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Other related messages found in our database Making an oak out of an acorn was the October surprise
Nice try. It ain't gonna stick, just like Ayers and all the other smears don't stick. Watch SNL tonight to see them rip Palin apart. Tina Fey was on Letterman last night saying how Palin isn't smart enough and got roars and resounding applause from the audience.
October 9 after Palin and McCain called him a terrorist
someone yelled out 'kill him' but of course McCain's people say they cannot be sure if it was towards Ayers (spelling?)or Obama. 2006 Elections - The Fix Is In
They call it worst security glitch to date in state's voting machines and a 'big deal'
By Stephanie Desmon Sun reporter
May 12, 2006
Computer security experts say they have found the worst security flaw yet in the oft-criticized touch-screen machines that Maryland voters will use in this year's elections, leaving one computer scientist to warn that the state should have stacks of paper ballots on hand in case of a complete Election Day breakdown.
The machines, made by Diebold Elections Systems, are much, much easier to attack than anything we've previously said, said Avi Rubin, a Johns Hopkins University computer science professor who first cast doubt on the reliability of the technology in a 2003 report.
On a scale of one to 10, if the problems we found before were a six, this is a 10. It's a totally different ballgame, he said.
The new problem is being described as an intentional hole left in the system to allow elections workers to update voting software easily. Instead of using pass codes or other security protocols, anyone with access to a voting machine could install new software that could easily disable a precinct full of machines, Rubin said.
Diebold officials say they are aware of the situation and, although they say any problem can be avoided by keeping a close watch on voting machines, they are developing a permanent fix.
Still, said company spokesman David K. Bear, it's one more what-if scenario. ... It's becoming somewhat ridiculous.
Maryland elections officials said they have known about the latest concerns for two weeks and will have an independent security consultant look into them next week to ensure that the state's Diebold machines are safe.
We are taking steps, said state elections administrator Linda H. Lamone. She said she is confident that the problem will have little effect in Maryland because of strict rules about who is permitted to handle voting machines in the state. Everyone that has access to them has to undergo a criminal background check, she said.
Before the Diebold machines were distributed statewide about two years ago, questions arose about whether hackers might be able to get into the automated-teller-like computers and alter their software, allowing multiple votes, vote-switching and other problems.
Computer experts, including Rubin, said security measures were insufficient and poorly designed. Activists pushed to add a paper ballot component to the machines in case a recount was needed.
Still, the state moved forward and nearly every voter in Maryland used a touch-screen machine in the 2004 presidential election. There were few complaints or problems.
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. called on the state this year to abandon its touch-screen machines, saying he had no confidence in the technology, in part because lawmakers adopted other voting changes such as early voting.
He put money into his budget to pay for optical scan machines, which were used in the state for years before 2004. The General Assembly did not approve a voting machine switch during this year's session, which ended last month.
Rubin said he fears that the latest security problem could be serious enough to cause an Election Day meltdown that could put precincts of machines out of action. He recommends that counties have a pen-and-paper alternative on hand as insurance.
Joseph M. Getty, the governor's legislative and policy director, called the newly disclosed security flaw not really a new problem.
It's the same problem of vulnerability to outsiders, he said.
Getty said the latest Diebold problem bolsters the administration's case against early voting, which was approved by the legislature last year. He said any security risk can be minimized in one day of voting but is multiplied when machines are in public use for six days.
Michael Shamos, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a Pennsylvania voting machine examiner, pushed his state, which will have a primary election next week, to lay out strict new rules for installing software and sealing machines for safety.
It's a big deal. It's a very big deal, Shamos said. The good part is it's very easy to fix. You have to repair it. You can't just do nothing. ... It's not just like leaving the key to your door under the mat. It's like leaving the key dangling from a string from the door.
The temporary fix, Shamos said, involves reinstalling the proper software just before the election, preferably in a public setting, then locking the machines to keep them from being tampered with before voting begins.
In 2004, Shamos testified on behalf of the state of Maryland in a suit filed by a citizens group asking a court to compel the state to address possible security problems and give voters the option of using paper ballots instead of the new machines. The state won.
If I had known about this problem then, I wouldn't have had good things to say, he said.
The latest security hole was discovered by Finnish computer scientist Harri Hursti, who was doing work in Utah for Black Box Voting Inc., a nonprofit group that has focused on computerized voting.
Most computer scientists don't want to disclose too many details about the problem because they fear that would provide hackers with the tools needed to cause havoc during an election. They waited many weeks before making their findings public.
We were worried the threat was so serious that if the details were to get out, someone could actually do it, Rubin said.
Path to 9/11 declared to be
false and defamatory. Was supposed to be made in accordance with the 9/11 Commission's findings. However, it was not, and the WH is wanting to submit this heap of trash to schools and offer it to students as the truth. Where are we headed here!? WH just gets more ridiculous, more self-serving, more scandulous actions, and I just want them out of there!!! Out of my life!
Just like the bankruptcy with
Chrysler. How did the unions wind up getting so much out of this? Because unions give so much money to dems and their campaigns and somehow the White House has made it to where the unions got their fair share and more while other people and shareholders are getting screwed. did that legally happen? That isn't how those things work in a bankruptcy. I just don't understand why some people cannot see the crooked things that are going on. The forcing of banks and states to take government money. Obama saying he had no wish to run the auto industry and yet he fired the CEO and placed a new guy there and now he is telling them what kind of cars to make, etc. Uh.....sure does sound like he does want to run the auto industry.
Obama is nothing but a liar who wants more power and control. He wants a bigger government and he wants us all to rely on this government.
When the people fear government that is tyranny. When the government fears the people....that is called liberty.
Asked whether former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 52 percent said he was not, but 43 percent said they believe he was. The White House has denied Hussein's 9/11 involvement -- most recently in a news conference August 21, when President Bush said Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks.
SP declared war on "liberal" media at RNC
in view of the NeoCons pathologic inability to ever own up to a mistake, we are likely in for a long haul on this alleged zealous media vendetta against the poor victimized VP pick. In the absence of pub diplomatic offer of an olive branch, there are a number of strategies they could employ to appease the scoundrels. Attacking them for being biased is not one of them. For example, she could actually make the rounds of the talk show circuit, stop running on the lipstick platorm and focus on pub platform, policies and issues in a substantive and compelling manner, thus forcing thoat attack dogs to choke on their own bones of contention. won't hold my breath on that one.
What a bunch of whiners. Obama was been dogged and hounded by the media for over 18 months. This was "really bad" on Focks network where they launched feeding frenzies of attack reporting for weeks and even months at a time, cramming antiObama propaganda down the throats of anyone within earshot. Pubs can take comfort in the fact that ultimately these smear campaigns really did not succeed in bringing Obama down, who went on to seize the nomination of his party.
If you guys are on the right side of history and if you have selected the best among you with the strongest appeal, the most credible policies and can convince voters that they should trust your candidate over the opposition to deliver real CHANGE, you have nothing to fear. Before that can happen, though, JM and SP will have to step up to the podium and talk about the debt we are passing onto our children and their children in the form of costs of the Iraq war and the rising number of obscene corporate bailouts, the latest being FMFM, their special interests and corruption. JM and SP will also need to effectively address how they plan to unify a deeply divided nation, the war and foreign policy, the diminishing quality of life for the middle class, gas prices and alternative fuels, the mortgage industry collapse, jobs creation, outsourcing, health care, education, the environment, global warming…well, I could go on, but you get the drift.
33 states have declared sovereignty from the
GM has NOT filed for bankruptcy.nm
GM may be forced into bankruptcy......... sm
Looks like it might happen anyway. Remember the heated debates over this on this very forum a while back?
MSNBC stopped live broadcasting early, as did CNN. (They must want the majority of their employees to celebrate CHRISTMAS at HOME with their families.)
Fox News Channel, on the other hand, is broadcasting LIVE on Christmas Day and continuing to spread their Bush is wonderful and broke no laws gospel.
I wonder if Gibson and O'Liely will expose Fox's blatant war on Christmas!!
What is amazing about the fallout is that no one seems to be questioning that "highly unusual" shrub directive to ICE to issue as many deportation orders as possible before Tuesday. To me it's sort of like calling for mass executions in the Texas gas chambers (hurry up, hurry up) before anybody finds out that a couple of the death row inmates are innocent. One has to wonder what he meant by "politically sensitive" deportation cases.
If Chrysler ends up filing bankruptcy and has to liquidate, will the prices of the new cars go down or will everything just continue on, business as usual as far as we are concerned?
I am in the process of looking at a convertible Sebring and am now wondering if maybe I should wait an extra month and see what kind of deal I can get...
If Chrysler ends up filing bankruptcy and has to liquidate, will the prices of the new cars go down or will everything just continue on, business as usual as far as we are concerned?
I am in the process of looking at a convertible Sebring and am now wondering if maybe I should wait an extra month and see what kind of deal I can get...
There are statistics too numerous to count to draw from. Poverty in this country seems to be a well-documented and studied statistic. The same goes for worldwide standard of living statistics.
Wikipedia is only as good as its sources which generally are provided and in this sense it is no different than any information source. That's my feeling, anyway.
Actually, this one shows Joe Kennedy manipulated the media big time....called in favors....etc., etc., etc.,
I don't need to google
I live in the same town as them. They don't pay for anything. Cheapest people you could ever meet.
I didn't hear about this, but today I was googling bacterial vaginosis, STDs and all kinds of icky things. Hope they don't think there is an outbreak of gonorrhea in my house.
please google
Helen Thomas and "ignored" and see the precedent set by smirky.
There is PLENTY of information on it and a DEFINITE variation in a homosexuality gene. They even have like five different theories on why this gene mutated as such.
Then you should just google...(sm)
"Hannity's revolution." That way you'll have plenty sources to choose from.
Google can be
as truthful as the media. Come out of your closet. ;-)
google search
The simple minded are so easily entertained.
Do a Google search...
apparently the liberal media shielded you well. If Bill Clinton was fair game, he had no one to blame but himself. The saddest thing of all is that he never learned from his mistakes.
Yep, it to Google...
however, I know I can find as many or more for the other side. Have you read them as well? I will if you will....
You can do google searches...
on any of the key words. There are no more sanctions against Iraq. That was many moons ago, started under the clinton administration and did not work...millions notice Saddam did not...he got fat. You do the math.
The last thing I want to get started is the abounding conspiracy theories about how the big bad US has been after middle eastern oil since the 1940's. So I will do as you say and not get you started. My opinion, of course. No offense intended.
Iran was not a problem until the Jimmy Carter debacle. 'Nuff said about what has happened in that country since Carter.
As to Bush Administration covert operations...what about the Carter administration covert operations that overthrew the Shah and led to what we have today....Admadinejad. Hostages held for two years...need I go on? And the Clinton covert operations right in THIS country...
What I find troubling about Obama is he is being advised on foreign policy by possibly the WORST foreign policy advisor in the history of this country...Madeline Albright. That alone should be troubling to ANYONE who remembers Ms. Albright.
It's called Google. If you want to know...
information is there. I also have a dear friend who spent most of her life there.
LOL. Expert? Because I can google....
I am just interested in both sides of the story. Obviously you are not. And I am not a man...but think what you will.
I can't believe there are so many people out there who are so party driven they don't care about the truth and ignore what is right in front of them. Amazes me every day. And those are the very ones who, if socialism IS ushered in, will be saying: "How did this happen??"
Google Joe the plumber 40,000 and
Wonder how much Google is getting paid
Now that Google is tracking your search of symptoms put in by those who think they might have flu, they will send that info to the government and let them know where flu outbreaks may be? Now, of course, there will be those that think that is wonderful but those of us who do understand our privacy should be a freedom in this country, we know this is an out and out invasion of our privacy. Google has no privacy safeguards in place, so if Google is giving the government information on things we google, as they already have, you still think your government is wonderful and looking out for you? Google should be ashamed.......they are selling us out. There will be more and more companies invading our privacy as the government invades more of our private lives and these companies do their bidding....... Do a Google search
for what the winning Pick 3 lottery numbers were on November 5th.
I bet you had to do some scramling on Google
to get those verses, didn't you? I'm sure you don't own a Bible. However, if you do, you don't read it. Oh, so transparent.
"You shall know them by their fruits." I'm a fruit inspector. What are you? A scavanger after rotten fruit? Yeah, I thought so. I can smell it from here.
Google has an official explaining for it.
Sorry, but it is slang for toilet. Google it. nm
You really need to google Federal Reserve
Sorry you're that drawn in by Fox news or think everyone else is, but you probably need to understand that just because posters may be more educated than you on some things, i.e., the Federal Reserve, doesn't mean you can't educate yourself. Now, granted, it will take more than 5 seconds of scant reading because this institution goes back a long ways, but more than likely you will hear those words "Federal Reserve" mentioned time and time again. They are the reason we are in this mess.
You will probably hear a LOT of economists preaching this....they should know; this is what our economy leans on instead of our own two feet. You need to understand who has been running the show behind the scenes for ain't rep or dem; it's the Federal Reserve and it should never have happened!!!!
Google and look.....for instance the Keating 5....
one of those was also Senator John Glenn of Ohio, a Democrat. Did we see HIS name prominently in the letter? People love John Glenn and NO ONE ever mentions HE was one of the Keating 5. In fact, all the other 4 were Democrats. John Glenn and John McCain were the only 2 that the senate ethics committee said were NOT centrally involved and cleared of impropriety. Both ran for re-election the next year and both were re-elected. And John McCain has apologized for any involvement, said it was poor judgment, and mentioned that again at the Saddleback interview. At least he admits when he is wrong and takes responsibility. Yet another reason I like him.