Agree with Hannity..nm
Posted By: Right on on 2009-02-27
In Reply to: I may not have been a big Hannity fan but. - sm
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I may not have been a big Hannity fan but.
in this case, he's got it dead on..........he is doing nothing more than what every other loyal American would do.....STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS!
He is right on the mark when he says Obama is stripping away more and more rights right before the masses, the blind masses at that. They refuse to see anything else but their precious Obama!
You might be glad SOMEONE is looking out for your rights because it's obvious you're not!
Flame all you want....couldn't care less!
Go Hannity!!! nm
Me too. I don't like Hannity and Colmes at
they're both so extreme. I do agree there is an awful lot of yelling going on by both of them, when they disagree with people on their show.
Hannity does get carried away with his
passion at times, but there is never a doubt about where he stands on an issue and he is a man of his word for sure. It seems to me that Olberman would be hard put for a show without Fox News and, especially O'Reilly. He spends a large portion of his time each week trying to put them down, but their ratings continue to grow above MSNBC.
Now, when you talk about something being inciteful, there was an article someone posted on here the other day that I took to be very inciteful. It was copied and pasted from some leftwing far-out site reminding dems to never forget how long they have waited to gain complete control of the government and to never forget all they hate for the pubs they are holding on to. They are not to ever let it go and now it is time for pay back. That was one of the most frightening things I have read in a very long time.
I cannot believe that we have let this become an issue of pubs vs dems. We are all AMERICANS! I cannot believe people are harboring this kind of hate for their fellow American. I am very concerned about this and I hope others are also.
The gospel according to Saint Hannity...
Sean Hannity must be your personal messiah and you, his most devoted messenger. His trite, tiresome, buzz-word riddled, rambling rants, raves and regurgitations echo throughout all of your posts and you employ some of the same shallow, superficial strategies he does in his endless endeavors to dodge, deflect and deceive his way through viable political discourse. Intelligence is a terrible thing to waste on such unsubstantiated, vacuous prattle. You definitely have it, but don’t seem to know how to use it, at least in terms of exhibiting evidence of even the tiniest trace of an original thought or idea.
Long on spin, short on substance, fundamentally incapable of objectivity, manufactured, wildly speculative, markedly biased theory-building, jumping to conclusions, void of veracity, without fail, skipping the dirty work of relentless data gathering, fact checking and close scrutiny…no tireless search for truth anywhere to be seen. Too bad. That’s the fun part that bears the best fruit of all…can you say self-enrichment? Inflexible and frightened of fact, running as far away as possible when encountered, paranoid, threatened and suspicious of the huge bodies of knowledge passed down to use through the ages. Not a pretty picture.
Sigh. Yes, I saw the tape and read the FULL transcript, took the sound byte and put it back where it belongs…back into its original context. My husband speaks 4 languages, my son speaks 3, I only speak 2. Trust me, Sam, it’s not fatal, it does not diminish the importance of English and it has not made us any less American. Multicultural high brow rhetoric poses no threat to you or to our country. Let me reiterate this. No one said anything about REQUIRING a second language, just expressed the opinion that it would be a good idea. You got something against the idea of Anglo children “getting along” with immigrant children? That’s pretty cold, I must say.
Once again, there are plenty of ESL programs out there for immigrants and they DO learn English. That is why we don’t need to worry about it. I live in Houston and our Spanish-speaking population is largely bilingual, thank you very much. BTW, Houston takes much pride in its multicultural nature. Most of us believe it would truly be a boring place to live were we not. We do not limit ourselves to one or two flavors of immigrant. We have largely visible Cuban, Jamacian, Pureto Rican, Costa Rican, Honduran, Guatemalan, El Salvadoran, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, Pakistani, Indian, Afgani, Iranian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Israeli, Egyptian, Turkish, Russian, Greek, Bosnian, Somali, Kenyan, Sudanese, Ethiopian, South African, Angolan and Nigerian presence in our midst.
We have adopted an inclusive approach to our immigrant “problem”. We have learned to distinguish between them when we pass by on the street, not only by their physical charcteristics and native dress, but by the subtle cultural differences that are displayed in their behaviors. We are familiar with their customs and we respect one another, not only for our differences, but also for what we have in common. We work together, play together and worship together in churches, mosques and temples. We do business with one another without a blink of an eye or a second thought. Our restaurants serve up exquisite international cuisines. We enjoy each other’s art, music, literature and theater. They all bring color, spirit and life to our city. We certainly do not feel the least bit intimidated when we hear them speak their own language. We do the best we can to teach them how to speak ours. Guess what? It works out quite nicely.
That is why I heard Obama’s statement differently than you did. For me, yes it was about multiculturalism. I understand quite well where he is is coming from. Here’s a news flash for you. That national language debate is not being had by the majority of us….just the xenophobic right-wing fringe. The French part of your post is too weird to address…only to say that Obama used this as an example to illustrate a much larger issue. Again, you need to do some homework. The entire EU has immigration issues, but not the kind of “problems” Hannity’s cohorts would like to conjure up. Again, as you repeat yourself, so do I. Now hear this….they DO learn English, so DON’T WORRY.
Let’s leave Krushchev out of this and save him for another day. And let me make this perfectly clear to you. I am proud of America and the ideals it strives to uphold. But when national pride turns the “ism” corner and assumes an exclusionary puritanical Nazi-tinged nationalism, it has morphed into something ugly, dangerous and decidedly unAmerican.
I don't watch Hannity....but as far as MSNBC...
have you watched Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann? Keith Olbermann is worse than Rush Limbaugh ever thought about being...and yes, I think Rush is condescending and I don't like the talking down on either side. It obscures any point that might be made. I can't watch Chris Matthews for more than 30 seconds and I have never made it past 1 word with Olbermann. And Chris Matthews is realllyyy bad about talking over his guests to make HIS point. So I guess every network has their Hannity/Matthews/Olbermann et al. But, some people like that condescending stuff and find things funny that I don't...but hey, it takes all kinds to make the world turn, I guess.
Hannity is just one person on the channel...
not the whole channel. Keith Olbermann rants like a loon sometimes, almost to the point of drooling, but as long as he is bashing a conservative people love him. Every channel has their talking over obnoxious commentator. It is all about what Keith thinks, what his opinion is, and rarely is there a point. It could be said about any commentator. Still, if I want to see a Dem and a Repub in a split screen where the commentator says OUT of it and lets them have their say and does not allow them to talk over one another...Fox is my only choice. I have seen Fox cut the mikes on both sides if the pundit would not stop talking over the other. I have NEVER seen anyone cut Olbermann's mike. He does not even try to hide his contempt for anyone who does not share his view. You don't like Hannity, i don't like Olbermann. The difference is...if I want to hear a conservative viewpoint at ALL, Fox is my only choice. That is a fact. And why people are so against letting both sides have their say, and want to tear the hide of Fox in strips because they lean conservative when all the other outlets fall off the slide to the left...what does that say about those people? What kind of people want to silence all opposition? What is happening to this country?
Huckabee show on now, Hannity after that
He's got a new show on FNC and it is very good. Hannity's America is on afterwards, which looks to be extremely informative. Whether you like these 2 or not, their info can be fact-checked.
chris coumo up next on hannity am
talk show.
Sean Hannity does something similar. sm
Every Thursday or Friday he does what he calls, "Man in the Street" interview. He has one of his staffers go out in NY and pick random people to talk to him via cell phone. The staffers usually try to get a good cross-section but it seems that most of the ones they get are the late teens and 20 somethings. Anyway...he asked them basic questions such as who was the Sec'y of State. Nobody knew. Half of the people did not even know who the VP was. I was absolutely floored by their abysmal ignorance.
And these are the people who will be voting in 2012 and beyond.
About Hannity, don’t have to watch tonight
I swear, if you miss him 1 day you can tune in next week, the week after or next year and he will repeat word by word by word what he has been talking about. I do not listen of a day except yesterday drove down to my store, about 5 minutes away and then back- he was STILL talking about Rev. Wright. He sounds like a broken record, should give it up, did not work the first time around, not working now.
Hannity's violent revolution..(sm)
This is what's on Hannity's webpage.
Isn't this something like....oh.....maybe inciting treason or something?
Beck and O'Reilly and Hannity...
and for that matter Olberman and Matthews are not journalists, so-called or otherwise. They are commentators, which means they comment on the news, not report it. They share their opinions about news stories and have other people on their shows to discuss their opinions. It's not news, it's not reporting, it's simply opinion and people that watch it know that.
People that watch Fox are not uneducated or 'dittoheads' - it just so happens that our opinions and feelings about government and what's going on in this country and the world jive with most of the opinions on Fox. If you watch MSNBC or others it's because your opinion jives with what they're saying.
It doesn't give either group the right to say the other is brainwashed or pathetic, it just means we are of a different mindset and personally, I don't think that's a bad thing - if everyone was always of the same mindset, the Revolutionary War would have never been fought and we'd all be singing God Save the Queen.
You just have to remember to respect that people have different ideas and beliefs than you do - you don't have to agree, but at least have some respect.
I really have to start watching this Sean Hannity...
you have me intrigued now.
The 5-paragraph volleys were in response to your 10, 12, 14 paragraph volleys, but you know that. As to the plagiarizing...oh please. I can pull two or three phrases out of those volleys of yours and Google them and will find the almost the same exact phrases on about any leftie blog out there. Gotta admit are a rank amateur up next to some of those folks. You are the liberal version of Ann Coulter. You must be so proud.
And you still have not answered my question, under ANY name and I have asked it to 3 of your alter egos so far. None of you seem to be willing to answer it.
It just seems odd to me that you feel the need to take on alter egos for the sole purpose of piling on and appearing to support each other...there it is again, that need to feel superior and to be validated, and if no one else will do it, by golly you will validate yourself.
Poor gal-so lonely......don't watch Hannity
you seem to be familiar with both. What is that?
I bet you think Sean Hannity walks on water and
Ann Coulter is the Second Coming.
That's why I can't understand Sean Hannity isn't doing it for charity.
I mean, he said he would!! I used to have so much respect for the guy and now Keith Olbermann is making fun of him.
I mean, it's not like it's torture! Right?
Waste 101- Hannity haters, do not read
Although I'm not a big fan of Hannity, he had a countdown last night. I'd like to know how does landscaping certain hotels, buildings, etc. contribute to jobs? What happened to the infrastructure spending for roads and bridges that was to create jobs...even though those jobs would be temporary, some projects would have given a year or two of work. It still seems like these jobs are "once and done" jobs.
Even Microsoft gets a bridge across a highway so the workers have easier access to their other building across the highway. Why, since he's #2(?) in Forbes, couldn't he pay for it himself? 
Hopefully, this list will be on line soon. It's not there yet.
The total for the 101 stimulus spending was $1,234,631,672. The good news is at least we know where some of the stimulus/omnibus money is going.
I saw an ex Hollywood agent talking about this on Hannity and Colmes. sm
He said being a conservative in Hollywood is the mark of death. Most of the stars who are conservative just never mention it, although I did see Kelsey Grammar on H&C and he freely admitted he was a Republican and might even think of running for office. Like you said, go figure. Still, I doubt seriously the MSM will care about BW. It just isn't newsworthy. I could be wrong. No biggie.
You wouldn’t waterboard but Hannity is ready for it, for charity and
I know some who are standing in line to get out their check books.
Racists and bigots like, lets see, McCain and Palin, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter and Hannity?
Give me a break....
Isn't it time to watch Hannity or bowl or some other watch Nascar?
I agree, that goes for both sides. I don't agree with those starting trouble
on your board either, but then some of you come and take it out on the people who only post here and we have nothing to do with the fights over there.
I enjoy communicating with liberals and occasionally do learn something from conservative posters, so I refuse to let the driveby, no moniker, one-sided finger pointers, self-indulging posters drive me off.
Rush is right. I agree. Somebody's gotta agree. many of his policies in his attempt to completely socialize America.
I hope he fails.
I hope he succeeds, however, in the office of president, and doing the right thing, and moves to the center.
However, it's not looking good. He's left of left so far, isn't he. Showing who he truly is, in his first acts as president.
I sure don't agree with
the Supreme Court's decision on eminent domain, either, and I also hope that guy buys Souter's property and turns it into a hotel. I love the name of the restaurant he wants to build in the hotel: Just Desserts. (I can't remember which TV show I saw that on because, contrary to those on these boards who already have me figured out, I DON'T only watch MSNBC. I actually flip back and forth between MSNBC and Fox. I'm sure it was one one of those stations, though.)
And I totally agree with a woman's right to choose.
I do have a problem with partial birth abortions, based on my limited understanding of it, which is what I've heard the conservatives say about a full or nearly full-term baby being basically born and then "beaten to death" by the doctor. (From what I've discovered from some conservatives on these boards in the past few days, I take everything they say with a grain of salt and accept the possibility up front that it's an exaggerated statement devoid of critical facts.)
But if this is indeed true, then I don't know how it could be considered anything BUT murder. And I don't understand the issue regarding the health of the mother because if the mother can survive the delivery of a baby that can survive outside the womb, then the issue would seem nonexistent. (Again, I don't know that much about it.)
I also have mixed feelings about children and abortion. One the one hand, it is a surgical procedure, and if my child can't even have her ears pierced without my consent, then certainly she shouldn't be allowed to have a surgical procedure without my consent.
But what about if she's been impregnated as the result of a rape by her father or other family member? That sick stuff DOES happen in this country. What if she knows she wants an abortion? Should she be forced to have the baby? I can think of situations where she might be safer if the parents didn't know, but yet I still feel the parents have a right to know. I'm very conflicted about this particular issue and can't say I have a definite opinion. That's why I'd like to hear more on the subject from some intelligent, thoughtful, nonjudgmental people.
As far as gay marriages, I admit I get a little "twinge" at the use of the word "marriage." It might be that something deep in my gut is telling me that marriage SHOULD be between a man and a woman. After all, WE invented it and WE wrecked it. I think they should invent a new name for their unions because from what I've personally seen, gay couples seem to last for a very long time, much longer than some marriages I know. As far as whether or not they should have rights, why SHOULDN'T they? I don't recall a day during puberty when I woke up and made the decision that I was going to be straight. Likewise, I'm willing to bet that no gay person woke up and decided to be gay. I just don't understand why people are so threatened by the thought that a group might actually have RIGHTS in this country. As with abortion or stem cell research, etc., if they don't believe in it, they shouldn't PARTICIPATE IN IT. I'm neither pro-gay or anti-gay. (A quick look in the mirror, though, reminds me that I'm definitely pro-gray. )
With all of these social issues, as you said, we will "stand in judgment with our maker." That's between us and our own personal God, and those with different religious/spiritual beliefs have no right to shove their beliefs down our throat.
I saw a post on the other board referring to when the U.S. was founded, saying that the vast majority was Christian but that others were given "the freedom to others not to believe..."
NOBODY can "give" anyone "freedom" to either believe or not to believe, and the fact that this poster thinks they can is either very stupid or very scary, and I'm not exactly sure which it is. I think this is relevant because I believe there are some conservatives out there who don't only want the law to reflect their specific narrow brand of religion, but they would LOVE to be able to control what people think and believe.
Knowing that Bush is going to appoint one (maybe two before the end of the year) new Supreme Court Justice(s) scares me because, as you said, our rights are being slowly taken away, and this man has proven by his own actions that the personal freedoms of others aren't things that he cares for much, especially freedom of speech and ideas. That's why he banned anyone who didn't agree 100% with his views from all of his "open town hall" meetings.
We also have an evangelical Senator who holds a public meeting in a search and says that liberals aren't people of faith.
First, it's freedom of speech. Next, it will be freedom of religion. What about freedom of "thought."
I wonder what their views on stem cell research would be if it was discovered that stem cell research held the key to developing a new technique to control thought processes of those who disagree with them. 
I agree with a few of your points..maybe this govt will push us liberals and conservatives great that would be. I agree with eminent domain, I dont know about the abortion issue for a young person, however, I feel empathy for them. Regarding gay marriage. I feel there is not enough love in this word and if two people find love and want to be married, let them. I personally do not believe in marriage..dont want the govt or anyone else keeping tabs on my personal life. I have lived with my male friend for 11 years and dont want anyone telling me what choices to make in my adult life.
I agree with you..why, a lot of my friends are conservative (smile), they really are. We agree on a lot and disagree on a bit but do it in a friendly manner. My dream..that both ideologies can live together peacefully..
I agree!!!
These people on here are pretty nasty to conservatives. They are definitely not living up to their standards of tolerance and peace. They seem very angry even enraged. I don't think we should rip each other apart. It serves not useful purpose whatsoever.
I agree with most of what you said.
However, I don't think it's because of President Bush AND his DADDY. I think George W. came into office hell bent on finishing what his daddy DIDN'T finish and only needed a reason, real or invented, to "finish" it. And I totally agree with you when you say that this was his personal agenda. I think the disconnect is that many people want him to focus on terror, but his personal agenda has always caused his focus instead to be on Iraq, and I personally am very fearful for the future of this country as a result of that.
Agree with everything you said
I believe they will definitely find a way to twist it if some are found guilty. Under no circumstances will they admit that this administration could possibly do anything wrong.
I so agree with you. Even one is way too
I agree. I think they're ill.
It should be criminal to expose children to such hostility and insanity. It sounds like real violence could have ensued if these whackos would have been crossed in any way. 
I almost feel for some of these people. A brief visit to the Conservative board left me thinking I should have worn a helmet and worn body armor. Although it's a scary place over there, it must be terrible to exist inside a body that harbors such rage and hatred every day, 24/7. I don't understand what has happened to their religion, but my Christian religion still promotes love, tolerance, respect and the principles of the Golden Rule, all attributes that seem completely foreign to them. All they do is trash others and haven't contributed one positive thing to that board.
Sometimes I think there isn't much difference between these people and the terrorists who attacked us and other countries. They both exhibit signs of mental illness, a maniacal obsession with controlling what everyone believes, and they both promote hatred, violence and intolerance in the name of their respective gods. About the only main difference I can see is that the terrorists, unfortunately, seem to be much more intelligent in their pursuit of their goals.
I agree.
The only way to do it is to DO IT, increase our troops, speed up training their troops, and GET OUT. We've created such an unnecessary mess over there, I think it would be very immoral to just invade, turn their country upside and leave without fixing what we broke.
I agree with you
I had the same feeling about Roberts and I was glad to hear he had done this pro bono work.
Let's hope he really is a "good guy" with a heart and a brain.
I agree.
With every day that passes, I feel less and less hope. I've never been this frightened of a politician in my entire life.
I agree with you.
And I wonder if we had stepped it up a while back, how much of this would be going on today. The more we delay, the better they get at their "craft."
I wish we had never gone in there to begin with and think it's one of the biggest mistakes a president could have ever made. But we're there, and we can't just go in there, turn their country upside down and leave without leaving them with some semblance of normalcy. Those who said this is a quagmire were right on the money. 
I agree
Anyone who has anything less than a hate Bush agenda should burn in hell as far as GT is concerned. I too don't agree with Bush 100% on everything, but that does not matter to GT. If you agree with Bush on anything you should not pass GO and go straight to hell along with Bush's Stepford wife and alcoholic daughters. Am I painting that picture correctly GT?
I agree with you.
What you said is so profoundly true and so profoundly sad. I think over time Bush will be viewed as a pawn or a stooge. Who or what do you think may be the controlling force behind Bush? I have read articles on the "Vulcans" but have read little about this recently.
I agree.
It keeps promising to leave (yet another lie). Maybe if we ignore it, it will go away.
I agree.....
I am a moderate conservative, and a Republican, although I'd consider a moderate Democrat like Joe Lieberman or somebody reasonable, however, the Democrats won't nomiate anybody like that, so my vote stays Republican.
As for hand outs and hand ups... There's a big difference between somebody who is unable to work and somebody who is unwilling to work. The individual who is physically or mentally unable to work, or the hard working family who falls on hard times for whatever reason that is out of their control, those people deserve some help. Hands outs/hands up, whatever you want to call it should be viewed as a stepping stone to self sufficiency.
I feel for the innocent victims (children) of those who embrace a lifestyle of just taking free money from those of us in society who work hard, but I havn't much compassion for able bodied young people who refuse to work. If an uneducated person is working hard but not making enough to sustain themselves they can avail themselves of food stamps, WIC, free school lunches, and I don't a problem with that. But, drive through a poor neighborhood and watch the young healthy people sitting on stoops and standing on corners doing nothing all day instead of working. Whether it be pursuing their GED, or taking vocational classes, they should be at least thinking of bettering themselves instead of just resigning to a life of free hand outs.
I hear ya and yes I agree we should stay away..There are a lof of other political boards through the net, where we can discourse/debate with conservatives over ideas and America without being attacked like mad dogs (I hate to use the analogy as mad dogs as my dogs are much kinder than the conservatives who post
I agree with you.
I think O'Reilly got a taste of his own medicine and was about to lose it. I roared when Phil called him Billy, and Phil in no way denigrated Bill's nephew, but Phil had asked if any of O'Reilly's kids are serving in Iraq. O'Reilly tried to use his nephew's service to detract from the fact that NONE of his own children are there. I think that's what made O'Reilly the angriest: The fact that Phil zapped him on that point.
I agree with you both.
And now that Libby (yuck! I should change my moniker) and Rove are both implicated in the Plame scandal, it will be interesting to see what Fitzgerald's findings are, and they should be coming soon.
I also agree about Cheney. He's very scary. There is definitely a very shrewd, conniving network at work in this administration, and Bush simply isn't bright enough to do this on his own. And there are no standards of decency left on any level in this administration, which is incredible for the CONs, considering all they ever babble about is their superior *decency*. For example, they blatantly lie without blinking an eye, as do some of their more dedicated followers. If anyone dares to disagree with this president, the response it to DESTROY the opponent (not unlike what happens on these boards, only to a more dangerous degree, such as exposing Valerie Plame, for example). Nothing is out of bounds any more.
I'm eagerly awaiting the results of Fitzgerald's investigation. 
I agree with you as far as
the definition. But to read some posts on these boards, you'd think it WAS communism. It's a part of their mantra that you're worse than a traitor if you have anything GOOD to say about it, so it looks like McCarthyism is still alive in well in today's CONservative party!
I agree
I agree with you..I have always believed there was a **supreme being** who was creating evolution.
Agree 100%
with your post Freethinker..its a scary world out there, like the Twilight Zone or something.
I agree with that, too.
Schools are for teaching science, and churches are for teaching religion, except in the cases where there are private religious schools, which are certainly there for the purpose to teach both, which is great!
I have to agree. nm
Actually I agree with you.
I agree!
Bush and his military brass treated this family horribly. They did nothing but lie about everything. (Big surprise, huh?)
They tried to use Pat Tillman as their poster child for recruiting purposes, but Tillman wouldn't agree to be used that way.
When I think if the incredible courage and integrity Pat Tillman had and I look at what a coward Bush was when it came to fighting in a war and what a lying sack of crap he is today, it's easy to see who the REAL man is, and it just makes me want to spit on Bush.