually back Israel. We have brought them up to the level of nukes while they are still just fighting against homemade bombs. We (the US) look the other way when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians, but will run a prime time special if 2 (not 200, just 2) Israelis are killed. Yeah, that's a fair fight. We back other leaders in the middle east, but only to a point (Saddam for example). Once they get to a point where they may actually become a threat to Israel (a holding interest for the west) we always manage to call them a threat for some other reason and level the playing field.
I really wish people would look at the big picture on this one. From a political standpoint, Israel is nothing more than a bishop in a chess game.
Right, ignorance is bliss for some.
Smothered by ignorance......
by ill-informed punkinheads who pretend to know something about our political situation. Just spewing the same worn out talking points that don't amount to squat.
Don't confuse Ignorance
Ignorance abounds.......
I didn't vote for GW. I'm not in to all that dem/rep stuff like you obviously are. I am sick to death of paying for lazy people, while my own husband who works his butt off can't get the medication he needs because it is too expensive but those same lazy moochers can go get medical care at my expense, all paid for by Medicaid. Just because you don't like the facts, does not mean they aren't there.
It doesn't take a mental giant to see what's right in front of your face, just someone who grew up seeing it and is tired of looking at it.
Yes, your ignorance is amazing....
It is true - food stamps get spent and stimulate the economy more than anything else. When we have millions without jobs right now - don't you think they deserve to eat? Probably not. You probably still live with mommy and daddy.
Ignorance abounds
Seems like you're leading the pack!! Do you ever work or just complain on this board all day?
The ignorance that still abounds in the US
Times change, but organized religion remains mired in the Dark Ages. And I suppose YOUR laws still claim that the world is flat. Well, just don't get too close to the edge, you might just fall off.
There is ignorance on both sides here.
As a Christian, I would appreciate it if people would leave this type of subject out of our children's education. It is not unreasonable to ask since we have given up God and prayer in the schools to accommodate those who do not believe.
There are some people who will ridicule the act as well as the person as you can clearly see when we get on the subject of homosexuality. But you cannot group all of us into this category. I do not agree with that lifestyle but having no reason to treat them poorly. That is what I want to teach my children. We may not agree but we cannot be mean to them.
However, I cannot stand by and allow the teaching that homosexuality is okay. It is too controversial of a topic for that to be taught in schools.....just like religion. I can teach my children acceptance of people without teaching acceptance of a lifestyle we don't agree with and I would appreciate it if schools wouldn't undermine my authority on that subject.
You don't see me going around forcing religion on children who I know has parents who don't believe in God and don't want their kids hearing about God.
Well I can only speak on what I saw.
I didn't see a post about Nan being old and to die in hell, so pardon me on that.
And I didn't say that you had left before. Reread the post. I was walking about Nan having left before basically, and said she wasn't coming back.
Odd, that you should speak for gt SM
One might think she doesn't have a voice of her own. Or one might think other things.
Sure, but I can't speak for the others. nm
So now you speak for God. Wow, gt. sm
You are more of an elitist pig than I thought possible. But I mean that in a good way. Am I fried now?
So now you speak for God.
That was only one of the sites. And God forbid people are brought to Christ.
Nobody told her she doesn't have the right to speak.
That's quite a stretch even for YOU, MT. 
as we speak
POTUS is lamenting the state of government -- of course it is all the fault of Congress. He tries and tries but "they" prevent any movement. Poor chimpie.
I have a right to speak
out about the incompetency of the supposed "leader" of the free world. Each episode of ignorance, distortion of facts, and deception needs to be brought into the light and examined repeatedly. It is cumulative. I brush aside the label of "bush bashing" as another neocon attempt to frame the issue. I will continue to post as I wish and to refuse to engage in discussion with anyone whose purpose is simply to gain attention, even if negative. I do feel compassion for those so abused and ignored throughout life that they will take any acknowledgement as life-affirming, but I do not take it upon myself to feed their insatiable desire to be noticed. I am encouraged by the split in the repub party into small groups of supporters, but the dems have got this pres election in the bag anyway not only due to their fresh, positive approach but the self-destruction of the repubs by their own arrogance and corruption.
I can only speak to myself....
but I pray concerning basically every decision I make. Not because I think the decision is God's will, but that whatever His will will be done. I saw the same clip (I think) and I think that is what Palin meant, not that the pipeline itself was specifically God's will, but to pray for the success of the venture, ask that it go well, but in the end, God's will be done. God is very real to us and praying is just communicating with him. Talking to him. It is a relationship, like with a dear friend. That is the best short description I can give. This is from my experience only. Others may not have the same experience.
speak for yourself
Speak for yourself
I have briefly (mercifully) lived in an fabulous neighborhood consisting of a bunch of old guys who only cared about golf and their wives who had faces stretched back to their spine and stapled. It was really very boring. Give me the rich vibrancy of a middle-class neighborhood any day. Just my opinion!
did he ever speak out against it at all? nm
sorry to say, he is on Fox as we speak
with all their promises, which sound just great, but who is going to pay for all these great promises?
Perhaps you would like to speak
letters that are being sent to pastors of churches in our area (and maybe nationwide, I haven't researched it yet) that tells them if they mention anything political in the pulpit, then their church will lose its tax-exempt status. While I don't go for politics in the pulpit, I also don't go for the government telling pastors what they can and cannot preach about.
It would seem to me that one side is just as guilty of "crossing party lines" as the other.
Once again, you know not what you speak.....
Indonesian lawyer DOES give the parent the right to renounce the child's citizenship to another country. The U.S. does happen to recognize this with Indonesia, so it was done and the papers were there to prove it. Only when Obama turns of age could he RENOUNCE his citizenship with Indonesia, which he has not done.
The attorney I speak of is in New York and has been doing this for over 30 years. He deals with foreign adoptions every day and each country has its own red tape and laws. Indonesia is one he has spoken of many times with regards to Obama and those attorneys who have dealt one-on-one with Indonesian law know this.
You seem to belive all countries recognize the United States.....they don't. BTW, during the time Obama was in Indonesia and adopted by his stepfather, the laws were clear that no one could go to school in Indonesia unless they were an Indonesian citizen, i.e., Obama.
And, yes, it does matter what Indonesian law says because Obama is Indonesian by adoption. He has NO papers proving his U.S. citizenship in the first place but he does have papers proving INdonesian citizenship, of which he has not renounced as of today.
Matter of fact, the only papers he has proving ANY citizenship is that of Indonesia and Kenya, when his father was alive.
Sorry to disappoint ya......
Maybe you should just speak for yourself...(sm)
instead of assuming that everyone is like you.
I sense a little ignorance on your part, you say they are no more pro-war
than God, but then you defend them posting up pictures with guns draped around their necks. I'm trying to follow you here.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Just take a look at this administration.
Give up on trying to reason with this MT person. When she still doesn't get it - even when her actual words are presented to her - this is not a normal mind.
Your ignorance and hatred know no bounds. nm
It must be nice living in ignorance. sm
You are certainly entitled to your opinion; however, you don't speak for any majority anywhere. None of us do. You have obviousy not done any research at all into what adult or embryonic stem cell research can and cannot do, what they wish to do, and the dire consequence that have been predicted for stem cell research, including brain tumors.